do 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 | 11. 1. 2024 |
Mednarodne založbe,
Naziv | Alternativna imena |
A | |
A K Peters | |
Aarhus | Aarhus University Press Aarhus University Aarhus Universitet Aarhus Universitetsforlag |
ABC-CLIO | Clio Press Greenwood Greenwood Publishing Group Linworth |
Ablex | |
Academic Press | Academic Press, Elsevier Science Academic Press, an imprint of Elsevier |
Academic Publishers | |
Addison Wesley Longman | Addison-Wesley |
Akademischer Verlag Berlin | Akademie Verlag Akademie-Verlag |
American Chemical Society | |
American Mathematical Society | |
American Scientific Publishers | ASP ASP Publ. |
Amsterdam University | Amsterdam University Press |
Anton Hiersemann | |
ANU E Press | |
Arizona State University | Arizona State University Press |
Ashgate | Gower |
ASM International | |
Avebury | |
B | |
Backhuys Publishers | |
Beijing daxue chuban she | Beijing University Press Beijing waiwen chuban she |
Bell&Howell | Bell&Hovell Co. |
Bentham Science Publishers | Bentham eBooks |
Berg | |
Berghahn Books | |
Bergin & Garvey | |
BIOS Scientific Publishers | |
Birkhauser | Birkhäuser |
Black Rose Books | |
Blackwell Science | Blackwell Blackwell Scientific |
Bloomsbury | Bloomsbury Academic Bloomsbury Professional Bloomsbury Press |
BMJ Publishing Group | |
Bode | Bode Verlag |
Böhlau | | | |
BookWorld Publications | |
Brill | Martinus Nijhoff Martinus Nijhoff Publishers Brill Nijhoff |
Brockmeyer | Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer |
Bruylant | |
Butterworth-Heinemann | Butterworth-Heinemann, an imprint of Elsevier |
C | |
C. F. Muller | C. F. Müller |
C. Hurst | C. Hurst & Co. C. Hurst & Company C. Hurst & Co. Publishers |
CAB International | CABI Publishing CABI Pub. |
Cambridge Scholars | Cambridge Scholars Publishing |
Cambridge | Cambridge University Press |
Carl-Auer | |
Carnegie Mellon University | Carnegie Mellon University Press |
Cassell | |
Cedam | |
Cengage Learning | |
Central European University Press | |
Chandos | Chandos Publishing |
Channel View Publications | Channel View Publ. Channel View |
Chapman & Hall | Chapman & Hall CRC Chapman & Hall/CRC Chapman & Hall/ CRC Chapman & Hall/CRC Press Chapman and Hall/CRC CRC Press CRC |
Chicago University Press | |
China Social Sciences Press | |
Chinese University Press | |
Churchill Livingstone | |
Citus | |
Clarendon Press | |
Columbia University Press (New York) | Wallflower Wallflower Press |
Commercial Press | |
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | |
Cornell University Press | Comstock ILR Press |
D | |
DAAAM International Publishing | DAAAM International Vienna DAAAM Int. Vienna DAAAM International |
Dalloz | |
Dartmouth | |
De Boccard | |
De Gruyter | De Gruyter Mouton Walter de Gruyter W. de Gruyter De Gruyter Open De Gruyter Oldenbourg |
Deboeck | Deboeck Publishing Larcier |
Duckworth | |
Duke University Press | |
Duncker & Humblot | Duncker und Humblot |
Deutscher Universitats | Deutscher Universitats Verlag Deutscher Universitats-Verlag Deutscher Universitäts Deutscher Universitäts Verlag Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag DUV |
E | |
Echoraum | Edition Echoraum |
Edinburgh University Press | |
Edward Elgar | E. Elgar Edward Elgar Publishing |
Edwin Mellen Press | Edwin Mellen E. Mellen Press |
Eleven International Publishing | |
Elsevier Science | Elsevier Elsevier Science Inc. Elsevier JAI JAI JAI Press |
Emerald | Emerald Group Emerald Group Pub. Emerald Group Publishing Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Erasmus University | |
Europa Law Publishing | |
European Mathematical Society | |
É | |
Éditions de l`Université de Bruxelles | Éditions de l`Universite de Bruxelles Editions de l`Université de Bruxelles Editions de l`Universite de Bruxelles Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles Éditions de l'Universite de Bruxelles Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles Editions de l'Universite de Bruxelles |
F | |
Facet | Facet Pub. Facet Publishing |
FC2 | Fiction Collective Two |
Felix Meiner Verlag | Felix Meiner |
Foreign Language Press | |
Fudan daxue chuban she | Fudan University Press |
Francke Verlag | A. Francke |
Frank Cass | F. Cass Frank Cass. |
Fratelli Lega | |
G | |
Gebruder Mann | |
Geological Society | The Geological Society |
George Mason University | George Mason University Press |
Georgetown University | Georgetown University Press |
Giorgio Bretschneider | |
GMU Press | |
Greenwood Press | |
H | |
Habelt | R. Habelt |
Hahnsche Buchhandlung | |
Hampton | Hampton Press |
Harcourt | |
Harrassowitz | |
Hart | Hart Publishing |
Harvard Business Press | Harvard Business Publishing Harvard Business School Press Harvard University Harvard University Press Center for international Development, Harvard University Belknap Belknap Press |
Haworth Information Press | The Haworth Information Press, An Imprint of The Haworth Press Haworth The Haworth Haworth Press The Haworth Press Haworth Herbal Haworth Herbal Press Haworth Social Work Practice Press Haworth Pastoral Press Haworth Hospitality Press The Haworth Hospitality Press THHP The Haworth Hospitality Press THHP - The Haworth Hospitality Press Haworth Political Press The Haworth Medical Press Haworth Medical Press Haworth Maltreatment and Trauma Press Haworth Maltreatment & Trauma Press Pharmaceutical Products Press Haworth Integrative Healing Press Best Business Books Haworth Clinical Practice Press The Haworth Clinical Practice Press International Business Press Food Products Press Harrington Park Press |
Heldermann Verlag | Heldermann |
Horwood Publishing | Ellis Horwood |
Humana Press | |
Hurst | Hurst & Co. Hurst & Company Hurst & Co. Publishers |
I | |
ICFAI University Press | ICFAI University |
Idea Group | Idea Group Publishing Idea Group Pub. |
IGI Global | Medical Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global) |
Imperial College Press | |
Inderscience | Inderscience Publishers |
Indiana University | Indiana University Press |
Information Age | Information Age Pub. Information Age Publ. Information Age Publishing |
Information Science Reference | |
Informing Science | Informing Science Press | | I-Tech I-Tech Education and Publishing In-Tech Intech InTech InTechOpen InTech Open Access InTech Europe Advanced Robotic Systems International & Pro Verlag Advanced Robotic Systems International Sciyo |
International Atomic Energy Agency | International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA |
International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation | IBFD |
International OCSCO World Press | |
Intersentia | |
IOP | IOP Publishing |
IOS Press | |
Iowa State University | Iowa State University Press |
IUCN | IUCN - The World Conservation Union The World Conservation Union |
J | |
Jenny Stanford Publishing | Pan Stanford Publishing Pan Stanford Pan Stanford Pub. Pan Stanford Publ. |
Jessica Kingsley | Jessica Kingsley Publ. Jessica Kingsley Publishers |
John Benjamins | J. Benjamins J. Benjamins Pub. J. Benjamins Pub. Co. J. Benjamins Publishing J. Benjamins Publishing Company John Benjamins Pub. John Benjamins Pub. Co. John Benjamins Publishing Company |
Johns Hopkins University Press | The Johns Hopkins University Press |
Juris Publishing | |
K | |
Kluwer | Kluwer Academic Kluwer Academic Publishers Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers Kluwer Academic/Plenum Kluwer Law International Wolters Kluwer Law & Business Wolters Kluwer, Law & Business Wolters Kluwer |
KNNV Publishing | KNNV Knnv |
Kovac | Kovač Dr. Kovac Dr. Kovač Verlag Dr. Kovac Verlag Dr. Kovač |
Königshausen & Neumann | Königshausen und Neumann |
L | |
L'Erma di Bretschneider | |
Laterza | Editori Laterza |
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | Lawrence Erlbaum Ass. Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. Publ. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publ. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (LEA) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, Etc. Lawrence Erlbaum L. Erlbaum L. Erlbaum Associates L. Erlbaum Associates, Publishers Erlbaum Erlbaum Associates |
Leske + Budrich | Leske+Budrich Leske und Budrich |
Leuven University Press | |
Lewis Publishers | |
Lexington Books | |
LexisNexis | LexisNexis Butterworths |
LGDJ | |
L'Harmattan | |
Libraries Unlimited | |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | |
Lit Verlag | Lit LIT LIT Verlag |
Lynne Rienner | Lynne Rienner Publishers |
M | |
Macmillan | Macmillan Press Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave |
Maklu | |
Manchester University Press | Manchester University |
Manz | Manzsche Verlags |
Marcel Dekker | |
Martin Dunitz | |
Max Planck | Max Planck Institut |
McGill-Queens University | McGill-Queens University Press |
McGraw-Hill | McGraw Hill Aula Magna McGraw-Hill |
Metis | |
Michigan State University | Michigan State University Press |
Minuit | |
MIT Press | The MIT Press |
Mohr Siebeck (Tübingen) | |
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers | Morgan Kaufmann |
Mosaic Press | |
Mosby | |
Multilingual Matters | |
N | |
Nankai daxue chuban she | Nankanai University Press |
Narosa Publishing House | |
Naval Institute | Naval Institute Press |
NBER | |
Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag | Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verl. Neuer Wissenschaftlicher NWV NWV - Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag NWV Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag NWV Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verl. NWV Neuer Wissenschaftlicher NWV Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Recht NWV Recht NWV, Neuer Wiss. Verl. NWV, Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag NWV, Neuer Wissenschaftlicher |
New Academia | New Academia Publishing |
New York Academy of Sciences | |
New York University | New York University Press |
NispaCee | NispaCee Press |
Nomos (Baden-Baden) | |
North Holland | |
Northwestern University | Northwestern University Press |
Nova Science | Nova Publishers Nova Science Publishers Nova Science Publishers, Inc. |
Nottingham University | Nottingham University Press |
NUS | NUS Press Singapore University Singapore University Press |
O | |
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency - NEA |
Oekom | Oekom Verlag |
Ohio State University | Ohio State University Press The Ohio State University The Ohio State University Press |
Olms | |
Olschki | |
Oxford | Oxford University Press |
P | |
Paidos | Paidós |
Pearson Education | Pearson Pearson Education Limited |
Peeters | Peeters Press Peeters Publishers |
Pennsylvania State University | Pennsylvania State University Press Penn State University Press |
Peter Lang | P. Lang Lang PL Academic Research P.I.E. Peter Lang |
Physica-Verlag | |
Picard | |
Pinter | Pinter Publishers |
Policy | Policy Press |
Polity | Polity Press |
Praeger | Praeger Publishers |
Prentice Hall | |
Presses de l'Université de Montréal | Presses de l'Universite de Montreal |
Presses de Sciences Po | |
Prestel | |
Primus Verlag | |
Princeton University Press | |
Profil Verlag (München) | Profil Verlag (Wien) Profil (München) Profil (Wien) |
Profile Books | Profile |
Psychology Press | Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group |
PUF | |
Purdue University | Purdue University Press |
Q | |
Quasar | |
R | |
Reinhold Kramer Verlag | Reinhold Krämer Verlag Krämer |
Rice University | Rice University Press |
Rodopi | |
Routledge | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group |
Rowman & Littlefield | Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Rowman & Litterfield Publishing Group Rowman and Littlefield Rowman and Littlefield Publishers Rowman and Littlefield Group Rowman & Littlefield International Rowman and Littlefield International |
Royal Society Of Chemistry | Royal Society Of Chemistry publishing The Royal Society Of Chemistry |
Rutgers University | Rutgers University Press |
S | |
Sage Publications | Sage Publications Ltd. Sage Sage Publications, Inc. SAGE in association with The Open University Sage in association with Theory, Culture & Society |
Sauders W.B. | |
Saur | K.G.Saur K. G. Saur |
Scarecrow Press | |
Science Publishers | |
Sellier | Sellier European Law Publishers Sellier, European Law Publishers |
Sense Publishers | SensePublishers Sense |
Seuil | |
Shanghai renmin chuban she | |
Shangwu yinshuguan | |
SIAM | SIAM: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics SIAM - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics SIAM, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics |
Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration | Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration |
Springer | Springer Verlag Springer VS Springer International Publishing Springer International Publishing AG Springer International Springer Nature Springer Open SpringerOpen Springer Gabler |
Stämpfli | Stämpfli Verlag |
Stanford University | Stanford University Press Hoover Institution Hoover Institution Press |
State University of New York | State University of New York Press SUNY Press |
Steiner | Steiner Verlag Franz Steiner Franz Steiner Verlag |
Storia e letteratura | Edizioni di storia e letteratura |
Suhrkamp | |
Sydney University | Sydney University Press |
T | |
T. M. C. Asser | T. M. C. Asser Press T.M.C. Asser T.M.C. Asser Press Asser Press |
Taylor&Francis Group | Taylor & Francis Group Taylor & Francis CRC, Taylor & Francis Group CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group |
Tech Science Press | |
Texas A&M Univeresity Press | |
Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers | Thieme Georg Thieme Georg Thieme Verlag G. Thieme |
Thompson | |
Thomson Learning | |
Transaction Publishers | |
Transworld Research Network | |
Traugott Bautz | |
Trauner | Trauner Verlag |
Turia & Kant | Turia + Kant Turia und Kant Turia+Kant |
U | |
UCL | UCL Press |
Ueberreuter | |
University of Arizona | University of Arizona Press |
University of British Columbia | University of British Columbia Press |
University of California | University of California Press California University California University Press |
University of Chicago | University of Chicago Press |
University of Georgia | University of Georgia Press |
University of Illinois | University of Illinois Press |
University of Iowa | University of Iowa Press |
University of Luton Press | |
University of Massachusetts | University of Massachusetts Press |
University of Michigan | University of Michigan Press |
University of Minnesota | University of Minnesota Press |
University of Missouri | University of Missouri Press |
University of New South Wales | University of New South Wales Press UNSW UNSW Press |
University of North Carolina | University of North Carolina Press |
University of Notre Dame | University of Notre Dame Press |
University of Pennsylvania | University of Pennsylvania Press |
University of Pittsburgh | University of Pittsburgh Press |
University Press of America | |
University Press of Colorado | |
University Press of Florida | |
University Press of Maryland | CDL Press |
University Press of New England | UPNE Dartmouth College Dartmouth College Press |
University of Pardubice | Univerzita Pardubice Vydavatelství Univerzity Pardubice |
University of Rochester | University of Rochester Press |
University of South Carolina | University of South Carolina Press |
University of Texas | University of Texas Press |
University of Toronto | University of Toronto Press |
University of Utah | University of Utah Press |
University of Virginia | University of Virginia Press |
University of Washington | University of Washington Press |
University of Wisconsin | University of Wisconsin Press |
V | |
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | V&R unipress V & R unipress |
Vanderbilt University | Vanderbilt University Press |
Verlag Ernst und Werner Gieseking | Ernst und Werner Gieseking Gieseking |
Verlag C. H. Beck | C. H. Beck Beck |
Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften | |
Verlag fur Standesamtwesen | Verlag für Standesamtwesen |
VU Uitgeverij | |
VU University Press | |
VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften | VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften VS Verl. für Sozialwissenschaften VS, Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften |
Verso | |
Vita e pensiero | |
Von Zabern | Phillip von Zabern P. von Zabern |
Vrin | |
W | |
Wageningen Academic Publishers | |
Waxmann | |
Westdeutscher Verlag | |
Westview | Westview Press |
WHO - European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies | WHO, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies World Health Organization, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe |
Willan | Willan Pub. Willan Publishing |
Wiley | J. Wiley J. Wiley & Sons John Wiley John Wiley & Sons Wiley InterScience |
Wiley-VCH | Wiley VCH Wiley VCH Verlag |
Wiley-Blackwell | Wiley Blackwell Blackwell Pub. Blackwell Pub Blackwell Publishers Blackwell Publishing |
WIT Press | WIT Press Publishing |
Wolf Legal Publishers | Wolf Legal Pub. Wolf Legal Publ. Wolf |
Woodhead | Woodhead Publishing Limited Woodhead Publishing |
World Bank | The World Bank |
World Scientific | World Scientific Pub. World Scientific Pub. Co. World Scientific Publishing World Scientific Publishing Company |
Wrox Press | Wrox Packt Publishing |
WSEAS Press | |
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego Jagiellonian University Press |
X | |
Xiang Gang Yhongwen daxue chuban she | Xuesheng shuju |
Y | |
Yale University Press | |
Z | |
Zed Books | Zed Books [etc.] |
Zhongguo shehui kexue chuban she | Zhonghua shuju |
na vrh | |
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