COMARC/A Format for Authorities Data


856 Electronic location and access

This field may be used in authority records to provide supplementary information available electronically about the entity for which the record was created.

The field contains the information required to locate an electronic item. It also contains data to retrieve the item by the access method identified in the first indicator position.

Subfields & repeatability

856Electronic location and accessr
aHost namer
bAccess numberr
cCompression informationr
eDate and hour of consultation and accessnr
fElectronic namer
gUniform Resource Namer
hProcessor of requestnr
jBits per secondnr
mContact for access assistancer
nName of location of host in subfield anr
oOperating systemnr
qElectronic format typenr
sFile sizer
tTerminal emulationr
uUniform Resource Locatornr
vHours access method availabler
xNonpublic noter
yAccess methodnr
wRecord control numberr
zPublic noter


1Access method
2remote login (Telnet)
7method specified in subfield y
no information provided
2Not defined

The indicator 1 specifies the method of accessing the electronic resource.

The value "0" of the indicator 1 specifies that it is possible to access the electronic resource with an email. The value "1" of the indicator 1 enables entering data required for an electronic resource transfer; values "2" and "3" of the indicator enables data entry relating to the access method modes.

The value "7" of the indicator 1 is used by different access mode (entered in subfield y).


856a Host name

This subfield contains the host address. It is repeatable when there are more addresses available for one host.

856b Access number

It can contain the Internet Protocol (IP) numeric address if the item is an Internet resource or a telephone number if dial-up access is provided through telephone line. This data may change frequently and may be generated by the system. A telephone number is recorded as follows: [country code]-[area code]-[telephone number], e.g. 49-69-15251140 (a number in Frankfurt, Germany), 1-202-7076237 (a number in the U.S., Washington, D.C.). If an extension is applicable, include it after the telephone number preceded by "x", e.g. 1-703-3589800x515 (a telephone number with extension).

856c Compression information

This subfield is used when special software is required for data decompression.

856d Path

The name of directory/subdirectory is entered where the file is located.

856e Date and hour of consultation and access

The time in the form YYYYMMDDHHMM, at which the electronic item was last accessed.

856f Electronic name

The electronic name of a file is entered as it exists in the directory/subdirectory indicated in subfield d on the host identified in subfield a. Subfield f may be repeated if a single logical file has been divided into parts and stored under different names. In this case, the separate parts should constitute a single bibliographic item. In all other cases, a file that may be retrieved under different filenames contains multiple occurrences of field 856, each with its corresponding electronic name in subfield f. A filename may include wildcard characters (e.g. "*" or "?") if applicable, with a note in subfield z explaining how files are named. Filenames may be case sensitive for some systems.

This subfield may also contain the name of the electronic publication or conference.

856g Uniform Resource Name

The Uniform Resource Name (URN) is entered which provides a globally unique location independent identifier.

856h Processor of request

The username or processor of the request is entered in this subfield; generally the data which precedes the at sign "@" in the host address.

856i Instruction

An instruction or command is entered, needed for the remote host to process a request.

856j Bits per second

The lowest and highest number of bits of data that can be transmitted per second when connected to a host. The syntax for recording the number of bits per second should be: [Lowest BPS]-[Highest BPS]. If only lowest given: [Lowest BPS]-. If only highest given: -[Highest BPS].

856k Password

Used to record general-use password, and should not contain passwords requiring security.

856l Logon/login

General-use logon/login strings which do not require special security.

856m Contact for access assistance

The address or a contact person is entered for access assistance.

856n Name of location of host in subfield a

The location of the host stated in subfield a is entered.

856o Operating system

For information, the operating sysem used by the host specified in subfield a is entered in this subfield.

856p Port

The portion of the address that identifies a process or service in the host.

856q Electronic format type

This subfield contains an identification of the electronic format type (e.g. text/HTML, ASCII, postscript, computer program – exe or JPEG). The information is designated for the end users to determine how data are transferred through a network and how they can be used or be read (e.g. what software or hardware is required for the file to be displayed). Usually, a text file can be transferred as character data which generally restricts the text to characters in the ASCII character set (i.e. the basic Latin script, digits 0-9, a few special characters, and most punctuation marks). Text files with characters outside of the ASCII set, or non textual data (e.g. computer programs, image data) must be transferred using another file transfer mode, usually binary mode. Electronic format type may be taken from lists such as registered Internet Media types (MIME types).

856r Settings

The settings used for transferring data are entered. Included settings are:

  • Number Data Bits (the number of bits per character),

  • Number Stop Bits (the number of bits to signal the end of a byte), and

  • Parity (the parity checking technique used).

The syntax of these elements is: [Parity]-[Number of Data Bits]-[Number of Stop Bits]. If only the parity is given, the other elements or settings and their related hyphens are omitted (i.e. [Parity]). If one of the other two elements is given, the hyphen for the missing element is recorded in its proper position, i.e. [Parity]--[Number of Stop Bits] or [Parity]-[Number of Data Bits]-. The values for parity are: O (Odd), E (Even), N (None), S (Space) and M (Mark).

856s File size

The size of the file is entered as stored under the filename indicated in subfield f. It is generally expressed in terms of 8-bit bytes. Subfield may be repeated in cases where the filename is repeated and directly follows the subfield f to which it applies.

856t Terminal emulation

The emulation of the terminal is entered in this field.

856u Uniform Resource Locator

The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is entered which provides data in standard syntax needed for the electronic access. With URL address the electronic item should be located using existing Internet protocols (see examples).

856v Hours access method available

The hours are entered that access to an electronic resource is available at the location indicated in this field.

856w Record control number

A control number of the record is entered in this subfield.

856x Nonpublic note

The information by cataloguers that is not suitable for library users.

856y Access method

The access method when the first indicator position contains value "7". This subfield may include access methods other than the main TCP/IP protocols specified in the first indicator. The data in this subfield corresponds to the access schemes specified in Uniform Resource Locators (URL) (RFC 1738), a product of the Uniform Resource Identifiers Working Group of the IETF. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) maintains a registry of URL schemes and defines the syntax and use of new schemes.

856z Public note

Notes are entered that are suitable to be displayed for the library users.


This field may be repeated when there are more different data relating to the title (subfields a, b, d) and when more different access modes are available. Some libraries may have different URL addresses for the same electronic resource. That is why the already exist fields 856 created by another library should not be changed in the shared cataloguing database; data is always entered in a new field 856, if it is necessary. This field may also be repeated when there are more filenames (subfield f), except for the completed item which is divided into more parts to be saved or searched online.


  1. 200⊔1aRussell, bBertrand, f1872-1970
  2. 21002aLibrary of Congress. bCopyright Office
  3. 21012aInternational Conference on the Principles and Future Development of AACR2
  4. *

    200⊔1aVasle bJuan
    400⊔15z aVasle bJanez
    830⊔⊔aPodročje delovanja: operni pevec in novinar