Pojasnilo 11. 6. 2024


Seznam tujih revij, ki so vključene v mednarodno bazo podatkov
* Philosopher's Index
do 2013


ISSN Revija Založnik/Izdajatelj
0181-1126 [Cahiers Simone Weil] Association pour l'étude de la pensée de Simone Weil,
0360-1404 Abraxas Southampton College. Humanities Division.
0895-4852 Academic questions Transaction Periodicals Consortium
1936-4709 Academic questions (e-vir) Transaction Publishers
1296-7645 Accademia Société Marsile Ficin
2282-0035 Acme (e-vir) Università degli studi, Facoltà di lettere e filosofia
0001-494X ACME Università degli studi di Milano
1874-6349 Acta analytica (e-vir) Springer
1432-0525 Acta informatica (e-vir) Springer
0001-5903 Acta Informatica Springer-Verlag
1121-2179 Acta philosophica Armando Editore.
1825-6562 Acta philosophica (e-vir) Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali
0355-1792 Acta philosophica Fennica Societas philosophica Fennica; North-Holland
0289-0895 Aesthetics The Japanese Society for Aesthetics
1591-1055 A Field Guide to the Philosophy of Mind (e-vir) Università di Roma 3
1369-6823 African philosophy Carfax
0002-1016 Agora State University College at Potsdam, N.Y.
0211-6642 Ágora Universidad de Santiago de Compostela; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
1515-3142 Agora philosophica Asociación Argentina de Investigaciones Eticas, Regional Buenos Aires
0889-048X Agriculture and human values Humanities and Agriculture Program, Center for Applied Philosophy and Ethics in the Professions, University of Florida
1572-8366 Agriculture and human values (e-vir) Kluwer
0731-5880 Aitia S.U.N.Y. at Farmingdale,
0355-1725 Ajatus Suomen filosofinen yhdistys
0149-2004 Aletheia Peter Lange [etc.]
0002-5232 Algebra and logic Consultants Bureau
1573-8302 Algebra and logic Kluwer
0002-5275 Algemeen Nederlands tijdschrift voor wijsbegeerte Van Gorcum
2352-1244 Algemeen Nederlands tijdschrift voor wijsbegeerte (e-vir) Amsterdam University Press
1126-8557 Alpha omega Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
1051-3558 American Catholic philosophical quarterly Philosophy Documentation Center
2153-8441 American Catholic philosophical quarterly (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
1526-5161 American journal of bioethics MIT Press
1536-0075 American journal of bioethics (e-vir) MIT Press
0002-9475 American journal of philology J. Hopkins University Press
1086-3168 American journal of philology (e-vir) J. Hopkins University Press
0002-9505 American journal of physics A I P Publishing LLC
1943-2909 American journal of Physics (e-vir) American Association of Physics Teachers
0194-3448 American journal of theology & philosophy American Journal of Theology & Philosophy]
2156-4795 American journal of theology & philosophy (e-vir) American Journal of Theology & Philosophy
0003-0481 American philosophical quarterly Basil Blackwell
2152-1123 American philosophical quarterly (e-vir) Dept. of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh
0008-7750 Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez Universidad de Granada; Universidad de Granada
2530-3716 Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez (e-vir) Universidad de Granada, Cátedra Suárez
0211-2337 Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Servicio de Publicaciones.
1698-2479 Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía (e-vir) Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filosofía III.
1988-2564 Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense
0580-8650 Anales del Seminario de Metafísica Seminario de Metafísica, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.; Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Departamento de Metafísica.; Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Departamentos de Filosofía I y Filosofía IV.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Seminario de Metafísica.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Metafísica.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filosofía I.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filosofía IV.
0326-1301 Análisis filosófico Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Filosófico
1851-9636 Análisis filosófico (e-vir) Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Filosófico
0188-896X Analogía filosófica Centro de Estudios de la Provincia de Santiago de México de la Orden de Predicatores
0003-2638 Analysis Basil Blackwell
1467-8284 Analysis (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing Ltd
1414-3003 Analytica Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
0967-3393 Anarchist studies White Horse
2633-8270 Anarchist studies (e-vir)
0740-2007 Ancient philosophy Duquesne University.; Philosophy Documentation Center,
2154-4689 Ancient philosophy (e-vir) [Dept. of Philosophy, Duquesne University]
0003-3286 Anglican theological review Anglican Theological Review, inc.
2163-6214 Anglican theological review (e-vir)
0097-1146 Anima [Conococheague Associates]
0137-2025 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
2300-7540 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska (e-vir) Wydawnictwo UMCS
0003-4843 Annals of mathematical logic North-Holland
0168-0072 Annals of pure and applied Logic North-Holland
0077-8923 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences New York Academy of Sciences
1749-6632 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
0003-5491 Anthropological quarterly Catholic University of America Press
1534-1518 Anthropological quarterly (e-vir) Catholic University of America Press
0003-6064 Antonianum Pontificio ateneo antonianum
0066-5215 Anuario filosófico Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra
2173-6111 Anuario filosófico EUNSA
1067-9464 APA newsletters on the black experience, computer use, feminism, law, medicine, teaching American Philosophical Association.
0003-6390 Apeiron Monash University, Dept. of Classical Studies
2156-7093 Apeiron (e-vir) de Gruyter
0733-155X Applied philosophy H.A. Heise,
1358-3336 Appraisal R.T. Allen
1316-7553 Apuntes filosóficos Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, Imprenta Universitaria
0003-7362 Aquinas Facoltà di filosofia della pontificia università lateranense.; Pontificia Università Lateranense. Facoltà di Filosofia.
0957-4239 Arabic sciences and philosophy Cambridge University Press
1474-0524 Arabic sciences and philosophy (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0214-2686 Archipiélago Archipiélago
0003-9632 Archives de philosophie Beauchesne
1769-681X Archives de philosophie (e-vir) Centre Sèvres-Faculté jésuite de Paris
0003-8946 Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte Bouvier
0003-9101 Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie De Gruyter
1613-0650 Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie de Gruyter
0943-3988 Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie und Soziologie Heymanns
0003-9268 Archiv für mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung Kohlhammer
0177-1094 Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie Luchterhand
2363-5614 Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie (e-vir) Steiner
0004-0088 Archivio di filosofia Cedam
1970-0792 Archivio di filosofia Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali
1016-913X Areté Pontificia Universidad católica del Perú, Departamento de humanidades
2223-3741 Areté Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Departamento de humanidades
0920-427X Argumentation Reidel
1572-8374 Argumentation (e-vir) Kluwer
1051-1431 Argumentation and advocacy The Association
2576-8476 Argumentation and advocacy (e-vir) Taylor and Francis Online.
0095-5809 Arion Trustees of Boston University, etc.]
2327-6436 Arion (e-vir) Dean of the Graduate School, University of Texas
0001-2343 ARSP F. Steiner
1474-0222 Arts and humanities in higher education Paul Chapman.
1741-265X Arts and humanities in higher education (e-vir) Sage Publications
0004-4024 Arts in society University of Wisconsin.
0955-2367 Asian philosophy Carfax Publishing
1469-2961 Asian philosophy (e-vir) Taylor & Frances
0304-8675 Asian profile Asian Research Service.
0094-5323 Augustinian studies Villanova University Press.
2153-7917 Augustinian studies (e-vir) Villanova University Press
0733-4311 Auslegung Department of Philosophy, University of Kansas
0004-8402 Australasian journal of philosophy Australasian Association of Psychology and Philosophy
1471-6828 Australasian journal of philosophy (e-vir) Australasian Association of Psychology and Philosophy
0004-8674 Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry [s.n.].
1440-1614 Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1328-4576 Australian journal of professional and applied ethics Charles Sturt University.; Australian Association of Professional and Applied Ethics.
0004-802X Avgvstinvs Agustinos Recoletos
1122-1151 Axiomathes Estrella de oriente
1572-8390 Axiomathes (e-vir) Kluwer
0140-525X Behavioral and brain sciences Cambridge University Press
1469-1825 Behavioral and brain sciences (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1053-8348 Behavior and philosophy Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies
1943-3328 Behavior and philosophy (e-vir) Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies
0090-4155 Behaviorism Publications Dept., Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies, [etc.]
1943-3352 Behaviorism (e-vir) Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies.
0332-026X Berkeley newsletter Bokförlaget Doxa AB.
0520-0962 Bigaku Hounsha; Sobisha; Bijutsu shuppansha; Bigakkai; Bigakkai
0006-2278 Bijdragen Peeters Publishers
1783-1377 Bijdragen Peeters Publishers
0269-9702 Bioethics Basil Blackwell
1467-8519 Bioethics (e-vir) Blackwell Publisher
1065-7274 Bioethics forum Midwest Bioethics Center.
0163-9803 Bioethics quarterly Northwest Institute of Ethics and the Life Sciences (U.S.)
0169-3867 Biology & philosophy Reidel
1384-6663 Bochumer philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter Grüner
1569-9684 Bochumer philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter John Benjamins
0392-7334 Bollettino del Centro di studi vichiani Centro di studi vichiani
0277-5778 Boston College international and comparative law review Boston College Law School
1930-563X Boston College international and comparative law review (e-vir) Boston College.
0068-0346 Boston studies in the philosophy of science Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science
0190-3659 Boundary 2 Duke University
1527-2141 Boundary 2 (e-vir) Duke University Press
1362-0916 Bradley studies Bradley Society
2153-9863 Bradley studies Philosophy Documentation Center
0006-8721 Brahmavadin Brahmavadin.
1389-1987 Brain and mind Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-3300 Brain and mind Kluwer
0935-7009 Brentano Studien J. H. Röll
1042-2234 Bridges Bridges
0960-8788 British journal for the history of philosophy Thoemmes
1469-3526 British journal for the history of philosophy (e-vir) Routledge
0007-0874 British journal for the history of science Blackwell Scientific
0007-1013 British journal of educational technology National Council for Educational Technology
1467-8535 British journal of educational technology (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1125-3819 Bruniana & Campanelliana Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali.
1724-0441 Bruniana & Campanelliana Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali.
0037-9352 Bulletin de la Société francaise de philosophie Armand Colin,Librairie
0270-4676 Bulletin of science, technology & society Pergamon Press
1079-8986 Bulletin of symbolic logic Association for Symbolic Logic
0361-5138 Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society Evangelical Theological Society.
0263-5232 Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain Hegel Society of Great Britain
0846-8508 Bulletin of the Santayana Society Santayana Society
0138-0680 Bulletin of the Section of Logic Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
2449-836X Bulletin of the Section of Logic (e-vir) Lodz University Press
0277-2027 Business & professional ethics journal Human Dimensions Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
2153-7828 Business & professional ethics journal (e-vir) Human Dimensions Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
0045-3609 Business and society review Blackwell Publishers
1467-8594 Business and society review (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0962-8770 Business ethics Blackwell Business
1467-8608 Business ethics (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers.
1052-150X Business ethics quarterly The Society
2153-3326 Business ethics quarterly (e-vir) Society for Business Ethics
0101-3424 Cadernos de História e Filosofia da Ciência Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp, Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e Historia da Ciência
1413-7755 Cadernos Nietzsche Universidade de São Paulo, Departamento de Filosofia
2316-8242 Cadernos Nietzsche Universidade de São Paulo, Departamento de Filosofia.
0575-1187 Cahiers Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Association des amis de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.; Fondation Teilhard de Chardin (Paris)
0140-8348 Cambridge Cambridge Society.
1469-2147 Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
2056-4260 Canadian journal of law and jurisprudence (e-vir) [Faculty of Law, University of Western Ontario]
0045-5091 Canadian journal of philosophy Canadian Assoc. for Publ. in Philosophy
1911-0820 Canadian journal of philosophy University of Calgary Press
0008-4239 Canadian journal of political science Canadian political science association; Société québécoise de science politique
1744-9324 Canadian journal of political science (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0576-5579 Canadian journal of theology Canadian Journal of Theology.
0228-491X Canadian philosophical reviews Academic Print. and Pub.
0314-9099 Canberra anthropology Dept. of Anthropology, Research School of Pacific Studies and Dept. of Prehistory and Anthropology, Faculty of Arts of the Australian National University
1546-1483 Cardozo public law, policy, and ethics journal Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
1075-4407 Carmina philosophiae International Boethius Society
0706-1250 Carrefour L.P. Bordeleau.
2053-339X Catalan review (e-vir) Edicions dels Quaderns Crema
0213-5949 Catalan Review Edicions dels Quaderns Crema
0773-4182 CC-AI Communication & Cognition
0008-896X Cenobio Cenobio
0009-4633 Chinese studies in history International Arts and Sciences Press
1558-0407 Chinese studies in history (e-vir) International Arts and Sciences Press
0023-8627 Chinese studies in philosophy [M.E. Sharpe, etc.]
1380-3603 Christian bioethics Swets & Zeitlinger
1744-4195 Christian bioethics (e-vir) Swets & Zeitlinger Pub.; Taylor & Francis.
0317-3569 CIRPHO. Cercle international de recherches philosophiques par ordinateur Cercle international de recherches philosophiques par ordinateur.
1299-5495 Cités Presses universitaires de France
1969-6876 Cités (e-vir) PUF
0884-2043 Clio Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne.
0578-5367 Club Voltaire Rowohlt.
0950-8864 Cogito Cogito Society in association with the University of Bristol
2154-3518 Cogito Philosophy Documentation Center
1518-7187 Cognitio Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Centro de Estudos do Pragmatismo, Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Filosofia
2316-5278 Cognitio (e-vir) Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Centro de Estudos do Pragmatismo, Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Filosofia
0364-0213 Cognitive science Ablex Pub. Corp.
1551-6709 Cognitive science (e-vir) Ablex Pub. Corp.
0010-0994 College English National Council of Teachers of English.
2161-8178 College English (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
1744-9413 Collingwood and British idealism studies R.G. Collingwood Society
2051-3011 Collingwood and British idealism studies (e-vir) Imprint Academic
1356-0670 Collingwood studies R.G. Collingwood Society.
0010-3330 Commonweal Calvert Pub. Corp.
0378-0880 Communication & cognition Communication & Cognition
0010-3713 Communio Viatorum Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University
0010-4124 Comparative literature University of Oregon
1945-8517 Comparative literature (e-vir) University of Oregon
1139-9759 Comprendre Universitat Ramon Llull
0010-4795 Computers and automation [Edmund C. Berkeley and Associates]
0010-4817 Computers and the humanities Kluwer Academic Publishers
0010-5155 Conceptus Verband der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Österreichs
2196-9523 Conceptus (e-vir) de Gruyter
0179-0846 Concordia Wissenschafts Verlag Mainz
1072-1894 Conference Fordham University.; City University of New York.
0954-0091 Connection science Carfax Publishing
1360-0494 Connection science (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1053-8100 Consciousness and cognition Academic Press
1090-2376 Consciousness and cognition (e-vir) Academic Press; Elsevier
1351-0487 Constellations Blackwell
1467-8675 Constellations (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1932-8478 Contemporary aesthetics (e-vir) Contemporary Aesthetics
1097-1467 Contemporary Chinese thought M.E. Sharpe
1558-0997 Contemporary Chinese thought (e-vir) M.E. Sharpe
0732-4944 Contemporary philosophy Institute for Advanced Philosophic Research
1470-8914 Contemporary political theory Palgrave Macmillan
1476-9336 Contemporary political theory (e-vir) Palgrave Macmillan
1572-3429 Contemporary pragmatism Rodopi
1875-8185 Contemporary pragmatism (e-vir) Rodopi
1387-2842 Continental philosophy review Springer
1573-0611 Continental philosophy review (e-vir) Kluwer
1136-4076 Contrastes Universidad de Málaga
1136-9922 Contrastes Universidad de Málaga. Departamento de Filosofía
1479-2206 Conversations in religion and theology Blackwell
1479-2214 Conversations in religion and theology (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
0010-8235 Convivium Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Barcelona
2255-2855 Convivium (e-vir) Universidad de Barcelona
0963-1801 CQ Cambridge University Press
0731-129X Criminal justice ethics John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Institute for Criminal Justice Ethics
1937-5948 Criminal justice ethics (e-vir) John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Institute for Criminal Justice Ethics
0011-1503 Crítica UNAM. Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas.
0093-1896 Critical inquiry University of Chicago
1539-7858 Critical inquiry (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
0891-3811 Critical review Libertarian Review Foundation
1933-8007 Critical review Libertarian Review Foundation]
1369-8230 Critical review of international social and political philosophy Routledge
1743-8772 Critical review of international social and political philosophy (e-vir) Frank Cass
0730-2304 Critical texts Critical Texts
0011-1589 Criticism Wayne State University Press.
1536-0342 Criticism (e-vir) Wayne State University Press
1333-1108 Croatian journal of philosophy Kruzak
1847-6139 Croatian journal of philosophy Kruzak
Y504-0191 Croatian journal of philosophy Kruzak
0326-9523 Cuadernos de ética Asociación Argentina de Investigaciones Eticas.
0590-1901 Cuadernos de filosofía. Universidad de Buenos Aires
0120-8462 Cuadernos de filosofia latinoamericana Universidad Santo Tomas
2500-5375 Cuadernos de filosofía latinoamericana (e-vir)
1696-0637 Cuadernos de pensamiento español Universidad de Navarra
0210-4857 Cuadernos salmantinos de filosofía Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
1130-7498 Cuadernos sobre Vico Centro de Investigaciones sobre Vico
0011-3735 Current musicology Columbia University
2640-883X Current musicology (e-vir) Columbia University Libraries and Columbia University Department of Music
0011-5266 Daedalus MIT Press Journals
1548-6192 Daedalus (e-vir) American Academy of Arts and Sciences
1130-0507 Daimon Universidad de Murcia
1989-4651 Daimon Edit.um
0011-5827 Dalhousie review Dalhousie University Press
0011-6041 Dance scope American Dance Guild.
0070-2749 Danish yearbook of philosophy Selskabet for Filosofi og Psykologi.; Dansk Filosofisk Selskab.; Philosophical Society of Aarhus.; Philosophical Society of Odense.
1540-3009 Dao Global Publications, Binghamton University, State University of New York
1569-7274 Dao (e-vir) Springer Netherlands
0011-6734 Darshana International J.P. Atreya.
0004-1157 Das Argument Argument Ariadne Versand; Argument-Vertrieb
0228-412X De philosophia Association of Graduate Philosophy Students of the University of Ottawa = Association des étudiants diplômés en philosophie de l'Université d'Ottawa
0012-0936 Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte J. B. Metzler
2365-9521 Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte (e-vir) Springer
0012-1045 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften
2192-1482 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Akad.-Verl.
1471-8731 Developing world bioethics Blackwell
1471-8847 Developing world bioethics (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0012-2017 Dialectica Dialectica
1746-8361 Dialectica (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
Y505-4192 Dialectica (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
0324-8275 Dialectics and Humanism Polish Scientific Publishers
0939-5512 Dialektik Meiner
0213-1196 Diálogo filosófico [Ediciones Encuentro]
0012-2122 Diálogos University of Puerto Rico (Río Piedras Campus).
0012-2173 Dialogue Wilfrid Laurier University Press; Canadian Philosophical Association = Association canadienne de philosophie
0012-2246 Dialogue Phi Sigma Tau.
1759-0949 Dialogue (e-vir) Published by Wilfrid Laurier University for the Canadian Philosophical Association
1234-5792 Dialogue and universalism Centre of Universalism, Warsaw University
1733-5566 Diametros (e-vir) Instytut Filozofii UJ.
1125-1514 Dianoia Università degli studi, Bologna. Dipartimento di filosofia; Università degli studi, Bologna. Dipartimento di filosofia e comunicazione
0185-2450 Diánoia Fondo de Cultura Económica; UNAM. Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas.
0936-7586 Die Philosophin Edition Diskord
2154-1620 Die Philosophin Philosophy Documentation Center
0175-0135 Dilthey-Jahrbuch für Philosophie und Geschichte der Geisteswissenschaften
0392-1921 Diogenes International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies
1467-7695 Diogenes (e-vir) [Berghahn Books]
0705-1085 Dionysius Dalhousie University Press.
1010-7363 Diotima.; Διοτίμα Ellīnikī Etaireia Filosofikōn Meletōn; Ελληνική Εταιρεία Φιλοσοφικών Μελετών,
1055-6133 DisClosure Committee on Social Theory at the University of Kentucky
2332-9246 DisClosure (e-vir) Committee on Social Theory at the University of Kentucky
0103-328X Discurso Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Filosofia
0124-6127 Discusiones filosoficas Departamento de Filosofia, Universidad de Caldas
0070-6760 Dix-huitième siècle Société française d'étude du XVIIIe siècle
1969-6965 Dix-septième siècle (e-vir) Société d'étude du XVIIe siècle (France)
0012-4443 Doctor communis Pontificia Accademia di S. Tommaso d'Aquino.
0214-8676 Doxa Universidad de Alicante
2386-4702 Doxa (e-vir) Universidad de Alicante
0012-7205 Duquesne review Duquesne University.
0012-7280 Durham University journal Senate of the University of Durham
0012-8708 Eastern Buddhist. New series Otani University. Eastern Buddhist Society.
0266-2671 Economics and philosophy Cambridge University Press.
1474-0028 Economics and philosophy (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0102-6801 Educação e Filosofia Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Faculdade de Educação, Departamento de Filosofia
1576-5199 Educación y futuro Universidad Complutense de Madrid
0013-1857 Educational philosophy and theory University of New South Wales [etc.]
1469-5812 Educational philosophy and theory (e-vir) Carfax
0013-1946 Educational studies American Educational Studies Association
1532-6993 Educational studies (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates
0013-2004 Educational theory University of Illinois
1741-5446 Educational theory (e-vir) Blackwell
1085-4908 Education and culture University of Iowa
1559-1786 Education and culture (e-vir) Purdue University Press
0707-2287 Eidos University of Waterloo Philosophy Graduate Student Association
0210-0088 El Basilisco Fundación Gustavo Bueno
0013-7081 Encounter School of Religion, Butler University.
1133-5351 Endoxa Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Filosofía.
1514-6006 Enfoques Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica, Universidad Adventista del Plata
1669-2721 Enfoques (e-vir) Universidad Adventista del Plata
0163-4275 Environmental ethics University of North Texas
2153-7895 Environmental ethics (e-vir) University of North Texas, Center for Environmental Philosophy
0963-2719 Environmental values White Horse Press
1752-7015 Environmental values (e-vir) White Horse Press
1413-5736 Episteme Instituto Latino-Americano de Estudos Avancados
0798-4324 Episteme NS UCV, Instituto de Filosofía
1085-1968 Epoché Brigham Young University, Dept. of Philosophy
2153-8603 Epoché (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
0165-0106 Erkenntnis Reidel
1572-8420 Erkenntnis (e-vir) Kluwer
0572-3698 ERM West Virginia University. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics.; American Society for Engineering Education. Educational Research and Methods Division.; Oklahoma State University. School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
0325-4933 Escritos de filosofía. Academia Nacional de Ciencias. Centro de Estudios Filosóficos
0014-0716 Espíritu Instituto Filosófico de Balmesiana
1526-0569 Essays in philosophy Humboldt State University, Dept. of Philosophy
1522-7340 Essays in the philosophy of humanism Humanists of Houston.; American Humanist Association.
2052-8388 Essays in the philosophy of humanism (e-vir) Humanists of Houston, chapter of American Humanist Association
0384-8833 Essence Atkinson College Press.
1118-8170 Essence : An International Journal of philosophy Department of philosophy, Lagos State University.
0014-1291 Estetika Academia
2571-0915 Estetika (e-vir) Helsinki University Press
0121-3628 Estudios de Filosofia Universidad de Antioquia. Departamento de Filosofia
2256-358X Estudios de Filosofía (e-vir) Universidad de Antioquia
0210-6086 Estudios filosóficos Estudio General de Filosofía de Caldas de Besaya; Instituto Superior de Filosofía de Valladolid
1578-6676 Estudios Nietzsche Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Filosofía; Trotta
2340-1494 Estudios Nietzsche (e-vir) Sociedad Española de Estudios sobre Friedrich Nietzsche; Universidad de Málaga
2168-9245 Etc. (e-vir) Institute of General Semantics
0014-164X Etc.; International Society for General Semantics
0840-9935 Ethica Groupe de recherche ÉTHOS; Université du Québec à Rimouski
1523-150X Ethical human sciences and services Springer Pub. Co.
2376-9475 Ethical human sciences and services (e-vir) International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology.
1783-1431 Ethical perspectives (e-vir) Peeters Publishers
1370-0049 Ethical Perspectives Katholieke Universiteit
0014-1690 Ethical record South Place Ethical Society
1386-2820 Ethical theory and moral practice Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8447 Ethical theory and moral practice (e-vir) Kluwer
0014-1704 Ethics University of Chicago Press
1539-297X Ethics (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
1366-879X Ethics, place and environment Carfax
1469-6703 Ethics, place and environment (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1050-8422 Ethics & behavior Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-7019 Ethics & behavior L. Erlbaum Associates.
0892-6794 Ethics & international affairs Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs
1747-7093 Ethics & international affairs (e-vir) Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs
1744-9642 Ethics and education Routledge
1744-9650 Ethics and education (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1388-1957 Ethics and information technology Kluwer
1572-8439 Ethics and information technology (e-vir) Kluwer Online
0306-4581 Ethics in science & medicine Pergamon
1825-5167 Etica & politica (e-vir) Università degli studi di Trieste, Dipartimento di Filosofia
0826-9920 Etudes maritainiennes Association canadienne Jacques Maritain
0014-2263 Etyka Polska Akademia Nauk.; Uniwersytet Łódzki.
1131-6640 Eurídice U.N.E.D. Centro Asociado de Navarra.; Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Centro Asociado de Navarra.
0966-8373 European journal of philosophy Blackwell
1468-0378 European journal of philosophy (e-vir) Blackwell
1475-6765 European journal of political research (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
0304-4130 European Journal of political research Wiley-Blackwell
0014-3006 European Judaism Berghahn
1752-2323 European Judaism Berghahn Books
0014-3820 Evolution Society for the Study of Evolution; Wiley Periodicals
1558-5646 Evolution (e-vir) Society for the Study of Evolution
0938-2623 Evolution and cognition Vienna University Press; Springer
0240-8252 Exerçices de la patience Obsidiane
1215-5950 Existentia Pro Philosophia Szegediensi Foundation.
0261-1376 Explorations in knowledge Sombourne Press.
1424-0602 Facta philosophica Peter Lang
0354-4648 Facta Universitatis University
0739-7046 Faith and philosophy Society of Christian Philosophers (U.S.),; Asbury Theological Seminary.; Georgetown University.
2153-3393 Faith and philosophy Philosophy Documentation Center
1301-0875 Felsefe dünyası Türk felsefe derneği; Türk Felsefe Derneği İktisadi İşletmesi
0046-3663 Feminist studies Feminist Studies, inc.
2153-3873 Feminist studies (e-vir) Feminist Studies
1879-5811 Fichte-studien (e-vir) Rodopi
0925-0166 Fichte-Studien Rodopi
1073-0427 Film and philosophy Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts
2643-9239 Film and philosophy (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
0015-1823 Filosofia Filosofia; Mimesis,
1105-2120 Filosofia Akadäimia Athäinäon. Kentron Ereunäis täis Elläinikäis Filosofias.; Academy of Athens. Research Center for Greek Philosophy.
2704-8195 Filosofia (e-vir) Mimesis
1519-5023 Filosofia Unisinos Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Centro de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia
1984-8234 Filosofia Unisinos (e-vir) Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
2570-9232 Filosofický časopis (e-vir)
1414-2236 Filósofos Universidade Federal de Goiás, Departamento de Filosofia
0046-385X Filozofia Veda
2585-7061 Filozofia (e-vir) Filozofický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied
0015-1831 Filozofický časopis Československá akademie věd
0351-4706 Filozofska istraživanja Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo
1848-2309 Filozofska istraživanja (e-vir) Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo
1535-3656 Florida philosophical review Dept. of Philosophy, University of Central Florida
0015-8410 Forum / University of Houston.
0163-0768 Forum linguisticum Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States.
0015-8992 Foundations American Baptist Historical Society.
1386-4238 Foundations of chemistry Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8463 Foundations of chemistry (e-vir) Kluwer
0015-900X Foundations of language Reidel
0015-9018 Foundations of physics Plenum Press
1572-9516 Foundations of physics (e-vir) Kluwer
1233-1821 Foundations of science Oficyna Akademicka.; Kluwer Academic Publishers.
1572-8471 Foundations of science (e-vir) Kluwer
0080-5459 Franciscan studies Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University.
1945-9718 Franciscan studies (e-vir) Joseph F. Wagner
0120-1468 Franciscanum Universidad de San Buenaventura
2665-3834 Franciscanum (e-vir) Universidad de San Buenaventura
0272-0701 Free inquiry Council for Democratic and Secular Humanism
0344-1385 Freiburger Rundbrief Freiburger Rundbrief.
0016-0725 Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie Paulusverlag; Universitätsverlag; Academic Press
1315-6268 Fronesis Instituto de Filosofía del Derecho, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
0016-2736 Fundamenta mathematicae Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
1730-6329 Fundamenta Mathematicae (e-vir) Instytut Matematyczny PAN.
0016-3287 Futures Butterworth Scientific Limited
1873-6378 Futures Elsevier Science
0016-3341 Futurum Hanser.
1435-571X Gegenworte Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
0016-6928 Genre University of Illinois at Chicago Circle
2160-0228 Genre University of Illinois at Chicago Circle]
0149-7952 German studies review German Studies Association
2164-8646 German studies review (e-vir) Western Association for German Studies at Arizona State University
0017-0089 Giornale critico della filosofia italiana Casa editrice Le Lettere
0316-618X Gnosis Sir George Williams University. Dept. of Philosophy.
1577-9424 Gogoa Universidad del País Vasco
2444-3573 Gogoa (e-vir) Universidad del País Vasco
0093-4240 Graduate faculty philosophy journal Department of Philosophy, New School for Social Research
2153-9197 Graduate faculty philosophy journal Philosophy Documentation Center
0165-9227 Grazer philosophische Studien Rodopi
0017-4114 Gregorianum Pontificia Università Gregoriana
2611-4046 Gregorianum (e-vir) Gregorian & Biblical Press
0017-4939 Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft Schnelle Verlag
0342-5231 Gymnasium Winter
2567-6555 Gymnasium (e-vir) Teubner
0736-1033 Hamline journal of public law Public Law Research Center, Hamline University School of Law
0198-7364 Hamline law review Hamline University School of Law
2472-4823 Hamline law review (e-vir) Hamline University.
0017-8055 Harvard educational review Harvard University
1943-5045 Harvard educational review (e-vir) [Harvard University, etc.]
0017-811X Harvard law review Harvard Law Review Association
2161-976X Harvard law review (e-vir) Harvard Law Review Pub. Association
Y505-5466 Harvard law review (e-vir) Harvard Law Review Association
0073-0688 Harvard studies in classical philology Harvard University Press.
2325-9353 Harvard studies in classical philology (e-vir) Ginn & Co.
1475-4517 Harvard theological review (e-vir) Harvard Divinity School
0956-2737 HEC forum Pergamon Press; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8498 HEC forum (e-vir) Kluwer
0073-1579 Hegel-Jahrbuch Akademie Verlag
2192-5550 Hegel-Jahrbuch (e-vir) Duncker & Humblot
0885-4580 Heidegger studies Duncker u. Humblot
2153-9170 Heidegger studies (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
0018-0750 Hermathena University
0018-0777 Hermes F. Steiner Verlag
2365-3116 Hermes (e-vir) Steiner
2476-6038 Ḥikmat va falsafah; حکمت و فلسفه (e-vir) Dānishgāh-i ̒allāmah-i Ṭabāṭabāyī; دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی
1735-3238 Ḥikmat va falsafah.; حکمت و فلسفه Dānishgāh-i ̒allāmah-i Ṭabāṭabāyī; دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی
0750-8069 Histoire épistémologie langage Presses universitaires de Lille
1638-1580 Histoire épistémologie langage (e-vir) SHESL
0144-5340 History and philosophy of logic Abacus Press
1464-5149 History and philosophy of logic (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0391-9714 History and philosophy of the life sciences Taylor & Francis
1742-6316 History and philosophy of the life sciences (e-vir) Springer Internat. Publ.
0018-2656 History and theory Wiley Periodicals
1468-2303 History and theory (e-vir) Mouton
0191-6599 History of European ideas Elsevier Science Ltd.
1873-541X History of European ideas Elsevier Science
0740-0675 History of philosophy quarterly Philosophy Documentation Center
2152-1026 History of philosophy quarterly (e-vir) Published in cooperation with the Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University
0018-2702 History of political economy Duke University Press
1527-1919 History of political economy (e-vir) Duke University Press
0143-781X History of political thought Imprint Academic
2051-2988 History of political thought (e-vir) Imprint Academic
0018-2710 History of religions University of Chicago Press
1545-6935 History of religions (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
0952-6951 History of the human sciences SAGE Publications
1461-720X History of the human sciences (e-vir) Sage
Y505-5083 History of the human sciences (e-vir) SAGE Publications
0921-5891 Hobbes studies Van Gorcum
1875-0257 Hobbes studies Brill
1210-3055 Human affairs Slovak Academic Press, Ltd.
1337-401X Human affairs (e-vir) SAP-Slovak Academic Press
1338-2373 Human affairs (e-vir) Slovenská akadémia vied.
0363-2326 Human inquiries Association of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry.
1066-7210 Humanitas National Humanities Institute
0163-4461 Humanities in society University of Southern California.
0163-8548 Human studies Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-851X Human studies (e-vir) Springer
Y505-5105 Human studies (e-vir) Springer
0319-7336 Hume studies s.n..
1947-9921 Hume studies Hume Society; Hume Society
0167-9848 Husserl studies Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8501 Husserl studies (e-vir) Kluwer
1433-5158 Hyle Institute of Philosophy, University of Karlsruhe
1617-4240 Hyle (e-vir) University of Karlsruhe, Institute of Philosophy
0887-5367 Hypatia Hypatia, Inc.
1527-2001 Hypatia (e-vir) Hypatia, Inc.
1413-9138 Hypnos Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Departamento de Filosofia, Programa de Estudos Pós Graduados em Filosofia.
0046-8541 Idealistic studies Clark University Press.
2153-8239 Idealistic studies (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
0120-0062 Ideas y valores Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Facultad de Filosofia Letras.
2011-3668 Ideas y valores (e-vir) Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Filosofía
1108-7625 Ifitos Leader Books ;; Olympiako Kentro Filosofias Politismou kai Paideias
0552-3702 Il Protagora [s.n.]; Mimesis
0103-7676 Impulso Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba.
2236-9767 Impulso (e-vir) Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba
0376-9860 Indian journal of philosophic studies Dep. of philosophy, Osmania University.
0376-415X Indian philosophical quarterly Pratap Centre of Philosophy. ;; Poona University, Department of Philosophy.
0019-6096 Indian Philosophy & Culture Institute of Oriental Philosophy.
0824-2577 Informal logic P.F. Wilkinson
2293-734X Informal logic (e-vir) P.F. Wilkinson
1369-118X Information, communication & society Taylor & Francis
1468-4462 Information, communication & society (e-vir) Routledge
1434-5250 Information Philosophie Moser
0020-174X Inquiry Universitetsforlaget
1093-1082 Inquiry Montclair State College.; Montclair State University.
1502-3923 Inquiry (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
2153-9871 Inquiry Institute for Critical Thinking, Montclair State University; Philosophy Documentation Center
0149-0095 Intellect Society for the Advancement of Education.
0826-4805 Interchange Kluwer Academic Publishers; Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
1573-1790 Interchange (e-vir) Kluwer
0020-9228 Internationale Dialog Zeitschrift Verlag der Internationalen Dialog Zeitschrift
0020-7047 International journal for philosophy of religion Springer
1572-8684 International journal for philosophy of religion (e-vir) Kluwer
2153-6910 International journal of applied philosophy Philosophy Documentation Center
1364-2987 International journal of human rights Frank Cass
0020-7438 International journal of Middle East studies Cambridge University Press
1471-6380 International journal of Middle East studies (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
Y505-5148 International journal of Middle East studies (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0267-9655 International journal of moral and social studies Journals Ltd..
0967-2559 International journal of philosophical studies Routledge
1466-4542 International journal of philosophical studies (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis
1535-4776 International journal of politics and ethics Nova Science Publishers
0020-7748 International journal of theoretical physics Plenum Press.
1572-9575 International journal of theoretical physics Kluwer
0019-0365 International philosophical quarterly Fordham University
2153-8077 International philosophical quarterly (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
0270-5664 International studies in philosophy State University of New York at Binghamton.
2154-1809 International studies in philosophy (e-vir) Philosophy Documentaton Center
0269-8595 International studies in the philosophy of science Routledge & Kegan Paul
1469-9281 International studies in the philosophy of science (e-vir) Routledge
0020-9635 Interpretation Queens College Press
1405-4752 Intersticios Universidad Intercontinental, Escuela de Filosofía
0193-7758 IRB Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences
2326-2222 IRB (e-vir) Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences
2612-2170 Iride (e-vir) Il Mulino
1122-7893 Iride = Società Editrice Il Mulino
0266-9080 Irish philosophical journal Department of Scholastic Philosophy, Queens University Belfast.
2154-3569 Irish philosophical journal Philosophy Documentation Center
1752-4989 Irish theological quarterly (e-vir) Sage
1130-2097 Isegoría Instituto de Filosofía (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)
1988-8376 Isegoría (e-vir) Instituto de Filosofía, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
0021-1753 Isis University of Wisconsin
1545-6994 Isis (e-vir) Published by the University of Chicago Press for the History of Science Society
1405-0218 Isonomía Distribución Fontamara
0333-7308 Israel journal of psychiatry and related sciences Israel Science Publishers Ltd.
0021-2210 Israel Journal of Zoology Weizmann Science Press; William Dawson and Sons Ltd
1121-2772 Itinerari filosofici Società Italiana per la Ricerca Filosofica.
0092-3524 Iustitia Indiana University School of Law
2766-3396 Iustitia (e-vir) Indiana University.; Indiana University, Bloomington.
0939-6152 Jahrbuch deutschsprachiger Literaturzeitschriften Institut für Empirische Literatur- und Medienforschung.; LUMIS.
0946-9559 Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici.
0944-4610 Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik Duncker & Humblot
2628-9121 Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik (e-vir) Duncker & Humblot; HeinOnline
1430-9017 Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik W. de Gruyter
1613-1142 Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik de Gruyter
0007-1773 JBSP Haigh & Hochland Ltd. JBSP Dept.
1057-896X JCT Corp. for Curriculum Research
1473-4257 JME online (e-vir) BMJ Pub. Group.
0925-4560 Journal for general philosophy of science Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8587 Journal for general philosophy of science Kluwer
1753-8556 Journal for the history of astronomy (e-vir) Science History Publications Ltd.
0021-8286 Journal for the History of Astronomy Science History Publications
0021-8294 Journal for the scientific study of religion Society for the Scientific Study of Religion
1468-5906 Journal for the scientific study of religion (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
1095-1962 Journal for the study of peace and conflict The Institute
0021-8308 Journal for the theory of social behaviour Basil Blackwell
1468-5914 Journal for the theory of social behaviour (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1187-7863 Journal of agricultural & environmental ethics University of Guelph
1573-322X Journal of agricultural and environmental ethics (e-vir) Kluwer
0893-4282 Journal of agricultural ethics Taylor & Francis
1088-8705 Journal of applied animal welfare science L. Erlbaum Associates
1532-7604 Journal of applied animal welfare science (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates.
0264-3758 Journal of applied philosophy Blackwell
1468-5930 Journal of applied philosophy (e-vir) Blackwell
1387-6996 Journal of bioeconomics Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-6989 Journal of bioeconomics (e-vir) Springer Nature
1176-7529 Journal of bioethical inquiry Bioethics Centre, University of Otago; Springer Science
1872-4353 Journal of bioethical inquiry (e-vir) Springer
0167-4544 Journal of business ethics Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-0697 Journal of business ethics (e-vir) Kluwer
0301-8121 Journal of Chinese philosophy Brill
1540-6253 Journal of Chinese philosophy (e-vir) Blackwell
1355-8250 Journal of consciousness studies Imprint Academic
2051-2201 Journal of consciousness studies (e-vir) Imprint Academic
1476-7430 Journal of critical realism International Association for Critical Realism in association with the Nottingham Trent University
1572-5138 Journal of critical realism (e-vir) International Association for Critical Realism
0253-7222 Journal of Dharma Dharma Research Association, Centre for the Study of World Religions, Dharmaram College
0022-0531 Journal of economic theory Academic Press
1095-7235 Journal of economic theory (e-vir) Academic Press
0022-0647 Journal of educational data processing Ideos, incorporated.; Educational Systems Corporation.
0022-0701 Journal of Educational Thought Faculty of Education, University of Calgary
1559-3061 Journal of ethics & social philosophy University of Southern California
0449-2498 Journal of existentialism [publisher not identified]
0733-1428 Journal of existential psychiatry American Ontoanalytic Association.
0021-3667 Journal of General Education The Pennsylvania State University
0075-4269 Journal of Hellenic studies Council of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies
2041-4099 Journal of Hellenic studies (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0022-1651 Journal of human relations Central State University (Wilberforce, Ohio); Central State College (Wilberforce, Ohio)
0970-7794 Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research Indian Council of Philosophical Research.
0022-1791 Journal of Indian philosophy Reidel
1573-0395 Journal of Indian philosophy (e-vir) Kluwer
1061-9321 Journal of information ethics McFarland & Co.
1941-2894 Journal of information ethics (e-vir) McFarland & Co.
0022-197X Journal of international affairs School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University.
0022-2097 Journal of Jewish studies Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies
1947-6957 Journal of libertarian studies (e-vir) Center for Libertarian Studies.; Ludwig Von Mises Institute.
0925-8531 Journal of logic, language and information Kluwer Academic Publisher
1572-9583 Journal of logic, language and information (e-vir) Kluwer
0306-6800 Journal of medical ethics British Medical Assoc.
1041-3545 Journal of medical humanities (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1502-7570 Journal of military ethics Taylor & Francis
1502-7589 Journal of military ethics (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis
1465-3877 Journal of moral education (e-vir) Routledge
1740-4681 Journal of moral philosophy Continuum Publishing
1745-5243 Journal of moral philosophy (e-vir) Sage.
0968-8005 Journal of Nietzsche studies [s.n.].
1538-4594 Journal of Nietzsche studies (e-vir) [Friedrich Nietzsche Society]
0047-2662 Journal of phenomenological psychology Humanities Press
1569-1624 Journal of phenomenological psychology Brill Academic Publishers
0022-3611 Journal of philosophical logic Reidel
1573-0433 Journal of philosophical logic (e-vir) Kluwer
1053-8364 Journal of philosophical research Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University
2153-7984 Journal of philosophical research Philosophy Documentation Center
0309-8249 Journal of philosophy of education Blackwell
1467-9752 Journal of philosophy of education (e-vir) Blackwell
0378-2166 Journal of pragmatics North-Holland
1879-1387 Journal of pragmatics (e-vir) Elsevier
0090-6905 Journal of psycholinguistic research Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
1573-6555 Journal of psycholinguistic research (e-vir) Kluwer
0384-9694 Journal of religious ethics American Academy of Religion
1467-9795 Journal of religious ethics Blackwell.
0167-5133 Journal of semantics Oxford University Press
1477-4593 Journal of semantics (e-vir) N.I.S. Foundation, Nijmegen Institute of Semantics
0047-2786 Journal of social philosophy [s.n.]
1467-9833 Journal of social philosophy (e-vir) Blackwell
0002-7189 Journal of the American Academy of Religion American Academy of Religion
1477-4585 Journal of the American Academy of Religion (e-vir) American Academy of Religion
0003-0279 Journal of the American Oriental Society American Oriental Society.
2169-2289 Journal of the American Oriental Society (e-vir) George P. Putnam
2332-0486 Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
0386-2593 Journal of the Faculty of Letters, the University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters, University
0022-5010 Journal of the history of biology Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-0387 Journal of the history of biology (e-vir) Kluwer
0022-5037 Journal of the history of ideas Journal of the History of Ideas, Inc.
1086-3222 Journal of the history of ideas (e-vir) Journal of the History of Ideas, Inc.
0022-5053 Journal of the history of philosophy Journal of the history of philosophy
1538-4586 Journal of the history of philosophy University of California Press
0022-5061 Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1520-6696 Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences (e-vir) Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
0027-9684 Journal of the National Medical Association Appleton-Century-Crofts
1943-4693 Journal of the National Medical Association (e-vir) [Appleton-Century-Crofts]
1068-8471 Journal of theoretical and philosophical psychology American Psychological Association.
2151-3341 Journal of theoretical and philosophical psychology (e-vir) Division 24 of the American Psychological Association
0094-8705 Journal of the philosophy of sport Human Kinetics Publishers
1543-2939 Journal of the philosophy of sport (e-vir) Routledge
2397-2327 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (e-vir) Royal Statistical Society
0035-9238 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A. General Royal Statistical Society
0035-9246 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Methodological Royal Statistical Society
0958-0476 Journal of the Society for Existential Analysis Society for Existential Analysis
1540-7942 Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics Society of Christian Ethics (U.S.),; Georgetown University Press,; Philosophy Documentation Center,
2326-2176 Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics (e-vir) Society of Christian Ethics
0022-5231 Journal of thought Journal of Thought Fund [etc.]
2375-270X Journal of thought (e-vir) [Journal of Thought]
2375-2718 Journal of thought (e-vir) Journal of Thought Fund.
0022-5762 Judaism American Jewish Congress.
1369-4154 Kantian review University of Wales Press
2044-2394 Kantian review (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0022-8877 Kant-Studien Walter de Gruyter
1613-1134 Kant-Studien (e-vir) de Gruyter.
1303-4251 Kaygű Uludaæg Üniversitesi Felsefe Topluluægu.
1054-6863 Kennedy Institute of Ethics journal Johns Hopkins University Press
1086-3249 Kennedy Institute of Ethics journal Johns Hopkins University Press for Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute of Ethics
0165-1773 Kennis en methode Boom
0075-6032 Kierkegaardiana Søren Kierkegaard Selskabet
1430-5372 Kierkegaard studies Søren Kierkegaard Research Center.
1612-9792 Kierkegaard studies de Gruyter
0023-1568 Kinesis Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
0171-0834 Kodikas Narr
0023-2653 Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie Westdeutscher Verlag
1861-891X Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (e-vir) Verl. für Sozialwiss..
0168-275X Krisis Stichting Krisis; Boom; Boom
1875-7103 Krisis Boom; Boom
0100-512X Kriterion Departamento de Filosofia da Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
1019-8288 Kriterion Kriterion
2750-977X Kriterion (e-vir) Walter de Gruyter
0023-5652 Kursbuch Suhrkamp
1303-3387 Kutadgubilig Ülke Yayűn Haber Ticaret.
1230-4050 Kwartalnik filozoficzny Secesja
1561-8927 Labyrinth (e-vir) Institut für Axiologische Forschungen
2410-4817 Labyrinth Institut für Axiologische Forschungen; Axia Academic Publishers
1132-8177 Laguna Universidad de La Laguna
1665-1448 La Lámpara de Diógenes Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla,Facultad de Filosofía, Centro de Investigaciones Filosóficas
0097-8507 Language Linguistic Society of America
1535-0665 Language (e-vir) Linguistic Society of America
1572-8412 Language resources and evaluation (e-vir) Springer
1873-5746 Language sciences (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0388-0001 Language Sciences Elsevier Science
0709-4469 La Petite revue de philosophie Collège Édouard-Montpetit
1590-7031 La Società degli individui Franco Angeli
0023-902X Laurentianum Collegio internazionale S. Lorenzo da Brindisi.
0023-9054 Laval théologique et philosophique Université Laval etc..
1703-8804 Laval théologique et philosophique (e-vir) Université Laval.
0167-5249 Law and philosophy Reidel
1573-0522 Law and philosophy (e-vir) Kluwer
0302-9743 Lecture notes in computer science Springer
1611-3349 Lecture notes in computer science (e-vir) Springer
1352-3252 Legal theory Cambridge University Press
1469-8048 Legal theory (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1069-5192 Leibniz Society review Leibniz Society.
1180-2308 Lekton Université du Québec à Montréal. Département de philosophie.
0024-094X Leonardo MIT Press
1530-9282 Leonardo (e-vir) MIT Press
0304-0003 Lias Holland University Press
2033-4753 Lias Uitgeverij Peeters
2033-5016 Lias (e-vir) Uitgeverij Peeters
0936-4242 Lichtenberg-Jahrbuch Lichtenberg-Gesellschaft.
0024-385X Lingua e stile Il Mulino
2612-212X Lingua e stile (e-vir) Il Mulino
0024-3892 Linguistic inquiry MIT Press
1530-9150 Linguistic inquiry (e-vir) MIT Press
0165-0157 Linguistics and philosophy Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-0549 Linguistics and philosophy (e-vir) Kluwer
0024-4414 Listening Aquinas Institute of Philosophy and Theology.; Lewis University.; Duquesne University.
1036-9368 Literature and aesthetics Sydney Society of Literature and Aesthetics
0732-1929 Literature and belief Brigham Young University.
0307-2606 Locke newsletter Roland Hall, University of York
1476-0290 Locke studies University of York.; University of Lancaster.
2561-925X Locke studies (e-vir) Western Libraries at The University of Western Ontario
1425-3305 Logic and Logical Philosophy Nicholas Copernicus University Press
2300-9802 Logic and Logical Philosophy (e-vir) Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika (Toruń)
0024-5836 Logique et analyse Centre National Belge de Recherches de Logique
2295-5836 Logique et analyse. Nouvelle série (e-vir) Uitgeverij Peeters
0024-5887 Logos Università degli Studi, Napoli. Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia.
0185-6375 Logos Ediciones de la Universidad la Salle
0276-5667 Logos University of Santa Clara.
0868-7692 Logos Filosofijos mėgėjų būrelis; Lietuvos universiteto Teologijos-filosofijos fakulteto Filosofijos skyrius; Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Teologijos-filosofijos fakulteto Filosofijos skyrius; D.M. Stančienė; Logos
0941-9683 Logos J. C. B. Mohr
1575-6866 Logos Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense.
1886-7979 Logos (e-vir) Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filosofía I.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filosofía IV.
1988-3242 Logos Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones
1133-5165 Ludus vitalis Centro de Estudios Filosóficos, Políticos y Sociales "Vicente Lombardo Toledano" (México)
1209-3696 Lumen Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
0025-0090 Magyar filozófiai szemle Akadémiai K.
1303-3115 Maltepe Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi dergisi Maltepe Üniversitesi.; Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi.
0025-1496 Man Royal Anthropological Institute
2397-2548 Man (e-vir) Anthropological Institute
0824-3298 Man and nature University of Western Ontario. Faculty of Education; Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
0025-1534 Man and world IPR Associates; Martinus Nÿhoff; Kluwer Academic
1573-1103 Man and world Kluwer
0100-6045 Manuscrito Centro de Lógica, Espistemologia e História da Ciência, Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp
2317-630X Manuscrito (e-vir) Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência
0025-3987 Marquette law review Marquette University School of Law.
Y509-7975 Marquette law review (e-vir) Marquette University School of Law
0942-5616 Mathematical logic quarterly Barth
1521-3870 Mathematical logic quarterly (e-vir) WILEY-VCH
0185-6200 Mathesis. Revista de divulgación e información en historia y filosofía de las matematicas Departamento de Matemáticas. Facultad de Ciençias. UNAM.
0076-5872 Mediaeval studies Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
0892-2772 Medical humanities review University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.
2594-2166 Medicina y ética (e-vir) Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores, A. C
0188-5022 Medicina y ética : revista internacional de bioética, deontología y ética médica Instituto de Humanismo en Ciencias de la Salud. Escuela de Medicina. Universidad Anáhuac
1386-7423 Medicine, health care and philosophy Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8633 Medicine, health care and philosophy (e-vir) Kluwer
1057-0608 Medieval philosophy & theology University of Notre Dame Press
1475-4525 Medieval philosophy and theology Cambridge University Press.
0025-9683 Mental hygiene National Association for Mental Health (U.S.); National Committee for Mental Hygiene.
1592-6303 MeQRiMa Associazione culturale internazionale MeQRiMa.
0166-2031 Metamedicine Reidel
1573-1200 Metamedicine Kluwer Academic Publishers
0026-1068 Metaphilosophy Basil Blackwell
1467-9973 Metaphilosophy (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1437-2053 Metaphysica de Gruyter
1874-6373 Metaphysica (e-vir) de Gruyter
0815-0796 Metascience Lloyd Media for the Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science
1467-9981 Metascience Blackwell.
0327-0289 Méthexis Academia-Verl..
2468-0974 Méthexis (e-vir) Brill
0736-7392 Method Loyola Marymount University.; Lonergan Institute.; Institute for Integrative Studies (Los Angeles, Calif.)
2574-3724 Method (e-vir) Institute for Integrative Studies
0543-6095 Methodology and science Methodology and Science Foundation.; Stichting Methodology and Science.
0353-765X Metodički ogledi Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo
1848-2325 Metodički ogledi (e-vir) Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo
0026-2005 Michigan academician Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters
2167-8634 Michigan academician Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters
0026-2056 Michigan business review University of Michigan.; University of Michigan.
0026-2420 Michigan quarterly review (e-vir) University of Michigan.
1558-7266 Michigan quarterly review (e-vir) University of Michigan, Scholarly Pub. Office
2387-1822 Micolucus (e-vir) Sociedade Micolóxica Lucus
0363-6550 Midwest studies in philosophy University of Minnesota, Morris
1475-4975 Midwest studies in philosophy (e-vir) Blackwell Pub.
0026-4423 Mind Oxford University Press
0268-1064 Mind & language Basil Blackwell
1468-0017 Mind & language (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1593-7879 Mind & society Springer
1860-1839 Mind & society Springer
1460-2113 Mind online (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0924-6495 Minds and machines Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8641 Minds and machines (e-vir) Kluwer
0026-7910 MLN Johns Hopkins Press.
1080-6598 MLN (e-vir) Johns Hopkins Press
0026-7457 Modern age Foundation for Foreign Affairs
2168-5975 Modern age (e-vir) Foundation for Foreign Affairs
1047-5982 Modern logic Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, Marquette University
0266-7177 Modern theology Basil Blackwell
1468-0025 Modern theology (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1023-6627 Multiple valued logic Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
0306-2082 Music & man Gordon and Breach
0162-1831 National forum Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
0028-0836 Nature Macmillan
1476-4687 Nature (e-vir) Nature Publishing Group
0890-6130 Nature, society, and thought Marxist Educational Press
0191-2941 Nature and system [Nature and System]
0028-1042 Naturwissenschaften Springer-Verlag
1432-1904 Naturwissenschaften (e-vir) Springer-Verlag
0085-3917 Neue Hefte für Philosophie Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht
0028-4289 New Blackfriars Blackfriar Press
1741-2005 New Blackfriars (e-vir) Blackwell
0094-033X New German critique S.N.
1558-1462 New German critique (e-vir) New German Critique
0028-6087 New literary history Johns Hopkins University Press, etc.
1080-661X New literary history (e-vir) University of Virginia
1091-0239 New Nietzsche studies Nietzsche Society (New York, N.Y.)
2153-8417 New Nietzsche studies Philosophy Documentation Center
0262-4079 New scientist New Science Publications
2059-5387 New scientist (e-vir) New Scientist
1356-1766 New scientist CD-ROM (e-vir) Bowker-Saur; IPC magazines
0733-9542 New Vico studies Humanities Press
2153-8255 New Vico studies Philosophy Documentation Center
0028-7881 New York University law review New York University School of Law
1175-3455 New Zealand bioethics journal University of Otago. Bioethics Centre.
0342-1422 Nietzsche-Studien de Gruyter
1613-0790 Nietzsche-Studien de Gruyter.
0078-0979 Nomos American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy.
2691-5936 Nomos (e-vir)
0806-6205 Nordic journal of philosophical logic Taylor & Francis
1670-6242 Nordicum-Mediterraneum (e-vir) University of Akureyri
0029-4527 Notre Dame journal of formal logic University of Notre Dame
1939-0726 Notre Dame journal of formal logic University of Notre Dame
0883-3648 Notre Dame journal of law, ethics & public policy Thomas J. White Center on Law & Government, Notre Dame Law School
0029-4624 Noûs Blackwell Publishers
1468-0068 Noûs (e-vir) Blackwell
0392-2332 Nouvelles de la république des lettres Prismi. Editrice Politecnica s.r.l..
0029-5973 Numen Brill
1568-5276 Numen (e-vir) Brill
0394-7394 Nuncius Leo S. Olscki
1825-3911 Nuncius Leo S. Olschki
0969-7330 Nursing ethics Edward Arnold
1477-0989 Nursing ethics (e-vir) Arnold
1466-7681 Nursing philosophy Blackwell Science,
1466-769X Nursing philosophy (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
0094-5668 Ohio journal of religious studies Ohio Academy of Religion.
0078-6500 Organon Polska Akademia Nauk.; International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science. Division of the History of Science.; Kasa im. Józefa Mianowskiego - Fundacja Popierania Nauki.
1335-0668 Organon F Slovenská akadémia vied.; Akademie věd České republiky.
2585-7150 Organon F (e-vir) Filozofický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied
2153-7046 Overheard in Seville Philosophy Documentation Center
0143-6503 Oxford journal of legal studies Oxford University Press
1464-3820 Oxford journal of legal studies (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0279-0750 Pacific philosophical quarterly School of Philosophy, University of Southern California
1468-0114 Pacific philosophical quarterly (e-vir) Blackwell .
0275-1194 Pacific philosophy forum University of the Pacific.; International Institute of Philosophy.
0214-7300 Paideía Sociedad Española de Profesores de Filosofía de Instituto; Sociedad Española de Profesores de Filosofía
1120-3404 Paradigmi Grafischena
2035-357X Paradigmi (e-vir) Franco Angeli
0031-2789 Pastoral psychology Human Sciences Press
1573-6679 Pastoral psychology Kluwer
0031-3262 Paunch s.n.
1532-7930 Peabody journal of education (e-vir) George Peabody College for Teachers
0031-4749 Pensamiento Universidad Pontificia Comillas
2386-5822 Pensamiento (e-vir) Universidad Pontificia Comillas
0394-4131 Per la filosofia Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali.
1724-059X Per la filosofia Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali.
0031-5982 Perspectives in biology and medicine University of Chicago Press.
1529-8795 Perspectives in biology and medicine Johns Hopkins University Press
1063-6145 Perspectives on science MIT Press
1530-9274 Perspectives on science (e-vir) MIT Press
0171-1288 Perspektiven der Philosophie Rodopi
0874-9493 Phainomenon Edições Colibri; U.L.C.F.
2183-0142 Phainomenon (e-vir) Colibri; Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa
0342-8117 Phänomenologische Forschungen Alber
2567-5494 Phänomenologische Forschungen (e-vir) Felix Meiner Verlag
0885-3886 Phenomenological inquiry World Institute for Advanced Phenomenological Research and Learning
1568-7759 Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8676 Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences (e-vir) Kluwer
0031-7837 Philippine studies Ateneo de Manila University Press
2012-2489 Philippine Studies Ateneo de Manila University
1098-3570 Philo Society of Humanist Philosophers.; Council for Secular Humanism.
2154-1639 Philo (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
0827-1887 Philosopher Philosophie au Collège (Association de professeurs); Nouvelle alliance pour la philosophie au collège (Organisme)
1533-628X Philosophers' imprint University of Michigan, University Library
0048-3893 Philosophia Bar Ilan University
1574-9274 Philosophia (e-vir) Springer Netherlands
1529-1634 Philosophia Christi Evangelical Philosophical Society.; Biola University.
0031-8019 Philosophia mathematica Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics
1744-6406 Philosophia Mathematica (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0031-8027 Philosophia naturalis Klostermann
1195-8553 Philosophia perennis Société d'études aristotéliciennes.
0031-8035 Philosophia reformata Vereeniging voor Calvinistische W%sbegeerte; Vereniging voor Calvinistische W%sbegeerte
2352-8230 Philosophia reformata (e-vir) Centrum voor Reformatorische Wijsbegeerte
1281-2463 Philosophia scientiae Laboratoire d'histoire des sciences et de philosophie-Archives Henri Poincaré (Nancy)
1775-4283 Philosophia scientiæ (e-vir) Laboratoire d'histoire des sciences et de philosophie - Archives Henri Poincaré
0379-8402 Philosophica [Universiteit]
0872-4784 Philosophica Colibri; Sodilivros [distrib.]
2183-0134 Philosophica (e-vir) Colibri
0031-8051 Philosophical books Wiley-Blackwell
1468-0149 Philosophical books (e-vir) Blackwell
1386-9795 Philosophical explorations Van Gorcum
1741-5918 Philosophical explorations (e-vir) Routledge
2163-3215 Philosophical inquiry (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
1105-235X Philosophical Inquiry Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
0190-0536 Philosophical investigations Basil Blackwell
1467-9205 Philosophical investigations Blackwell.
1533-6077 Philosophical issues Ridgeview Pub. Co.
1758-2237 Philosophical issues (e-vir) Ridgeview Pub. Co.
0556-8641 Philosophical papers Rhodes University.; Rhodes University.; University of the Witwatersrand.
1996-8523 Philosophical papers Dept. of Philosophy, Rhodes University
1520-8583 Philosophical perspectives Blackwell Publishing
1758-2245 Philosophical perspectives (e-vir) Ridgeview
1742-8173 Philosophical practice Routledge
1742-8181 Philosophical practice (e-vir) American Philosophical Practitioners Association.
0951-5089 Philosophical psychology Carfax Publishing
1465-394X Philosophical psychology (e-vir) Routledge
0031-8116 Philosophical studies Reidel
0554-0739 Philosophical studies National University of Ireland
1573-0883 Philosophical studies (e-vir) Kluwer
2153-8379 Philosophical studies Philosophy Documentation Center
0160-7561 Philosophical studies in education Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society.
0276-2080 Philosophical topics University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.; Southwestern Philosophical Society.
2154-154X Philosophical topics (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
1361-9365 Philosophical writings Philosophical Writings, Department of Philosophy, University
0214-6207 Philosophica Malacitana Universidad de Málaga
0193-5046 Philosophic exchange State University of New York College at Brockport.; State University of New York College at Brockport.
0980-0891 Philosophique Section de philosophie Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines Université de Franche Comté
0316-2923 Philosophiques Ed. Bellarmin.
0031-8175 Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger Klostermann
2194-5845 Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger Klostermann
0031-8159 Philosophische Rundschau Mohr
1868-7261 Philosophische Rundschau (e-vir) Mohr Siebeck
0031-8183 Philosophisches Jahrbuch K. Alber
0031-8191 Philosophy Cambridge University Press
1469-817X Philosophy (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1609-2392 Philosophy, culture, & traditions Union mondiale des sociétés catholiques de philosophie
1071-6076 Philosophy, psychiatry & psychology Johns Hopkins University Press
1086-3303 Philosophy, psychiatry & psychology Johns Hopkins University Press
0890-2461 Philosophy, theology Marquette University Press
0048-3915 Philosophy & public affairs Princeton University Press
1088-4963 Philosophy & public affairs (e-vir) Princeton University Press
0031-8213 Philosophy & rhetoric Pennsylvania State University Press.
1527-2079 Philosophy & rhetoric Pennsylvania State University Press
0191-4537 Philosophy & social criticism s.n.
1461-734X Philosophy & social criticism (e-vir) Sage Publications
1090-3771 Philosophy and geography Rowman & Littlefield
0190-0013 Philosophy and literature University of Michigan--Dearborn
1086-329X Philosophy and literature Johns Hopkins University Press
0031-8205 Philosophy and phenomenological research International Phenomenological Society
1933-1592 Philosophy and phenomenological research (e-vir) International Phenomenological Society; Blackwell
0377-2772 Philosophy and social action Sharma.
1022-4874 Philosophy and the history of science Yuan-Liou Publishing Co. Ltd..
2153-828X Philosophy and theology Philosophy Documentation Center
1747-9991 Philosophy compass (e-vir) Wiley Online Library
0031-8221 Philosophy East & West University Press of Hawaii
1529-1898 Philosophy East and West (e-vir) University of Hawaii Press
0742-2733 Philosophy in context Cleveland State University.
1206-5269 Philosophy in review Academic Printing & Pub.
0277-2434 Philosophy in science Specola vaticana.; Papieska Akademia Teologiczna (Kraków, Poland); Pachart Foundation.
1077-1999 Philosophy in the contemporary world The Society for Philosophy in the Contemporary World
2153-3377 Philosophy in the contemporary world Philosophy Documentation Center
0961-5970 Philosophy now Philosophy Now
2044-9992 Philosophy now Anja Publications
0094-1050 Philosophy of education Arizona State University. Bureau of Educational Research and Services.
1063-5734 Philosophy of music education review Indiana University, School of Music
1543-3412 Philosophy of music education review School of Music, Indiana University; Indiana University Press
0031-8248 Philosophy of science Philosophy of Science Association
1539-767X Philosophy of science (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
0048-3931 Philosophy of the social sciences Sage Publications
1552-7441 Philosophy of the social sciences (e-vir) Sage Publications
0164-0771 Philosophy research archives Bowling Green State University.; American Philosophical Association.; Canadian Philosophical Association.
2153-795X Philosophy research archives Bowling Green State University.; American Philosophical Association.; Canadian Philosophical Association.
2153-8069 Philosophy research archives (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
0031-8256 Philosophy today Messenger Press, Society of the Most Precious Blood
2329-8596 Philosophy today (e-vir) Messenger Press, Society of the Most Precious Blood
0031-8299 Phoenix University of Toronto Press
1929-4883 Phoenix (e-vir) University of Toronto Press
0031-8868 Phronesis Van Gorcum
1568-5284 Phronesis Brill
1561-4018 Phronimon South African Society for Greek Philosophy and the Humanities
0375-9601 Physics letters North-Holland
1873-2429 Physics letters (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0953-8585 Physics world IOP Publishing
2058-7058 Physics world (e-vir) IOP Publishing
1521-3943 Physik in unserer Zeit (e-vir) Wiley-VCH
0031-9252 Physik in Unserer Zeit Verlag Chemie GmbH
0031-9414 Physis Leo Olschki Editore
0161-956X PJE. Peabody journal of education George Peabody College of Teachers.
0032-3217 Political studies Sage Publications
1467-9248 Political studies (e-vir) Sage Publications
0090-5917 Political theory Sage Publications.
1552-7476 Political theory (e-vir) Sage Publications
0942-2307 Politisches Denken
0303-8157 Pozna%n studies in the philosophy of the sciences and the humanities Rodopi; Grüner
1875-7243 Poznan studies in the philosophy of the sciences and the humanities (e-vir) Rodopi
0929-0907 Pragmatics & cognition John Benjamins
1569-9943 Pragmatics & cognition John Benjamins
1513-6442 Prajñā Vihāra ABAC Graduate School of Human Science, Assumption University
0032-7026 Praxis Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo
0120-4688 Praxis Filosófica Universidad del Valle.
2389-9387 Praxis Filosófica (e-vir) Universidad del Valle
0260-8448 Praxis international Basil Blackwell
0350-2791 Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine Institut za filozofiju Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
1847-4489 Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine (e-vir) Institut za filozofiju
0933-5749 Prima philosophia Junghans
1414-4247 Principia Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Núcleo de Epistemologia e Lógica
1808-1525 Principia (e-vir) Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Núcleo de Epistemologia e Lógica.
1808-1711 Principia Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Núcleo de Epistemologia e Lógica.
0104-8694 Princípios Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Departamento de Filosofia, Programa de Pós-graduação em Filosofia
1983-2109 Princípios (e-vir) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Departamento de Filosofia, Programa de Pós-graduação em Filosofia
1392-1126 Problemos Vilniaus universiteto leidykla; Vilniaus universiteto leidykla; Vilniaus universitetas; Vilniaus universitetas; Vilniaus universiteto leidykla; Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
2424-6158 Problemos (e-vir) Filosofijos fakultetas, Vilniaus universitetas; Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University
0065-972X Proceedings and addresses of the American Philosophical Association American Philosophical Association
2325-9248 Proceedings and addresses of the American Philosophical Association (e-vir) American Philosophical Association
0079-1733 Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society Philosophy of Education Society (U.S.).
0065-7638 Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association The Office
2153-7925 Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
0003-049X Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society The American Philosophical Society
2326-9243 Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (e-vir) American Philosophical Society
0066-7374 Proceedings of the Aristotelian society Aristotelian Society
1467-9264 Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society for the Systematic Study of Philosophy (e-vir) Williams and Norgate
1059-986X Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy.
2213-4417 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy Brill.
0306-7114 Proceedings of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Basil Blackwell.
0360-6503 Process studies [Process Studies at the School of Theology at Claremont]
2154-3682 Process studies Philosophy Documentation Center
1063-6579 Professional ethics Center for Applied Philosophy, University of Florida,
2154-3658 Professional ethics Philosophy Documentation Center
1333-4395 Prolegomena Udruga za promicanje filozofije
1846-0593 Prolegomena (e-vir) Udruga za promicanje filozofije.
Y504-8087 Prolegomena Udruga za promicanje filozofije
1358-6785 Prospero PER-Prospero.
1434-4319 ProtoSociology G. Preyer
1611-1281 ProtoSociology (e-vir) G. Preyer
0940-4147 Protosoziologie Protosoziologie c/o G. Preyer.
2327-9486 PSA (e-vir) Philosophy of Science Association.
0270-8647 PSA; (e-vir) Philosophy of Science Association [etc.]
1039-723X Psyche Monash University. Dept. of Computer Science.
0033-295X Psychological review American Psychological Association
0033-3018 Psychologische Beiträge Pabst
0887-0373 Public affairs quarterly Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University
2152-0542 Public affairs quarterly (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University
0213-5965 Quaderns de filosofia i ciència Societat de Filosofia del País Valencià
1011-226X Quest University of Zambia, Department of Philosophy
0300-211X Radical philosophy Radical Philosophy Group
1388-4441 Radical philosophy review Humanities Press
1569-1659 Radical philosophy review (e-vir) Brill Academic Publishers]
0048-6779 Rassegna Internazionale di logica Franco Spisani
0034-0006 Ratio Basil Blackwell
1467-9329 Ratio (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0952-1917 Ratio juris Blackwell
1467-9337 Ratio juris (e-vir) Blackwell
1043-4631 Rationality and society Sage Publications
1461-7358 Rationality and society (e-vir) Sage Publications
0048-6906 Reason Reason Foundation
0363-1893 Reason papers s.n.]
2379-3996 Reason papers (e-vir) State University of New York College at Fredonia.
1130-6149 Recerca Universitat de València; Universitat Jaume I
2254-4135 Recerca Universitat Jaume I de Castellón
0034-1398 Rechtstheorie Duncker und Humblot
1865-519X Rechtstheorie (e-vir) Duncker & Humblot
0862-6901 Reflexe Institut pro středoevropskou kulturu a politiku
2533-7637 Reflexe (e-vir) OIKOYMENH
1130-5533 Reflexión Universidad de Sevilla
0034-3986 Religion in life Abingdon Press
0034-4087 Religious education Routledge
1547-3201 Religious education Religious Education Association
0034-4095 Religious humanism Fellowship of Religious Humanists.
0034-4125 Religious studies Cambridge University Press.
1469-901X Religious studies (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0034-4400 Rendezvous Idaho State University.
1067-2478 Report from the Institute for Philosophy & Public Policy University of Maryland, College Park. Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy.
0137-2904 Reports on mathematical logic Jagiellonian University Press
2084-2589 Reports on Mathematical Logic (e-vir) Jagiellonian University Press
0324-8712 Reports on Philosophy Jagiellonian university press
0085-5553 Research in phenomenology Duquesne University Press
1569-1640 Research in phenomenology Brill :; Humanities Press
0161-7249 Research in philosophy & technology Society for Philosophy & Technology (U.S.)
0048-7325 Research Journal of Philosophy & Social Sciences Anu Books
1356-4765 Res publica Springer
1572-8692 Res publica (e-vir) Kluwer
0258-1701 Review journal of philosophy & social science Anu Books
0361-1531 Review of existential psychology and psychiatry Association of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry.
0969-2290 Review of international political economy Routledge
1466-4526 Review of international political economy (e-vir) Routledge
0211-612X Revista agustiniana Agustinos.
2463-1159 Revista colombiana de filosofía de la ciencia (e-vir)
0124-4620 Revista Colombiana de Filosofía y Ciencia Universidad El Bosque.
0034-818X Revista de estudios hispánicos University of Alabama Press
2164-9308 Revista de estudios hispánicos (e-vir) University of Alabama.; University of Alabama.; Vassar College.; Washington University (Saint Louis, Mo.).; Washington University (Saint Louis, Mo.).
1577-0079 Revista de estudios orteguianos Fundación José Ortega y Gasset.
0034-8244 Revista de filosofia Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones
1695-5129 Revista de filosofia (e-vir) UCM. Filosofía.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Filosofía.
0034-8236 Revista de filosofía Departamento de Filosofía. Universidad de Chile; Sociedad Chilena de Filosofía
0185-3481 Revista de filosofía Universidad Iberoamericana
0326-8160 Revista de filosofía Asociación de Estudios Filosóficos.
0718-4360 Revista de filosofía (e-vir) Departamento de Filosofía. Universidad de Chile; Sociedad Chilena de Filosofía
0798-1171 Revista de filosofía Centro de estudios filosóficos "Adolfo García Díaz" de la Facultad de humanidades y educación de la Universidad del Zulia
1988-284X Revista de filosofía Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones
0034-8252 Revista de filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Filosofia.
0034-8260 Revista de filosofie Editura Academiei Române
1136-8071 Revista de hispanismo filosófico Asociación de Hispanismo Filosófico
0541-8607 Revista de la Universidad de Madrid Universidad de Madrid.
1133-0902 Revista española de filosofía medieval Sociedad de Filosofía Medieval; Universidad de Zaragoza; Universidad de Córdoba
0872-0851 Revista filosófica de Coimbra I.E.F.
1132-9432 Revista internacional de filosofía política Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España); Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
1852-9178 Revista latinoamericana de filosofia Centro de Investigaciones Filosóficas
0325-0725 Revista latinoamericana de filosofía Centro de investigaciones filosóficas
1852-7353 Revista latinoamericana de filosofía (e-vir) Centro de Investigaciones Filosóficas
1514-5999 Revista patagónica de filosofía Fundación Bariloche. Programa de Filosofía.; Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Humanidades. Maestría en Filosofía e Historia de las Ciencias.
1982-2928 Revista philósophos (e-vir) Universidade Federal de Goiás, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia
0870-5283 Revista portuguesa de filosofia Faculdade de Filosofia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa
2183-461X Revista portuguesa de filosofia (e-vir) Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
2477-9555 Revista Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana (e-vir) Universidad del Zulia / Facultad de Humanidades y Educación
1013-2368 Revista venezolana de filosofía Universidad Simón Bolívar (Venezuela)Sociedad Venezolana de Filosofía.
0303-3856 Revolutionary world Grüner
0035-2292 Revue d'esthetique Presses universitaires de France
0041-9206 Revue de l'Université d'Ottawa University of Ottawa.
0035-1571 Revue de métaphysique et de morale Hachette
2102-5177 Revue de métaphysique et de morale (e-vir) PUF
0035-2012 Revue des études augustiniennes [s.n.]
0035-2209 Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques Le Saulchoir
2118-4445 Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques (e-vir) Vrin
0035-1784 Revue de théologie et de philosophie Revue de théologie et de philosophie,
2297-1254 Revue de théologie et de philosophie (e-vir) Revue de théologie et de philosophie
0556-7807 Revue française de pédagogie Institut pédagogique national
2105-2913 Revue française de pédagogie (e-vir) [INRP, Service des publications]
0048-8143 Revue internationale de philosophie Groeninghe; diffusion Presses universitaires de France
2033-0138 Revue internationale de philosophie (e-vir) Association R.I.P.
0035-3833 Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger PUF
2104-385X Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger (e-vir) PUF
0035-3841 Revue philosophique de Louvain Institut supérieur de philosophie
1783-1768 Revue philosophique de Louvain (e-vir) Peeters Publishers
1220-5400 Revue roumaine de philosophie Editura Academiei Române
0035-4031 Revue roumaine des sciences sociales. Série philosophie et logique Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România
0035-4295 Revue thomiste P. Lethielleux
0035-449X Rheinisches Museum für Philologie Sauerländer
1312-3963 Rhizai Southeast-European Association for Ancient Philosophy
0080-3073 Rinascimento Leo S. Olschki
0035-6212 Rivista di estetica Rosenberg & Sellier
2421-5864 Rivista di estetica (e-vir) Rosenberg & Sellier
0035-6239 Rivista di filosofia Einaudi
2612-1042 Rivista di filosofia (e-vir) Formiggini
0035-6247 Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica Vita e pensiero
1827-7926 Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica (e-vir) Vita e Pensiero
0393-2516 Rivista di storia della filosofia Franco Angeli
1972-5558 Rivista di storia della filosofia (e-vir) Franco Angeli
0035-659X Rivista di Studi Crociani Società Napoletana di Storia Patria
0035-6727 Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto Giuffrè
0557-4404 Rückert-Studien Ergon-Verl..
0036-0163 Russell Bertrand Russell Research Centre, Faculty of Humanities, McMaster University.
1913-8032 Russell (e-vir) Bertrand Russell Archives.; Bertrand Russell Research Centre.
1061-1967 Russian studies in philosophy M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
1558-0431 Russian studies in philosophy (e-vir) M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
1044-0011 S'vara Columbia University.; Mekhon Shalom Harṭman (Jerusalem)
0080-5319 Saeculum Alber
0258-8412 Säi yěu yán Thought and Words Association.; Säi yěu yán zázhì shè.
0036-3529 Salmagundi Skidmore College
0080-5696 Salzburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie Universitätsverlag Anton Pustet
0097-8051 San José studies San José State University.
0036-4703 Sapientia Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina Santa María de los Buenos Aires
0036-4711 Sapienza Marzorati; Editrice domenicana italiana EDI,; [s. n.]
1357-1559 Sartre studies international Berghahn Books
1558-5476 Sartre studies international (e-vir) Berghahn Books, Inc.
1600-1974 Sats Philosophia Press
1869-7577 Sats de Gruyter
0080-6935 Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch Königshausen und Neumann.
0300-9955 Science, Medicine and Man Pergamon
1552-8251 Science, technology, & human values (e-vir) Sage Publications
0162-2439 Science, technology & human values Sage Publications
0036-8237 Science & society Science & society
1943-2801 Science & society (e-vir) Science and Society, Inc.
1353-3452 Science and engineering ethics Opragen.
1471-5546 Science and engineering ethics (e-vir) Opragen
0268-490X Science and public affairs Royal Society (Great Britain)
1678-3166 Scientiae Studia Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Filosofia
2316-8994 Scientiae Studia (e-vir) Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Filosofia
0582-2351 Scientia paedagogica experimentalis Vakgroep Pedagogiek, Universiteit Gent
0036-8733 Scientific American Munn & Co.
1946-7087 Scientific American (e-vir) Munn & Co.
0036-9306 Scottish journal of theology T. & T. Clark.
1475-3065 Scottish journal of theology (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1121-6530 Segni e comprensione Università degli studi di Lecce. Dipartimento di filosofia.; Centro italiano di ricerche fenomenologiche di Roma.; Comunità di Ricerca di Milano.
1828-5368 Segni e comprensione Coordinamento SIBA
0395-3556 Semantikos Semantikos,
0037-1998 Semiotica Mouton de Gruyter
1613-3692 Semiotica Mouton de Gruyter.
0037-3028 Seventeenth century news University of Florida
2332-1369 Seventeenth century news (e-vir) Milton Society of America.; Modern Language Association of America.
1665-1324 Signos filosóficos UAM, Unidad Iztapalapa, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
1579-7392 Silva Universidad de León
1120-9550 Sistemi intelligenti Società Editrice il Mulino
1973-8226 Sistemi intelligenti Il Mulino
1105-1582 Skepsis Diethnes Kentro Filosofias kai Diepistäemonikäes Ereunas
0583-5577 Slovak Studies Istituto Slovacco
1084-2810 Smarandache notions journal Erhus University Press
2168-2445 Smarandache notions journal (e-vir) Universitatea din Craiova.; Universitatea din Craiova.
0176-1714 Social choice and welfare Springer
1432-217X Social choice and welfare Springer
1930-3653 Social education (e-vir) National Council for the Social Studies,; American Historical Association,
0037-7724 Social Education National Council for the Social Studies
0269-1728 Social epistemology Taylor & Francis
1464-5297 Social epistemology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0303-8300 Social indicators research Springer
1573-0921 Social indicators research (e-vir) Kluwer
0265-0525 Social philosophy & policy Cambridge University Press
1471-6437 Social philosophy and policy (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0304-2405 Social praxis Mouton
0037-783X Social research Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science, New School for Social Research
1944-768X Social research Published by the Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science organized under the New School for Social Research, Inc.
0539-0184 Social science information International social science council
1461-7412 Social science information (e-vir) International Social Science Council
0037-802X Social theory and practice Dept. of Philosophy, Florida State University.
2154-123X Social theory and practice (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
0038-0253 Sociological quarterly University of Missouri-Columbia, etc.
0038-0261 Sociological review Wiley-Blackwell
0038-0393 Sociology and social research s.n.
0115-8988 Sofia Department of Philosophy, De La Salle University.
1439-5886 Sonderheft ... der Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft
0038-1527 Sophia Melbourne University, Department of Philosophy
1873-930X Sophia (e-vir) Springer Netherlands
1135-1349 Sorites (e-vir) Colectivo Sorites
0038-1861 Soundings The University of Tennessee; The Society for Values in Higher Education
2161-6302 Soundings (e-vir) Society for Religion in Higher Education
0258-0136 South African journal of philosophy Bureau for Scientific Publications of the Foundation for Education, Science and Technology
2073-4867 South African journal of philosophy = School of Philosophy and Ethics, University of KwaZulu-Natal
1028-7833 South Pacific University of Papua New Guinea, Department of Politics and Philosophy.
0885-9310 Southwest philosophical studies New Mexico-West Texas Philosophical Society.; Mountain/Plains Philosophy Society.; Southwestern Philosophical Society.; Southwest Texas State University.; Weber State College.; New Mexico Texas Philosophical Society.
0897-2346 Southwest philosophy review Southwestern Philosophical Society
2154-1116 Southwest philosophy review Philosophy Documentation Center
0038-5883 Soviet studies in philosophy International Arts and Sciences Press.; M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
0038-6006 Sowjetwissenschaft Verl. Volk u. Welt.
0038-6073 Soziale Welt Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
Y509-8165 Soziale Welt (e-vir) Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
0890-0264 Spectrum Association of Adventist Forums.
0038-7134 Speculum Mediaeval Academy of America.
2040-8072 Speculum (e-vir) Mediaeval Academy of America
0038-8475 Sprache im technischen Zeitalter Kohlhammer
0039-1492 Stimmen der Zeit Herder
2628-5738 Stimmen der Zeit (e-vir)
1551-0433 Stirrings still State University of New York at Binghamton.
1541-4647 Streams of William James William James Society.
0049-2353 Stromata Facultades de Filosofía y Teología
0039-3142 Studia Filozoficzne Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0585-5292 Studia islamica Larose
1958-5705 Studia islamica (e-vir) Maisonneuve & Larose
0039-3185 Studia Leibnitiana
2366-228X Studia Leibnitiana (e-vir) Steiner
1572-8730 Studia logica (e-vir) Kluwer
0039-3215 Studia Logica Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich
1582-5647 Studia phaenomenologica Humanitas
2069-0061 Studia Phaenomenologica Humanitas
0585-5470 Studia Philosophiae Christianae Akademia Teologii Katolickiej
2720-0531 Studia Philosophiae Christianae (e-vir) Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego
1139-6660 Studia poliana Departamento de Filosofía, Universidad de Navarra
2387-1830 Studia poliana (e-vir) Universidad de Navarra
0179-3896 Studia Spinozana Königshausen u. Neumann
0093-3252 Studies - Hastings Center Institute of Society Ethics and the Life Sciences.
0039-3622 Studies in comparative religion Perennial Book Ltd.
0925-9392 Studies in East European thought Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-0948 Studies in East European thought Kluwer
1369-8486 Studies in history and philosophy of biological and biomedical sciences Elsevier Sciences
1355-2198 Studies in history and philosophy of modern physics Elsevier science
0039-3681 Studies in history and philosophy of science Pergamon
1879-2510 Studies in history and philosophy of science (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
1358-6823 Studies in Marxism Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom.
0039-3746 Studies in philosophy and education Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-191X Studies in philosophy and education (e-vir) Kluwer
1389-0506 Studies in practical philosophy Brill ;; Humanities Press
1569-1667 Studies in practical philosophy Brill]; Philosophy Documentation Center
2042-0587 Studies in religion (e-vir) Wilfrid Laurier University Press
0008-4298 Studies in religion = Published by University of Toronto Press for the Canadian Corp. for Studies in Religion
1467-2219 Studies in social and political thought University of Sussex.
0039-3797 Studies in soviet thought Reidel
1124-1047 Studi filosofici Bibliopolis
2038-6613 Studi filosofici (e-vir) Bibliopolis
0585-766X Studium Institutos Pontificios de Filosofía y Teología "Santo Tomás"
0039-4149 Studium generale Springer.
0309-7013 Supplementary volume Aristotelian Society; Wiley-Blackwell
1467-8349 Supplement to the proceedings of the Aristotelian Society (e-vir) [Blackwell Publishers]
1480-2333 Symposium Canadian Society for Hermeneutics and Postmodern Thought
1917-9685 Symposium Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy
2154-5278 Symposium (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
0039-7857 Synthese Reidel[etc.]
1573-0964 Synthese (e-vir) Kluwer
0352-7875 Synthesis philosophica Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo; Savez filozofskih društava Jugoslavije
1848-2317 Synthesis philosophica (e-vir) Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo
0039-7989 Systematic zoology Society of Systematic Zoology.
0040-0475 Teachers College record Columbia University.
1382-6891 Teaching business ethics Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-1944 Teaching business ethics Kluwer
1544-4031 Teaching ethics Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum.
2154-0551 Teaching ethics Philosophy Documentation Center
1356-2517 Teaching in higher education Carfax
1470-1294 Teaching in higher education (e-vir) Routledge
0145-5788 Teaching philosophy Philosophy Documentation Center
2153-6619 Teaching philosophy Philosophy Documentation Center
0090-6514 Telos Telos Press
1940-459X Telos Telos Press Publishing
1132-0877 Telos :; Τέλος Sociedad Iberoamericana de Estudios Utilitaristas; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
0210-1602 Teorema Ediciones KRK
0040-4691 Texas studies in literature and language University of Texas Press
1534-7303 Texas studies in literature and language (e-vir) University of Texas Press
1092-6534 The acorn Gandhi-King Society.
2153-8263 The acorn Philosophy Documentation Center
0002-7650 The American Benedictine review American Benedictine Review.
0002-8762 The American historical review American Historical Association
1937-5239 The American historical review (e-vir) Macmillan Co.
0065-8995 The American journal of jurisprudence Notre Dame Law School.
2049-6494 The American journal of jurisprudence (e-vir) Notre Dame Law School; Oxford University Press
0732-4928 The annual of the Society of Christian Ethics Society of Christian Ethics (U.S.)
2372-9023 The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics (e-vir) Society of Christian Ethics; Distributed by the Council on the Study of Religion
0003-5769 The Antioch review Antioch Review, Inc.
2326-9707 The Antioch review (e-vir) Antioch Review
0045-124X The Ayn Rand letter The Ayn Rand Letter, inc.]
1547-0334 The Bertrand Russell Society quarterly Bertrand Russell Society.; St. John Fisher College. Dept. of Philosophy.
1474-001X The British journal for the history of science (e-vir) British Society for the History of Science
0007-0882 The British journal for the philosophy of science Oxford University Press
1464-3537 The British journal for the philosophy of science (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0007-0904 The British journal of aesthetics Oxford University Press
1468-2842 The British journal of aesthetics (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0007-2869 The Bucknell review (e-vir) Bucknell University Press
1552-4183 The bulletin of science, technology & society (e-vir) Sage Publications
1943-5894 The bulletin of symbolic logic (e-vir) Association for Symbolic Logic
0008-2007 The Cambridge review Cambridge Review Committee, St. John's College; Taylor & Francis
0841-8209 The Canadian journal of law and jurisprudence Faculty of Law, University of Western Ontario
2375-4869 The centennial review (e-vir) College of Science and Arts, Michigan State University
0162-0177 The Centennial review College of Arts and Letters, Michigan State University
0361-8234 The Christian scholar The Commission
2327-9893 The Christian scholar (e-vir) National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.; National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.; National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.
0009-8353 The classical journal Classical Association of the Middle West and South, etc.]
2327-5812 The classical journal (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
0009-840X The Classical review Oxford University Press
1464-3561 The Classical review (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0009-8418 The Classical world Classical Association of the Atlantic States.
1558-9234 The Classical world (e-vir) Classical Association of the Atlantic States
0574-380X The Crane review Crane Theological School.
0012-5806 The Downside review College of St. Gregory (Downside, England).; Downside Abbey (Bath, England)
2397-3498 The Downside review (e-vir)
0013-1725 The Educational forum Kappa Delta Pi [etc.]
1938-8098 The Educational forum Routeledge, Taylor and Francis
0013-1873 The Educational record American Council on Education.
1046-1868 The Fletcher forum of world affairs Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
2767-4371 The Fletcher forum of world affairs (e-vir) Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
0016-3120 The furrow Furrow Trust
0016-8386 The Georgia review University of Georgia
2329-714X The Georgia review (e-vir) University of Georgia
0436-1644 The Gordon review Gordon College and Gordon Divinity School.; Gordon College of Theology and Missions.
0017-2820 The Graduate journal University of Texas at Austin.; University of Texas.
1062-6239 The Harvard review of philosophy The Harvard Review of Philosophy
2153-9154 The Harvard review of philosophy The Harvard Review of Philosophy; Philosophy Documentation Center
0017-8160 The Harvard theological review Harvard Divinity School
0093-0334 The Hastings Center report Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences
1552-146X The Hastings Center report (e-vir) Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences
2326-1099 The Hastings Center studies (e-vir) Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences.; Hastings Center.
0017-8322 The Hastings law journal (e-vir) Hastings College of Law
0019-1795 The Iliff review Criterion Press.
0378-4789 The Independent journal of philosophy George Elliot Tucker
0047-0384 The Insurgent sociologist Dept. of Sociology, University of Oregon, etc.
0739-098X The International journal of applied philosophy H.A. Heise
1447-9532 The international journal of diversity in organisations, communities and nations Common Ground Publishing
1447-9583 The International journal of diversity in organisations, communities and nations (e-vir) Common Ground Publishing
1744-053X The international journal of human rights (e-vir) Frank Cass & Co.
1447-9494 The international journal of learning Common Ground Publisher
1447-9540 The international journal of learning (e-vir) Common Ground Publishing
0021-1400 The Irish theological quarterly Faculty of Theology Maynooth College
0021-6682 The Jewish quarterly review Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning
1553-0604 The Jewish quarterly review (e-vir) D. Nutt
1543-7809 The journal of aesthetic education (e-vir) University of Illinois Press
0021-8510 The Journal of aesthetic education. University of Illinois Press
0021-8529 The journal of aesthetics and art criticism Blackwell Publishing; American Society for Aesthetics
1540-6245 The journal of aesthetics and art criticism (e-vir) Blackwell
1526-1018 The journal of Ayn Rand studies Journal of Ayn Rand Studies Foundation
2169-7132 The journal of Ayn Rand studies (e-vir) Journal of Ayn Rand Studies Foundation
1046-7890 The journal of clinical ethics Published for the Journal of Clinical Ethics by University Pub. Group
1945-5879 The Journal of clinical ethics (e-vir) Published for the Journal of Clinical Ethics by University Pub. Group
2561-7990 The journal of educational thought (e-vir) Faculty of Education, University of Calgary
1382-4554 The journal of ethics Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8609 The Journal of ethics Kluwer Academic Publishers
1527-2060 The journal of general education (e-vir) State University of Iowa
0022-1309 The Journal of general psychology Journal Press
1940-0888 The Journal of general psychology (e-vir) Journal Press
1538-4640 The journal of higher education (e-vir) Ohio State University Press
0022-1546 The Journal of higher education Ohio State University Press.
1073-1105 The Journal of law, medicine & ethics American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
1748-720X The Journal of law, medicine & ethics (e-vir) American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
0749-2227 The journal of law & politics Journal of Law & Politics
0363-2873 The journal of libertarian studies Pergamon Press
1573-3645 The Journal of medical humanities Kluwer
0882-6498 The Journal of medical humanities and bioethics Human Sciences Press
1744-5019 The journal of medicine and philosophy (e-vir) Swets & Zeitlinger Pub.; Taylor & Francis
0360-5310 The Journal of medicine and philosophy Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy
0271-0137 The Journal of mind and behavior Journal of Mind and Behavior, Inc.
0305-7240 The Journal of moral education Pemberton Publ. Co.; Taylor and Francis
2167-6437 The journal of Negro education (e-vir) Published by the Lancaster Press, for the College of Education, Howard University
0022-2984 The Journal of Negro education Howard University Press
1065-5840 The journal of neoplatonic studies International Society for Neoplatonic Studies,; State University of New York at Binghamton.
0102-3411 The Journal of non-classical logics Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp, Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência
1939-8549 The journal of philosophy (e-vir) F.J.E. Woodbridge; W.T. Bush
0022-362X The Journal of philosophy F.J.E. Woodbridge; The Journal of philosophy
0963-8016 The journal of political philosophy Blackwell
1467-9760 The journal of political philosophy (e-vir) Blackwell.
0022-3816 The Journal of politics University of Chicago Press
1468-2508 The Journal of politics (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
1549-6538 The journal of religion (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
0022-4189 The Journal of religion University of Chicago Press
0022-4235 The Journal of religious thought School of Religion, Howard University.
1559-8519 The journal of sex research (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0022-4499 The Journal of sex research Taylor & Francis
1527-9383 The journal of speculative philosophy (e-vir) [publisher not identified]
0891-625X The Journal of speculative philosophy s.n.]
1943-5886 The journal of symbolic logic (e-vir) Association for Symbolic Logic
0022-4812 The Journal of symbolic logic Association for Symbolic Logic
0003-1070 The Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research American Society for Psychical Research.
1083-6586 The journal of the Association for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Arts Association for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Arts.
0022-5363 The journal of value inquiry Springer
1573-0492 The journal of value inquiry (e-vir) Kluwer
0163-075X The Kenyon review Kenyon College
2327-8307 The Kenyon review (e-vir) Kenyon College
1524-1556 The Leibniz review Leibnitz Society of North America
2153-9162 The Leibniz review Philosophy Documentation Center
0024-5275 The Living light United States Catholic Conference. Dept. of Education.; National Center of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.; National Center of Religious Education--CCD.
0025-0406 The Maha Bodhi Maha Bodhi Society of India
0025-4878 The Massachusetts review Massachusetts Review, inc.
2330-0485 The Massachusetts review (e-vir) Massachusetts Review, Inc.
0026-4253 The Mill news letter Victoria College (Toronto, Ont.)
0026-7961 The modern law review Sweet & Maxwell
1468-2230 The modern law review (e-vir) Blackwell
0026-8402 The Modern schoolman St. Louis University.; St. Louis University.
2164-0726 The Modern schoolman (e-vir) Saint Louis University
0026-9662 The monist The Hegeler Institute
2153-3601 The monist (e-vir) [Open Court for the Hegeler Institute]
0027-0172 The Month Month
0734-0222 The new criterion Foundation for Cultural Review
0028-4793 The New England journal of medicine Massachusetts Medical Society
1533-4406 The New England journal of medicine (e-vir) Massachusetts Medical Society, NEJM Group
2153-909X The new scholasticism (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
0028-6621 The New scholasticism American Catholic Philosophical Association, etc.
1533-7472 The new yearbook for phenomenology and phenomenological philosophy Noesis Press,; Routledge
2157-0752 The new yearbook for phenomenology and phenomenological philosophy Philosophy Documentation Center
0029-4535 The Notre Dame lawyer Students of Notre Dame College of Law
0029-7607 The Objectivist The Objectivist],
0078-4257 The Ohio University review; Ohio University,
0040-5639 Theological studies Theological Studies, inc., etc.
2169-1304 Theological studies (e-vir) Theological Studies
0040-5655 Theologie und Philosophie Herder
2626-5346 Theologie und Philosophie (e-vir)
0040-5701 Theologische Zeitschrift Universität Basel; Verlag Friedrich Reinhardt
0040-5728 Theology digest St. Louis University
0040-5736 Theology today Science Press
2044-2556 Theology today (e-vir) Westminster Press
0167-9902 Theoretical medicine Reidel
1386-7415 Theoretical medicine and bioethics (e-vir) Kluwer Online
0040-5825 Theoria Filosofoska institutionen, Kungshuset Lundag°ard.
0351-2274 Theoria Filozofsko društvo Srbije
0495-4548 Theoria Centro de Análisis, Lógica e Informática Jurídica
1755-2567 Theoria (e-vir) C.W.K. Gleerup
2171-679X Theoria Universidad del País Vasco; CALIJ
2406-081X Theoria (e-vir) Filozofsko društvo Srbije
0049-3686 Theoria to theory Gordon and Breach Science Publ..
0263-2764 Theory, culture & society Sage Publications
1460-3616 Theory, culture & society (e-vir) Sage Publications
Y505-4109 Theory, culture & society (e-vir) Sage Publications
0040-5833 Theory and decision Reidel
1573-7187 Theory and decision (e-vir) Kluwer
1477-8785 Theory and research in education Sage
1741-3192 Theory and research in education (e-vir) Sage Publications.
2153-3385 The owl of Minerva Philosophy Documentation Center
0030-7580 The Owl of Minerva Philosophy Dept., Villanova University
0552-914X The Pakistan philosophical journal Pakistan Philosophical Congress.; University of the Punjab. Department of Philosophy.
0885-6559 The Pedagogical seminary and journal of genetic psychology Clark University
0031-5621 The Personalist School of Philosophy, University of Southern California
0889-065X The personalist forum Dept. of Philosophy, Furman University
2153-6589 The personalist forum Dept. of Philosophy, Furman University
1354-814X The philosophers' magazine Philosophers' Magazine; Acumen; Equinox
1467-2545 The philosophers' magazine (CD-Rom) (e-vir) Philosophers' Magazine.
1368-7611 The philosophers' web magazine [s.n.].
1467-9191 The philosophical forum (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
0031-806X The Philosophical forum Dept. of Philosophy, Boston University
0031-8094 The philosophical quarterly Blackwell
1467-9213 The philosophical quarterly (e-vir) Blackwell
1558-1470 The philosophical review (e-vir) Ginn and Co.
0031-8108 The Philosophical review Sage School of Cornell University
0031-823X The Philosophy forum Northern Illinois University,
0091-3715 The Political science reviewer s.n.
1939-1471 The psychological review American Psychological Association
0033-5630 The quarterly journal of speech Speech Communication Association
1479-5779 The quarterly journal of speech (e-vir) Routledge
2154-1302 The review of metaphysics (e-vir) Philosophy Education Society
0034-6632 The Review of metaphysics Philosophy Education Society
1748-6858 The review of politics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0034-6705 The Review of politics University of Notre Dame.
0196-5344 The Review of religion Columbia University Press
1545-3367 The Saint Anselm journal Institute for Saint Anselm Studies
2689-6230 The Saint Anselm journal Institute for Saint Anselm Studies
0036-6773 The school review Cornell University
1940-1213 The school review (e-vir) Cornell University
0036-8555 The science teacher American Science Teachers Association
1943-4871 The science teacher (e-vir) [American Science Teachers Association]
2327-7513 The scientific monthly (e-vir) Science Press
0096-3771 The Scientific monthly American Association for the Advancement of Science, etc.]
0037-3052 The Sewanee review University of the South
1934-421X The Sewanee review (e-vir) T. Hodgson
1533-8525 The sociological quarterly (e-vir) Blackwell
1467-954X The Sociological review (e-vir) Blackwell Synergy; Wiley
0038-2876 The South Atlantic quarterly Duke University Press
1527-8026 The South Atlantic quarterly (e-vir) [Duke University Press]
0038-4283 The Southern journal of philosophy Department of Philosophy, University
2041-6962 The Southern journal of philosophy (e-vir) [Dept. of Philosophy, Memphis State University]
0038-4496 The Southern quarterly University of Southern Mississippi]
2377-2050 The Southern quarterly (e-vir) University of Southern Mississippi.
0038-481X The Southwestern journal of philosophy Southwestern Philosophical Society.
2154-1043 The Southwestern journal of philosophy (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
0040-6325 The Thomist Dominicans.
0041-9524 The University of Dayton review University of Dayton.
1080-8582 The University of Memphis law review Published by the students of Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law, the University of Memphis
0042-2983 The Vedanta Kesari Sri Ramakrishna Math.
0042-7195 The Visvabharati quarterly Visvabharati.
0043-4078 The Western political quarterly University of Utah
0043-5597 The William and Mary quarterly Institute of Early American History and Culture.
1933-7698 The William and Mary quarterly (e-vir) College of William and Mary
0044-0094 The Yale law journal Yale Journal Co.
1939-8611 The Yale law journal (e-vir) Yale Law Journal Co.
Y505-5474 The Yale law journal (e-vir) Yale Law Journal Company
0044-0124 The Yale review Yale University Press
1467-9736 The Yale review (e-vir) Blackwell
0190-3330 Thinking Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children
0143-6597 Third world quarterly Third World Foundation
1360-2241 Third world quarterly (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0040-6457 Thought Fordham University Press, etc.]
2154-2139 Thought Philosophy Documentation Center
0774-1847 Tijdschrift voor de studie van de verlichting en van het vrije denken Centrum voor de studie van de verlichting en van het vrije denken, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
0040-750X Tijdschrift voor Philosophie Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte
0049-3929 Times higher education supplement Times Newspapers Limited
0188-6649 Tópicos Universidad panamericana.
1666-485X Tópicos Asociación Revista de Filosofía
1668-723X Tópicos (e-vir) Asociación Revista de Filosofía de Santa Fe
0167-7411 Topoi Reidel; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8749 Topoi Kluwer; Springer
1136-4343 Torre de los Lujanes Real Sociedad Económica Matritense de Amigos del País.
0378-4274 Toxicology letters Elsevier/North-Holland
1879-3169 Toxicology letters (e-vir) Elsevier
0362-1529 Traditio Fordham University Press
2166-5508 Traditio (e-vir) Cosmpolitan Science & Art Service Co.
1057-1027 Tradition & discovery Polanyi Society.
2154-1566 Tradition & discovery The Polanyi Society
1406-0922 Trames Estonian Academy Publishers
1736-7514 Trames (e-vir) Estonian Academy Publishers
1560-182X Trans (e-vir) Institut zur Erforschung und Förderung österreichischer und internationaler Literaturprozesse
0101-3173 Trans/Form/Ação Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências, Departamento de Filosofia
1980-539X Trans/Form/Ação (e-vir) Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências, Departamento de Filosofia
0009-1774 Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society University of Massachusetts Press
1558-9587 Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society (e-vir) University of Massachusetts Press
0041-2716 Tribüne Tribüne-Verlag
0041-3992 Tulane law review Tulane Law Review Association
0082-6766 Tulane studies in philosophy Tulane University.
2154-0462 Tulane studies in philosophy Philosophy Documentation Center
0041-5650 UCLA law review School of Law, University of California, Los Angeles
0709-549X Ultimate reality and meaning University of Toronto Press.
0362-1545 Union Seminary quarterly review Union Theological Seminary (New York, N.Y.),
0163-2647 Universal human rights E.M. Coleman Enterprises.
2326-2109 Universal human rights (e-vir) Earl M. Coleman Enterprises, Inc.
0041-9079 Universitas Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
0120-5323 Universitas philosophica Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Facultad de Filosofia.
2346-2426 Universitas philosophica (e-vir) Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
0069-6242 University of Colorado studies University of Colorado (Boulder campus)
0041-9907 University of Pennsylvania law review University of Pennsylvania Law School
1942-8537 University of Pennsylvania law review (e-vir) University of Pennsylvania Law School
0041-9923 University of Portland review University of Portland.
0953-8208 Utilitas Oxford University Press
1741-6183 Utilitas (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1316-5216 Utopía y praxis latinoamericana Universidad del Zulia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales
0893-4851 Vera lex Natural Law Society
0042-3955 Veritas Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
1984-6746 Veritas (e-vir) Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
0042-417X Vermont life Vermont.; Vermont Development Commission.; Vermont.
0929-6328 Vienna Circle Institute yearbook Kluwer Academic Publishers; Springer
0042-7543 Vivarium Brill
1568-5349 Vivarium Brill
0043-017X Walt Whitman review Wayne State University Press
0043-0420 Washburn law journal Washburn University, School of Law
1942-8383 Washburn law journal (e-vir) Washburn University of Topeka.
0043-0862 Washington University law quarterly Washington University.
0043-1621 Wayne law review Wayne University Law School
1942-9991 Wayne law review (e-vir) Wayne University.; Wayne State University.
1057-0314 Western journal of communication Western States Communication Association
1745-1027 Western journal of communication (e-vir) Western States Communication Association
0083-8950 Western Ontario law review University of Western Ontario.
0043-3845 WHR University of Utah
0722-8104 Widerspruch Münchner Gesellschaft für Dialektische Philosophie.
0083-999X Wiener Jahrbuch für Philosophie Wilhelm Braumüller
0043-5589 William and Mary law review s.n.
2374-8524 William and Mary law review (e-vir) [publisher not identified]
0043-678X Wissenschaft und Weisheit Fachstelle Franziskanische Forschung.
0043-6798 Wissenschaft und Weltbild Österreichischer Bundesverlag
0943-5727 Wittgenstein studies (e-vir) Springer
0012-4273 XVIIe siècle Société d'étude du XVIIe siècle
0084-330X Yale classical studies Cambridge University Press.
1535-3532 Yale journal of health policy, law, and ethics Yale Law School
0084-3709 Yearbook of comparative criticism Pennsylvania State University Press
1304-0197 Yeditepe' de felsefe Yeditepe Üniversitesi.
0021-3306 ywn Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
0044-2216 Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie Kluwer Academic Publishers
1617-4720 Zeitschrift für Anomalistik Gesellschaft für Anomalistik
0945-7313 Zeitschrift für kritische Theorie zu Klampen.
0044-3050 Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften
1865-7109 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung (e-vir) Verl. d. Zeitschr. für Naturforschung
0932-0784 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. A, A journal of physical sciences Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung
0943-7592 Zeitschrift für neuere Theologiegeschichte = de Gruyter
1612-9776 Zeitschrift für neuere Theologiegeschichte = de Gruyter
0044-3301 Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung Klostermann
1439-2615 Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung (e-vir) Klostermann
0945-7232 Zeitschrift für philosophische Praxis Gesellschaft für Philosophische Praxis.; GPP.
1570-0739 Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte (e-vir) Brill
0044-3441 Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte = Brill; Brill
0044-3514 Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie H. Huber
1015-8995 Zhéxué lùnpíng = Guólì Tàiwäan dàxué zhéxué xì.
1392-8600 Žmogus ir žodis Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas; Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas; Lietuvos edukologijos universiteto leidykla; Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas
1822-7805 Žmogus ir žodis (e-vir) Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas
0591-2385 Zygon Joint Publication Board of the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science and Meadville Theological Seminary of Lombard College
1467-9744 Zygon (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell

Seznami revij, ki so vključene v mednarodne baze podatkov, so praviloma prevzeti iz spletnih strani proizvajalcev baz podatkov in vsi niso popolni. Nekateri so tekoči, drugi kumulativni in vključujejo tudi starejše revije, ki ne izhajajo več (npr. iz časa nekdanje Jugoslavije, če je bil sedež izdajatelja v Sloveniji). Vključene niso revije, pri katerih v seznamih proizvajalcev baz podatkov manjkajo številke ISSN ali pa seznami revij sploh niso dostopni. Nekateri proizvajalci tudi dokaj neredno ažurirajo sezname. Če ugotovite, da pri kakšni bazi podatkov manjka revija, ki jo navedena baza podatkov zanesljivo indeksira, to sporočite pristojnemu OSIC-u. Na podlagi ustreznih dokazil bo seznam dopolnjen.

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