Pojasnilo 11. 6. 2024


Seznam tujih revij, ki so vključene v mednarodno bazo podatkov
PAIS Index
do 2013


ISSN Revija Založnik/Izdajatelj
0002-5712 [Allemagne d'aujourd'hui] PUF,; Presses universitaires du Septentrion
0003-7176 [Après-demain] Centre d'éducation politique des futurs électeurs (Paris)
0005-1969 [Avenirs] Bureau universitaire de statistique et de documentation scolaires et professionnelles (France)
0007-8026 [Bulletin bibliographique] Centre de documentation internationale des industries utilisatrices de produits agricoles; Association pour la promotion industrie-agriculture (France); Commission internationale des industries agricoles et alimentaires
0248-7950 [Cahiers d'études chinoises] Publications Langues'O,
0009-1200 [Cahiers de documentation] Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Marseille
0035-1369 [Economie méridionale] Centre régional de la productivité et des études économiques (Montpellier)
0302-0622 [Euro-coopération] Bureau commun des publications Banco di Roma, Commerzbank, Crédit Lyonnais,
0223-3290 [Hommes et migrations. Documents] Etudes sociales nord-africaines,
0758-0967 [Index Revue économique de la Banque Indosuez] Banque Indosuez, service des études économiques.
0020-2134 [Instantanés criminologiques] Association française de criminologie.
0240-9925 [Inter régions] Conseil national des économies régionales (France)
0153-4459 [L'Economie du Centre-Est] Institut d'économie régionale Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Dijon)
0180-930X [Les Annales de la recherche urbaine] Centre de recherche et de rencontres d'urbanisme (Paris)
0154-9928 [Les Cahiers du Fédéralisme] Presses d'Europe; L'Europe en Formation
0533-0823 [Les Collections de l'INSEE. Série M, ménages] Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (France)
0533-0815 %[Les %Collections de l'INSEE. Série E, entreprises] Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques,
1074-9144 21st century Afro review International Association of Africanist Scholars.
0001-155X A.I.D.C. journal American Industrial Development Council.
1070-9401 A. magazine (e-vir) Metro East Publications, Inc.
0194-5947 ABA banking journal Published for the American Bankers Association by Simmons-Boardman Pub. Co.
0001-3072 Abacus Sydney University Press
1467-6281 Abacus (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers.
0747-0088 ABA journal American Bar Association
2162-7983 ABA journal American Bar Association
0001-0383 ABCA bulletin American Business Communication Association.
0928-9933 ABN AMRO economic review Algemene ABN AMRO Bank. Economics Department.
0169-5363 ABN economic review Algemene Bank Nederland
0001-3374 Absatzwirtschaft Handelsblatt-GmbH
0190-2946 Academe American Association of University Professors
2162-5247 Academe (e-vir) American Association of University Professors
1094-4192 AccessAsia review National Bureau of Asian Research (U.S.)
0001-4788 Accounting and business research Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
2159-4260 Accounting and business research (e-vir) [Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales]
0147-1554 Across the board The Conference Board, inc.
0001-592X Acta juridica. Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Akadémiai Kiadó
1216-2574 Acta juridica Hungarica Akadémiai Kiadó; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1588-2616 Acta juridica Hungarica (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó; Kluwer Academic Publishers
0001-6373 Acta oeconomica Akadémiai Kiadó
1588-2659 Acta oeconomica (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó
0001-6993 Acta sociologica Sage Publications
1502-3869 Acta sociologica (e-vir) Munksgaard for the Scandinavian Sociological Association
0186-6028 Acta sociológica Facultad de ciencias políticas y sociales.
2448-4938 Acta sociológica (e-vir) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Elsevier
0254-072X Actas procesales del derecho vivo Grafiúnica
0335-5322 Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales Maison des sciences de l'homme
0318-7306 Action Canada France Revue Action Canada France
0001-7566 Actividade económica de Angola Centro de informação e turismo de Angola.
0001-7655 Actualidad económica Recoletos Grupo de Comunicación.
0001-771X Actualité économique Ecole des hautes études commerciales
0395-9481 Actuel développement Actuel développement
0965-2140 Addiction Carfax
1360-0443 Addiction (e-vir) Carfax
0001-8325 Administration Institute of Public Administration
2449-9471 Administration (e-vir) De Gruyter Open
0095-3997 Administration & society Sage Publications.
1552-3039 Administration & society (e-vir) Sage Publications
0894-587X Administration and policy in mental health [Human Sciences Press]
1573-3289 Administration and policy in mental health Kluwer
0001-8392 Administrative science quarterly Cornell University; Sage
1930-3815 Administrative science quarterly (e-vir) Cornell University, Graduate School of Business and Public Administration
0001-849X Adult education National Institute of Adult Education
0741-7136 Adult education quarterly American Association for Adult and Continuing Education
1552-3047 Adult education quarterly American Association for Adult and Continuing Education
1538-0637 Advances in economic analysis & policy (e-vir) [Berkeley Electronic Press]
1093-7099 Advancing women in leadership (e-vir) Advancing Women (Organization),; Texas A & M University,
0001-8961 Advertising quarterly Advertising Association
0199-2864 Adweek A/S/M Communications
0163-9927 AEI foreign policy and defense review American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.
0001-964X Affari esteri Associazioni Italiana per gli studi di politica estera
0390-1181 Affari sociali internazionali Franco Angeli; Idos,
0001-9747 Affrica Associazione fra le imprese italiane in Africa; Edizioni IPI
0001-1177 AFL-CIO free trade union news AFL-CIO.; AFL-CIO.
0162-9794 A Forum on taxing & spending Institute for Contemporary Studies.
0001-9720 Africa International African Institute
0044-6475 Africa Africa Journal Ltd
1750-0184 Africa (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0044-6483 Africa confidential Miramoor Publications Ltd
1467-6338 Africa confidential (e-vir) Miramoor Publications Ltd
0258-4913 Africa media review African Council of Communication.
0002-029X Africana Bulletin Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
0001-9909 African affairs Oxford University Press
1468-2621 African affairs (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0141-3929 African business IC Magazines
1017-6772 African development review African Development Bank
1467-8268 African development review (e-vir) African Development Bank
0145-2258 African economic history African Studies Center, Boston University, etc.]
2163-9108 African economic history (e-vir) African Studies Program, University of Wisconsin
0850-5780 African population studies Union for African Population Studies
1074-1836 African profiles international TPA Communications,
1092-9851 African profiles USA TPA Communications.
1019-5823 African publishing review African Publishers' Network.; APNET.; Réseau africain pour les éditeurs.
0856-0056 African review Department of Political Education, University of Dar es Salaam
1939-2206 African security Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
1939-2214 African security (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis
0002-0206 African studies review African Studies Association
1555-2462 African studies review (e-vir) African Studies Center, Michigan State University
0001-9836 Africa report African-American Institute
1868-6869 Africa spectrum German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of African Affairs
0001-9887 Africa today Africa Today Associates, etc.
1527-1978 Africa today (e-vir) American Committee on Africa
0002-0397 Afrikaspectrum Institute of African Affairs, German Institute of Global and Area Studies
0002-0478 Afrique contemporaine Documentation française
0293-3160 Afrique industrie [s.n.]
0002-0729 Age and ageing Oxford University Press
1468-2834 Age and ageing (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1469-1779 Ageing & society (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0144-686X Ageing and society Cambridge University Press
1047-4781 AgExporter U.S. Department of Agriculture
0002-0966 Aging The Agency
0161-2514 Aging and work National Council on the Aging.
0044-6793 Agricultura em São Paulo Instituto de Economia Agricola
0002-1423 Agricultural economics research U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
0002-1466 Agricultural finance review United States Department of Agriculture
2041-6326 Agricultural finance review (e-vir) Emerald Group Publishing
0099-1066 Agricultural outlook The Service
0002-1717 Agriculture abroad Canada. Dept. of Agriculture. International Liaison Service.; Canada. Trade Commissioner Service.; Canada. Dept. of Agriculture. Economics Branch.
2168-3573 Agroecology and sustainable food systems (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0832-0438 AIDE, assistance et information pour le développement de l'entreprise Conseil des ministres au développement économique (Canada); Canada. Département d'État au développement économique.; Banque fédérale de développement (Canada)
0954-0121 AIDS care Carfax Publishing Company
1360-0451 AIDS care (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0899-9546 AIDS education and prevention Guilford Press
0179-3098 AIDS-Forschung Schulz
0019-7572 A indústria do norte Associação Industrial Portuense
0983-1592 Air & cosmos Air & cosmos international,
1554-2505 Air & space power journal (e-vir) AU Press
1555-385X Air & space power journal AU Press
0165-2079 Air law Kluwer
0897-0823 Airpower journal AU Press; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
0002-2543 Air transport world Reinhold Pub. Co.
0002-2594 Air University review / Air University (U.S.),; United States.
0021-969X A journal of church and state J. M. Dawson Studies in Church and State, Baylor University
0044-7048 Akron business and economic review Bureau of Business and Economic Research, College of Business Administration, University of Akron
0002-4163 Alabama business University of Alabama.; University of Alabama.
0002-4279 Alabama law review University of Alabama]
2162-6812 Alabama law review (e-vir) University of Alabama.
0160-3345 Alaska economic trends Alaska.; Alaska.; Alaska.
0883-0568 Alaska law review Duke University School of Law
1930-6598 Alaska law review (e-vir) Duke University.; Alaska Bar Association.
0734-4155 Alaska OCSEAP newsletter United States.; Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program.; United States.; United States.
0162-5403 Alaska review of social and economic conditions University of Alaska Fairbanks.
0002-4805 Alberta journal of educational research Faculty of Education, University of Alberta
0090-838X Alcohol health and research world U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor
0300-5755 Alimentaria [s.n.]
1614-0176 Allgemeines statistisches Archiv Physica-Verl.
0002-6018 Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht
1029-855X Al-Maǧallaẗ al-ʻarabiyyaẗ li-l-ʻuḷūm al-idāriyyaẗ.; المجلة العربية للعلوم الإدارية Maǧlis al-našr al-ʻilmī, Ğāmiʻaẗ al-Kuwayt; مجلس النشر الأكاديمي جامعة الكويت
0002-6549 Alta dirección Nauta
0188-7017 Alteridades Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
2448-850X Alteridades (e-vir) Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
1037-969X Alternative law journal Legal Service Bulletin Cooperative
2398-9084 Alternative law journal (e-vir)
0304-3754 Alternatives Lynne Rienner Publishers
1303-5525 Alternatives (e-vir) s. n.]
2163-3150 Alternatives (e-vir) Lynne Rienner Publishers
0247-3739 Alternatives économiques Association Alternatives économiques; Alternatives économiques; Alternatives économiques
0252-886X Amazonía peruana Centro Amazónico de Antropología y Aplicación Práctica
2810-8663 Amazonía peruana (e-vir) Centro Amazónico de Antropología y Aplicación Práctica
1545-8741 Amber waves Economic Research Service
1545-875X Amber waves (e-vir) U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Economic Research Service
0326-422X Ambiente y recursos naturales SADARN.; Sociedad Argentina para el Derecho y la Administración del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales.
1130-2887 América Latina hoy SEPLA; Instituto de Estudios de Iberoamérica y Portugal
2340-4396 América Latina hoy (e-vir) Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
0002-726X American annals of the deaf Executive Committee of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf
1543-0375 American annals of the deaf (e-vir) Executive Committee of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf
0731-6763 American-Arab affairs American-Arab Affairs Council.; Middle East Policy Council (U.S.)
0002-7596 American Bar Association journal American Bar Association.
0163-4089 American demographics American Demographics Inc.
1094-8120 American diplomacy (e-vir) University, Chapel Hill's College of Arts and Science
1080-3920 American foreign policy interests National Committee on Foreign Policy
1533-2128 American foreign policy interests (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0095-182X American Indian quarterly Southwestern American Indian Society
1534-1828 American Indian quarterly (e-vir) Southwestern American Indian Society
1067-8654 American journalism review College of Journalism of the University of Maryland at College Park
0002-9092 American journal of agricultural economics Oxford University Press
1467-8276 American journal of agricultural economics (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
1526-5161 American journal of bioethics MIT Press
1536-0075 American journal of bioethics (e-vir) MIT Press
1066-2316 American journal of criminal justice College of Law Enforcement, Eastern Kentucky University
1936-1351 American journal of criminal justice (e-vir) Springer
0195-6744 American journal of education University of Chicago Press.
1549-6511 American journal of education (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
0890-1171 American journal of health promotion M.P. 0'Donnell
2168-6602 American journal of health promotion (e-vir) M.P. O'Donnell
0742-6763 American journal of Islamic studies Association of Muslim Social Scientists,
0092-5853 American journal of political science Published by University of Texas Press for Midwest Political Science Association
1540-5907 American journal of political science (e-vir) Wayne State University Press
0749-3797 American journal of preventive medicine Oxford University Press
0363-9428 American journal of small business University of Baltimore
0002-9602 American journal of sociology University of Chicago Press
1537-5390 American journal of sociology (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
0002-9769 American libraries American Library Association
2163-5129 American libraries (e-vir) American Library Association
0044-7803 American politics quarterly SAGE Publications.
1532-673X American politics research Sage Publications, Inc.
1552-3373 American politics research (e-vir) Sage Publications
0003-0678 American quarterly University of Pennsylvania, etc.
1080-6490 American quarterly (e-vir) University of Minnesota Press for the Program in American Studies at the University of Minnesota
1538-6333 American review of China studies = Association of Chinese Professors of Social Science in the United States.
0275-0740 American review of public administration Midwest Review of Public Administration
1552-3357 American review of public administration (e-vir) Midwest Review of Public Administration
0003-1224 American sociological review Sage
1939-8271 American sociological review (e-vir) American Sociological Society
0026-3079 American studies Mid-America American Studies Association, University of Kansas
2153-6856 American studies University of Kansas; Mid-America American Studies Association
1021-6340 Análisis internacional Centro peruano de estudios internacionales
1529-7489 Analyses of social issues and public policy Blackwell Publishing
1530-2415 Analyses of social issues and public policy (e-vir) Blackwell; Wiley
0066-2135 Annales d'études internationales Association des anciens étudiants de l'Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales.
0003-4010 Annales de géographie A. Colin
1777-5884 Annales de géographie (e-vir) A. Colin
0019-0209 Annales de l'INSEE Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques
1968-3855 Annales de l'INSEE (e-vir) Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (France)
0003-4282 Annales des mines Dumas
0003-4452 Annales internationales de criminologie Société internationale de criminologie
1075-2994 Annals of health law Loyola University Chicago.; National Health Lawyers Association,
1370-4788 Annals of public and cooperative economics De Boeck Université
1467-8292 Annals of public and cooperative economics (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers.
0770-8548 Annals of public and co-operative economy CIRIEC
0002-7162 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Published by A.L. Hummel for the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1552-3349 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (e-vir) American Academy of Political and Social Science
0004-5608 Annals of the Association of American Geographers Association of American Geographers
1467-8306 Annals of the Association of American Geographers (e-vir) The Association
0563-8054 Annals of the Institute of Social Science University of Tokyo. Institute of Social Science
0160-7383 Annals of tourism research Pergamon
1873-7722 Annals of tourism research (e-vir) Pergamon Press; Elsevier
0066-2380 Année sociale - Institut de sociologie Université libre. Institut de sociologie.
1941-1383 Annual review of economics Annual Reviews
1941-1391 Annual review of economics (e-vir) Annual Reviews
1941-1367 Annual review of financial economics Annual Reviews
1941-1375 Annual review of financial economics (e-vir) Annual Reviews
1094-2939 Annual review of political science Annual Reviews, Inc.
1545-1577 Annual review of political science (e-vir) Annual Reviews, Inc.
0702-8997 Anthropologie et sociétés Département d'anthropologie de l'Université Laval
0066-4812 Antipode Basil Blackwell
1467-8330 Antipode (e-vir) Blackwell
0162-7996 Antitrust Section of Antitrust Law, American Bar Association.
2162-996X Antitrust (e-vir) American Bar Association.
0003-603X Antitrust bulletin Federal Legal Publications
1930-7969 Antitrust bulletin (e-vir) Federal Legal Publications
0003-6048 Antitrust law & economics review Antitrust Law and Economics Review, Inc.
0377-7316 Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos Universidad de Costa Rica. Instituto de investigaciones sociales.
2215-4175 Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos (e-vir) Universidad de Costa Rica
0773-9664 Aperçu trimestriel de l'économie - Ministère des affaires économiques Ministère des affaires économiques.
0003-6595 Appalachia Appalachian Regional Commission
1088-8691 Applied developmental science L. Erlbaum Associates
1532-480X Applied developmental science (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates
0003-6846 Applied economics Chapman and Hall
1466-4283 Applied economics (e-vir) Routledge.
0173-7619 Applied geography and development Institute for Scientific Co- Operation
1874-4621 Applied spatial analysis and policy (e-vir) Springer
1874-463X Applied spatial analysis and policy Springer
0252-1865 Apuntes Universidad del Pacífico
2223-1757 Apuntes Centro de Investigación de la Universidad del Pacífico
0950-0731 Arab affairs League of Arab States.
0261-5150 Arab Gulf journal MD Research and Services Limited.
0983-1509 Arabies Arabies; Société de conseil en communication
0733-5385 Arab perspectives Arab Information Center (U.S.)
0271-3519 Arab studies quarterly Association of Arab-American University Graduates
2043-6920 Arab studies quarterly (e-vir) Association of Arab-American University Graduates
1044-1891 Aramco world Aramco services company
0941-5025 Arbeit Lucius u. Lucius.
2365-984X Arbeit (e-vir) De Gruyter Oldenbourg
0003-7656 Arbeit & Wirtschaft Verlag des Österreichischen Gewerkschaftbundes Gesellschaft m.b.H.
0003-7648 Arbeit und Recht Bund-Verlag
0340-8434 Arbeit und Sozialpolitik Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft
2626-0123 Arbeit und Sozialpolitik (e-vir) Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
0003-892X Archiv des Völkerrechts Mohr Siebeck
1868-7121 Archiv des Völkerrechts (e-vir) Mohr Siebeck
0003-9756 Archives européennes de sociologie Plon
1474-0583 Archives européennes de sociologie (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0003-9209 Archiv für Kommunalwissenschaften Kohlhammer; Deutscher Gemeindeverlag
0181-009X Arès Société pour le développement des études de défense et de sécurité internationale (France)
0743-6963 Arizona journal of international and comparative law College of Law of the University of Arizona
0004-1629 Arizona review University of Arizona.; University of Arizona.
0164-4297 Arizona State law journal College of Law, Arizona State University.
0004-1742 Arkansas business and economic review College of Business Administration
1050-6098 ARL Association of Research Libraries.
1538-9006 ARL academic health sciences library statistics Association of Research Libraries.
1538-8999 ARL academic law library statistics Association of Research Libraries.
0147-2135 ARL statistics Association of Research Libraries.
0095-327X Armed forces and society Sage Publications
1556-0848 Armed forces and society (e-vir) Transaction Publishers
0144-0381 Arms control F. Cass
0196-125X Arms control today Arms Control Association
1943-5754 Arms control today (e-vir) Arms Control Association
0100-1213 Arquivos do Ministério da Justiça Ministério da Justiça, Divisão de Documentação.
0257-8069 ASCI journal of management Administrative Staff College of India journal of management
0129-2900 ASEAN business quarterly Asia Research PTE LTD.
0217-4472 ASEAN economic bulletin Institute of Southeast asian studies
0092-7678 Asian affairs Heldref Publications
0306-8374 Asian affairs Royal Central Asian Soc.
1477-1500 Asian affairs (e-vir) Royal Society for Asian Affairs
1940-1590 Asian affairs (e-vir) Crane, Russak & Co. on behalf of American-Asian Educational Exchange
1062-1830 Asian American policy review John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
2162-5395 Asian American policy review (e-vir) John F. Kennedy School of Government.; University of California, Berkeley.
0254-3729 Asian business Far East Trade Press Ltd.
0116-1105 Asian development review Asian Development Bank
1996-7241 Asian development review (e-vir) Asian Development Bank
1351-3958 Asian economic journal Blackwell
1467-8381 Asian economic journal (e-vir) Blackwell Pub.
0304-260X Asian Economics Research Institute of Asian Economics.
0129-2986 Asian journal of communication Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre.
1742-0911 Asian journal of communication (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
1932-0205 Asian journal of comparative law (e-vir) Berkeley Electronic Press
2194-6078 Asian journal of comparative law Cambridge University Press
0218-5377 Asian journal of political science Times Academic Press
1750-7812 Asian journal of political science (e-vir) Times Academic Press
1010-416X Asian monetary monitor Asian monetary monitor.
0004-4628 Asian outlook Asian People's Anti-communist League.
0818-9935 Asian-Pacific economic literature National Centre for Development Studies, Australian National University
1467-8411 Asian-Pacific economic literature (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0258-9184 Asian perspective Kyungnam University, Institute for Far Eastern Studies
2288-2871 Asian perspective(Online) Kyungnam University Institute for Far Eastern Studies
1943-0779 Asian politics & policy Policy Studies Organization.
1943-0787 Asian politics & policy (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0304-8675 Asian profile Asian Research Service.
0004-4687 Asian survey University of California Press
1533-838X Asian survey (e-vir) Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley
1360-2381 Asia Pacific business review F. Cass
1743-792X Asia Pacific business review (e-vir) Frank Cass
0387-1711 Asia Pacific community Ajia Kurabu.
1020-1246 Asia-Pacific development journal ESCAP
1358-6653 Asia-Pacific economic review Cambridge University Press.
1385-2140 Asia Pacific journal of environmental law Kluwer Law International
1875-8258 Asia Pacific journal of environmental law (e-vir) Kluwer Law International
1360-7456 Asia Pacific viewpoint Blackwell
1467-8373 Asia Pacific viewpoint (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0035-2683 Asia quarterly Centre d'étude du Sud-Est Asiatique et de l'Extrême-Orient
0323-3790 Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika Akademie-Verlag
1476-3559 Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
1465-329X Assessment in education (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0969-594X Assessment in Education Carfax publishing company
0004-5128 Assignment children United Nations Children's Fund.
0004-5578 Association management American Society of Association Executives.
0004-6027 Assurances École des hautes études commerciales (Montréal, Québec)
1477-7622 Astropolitics Frank Cass
1557-2943 Astropolitics (e-vir) Frank Cass
0004-6701 Atlanta Atlanta Magazine Inc.
0004-671X Atlanta economic review University of Georgia.; Georgia State University.; Georgia State University.; University of Georgia.; Georgia State University.
0197-4254 Atlantic economic journal Atlantic Economic Society
1573-9678 Atlantic economic journal (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers
0004-7015 Atom Information Services Branch. United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
0001-1401 Aussenhandelsdienst der Industrie- und Handelskammern und Wirtschaftsverbände Vereinigte Wirtschaftsdienste GmbH.; Vwd.
0004-8194 Aussenpolitik Interpress Verlag
0587-3835 Aussenpolitik Bertelsmann,
0004-8216 Aussenwirtschaft Schultess Polygraphischer Verlag AG
0004-8992 Australian economic history review Sydney University Press
1467-8446 Australian economic history review (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0004-900X Australian economic papers University of Adelaide
1467-8454 Australian economic papers (e-vir) Wiley
0004-9018 Australian economic rewiew [S.n.]
0004-9115 Australian Fisheries Fisheries Branch Department of Agriculture.
1033-5722 Australian foreign affairs and trade Australia. Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
0311-7995 Australian foreign affairs record Australia. Dept. of Foreign Affairs.; Australia. Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
1465-3311 Australian geographer (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0004-9182 Australian Geographer Geographical Society of New South Wales
0811-6202 Australian journal of communication Communication Institute
1035-7718 Australian journal of international affairs Australian Institute of International Affairs
1465-332X Australian journal of international affairs (e-vir) Carfax
0312-8962 Australian journal of management Australian Graduate School of Management
1327-2020 Australian journal of management (e-vir) Australian Graduate School of Management, University of New South Wales
1448-7527 Australian journal of primary health Australian Journal of Primary Health, Australian Institute for Primary Care and School of Public Health, La Trobe University
1836-7399 Australian journal of primary health Australian Journal of Primary Health, Australian Institute for Primary Care and School of Public Health, La Trobe University.
0313-6647 Australian journal of public administration Institute of public administration Australia
1467-8500 Australian journal of public administration (e-vir) Wiley
0004-9581 Australian journal of statistics Statistical Society of New South Wales.; Statistical Society of Australia.
0084-7488 Australian mineral industry review Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics.
0045-0197 Australia now Australian Information Service.
0729-3682 Australian planner RAPI
2150-6841 Australian planner (e-vir) Royal Australian Planning Institute
0045-0901 Australian stock exchange journal Australian Associated Stock Exchanges.
0812-695X Australian tax forum Australian Tax Forum.
0311-094X Australian tax review Law Book Co.
0338-7259 Autogestion et socialisme Anthropos
1079-4255 AZB, Arizona business Center for Business Research, L. William Seidman Research Institute, College of Business, Arizona State University
0005-2604 Aztlán Chicano Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles
2029-0454 Baltic journal of law & politics (e-vir) Vytautas Magnus University; Versita Open
0005-4623 Bancaria Bancaria editrice
0125-0302 Bangkok bank monthly review Bangkok Bank
0304-095X Bangladesh development studies Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies
1015-1516 Bank Archiv Verlag Orac Gesellschaft; Bank Verlag
0005-5395 Banker Financial Times Business Publishing Limited
0005-5441 Bankers' magazine BPC Bankers' Magazine
0005-5468 Bankers' magazine of Australasia Bankers' Institute of Australasia.
0005-5476 Bankers monthly Hanover Publishers, Inc.
0737-6413 Banking world Published ... for the Institute of Bankers by Waterlow Publishers Ltd.
0005-5123 Bank news Bank News]
0045-1460 Bank of Canada review Bank of Canada
1483-8303 Bank of Canada review The Bank.
0005-5166 Bank of England quarterly bulletin Bank of England
0005-5581 Banque Ecole spéciale de préparation aux banques
0269-7009 Barclays review Barclays Bank
0739-6279 Baseline data report International City Management Association.
1932-0183 Basic income studies (e-vir) Berkeley Electronic Press
2194-6094 Basic income studies de Gruyter
0005-7215 Bayern in Zahlen Bayerisches Landesamt für Statistik und Datenverarbeitung, Verkaufsstelle für Veröffentlichungen
0005-724X Baylor business studies Hankamar School of Business, Baylor University
0005-7274 Baylor law review Baylor University Law School
0163-9269 Behavioral & social sciences librarian Haworth Press
1544-4546 Behavioral & social sciences librarian (e-vir) Haworth Press
0722-0189 Beiträge ... zur feministischen Theorie und Praxis Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung & Praxis für Frauen e.V.
0934-7445 Beiträge zum Recht der sozialen Dienste und Einrichtungen Heymann.
0045-169X Beiträge zur Konfliktforschung Markus-Verl.-Ges..
0307-5664 Belfast telegraph Belfast Telegraph Newspapers.
0775-1435 Belgium economy + technique Belgian Foreign Trade Office.
0361-915X Bell journal of economics American Telephone and Telegraph Co.
0962-7898 Benefits Benefits Editorial Board; Policy Press
1741-7325 Benefits (e-vir) Policy Press
0897-7992 Benefits law journal Executive Enterprises
8756-1263 Benefits quarterly International CEBS Society
0005-9080 Berichte über Landwirtschaft Kohlhammer
0005-9102 Bericht zur Raumforschung und Raumplanung Springer in Komm.
1067-7666 Berkeley journal of employment and labor law University of California Press
2378-1882 Berkeley journal of employment and labor law (e-vir) [Published by University of California Press for Students of the Boalt Hall School of Law of the University of California, Berkeley]
1085-5718 Berkeley journal of international law University of California Press
0067-5830 Berkeley journal of sociology Graduate students, Dept. of Sociology and Social Institutions, University of California, Berkeley
1047-5192 Berkeley planning journal University of California Press
1086-3818 Berkeley technology law journal University of California Press
2380-4742 Berkeley technology law journal (e-vir) University of California at Berkeley, Boalt Hall School of Law
0882-4312 Berkeley women's law journal University of California, Boalt Hall School of Law
0098-2318 Beverage world Keller Pub. Corp.
0045-1894 Bibliographie sélective des publications officielles françaises Comité international pour l'information et la documentation en sciences sociales; France
0006-1476 Bibliographie universelle de sécurité sociale Secrétariat général de l'Association internationale de la sécurité sociale.
0343-4117 Bibliographie zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung Dietz
0006-2022 Biblos Gesellschaft der Freunde der Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
1302-1761 Bilgi Deægişim Yayűnlarű
0269-9702 Bioethics Basil Blackwell
1467-8519 Bioethics (e-vir) Blackwell Publisher
0006-4165 Black enterprise E. G. Graves Pub. Co.
0006-4416 Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik Blätter Verlagsgesellschaft
1527-439X Blueprint Democratic Leadership Council
2169-5334 Blueprint (e-vir) Democratic Leadership Council (U.S.)
0102-9290 Boletim Bibliográfico Banco Nacional da Habitação, Assessoria Técnica de Documentação
0006-5935 Boletim de minas Instituto Geológico Mineiro.
0101-0662 Boletim demográfico Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Centro Brasileiro de Estudos Demográficos, Departamento de Estudos de População
0005-4879 Boletim do Banco do Brasil Coordenadoria de Análise Mercadológica. Diretoria de Planejamento. Banco do Brasil.
2224-6703 Boletín (e-vir) Centro de estudios monetarios latinoamericanos
0045-2394 Boletín de ciencias políticas y sociales Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.
0120-6281 Boletin de estadistica Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica,
0006-6249 Boletín de estudios económicos Asociación de Licenciados Universidad Comercial de Deusto.
0534-3313 Boletín de información extranjera del Instituto de Relaciones Agrarias Instituto de Relaciones Agrarias
0037-8585 Boletín de la Sociedad geográfica de Lima Fondo editorial de la Sociedad geográfica de Lima
0020-4056 Boletín del Instituto interamericano del niño Instituto interamericano del niño.
0326-7857 Boletín de medio ambiente y urbanización Comisión del Desarrollo Urbano y Regional, Consejo Latino-americano de Ciencias Sociales
0120-9523 Boletin de minas y energia Ministerio de Minas y Energia,
0378-5386 Boletín demográfico Universidad de Chile.; Naciones Unidas. Comisión económica para América Latina y el Caribe.; CEPAL.; Centro latinoamericano de demografía.; CELADE.
0497-0292 Boletín informativo Organización Techint
1010-4151 Boletin mensal de estatística Delegação provincial dos Serviços de estadística.; Instituto nacional de estadística.
0716-2367 Boletín mensual Banco Central de Chile.
0120-0836 Boletin mensual de estadistica Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica,
0211-9897 Boletín mensual de estadística España
0393-2400 Bollettino economico Banca d'Italia Servizio di Studi
0021-3136 Bollettino mensile di statistica Istituto Nazionale di statistica.
0741-6148 Book research quarterly Transaction Periodicals Consortium, Rutgers University
1065-1411 Border lines Resource Center (Albuquerque, N.M.); Resource Center (Albuquerque, N.M.).; Interhemispheric Resource Center.
0190-7034 Boston College environmental affairs law review Environmental Affairs, inc.
0277-5778 Boston College international and comparative law review Boston College Law School
1930-563X Boston College international and comparative law review (e-vir) Boston College.
0161-6587 Boston College law review Boston College Law School.
1930-661X Boston College law review (e-vir) Boston College.
0276-3583 Boston College Third World law journal [Boston College Law School]
1930-5648 Boston College Third World law journal (e-vir) Boston College.
0006-8047 Boston University law review [Boston University School of Law]
0100-2910 Brazilian Economic Studies Instituto de Planejamento Econômico e Social, Instituto de Pesquisas
0101-3157 Brazilian Journal of Political Economy Centro de Economia Política.
1809-4538 Brazilian Journal of Political Economy (e-vir) Centro de Economia Política
0100-459X Brazil trade and industry Fundação Visconde de Cabo Frio
0141-1926 British educational research journal Carfax Publishing Company
1469-3518 British educational research journal (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0007-1005 British journal of educational studies Basil Blackwell & Mott
1467-8527 British journal of educational studies (e-vir) Faber and Faber
1467-8543 British journal of industrial relations (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers; Wiley
0007-1080 British Journal of Industrial Relations Wiley-Blackwell
1354-4187 British journal of learning disabilities BILD; Blackwell
1468-3156 British journal of learning disabilities (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0007-1234 British journal of political science Cambridge University Press
1469-2112 British journal of political science (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0007-1315 British journal of sociology Wiley-Blackwell; London School of Economics
1468-4446 British journal of sociology (e-vir) Routledge
0141-4739 British review of economic issues Association of Polytechnic Teachers in Economics.
0007-182X British steel [British Steel Corporation]
0007-1870 British tax review Sweet & Maxwell.
0007-2303 Brookings papers on economic activity Brookings Institution
1533-4465 Brookings papers on economic activity (e-vir) Brookings Institution
0740-4824 Brooklyn journal of international law Brooklyn Law School
0007-2362 Brooklyn law review [Brooklyn Law School]
0007-3431 Building economist Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors.
0034-5539 Bulletin Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
0725-0320 Bulletin Reserve Bank of Australia.
0784-6509 Bulletin / Bank of Finland Bank of Finland
0020-2398 Bulletin bibliographique France; France; Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (France); France
0011-1023 Bulletin - Crédit suisse Crédit suisse
0337-4084 Bulletin d'information Centre national de documentation des départements et territoires d'Outre-mer (France)
0339-2945 Bulletin d'information du département d'économie et de sociologie rurales Institut national de la recherche agronomique (France)
0007-4306 Bulletin de l'administration pénitentiaire Ministère de la Justice. Direction Etudes et Affaires Générales
0045-3501 Bulletin de l'Afrique noire Edipresse
0005-5611 Bulletin de la Banque Nationale de Belgique Banque Nationale de Belgique
0045-1703 Bulletin de statistique - Institut national de statistique Ministère des affaires économiques.
0076-1583 Bulletin du STATEC Ministère de l'économie nationale, Service central de la statistique et des études économiques
0007-4586 Bulletin économique et social du Maroc Société d'études économiques, sociales et statistiques
0771-6273 Bulletin financier Banque Bruxelles Lambert.
0007-4624 Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation International Fiscal Documentation
0222-237X Bulletin mensuel Centre d'information sur l'épargne et le crédit (France)
1145-5535 Bulletin mensuel Banque de France
0566-5272 Bulletin mensuel du commercer extérieur de l'Union économique belgo-luxembourgeoise Royaume de Belgique. Ministère des affaires économiques. Institut National de Statistique.; Koninkrijk België. Ministerie van Economische Zaken. Nationaal Instituut voor de Statistiek.
0770-3724 Bulletin of comparative labour relations Catholic University of Leuven.; Institute for Labour Relations.
0254-7406 Bulletin of Eastern Caribbean affairs University of the West Indies, Institute of Social & Economic Research.
0307-3378 Bulletin of economic research Departements of Economics of the Universities of Hull, Leeds, Sheffield, York and Bradford
1467-8586 Bulletin of economic research (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0377-9890 Bulletin of educational media science Department of Educational Media Science, Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences
0007-4918 Bulletin of Indonesian economic studies Dept. of Economic Research. School of Pacific Studies
1472-7234 Bulletin of Indonesian economic studies (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0261-3050 Bulletin of Latin American research Oxford Microform Publications
1470-9856 Bulletin of Latin American research (e-vir) Blackwell
0007-5035 Bulletin of peace proposals Universitetsforlaget
2516-9181 Bulletin of peace proposals (e-vir) Universitetsforlaget
0270-4676 Bulletin of science, technology & society Pergamon Press
0095-4403 Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science The Society
0096-3402 Bulletin of the atomic scientists Atomic Scientists of Chicago
1938-3282 Bulletin of the atomic scientists (e-vir) Bulletin of the atomic scientists
1016-8702 Bulletin of the European Communities Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
0042-9686 Bulletin of the World Health Organization Organisation Mondiale de la Sante, Service de Distribution et de Vente
1564-0604 Bulletin of the World Health Organization (e-vir) World Health Organization.
0007-523X Bulletin on narcotics United Nations; Division of Narcotics Drugs
0770-7576 Bulletin - Société géographique de Liège Société géographique de Liège
2507-0711 Bulletin - Société géographique de Liège (e-vir) Société géographique de Liège
1013-5340 Bulletin trimestriel - Banque de la République du Burundi Banque de la République du Burundi.
0011-099X Bulletin trimestriel - Crédit communal de Belgique Crédit communal de Belgique.
0150-7583 Bulletin trimestriel de la Banque de France Banque de France
1024-0608 Bulletin zur schweizerischen Sicherheitspolitik Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich. Forschungsstelle für Sicherheitspolitik und Konfliktanalyse.; Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich. Forschungsstelle für Sicherheitspolitik.
0007-5868 Bundesarbeitsblatt Kohlhammer
0163-531X Business College of Business Administration, Georgia State University
0268-6384 Business Business People Publications.
0279-4276 Business, North Carolina Shaw Communications
0007-6457 Business & economic dimensions College of Business Administration, Bureau of Economic & Business Research [University of Florida]
1043-6227 Business & economic report Wichita State University. Center for Business and Economic Research.; Wichita State University. Center for Economic Development and Business Research.
0007-6473 Business & finance Belenos Publications
0277-2027 Business & professional ethics journal Human Dimensions Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
2153-7828 Business & professional ethics journal (e-vir) Human Dimensions Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
0007-6465 Business and economic review Bureau of Business and Economic Research, School of Business Administration
0739-9413 Business and health Washington Business Group on Health
1369-5258 Business and politics Carfax
1469-3569 Business and politics (e-vir) Berkeley Electronic Press
0361-7653 Business and public affairs Murray State University. College of Business and Public Affairs.
0007-6503 Business and society Business Research Center, College of Business Administration, Roosevelt University
1552-4205 Business and society (e-vir) Business Research Center, College of Business Administration, Roosevelt University
0045-3609 Business and society review Blackwell Publishers
1467-8594 Business and society review (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0007-6589 Business conditions Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,
0007-666X Business economics The Association
1554-432X Business economics (e-vir) National Association of Business Economists
1052-150X Business ethics quarterly The Society
2153-3326 Business ethics quarterly (e-vir) Society for Business Ethics
0733-2408 Business forum The School
0007-6791 Business history Frank Cass
1743-7938 Business history (e-vir) Liverpool University Press]
0007-6805 Business history review Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration
0007-6813 Business Horizons Indiana University Graduate School of Business
0007-6821 Business in brief Economic Research Dept., Chase National Bank of the City of New York
0266-3821 Business information review Headland Press
1741-6450 Business information review (e-vir) Sage Publications
0007-683X Business in Nebraska University of Nebraska (Lincoln campus).; University of Nebraska--Lincoln.; Association for University Business and Economic Research.
1041-8482 Business in the contemporary world de Gruyter
0300-4341 Business Japan Nihon Käogyäo Shinbunsha.
0116-452X Business journal American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines.
0889-3403 Business journal of New Jersey Business Journal of NJ, Inc.
0145-9074 Business law review National Association of Business Law Teachers and the Bureau of Business Research, College of Business and Economics, West Virginia University
0187-1455 Business Mexico American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico
0005-531X Business review Bank of Montreal.
0125-0477 Business review Business Review.
0144-6096 Business Scotland Peebles Publishing
0955-6419 Business strategy review Oxford University Press
1467-8616 Business strategy review (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0045-3641 Business Venezuela Cámara de Comercio Americana de Venezuela.
0007-7135 Business week McGraw-Hill
0304-2669 Cadernos Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Centro de Estudos Rurais e Urbanos
0102-311X Cadernos de Saúde Pública Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública
1678-4464 Cadernos de Saúde Pública (e-vir) Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública.
0101-2991 Cadernos de Tecnologia e Ciência Tama.
0007-9588 Cahiers africains d'administration publique CAFRAD
0755-9208 Cahiers d'économie et sociologie rurales Institut national de la recherche agronomique (France)
0008-0055 Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines Ecole pratique des hautes études, 6ème section
1777-5353 Cahiers d'études africaines (e-vir) Éd. de l'EHESS
0003-181X Cahiers de l'Association Les Amis de Milosz Editions André Silvaire
0153-6184 Cahiers de l'Institut d'aménagement et d'urbanisme de la région d'Ile-de-France Institut d'aménagement et d'urbanisme de la région d'Ile-de-France
0831-1048 Cahiers de recherche sociologique Département de sociologie de l'UQAM
1923-5771 Cahiers de recherche sociologique (e-vir) Université du Québec à Montréal.
1141-7161 Cahiers des amériques latines Institut des hautes études de l'Amérique latine (Paris)
2268-4247 Cahiers des Amériques latines (e-vir) [Éd. de l'Institut des hautes études de l'Amérique latine]
0761-9871 Cahiers de sociologie économique et culturelle INHSEPP
2967-3593 Cahiers de sociologie économique et culturelle (e-vir) Institut havrais de sociologie économique et de psychologie des peuples
0768-9829 Cahiers des sciences humaines ORSTOM (France)
0008-0195 Cahiers économiques de Bruxelles Université libre. Département d'économie appliquée
0396-4701 Cahiers économiques et monétaires Banque de France
0008-0276 Cahiers internationaux de sociologie Press Universitaires de France
1969-6787 Cahiers internationaux de sociologie (e-vir) [Presses universitaires de France]
0380-1721 Cahiers québécois de démographie Association des démographes du Québec.
0008-0497 Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto Librairie Droz
0304-2707 Cahiers zaïrois d'études politiques et sociales Presses universitaires du Zaïre.
0008-0926 California business California Business News, inc.
0008-1205 California journal California Center for Research and Education in Government
1944-4370 California journal of politics and policy (e-vir) Berkeley Electronic Press
2194-6132 California journal of politics and policy
0008-1221 California law review School of Jurisprudence of the University of California
1942-6542 California law review (e-vir) School of Jurisprudence, University of California
0008-1256 California management review Graduate Schools of Business Administration, University of California
2162-8564 California management review (e-vir) Graduate Schools of Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley and Los Angeles
1083-3374 California politics & policy The Institute
0194-3073 California public employee relations University of California, Berkeley.
0744-8686 California tomorrow California Tomorrow (Organization)
0008-1639 California Western law review [School of Law, California Western University]
0317-6878 CA magazine Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants
0309-166X Cambridge journal of economics Academic Press
1464-3545 Cambridge journal of economics (e-vir) [Academic Press for the Cambridge Political Economy Society]
0305-764X Cambridge journal of education Cambridge Institute of Education
1469-3577 Cambridge journal of education (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1469-2147 Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0955-7571 Cambridge review of international affairs Centre of International Studies, University of Cambridge
1474-449X Cambridge review of international affairs (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0197-0771 Campaigns & elections Campaigns & Elections Pub. Corp.
0008-2791 Canada's mental health Health Programs Branch, National Health and Welfare.
1044-3223 Canada-U.S. outlook National Planning Association.
0163-6391 Canada-United States law journal Canada-United States Law Institute.
0822-6830 Canadian banker Canadian Bankers' Association
0008-3100 Canadian business CB Media
0705-8330 Canadian business economics Canadian Association for Business Economics.
0835-9148 Canadian economic observer Statistics Canada
0008-3496 Canadian ethnic studies Research Centre for Canadian Ethnic Studies, University of Calgary
0008-3518 Canadian farm economics Information Services, Agriculture Canada.
1192-6422 Canadian foreign policy Canadian Foreign Policy Publishing Group
2157-0817 Canadian foreign policy (e-vir) Canadian Foreign Policy Pub. Group
0008-3763 Canadian home economics journal Canadian Home Economics Association.
0008-3968 Canadian journal of African studies Canadian Assoc. of African Studies
1923-3051 Canadian journal of African studies (e-vir) Canadian Association of African Studies
1744-7976 Canadian journal of agricultural economics (e-vir) Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society
0008-3976 Canadian journal of agricultural economics = Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society.
1929-7084 Canadian journal of community mental health (e-vir) Canadian Periodical for Community Studies, Inc.
0713-3936 Canadian journal of community mental health = Canadian Periodical for Community Studies.
0008-4085 Canadian journal of economics University of Toronto Press
1540-5982 Canadian journal of economics (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers.
0380-2361 Canadian journal of education Canadian Society for the Study of Education.
1918-5979 Canadian journal of education (e-vir) Canadian Society for the Study of Education
0704-1225 Canadian journal of family law = Canadian Journal of Family Law.
0380-9218 Canadian journal of information science Canadian Association for Information Science = Association canadienne des sciences de l'information
0826-3663 Canadian journal of Latin American and Caribbean studies Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies.
2333-1461 Canadian journal of Latin American and Caribbean studies (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
0710-1481 Canadian journal of native education Intercultural Education Program, University of Alberta.
0380-9420 Canadian journal of political and social theory = [s.n.].
0008-4239 Canadian journal of political science Canadian political science association; Société québécoise de science politique
1744-9324 Canadian journal of political science (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0319-5724 Canadian journal of statistics Statistical Science Association of Canada.
0825-0383 Canadian journal of the administrative sciences University of Toronto Press
1188-3774 Canadian journal of urban research Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg
2371-0292 Canadian journal of urban research (e-vir) Institute of Urban Studies, The University of Winnipeg
0832-8781 Canadian journal of women and the law National Association of Women and the Law.
1911-0235 Canadian journal of women and the law = University of Toronto Press
1710-1107 Canadian journal on aging (e-vir) Canadian Association on Gerontology
0714-9808 Canadian journal on aging = Canadian Association on Gerontology = Association canadienne de gérontologie
0008-4336 Canadian labour = Canadian Labour Congress.
0229-2548 Canadian parliamentary review Regional Council, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.
0008-4840 Canadian public administration Institute of Public Administration of Canada
1754-7121 Canadian public administration (e-vir) Institute of Public Administration of Canada
0317-0861 Canadian public policy University of Toronto Press
1911-9917 Canadian public policy = University of Toronto Press
0836-303X Canadian review of social policy Social Administration Research Unit, Faculty of Social Work, University of Regina
1929-4093 Canadian review of social policy (e-vir) Canadian Review of Social Policy
0317-7904 Canadian review of studies in nationalism University of Prince Edward Island
0008-5006 Canadian Slavonic papers Canadian Association of Slavists
2375-2475 Canadian Slavonic papers (e-vir) Published for the Canadian Association of Slavists by the University of Toronto Press
0831-5698 Canadian social trends Statistics Canada = Statistique Canada
0820-909X Canadian social work review Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work.
2369-5757 Canadian social work review (e-vir) CASWE
0008-509X Canadian statistical review Dominion Bureau of Statistics.
0380-1489 Canadian studies in population Population Research Laboratory, Dept. of Sociology, University of Alberta.
1927-629X Canadian studies in population (e-vir) Population Research Laboratory, University of Alberta
0706-6600 Canadian taxation Osgoode Hall Law School.
0008-5111 Canadian tax journal Canadian Tax Foundation
0008-5278 Canadian vending Sound Pub. etc..
0008-5332 Canadian welfare Canadian Council on Social Development.
1308-5549 Çank%r% Karatekin üniversitesi iktisadi ve idari bilimler dergisi Çank%r% Karatekin Üniversitesi
2147-4206 Çank%r% Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi dergisi (e-vir) Çank%r% Karatekin Üniversitesi
0008-5847 Capital Gruner und Jahr
0736-7694 Cardozo arts & entertainment law journal Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University
1011-5765 Caribbean affairs Caribbean Information Systems & Services
1025-5591 Caribbean journal of criminology and social psychology Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of the West Indies
2073-574X Caribbean journal of criminology and social psychology (e-vir) Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of the West Indies
0008-6495 Caribbean quarterly University of the West Indies, Department of Extra-Mural Studies.
2470-6302 Caribbean quarterly (e-vir) Extra Mural Dept. of the University College of the West Indies
0008-6525 Caribbean review [Caribbean Review]
0008-6533 Caribbean studies Instituto de Estudios del Caribe, Universidad de Puerto Rico
1940-9095 Caribbean studies (e-vir) Instituto de Estudios del Caribe, Universidad de Puerto Rico
0882-7125 Caribbean today Caribbean International Foundation
0185-2426 Caribe contemporáneo UNAM. Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos.
0576-7954 Carnegie quarterly Carnegie Corporation of New York.
1546-9883 Carnegie reporter / Carnegie Corporation of New York.
0167-2231 Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy North-Holland
0164-0070 Carolina planning University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
0101-4315 Carta Mensal Confederação Nacional do Comércio
0196-6227 Cashflow Coordinated Capital Resources,
0743-605X Cato policy report Cato Institute,
1027-8540 Caucasian regional studies International Association for Caucasian Regional Studies.
0731-8758 CBC quarterly Citizens Budget Commission (New York, N.Y.)
0957-9664 CBMH Whurr
0115-1401 CB review Department of Economic Research Central Bank of the Philippines.
1021-3236 CEDRES études Centre d'étude, de documentation, de recherche économique et sociale.; CEDRES.; Université de Ouagadougou, Faculté des sciences économiques et de gestion.; FASEG.
0186-7229 CEMLA boletín Centro de estudios monetarios latinoamericanos
0263-4937 Central Asian survey Oxford Microform Publications
1465-3354 Central Asian survey (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0960-6319 Central banking Central Banking Publications
1538-6279 Centro journal Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños
2163-2960 Centro journal Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños at Hunter College, City University of New York
0251-2920 Cepal review United Nations, Economic Commission for Latin America
0187-7674 CER. Carta económica regional Instituto de Estudios Económicos y Regionales. Universidad de Guadalajara
0009-0379 Ceres Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
1613-6373 CESifo DICE report (e-vir) Ifo Institute for Economic Research e.V.
1612-0663 CESifo DICE Report Ifo Institute for Economic Research
1610-241X CESifo economic studies Ifo Institute for Economic Research.
1612-7501 CESifo economic studies (e-vir) Ifo Institute for Economic Research
1615-245X CESifo forum Ifo Institute for Economic Research
2190-717X CESifo forum (e-vir) Ifo Institute for Economic Research e.V.
0577-5132 Challenge M. E. Sharpe
1558-1489 Challenge magazine (e-vir) Institute of Economic Affairs, New York University
2095-042X Changzhou Daxue xuebao Gai Kan Bianjibu
0162-8933 Character Character Corp.
0045-6624 Chicagoland development Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry. Industrial Development Division.
1093-8990 Chicago policy review Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies.
0305-1862 Child Blackwell Scientific
1365-2214 Child (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0009-4021 Child welfare Child Welfare League of America.
2833-5619 Child welfare (e-vir) Child Welfare League of America
0341-6631 China aktuell Institut für Asienkunde; Institut für Asien-Studien
1793-9690 China economic policy review World Scientific
1793-9704 China economic policy review (e-vir) World Scientific
0196-3554 China economic report [World Reports Ltd.,
1043-951X China economic review JAI Press
0920-203X China information Documentation and Research Centre for Contemporary China
1741-590X China information (e-vir) Documentation and Research Centre for Contemporary China
0270-7446 China-international business China-International Business Project.
0285-7529 China newsletter Nihon Bäoeki Shinkäokai.
1996-4617 China perspectives (e-vir) French Centre for Research on Contemporary China
2070-3449 China perspectives CEFC
0305-7410 China quarterly School of Oriental and African Studies
1068-4166 China rights forum =.; China rights forum Human Rights in China (Organization); China Dissident Collection (Library of Congress)
1537-1506 Chinese business review China Business Review (Journal), Inc.
0009-4552 Chinese economic studies International Arts and Sciences Press.; M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
1061-9534 Chinese environment & development M.E. Sharpe,
0896-2979 Chinese geography and environment M.E. Sharpe, Inc.,
0009-4609 Chinese law and government M. E. Sharpe
1944-7051 Chinese law and government M.E. Sharpe]
0009-5745 Christianity and crisis Christianity and Crisis
0228-8699 Chronic diseases in Canada Health and Welfare Canada
1481-8523 Chronic diseases in Canada Health Canada
1742-3953 Chronic illness Maney
1745-9206 Chronic illness (e-vir) Maney
0009-6059 Chronique de politique étrangère Centre universitaire de recherche indépendant
2593-8169 Chronique de politique étrangère (e-vir) JSTOR/ITHAKA
0396-437X Chroniques d'actualité de la SEDEIS Société d'études et de documentation économiques, industrielles et sociales (France)
1164-8759 Chroniques de la SEDEIS Société d'études et de documentation économiques, industrielles et sociales (France)
0009-6334 Church and state Protestants and Other Americans United for Separation of Church and State
1413-8123 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva Associação Brasileira de Pós-Graduação em Saúde.
1678-4561 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva (e-vir) Associação Brasileira de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva.
0100-1965 Ciência da Informação Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia
1518-8353 Ciência da Informação (e-vir) Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia
0870-340X Ciência e técnica fiscal Portugal.
0378-7680 Ciencia y sociedad Instituto tecnológico de Santo Domingo
2613-8751 Ciencia y Sociedad (e-vir) INTEC
1011-839X CIRES. Cahiers ivoiriens de recherche économique et sociale Université d'Abidjan.; C.R.E.S.; Centre reprographique de l'enseignement supérieur.
1682-9530 CISAC news CISAC.; International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers.; Confédération internationale des sociétés d'auteurs et compositeurs.; Confederación internacional de sociedades de autores y compositores.
0264-2751 Cities Butterworth Scientific
1873-6084 Cities (e-vir) ElsevierLtd.
0009-7640 Città e società Fondazione Vittorino Colombo.
0885-940X City & state Crain Communications Inc.
0009-7683 City almanac J.M. Kaplan Center for New York City Affairs.; Center for New York City Affairs.
0009-8140 Civilisations Institut International des Sciences Politiques et Sociales Appliquées aux Pays de Civilisations Différentes; Institut International des Civilisations Différentes; Institut de Sociologie de l'Université libre de Bruxelles
2032-0442 Civilisations (e-vir) Institut de sociologie de l'Université libre de Bruxelles
0732-5738 Civil rights research review Columbus School of Law. Center for National Policy Review.
0009-8191 Civitas Edizioni Civitas ;; Rubbettino editore
0009-868X Clearinghouse review National Clearinghouse for Legal Services
1469-3062 Climate policy Elsevier; James & James/Earthscan
1752-7457 Climate policy (e-vir) Elsevier; James & James/Earthscan
0007-8573 CLU journal American Society of Chartered Life Underwriters
0399-8975 CNPF patronat Conseil national du patronat français.
0892-0753 Coastal management Taylor & Francis; Taylor & Francis
1521-0421 Coastal management (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0090-8339 Coastal zone management journal Crane, Russak.
2374-8516 Coastal zone management journal (e-vir)
0716-0631 Colección estudios CIEPLAN Corporación de Investigaciones Económicas para Latinoamérica
0010-0870 College & research libraries American Library Association.
0099-0086 College & research libraries news Association of College and Research Libraries.
2150-6698 College & research libraries news (e-vir) Association of College and Research Libraries
1069-1316 College & undergraduate libraries Haworth Press
1545-2530 College & undergraduate libraries Haworth Press
2150-6701 College and research libraries (e-vir) American Library Association
0146-3934 College student journal PROJECT Innovation
1069-2606 Colloqui Cornell University. Dept. of City and Regional Planning.
0121-5612 Colombia internacional Universidad de los Andes. Centro de Estudios Internacionales
1900-6004 Colombia internacional (e-vir) Universidad de los Andes. Departamento de Ciencia Politica
0898-6363 Colorado business magazine Wiesner, Inc.
0010-1524 Colorado business review University of Colorado.
1050-0391 Colorado journal of international environmental law and policy The University Press of Colorado for The Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law
2327-0705 Colorado journal of international environmental law and policy (e-vir) University of Colorado Boulder.
0010-194X Columbia journalism review Graduate School of Journalism of Columbia University.
1094-8449 Columbia journal of Asian law Columbia University School of Law
2373-0498 Columbia journal of Asian law (e-vir) Columbia University School of Law
0010-1923 Columbia journal of law and social problems
0010-1958 Columbia law review Columbia University, School of Law
1945-2268 Columbia law review (e-vir) Columbia University Press
0142-0763 Comecon reports International Currency Review Research Unit.
0185-0601 Comercio exterior Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior
0010-2601 Commentary American Jewish Committee
1943-4634 Commentary (e-vir) American Jewish Committee
0010-2725 Commerce Revue Commerce.
0010-2741 Commerce Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry
0271-9592 Common cause Common Cause (U.S.)
0885-6133 Common ground Community Associations Institute.
0165-0750 Common market law review Sijthoff
1875-8320 Common market law review (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers
1081-1680 Communication law and policy Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-6926 Communication law and policy L. Erlbaum Associates.
0341-2059 Communications Lang
1613-4087 Communications (e-vir) Mouton de Gruyter
0967-067X Communist and post-communist studies Elsevier
1873-6920 Communist and Post-Communist Studies (e-vir) Pergamon Press
1557-5330 Community development Community Development Society
1944-7485 Community development Community Development Society; Routledge, Taylor & Francis
0010-3802 Community development journal Oxford University Press
1468-2656 Community development journal (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0888-7233 Comparative economic studies M.E.Sharpe
1478-3320 Comparative economic studies (e-vir) Palgrave Macmillan
0305-0068 Comparative education Carfax Publ. Co.
1360-0486 Comparative education (e-vir) Carfax.
0010-4086 Comparative education review Comparative and International Education Society
1545-701X Comparative education review (e-vir) Comparative Education Society
1472-4790 Comparative European politics Palgrave Macmillan
1740-388X Comparative European politics (e-vir) Palgrave Macmillan
0147-9202 Comparative labor law School of law, University of California, Los angeles
1095-6654 Comparative labor law & policy journal University of Illinois College of Law
1043-5255 Comparative labor law journal Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania
0010-4140 Comparative political studies Sage Publications
1552-3829 Comparative political studies (e-vir) Sage Publications
0010-4159 Comparative politics Political Science Program of the City University of New York
2151-6227 Comparative politics (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
1869-8999 Comparative population studies (e-vir) Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung
1869-8980 Comparative population studies = Federal Institute for Population Research
1047-1006 Comparative state politics Illinois Legislative Studies Center.
0273-1347 Comparative state politics newsletter University of Kentucky.; Illinois Legislative Studies Center.
0149-5933 Comparative strategy Taylor & Francis
1521-0448 Comparative strategy (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1089-201X Comparative studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East Duke University Press
1548-226X Comparative studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East (e-vir) Duke University Press
0305-7925 Compare Carfax
1469-3623 Compare (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0748-061X Compensation & benefits management Panel Publishers
1552-3837 Compensation & benefits review (e-vir) Sage Publications
0886-3687 Compensation and benefits review Periodicals Division, American Management Association
1025-2266 Competition policy newsletter European Commission
0104-8481 Comunicações Editora Unimep
2238-121X Comunicações (e-vir) Editora Unimep
1134-3478 Comunicar Grupo Comunicar.
1988-3293 Comunicar (e-vir) Grupo Comunicar
0588-9774 Conciliation courts review Conciliation Court of Los Angeles County
0257-3512 Conditions of work digest International Labour Office
0149-5941 Conflict Institute for Conflict and Policy Studies.
0738-8942 Conflict management and peace science World University Division, World Research Center
1549-9219 Conflict management and peace science (e-vir) Taylor and Francis, Inc.
0227-1311 Conflict quarterly University of New Brunswick. Centre for Conflict Studies.
1536-5581 Conflict resolution quarterly John Wiley & Sons
1541-1508 Conflict resolution quarterly (e-vir) Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
0069-8792 Conflict studies Institute for the Study of Conflict.
0734-3469 Congress & the presidency American University
1944-1053 Congress & the presidency (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
0010-5899 Congressional digest Congressional Digest, Inc.
0010-5910 Congressional quarterly weekly report Congressional Quarterly, Inc.
0193-8029 Congressional Research Service review Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.
0010-5945 Conjuntura economica FGV, Instituto Brasileiro de Economia.
0010-6119 Connecticut government University of Connecticut. Institute of Public Service.
0895-6405 Connection The Board
0740-6835 Conscience Catholics for a Free Choice
1195-5449 Conservation ecology Resilience Alliance.
0091-536X Conservation Foundation letter Conservation Foundation
1074-1283 Conservation issues World Wildlife Fund (U.S.)
1047-5990 Conservative review Council for Social and Economic Studies (U.S.); Newcomb Publishers.
0010-6593 Consommation Centre de recherches et de documentation sur la consommation (France); Centre de recherche pour l'étude et l'observation des conditions de vie (France)
0010-6623 Constitutional and parliamentary information Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments.
0010-6917 Construction review U.S. Dept. of Labor; U.S. Dept. of Commerce; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
0961-1134 Consumer policy review Consumers' Association
0090-578X Containers and packaging United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.
0378-1100 Contemporary crises Elsevier
0091-4509 Contemporary drug problems Federal Legal Publications, inc.
2163-1808 Contemporary drug problems (e-vir) Federal Legal Publications
1074-3529 Contemporary economic policy Western Economic Association International
1465-7287 Contemporary economic policy (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1872-0218 Contemporary Islam Springer
1872-0226 Contemporary Islam Springer
1357-0374 Contemporary issues in law Lawtext Publishing
0147-1694 Contemporary Jewry The Association
1876-5165 Contemporary Jewry (e-vir) Springer
0193-8703 Contemporary Marxism Synthesis Publications
2327-6428 Contemporary Marxism (e-vir) Institute for the Study of Labor and Economic Crisis (San Francisco, Calif.)
0735-0007 Contemporary policy issues Western Economic Association International; California State University, Long Beach
1470-8914 Contemporary political theory Palgrave Macmillan
1476-9336 Contemporary political theory (e-vir) Palgrave Macmillan
2158-2041 Contemporary social science Academy of Social Sciences (Great Britain); Routledge (Firm)
2158-205X Contemporary social science (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis
0958-4935 Contemporary South Asia Carfax
1469-364X Contemporary South Asia (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0129-797X Contemporary Southeast Asia Singapore University Press for the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
0102-8529 Contexto internacional Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Relações Internacionais
1982-0240 Contexto internacional Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Relações Internacionais
1536-5042 Contexts American Sociological Association
1537-6052 Contexts University of California Press; Published for the American Sociological Association
1543-902X Contours University of Illinois Press,
0770-8521 Contradictions Contradictions a.s.b.l..
0277-5921 Contributions to political economy Published for the Cambridge Political Economy Society by Academic Press
1464-3588 Contributions to political economy (e-vir) Published for the Cambridge Political Economy Society by Academic Press
0010-8367 Cooperation and conflict SAGE
1460-3691 Cooperation and conflict (e-vir) Nordic Committee for the Study of International Politics
0383-4654 Cooperation Canada Canada. International Development Agency. Communications Branch.
2382-4220 Cooperativismo & desarrollo (e-vir) Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
0120-7180 Cooperativismo y Desarrollo Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
0391-674X Cooperazione Istituto per la cooperazione tecnica e la ricerca scientifica
0010-8634 Copyright bulletin Unesco
0950-2505 COPYRIGHT world Informa Law
1022-6559 CORDIS focus Commission of the European Communities; Directorate-General for Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research; Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Knowledge
0010-8812 Cornell international law journal [Cornell Society of International Law]
1930-7977 Cornell international law journal (e-vir) Cornell Society of International Law.; William S. Hein & Company.
0010-8847 Cornell law review [Cornell University, Cornell Law School]
1040-0311 Corporate cashflow Communication Channels, Inc.
0894-6817 Corporate finance CFM Associates
0279-5299 Corporate report Minnesota Dorn Communications
0095-4594 Corrections magazine Criminal Justice Publications, etc.]
1096-8490 Corrections management quarterly Aspen Publishers
0296-6131 Cosmopolitiques Cosmopolitiques
0274-9696 Cost engineering The Association
1044-5900 Courier Stanley Foundation.
0275-309X Covertaction information bulletin Covert Action Publications, Inc.
1067-7232 Covertaction quarterly Covert Action Publications, Inc.
0120-3576 Coyuntura Económica Fundación para la educación superior y el desarrollo
0963-1801 CQ Cambridge University Press
1547-979X CQ researcher en español Congressional Quarterly, inc.
1527-0378 Creativity plus The Organization
0011-1090 Credito popolare Associazione fra le banche popolari, Società mutua La Popolare.
0011-1066 Credit union magazine Credit Union National Association
0273-9267 Credit union management Credit Union Executives Society
0925-4994 Crime, law and social change Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-0751 Crime, law and social change (e-vir) Springer Science + Business Media
Y505-4176 Crime, law and social change (e-vir) Springer Science + Business Media
1096-8733 Crime & justice international Office of International Criminal Justice at the University of Illinois at Chicago
0011-1287 Crime and delinquency National Council on Crime and Delinquency
1552-387X Crime and delinquency (e-vir) National Council on Crime and Delinquency
0094-7571 Crime and social justice Institute for the Study of Labor and Economic Crisis
1471-2857 Criminal behaviour and mental health (e-vir) Whurr Publishers.
1466-8025 Criminal justice Sage
1741-3230 Criminal justice (e-vir) Sage Publications
0887-4034 Criminal justice policy review Indiana University of Pennsylvania
1552-3586 Criminal justice policy review (e-vir) Sage Publications
0734-0168 Criminal justice review College of Health and Human Sciences, Georgia State University, [etc.]
1556-3839 Criminal justice review (e-vir) College of Health and Human Sciences, Georgia State University
1478-601X Criminal justice studies Routledge
1478-6028 Criminal justice studies (e-vir) Routledge; Taylor & Francis
0011-1317 Criminal law bulletin Warren Gorham & Lamont.
1046-8374 Criminal law forum Rutgers University, School of Law; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-9850 Criminal law forum (e-vir) Kluwer
0316-0041 Criminologie Presses de l'Université de Montréal
1492-1367 Criminologie (e-vir) Presses de l'Université de Montréal
0011-1384 Criminology Sage Publications.
1745-9125 Criminology (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing.
1748-8958 Criminology & criminal justice Sage
1748-8966 Criminology & criminal justice (e-vir) Sage
1064-5136 Crisis intervention and time-limited treatment Harwood Academic Publishers
0325-9676 Crítica & utopía El Cid Editor
0958-1596 Critical public health CPH
1469-3682 Critical public health (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0891-3811 Critical review Libertarian Review Foundation
1933-8007 Critical review Libertarian Review Foundation]
1461-703X Critical social policy (e-vir) Sage
0770-0075 Critique régionale Editions de l'Université
0045-9097 Critiques de l'économie politique Maspero; La Découverte; Maspero
1331-2650 Croatian critical law review Hrvatski pravni centar
1331-1182 Croatian international relations review Institute for Development and International Relations
1848-5782 Croatian international relations review (e-vir) Institute for International Relations (IMO)
Y501-8633 Croatian international relations review Institute for Development and International Relations
1845-5662 Croatian yearbook of European law & policy Faculty of Law
1848-9958 Croatian yearbook of European law & policy (e-vir) Faculty of Law, University
0011-1627 Croatia press Croatia Press.
1150-7454 Croissance Malesherbes-publications,
0011-1775 Cronache economiche Camera di commercio industria artigianato e agricoltura di Torino
0334-4649 Crossroads Israel Research Institute of Contemporary Society
0741-2037 Crossroads Northern Illinois University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies
2328-2657 Crossroads (e-vir) Northern Illinois University.
1045-9170 CRS review Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.
2011-0324 CS Universidad ICESI
2665-4814 CS (e-vir) Universidad Icesi
0261-0183 CSP. Critical social policy Sage Publications
0120-3592 Cuadernos de administracion Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Departamento de Administracion de Empresas.
0210-0266 Cuadernos de economía Universidad de Barcelona; Centro de Estudios Económicos y Sociales (Barcelona); Asociación de Cuadernos de Economía
0716-0046 Cuadernos de economía Instituto de Economía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
0717-6821 Cuadernos de economía (e-vir) Instituto de Economía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
0121-4772 Cuadernos de Economía Escuela de Economía, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
2248-4337 Cuadernos de Economía (e-vir) Facultad de Ciencias Económicas - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
0797-6062 Cuadernos del CLAEH CLAEH.
2393-5979 Cuadernos del CLAEH (e-vir) CLAEH
0185-027X Cuadernos políticos Ediciones Era.
0361-4441 Cuban studies University of Pittsburgh Press
1548-2464 Cuban studies (e-vir) University of Pittsburgh Press
0954-8963 Cultural trends Policy Studies Institute
1469-3690 Cultural trends (e-vir) EBSCO Pub
1777-5345 Cultures & conflits (e-vir) [Centre d'études sur les conflits]
1157-996X Cultures et conflits L'Harmattan
0011-3530 Current history Current History
1944-785X Current history (e-vir) Events Publishing Company; Current History Inc.
0146-3527 Current industrial reports United States.; United States.; United States.
1936-2374 Current issues in economics and finance Research and Market Analysis Group of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
2163-4513 Current issues in economics and finance (e-vir) Research and Market Analysis Group of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
1368-3500 Current issues in tourism Channel View Publications
1747-7603 Current issues in tourism (e-vir) Channel View; RoutledgeCu
0011-3921 Current sociology Sage
1461-7064 Current sociology (e-vir) Sage Publications
Y505-4184 Current sociology (e-vir) Sage publications
1522-7383 Cutter IT journal Cutter Information Corp.
0011-4294 Cycles Foundation for the Study of Cycles (U.S.),
0045-9461 Czechoslovak Economic Digest EMPORA
0011-5266 Daedalus MIT Press Journals
1548-6192 Daedalus (e-vir) American Academy of Arts and Sciences
0011-5827 Dalhousie review Dalhousie University Press
0011-5835 Dallas Dallas Chamber of Commerce.
0025-9616 Das Menschenrecht Österreichische Liga für Menschenrechte
0935-5480 DASP-Hefte Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Afrikanischen Staaten Portugiesischer Sprache.; DASP.
0036-6986 Das Schriftum der Agrarwirtschaft Oesterreichischer Agrarverlag
0011-6963 Datamation Technical Pub. Co., etc.
0748-1187 Death studies Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
1091-7683 Death studies (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1572-9982 De Economist (e-vir) Kluwer
0142-6184 DEFENCE DJS Fotoset Ltd
1044-3177 Defense & diplomacy Defense and Diplomacy, Inc.,
0277-4933 Defense & foreign affairs Copley & Associates
1061-6845 Defense intelligence journal Defense Intelligence College Foundation.; Joint Military Intelligence College Foundation.
0011-7595 Defense management journal [Dept. of Defense, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics)]; [Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor]
0336-1489 Defense nationale Service d'Information et de Relations Publiques de l'Armee de l'air
1947-4962 Defining ideas Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace.
1536-1837 Delaware review of Latin American studies (e-vir) University of Delaware, Latin American Studies
0272-6750 Democracy Common Good Foundation
1931-8693 Democracy Democracy, a Journal of Ideas, Inc.
1931-8707 Democracy (e-vir) Democracy; A Journal of Ideas, Inc.
1555-5860 Democracy and security Taylor and Francis
1741-9166 Democracy and security Routledge
1552-9606 Democracy at large International Foundation for Electoral Systems.
0185-0148 Demografía y economía Centro de Estudios Demográficos y de Desarrollo Urbano. El Colegio de México.
0070-3370 Demography Population Association of America
1533-7790 Demography (e-vir) Population Association of America
0340-8590 Demokratie und Recht Demokratie-u.-Recht-Zeitschr.-Verl..
0386-6076 Dentsu Japan marketing-advertising Dentsu Advertising.
0196-2035 Denver journal of international law and policy University of Denver College of Law]
0011-8834 Denver law journal University of Denver.
0883-9409 Denver University law review University of Denver College of Law
2469-6455 Denver University law review (e-vir) University of Denver.; William S. Hein & Company.
1542-2763 DePaul business & commercial law journal DePaul University College of Law and the Commercial Law League of America
0003-9500 Der Archivar Nordrhein-Westfälisches Hauptstaatsarchiv; Schmitt
0006-1964 Der Bibliothekar Bibliographisches Institut
0420-0039 Derecho de la integración Instituto para la Integración de América Latina.; Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.; INTAL.
0942-4881 Der Handel Deutscher Fachverlag
0342-2259 Der Landkreis Kohlhammer
0038-7452 Der Spiegel Spiegel-Verl. Augstein
2195-1349 Der Spiegel (e-vir) Spiegel-Verl. Augstein
0038-884X Der Staat Duncker & Humblot
1865-5203 Der Staat (e-vir) Duncker u. Humblot
0038-9048 Der Städtetag Kohlhammer
0046-001X Desarrollo económico. Instituto de desarrollo económico y social
0418-7547 Desarrollo indoamericano E. Salazar F.,
0120-3584 Desarrollo y sociedad Universidad de los Andes. Facultad de Economia. Centro de Estudios sobre Desarrollo Economico
0379-2455 Desertification control United Nations Environment Programme.; UNEP.
1055-2758 Detroit free press W.F. Storey
0012-1428 Deutschland-Archiv Verlag Wissenschaft u. Politik von Nottbeck
0012-1533 Developing economies Institute of Developing Economies
1471-8731 Developing world bioethics Blackwell
1471-8847 Developing world bioethics (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1011-6370 Development SID International Secretariat
1461-7072 Development (e-vir) Blackwell
1066-9477 Developmental policy studies Policy Studies Organization
0012-155X Development and change Sage Publ.
1467-7660 Development and change (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
0209-5602 Development and peace Hungarian Peace Council
0961-4524 Development in practice Oxfam
1364-9213 Development in practice (e-vir) Oxfam
0155-0489 Development news digest Australian Council for Overseas Aid.
0950-6764 Development policy review Sage Publications
1467-7679 Development policy review (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0376-835X Development Southern Africa Development Press
1470-3637 Development Southern Africa (e-vir) Development Bank of Southern Africa
1044-2057 Diaspora Oxford University Press
1911-1568 Diaspora (e-vir) University of Toronto Press
1063-7419 Dickinson journal of environmental law & policy Dickinson School of Law.
0887-283X Dickinson journal of international law Dickinson School of Law.
0342-3182 Die Bank Bank-Verlag
0340-0255 Die Friedens-warte A. H. Fried
2366-6714 Die Friedens-Warte (e-vir) BWV, Berliner Wiss.-Verl.
0026-6779 Die Mitarbeit Schwartz.
0177-6738 Die neue Gesellschaft, Frankfurter Hefte Dietz
0028-3304 Die neue Ordnung in Kirche, Staat, Gesellschaft, Kultur Albertus-Magnus-Akademie zu Walberberg bei Bonn.
0032-3446 Die politische Meinung Fromm
0042-059X Die Unternehmung Versus
0042-4498 Die Verwaltung Duncker und Humblot
1865-5211 Die Verwaltung (e-vir) Duncker u. Humblot; GBI-Genios Deutsche Wirtschaftsdatenbank GmbH
1011-386X Die Volkswirtschaft Schweiz; Schweiz
0043-2652 Die Weltwirtschaft Springer
1613-9828 Die Weltwirtschaft Springer.
0012-2696 Difusión económica Instituto de investigaciones económicas y políticas. Universidad de Guayaquil
0382-6287 Digeste social Canadian Council on Social Development.
0101-4218 Digesto Econômico Editora Comercial Ltda.
1983-5922 Dilemas Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais, Núcleo de Estudos da Cidadania, Conflito e Violência Urbana
2178-2792 Dilemas Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais, Núcleo de Estudos da Cidadania, Conflito e Violência Urbana
0959-2296 Diplomacy and statecraft Taylor & Francis
1557-301X Diplomacy and statecraft (e-vir) F. Cass
0012-320X Direction et gestion des entreprises Institut français de gestion.
0012-3242 Director Director Publications
0364-9156 Directors & boards Information for Industry, inc.
1020-7287 Disarmament forum UNIDIR.; United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research.
0251-9518 Disarmament - United Nations United Nations
0361-3666 Disasters Pergamon Press
1467-7717 Disasters (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1015-079X Discovery and innovation Academy Science Publishers.
0173-007X Diskurs Universität Bremen, Presse- und Informationsamt, Druckschriftenlager.
0012-3846 Dissent [Dissent Pub. Corp., etc.]
1946-0910 Dissent (e-vir) [Dissent Pub. Corp.]
0305-4322 Ditchley journal Ditchley Foundation.
1540-1502 Diversityinc DiversityInc Media
1082-9873 D-Lib magazine (e-vir) Corporation for National Research Initiatives
0012-4419 Dock & harbour authority Foxlow Publications
0012-4494 Documentación administrativa Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública (España); España
1989-8983 Documentación administrativa (e-vir) Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública
0012-4753 Documentos - Instituto de Estudios Políticos, UCV Universidad Central de Venezuela. Instituto de Estudios Políticos.
0771-0097 Documents - CEPESS CEPESS.; Centre d'études politiques, économiques et sociales.
0340-3297 Dokumentation Ostmitteleuropa Johann-Gottfried-Herder-Inst.,
0012-5172 Dokumente Europa-Union-Verlag
0012-5245 Dollars & sense Economic Affairs Bureau
1060-0655 Domestic affairs Domestic Affairs Press,
0191-3905 Draper Fund report Draper Fund.
0012-6160 Drexel library quarterly Drexel University, etc.
0335-5047 Droit et pratique du commerce international Masson
0070-7325 Droit Polonais Contemporain Polska Akademia Nauk; Instytut Nauk Prawnych
0012-6438 Droit social Librairie technique et économique
0968-7637 Drugs Carfax
1465-3370 Drugs (e-vir) Carfax; Informa Healthcare
8756-8233 Drugs & society Haworth Press
0091-2085 DttP American Library Association, Government Documents Round Table
0185-237X Dualismo UV. Centro de Estudios Económicos y Sociales.
1742-058X Du Bois review Cambridge University Press
1742-0598 Du Bois review (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0245-9132 E. & H Économie et humanisme
0721-2178 E + Z Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH.; GIZ.
1096-6838 East Asia Transaction Periodicals Consortium,
1874-6284 East Asia (e-vir) Springer
1793-9305 East Asian policy East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore
2251-3175 East Asian policy (e-vir) East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore
1011-4750 Eastern Africa economic review Kenya Literature Bureau.
0012-8775 Eastern European economics M. E. Sharpe
1557-9298 Eastern European economics (e-vir) M.E. Sharpe
0888-3254 East European politics and societies University of California Press
1533-8371 East European politics and societies (e-vir) Sage Publications
0012-8449 East European quarterly Central European University Budapest, Department of Political Science
2469-4827 East European quarterly (e-vir) Central European University Budapest, Department of Political Science
0267-808X East European reporter East European Cultural Foundation.
1069-5664 East-West church & ministry report Institute for East-West Christian Studies, Billy Graham Center
1085-4452 EBRI notes Employee Benefit Research Institute (Washington, D.C.). Education and Research Fund.
0014-1445 ECA Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas
0921-8009 Ecological economics Elsevier
0261-3131 Ecologist Ecosystems
1708-3087 Ecology and society (e-vir) Resilience Alliance
0046-1121 Ecology law quarterly School of Law of the University of California.
1705-4583 ECOMMUNITY Professional Advanced Services, Dept. of Behavioral Medicine & Psychiatry, West Virginia University
0870-3531 Economia Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas
0254-4415 Economía Pontificia universidad católica del Perú, Departamento de economía
2304-4306 Economía Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Departamento de Economía
0012-978X Economia & lavoro Fondazione G. Brodolini
1827-8949 Economia & Lavoro (e-vir) Carocci
0120-4998 Economía Colombiana Aníbal Pineda
0185-0504 Economía de América Latina Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas.
1120-7019 Economia delle scelte pubbliche Giannini; Gangemi,
0012-9755 Economía de Moçambique Economía de Moçambique
0870-4635 Economia EC Editorial Caminho, SARL.
0012-9771 Economia e credito Cassa di risparmio Vittorio Emanuele per le provincie siciliane in Palermo, Ufficio studi.
0391-2078 Economia e politica industriale Franco Angeli
1972-4977 Economia e politica industriale (e-vir) Franco Angeli
0870-6018 Economia e socialismo Editorial Economia e Socialismo.
0870-6026 Economia e sociologia Instituto Superior Económico e Social.
1137-4772 Economía exterior Estudios de Política Exterior
0422-2784 Economía industrial España; España; España; España
0185-0849 Economía informa UNAM. Facultad de Economía.
0012-981X Economia Internazionale Istituto di Economia Internazionale
0392-4467 Economia Istruzione e Formazione professionale La Nuova Italia Editrice.
1120-9593 Economia Marche Società Editrice il Mulino
0185-0458 Economía mexicana Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas
1665-2045 Economía mexicana Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas
0424-2483 Economía política Instituto de investigaciones económicas y sociales.; Facultad de ciencias económicas.; Universidad nacional autónoma de Honduras.; IIES-UNAH.
0390-6140 Economia pubblica Franco Angeli.
0012-9879 Economia trentina Camera di commercio industria artigianato e agricoltura
0252-8584 Economía y desarrollo Universidad de La Habana, Facultad de economía
2518-0983 Economía y desarrollo (e-vir) Facultad de Economía, Universidad de la Habana
1374-2124 Economic & financial bulletin - KBC KBC.
0013-0427 Economica T. Fisher Unwin
1468-0335 Economica (e-vir) London School of Economics and Political Science
0313-5926 Economic analysis and policy Economic Society of Australian and New Zealand. Queensland Branch.
2204-2296 Economic analysis and policy (e-vir) Economic Society of Australian and New Zealand
0351-286X Economic analysis and workers' management Institut ekonomskih nauka
0256-3525 Economic and financial prospects Swiss Bank Corporation
0012-9984 Economic and social review Economic and Social Review
0037-5659 Economic bulletin Singapore International Chamber of Commerce.
0304-274X Economic bulletin National Bank of Egypt
1503-8831 Economic bulletin (e-vir) Norges bank
0013-0036 Economic Bulletin - Commercial Bank of Greece Commercial Bank of Greece
0041-6371 Economic bulletin for Asia and the Far East ECAFE.; United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East.
0378-455X Economic bulletin for Asia and the Pacific United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
0041-638X Economic bulletin for Europe United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe
0029-1676 Economic bulletin - Norges bank Norges bank
0013-0079 Economic development and cultural change University of Chicago Press
1539-2988 Economic development and cultural change (e-vir) University of Chicago
0891-2424 Economic development quarterly Sage Publications
1552-3543 Economic development quarterly (e-vir) Sage Publications
0742-3713 Economic development review American Economic Development Council
0424-2769 Economic education bulletin American Institute for Economic Research.
0389-0503 Economic eye Keizai Käohäo Sentäa.
0195-8550 Economic forum [Economic Forum]
0013-0095 Economic geography Clark University.
1944-8287 Economic geography (e-vir) Clark University
0013-0117 Economic history review Economic history society
1468-0289 Economic history review (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
0013-0125 Economic indicators U.S. Government Printing Office
0015-2757 Economic indicators First Hawaiian Bank.
0325-2388 Economic information of Argentina Coordination and economic planning secretariat
0095-2583 Economic inquiry Western Economic Association International [etc.]
1465-7295 Economic inquiry (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1363-7029 Economic issues [Economic issues]
2514-5479 Economic issues (e-vir) Nottingham Trent University
0013-0133 Economic journal Royal Economic Society; Basil Blackwell
0424-2815 Economic journal Government College. Department of Economics
1468-0297 Economic journal (e-vir) Blackwell
0013-0141 Economic leaflets University of Florida.
0140-489X Economic outlook Blackwell
1468-0319 Economic outlook (e-vir) Blackwell
0095-3830 Economic outlook USA Survey Research Center, University of Michigan.
1759-3441 Economic papers (e-vir) The Society; Wiley-Blackwell
0812-0439 Economic papers - Economic Society of Australia Economic Society of Australia.
0164-0682 Economic perspectives Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
1191-3576 Economic planning in free societies Academic Publishing.
0266-4658 Economic policy Cambridge University Press; Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme
1468-0327 Economic policy (e-vir) Blackwell.
0884-4852 Economic policy issues Conference Board.
1069-7225 Economic quarterly Research Dept. of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
0013-0249 Economic record Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand.
0013-0281 Economic review Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
0013-029X Economic review International Commercial Bank of China.
0094-6893 Economic review Research Dept. of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
0161-2387 Economic review Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
0319-8685 Economic review Provincial Bank of Canada.
0363-0021 Economic review Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Public Information Department
0531-8955 Economic review Iqbal Haidari
0732-1813 Economic review The Federal Reserve Bank
1404-6768 Economic review Sveriges Riksbank
0022-8419 Economic review / Kansallis-osake-pankki Kansallis-osake-pankki
0300-4287 Economics Economics Association
0341-616X Economics Institute for Scientific Co-operation
0969-2509 Economics and business education Economics Association.
2442-9260 Economics and Finance in Indonesia (e-vir) Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia
1468-0351 Economics of transition (e-vir) Wiley
0801-8324 Economic survey Statistisk sentralbyr
0939-3625 Economic systems Elsevier
0013-0400 ECONOMIC Trends H.M.S.O
0249-4744 Economie & prévision Ministère de l'économie, Direction de la prévision
0013-0494 Economie Appliquee Droz, Librairie
0070-8798 Economie et finances agricoles Crédit agricole (France)
0424-3218 Economie et politique Économie et politique
0851-0458 Economie et socialisme Al Bayane
0336-1454 Economie et statistique INSEE
0013-0559 Economie rurale [s.n.]
0013-0567 Économies et sociétés Institut de science économique appliquée (Paris)
0013-0575 Economisch en sociaal tijdschrift Universitaire Faculteiten Sint-Ignatius te Antwerpen; Instituut voor Postuniversitair Onderwijs
0013-063X Economist Stenfert Kroese
0212-4386 Economistas Colegio de Economistas de Madrid
0013-0958 Editorial research reports Congressional Quarterly, inc.
1405-2075 Educación 2001 Instituto mexicana de investigaciones educativas, S.C.
0013-1172 Education New England Pub. Co.
1047-8248 Educational foundations Prakken Publications
0895-9048 Educational policy Corwin Press
1552-3896 Educational policy (e-vir) Sage Publications
0013-1911 Educational review Carfax Publishing Company
1465-3397 Educational review (e-vir) Carfax Publishing Company
0013-1946 Educational studies American Educational Studies Association
0305-5698 Educational studies Carfax Publ.
1465-3400 Educational studies (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1532-6993 Educational studies (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates
0013-1245 Education and urban society Sage Publications.
1552-3535 Education and urban society (e-vir) Sage Publications
0964-5292 Education economics Carfax
1469-5782 Education economics (e-vir) Carfax
1539-9664 Education next Hoover Institution, the Leland Stanford Junior University
1539-9672 Education next Hoover Institution, the Leland Stanford Junior University
0258-3860 EFTA bulletin European Free Trade Association
0013-2659 Einheit Dietz Verlag
0013-2942 Ekistics Athäenaïkos Tehnologikos Omilos
0126-155X Ekonomi dan keuangan Indonesia Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia.
0013-3183 Ekonomiska samfundets tidskrift Economic Society of Finland.; Ekonomiska samfundet i Finland.
1488-3538 Electoral insight Elections Canada.
1488-3546 Electoral insight (e-vir) Elections Canada.
0261-3794 Electoral studies Butterworth Scientific Limited
1873-6890 Electoral studies (e-vir) Elsevier
1076-7975 Electronic green journal The Library
0717-3458 Electronic Journal of Biotechnology (e-vir) Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso; Comisión Nacional de Investigació Científica y Tecnológica
0185-1268 El Mercado de valores Subdirección de Información Técnica y Publicaciones. Nafin
1540-496X Emerging markets finance & trade M.E. Sharpe
1558-0938 Emerging markets finance & trade M.E. Sharpe
1566-0141 Emerging markets review Elsevier
1873-6173 Emerging markets review (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0013-6700 Emigrazione Patronato ACLI.
0747-0711 Empire State report [V.T. Publications]; CINN Worldwide Inc.
0340-8744 Empirica Fischer
1573-6911 Empirica (e-vir) Kluwer
0377-7332 Empirical economics Physica-Verlag
1435-8921 Empirical economics (e-vir) Physica-Verl..
0749-0003 Employee assistance quarterly Haworth Press
1545-2514 Employee assistance quarterly (e-vir) Haworth Press
0098-8898 Employee relations law journal Executive Enterprises Publications
0892-7545 Employee responsibilities and rights journal Plenum Press
1573-3378 Employee responsibilities and rights journal (e-vir) Kluwer
0013-6840 Employment and earnings U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor
0264-7052 Employment gazette HMSO
1019-4304 Employment observatory MISEP Network; European Commission; Directorate-General Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs
0745-7790 Employment relations today Executive Enterprises Publications
1520-6459 Employment relations today (e-vir) Wiley
0262-7922 ENDpapers Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation.
0149-9386 Energy Business Communications Co.
0140-9883 Energy economics North-Holland
1873-6181 Energy economics (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0262-7108 Energy economist Financial Times Business Information Limited
0270-9163 Energy law journal Federal Energy Bar Association
0301-4215 Energy policy IPC Science and Technology Press Ltd
1873-6777 Energy policy (e-vir) Elsevier
0090-8347 Energy systems and policy Taylor & Francis [etc.]
0307-7942 Energy world Institute of Fuel
0101-1723 Ensaios FEE Fundação de Economia e Estatística
0102-0617 Ensayos ECIEL Programa de Estudios Conjuntos sobre Integracion Economica Latinoamericana.
0325-3937 Ensayos económicos Banco Central de la República Argentina
0120-4483 Ensayos sobre politica economica Banco de la Republica. Departamento de Investigaciones Economicas
0191-5215 Enterprise National Association of Manufacturers (U.S.)
0163-3341 Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Media
1042-2587 Entrepreneurship theory and practice Wiley Blackwell; Sage
1540-6520 Entrepreneurship theory and practice (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers; John Wiley and Sons; [Sage]
0013-9157 Environment Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation
1939-9154 Environment (e-vir) [Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation]
0013-922X Environmental action Environmental Action Foundation
1044-033X Environmental and urban issues Joint Center for Environmental and Urban Problems.
1040-6026 Environmental claims journal Executive Enterprises
1547-657X Environmental claims journal (e-vir) CRC Press
0149-6573 Environmental comment Urban Land Institute.
0251-1088 Environmentalist Science and Technology Letters
0046-2284 Environmental law reporter The Institute
0378-777X Environmental policy and law Elsevier
1878-5395 Environmental policy and law (e-vir) IOS Press
0792-0032 Environmental policy review Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1462-9011 Environmental science & policy Elsevier Science
1873-6416 Environmental science & policy (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
1029-0400 Environmental studies: Sections A & B Gordon and Breach Publishing Group.
0963-2719 Environmental values White Horse Press
1752-7015 Environmental values (e-vir) White Horse Press
1355-770X Environment and development economics Cambridge University Press
1469-4395 Environment and development economics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0263-774X Environment and planning Pion
1472-3425 Environment and planning (e-vir) Pion
1472-3433 Environment and planning (e-vir) Pion Ltd
0263-7758 Environment and planning. D. Society & Space Pion
0956-2478 Environment and urbanization IIED
1746-0301 Environment and urbanization (e-vir) IIED
0033-5169 EOQC quality EOQC Secretariat
0145-1189 EPA journal The Office; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor
1066-5684 Equity & excellence in education Greenwood Pub. Group
1547-3457 Equity & excellence in education (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0014-0139 Ergonomics Taylor & Francis
1366-5847 Ergonomics (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0014-0481 Espaces et sociétés Editions Anthropos
0014-0554 Espansione Sperling & Kupfer.
0014-0759 Esprit Paul Thibaud
2111-4579 Esprit (e-vir) Revue Esprit
0014-1135 Estadística Instituto interamericano de estadística.; Inter-American Statistical Institute.
0014-1151 Estadística española Instituto Nacional de Estadística (España)
0046-256X Est-Ovest Istituto di studi e documentazione sull' Est Europeo
0325-6928 Estudios Fundación Mediterránea. Instituto de Estudios Económicos sobre la Realidad Argentina y Latinoamericana.
0120-1867 Estudios de derecho Universidad de Antioquia. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Politicas
2145-6151 Estudios de derecho (e-vir) Universidad de Antioquia
0423-4847 Estudios de Deusto Universidad de Deusto; Universidad de Deusto
2386-9062 Estudios de Deusto (e-vir) Universidad de Deuto, Facultad de Derecho
0304-2758 Estudios de economía Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Chile
0718-5286 Estudios de economía (e-vir) Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Chile
2448-6515 Estudios demográficos y urbanos. (en línea) (e-vir) El Colegio de México
0186-7210 Estudios demográficos y urbanos de El Colegio de México El Colegio de México.
0425-3698 Estudios empresariales E.T.S. de San Sebastián.; Escuela Superior de Técnica Empresarial (San Sebastián)
0792-7061 Estudios interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe Universidad de Tel Aviv. Escuela Historia.
2226-4620 Estudios interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe (e-vir) Facultad de Humanidades Lester y Sally Entin, Universidad de Tel Aviv.; Instituto de Historia y Cultura de América Latina.
0716-0240 Estudios Internacionales Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile
0719-3769 Estudios Internacionales (e-vir) Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile
0187-1811 Estudios latinoamericanos Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
0137-3080 Estudios Latinoamericanos Zakład Narodowy imienia Ossolińskich Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk; Sociedad Polaca de Estudios Latinoamericanos; Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego [etc.]
0185-1616 Estudios políticos UNAM. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.
2448-4903 Estudios políticos (e-vir) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Elsevier
0716-1115 Estudios públicos Centros de Estudios Públicos
0716-0321 Estudios sociales Corporación de Promoción Universitaria.; CPU.
0303-9676 Estudios sociales centroamericanos Consejo superior universitario centroamericano
0103-4014 Estudos Avançados Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Estudos Avançados
1806-9592 Estudos Avançados Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Estudos Avançados.
0101-4161 Estudos Econômicos Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Economia
1980-5357 Estudos Econômicos Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Economia
1050-8422 Ethics & behavior Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-7019 Ethics & behavior L. Erlbaum Associates.
0892-6794 Ethics & international affairs Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs
1747-7093 Ethics & international affairs (e-vir) Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs
1535-5306 Ethics and the environment (e-vir) JAI Press
1085-6633 Ethics and the Environment JAI Press
0141-9870 Ethnic and racial studies Taylor&Francis
1466-4356 Ethnic and racial studies (e-vir) Routledge and Kegan Paul
1468-7968 Ethnicities Sage
1741-2706 Ethnicities (e-vir) Sage Publications
1010-5832 Ethnic studies report International Centre for Ethnic Studies.
0014-1941 Études Études
2102-5800 Études (e-vir) [Société d'éd. de revues]
0324-1645 Études balkaniques Institut d'études balkaniques
0014-2034 Etudes économiques FUCAM
0256-5552 Etudes et documents Institut de relations internationales.
0014-2123 Études internationales Institut québécois des hautes études internationales.
1703-7891 Études internationales (e-vir) Centre québécois de relations internationales.; Canadian Institute of International Affairs.; Institut québécois des hautes études internationales.
0014-2182 Etudes rurales Mouton & Co; Éditions de l'École pratique des hautes études
1777-537X Études rurales (e-vir) Éd. de l'EHESS
0069-8075 Etudes statistiques - Institut national de statistique Ministère des affaires économiques.
0014-2247 Etudes tsiganes Association des études tsiganes
1300-1612 Eurasian studies TİKA
0250-7161 EURE Instituto de Estudios Urbanos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
0717-6236 EURE (e-vir) Instituto de Estudios Urbanos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
0014-2433 Euromoney Euromoney Publications Limited
0264-6706 Euromoney trade finance report Euromoney Publications
0277-0423 Europa Karz-Segil Publishers,
0703-1874 Europa Centre interuniversitaire d'études européennes.
0014-2476 Europa-Archiv Verlag für Internationale Politik
0014-2492 Europa ethnica Wilhelm Braumüller
0304-2782 Europäische Rundschau Europa Verlag
0343-6373 Europaïsche Wehrkunde Verlag Europaïsche Wehrkunde.
0191-4545 Europe Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities
0264-7362 European access European Documentation Centre (University College, Cardiff)
1527-8158 European Affairs The European Institute
0046-2756 European demographic information bulletin G. Beyer.
1873-572X European economic review (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0014-2921 European Economic Review North-Holland
0379-0991 European economy Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
1830-4338 European innovation Office for Official Publication of the European Communities
0267-3231 European journal of communication Sage Publications
1460-3705 European journal of communication (e-vir) Sage
Y505-5040 European journal of communication (e-vir) Sage
0928-9569 European journal of crime, criminal law and criminal justice Kluwer law international
1571-8174 European journal of crime, criminal law and criminal justice (e-vir) Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
Y505-5059 European journal of crime, criminal law and criminal justice (e-vir) Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
0929-0273 European journal of health law Kluwer Law International
1571-8093 European journal of health law (e-vir) Kluwer
1461-6718 European journal of housing policy Taylor & Francis
1473-3269 European journal of housing policy (e-vir) Routledge
Y504-3301 European journal of housing policy Taylor & Francis
2042-115X European journal of law and technology (e-vir) Queen's University of Belfast, School of Law
1388-364X European journal of migration and law Kluwer Law International
1571-8166 European journal of migration and law (e-vir) Kluwer
0168-6577 European journal of population Elsevier
1572-9885 European journal of population (e-vir) Kluwer
1101-1262 European journal of public health Almqvist & Wiksell International
1464-360X European journal of public health (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1369-1457 European journal of social work Routledge
1468-2664 European journal of social work (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0928-1371 European journal on criminal policy and research Kugler
1572-9869 European journal on criminal policy and research (e-vir) Kluwer
0960-5398 European labour forum Spokesman.
0263-2373 European management journal William Heinemann
1873-5681 European management journal (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0965-4313 European planning studies Carfax
1469-5944 European planning studies (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0304-4297 European research Elsevier Science Publishers
0165-1587 European review of agricultural economics Oxford University Press
1464-3618 European review of agricultural economics (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1879-4750 European review of Latin American and Caribbean studies = CEDLA
0014-3138 European taxation International bureau of fiscal documentation
2352-9199 European taxation (e-vir) IBFD
0014-3162 European trends Economist Intelligence Unit (Great Britain)
0969-7764 European urban and regional studies Sage Publications
1461-7145 European urban and regional studies (e-vir) Sage
0966-8136 Europe-Asia studies Taylor & Francis
1465-3427 Europe-Asia studies (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0014-2816 Europe France Outre-mer Europe France Outre-mer
0223-5862 Europe Outre-mer Europe Outre-mer
0378-7559 EUROSTAT. Sidérurgie Office des Publications officielles des Communautés Européennes
1356-3890 Evaluation Sage Publications
1461-7153 Evaluation (e-vir) Sage Publications
1873-7870 Evaluation and program planning (e-vir) ElsevierLtd.
0149-7189 Evaluation and Program Planning Pergamon Press.
0193-841X Evaluation review Sage Publications.
1552-3926 Evaluation review (e-vir) Sage Publications
1530-6283 eWeek Ziff Davis Media
0014-4509 Executive Airmedia..
0914-5451 EXIM review Export-Import Bank of Japan, Research Institute of Overseas Investment
0014-4983 Explorations in economic history Academic Press
1090-2457 Explorations in economic history (e-vir) Academic Press
0014-5408 Extension service review / United States.; United States.
0749-1115 Exxon USA Exxon Company U.S.A.
0328-4050 FACES Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
0730-3319 Fact s.n.
1047-5699 Family and conciliation courts review Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
1531-2445 Family court review Sage
1744-1617 Family court review (e-vir) Sage Publications
1085-9985 Family economics and nutrition review U.S. Dept. of Agriculture; For sale by the Supt. of Docs.
0425-676X Family economics review Institute of Home Economics (U.S.); United States.; Consumer and Food Economics Institute (U.S.); United States.; United States.; United States.
1030-2646 Family matters Australian Institute of Family Studies
0014-7354 Family planning perspectives Alan Guttmacher Institute, etc.
2325-5617 Family planning perspectives (e-vir) Center for Family Planning Program Development
0206-149X Far Eastern Affairs Progress
0014-7591 Far Eastern economic review Far Eastern Economic Review Limited
0364-0736 Farmer cooperatives The Service; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor
0014-7982 Farm index United States.; United States.
0014-5688 FBI law enforcement bulletin Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Dept. of Justice
0362-1332 FDA consumer U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor
0163-7606 Federal communications law journal UCLA School of Law and the Federal Communications Bar Association
0737-0725 Federal Home Loan Bank Board journal United States.
0014-9128 Federal probation Administrative Office of the United States Courts; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor
0014-9209 Federal reserve bulletin G.P.O.
1053-9867 Federal sentencing reporter Vera Institute of Justice
1533-8363 Federal sentencing reporter (e-vir) Vera Institute of Justice
0046-3663 Feminist studies Feminist Studies, inc.
2153-3873 Feminist studies (e-vir) Feminist Studies
0015-1947 Finance & development International Monetary Fund
1564-5142 Finance & development (e-vir) International Monetary Fund
0015-1955 Finance & trade review Volkskas.
0267-4424 Financial accountability & management Basil Blackwell
1468-0408 Financial accountability & management (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0895-4186 Financial executive Financial Executives Institute
0015-2013 Financial mail SAAN.; South African Associated Newspapers.
0046-3892 Financial management Financial Management Association.
1755-053X Financial management (e-vir) Financial Management Association
0378-651X Financial market trends OECD
1609-6886 Financial market trends Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
0746-7915 Financial planning International Association for Financial Planning
0164-9698 Financial planning today Panel Publishers
0895-6359 Financial services yearbook National Center on Financial Services.
1830-2017 Financial stability review European Central Bank
1830-2025 Financial stability review (e-vir) [European Central Bank]
1861-8987 Financial stability review Deutsche Bundesbank
0142-162X Financial Times of London world business weekly Financial Times of London.
0015-2064 Financial world Financial World Partners
0745-242X Financier Financier, etc.]
0015-2218 Finanzarchiv Mohr Siebeck
1614-0974 FinanzArchiv Mohr Siebeck.
1396-0458 First Monday (e-vir) Munksgaard International Publishers,
1396-0466 First Monday (e-vir) [Munksgaard]
0143-5671 Fiscal studies Institute for Fiscal Studies
1475-5890 Fiscal studies (e-vir) Institute for Fiscal Studies
0739-7011 FIU hospitality review Florida International University. School of Hospitality Management.
0145-5885 Florida environmental and urban issues Joint Center for Environmental and Urban Problems.
1043-4275 Florida State University research in review Florida State University.
0015-4326 Florida trend Trend Magazines, Inc.
0740-0195 Focus Joint Center for Political Studies (U.S.),; Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies (U.S.),
0015-508X Focus Midwest FOCUS/Midwest Pub. Co.]
1088-3576 Focus on autism and other developmental disabilities (e-vir) PRO-ED
1538-4829 Focus on autism and other developmental disabilities (e-vir) PRO-ED
0046-4333 Folio Market Publications, Inc.
0162-0045 Food monitor World Hunger Year.; Institute for Food and Development Policy (Oakland, Calif.)
0306-9192 Food Policy Elsevier
0193-9025 Food Research Institute studies Stanford University.
1056-327X FoodReview Commodity Economics Division, Economic Research Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. distributor; ERS-NASS, distributor
0015-704X Fordham law review Fordham University School of Law
2163-5978 Fordham urban law journal (e-vir) Fordham University.
0015-7120 Foreign affairs Council on Foreign Relations]
2327-7793 Foreign affairs (e-vir) [Council on Foreign Relations]
1665-1707 Foreign affairs en español Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México.; ITAM.
0015-7228 Foreign policy Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, etc.
1945-2276 Foreign policy (e-vir) National Affairs, Inc.
1743-8586 Foreign policy analysis Oxford University Press
1743-8594 Foreign policy analysis (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing; Wiley
1052-7036 Foreign policy bulletin Foreign Policy Bulletin
1745-1302 Foreign policy bulletin (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1524-1939 Foreign policy in focus Resource Center (Albuquerque, N.M.); Institute for Policy Studies.
0146-3543 Foreign service journal American Foreign Service Association
1389-9341 Forest Policy and Economics Elsevier
1872-7050 Forest Policy and Economics (e-vir) Elsevier
Y503-8464 Forest Policy and Economics Elsevier
0164-095X Forest products review / United States.; United States.
0185-013X Foro internacional El Colegio de México
2448-6523 Foro internacional (e-vir) El Colegio de México
1074-6099 Fortnightly Public Utilities Reports, Inc.
0015-8259 Fortune Time,inc.,etc.,
0342-2577 Forum ds Bund-Verlag.
0887-8218 Forum for applied research and public policy Tennessee Valley Authority
0803-9410 Forum for development studies Norsk utenrikspolitisk institutt.; Norsk forening for utviklingsforskning.
1891-1765 Forum for development studies Universitetsforlaget
1558-9544 Forum for health economics & policy (e-vir) de Gruyter
2194-6191 Forum for health economics & policy de Gruyter
0046-4910 France forum France forum
0015-9999 Frankfurter Hefte Neue Verlagsgesellschaft d. Frankfurter Hefte
0827-7893 Fraser forum Fraser Institute
1480-3690 Fraser forum (e-vir) Fraser Institute (Vancouver, B.C.)
0016-030X Free China review Kwang Hwa Publishing Co.
0016-0520 Freedom at issue Freedom House (U.S.)
1054-3090 Freedom review Freedom House
0272-0701 Free inquiry Council for Democratic and Secular Humanism
0172-147X Freiburger geographische Mitteilungen Tesdorpf.
0016-1039 French-American commerce French-American Chamber of Commerce in the United States.; Chambre de commerce française des États-Unis.
1476-3419 French politics Palgrave Macmillan
1476-3427 French politics (e-vir) Palgrave Macmillan
0187-7372 Frontera norte El Colegio de la Frontera Norte.
0160-9009 Frontiers University of Colorado, Women Studies Program
1536-0334 Frontiers (e-vir) Women Studies Program, University of Colorado
1096-231X Frontiers in health policy research MIT Press
1537-2634 Frontiers in health policy research (e-vir) MIT Press; Berkeley Electronic Press
1674-0750 Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences Editorial Department of Fudan Journal
0016-2493 Fuji Bank bulletin Fuji Ginkäo. Chäosabu.
0916-1937 Fuji economic review Fuji Research Institute Corporation.; Fuji Säogäo Kenkyäujo.
0016-268X Fund raising management Hoke Communications
1420-1917 Futura Schweizerischer Wissenschaftsrat; Forschungspolitische Früherkennung (Projekt); Schweizerischer Wissenschafts- und Technologierat
1047-191X Future choices Youth Policy Institute (Washington, D.C.)
0746-2468 Futures Commodities Magazine
0337-307X Futuribles Association internationale Futuribles
1531-0930 Gaming research & review journal UNLV International Gaming Institute, William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration
0893-8342 Gannett Center journal Gannett Center for Media Studies.; Gannett Foundation Media Center.
0308-7654 Gas world Benn Brothers
0016-5492 Gazette Sage Publications
0344-2098 Geist und Tat Europäische Verlagsanstalt.
0738-7806 Generations The Society
0016-6774 Genève-Afrique Institut universitaire d'études du développement; Société suisse d'études africaines
0016-6863 Genio rurale Edagricole Gruppo Giornalistico
0016-6987 Genus Comitato italiano per lo studio dei problemi della popolazione; Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza, Dipartimento di scienze demografiche
2035-5556 Genus Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza
0016-7185 Geoforum Pergamon Press
1872-9398 Geoforum (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0016-741X Geographical magazine Hyde Park Publications
1745-5863 Geographical research Blackwell
1745-5871 Geographical research (e-vir) Blackwell
0016-7428 Geographical review American Geographical Society
1931-0846 Geographical review (e-vir) American Geographical Society
0016-7460 Geographische Rundschau Westermann
0016-7479 Geographische Zeitschrift Steiner.
2365-3124 Geographische Zeitschrift (e-vir) Steiner
1465-0045 Geopolitics Frank Cass
1557-3028 Geopolitics (e-vir) Frank Cass; Taylor & Francis
1362-9379 Geopolitics and international boundaries Frank Cass.
1526-0054 Georgetown journal of international affairs MIT Press for the Center for Strategic and International Studies
2471-8831 Georgetown journal of international affairs (e-vir) Georgetown University
Y507-4533 Georgetown journal of international affairs (e-vir) Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
1550-5200 Georgetown journal of international law Georgetown University Law Center
0016-8173 Georgia business University of Georgia.; University of Georgia.; University of Georgia.
0016-8300 Georgia law review Georgia Law Review Association
0723-0834 Geowissenschaften in unserer Zeit Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung.
1182-803X German American trade German American Chamber of Commerce.
0192-0103 German American trade news German American Chamber of Commerce.; German American Chamber of Commerce of Chicago.; Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Deutsch-Amerikanischen Handels.
0016-8769 German international Möller.
1045-0300 German politics and society The Center
1558-5441 German politics and society (e-vir) Center for European Studies
0882-7079 German studies newsletter The Center
0773-0543 Gestion 2000 Association de recherches et publications en management.
2406-4734 Gestion 2000 (e-vir) Association de recherches et publications en management
1405-1079 Gestión y política pública Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C..
2448-9182 Gestión y política pública (e-vir) Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C.
0016-9412 Gewerbliche Rundschau Schweizerischer Gewerbeverband
0016-9447 Gewerkschaftliche Monatshefte VS, Verl. für Sozialwiss.,
1862-3352 GIGA-Focus German Institute of Global and Area Studies.
1862-3573 GIGA-Focus (e-vir) German Institute of Global and Area Studies
1862-3581 GIGA-Focus German Institute of Global and Area Studies.
1862-359X GIGA-Focus German Institute for Global and Area Studies.
1862-3603 GIGA-Focus German Institute of Global and Area Studies.
1862-3611 GIGA-Focus German Institute of Global and Area Studies.
0915-2571 Gijutsu jäohäo - Täokai Ryokaku Tetsudäo Kabushiki Gaisha. Kensetsu Käojibu. Doboku Käojika Täokai Ryokaku Tetsudäo Kabushiki Gaisha. Kensetsu Käojibu. Doboku Käojika ;; Tokai ryokaku tetsudo kensetsu kojibu
0017-0097 Giornale degli economisti e annali di economia Istituto Editoriale Cisalpino- Goliardica
0017-0429 Giornale economico Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato Agricoltura, Venezia
0254-4377 Glaube in der 2. Welt Glaube in der 2. Welt
0363-2423 Glendale law review Glendale University, College of Law
0886-6198 Global affairs International Security Council.
0972-1509 Global business review Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd
0973-0664 Global business review Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd
1450-0590 Global Dialogue Centre for World Dialogue
1986-2601 Global Dialogue (e-vir) Centre for World Dialogue
1226-508X Global economic review Yonsei University
1744-3873 Global economic review (e-vir) Institute of East and West Studies, Yonsei University
1553-5304 Global economy journal (e-vir) de Gruyter
2194-5659 Global economy journal de Gruyter
1526-3800 Global environmental politics MIT Press
1536-0091 Global environmental politics (e-vir) MIT Press
0896-4181 Global finance Global Information, Inc.
1075-2846 Global governance Lynne Rienner Publishers
1942-6720 Global governance (e-vir) Lynne Rienner Publishers
1757-9759 Global health promotion Sage
1757-9767 Global health promotion (e-vir) SAGE
1474-7731 Globalizations Routledge
1474-774X Globalizations (e-vir) Routledge
1934-2640 Global jurist (e-vir) de Gruyter
2194-5675 Global jurist
1535-1661 Global jurist advances Bepress
1535-1653 Global jurist frontiers Bepress
1535-167X Global jurist topics Bepress
1470-2266 Global networks Blackwell.
1471-0374 Global networks (e-vir) Blackwell
1499-7754 Global outlook Centre for Research on Globalisation
0741-0204 Global perspectives Transnational Studies Association (U.S.)
1744-1692 Global public health Routledge
1744-1706 Global public health (e-vir) Routledge
1468-0181 Global social policy Sage Publications
1741-2803 Global social policy (e-vir) Sage Publications
1360-0826 Global society Taylor & Francis
1469-798X Global society (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0884-0849 Governance John F. Kennedy School of Government.
0952-1895 Governance Wiley-Blackwell
1468-0491 Governance (e-vir) Blackwell; Wiley
0894-3842 Governing Congressional Quarterly
1930-6954 Governing (e-vir)
0017-257X Government & opposition Cambridge University Press
0091-4835 Governmental finance Municipal Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada]
1477-7053 Government and opposition (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0017-2626 Government executive Executive Publications
0883-7856 Government finance review Government Finance Officers Association
0272-6823 Government financial management resources in review United States.; Government Finance Research Center.; Municipal Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada.
0740-624X Government information quarterly JAI Press Inc.
1872-9517 Government information quarterly (e-vir) JAI
0196-335X Government publications review Pergamon
0277-9390 Government publications review Pergamon Press
0270-2487 Government union review Public Service Research Foundation
0161-5661 Graduate woman American Association of University Women,
0733-6608 Grassroots development Inter-American Foundation,; Inter-American Foundation.
0017-4815 Growth and change University of Kentucky, College of Business and Economics
1468-2257 Growth and change (e-vir) Blackwell
0252-9041 Grupo andino Junta de acuerdo de Cartagena
0197-3975 Habitat international Pergamon Press
1873-5428 Habitat international Elsevier Science
0210-1173 Hacienda pública española Instituto de Estudios Fiscales (España)
2386-4176 Hacienda pública española (e-vir) Instituto de Estudios Fiscales
0936-0018 Hamburger Beiträge zur Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg
0017-8012 Harvard business review Harvard Business School Publishing
1098-1144 Harvard China review Harvard China Forum; Cambridge China Institute
0017-8039 Harvard civil rights-civil liberties law review Harvard Law School
0017-8055 Harvard educational review Harvard University
1943-5045 Harvard educational review (e-vir) [Harvard University, etc.]
1057-5057 Harvard human rights journal Harvard Law School
1943-5088 Harvard human rights journal (e-vir) Harvard Law School.
1081-180X Harvard international journal of press/politics The MIT Press
0017-8063 Harvard international law journal Harvard University
2153-2494 Harvard international law journal (e-vir) Harvard International Law Club
0739-1854 Harvard international review Harvard International Relations Council
2374-6564 Harvard international review (e-vir) Harvard International Relations Council
1081-0463 Harvard journal of African American public policy Published by students of the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
2162-559X Harvard journal of African American public policy (e-vir) John F. Kennedy School of Government.
1074-1917 Harvard journal of Hispanic policy John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
1558-4356 Harvard journal of law & gender Harvard Law School students
2374-6645 Harvard journal of law & gender (e-vir) Harvard Law School.
0193-4872 Harvard journal of law & public policy Harvard Society for Law and Public Policy
0897-3393 Harvard journal of law & technology Harvard Journal of Law & Technology
2153-263X Harvard journal of law & technology Harvard Law School
0017-808X Harvard journal on legislation Harvard Student Legislative Research Bureau
1943-507X Harvard journal on legislation (e-vir) Harvard Student Legislative Research Bureau
2153-1331 Harvard journal on racial & ethnic justice Harvard Law School, Student Journals Office
1542-460X Harvard Latino law review Harvard Latino Law Review Committee
2374-6637 Harvard Latino law review (e-vir) Harvard Latino Law Review Committee,; Harvard Law School,
0017-811X Harvard law review Harvard Law Review Association
2161-976X Harvard law review (e-vir) Harvard Law Review Pub. Association
Y505-5466 Harvard law review (e-vir) Harvard Law Review Association
0090-1032 Harvard political review John F. Kennedy School of Government.
1048-1346 Harvard public policy review John F. Kennedy School of Government.
0270-1456 Harvard women's law journal [Harvard Women's Law Journal, etc.]
2374-6653 Harvard women's law journal (e-vir) Harvard Women's Law Journal
0149-9246 Hastings international and comparative law review [University of California, Hastings College of the Law]
0994-4052 Haute finance AGEFI,
0440-5056 Hawaii business Hawaii Business Pub. Co.
0843-9303 Hazardous materials management magazine Canadian Hazardous Materials Management Inc.
0017-9051 Health/PAC bulletin / Health/PAC.
0741-2339 Health & medicine Health and Medicine Policy Research Group (Chicago, Ill.)
0278-2715 Health affairs Project Hope
1079-0969 Health and human rights Harvard School of Public Health, François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights
2150-4113 Health and human rights (e-vir) Harvard School of Public Health, François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights, 1994-
0195-8631 Health care financing review Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Health Care Financing Administration, Office of Research, Demonstrations, and Statistics
0739-9332 Health care for women international Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
1096-4665 Health care for women international (e-vir) Hemisphere Publishing Corporation
1041-0236 Health communication Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-7027 Health communication (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates
1090-1981 Health education & behavior Sage Publications Press
1552-6127 Health education & behavior (e-vir) Sage Publications
1369-6513 Health expectations Blackwell Science
1369-7625 Health expectations (e-vir) Blackwell Science Ltd.
1192-8336 Health law journal Health Law Institute.
1188-8725 Health law review Health Law Institute.
0748-383X Health matrix National Law Publishing
0168-8510 Health policy Elsevier
0268-1080 Health policy and planning Oxford University Press
1460-2237 Health policy and planning (e-vir) Oxford University Press.
0957-4824 Health promotion international Oxford University Press
1460-2245 Health promotion international (e-vir) Oxford University Press.
1036-1073 Health promotion journal of Australia Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals.
2201-1617 Health promotion journal of Australia CSIRO Publishing
1524-8399 Health promotion practice Sage
1552-6372 Health promotion practice (e-vir) Sage Publications
0956-2737 HEC forum Pergamon Press; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8498 HEC forum (e-vir) Kluwer
0711-7485 Herizons Manitoba Women's Newspaper
0767-9513 Hermès Hermès; Éd. du CNRS
0018-1560 Higher education Elsevier
1573-174X Higher education (e-vir) Kluwer
1013-851X Higher education management OECD
1682-3451 Higher education management and policy Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
1726-9822 Higher education management and policy (e-vir) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
0952-8733 Higher education policy Kogan Page
1740-3863 Higher education policy (e-vir) Pergamon
0951-5224 Higher education quarterly "Basil Blackwell"
1468-2273 Higher education quarterly (e-vir) Blackwell
0885-2715 High technology law journal University of California Press
2380-4734 High technology law journal (e-vir) University of California Press
0971-9318 Himalayan and Central Asian Studies K. Warikoo.
0199-0349 Hispanic business [Hispanic Business Publications]; Hispanic Business, Inc.
1540-4153 Hispanic health care international Springer Pub. Co.
1938-8993 Hispanic health care international (e-vir) Springer Pub.
1130-2402 Historia contemporánea Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco
2340-0277 Historia contemporánea (e-vir) Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco
0018-2702 History of political economy Duke University Press
1527-1919 History of political economy (e-vir) Duke University Press
0018-2796 Hitotsubashi journal of commerce and management
2436-0961 Hitotsubashi journal of commerce and management (e-vir) Hitotsubasi University = Hitotsubashi Daigaku; Hitotsubasi University = 一橋大学
0018-280X Hitotsubashi journal of economics Hitotsubashi Academy, Hitotsubashi University; Hitotsubashi University.
2436-097X Hitotsubashi journal of economics (e-vir) Hitotsubashi University = Hitotsubashi Daigaku; Hitotsubashi University = 一橋大学
0073-2796 Hitotsubashi journal of law and politics
0073-280X Hitotsubashi journal of social studies
2436-0996 Hitotsubashi journal of social studies (e-vir) Hitotsubashi University = Hitotsubashi Daigaku; Hitotsubashi University = 一橋大学
1522-3086 HIV plus Out Pub.
1746-1960 Homeland security & resilience monitor Co-published by RUSI and Jane's Information Group
0439-4216 Homme Mouton
1088-5161 Hoover digest Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace.
0212-0607 Horizonte empresarial Fomento del Trabajo Nacional (Cataluña)
0161-4703 Horn of Africa Horn of Africa Journal
0018-6570 Housing and planning references The Department; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor
0888-2746 Housing and society American Association of Housing Educators.; Housing Education and Research Association.; American Association of Housing Educators.
2376-0923 Housing and society (e-vir) [University of Minnesota, Department of Design, Housing, and Apparel]
0276-4415 Housing finance review Federal Home Loan Bank Board
1051-1482 Housing policy debate Office of Housing Policy Research, Fannie Mae
2152-050X Housing policy debate (e-vir) Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech
0267-3037 Housing studies Taylor & Francis
1466-1810 Housing studies (e-vir) Carfax
0265-5527 Howard journal of criminal justice Basil Blackwell
1468-2311 Howard journal of criminal justice (e-vir) Blackwell
0018-6813 Howard law journal Howard University School of Law
1931-0692 Howard law journal (e-vir) Howard University.
1047-3149 HRMagazine Society for Human Resource Management
1331-6443 Hrvatska javna uprava Institut za javnu upravu
0737-0024 Human-computer interaction Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-7051 Human-computer interaction (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates
1087-1209 Human dimensions of wildlife Sagamore Pub.
1533-158X Human dimensions of wildlife (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1530-7069 Human ecology New York State College of Human Ecology
0018-7178 Human ecology forum New York State College of Human Ecology
0018-7267 Human relations Plenum Press
1741-282X Human relations (e-vir) Sage Publications
0090-4848 Human resource management Wiley
1099-050X Human resource management (e-vir) Wiley
0046-8185 Human rights The Section
2162-8483 Human rights (e-vir) Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities, American Bar Association
0174-4704 Human rights law journal N.P.Engel
1461-7781 Human rights law review Human Rights Centre, University of Nottingham
1744-1021 Human rights law review (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0275-0392 Human rights quarterly Johns Hopkins University Press
1085-794X Human rights quarterly (e-vir) Johns Hopkins University Press
0237-1553 Hungarian business herald Hungarian Chamber of Commerce.
0740-1116 Hunger notes World Hunger Education Service.
0146-9274 I AM I-AM Pub. Corp.]
0739-1137 IASSIST quarterly The Association
2331-4141 IASSIST quarterly (e-vir) IASSIST
1056-5000 Ibérica Lang.
1577-3388 Iberoamericana Iberoamericana; Editorial Vervuert
2255-520X Iberoamericana (e-vir) Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut Preußischer Kulturbesitz
0258-3690 ICSID review International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
2049-1999 ICSID review (e-vir) International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes; Johns Hopkins University Press [distributor]; Oxford University Press
1070-289X Identities Gordon and Breach Publishers
1547-3384 Identities (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0265-5012 IDS bulletin Institute of Development Studies
1759-5436 IDS bulletin (e-vir) IDS Sussex
0330-9290 IEA. Information économique africaine Information économique africaine.
0278-0097 IEEE technology & society magazine Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1937-416X IEEE technology & society magazine (e-vir) [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]
0340-0352 IFLA journal K.G. Saur
1745-2651 IFLA journal (e-vir) Verlag Dokumentation
Y505-5113 IFLA journal (e-vir) Sage
0018-9731 Ifo-Studien Duncker und Humblot
0932-2825 IGW-Report über Wissenschaft und Technologie Institut für Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
0012-3404 Il Diritto del lavoro Fondazione Diritto del lavoro.
0392-1042 Il Federalista Edif; [s. n.]
0019-1833 Illinois agricultural economics (e-vir) The Department
2325-596X Illinois agricultural economics (e-vir) University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign campus).; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
0019-1922 Illinois business review Bureau of Economic and Business Research, College of Commerce, University of Illinois.
0738-9663 Illinois issues Sangamon State University.; University of Illinois at Springfield.
0391-6855 Il Mondo RCS Rizzoli periodici
0393-8212 Il Nuovo governo locale Franco Angeli Editore.
0032-325X Il Politico Università degli studi, Pavia
2239-611X Il Politico Rubbettino
0035-5615 Il Risparmio Associazione fra le casse di risparmio italiane.
0736-6396 ILR report New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, a statutory college of the State University at Cornell University
2041-4161 IMF economic review Palgrave Macmillan
2041-417X IMF economic review (e-vir) Palgrave Macmillan
1020-7635 IMF Staff papers International Monetary Fund
1564-5150 IMF Staff papers (e-vir) International Monetary Fund
0047-083X IMF survey International Monetary Fund
0949-4723 IMIS-Beiträge Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS) der Universität
1461-5517 Impact assessment and project appraisal Beech Tree Publishing
1471-5465 Impact assessment and project appraisal (e-vir) Beech Tree Publishing
0019-2872 Impact of science on society Unesco
0380-903X Imperial Oil review Imperial Oil Limited.
0277-8432 Imprimis Hillsdale College.; Hillsdale College.
0046-8819 Inchiesta Dedalo
0019-3674 Independent banker Independent Bankers Association of America
1043-7320 Independent energy PennWell
1064-4431 Independent newspaper from Russia =.; Independent newspaper from Russia C. Neu
1055-9809 In depth Washington Institute for Values in Public Policy.
0306-4220 Index on censorship Writers & scholars international Ltd
1746-6067 Index on censorship (e-vir) [Writers & Scholars International]
0019-6541 Indiana business review Bureau of Business Research, School of Business, Indiana University
1080-0727 Indiana journal of global legal studies Indiana University, School of Law
1543-0367 Indiana journal of global legal studies (e-vir) Indiana University, School of Law
0019-4670 Indian economic review Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics
2520-1778 Indian Economic Review (e-vir)
0970-1532 Indian Journal of Quantitative Economics Punjab School of Economics, Guru Nanak Dev University.; Guru Nanak Dev University, Punjab School of Economics.
0019-5626 Indian journal of social research Academic and Law Serials
0103-3905 Indicadores Econômicos FEE Fundação de Economia e Estatística Siegfried Emanuel Heuser
0019-719X Indo-Asia Deutsch-Indische Gesellschaft.
0304-2170 Indonesian quarterly Centre for Strategic and International Studies.
0019-7939 Industrial & labor relations review New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University
0960-6491 Industrial and corporate change Oxford University Press
1464-3650 Industrial and corporate change (e-vir) Oxford University Press for the Fondazione Assi
0019-7920 Industrial and labor relations report New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations,
2162-271X Industrial and labor relations review (e-vir) Cornell University Press
0252-4481 Industrial development news. Asia and the Pacific United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
0019-8501 Industrial marketing management Elsevier North-Holland.
1873-2062 Industrial Marketing Management (e-vir) Elsevier
0019-8676 Industrial relations Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California.
1468-232X Industrial relations (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
0019-8692 Industrial relations journal Associated Business Press
1468-2338 Industrial relations journal (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0019-9362 Industries et travaux d'outre-mer [s.n.]
0250-7935 Industry and development United Nations Industrial Development
0378-9993 Industry and environment United Nations Environment Programme
0019-977X Información comercial española Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda
0325-237X Información económica de la Argentina Secretaría de Programación y Coordinación Económica
1360-0834 Information & communications technology law Carfax
1469-8404 Information & communications technology law (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0278-2383 Information and referral Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (U.S.)
0304-551X Information bulletin - CIMMYT Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo.; CYMMYT.; International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center.
1873-5975 Information Economics and Policy (e-vir) Elsevier
0303-2493 Informationen zur Raumentwicklung Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landeskunde und Raumordnung
8756-1557 Information management review Aspen Systems Corp.
0851-0202 Information review Banque marocaine du commerce extérieur
0167-6245 Informations Economics and Policy North Holland
0046-9459 Informations sociales Union nationale des caisses d'allocations familiales (France); Caisse nationale des allocations familiales (France)
0730-9295 Information technology and libraries Library and Information Technology Association
2163-5226 Information technology and libraries (e-vir) American Library Association
0185-4399 Informe relaciones México-Estados Unidos Centro de Estudios Económicos y Sociales del Tercer Mundo.
0364-5533 Infosystems Hitchcock Pub. Co.]
1351-1610 Innovation Carfax Publishing Company
1469-8412 Innovation (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1558-2477 Innovations MIT Press
1558-2485 Innovations MIT Press
0250-4251 Inquérito permanente ao emprego Portugal.
0046-9580 Inquiry Blue Cross Association.
1945-7243 Inquiry (e-vir) Sage
0988-3266 INRA Sciences sociales Institut national de la recherche agronomique (France)
0749-8667 Insurance review The Institute
0325-1675 Integración latinoamericana Instituto para la integración de América Latina
1027-5703 Integration & trade INTAL.; Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean.; Inter-American Development Bank.
0824-7064 Intellectual property journal Carswell Legal Publications.
0020-4943 Inter-American economic affairs Institute of Inter-American Studies.
0020-5192 Inter-cambio British Chamber of Commerce in Mexico.
0162-5594 Intercontinental press combined with inprecor Intercontinental Press,
0020-5346 Intereconomics Verlag Weltarchiv
1613-964X Intereconomics Springer
1414-3283 Interface Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Departamento de Saúde Pública, Laboratório de Educação e Comunicação em Saúde ;; Fundação Uni
1807-5762 Interface (e-vir) Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Departamento de Saúde Pública, Laboratório de Educação e Comunicação em Saúde; Fundação Uni
0362-8507 Intergovernmental perspective United States.
8755-3724 Intermarket InterMarket Pub. Corp.
0309-118X InterMedia International Broadcast Institute
0020-5850 International affairs Wiley-Blackwell
0130-9641 International affairs All-Union Znaniye Society
1468-2346 International affairs (e-vir) Wiley
1471-6895 International and comparative law quarterly (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0020-6059 International associations Union des associations internationales
1060-4073 International business American International Pub. Co.
1052-9187 International contributions to labour studies Cambridge Political Economy Society.; University of Notre Dame.
1057-5677 International criminal justice review College of Public and Urban Affairs, Georgia State University
1556-3855 International criminal justice review (e-vir) College of Public and Urban Affairs, Georgia State University
0020-6490 International currency review Currency Journals
1542-0345 International debates Congressional Digest Corp.
2163-5080 International debates (e-vir) Congressional Digest Corporation.
1474-6743 International development planning review Liverpool University Press
1478-3401 International development planning review (e-vir) Liverpool University Press
0020-6555 International development review Society for International Development.
1050-8481 International economic insights Institute for International Economics (U.S.)
1016-8737 International economic journal Korea International Economic Association
1743-517X International economic journal (e-vir) Korea International Economic Association
0020-6598 International economic review Economics Dept. of the University of Pennsylvania and the Osaka University Institute of Social and Economic Research Association
1468-2354 International economic review (e-vir) Economics Dept. of the University of Pennsylvania
1041-4665 International environmental affairs University Press of New England for the Trustees of Dartmouth College
1430-175X Internationale Politik Verlag für Internationale Politik
0945-2419 Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft Dietz
0020-9430 Internationales Afrika-Forum Weltforum-Verlag
0020-9449 Internationales Asienforum Weltforum-Verlag
0020-9503 Internationales Recht und Diplomatie Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik.
0535-420X Internationale Zeitschrift der Landwirtschaft Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag
0190-3187 International family planning perspectives Alan Guttmacher Institute
0262-6969 International financial law review Euromoney Publications
1916-5781 International indigenous policy journal University of Western Ontario
0305-0629 International interactions Overseas Publishers Association
1547-7444 International interactions (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
1353-4505 International journal for quality in health care Elsevier
1464-3677 International journal for quality in health care (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0261-9903 International journal of advertising Holt, Rinehart and Winston
1180-3991 International journal of Canadian studies International Council for Canadian Studies
1923-5291 International journal of Canadian studies = International Council for Canadian Studies; University of Toronto Press
1474-2640 International journal of constitutional law Oxford University Press; School of Law
1474-2659 International journal of constitutional law (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1470-6423 International journal of consumer studies Blackwell Scientific Publications
1470-6431 International journal of consumer studies (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
1947-3435 International journal of cyber warfare and terrorism IGI Global
1947-3443 International journal of cyber warfare and terrorism IGI Global
1446-8956 International journal of development issues Centre for South Asian Studies
1758-8553 International journal of development issues (e-vir) Centre for South Asian Studies, School of Economics and Political Science, University of Sydney
1358-2291 International journal of discrimination and the law A B Academic
2047-9468 International journal of discrimination and the law (e-vir) A B Academic
1947-9131 International journal of e-politics IGI Global.
1947-914X International journal of e-politics IGI Global
0169-2070 International journal of forecasting Elsevier
1872-8200 International Journal of Forecasting (e-vir) North-Holland
1534-9969 International journal of global health University of Northern Iowa. Global Health Corps.
0020-7314 International journal of health services Baywood Pub. Co., etc.]
1541-4469 International journal of health services (e-vir) Baywood Pub. Co.
1525-6480 International journal of hospitality & tourism administration Haworth Press
1525-6499 International journal of hospitality & tourism administration Haworth Press; Taylor & Francis Group
1360-3116 International journal of inclusive education Taylor & Francis
1464-5173 International journal of inclusive education (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0268-4012 International journal of information management Elsevier
1873-4707 International journal of information management Elsevier Science
1947-8305 International journal of innovation in the digital economy IGI Global
1947-8313 International journal of innovation in the digital economy IGI Global
1521-0561 International journal of intelligence and counterintelligence Taylor & Francis
1091-2932 International journal of Korean studies Korea Society (New York, N.Y.),; International Council on Korean Studies,; Han'guk Kukche Kyoryu Chaedan,
1229-6902 International Journal of Korean Unification Studies Korea Institute for National Unification
1360-9939 International journal of law, policy and the family Oxford University Press
1464-3707 International journal of law, policy and the family (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0950-4109 International journal of law and the family Oxford University Press.
1307-1629 International journal of management perspectives (e-vir) Makrosoft Bilgisayar Ltd.Şti
1571-8085 International journal of marine & coastal law (e-vir) Martinus Nijhoff Publishers; Kluwer Law International
0020-7438 International journal of Middle East studies Cambridge University Press
1471-6380 International journal of Middle East studies (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
Y505-5148 International journal of Middle East studies (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1085-7494 International journal of peace studies Formosa College; Commissions of International Peace Research Association
0020-7527 International journal of physical distribution MCB Journals
1747-3691 International journal of physical distribution (e-vir) MCB Journals
0891-1916 International journal of political economy M.E. Sharpe
1558-0970 International journal of political economy (e-vir) M.E. Sharpe
0891-4486 International journal of politics, culture, and society Springer
1573-3416 International journal of politics, culture, and society Kluwer
0190-0692 International journal of public administration M. Dekker
1532-4265 International journal of public administration (e-vir) M. Dekker; Taylor & Francis
0954-2892 International journal of public opinion research Oxford University Press
1471-6909 International journal of public opinion research (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1758-6666 International journal of public sector management (e-vir) MCB University Press
1366-5898 International journal of qualitative studies in education (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0972-4907 International journal of regulation and governance The Energy and Resources Institute
0974-4592 International journal of regulation and governance The Energy and Resources Institute
1875-8851 International journal of regulation and governance IOS Press
1931-7611 International journal of sexual health Haworth Press
1931-762X International journal of sexual health Haworth Press
0306-8293 International journal of social economics MCB (Social Economics]
1758-6712 International journal of social economics (e-vir) MCB University Press
0020-7659 International journal of sociology M.E. Sharpe, etc.
1557-9336 International journal of sociology (e-vir) M.E. Sharpe
0144-333X International journal of sociology and social policy Barmarick Publications
1758-6720 International journal of sociology and social policy (e-vir) MCB University Press
1947-3451 International journal of technoethics IGI Global.
1947-346X International journal of technoethics IGI Global
0309-1317 International journal of urban and regional research Wiley-Blackwell
1468-2427 International journal of urban and regional research (e-vir) Blackwell; Wiley
0895-8815 International journal of value based management Iona College, Hagan School of Business :; St. Edmund Hall, University of Oxford :; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8528 International journal of value-based management (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers
0790-0627 International journal of water resources development Tycooly International
1360-0648 International journal of water resources development (e-vir) Carfax
1466-6189 International journal on grey literature MCB University Press
1758-6755 International journal on grey literature (e-vir) Emerald
0742-3640 International journal on world peace Professors World Peace Academy
2328-2851 International journal on world peace (e-vir) Professors World Peace Academy
0266-2140 International labour reports Mayday Publications.
0020-7780 International labour review International Labour Office
1564-913X International labour review (e-vir) International Labour Office
0020-7829 International legal materials American Society of International Law
1930-6571 International legal materials (e-vir) American Society of International Law
0020-7888 International management International Management
0020-7985 International migration Blackwell Publishers
1468-2435 International migration (e-vir) J. Wiley & Sons
0897-8026 International news on fats, oils and related materials The Society
0020-8183 International organization Cambridge University Press
1531-5088 International organization (e-vir) MIT Press
0381-4874 International perspectives Canada. Dept. of External Affairs.; Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies.
0020-840X International problems Israeli Institute for the Study of International Affairs.
1096-7494 International public management journal JAI Press
1559-3169 International public management journal Elsevier Science, Inc.
0160-0176 International regional science review Regional Research Institute, West Virginia University
1552-6925 International regional science review (e-vir) Sage Publications
0047-1178 International relations David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies
1741-2862 International relations (e-vir) [David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies]
0020-8523 International review of administrative sciences International Institute of Administrative Sciences
1461-7226 International review of administrative sciences (e-vir) Sage
0269-2171 International review of applied economics Edward Arnold
1465-3486 International review of applied economics (e-vir) Routledge
0074-7688 International review of criminal policy United Nations
0020-8566 International review of education Unesco Institute for education
1573-0638 International review of education (e-vir) Kluwer
0144-8188 International review of law & economics Elsevier
1873-6394 International review of law and economics (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0020-8604 International review of the Red Cross International Committee of the Red Cross
1607-5889 International review of the Red Cross (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1816-3831 International review of the Red Cross International Committee of the Red Cross
0162-2889 International security MIT Press
1531-4804 International security (e-vir) MIT Press
0191-8028 International security review American Security Council.; American Foreign Policy Institute.
0266-2426 International small business journal Sage
1741-2870 International small business journal (e-vir) Sage Publications.
0020-8701 International social science journal Unesco
1468-2451 International social science journal (e-vir) Unesco
0278-2308 International social science review Pi Gamma Mu
2332-0419 International social science review (e-vir) Pi Gamma Mu
1468-246X International social security review (e-vir) Blackwell
0020-871X International Social security review International Social security Assoc
0268-5809 International sociology Sage Publications
1461-7242 International sociology (e-vir) Sage Publications
0020-8817 International Studies SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd..
0973-0702 International Studies Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.
0020-8825 International studies of management & organization International Arts & Sciences Press
1558-0911 International studies of management & organization (e-vir) International Arts & Sciences Press, Inc.
1528-3577 International studies perspectives Blackwell Publishers
1528-3585 International studies perspectives (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing; Wiley
0020-8833 International studies quarterly Wiley-Blackwell; Oxford University Press
1468-2478 International studies quarterly (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing; Wiley
1468-2486 International studies review (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing; Wiley
1521-9488 International studies review Oxford University Press
0741-4269 International tax & business lawyer Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California
0020-8957 International trade forum International Trade Centre UNCTAD/GATT
1066-2243 Internet research MCB
2054-5657 Internet research (e-vir) Meckler
0165-2826 Intertax Kluwer Law International
1875-8347 Intertax (e-vir) Confédération fiscale Européenne.
0160-5992 In these times Institute for Public Affairs
2594-2360 Investigación económica (e-vir) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
0185-1667 Investigación económica - Facultad de Economía de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM. Facultad de Economía.
0735-9225 Investing & trading with Spanish speaking countries Aurora International Consulting (Firm)
1096-3375 Investment policy Center for Investment Policy Studies (Ithaca, N.Y.)
0261-3115 Investors chronicle Financial Times Business Publishing Limited
0021-0552 Iowa law review College of Law, State University of Iowa
0046-970X IPW-Berichte Joester.
0323-3901 IPW-Forschungshefte Institut für Internationale Politik und Wirtschaft der DDR.
0193-7758 IRB Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences
2326-2222 IRB (e-vir) Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences
0021-1060 Irish banking review Irish Banking Review
0021-1249 Irish journal of agricultural economics and rural sociology Teagasc
2009-9002 Irish journal of agricultural economics and rural sociology (e-vir) Teagasc (Organization)
0791-5144 Irish times Irish Times
0700-3102 IR research reports I R Research Services.
1469-9311 Islam and Christian Muslim relations (e-vir) Carfax
0959-6410 Islam and Christian-Muslim relations Centre for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations
0984-7685 Islam et sociétés au sud du Sahara Maison des sciences de l'homme (Paris); Université de Paris VII
0578-8072 Islamic studies Islamic Research Institute
2710-5326 Islamic studies (e-vir) International Islamic University
0021-2083 Israel horizons Americans for Progressive Israel-Hashomer Hatzair.; Americans for Progressive Israel.
1084-9513 Israel studies Indiana University Press
1527-201X Israel studies (e-vir) Indiana University Press
0047-1607 Issue African Studies Association
2325-8721 Issue (e-vir) African Studies Association.
0164-7725 Issues in bank regulation Bank Administration Institute
0748-5492 Issues in science and technology National Academy of Sciences
1938-1557 Issues in science and technology (e-vir) Issues in Science and Technology
0021-2873 Italian american business American Chamber of Commerce in Italy
2057-4908 Italian political science review = (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0021-3063 Italy. Documents and notes. English edition Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato
0021-3268 Iustitia Giuffrè
0941-6838 IW-Trends Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft, Köln.
0185-4259 Iztapalapa Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
2007-9176 Iztapalapa.(en línea) (e-vir) Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
0021-3985 Jahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung Duncker und Humblot
0449-5225 Jahrbuch der Wirtschaft Osteuropas Olzog
2366-049X Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik (e-vir) De Gruyter Oldenbourg
0075-2770 Jahrbuch für Sozialwissenschaft Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht
0075-2800 Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte Akad.-Verl.
2196-6842 Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte (e-vir) de Gruyter
0916-877X Japan 21st Nihon Kogyo Shimbun
1436-3518 Japan aktuell Institut für Asienkunde
1879-2006 Japan and the world economy (e-vir) Elsevier
0922-1425 Japan and the World Economy Elsevier Science
0021-4841 Japanese economic studies M.E. Sharpe [etc.]
0385-2369 Japanese finance and industry, quarterly survey Nippon Käogyäo Ginkäo. Shiryäo Sentäa.
1037-1397 Japanese studies [Japanese Studies Association of Australia]
1469-9338 Japanese studies (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0021-4590 Japan quarterly Asahi Shinbun-sha
1550-0713 Japan studies review Southern Japan Seminar.; University of North Florida.; Florida International University.
0334-4800 Jerusalem quarterly Middle East Institute
0260-7476 JET. Journal of education for teaching Carfax
0021-6089 Jeune Afrique Jeune Afrique
0982-1856 Jeune Afrique économie Groupe Jeune Afrique
0021-6453 Jewish frontier League for Labor Palestine.; Jewish Frontier Association.
0021-6534 Jewish journal of sociology William Heinemann Ltd
0792-335X Jewish political studies review Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
2226-9967 Jewish political studies review (e-vir) Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
0021-6704 Jewish social studies s.n.
1527-2028 Jewish social studies (e-vir) Conference on Jewish Relations
1013-090X Jiàoyù zäiliào yěu túshäuguǎn xué Dànjiäang dàxué jiàoyù zäiliào yěu túshäuguǎn xué chäubǎnshè
2309-9100 Jiàoyù zīliào yǔ túshūguǎn xué (e-vir) Dànjiāng dàxué chūbǎn zhōngxīn
1473-4257 JME online (e-vir) BMJ Pub. Group.
1040-1008 John Burton's workers' compensation monitor LRP Publications,
1070-0692 Joint force quarterly Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University
1559-6702 Joint force quarterly (e-vir) Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University
1529-3769 Journal The Association
2573-5306 Journal (e-vir) New York State Bar Association.
0020-3181 Journal / Chartered Institute of Transport.
0266-6952 Journal / Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs.
1940-7882 Journal about women in higher education National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (U.S.)
1940-7890 Journal about women in higher education (e-vir) [National Association of Student Personnel Administrators]
0037-914X Journal de la Société de statistique de Paris Société de statistique de Paris
0047-2182 Journal des Caisses d'épargne Centre national des caisses d'épargne et de prévoyance (France)
1145-6396 Journal des économistes et des études humaines Centre d'analyse économique
0021-8170 Journal du droit international Marchal et Godde
0021-8367 Journal für Marktforschung Delta-Marketingforschung-GmbH & Co.
1464-8849 Journalism Sage Publications
1741-3001 Journalism (e-vir) Sage Publications
1077-6990 Journalism & mass communication quarterly Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication; Sage
2161-430X Journalism & mass communication quarterly (e-vir) Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication; Sage Publications
0196-3031 Journalism quarterly Association for Education in Journalism
1536-7967 Journal of access services Haworth Information Press
1536-7975 Journal of access services (e-vir) Haworth Press
0021-8448 Journal of accountancy American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
0278-4254 Journal of accounting and public policy North Holland
1873-2070 Journal of accounting and public policy Elsevier Science
0021-8472 Journal of administration overseas / Great Britain.; Great Britain.
1054-139X Journal of adolescent health Elsevier Science Publishing
1879-1972 Journal of adolescent health (e-vir) Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
0091-3367 Journal of advertising Board of Directors, American Academy of Advertising
1557-7805 Journal of advertising (e-vir) Board of Directors, American Academy of Advertising
0021-8553 Journal of African law School of Oriental and African Studies
1464-3731 Journal of African law (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0095-4993 Journal of African studies University of California, Los Angeles.; California State University, Northridge.
0895-9420 Journal of aging & social policy Haworth Press
1545-0821 Journal of aging & social policy Haworth Press
0890-4065 Journal of aging studies JAI Press
1879-193X Journal of aging studies (e-vir) Elsevier
1471-0358 Journal of agrarian change Blackwell
1471-0366 Journal of agrarian change (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0021-857X Journal of agricultural economics Blackwell Publishing
1477-9552 Journal of agricultural economics (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell Publishing
0021-874X Journal of American insurance American Mutual Insurance Alliance
1479-5752 Journal of applied communication research (e-vir) Dept. of Communication, University of South Florida
0090-9882 Journal of applied communications research [s.n.]
0193-3973 Journal of applied developmental psychology Ablex Pub. Corp.
1873-7900 Journal of applied developmental psychology (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0275-3588 Journal of Arab affairs Middle East Research Group
0738-0895 Journal of architectural and planning research Elsevier
1044-2979 Journal of Asian and African affairs Journal of Asian and African Affairs,
1049-0078 Journal of Asian economics JAI Press
1873-7927 Journal of Asian economics Elsevier Science
1751-6234 Journal of Asian public policy Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
1751-6242 Journal of Asian public policy Routledge
1059-9231 Journal of Asia-Pacific business International Business Press
1528-6940 Journal of Asia-Pacific business International Business Press; Haworth Press; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
1944-8953 Journal of Balkan & Near Eastern studies Routledge
1944-8961 Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern studies Routledge
0378-4266 Journal of banking & finance North-Holland; Elsevier
1872-6372 Journal of Banking & Finance (e-vir) North-Holland
0021-9215 Journal of bank research Bank Administration Institute]
1556-3308 Journal of behavioral health services & research Springer
1176-7529 Journal of bioethical inquiry Bioethics Centre, University of Otago; Springer Science
1872-4353 Journal of bioethical inquiry (e-vir) Springer
1529-9716 Journal of bisexuality Harrington Park Press
1529-9724 Journal of bisexuality (e-vir) Haworth
0021-9347 Journal of black studies Sage Publications.
1552-4566 Journal of black studies (e-vir) Sage Publications
0021-938X Journal of broadcasting [Broadcast Education Association, etc.]
2331-415X Journal of broadcasting (e-vir) Association for Professional Broadcasting Education (U.S.),
0883-8151 Journal of broadcasting & electronic media Broadcast Education Association
1550-6878 Journal of broadcasting & electronic media (e-vir) Broadcast Education Association
0896-3568 Journal of business & finance librarianship Haworth Press
1547-0644 Journal of business & finance librarianship (e-vir) Haworth Press
1861-8928 Journal of business economics (e-vir) Springer
0167-4544 Journal of business ethics Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-0697 Journal of business ethics (e-vir) Kluwer
0148-2963 Journal of business research College of Business Administration, University of Georgia]
1873-7978 Journal of business research Elsevier Science
2052-1197 Journal of business strategy (e-vir) Emerald
1367-4935 Journal of child health care Greycoat Publishing.
1741-2889 Journal of child health care Sage Publications.
1079-6126 Journal of children & poverty Institute for Children and Poverty
1469-9389 Journal of children & poverty (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1041-7567 Journal of Chinese law =.; Journal of Chinese law Columbia University.; Columbia University.; Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law.
1874-6357 Journal of Chinese political science (e-vir) Springer Netherlands
1080-6954 Journal of Chinese political science = Dept. of Political Science, University of Tennessee
0742-5929 Journal of Chinese studies American Association for Chinese Studies.
2576-425X Journal of Chinese studies (e-vir) American Association for Chinese Studies
2040-4867 Journal of church and state (e-vir) J.M. Dawson Studies in Chuch and State, Baylor University; Oxford University Press
1520-3972 Journal of cold war studies MIT Press
1531-3298 Journal of cold war studies (e-vir) MIT Press Journals
0047-2301 Journal of collective negotiations in the public sector Baywood Pub. Co.
1541-4175 Journal of collective negotiations in the public sector (e-vir)
0021-9886 Journal of common market studies Wiley-Blackwell
1468-5965 Journal of common market studies (e-vir) Blackwell; Wiley
0277-1705 Journal of community action Center for Responsive Governance (Washington, D.C.)
0094-5145 Journal of community health Human Sciences Press
1573-3610 Journal of community health (e-vir) Kluwer
1070-5422 Journal of community practice Haworth Press
1543-3706 Journal of community practice Haworth Press
0147-5967 Journal of comparative economics Academic Press
1095-7227 Journal of comparative economics Academic Press
2013-8857 Journal of conflictology (e-vir) Campus per a la Pau de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
0168-7034 Journal of consumer policy Reidel
1573-0700 Journal of consumer policy (e-vir) Kluwer
1365-2737 Journal of consumer studies & home economics Blackwell Science.
0309-3891 Journal of consumer studies and home economics Blackwell Scientific Publications
0258-9001 Journal of contemporary african studies Institute of Social and Economic Research. Rhodes University
1469-9397 Journal of contemporary African studies (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0047-2336 Journal of contemporary Asia School of Oriental and African Studies,
1752-7554 Journal of contemporary Asia (e-vir) Journal of Contemporary Asia
0194-0430 Journal of contemporary business Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Washington]
0272-7595 Journal of contemporary studies Institute for Contemporary Studies.
0966-0879 Journal of contingencies and crisis management Blackwell Business
1468-5973 Journal of contingencies and crisis management (e-vir) Blackwell
1520-6254 Journal of counterterrorism & security international International Association of Counterterrorism & Security Professionals.
0047-2352 Journal of criminal justice Pergamon Press
1873-6203 Journal of criminal justice Elsevier Science
0075-4218 Journal of Croatian studies Croatian Academy of America.
1868-1026 Journal of current Chinese affairs German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of Asian Studies
1868-4874 Journal of current Chinese affairs German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of Asian Studies
0041-7211 Journal of current social issues United Church of Christ.
1868-1034 Journal of current Southeast Asian affairs Institute of Asian Studies, German Institute of Global and Area Studies.; German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of Asian Studies.
1868-4882 Journal of current Southeast Asian affairs German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of Asian Studies
1045-5736 Journal of democracy John Hopkins University Press
1086-3214 Journal of democracy (e-vir) Johns Hopkins University Press
0169-796X Journal of developing societies Brill
1745-2546 Journal of developing societies (e-vir) de Sitter Publications
0304-3878 Journal of Development Economics North-Holland
0085-2392 Journal of development planning United Nations
1743-9140 Journal of development studies (e-vir) F. Cass
1044-2073 Journal of disability policy studies Dept. of Rehabilitation Education and Research, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
1538-4802 Journal of disability policy studies (e-vir) PRO-ED
1941-2851 Journal of drug policy analysis (e-vir) de Gruyter
2194-6337 Journal of drug policy analysis
1598-2408 Journal of East Asian Studies East Asia Institute; Nanam
2234-6643 Journal of East Asian Studies (e-vir) East Asia Institute
0251-0405 Journal of Eastern African research & development Gideon S. Were
2524-4825 Journal of Eastern African research & development (e-vir) East African Literature Bureau
1753-1055 Journal of Eastern African studies Taylor and Francis
1753-1063 Journal of Eastern African studies (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
1028-8813 Journal of Eastern Caribbean studies Institute of Social & Economic Research.
1066-9868 Journal of East-West business International Business Press
1528-6959 Journal of East-West business (e-vir) Haworth Press
0747-9662 Journal of economic and social measurement North-Holland
1875-8932 Journal of economic and social measurement IOS Press
0021-3624 Journal of economic issues Department of Economics, California State University
1946-326X Journal of economic issues (e-vir) University of Texas
0022-0515 Journal of economic literature American Economic Association
1547-1101 Journal of economic literature (e-vir) American Economic Association.
2328-8175 Journal of economic literature (e-vir) American Economic Association
1748-7870 Journal of economic policy reform Routledge
1748-7889 Journal of economic policy reform (e-vir) Routledge
0148-6195 Journal of economics and business North Holland
1879-1735 Journal of economics and business (e-vir) Elsevier
0021-4027 Journal of economics and statistics Fischer
0144-3585 Journal of economic studies MCB Publications
1758-7387 Journal of economic studies (e-vir) Dept. of Economics, University of Strathclyde]
1472-4049 Journal of ecotourism Channel View
1747-7638 Journal of ecotourism (e-vir) Channel View
0022-0574 Journal of education Boston University, School of Education
1389-2843 Journal of educational change Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-1812 Journal of educational change (e-vir) Kluwer
0883-2323 Journal of education for business HELDREF Publications
1940-3356 Journal of education for business (e-vir) HELDREF Publications
1360-0540 Journal of education for teaching (e-vir) Carfax Pub., part of the Taylor & Francis Group
0268-0939 Journal of education policy Taylor & Francis
1464-5106 Journal of education policy (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1335-3632 Journal of electrical engineering The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Slovak University of Technology; The Institute of Electrical engineering of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
1339-309X Journal of Electrical Engineering (e-vir) Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Slovak University of Technology; The Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
1053-377X Journal of energy, natural resources & environmental law University of Utah College of Law
0264-6811 Journal of energy & natural resources law Taylor & Francis; Section on Energy, Environment, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Law of the International Bar Association
2376-4538 Journal of energy & natural resources law (e-vir) Sweet & Maxwell
0095-0696 Journal of environmental economics and management Academic Press
1096-0449 Journal of environmental economics and management (e-vir) Academic Press; [Elsevier]
0964-0568 Journal of environmental planning and management Carfax
1360-0559 Journal of environmental planning and management (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers for the University of Newcastle upon Tyne
1522-7200 Journal of environmental policy & planning (e-vir) J. Wiley & Sons
1523-908X Journal of environmental policy & planning (e-vir) Wiley
1076-1616 Journal of ethics, law, and aging Springer,
1537-7938 Journal of ethnicity in criminal justice Haworth Press
1537-7946 Journal of ethnicity in criminal justice (e-vir) Haworth Press
1533-2640 Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse Haworth Press
1533-2659 Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse (e-vir) Haworth Press
0391-5115 Journal of european economic history Banco di Roma
1350-1763 Journal of European public policy Taylor & Francis
1466-4429 Journal of European public policy (e-vir) Routledge
0958-9287 Journal of European social policy Longman
1461-7269 Journal of European social policy (e-vir) Sage
1526-7431 Journal of family communication Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
1532-7698 Journal of family communication Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
0022-1090 Journal of financial and quantitative analysis University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association
1756-6916 Journal of financial and quantitative analysis (e-vir) Western Finance Association and the Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Washington
1757-6385 Journal of financial economic policy Emerald
1757-6393 Journal of financial economic policy (e-vir) Emerald Group Pub. Ltd.
1040-3981 Journal of financial planning The Institute
0277-6693 Journal of forecasting Wiley
1099-131X Journal of forecasting (e-vir) Wiley
1541-0870 Journal of gay & lesbian issues in education (e-vir) Haworth Press
1541-0889 Journal of gay & lesbian issues in education Harrington Park Press
1053-8720 Journal of gay & lesbian social services Haworth Press
1540-4056 Journal of gay & lesbian social services Haworth Press
0306-3070 Journal of general management Mercury House Business Publ.
1759-6106 Journal of general management (e-vir) Braybrooke Press
1948-1837 Journal of globalization and development (e-vir) Berkeley Electronic Press
2194-6353 Journal of globalization and development de Gruyter
0891-1762 Journal of global marketing Taylor & Francis; Routledge
1528-6975 Journal of global marketing (e-vir) Haworth Press
1352-0237 Journal of government information Pergamon
1090-3488 Journal of Haitian studies Haitian Studies Association
2333-7311 Journal of Haitian studies (e-vir) Haitian Studies Association
0897-7186 Journal of health & social policy Haworth Press
1540-4064 Journal of health & social policy (e-vir) Haworth Press; -2006
0160-4198 Journal of health and human resources administration Southern Public Administration Education Foundation]
2327-8021 Journal of health and human resources administration (e-vir) Southern Public Administration Education Foundation (U.S.)
1079-3739 Journal of health and human services administration Southern Public Administration Education Foundation
2168-5509 Journal of health and human services administration (e-vir) Southern Public Administration Education Foundation
1049-2089 Journal of health care for the poor and underserved Institute on Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, Meharry Medical College; for the Institute on Health Care for the Poor and Underserved by Sage Publications; Johns Hopkins University Press
1548-6869 Journal of health care for the poor and underserved (e-vir) Institute on Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, Meharry Medical College
0737-3252 Journal of health care marketing Center for Management Development, John A. Walker College of Business
1879-1646 Journal of health economics (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0167-6296 Journal of Health Economics Elsevier
0361-6878 Journal of health politics, policy and law Duke University Press
1527-1927 Journal of health politics, policy and law (e-vir) Duke University Press
1538-1501 Journal of HIV/AIDS & social services Haworth Press, Inc.
1538-151X Journal of HIV/AIDS & social services (e-vir) Haworth Press
1547-7355 Journal of homeland security and emergency management (e-vir) Bepress
0091-8369 Journal of homosexuality Haworth Press
1540-3602 Journal of homosexuality (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0276-3893 Journal of housing for the elderly Haworth Press
1052-7001 Journal of housing research Office of Housing Policy Research, Fannie Mae
2691-1337 Journal of housing research (e-vir)
1932-8575 Journal of human capital University of Chicago Press
1932-8664 Journal of human capital (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
1945-2829 Journal of human development and capabilities Routledge Journals
1945-2837 Journal of human development and capabilities (e-vir) Taylor & Francis / Routledge
2456-6608 Journal of human ecology (e-vir) Kamla-Raj Enterprises
0970-9274 Journal of Human Ecology Kamla-Raj Enterprises.
1932-0248 Journal of hunger & environmental nutrition Haworth Press
1932-0256 Journal of hunger & environmental nutrition (e-vir) Haworth Press
1536-2949 Journal of immigrant & refugee services Haworth Press
1536-2957 Journal of immigrant & refugee services (e-vir) Haworth Press
1557-1912 Journal of immigrant and minority health Springer
1557-1920 Journal of immigrant and minority health (e-vir) Springer
1088-1980 Journal of industrial ecology Wiley-Blackwell
1530-9290 Journal of industrial ecology (e-vir) MIT Press; Wiley
0022-1821 Journal of industrial economics Basil Blackwell
1467-6451 Journal of industrial economics (e-vir) Blackwell
0022-1856 Journal of industrial relations Industrial Relations Society of Australia.
1361-4169 Journal of information, law and technology (e-vir) Law Technology Centre at the University of Warwick; Centre for Law Computers and Technology at the University of Strathclyde
1061-9321 Journal of information ethics McFarland & Co.
1941-2894 Journal of information ethics (e-vir) McFarland & Co.
0932-4569 Journal of institutional and theoretical economics Mohr Siebeck
1614-0559 Journal of institutional and theoretical economics (e-vir) Mohr Siebeck.
0736-248X Journal of insurance regulation National Association of Insurance Commissioners
0022-1937 Journal of inter-American studies and world affairs University of Miami North-South Center
0022-197X Journal of international affairs School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University.
0255-8106 Journal of international arbitration Journal of international arbitration
0047-2506 Journal of international business studies Academy of International Business and Rutgers Graduate School of Business Administration at Newark, N.J.
1478-6990 Journal of international business studies (e-vir) Joint publication of the School of Business Administration, Georgia State University and the Association for Education in International Business
0954-1748 Journal of international development Wiley
1099-1328 Journal of international development (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0022-1996 Journal of International Economics North-Holland
1873-0353 Journal of International Economics (e-vir) North-Holland; [Elsevier]
1092-3128 Journal of international hospitality, leisure & tourism management Haworth Hospitality Press
1488-3473 Journal of international migration and integration Prairie Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Integration.
1874-6365 Journal of international migration and integration (e-vir) Springer Netherllands
0261-5606 Journal of international money and finance Butterworth Scientific
1873-0639 Journal of international money and finance Elsevier Science
1875-4104 Journal of international peacekeeping Brill
1875-4112 Journal of international peacekeeping Brill
1313-8006 Journal of international research publications (e-vir) Science Invest Ltd
1388-0292 Journal of international wildlife law & policy Kluwer Law International
1548-1476 Journal of international wildlife law and policy Kluwer Academic Publishers
1539-8706 Journal of international women's studies Bridgewater State College
1091-1367 Journal of Internet cataloging Haworth Press
1533-2861 Journal of Internet commerce Best Business Books; Internet Practice Press
1533-287X Journal of Internet commerce (e-vir) Haworth Press
1750-2977 Journal of intervention and statebuilding Taylor & Francis.
1750-2985 Journal of intervention and statebuilding (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis
1814-8042 Journal of islamic banking & finance International Association of Islamic Banks
0285-9556 Journal of Japanese trade & industry Kokusai Keizai Käoryäu Zaidan.
0022-2089 Journal of Jewish communal service National Conference of Jewish Communal Service
0195-3613 Journal of labor research George Mason University, Dept. of Economics.
1936-4768 Journal of labor research George Mason University, Dept. of Economics
0304-2634 Journal of Latin American and Caribbean studies = Centre de estudios y documentación lationoamericanos (CEDLA)
0022-216X Journal of Latin American studies Cambridge University Press
1469-767X Journal of Latin American studies (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1530-1931 Journal of law, technology & policy (e-vir) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.; National Center for Supercomputing Applications.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
1532-3242 Journal of law, technology & policy Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
0275-6072 Journal of law & education Jefferson Law Book Co.
0033-1546 Journal of law reform University of Michigan.
0022-2194 Journal of learning disabilities Pro-Ed
1538-4780 Journal of learning disabilities (e-vir) PRO-ED
1054-3023 Journal of legal economics American Academy of Economic and Financial Experts
0146-9584 Journal of legislation Notre Dame Law School.
1089-4160 Journal of lesbian studies Haworth Press; Taylor & Francis Group
1540-3548 Journal of lesbian studies Haworth Press
1936-1653 Journal of LGBT youth Haworth Press
1936-1661 Journal of LGBT youth (e-vir) The Haworth Press
0022-2232 Journal of Librarianship Library Association Publishinng Ltd
1533-290X Journal of library & information services in distance learning Haworth Press
1533-2918 Journal of library & information services in distance learning Haworth Press
0193-0826 Journal of library administration Haworth Press.
1540-3564 Journal of library administration (e-vir) Haworth Press
0022-2240 Journal of library automation American Library Association
1937-5034 Journal of library metadata (e-vir) Haworth Press
1938-6389 Journal of library metadata Haworth Press
1534-9713 Journal of managed pharmaceutical care Pharmaceutical Care Management Association.
1557-1211 Journal of management (e-vir) Elsevier Science Inc.
0149-2063 Journal of Management JAI Press Inc.
1045-3695 Journal of managerial issues Gladys A. Kelce School of Business and Economics, Pittsburg State University
2328-7470 Journal of managerial issues (e-vir) Gladys A. Kelce School of Business and Economics, Pittsburg State University
0022-2410 Journal of maritime law and commerce Jefferson Law Book Co.
0890-0523 Journal of mass media ethics Taylor & Francis Group
1532-7728 Journal of mass media ethics (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates
0899-7764 Journal of media economics Emerson College
0306-6800 Journal of medical ethics British Medical Assoc.
0963-8237 Journal of mental health Carfax
1360-0567 Journal of mental health (e-vir) Carfax.
0092-8623 Journal of mental health administration Association of Mental Health Administrators.
1078-4470 Journal of mental health and aging Springer Pub. Co.,
1488-559X Journal of military and strategic studies (e-vir) Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary
1502-7570 Journal of military ethics Taylor & Francis
1502-7589 Journal of military ethics (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis
1354-571X Journal of modern Italian studies Routledge Journals
1469-9583 Journal of modern Italian studies (e-vir) Routledge
1873-1295 Journal of monetary economics (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
0304-3932 Journal of Monetary Economics North-Holland Publ. Co.
0022-2879 Journal of money, credit, and banking Ohio State University Press
1538-4616 Journal of money, credit, and banking (e-vir) Ohio State University Press
1360-2004 Journal of Muslim minority affairs Carfax
1469-9591 Journal of Muslim minority affairs (e-vir) Routledge.
1939-0459 Journal of natural resources policy research Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group; Penn State University Press
1939-0467 Journal of natural resources policy research Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
1049-5142 Journal of nonprofit & public sector marketing Haworth Press
1540-6997 Journal of nonprofit & public sector marketing (e-vir) Haworth Press
0738-7997 Journal of northeast Asian studies Institute for Sino-Soviet Studies, George Washington University
0376-6349 Journal of occupational accidents Elsevier Science Publishers
0377-919X Journal of Palestine studies University of California Press
1533-8614 Journal of Palestine studies (e-vir) Institute for Palestine Studies; Kuwait University
1549-8417 Journal of patient safety Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1549-8425 Journal of patient safety (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0022-3433 Journal of peace research Sage Publications
1460-3578 Journal of peace research (e-vir) Sage
0148-2181 Journal of pension planning and compliance Panel Publishers
0883-7597 Journal of pharmaceutical marketing & management Haworth Press
0115-9143 Journal of Philippine development Philippine Institute for Development Studies
0022-3603 Journal of Philippine statistics Philippines. National Census and Statistics Office.
0307-4870 Journal of planning and environment law Sweet & Maxwell
0739-456X Journal of planning education and research School of Planning, University of Cincinnati
1552-6577 Journal of planning education and research (e-vir) Sage Publications
1538-5132 Journal of planning history Sage
1552-6585 Journal of planning history (e-vir) Sage Publications
0885-4122 Journal of planning literature Ohio State University Press
1552-6593 Journal of planning literature (e-vir) Sage Publications
1533-2586 Journal of police crisis negotiations Haworth Press
1533-2594 Journal of police crisis negotiations Haworth Press
0276-8739 Journal of policy analysis and management Wiley-Blackwell
1520-6688 Journal of policy analysis and management (e-vir) Wiley
0898-0306 Journal of policy history Pennsylvania State University Press
1528-4190 Journal of policy history (e-vir) Pennsylvania State University Press
1558-8742 Journal of policy practice Haworth Press
1558-8750 Journal of policy practice (e-vir) Haworth Press
2642-2190 Journal of political & military sociology (e-vir) Journal of Political and Military Sociology
1073-0451 Journal of political ecology Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology, University of Arizona
0022-3808 Journal of political economy University of Chicago Press
1537-7857 Journal of political marketing Haworth Political Press
1537-7865 Journal of political marketing Haworth Press
0095-4918 Journal of portfolio management Institutional Investor Systems
1087-5549 Journal of poverty Haworth Press
1540-7608 Journal of poverty (e-vir) Haworth Press
0731-8332 Journal of prison & jail health Human Sciences Press
1042-8232 Journal of progressive human services Haworth Press
1540-7616 Journal of progressive human services Haworth Press
0022-3905 Journal of property management Institute of Real Estate Management
1053-1858 Journal of public administration research and theory Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Inc.
1477-9803 Journal of public administration research and theory (e-vir) Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Inc.
1472-3891 Journal of public affairs Henry Stewart
1479-1854 Journal of public affairs (e-vir) Henry Stewart Publications
1540-823X Journal of public affairs Southwest Missouri State University
1099-8721 Journal of public affairs and issues Albany State University.
1523-6803 Journal of public affairs education National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration
2328-9643 Journal of public affairs education (e-vir) National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration
1070-521X Journal of public and international affairs Association of Professional Schools in International Affairs.; Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.
1096-3367 Journal of public budgeting, accounting & financial management (e-vir) Emerald
1945-1814 Journal of public budgeting, accounting & financial management (e-vir) PrAcademics Press
1937-2841 Journal of public deliberation Berkeley Electronic Press
1879-2316 Journal of public economics Elsevier
0047-2727 Journal of Public Economics North Holland
0197-5897 Journal of public health policy Journal of Public Health Policy, inc.
1745-655X Journal of public health policy (e-vir) Journal of Public Health Policy
0143-814X Journal of public policy Cambridge University Press
1469-7815 Journal of public policy (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0743-9156 Journal of public policy & marketing The Division
1547-7207 Journal of public policy & marketing (e-vir) Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Michigan
1535-0118 Journal of public procurement PrAcademics Press
2150-6930 Journal of public procurement (e-vir) PrAcademics Press
1095-5046 Journal of radio studies Dept. of Communication, Nassau Community College
1550-6843 Journal of radio studies (e-vir) [Lawrence Erlbaum Associates]
0951-6328 Journal of refugee studies Oxford University Press
1471-6925 Journal of refugee studies (e-vir) Oxford university press
0394-3933 Journal of regional policy ISVEIMER
0022-4146 Journal of regional science Regional Science Research Institute.
1467-9787 Journal of regional science (e-vir) Blackwell
1522-5658 Journal of religion & society Creighton University, Center for the Study of Religion and Society
0195-2064 Journal of retail banking Consumer Bankers Association; McIntire School of Commerce, University of Virginia
1873-3271 Journal of retailing (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0022-4359 Journal of Retailing New York University, Institute of Retail Management
1366-9877 Journal of risk research Routledge
1466-4461 Journal of risk research (e-vir) Routledge
1712-8277 Journal of rural and community development (e-vir) Rural Development Institute
0743-0167 Journal of Rural Studies Pergamon
1873-1392 Journal of Rural Studies (e-vir) Pergamon Press
1404-3858 Journal of Scandinavian studies in criminology and crime prevention Taylor and Francis
1651-2340 Journal of Scandinavian studies in criminology and crime prevention Taylor & Francis
1558-2159 Journal of school choice Haworth Press
1558-2167 Journal of school choice (e-vir) Haworth Press
1538-8220 Journal of school violence Haworth Press
1538-8239 Journal of school violence Haworth Press; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
1550-7890 Journal of security education Haworth Press
1550-7904 Journal of security education (e-vir)
1740-2425 Journal of Security Sector Management (e-vir) Global Facilitation Network For Security Sector Reform
0047-2778 Journal of small business management Wiley; Taylor & Francis
1540-627X Journal of small business management (e-vir) International Council for Small Business; Wiley
1469-6053 Journal of social archaeology Sage
1741-2951 Journal of social archaeology (e-vir) Sage Publications
0022-4537 Journal of social issues Wiley-Blackwell
1540-4560 Journal of social issues (e-vir) Wiley
0047-2794 Journal of social policy Cambridge University Press
1469-7823 Journal of social policy (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0141-8033 Journal of social welfare law Sweet & Maxwell Ltd.
0149-1784 Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern studies Pakistan American Foundation.
1085-7478 Journal of South Asia women studies (e-vir) Enrica Garzilli
2339-5095 Journal of Southeast Asian economies Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
2339-5206 Journal of Southeast Asian economies (e-vir) Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
1461-3190 Journal of southern Europe and the Balkans Carfax
1469-963X Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans (e-vir) Carfax
1043-7916 Journal of Soviet nationalities Duke University.
0095-7577 Journal of space law Lamar Society of International Law
0193-7235 Journal of sport and social issues ARENA: Institute for Sport and Social Analysis
1552-7638 Journal of sport and social issues (e-vir) Sage Publications
0744-6713 Journal of state taxation Panel Publishers
1028-3153 Journal of studies in international education Sage
1552-7808 Journal of studies in international education (e-vir) Sage Publications
0096-882X Journal of studies on alcohol Journal of Studies on Alcohol, inc.
1937-1888 Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs Alcohol Research Documentation, Inc., Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
1938-4114 Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs (e-vir) Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies.
1044-0046 Journal of sustainable agriculture Food Products Press
1540-7578 Journal of sustainable agriculture Food Products Press]; Haworth Press; Taylor & Francis Group
0966-9582 Journal of sustainable tourism Channel View Books
1747-7646 Journal of sustainable tourism (e-vir) Channel View
0092-0703 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Springer
1552-7824 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (e-vir) Academy of Marketing Science
0002-7847 Journal of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan American Chamber of Commerce in Japan
0002-8991 Journal of the American Institute of Planners The Institute
0194-4363 Journal of the American Planning Association American Planning Association
1939-0130 Journal of the American Planning Association (e-vir) [American Planning Association]
0002-8231 Journal of the American Society for Information Science John Wiley & Sons
1097-4571 Journal of the American Society for Information Science (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1532-2882 Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
1532-2890 Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
Y503-941X Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
1093-474X Journal of the American Water Resources Association AWRA
1752-1688 Journal of the American Water Resources Association (e-vir) American Water Resources Association
1354-7860 Journal of the Asia Pacific economy Routledge Journals
1469-9648 Journal of the Asia Pacific economy (e-vir) Routledge
0010-3829 Journal of the Community Development Society The Community Development Society
2155-7934 Journal of the Community Development Society (e-vir) Community Development Society
0020-2681 Journal of the Institute of Actuaries Layton
2058-1009 Journal of the Institute of Actuaries (e-vir) Institute of Actuaries (Great Britain)
0025-3618 Journal of the Market Research Society Market Research Society
0080-4134 Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England Royal Agricultural Society of England
2397-2327 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (e-vir) Royal Statistical Society
0035-9238 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A. General Royal Statistical Society
0038-0024 Journal of the Society of Research Administrators Society of Research Administrators.
0081-4776 Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland
1072-5040 Journal of the third world spectrum Journal of the Third World Spectrum,
1046-1469 Journal of the Transportation Research Forum Transportation Research Forum.; Canadian Transportation Research Forum.
2692-1618 Journal of third world studies (e-vir) Association of Third World Studies
8755-3449 Journal of third world studies Association of Third World Studies
1533-2608 Journal of threat assessment Haworth Press
1533-2616 Journal of threat assessment (e-vir) Haworth Press
1547-5778 Journal of transnational management International Business Press
1547-5786 Journal of transnational management Haworth Press
1094-8848 Journal of transportation and statistics Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Transportation.
1938-7741 Journal of transportation security Springer
1938-775X Journal of transportation security (e-vir) Springer
0022-5258 Journal of transport economics and policy University of Bath
1754-5951 Journal of transport economics and policy (e-vir) University of Bath
0735-2166 Journal of urban affairs Division of Environment and Urban Systems, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
1467-9906 Journal of urban affairs Blackwell.
0094-1190 Journal of urban economics Academic Press.
1095-9068 Journal of urban economics (e-vir) Academic Press
1099-3460 Journal of urban health Oxford University Press for the New York Academy of Medicine
1468-2869 Journal of urban health (e-vir) Springer
0041-9559 Journal of urban law [University of Detroit Law Students]
0733-9488 Journal of urban planning and development American Society of Civil Engineers, Urban Planning and Development Division
1943-5444 Journal of urban planning and development (e-vir) American Society of Civil Engineers, Urban Planning and Development Division
1559-372X Journal of Vietnamese studies University of California Press
1559-3738 Journal of Vietnamese studies (e-vir) University of California Press
1938-4998 Journal of workplace rights Baywood Publ.
1938-5005 Journal of workplace rights Baywood Publ.
1090-9516 Journal of world business Pergamon
1878-5573 Journal of world business (e-vir) Pergamon; [Elsevier]
Y502-7233 Journal of world business Pergamon
1011-6702 Journal of world trade Werner Publishing Company
2210-2795 Journal of world trade (e-vir) Kluwer Law International
0022-5444 Journal of world trade Law Vincent Press
0047-2697 JPMS; journal of political & military sociology s.n.
0022-5800 Judicature American Judicature Society.
2050-5868 Juncture Blackwell Publishing for the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR)
2050-5876 Juncture (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1525-1071 Justice research and policy Justice Research and Statistics Association.
1942-8022 Justice research and policy (e-vir)
0891-9224 Justice watch Committee for Public Justice (U.S.); Nation Institute (U.S.)
0888-9007 Jusur Gustave E. von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies, University of California
1524-3230 Juvenile justice OJJDP; Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse/NCJRS, distributor
1524-6647 Juvenile justice (e-vir) United States.
0164-8632 Kansas business review University of Kansas. Institute for Economic and Business Research.; University of Kansas. Institute for Public Policy and Business Research.; University of Kansas. Division of Business and Economic Research.
0453-4557 Keio business review Keiäo Gijuku Daigaku Shäogakkai.
1054-6863 Kennedy Institute of Ethics journal Johns Hopkins University Press
1086-3249 Kennedy Institute of Ethics journal Johns Hopkins University Press for Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute of Ethics
1535-0215 Kennedy School review John F. Kennedy School of Government
2162-5743 Kennedy School review (e-vir) John F. Kennedy School of Government.
0270-1421 Kentucky economy, review & perspective Kentucky Council of Economic Advisors.; University of Kentucky. Center for Public Affairs.; University of Kentucky. Center for Business and Economic Research.
0023-026X Kentucky law journal State University of Kentucky, students of the College of Law
1010-3716 Kenya review CIBIS Publishers.
0338-0181 Khamsin Zed Books.
1946-4789 Knowledge, technology, & policy Transaction Periodicals Consortium, Rutgers University
0897-1986 Knowledge, technology & policy Transaction Periodicals Consortium, Rutgers University
1874-6314 Knowledge, technology & policy Springer
0023-2653 Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie Westdeutscher Verlag
1861-891X Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (e-vir) Verl. für Sozialwiss..
0023-3498 Konjunkturpolitik Duncker und Humblot
0259-9686 Korea & world affairs Center for Peace and Unification of Korea
1941-4641 Korean journal of defense analysis (e-vir) Korea Institute for Defense Analyses
1016-3271 Korean Journal of Defense Analysis Korea Institute for Defense Analysis
1225-6072 Korean Journal of National Unification Research Institute for National Unification
1229-2656 Korean Observations on Foreign Relations Korean Council on Foreign Relations.; Hangugoegyohyeobhoe.
1225-0368 Korean social science journal Korean social science research council; Korean national commission for UNESCO
0145-840X Korean studies University Press of Hawaii
0023-3919 Korea observer Institute of Korean Studies; Academy of Korean Studies
0023-4591 Kredit und Kapital Duncker und Humblot
0023-4699 Kriminalistik Kriminalistik-Verlag
0387-2955 KSU economic and business review Kyoto Sangyäo Daigaku Keizai Keiei Gakkai.
1061-8457 Kurdish life Kurdish Library
0885-386X Kurdish times Cultural Survival Inc.
0023-5652 Kursbuch Suhrkamp
0349-6694 Kvartalsskrift SE-banken.; Skandinaviska enskilda banken.
0023-5962 Kyklos Helbing & Lichtenhahn Verlag AG
1467-6435 Kyklos (e-vir) Waley
0023-6055 Kyoto University economic review Kyoto University. Faculty of Economics ;; Graduate school of Economics Kyoto University
1884-5355 Kyoto University economic review (e-vir) Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University
1265-6240 L'actualité religieuse Malesherbes publications
0399-0370 L'Afrique et l'Asie modernes Association amicale des anciens du Centre des hautes études d'administration musulmane.
0240-1568 L'Alternative Maspéro,
0243-6019 L'Armement DGA
0004-4725 L'Asie nouvelle Chambre de commerce franco-asiatique.
0013-239X L'Egypte contemporaine Société égyptienne d'économie politique, de statistique et de législation
0423-4243 L' Espresso Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso
2499-0833 L' Espresso (e-vir) Gruppo Editoriale L'espresso
0990-8404 L'Evénement européen Ed. du Seuil :; Evénement européen,
0014-4703 L'Expansion Société Anonyme technic Union,; Groupe Express-Expansion,
0014-5270 L'Express L'Express
1953-8103 L'Homme (e-vir) Éd. de l'EHESS
0019-3003 L'Impresa pubblica. Municipalizzazione C.I.S.P.E.L..
0019-7416 L'Industria Società Editrice Il Mulino
1973-8137 L'Industria Il Mulino
0023-6586 Labor law journal Commerce Clearing House
0160-449X Labor studies journal Transaction Periodicals Consotrium for the University and College Labor Education Association
1538-9758 Labor studies journal (e-vir) West Virginia University Press
1911-4842 Labour (e-vir) Canadian Committee on Labour History.
0023-6896 Labour & employment gazette Department of Labour.
0700-3862 Labour = Canadian Committee on Labour History.
0378-5408 Labour and society International Institute for Labour Studies
0023-7000 Labour research Labour Research Department.
0382-1889 Labour research bulletin Program Services Branch, Ministry of Labour.
0393-6449 La Città nuova Gaetano Macchiaroli Editore.
0010-5066 La Comunità internazionale Leonardo
2723-8903 La Comunità internazionale (e-vir) Editoriale scientifica
0776-2143 Landbouwtijdschrift Ministère de l'agriculture.; Ministerie van Landbouw.
0023-7639 Land economics University of Wisconsin
1543-8325 Land economics (e-vir) University of Wisconsin Press
0251-1894 Land reform, land settelment and cooperatives Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
0023-8058 Landschaft + Stadt Ulmer
0264-8377 Land use policy Elsevier
1873-5754 Land Use Policy (e-vir) Elsevier
2346-2116 La propiedad inmaterial (e-vir) Universidad Externado de Colombia
0035-0672 La Revue administrative Revue administrative
2492-7988 La Revue de l'énergie (e-vir) Éditions Technip & Ophrys
0035-2713 La Revue du Trésor La Revue du Trésor
1146-2132 La Revue maritime Institut français de la mer.
1165-8444 La Revue politique indépendante Centre national des indépendants et paysans (France)
0035-6522 La Rivista di servizio sociale Istituto per gli studi sui servizi sociali
0890-7218 LASA forum / Latin American Studies Association.
0176-2818 Lateinamerika Institut für Iberoamerika-Kunde
0458-7944 Lateinamerika Wilhelm-Pieck-Universität. Abteilung Wissenschaftspublizistik
1619-1684 Lateinamerika-Analysen German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of Latin American Studies.; Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien, Institut für Lateinamerika-Studien.; Institute of Latin American Studies at German Institute of Global and Area Studies.
0343-3781 Lateinamerika-Studien Fink.
0719-0425 Latin american journal of economics Instituto de Economía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
0719-0433 Latin american journal of economics (e-vir) Instituto de Economía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
0094-582X Latin American perspectives Sage Publications.
1552-678X Latin American perspectives (e-vir) Latin American Perspectives
1531-426X Latin American politics and society University of Miami, School of International Studies
1548-2456 Latin American politics and society (e-vir) School of International Studies, University of Miami
0023-8791 Latin American research review Latin American Studies Association
1542-4278 Latin American research review (e-vir) University of Texas Press
1048-535X LatinFinance Latin American Financial Publications
0023-9143 Lavoura Arrozeira Instituto Rio Grandense do Arroz.
0277-8459 Law, medicine & health care The Society
2151-7878 Law, medicine & health care (e-vir) American Society of Law & Medicine
0278-3916 Law/technology World Association of Lawyers; Section on Law/Technology of the World Peace Through Law Center
1930-3661 Law/technology (e-vir) World Peace Through Law Center.; World Association of Lawyers.; World Peace Through Law Center.; World Jurist Association.
0265-8240 Law & policy Basil Blackwell
1467-9930 Law & policy (e-vir) Blackwell
0023-9216 Law & society review Sage Publications
1540-5893 Law & society review (e-vir) Sage Publications
1571-9537 Law and business review of the Americas Kluwer Law International.
0023-9186 Law and contemporary problems School of Law, Duke University
1945-2322 Law and contemporary problems (e-vir) School of Law, Duke University
1943-3867 Law and development review (e-vir) Berkeley Electronic Press
2194-6523 Law and development review
0147-7307 Law and human behavior Plenum Pub. Corp.
1573-661X Law and human behavior Kluwer
0023-9208 Law and policy in international business woodhead
1045-9081 Law practice management Section of Law Practice Management, American Bar Association
2151-7894 Law practice management (e-vir) American Bar Association.
1087-268X LBJ journal of public affairs Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs.
1742-7150 Leadership Sage Publications
1742-7169 Leadership (e-vir) Sage Publications
0381-1387 Learning Canadian Association for Adult Education.
0590-0239 Le Courrier des pays de l'Est La Documentation française
0120-2596 Lecturas de economia Universidad de Antioquia. Facultad de Ciencias Economicas
2323-0622 Lecturas de economía (e-vir) Universidad de Antioquia
0246-2346 Le Débat Gallimard
2111-4587 Le Débat (e-vir) Éd. Gallimard
0360-1439 Legal economics Section of Economics of Law Practice, American Bar Association
0377-0915 Legal issues of European integration Kluwer
2212-1870 Legal issues of European integration (e-vir) Kluwer
0270-319X Legal reference services quarterly Haworth Press
1540-949X Legal reference services quarterly (e-vir) Haworth Press
0922-1565 Leiden journal of international law Leiden University, Faculty of Law; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1478-9698 Leiden journal of international law (e-vir) Leiden Journal of International Law Foundation
0149-0400 Leisure sciences Taylor and Francis Ltd.
1521-0588 Leisure sciences (e-vir) Taylor & Francis.
0304-2162 Le mois économique et financier Société de banque suisse
0026-9395 Le Monde diplomatique Monde diplomatique
1950-6260 Le Monde diplomatique (e-vir) le Monde diplomatique
2491-5866 Le Monde diplomatique (e-vir) SA Le Monde diplomatique
1141-9946 Le Nouvel Afrique Asie Société d'éditions Afrasial
0029-4713 Le Nouvel observateur Nouvel observateur
0242-6005 Le Point Le Point
0373-5834 Les Cahiers d'Outre-mer Institut de géographie et d'études régionales (Talence, Gironde)
0014-4711 Les Cahiers de l'expansion régionale Conseil national des économies régionales et de la productivité (France)
0008-0136 Les Cahiers du communisme Centre de diffusion du livre et de la presse
0008-0217 Les Cahiers français Documentation française
0533-0793 Les Collections de l'INSEE Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (France)
0533-0807 Les Collections de l'INSEE Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (France)
0533-0831 Les Collections de l'INSEE. Série R, régions Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques
0014-2204 Les Études sociales Société d'économie sociale; Société internationale de science sociale; Société d'économie et de science sociales
0040-3075 Les temps modernes TM
0041-1868 Le Travail humain PUF
2104-3663 Le Travail humain (e-vir) [Presses universitaires de France]
0988-9914 Le Trimestre du monde Le Trimestre du monde
0198-9847 Leviathan [publisher not identified]
0340-0425 Leviathan GWV Fachverlage
1861-8588 Leviathan (e-vir) Nomos
0459-1992 Liberal COMDOK
0341-9762 Libertas Libertas-Verl..
2159-9610 Library resources & technical services (e-vir) American Library Association]
0024-2527 Library Resources & Technical Services American Library Association
0024-2594 Library trends Illinois University Press
1559-0682 Library trends (e-vir) University of Illinois Library School
0024-2667 Libri Munksgaard
1865-8423 Libri (e-vir) De Gruyter Saur
0024-3469 Liiketaloudellinen aikakauskirja Liiketaloudellinen aikakauskirja
0161-7303 Literature of liberty Cato Institute.
0024-5089 Lituanus Lituanus Foundation, Inc.
0024-547X Lloyds Bank review Lloyds Bank
0144-6673 Lloyd s shipping economist Lloyd s of London Press Ltd
0269-0942 Local economy Local Economy Publishing
1470-9325 Local economy (e-vir) Routledge
1354-9839 Local environment Carfax
1469-6711 Local environment (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0264-2050 Local government policy making Institute of Local Government Studies, University of Birmingham.
0288-7622 Local government review in Japan Jichi Kenshäu Kyäokai. Chihäo Jichi Kenkyäu Shiryäo Sentäa.; Jichi Säogäo Sentäa.; Jichi Daigakko.; Local Autonomy College.
0957-9656 Logos Whurr; Brill
1878-4712 Logos Whurr; Brill
0309-9148 London Business School journal London Business School Association.
0024-6301 Long range planning Pergamon Press
0747-525X Looking ahead National Planning Association.; National Policy Association (U.S.)
0456-5339 Look Japan Look Japan
0278-3428 Los Angeles business & economics California State University, Los Angeles.; California State University, Los Angeles. School of Business and Economics.
0024-6751 Louisiana business review Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College.; Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College.; Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College.; Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.).
0193-5712 Louisiana business survey University of New Orleans.; Louisiana State University in New Orleans.
1041-5114 Loyola consumer law reporter Loyola University of Chicago.
0277-5417 Loyola of Los Angeles international and comparative law journal Loyola Law School
0287-2404 LTCB research Nippon Chäoki Shin'yäo Ginkäo.
0024-9262 Maclean's Maclean Pub. Co.
1012-3326 Magazine Banque de la République d'Haïti
1187-0176 Magazine affaires plus Publications Trancontinental]
0542-335X Malaya law review Faculty of Law, University of Singapore.
0047-5599 Malayan Economic Review University of Singapore Economic Society
0278-999X Management University of California, Los Angeles. Graduate School of Management.; University of California, Los Angeles. Public Affairs.; John E. Anderson Graduate School of Management at UCLA.
0025-1739 Management controls Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.
0193-8266 Management focus Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.
0263-4678 Management in government H.M.S.O.
0938-8249 Management international review Gabler
1861-8901 Management international review Gabler
0025-1895 Management review American Management Association
0307-8558 Management services in government Great Britain.
0143-6570 Managerial and decision economics Wiley
1099-1468 Managerial and decision economics (e-vir) Heydon & Son
0307-4358 Managerial finance MCB Journals
1758-7743 Managerial finance (e-vir) MCB University Press
0025-1941 Managerial planning Planning Executives Institute
0025-2344 Mankind Quarterly Mankind Quarterly
0542-5808 Manpower journal Institute of Applied Manpower Research
0025-2859 Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens [s.n.]
0090-1830 Marine fisheries review NMFS, Scientific Publications Office; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor
0308-597X Marine policy Butterworth Scientific
1872-9460 Marine policy (e-vir) Pergamon Press
1464-5254 Maritime policy & management (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0308-8839 Maritime policy and management Taylor & Francis
1816-8434 Market forces Pakistan Air Force :; Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology
2309-866X Market forces (e-vir) Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology
1094-1304 Marketing health services American Marketing Association.
0465-0166 Markt-Forscher Erich Schmidt.
0170-723X Marktforschung im Dienst der Unternehmenssicherung und -entwicklung E. Schmidt.
0025-3987 Marquette law review Marquette University School of Law.
Y509-7975 Marquette law review (e-vir) Marquette University School of Law
0542-7770 Marxistische Blätter VVG-Verl.- u. Vertriebsges.
0884-9331 Maryland journal of international law and trade [Maryland Journal of International Law and Trade, Inc, University of Maryland School of Law, in conjunction with the University of Maryland School of Law]
0025-4282 Maryland law review Maryland Law Review
0394-9214 Matecon CREF.; Centro ricerche economiche e finanziarie.
0129-6612 Media Asia Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre
2377-6277 Media Asia (e-vir) [Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre]
0762-5642 Médiaspouvoirs Bayard presse,; Médiapouvoirs,
1057-7416 Media studies journal Freedom Forum Media Studies Center
0025-7087 Medical care review University of Michigan.; American College of Healthcare Executives.
0025-7206 Medical economics Medical Economics, inc.
2150-7155 Medical economics (e-vir) Medical Economics Inc.
1743-9396 Medicine, conflict, and survival (e-vir) Cass
1362-3699 Medicine, conflict and survival Cass
0748-8009 Medicine and war Wiley
2378-9980 Medicine and war (e-vir) Wiley
1330-6928 Medijska istraživanja Doron; Fakultet političkih nauka
1846-6605 Medijska istraživanja (e-vir) Doron; Fakultet političkih znanosti
1362-9395 Mediterranean politics Frank Cass
1743-9418 Mediterranean politics (e-vir) Pinter; Fairleigh Dickinson University Press
1047-4552 Mediterranean quarterly Duke University Press Journals
1527-1935 Mediterranean quarterly (e-vir) Published by Duke University Press under the editorial direction of Mediterranean Affairs Inc.
0047-6609 Mediterraneo Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura,Palermo
0145-630X Meeting news Gralla Publications
1930-2061 Mei Zhong fa lü ping lun (e-vir) China Business Review (Journal)
1548-6605 Mei Zhong fa lü ping lun = China Business Review (Journal)
1548-6591 Mei Zhong gong gong guan li USA-China Business Review (Journal)
1935-9691 Mei Zhong gong gong guan li (e-vir) USA-China Business Review (Journal)
0085-3224 Melbourne journal of politics Melbourne University Political Science Society.
0185-0539 Memoria de El Colegio Nacional Colegio Nacional.
0026-0010 Mergers & acquisitions Mergers & Acquisitions, Inc.
1135-710X Meridiano CERI CERI.; Centro Español de Relaciones Internacionales.
0888-0328 MERIP Middle East report Middle East Research & Information Project
2325-8810 MERIP Middle East report (e-vir) Middle East Research & Information Project.
0047-7265 MERIP reports (e-vir) Middle East Research & Information Project
2325-8802 MERIP reports (e-vir) Middle East Research & Information Project.
0026-0096 Merkur Klett-Cotta
2510-4179 Merkur (e-vir) Klett-Cotta
1079-1760 Mershon international studies review Published by Blackwell for the International Studies Association and the Mershon Center
1405-4558 Metapolítica Centro de Estudios de Política Comparada A.C.
0026-1327 Metra Société d'économie et de mathématiques appliquées.
0888-868X Metropolitan education University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee.
0026-1696 Mexican American review American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico
0392-9566 Mezzogiorno d'Europa ISVEIMER
0543-3657 Međunarodna politika Međunarodna politika
2787-0618 Međunarodna politika (e-vir) Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu
1052-2867 Michigan journal of international law University of Michigan Law School
0026-2234 Michigan law review University of Michigan, Dept. of Law
1939-8557 Michigan law review (e-vir) University of Michigan Dept. of Law
0026-2331 Michigan municipal review Michigan Municipal League.
0026-2420 Michigan quarterly review (e-vir) University of Michigan.
1558-7266 Michigan quarterly review (e-vir) University of Michigan, Scholarly Pub. Office
0895-1772 Mid-American journal of business Mid-American Journal of Business
0305-0734 Middle East Middle East Magazine
0026-3206 Middle Eastern studies Frank Cass
1743-7881 Middle Eastern studies (e-vir) Frank Cass & Co.
0271-0498 Middle East executive reports Middle East Executive Reports, c1978-
0731-9371 Middle East insight International Insight,
1061-1924 Middle East policy Middle East Policy Council
1475-4967 Middle East policy Blackwell Publishers.
1073-9467 Middle East quarterly Middle East Forum
0899-2851 Middle East report Middle East Research & Information Project
0097-9791 Middle East review American Academic Association for Peace in the Middle East.
0026-3257 Midland Bank review Midland Bank.
0279-8174 Mid-south business journal Bureau of Business & Economic Research, The Fogelman College of Business and Economics, Memphis State University
1051-5054 Midsouth political science journal Arkansas Political Science Association.
0885-4696 Mid-south quarterly business review Memphis State University. Bureau of Business and Economic Research.
0026-332X Midstream Theodore Herzl Foundation,
0721-2887 Migration Edition Parabolis
0197-9175 Migration today Center for Migration Studies (U.S.)
1058-5095 Migration world magazine Center for Migration Studies of New York
0026-3869 Militaire spectator Koninklijke Vereniging ter Beoefening van de Krijgswerenschap.; Koninklijke Landmacht.; Koninklijke Luchtmacht.
0171-9033 Militärpolitik Haag und Herchen.
0026-4040 Military law review Headquarters, Dept. of the Army; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor
0026-4148 Military review US Army Command and General Staff College
0305-8298 Millennium Sage Publications
1477-9021 Millennium (e-vir) Sage Publications
1080-1200 Miller Center journal White Burkett Miller Center.
0544-1943 Milletlerarası münasebetler Türk yıllığı Ankara Üniversitesi
1404-1049 Minerals & energy Scandinavian University Press
1651-2286 Minerals & energy Scandinavian University Press
0363-9622 Minerals & materials United States.
0026-4695 Minerva The international association for cultural freedom
1573-1871 Minerva (e-vir) Kluwer
0885-4874 Minnesota agricultural economist University of Minnesota.; University of Minnesota.; University of Minnesota.; Minnesota Extension Service.
0148-8546 Minnesota cities League of Minnesota Cities.
0026-6442 Mississippi's business University of Mississippi.; University of Mississippi.; Mississippi Research and Development Center.; Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning.
0026-6167 Mississippi business review Mississippi State University.; Mississippi State College.; Mississippi State University.; Mississippi State University.
0026-6604 Missouri law review School of Law, University of Missouri-Columbia]
0011-9822 Mitteilungen der Deutschen Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung e.V.
0039-4572 Mitteilungen der Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft Südosteuropa-Gessellschaft
0531-030X Mitteilungen des Instituts für Handelsforschung an der Universität zu Köln Schwartz
0026-9719 MOCI. Moniteur du commerce international Société d'édition, de documentation économique et commerciale
0963-9489 Modern & contemporary France Longman Group UK
1469-9869 Modern & contemporary France (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0026-7457 Modern age Foundation for Foreign Affairs
2168-5975 Modern age (e-vir) Foundation for Foreign Affairs
0097-7004 Modern China Sage Publications.
1552-6836 Modern China (e-vir) Sage Publications
1353-2944 Modern Italy Carfax Publishing Limited
1469-9877 Modern Italy (e-vir) [Association for the Study of Modern Italy]
0186-2901 Momento económico Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas. UNAM.
0026-914X Momentum National Catholic Educational Association]
1832-8490 Monash business review Graduate School of Business, Monash University
0567-1248 Monatsberichte über die österreichische Landwirtschaft Österreichischer Agrarverlag
0026-9239 Monatsblätter für freiheitliche Wirtschaftspolitik Knapp.
0026-9301 Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform Heymann
2366-1968 Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform (e-vir)
1241-5294 Monde arabe, Maghreb, Machrek France
0302-3052 Mondes en développement Editions techniques et économiques
0026-9492 Mondo Aperto Centro Italiano per lo Studio delle Relazioni Avio Economiche estere e dei Mercati (CEME).
0026-9506 Mondo bancario [s. n.] ;; Gianpaolo Trucchi,
0026-9522 Mondo economico Società Editoriale Mondo Economico
0026-959X Moneda y crédito Moneda y Crédito
0026-9611 Moneta e credito Banca Nazionale del Lavoro; Associazione Paolo Sylos Labini
2037-3651 Moneta e credito (e-vir) Associazione Paolo Sylos Labini; Associazione culturale Economia civile
0185-1136 Monetaria Centro de estudios monetarios latinoamericanos
2224-6681 Monetaria (e-vir) Centro de estudios monetarios latinoamericanos
0149-4953 Money Time Inc.
0187-7615 Money affairs Centre for Latin American Monetary Studies.
0026-9921 Montana business quarterly Bureau of Business and Economic Research, School of Business Administration, University of Montana.
0005-5174 Monthly bulletin Bank of Finland
1561-0136 Monthly bulletin European Central Bank
1725-2822 Monthly bulletin (e-vir) [European Central Bank]
0778-421X Monthly bulletin - KB KB.; Kredietbank.
0098-1818 Monthly labor review U.S. Government Printing Office
1937-4658 Monthly labor review (e-vir) Government Printing Office
0418-8292 Monthly report of the Deutsche Bundesbank Deutsche Bundesbank
0023-3889 Monthly review Korea Exchange Bank
0027-0520 Monthly review Monthly Review Foundation
0027-1241 Mortgage banker Mortgage Bankers Association of America
0730-0212 Mortgage banking Mortgage Bankers Association of America
1564-4901 MOST journal on multicultural societies (e-vir) Unesco
0362-8841 Mother Jones Foundation for National Progress
2169-7396 Mother Jones (e-vir) Foundation for National Progress
0047-8318 Ms Matilda Publications
0024-8460 MSU business topics Graduate School of Business Administration, Michigan State University
0986-6884 MTF MTF :; FICOM,
1068-3844 Multicultural education Caddo Gap Press
1521-0960 Multicultural perspectives Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., c1999-
1532-7892 Multicultural perspectives (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates.
1058-9236 MultiCultural review GP Subscription Publications
1525-383X Multinational business review College of Business Administration, University of Detroit Mercy
2054-1686 Multinational business review (e-vir) College of Business Administration, University of Detroit Mercy
0197-4637 Multinational monitor Corporate Accountability Research Group
0047-8350 Munger Africana Library notes Munger Africana Library.
0027-3430 Municipal and public services journal [Municipal Journal Ltd]
0199-6134 Municipal finance journal Panel Publishers.
1554-4419 Muslim world journal of human rights (e-vir) Berkeley Electronic Press
2194-6558 Muslim world journal of human rights De Gruyter
0218-8708 Myan view : a quarterly review of economic and political trends in Myanmar Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
0027-7436 Nachrichten für Dokumentation VCH
0095-5930 NACLA's Latin America & empire report North American Congress on Latin America]
0149-1598 NACLA report on the Americas [North American Congress on Latin America]
1071-4839 NACLA report on the Americas NACLA
2471-2620 NACLA report on the Americas (e-vir) NACLA
1565-5288 Nashim Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies; Hadassah International Research Institute on Jewish Women at Brandeis University
0793-8934 Nashim: a journal of Jewish women's studies and gender issues Seminary of Judaic studies
2150-6469 National affairs National Affairs
0350-4484 National Bank of Yugoslavia quarterly bulletin National Bank of Yugoslavia
0027-9013 National civic review National Municipal League
1542-7811 National civic review (e-vir) [National Civic League]; [Jossey-Bass]; Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
0256-4122 National conditions Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting & Statistics. Bureau of statistics. Executive Yuan
0813-9474 National economic review NIEIR.
0162-1831 National forum Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
0027-9501 National Institute economic review National Institute of Economic and Social Research
1741-3036 National Institute economic review (e-vir) [National Institute of Economic and Social Research]
0090-5992 Nationalities papers Taylor&Francis; Association for the study of nationalities
1465-3923 Nationalities papers (e-vir) Carfax; Routledge
0360-4217 National journal Government Research Corp.
0277-8556 National productivity review Executive Enterprises Publications Co.
1520-6734 National productivity review (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0027-9994 National real estate investor Communication Channels, inc.
0095-781X National Savings and Loan League journal National Savings and Loan League.
1082-5444 National security studies quarterly Georgetown University.
0028-0283 National tax journal National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America
1944-7477 National tax journal (e-vir) National Tax Association
0028-0399 National Westminster Bank quarterly review National Westminster Bank Limited.
0164-0712 National wetlands newsletter Environmental Law Institute
1566-9009 NATO's nations and partners for peace Perel's Publishing Company
0169-1821 NATO's sixteen nations Perel's Publishing Company
0255-3813 NATO review North Atlantic Treaty Organization
1608-7569 NATO review (e-vir) NATO office of information and press
0885-8608 Natural areas journal The Natural Areas Association
2162-4399 Natural areas journal (e-vir) The Association
0921-030X Natural hazards Kluwer Academic Pubishers
1573-0840 Natural hazards (e-vir) Kluwer
0028-0739 Natural resources journal University of New Mexico, School of Law.
2640-2149 Natural resources journal (e-vir) University of New Mexico
1558-5468 Nature + culture (e-vir) Berghahn Books
1558-6073 Nature + culture Berghahn Books, Inc.
0164-4580 Naval stores review Naval Stores Review
0028-1484 Naval War College review Naval War College
1052-164X NBR analysis National Bureau of Asian and Soviet Research (U.S.); National Bureau of Asian Research (U.S.)
1605-9581 NEA news Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency
1681-228X NEA news Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
1016-5398 NEA newsletter OECD, Nuclear Energy Agency
0748-4526 Negotiation journal Plenum
1571-9979 Negotiation journal Kluwer Academic Publishers
0270-3637 Network Family Health International Research (Organization); International Fertility Research Program.
0250-6475 Neue Entwicklungspolitik Wiener Institut für Entwicklungsfragen
0028-3320 Neue politische Literatur Steiner-Verlag-Wiesbaden-GmbH
2197-6082 Neue politische Literatur (e-vir) VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
0342-1511 Neues Archiv für Niedersachsen Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft zum Studium Niedersachsens; Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft zum Studium Niedersachsens; Niedersächsischer Heimatbund; Niedersächsisches Institut für Landeskunde und Landesentwicklung; Niedersachsen
0148-5881 Nevada review of business & economics University of Nevada, Reno. Bureau of Business and Economic Research.
0142-9345 New African IC Magazines Ltd
0145-8582 New directions in legal services National Resource Center for Consumers of Legal Services (U.S.); Resource Center for Consumers of Legal Services.
0164-3533 New England business Yankee, inc.
0028-4726 New England economic review Research Dept.
0028-4823 New England law review New England School of Law
0028-5560 New Jersey business The Association
1095-7960 New labor forum Queens College Labor Resource Center
1557-2978 New labor forum (e-vir) Queens College Labor Resource Center
0028-6060 New left review New Left Review
2044-0480 New left review (e-vir) New Left Review
0745-9084 New management University of Southern California, Graduate School of Business Administration
0889-5937 New Mexico business current economic report University of New Mexico. Bureau of Business & Economic Research.
0028-6427 New outlook Heverat Tazpiot Ltd.
8750-2135 New perspectives United States Commission on Civil Rights.
0893-7850 New perspectives quarterly Institute for National Strategy
1540-5842 New perspectives quarterly (e-vir) Published by Blackwell Publishers for the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions
0739-3148 New political science Taylor & Francis
1469-9931 New political science (e-vir) Carfax
0028-6494 New politics New Politics Associates
1740-7850 New review of information and library research (e-vir) Routledge
0195-7600 New roots for the Northeast Northeast Appropriate Technology Network, Inc.
0262-4079 New scientist New Science Publications
2059-5387 New scientist (e-vir) New Scientist
1356-1766 New scientist CD-ROM (e-vir) Bowker-Saur; IPC magazines
0042-0271 News letter University of Virginia. School of Rural Social Economics.; University of Virginia. Institute of Government.; University of Virginia. Center for Public Service.; Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service.
1048-2911 New solutions Alice Hamilton Memorial Library
1541-3772 New solutions (e-vir) Sage
1034-7674 New South Wales public health bulletin Dept. of Health, NSW.
1839-4345 New South Wales public health bulletin (e-vir) New South Wales.; SPARC (Organization)
0364-3115 News - The Grantsmanship Center Grantsmanship Center.
0268-1072 New technology, work and employment Basil Blackwell
1468-005X New technology, work and employment (e-vir) Blackwell.
0206-1473 New times New times
0307-8612 New universities quarterly Turnstile Press
0028-7067 New world review [N.W.R. Publications]
0090-9920 New York affairs [Urban Periodicals]
8756-8926 New York Law School human rights annual New York Law School.
0736-4075 New York Law School journal of international and comparative law Journal of International and Comparative Law.
0145-448X New York Law School law review New York Law School
0028-7547 New York state bar journal New York State Bar Association.
0028-7873 New York University journal of international law & politics New York University School of Law
0114-3999 New Zealand external relations review Ministry of External Relations and Trade.; MERT.
0014-5440 New Zealand foreign affairs review Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
0110-0262 New Zealand international review New Zealand Institute of International Affairs
2230-5939 New Zealand international review (e-vir) New Zealand Institute of International Affairs
0110-9596 New Zealand journal of business Victoria University of Wellington. Dept. of Business Administration.
0110-0637 New Zealand journal of industrial relations Industrial Relations Society of New Zealand
0028-8373 New Zealand law journal Butterworths of New Zealand.
2230-5920 New Zealand universities law review (e-vir) Brookers
0549-0618 New Zealand Universities law review Street & Maxwell.
0090-0893 NFAIS newsletter NFAIS
0029-0092 Nigerian journal of economic and social studies Nigerian Economic Society.
0364-4529 Ninth district quarterly Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
1340-5268 NIRA review National Institute for Research Advancement.
1338-4309 NISPAcee journal of public administration and policy (e-vir) de Gruyter
0899-7640 Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly Sage Publications
1552-7395 Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly (e-vir) Sage Publications
1048-6682 Nonprofit management & leadership Jossey-Bass
1542-7854 Nonprofit management & leadership (e-vir) [Jossey-Bass]; Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
2154-3348 Nonprofit policy forum (e-vir) Berkeley Electronic Press
2194-6035 Nonprofit policy forum de Gruyter
2001-5119 Nordicom review NORDICOM
1403-1108 NORDICOM review NORDICOM, Göteborg University
0284-0448 Nordic steel & mining review Bergsmannen förlags AB
0933-1743 Nord-Süd aktuell Deutsches Übersee-Institut
0029-2524 North Carolina law review North Carolina Law Review Association, etc.]
0098-8731 North Carolina review of business and economics University of North Carolina at Greensboro. School of Business and Economics.
1535-6574 Northeast African studies (e-vir) Michigan State University Press
0740-9133 Northeast African Studies African Studies Center, Michigan State University
0198-8549 Northern Kentucky law review Salmon P. Chase College of Law]
1551-2789 North Korean review University of Detroit Mercy.
1941-2886 North Korean review (e-vir) McFarland & Co., Inc.
0196-3228 Northwestern journal of international law & business Northwestern University School of Law.
0029-3571 Northwestern University law review Northwestern University School of Law
0029-3660 Norwegian commercial banks Economic Research Institute of the Commercial Banks of Norway.; Norwegian Bankers' Association.; Norske bankforening.; Forretningsbankenes konjunkturinstitutt.
0029-3709 Norwegian shipping news Selvig Publishing,
0303-1829 Notas de población Centro latinoamericano de demografía.; CELADE.; Naciones Unidas. Comisión económica para América latina y el Caribe.; CEPAL.; Centro latinoamericano y caribeño de demografía.; CELADE.
0391-8289 Note economiche Monte dei Paschi di Siena
0005-559X Notes d'information et statistiques - Banque centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest Banque centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
0029-4004 Notes et études documentaires Documentation française
0883-3648 Notre Dame journal of law, ethics & public policy Thomas J. White Center on Law & Government, Notre Dame Law School
0395-6458 Nouvel économiste Société du Nouvel économiste
0103-6351 Nova Economia Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Departamento de Ciências Econômicas
1980-5381 Nova Economia (e-vir) Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Departamento de Ciências Econômicas
1444-8262 NSW public health bulletin CSIRO Publishing
0140-4067 Nuclear energy British Nuclear Energy Society
0304-341X Nuclear law bulletin OECD, Nuclear Energy Agency
1609-7378 Nuclear law bulletin Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
0892-2055 Nuclear plant journal EQES, Inc.
2162-6413 Nuclear plant journal (e-vir) EQES, Inc.
0734-5836 Nuclear times Nuclear Times
0251-3552 Nueva sociedad Editorial Nueva Sociedad
0326-9167 Nuevo proyecto. Revista de política, economía y ciencias sociales Centro de Estudios para el Proyecto Nacional.
1040-0656 NWSA journal Ablex Pub. Corp.
1527-1889 NWSA journal (e-vir) Ablex Publishing
0029-7593 Objective: justice United Nations
1561-5529 Observer (e-vir) OECD
0199-4786 Occupational outlook quarterly The Bureau; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
0964-5691 Ocean & coastal management Elsevier Applied Science
0951-8312 Ocean and shoreline management Elsevier Applied Science Publishers.
1872-7816 Ocean and shoreline management (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0090-8320 Ocean development and international law Crane, Russak & Co.
1521-0642 Ocean development and international law (e-vir) 1996-
0029-8077 Oceania University of Sydney
0078-7116 ODI review Overseas Development Institute (London, England)
1544-6751 Odyssey Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center.
1609-7408 OECD economic outlook (e-vir) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
0474-5574 OECD economic outlook ... OECD
1609-7491 OECD economic studies Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
0255-0822 OECD Economic studies OECD
1560-7771 OECD journal of competition law & policy Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
1609-7521 OECD journal of competition law and policy Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
1608-7143 OECD journal on budgeting Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
1681-2336 OECD journal on budgeting Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
0029-7054 OECD observer Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
0137-5806 Oeconomica Polona Państwowe Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne.
0048-1572 Ohio State law journal Ohio State University, College of Law
0192-9593 Oklahoma business Business Publications]
1537-4246 Onearth Natural Resources Defense Council
0078-4850 Ontario geography University of Western Ontario. Dept. of Geography.
0716-4513 Opciones Centro de Estudios de la Realidad Contemporánea. Academia de Humanismo Cristiano
0474-6279 OPEC Bulletin Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
1753-0229 OPEC energy review Blackwell
1753-0237 OPEC energy review (e-vir) Wiley InterScience
0277-0180 OPEC review Pergamon Press
1468-0076 OPEC review (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
2248-4078 Opiniâon Jurâidica Sello Editorial Universidad de Medellâin
1692-2530 Opinion juridica Universidad de Medellin
0475-1906 Optimum Prospectus
0030-4387 Orbis Foreign Policy Research Institute.
0146-1400 Organization and administrative sciences Kent State University, Comparative Administration Research Institute.
0170-8406 Organization studies Sage Publications
1741-3044 Organization studies (e-vir) Sage Publications
0030-5227 Orient Dt. Orient-Inst.
0030-5294 Oriental economist Oriental Economist
1306-682X Orta Asya ve Kafkasya araşt%rmalar% Uluslararas% Stratejik Araşt%rmalar Kurumu Derne#i
1309-1557 Ortadoğu etütleri ORTADOĞU ARAŞTIRMALARI DERNEĞİ
0970-0269 Osmania Journal of Social Sciences Faculty of Social Sciences, Osmania University.; Osmania University, Faculty of Social Sciences.
0029-9308 Österreichische Monatshefte Bundesparteiorganisation der Österreichische Volkspartei
0029-9375 Österreichische Osthefte Lit Verlag
0029-9839 Österreichisches Bank-Archiv Bankwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft
0378-5149 Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft Döker Verlag
0030-6428 Osteuropa Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt
2509-3444 Osteuropa (e-vir) Berliner Wiss.-Verl.
0030-6460 Osteuropa-Wirtschaft Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt
0161-0694 OTC review Review Pub. Co.,
0048-2331 Ottawa Law review Faculty of Law, Common Law Section, University of Ottawa.
0030-6940 Our public lands United States.
1062-7928 Out
0737-3732 Outlook Program for the Introduction and Adaptation of Contraceptive Technology (PIACT), Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH)
0305-9049 Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics Basil Blackwell
1468-0084 Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics (e-vir) Blackwell
1360-0818 Oxford development studies Carfax
1469-9966 Oxford development studies (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1464-3812 Oxford economic papers (e-vir) Clarendon Press
0030-7653 Oxford Economic Papers Oxford University Press
0959-7727 Oxford energy forum Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
0266-903X Oxford review of economic policy Oxford University Press
1460-2121 Oxford review of economic policy (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1465-3915 Oxford review of education (e-vir) Carfax Pub.
0305-4985 Oxford Review of Education Carfax Publ. Co.
0961-2149 Oxford studies in comparative education Triangle Books.
1052-3448 Pace yearbook of international law Pace University School of Law
2331-3544 Pace yearbook of international law (e-vir) Pace University.
0030-851X Pacific affairs University of British Columbia
1715-3379 Pacific affairs (e-vir) University of British Columbia
0030-8722 Pacific Islands monthly Fiji Times Limited.
1043-5212 Pacific Northwest executive Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Washington
0275-3596 Pacific studies Polynesian Cultural Center (Laie, Hawaii); Brigham Young University--Hawaii Campus.
0030-8978 Pacific viewpoint Victoria University of Wellington. Department of Geography
1011-002X Pakistan economic and social review University of the Penjab. Department of Economics
2224-4174 Pakistan economic and social review (e-vir) Department of Economics, University of the Punjab
0191-7900 Palestine! Palestine Solidarity Committee.
0793-1395 Palestine-Israel journal Middle East Publications
1452-595X Panoeconomicus Savez ekonomista Vojvodine
2217-2386 Panoeconomicus (e-vir) Savez ekonomista Vojvodine
Y505-7035 Panoeconomicus Savez ekonomista Vojvodine
0479-4346 Panorama económico Bancomer.
1989-5917 Papeles de Europa Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales
1405-7425 Papeles de población Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados de la Población
2448-7147 Papeles de población (e-vir) Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
0094-8055 Papers - Peace Science Society (International) Peace Science Society (International)
0031-1723 Parameters U.S. Army War College
0030-7807 PAR analysis Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana.
0031-2290 Parliamentary affairs Oxford University Press
1460-2482 Parliamentary affairs (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1354-0688 Party politics Sage Publications
1460-3683 Party politics (e-vir) Sage Publications
0479-7353 Paysans Paysans; Paysans
1532-7930 Peabody journal of education (e-vir) George Peabody College for Teachers
1098-674X Peace & policy Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research.
0149-0508 Peace and change California State College
1468-0130 Peace and change (e-vir) Blackwell
1078-1919 Peace and conflict Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-7949 Peace and conflict L. Erlbaum Associates.
1082-7307 Peace and conflict studies Network of Peace and Conflict Studies
1079-2457 Peace economics, peace science, and public policy Economists Allied for Arms Reduction (Organization); Peace Science Society (International)
1554-8597 Peace economics, peace science and public policy Berkeley Electronic Press
1040-2659 Peace review Peace Review Publications
1469-9982 Peace review (e-vir) Carfax
1018-9327 PEB exchange Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Programme on Educational Building
1609-7548 PEB exchange Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
1546-3427 Penn State environmental law review Dickinson School of Law of the Pennsylvania State University
0031-4382 Pennsylvania business survey Pennsylvania State University. College of Business Administration.; Pennsylvania State College. Dept. of Economics.; Pennsylvania State College. Bureau of Business Research.; Pennsylvania State University. Bureau of Business Research.
0212-0208 Pensamiento iberoamericano Secretaría General Iberoamericana; Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana; Naciones Unidas
0031-4757 Pensamiento político. Revista de afirmación mexicana Cultura y Ciencia Política.
0273-5466 Pensions & investment age Crain Communications Inc.
1050-4974 Pensions & investments Crain Communications, Inc.
0098-1753 Pension world Argus Business
0301-5645 People International Planned Parenthood Federation
0704-5263 Perception Canadian Council on Social Development.
1300-8641 Perceptions Intermedia Uluslararasi İletişim AŞ
0188-7653 Perfiles latinoamericanos FLACSO
2309-4982 Perfiles latinoamericanos (e-vir) FLACSO México
0031-5745 Personnel journal. Williams & Wilkins Co.
0274-855X Perspectives United States Commission on Civil Rights.
1210-762X Perspectives Institute of International Relations
1803-4551 Perspectives (e-vir) Institute of international relations
0031-5982 Perspectives in biology and medicine University of Chicago Press.
1529-8795 Perspectives in biology and medicine Johns Hopkins University Press
1757-9139 Perspectives in public health Sage
1757-9147 Perspectives in public health (e-vir) Sage
0240-8791 Perspectives latino-américaines Université de Paris huit, Centre d'information et de recherche sur l'Amérique Latine.
1569-1497 Perspectives on global development and technology (e-vir) Brill
1569-1500 Perspectives on global development and technology Brill
0840-8750 Perspectives on labour and income Statistics Canada = Statistique Canada
1492-496X Perspectives on labour and income (e-vir) Statistics Canada.
1537-5927 Perspectives on politics Cambridge University Press.
1541-0986 Perspectives on politics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press.
1538-6341 Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health Alan Guttmacher Institute
1931-2393 Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health (e-vir) Alan Guttmacher Institute
1465-6493 Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik de Gruyter
1468-2516 Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik de Gruyter
0100-0551 Pesquisa e Planejamento Econômico Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada
0306-395X Petroleum economist Euromoney Publications plc
0399-1253 Peuples Mediterranéens Peuples mediterranéens
1538-5914 Phi Kappa Phi forum Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
2162-2957 Phi Kappa Phi forum (e-vir) Phi Kappa Phi.
0115-0073 Philippine development Philippine Development
0048-3745 Philippine economy and industrial journal Santos r. Concepcion.
0031-7675 Philippine journal of public administration UP College of Public Administration; Philippine Society for Public Administration
2210-5433 Philosophy & technology Springer Netherlands
2210-5441 Philosophy & technology Springer Netherlands
0031-8906 Phylon Atlanta University
2325-7199 Phylon (e-vir) Atlanta University
0270-3181 Physical & occupational therapy in geriatrics Haworth Press
1541-3152 Physical & occupational therapy in geriatrics (e-vir) Informa
0032-0315 Pittsburgh business review University of Pittsburgh.; University of Pittsburgh.
0161-956X PJE. Peabody journal of education George Peabody College of Teachers.
0032-0560 Plan Föreningen för samhällsplanering
0032-0544 Plan Canada Canadian Institute of Planners.
0870-3043 Planeamento Portugal. Departamento Central de Planeamento
0103-4138 Planejamento e politicas publicas Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada
0001-2610 Planning American Planning Association
1360-0583 Planning, practice & research (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0738-114X Planning & zoning news Planning & Zoning Center (Lansing, Mich.)
0269-7459 Planning practice + research [s.n.]
1464-9357 Planning theory & practice Routledge, Taylor & Francis
1470-000X Planning theory & practice (e-vir) Routledge
0032-258X Police journal Justice of the Peace Ltd
1477-271X Police practice & research (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers
1561-4263 Police practice and research Harwood academic publishers
0141-2949 Police studies John Jay Press
2054-5630 Police studies (e-vir) John Jay Press; Security Gazette Ltd
1032-6634 Policy Centre for Independent Studies
1944-2866 Policy & internet (e-vir) Berkeley Electronic Press
1449-4035 Policy & society Government and International Relations, University of Sydney
1839-3373 Policy & society (e-vir) Government and International Relations, University of Sydney
0098-2067 Policy analysis University of California Press
2375-1711 Policy analysis (e-vir) Published for the Graduate School of Public Policy, Berkeley, by the University of California Press
0305-5736 Policy and politics Policy Press
1470-8442 Policy and politics (e-vir) Policy Press
1910-9741 Policy options Institute for Research on Public Policy
0226-5893 Policy options = Institute for Research on Public Policy.
0190-325X Policy report Cato Institute.
0146-5945 Policy review Heritage Foundation
0032-2687 Policy sciences Springer
1573-0891 Policy sciences (e-vir) Kluwer
0144-2872 Policy studies Taylor & Francis
1470-1006 Policy studies (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers; Routledge.
0190-292X Policy studies journal University of Illinois
1541-0072 Policy studies journal (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0719-5338 Política (e-vir) Instituto de Ciencia Política, Departamento de Ciencia Política, Universidad de Chile
0716-1077 Política: Instituto de Ciencia Política, Departamento de Ciencia Política, Universidad de Chile
0032-3063 Politica del diritto Il Mulino.
1973-8161 Politica del diritto Il Mulino
0213-6856 Política exterior Estudios de Política Exterior.
1518-6660 Política Externa Helena Maria Gasparian
0798-1147 Política internacional Asociación Política Internacional
0873-6650 Política internacional Gradiva [distrib.],
0032-3101 Politica internazionale Nuova Italia editrice
0032-3128 Political affairs New Century Publishers
1047-1987 Political analysis University of Michigan Press
1476-4989 Political analysis (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1058-4609 Political communication Taylor & Francis
1091-7675 Political communication Taylor & Francis
0195-7473 Political communication and persuasion Crane Russak
1323-5761 Political crossroads James Nicholas Publishers,
0962-6298 Political geography Butterworth-Heinemann
1873-5096 Political geography (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0260-9827 Political geography quarterly Butterworth-Heinemann
0032-3179 Political quarterly Wiley-Blackwell
1467-923X Political quarterly (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
1065-9129 Political research quarterly University of Utah
1938-274X Political research quarterly (e-vir) University of Utah
1538-165X Political science quarterly (e-vir) Academy of Political Science
0032-3195 Political Science Quarterly Academy of Political Science; John Wiley & Sons
0032-3217 Political studies Sage Publications
1467-9248 Political studies (e-vir) Sage Publications
1405-1060 Política y gobierno Centro de investigación y docencia económicas, A.C..
0032-3241 Politička misao Fakultet političkih znanosti u Zagrebu
1846-8721 Politička misao (e-vir) Fakultet političkih znanosti
2151-4313 Politics, bureaucracy, and justice (e-vir) West Texas A & M University.
1555-5623 Politics & policy Wiley-Blackwell
1747-1346 Politics & policy (e-vir) Georgia Southern University
0258-9346 Politikon Staatkundige Vereniging van Suid-Afrika
1470-1014 Politikon (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0244-7827 Politique africaine Karthala; Politique africaine
0032-342X Politique étrangère Centre d'études de politique étrangère
1958-8992 Politique étrangère (e-vir) A. Colin
1203-9438 Politique et sociétés Société québécoise de science politique
0221-2781 Politique internationale Politique internationale
0554-5455 Politische Bildung Wochenschau-Verl.,
0032-3462 Politische Studien Atwerb-Verlag
0295-2319 Politix Association des étudiants en science politique de Paris 1
0032-3497 Polity Northeastern Political Science Association, etc.
1744-1684 Polity (e-vir) University of Massachusetts Press
0032-3632 Pollution atmosphérique Pollution atmosphérique
0032-4515 Popular government Institute of Government (Chapel Hill, N.C.); University of North Carolina (1793-1962).; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
0032-4663 Population Editions de l'Institut national d'études démographiques
1634-2941 Population Institut national d'études démographiques
1957-7966 Population (e-vir) [INED]
1958-9190 Population (e-vir) INED
0098-7921 Population and development review Population Council
1728-4457 Population and development review (e-vir) Population Council.
0199-0039 Population and environment Human Sciences Press
1573-7810 Population and environment (e-vir) Kluwer
0032-468X Population bulletin Population Reference Bureau.
0251-7604 Population bulletin of the United Nations United Nations
0523-1159 Population et famille Centre d'Etude de la population et de la famille.
0032-4701 Population index Office of Population Research, Princeton University
0167-5923 Population research and policy review Elsevier; Martinus Nijhoff Publishers; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-7829 Population research and policy review (e-vir) Kluwer
0032-471X Population review Indian Institute for Population Studies]
1549-0955 Population review Population Review Publications
1477-4747 Population studies (e-vir) Published on behalf of the Population Investigation Committee by the Cambridge University Press
0032-4728 Population Studies Population Investigation Committee, London School of Economics
0307-4463 Population trends HMSO
2040-1590 Population trends (e-vir) Govt. Statistical Service
0251-6861 Populi United Nations Fund for Population Activities
1046-9265 Port of New Orleans record Louisiana.; Louisiana.
1060-586X Post-Soviet affairs V.H. Winston & Son, Inc.
1938-2855 Post-Soviet affairs Bellwether Publications
1210-0455 Prague Economic Papers University of Economics
2336-730X Prague Economic Papers (e-vir) Vysoká škola ekonomická
0300-6271 Premium incentive business Gralla Publications.
0032-7638 Présence africaine Présence africaine
2271-197X Présence africaine (e-vir) Présence africaine
0360-4918 Presidential studies quarterly Center for the Study of the Presidency
1741-5705 Presidential studies quarterly Sage Publications.
1060-5088 Presidents & prime ministers EQES, Inc.
1389-4986 Prevention science Kluwer/Plenum
1573-6695 Prevention science (e-vir) Kluwer
0032-8065 Previdenza sociale Istituto nazionale della previdenza sociale.
0032-8588 Printing and publishing / United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.
0091-2670 Prism American Medical Association.
1042-9395 Privatization report Alexander Research & Communications, inc.
2007-8951 Problemas de desarrollo (e-vir) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas; Elsevier
0301-7036 Problemas del desarrollo Instituto de investigaciones económicas, UNAM
0765-1333 Problèmes d'Amérique latine France
0032-9304 Problèmes économiques La Documentations française
0390-5195 Problemi dell'informazione Società Editrice il Mulino
1973-817X Problemi dell'informazione Il Mulino
0048-5411 Problemi di Ulisse Casa Editrice Sansoni
1727-7051 Problems & perspectives in management Business perspectives
1810-5467 Problems and perspectives in management (e-vir) Business perspectives
0032-941X Problems of communism Documentary Studies Section, International Information Administration
0032-9436 Problems of economics M.E. Sharpe
1061-1991 Problems of economic transition M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
1557-931X Problems of economic transition (e-vir) Brookings Institution Press
1075-8216 Problems of post-communism M. E. Sharpe
1557-783X Problems of post-communism M.E. Sharpe
0065-0684 Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science in the city of New York The Academy
0003-049X Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society The American Philosophical Society
2326-9243 Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (e-vir) American Philosophical Society
0041-798X Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute The Institute
0882-5270 Producer price indexes United States.
0161-7311 Producer prices and price indexes United States.; United States.
1063-6579 Professional ethics Center for Applied Philosophy, University of Florida,
2154-3658 Professional ethics Philosophy Documentation Center
0555-3768 Progreso ????.
1464-9934 Progress in development studies Arnold
1477-027X Progress in development studies (e-vir) Arnold
0033-0884 Projet Centre de recherche et d'action sociales (France)
0342-8176 Prokla Rotbuch-Verlag
0810-9028 Prometheus Information Research Unit, Dept. of Economics, University of Queensland
1470-1030 Prometheus (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1047-0239 Propaganda review Media Alliance (San Francisco, Calif.)
0731-0285 Property tax journal International Association of Assessing Officers
0303-5174 Proposte sociali IPAS.; Istituto di padronato per l'assistenza sociale.
0889-6348 Proteus Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania.
1049-0965 PS, political science & politics American Political Science Association
1537-5935 PS online (e-vir) American Political Science Assoc.
0971-3336 Psychology and developing societies Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd..
0973-0761 Psychology and developing societies Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd
0033-3085 Psychology in the schools Wiley Subscription Services, Inc.
1520-6807 Psychology in the schools (e-vir) Clinical Psychology]; Wiley Periodicals
1056-4942 Public & access services quarterly Haworth Press
0033-3298 Public administration Royal Institute of Public Administration
1467-9299 Public administration (e-vir) Blackwell
0271-2075 Public administration and development Wiley
1099-162X Public administration and development (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0734-9149 Public administration quarterly Southern Public Administration Education Foundation
2327-4433 Public administration quarterly (e-vir) Southern Public Administration Education Foundation
0033-3352 Public administration review American society for public administration
1540-6210 Public administration review (e-vir) Wiley
0033-3360 Public administration survey University of Mississippi. Bureau of Public Administration.; University of Mississippi. Bureau of Governmental Research.; University of Mississippi. Public Policy Research Center.
0555-5914 Public affairs University of South Dakota. Governmental Research Bureau.
0887-0373 Public affairs quarterly Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University
2152-0542 Public affairs quarterly (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University
0033-3417 Public affairs report University of California, Berkeley.; University of California, Berkeley.
2222-1867 Public and municipal finance LLC "CPC "Business Perspectives"
2222-1875 Public and municipal finance (e-vir) Business Perspectives
0035-3094 Publication de la Revue générale de droit international public Pédone,
0275-1100 Public budgeting & finance Transaction Periodicals Consortium
1540-5850 Public budgeting & finance (e-vir) Published by Blackwell Publishers for Public Financial Publications
1042-4741 Public budgeting and financial management M. Dekker, Inc.,
0048-5829 Public choice Martinus Nühoff Social Sciences division
1573-7101 Public choice (e-vir) Kluwer
0351-3564 Public enterprise International Center for Public Enterprises in Developing Countries
0033-3476 Public finance Paris
0048-5853 Public finance quarterly Sage Publications.
1091-1421 Public finance review Sage
1552-7530 Public finance review (e-vir) Sage Publications
0033-3506 Public health Academic Press
0033-3549 Public health reports U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
1468-2877 Public health reports Oxford University Press
0891-2610 Public history news National Council on Public History (U.S.); Boise State University.; Boise State University.; West Virginia University.; Northeastern University (Boston, Mass.).; Northeastern University (Boston, Mass.).; IUPUI (Campus).; POLIS Research Center.
1099-9922 Public integrity Westview Press
1558-0989 Public integrity (e-vir) M.E. Sharpe
0738-5390 Public law forum Saint Louis University, School of Law
0033-3611 Public management International City Managers' Association
1471-9037 Public management review Routledge
1471-9045 Public management review (e-vir) Routledge
0954-0962 Public money & management Basil Blackwell
1467-9302 Public money & management (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
0149-9157 Public opinion American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.
1555-5518 Public opinion pros (e-vir) LFP Editorial Enterprises
0033-362X Public opinion quarterly Oxford University Press
1537-5331 Public opinion quarterly (e-vir) Public Opinion Quarterly, Inc.
1557-9271 Public performance & management review (e-vir) Sage Publications
1530-9576 Public performance and management review Sage
0091-0260 Public personnel management International Personnel Management Association
1945-7421 Public personnel management (e-vir) International Public Management Association for Human Resources
0033-3646 Public policy Published by J. Wiley for the John Fitzgerald Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, etc.
1540-1499 Public policy & practice (e-vir) University of South Carolina.
0952-0767 Public policy and administration Joint University Council, Public Administration Committee
1749-4192 Public policy and administration (e-vir) Public Administration Committee, Joint University Council
1744-5396 Public policy research Institute for Public Policy Research
1744-540X Public policy research (e-vir) Blackwell
1044-8039 Public productivity & management review Jossey-Bass
2326-2990 Public productivity & management review (e-vir) American Society for Public Administration.; National Center for Public Productivity (U.S.)
0361-6681 Public productivity review Center for Productive Public Management]
2326-2982 Public productivity review (e-vir) Center for Productive Public Management.; National Center for Public Productivity (U.S.)
0363-8111 Public relations review Elsevier
1873-4537 Public relations review (e-vir) Elsevier
1522-8959 Public services quarterly Haworth Information press
1522-9114 Public services quarterly Haworth Information Press
0963-6625 Public understanding of science Sage
1361-6609 Public understanding of science (e-vir) IOP Publishing
0033-3808 Public utilities fortnightly Public Utilities Reports,
1087-724X Public works management & policy Sage Periodicals Press
1552-7549 Public works management & policy (e-vir) Sage Publications
0000-0019 Publishers weekly R.R. Bowker Co., etc.
2150-4008 Publishers weekly (e-vir) Reed Business Information
1053-8801 Publishing research quarterly Transaction Periodicals Consortium, Rutgers University
1936-4792 Publishing research quarterly (e-vir) Transaction Publishers
0048-5950 Publius Center for the Study of Federalism, Temple University.
1747-7107 Publius (e-vir) Center for the Study of Federalism, Temple University
0270-126X Puerto Rico business review Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico.
0720-7182 PVS-Literatur Westdeutscher Verlag
2364-9976 PVS-Literatur (e-vir) Westdt. Verl.
0951-8398 QSE Taylor & Francis
0392-6664 Quaderni costituzionali Società editrice Il mulino
1973-8188 Quaderni costituzionali Il Mulino
0033-4901 Quaderni di Azione Sociale ACLI.; Associazioni cristiane lavoratori italiani.
2421-5848 Quaderni di sociologia (e-vir) Rosenberg & Sellier
0033-4952 Quaderni di Sociologia Edizioni di Communità
1120-9232 Quaderni emiliani CLUEB.
0391-8394 Quaderni sardi di economia Banco di Sardegna.
0332-2645 Quarterly bulletin Central Bank of Ireland
0922-6184 Quarterly bulletin Nijhoff
0125-605X Quarterly Bulletin - Bank of Thailand Department of Economic Research, Bank of Thailand
1045-4020 Quarterly completion report American Petroleum Institute. Statistics Dept.
1011-6354 Quarterly economic bulletin Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
1011-6346 Quarterly economic bulletin - Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
0306-7866 Quarterly Economic Commentary / Fraser of Allander Institute.
0747-5535 Quarterly journal of business and economics College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
2327-8242 Quarterly journal of business and economics College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
0033-5568 Quarterly Journal of Forestry Royal Forestry Society of England, Wales and Northern Ireland
0033-5711 Quarterly predictions of national income and expenditure New Zealand Institute of Economic Research.
0005-4607 Quarterly review - Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Banca Nazionale del Lavoro
0008-9273 Quarterly review - Central Bank of Malta Central Bank of Malta
0271-5287 Quarterly review - Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
0147-6580 Quarterly review - Federal Reserve Bank of New York Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
0033-5754 Quarterly review of agricultural economics Australian Bureau of Agricultural Economics.
0033-5789 Quarterly review of drilling statistics for the United States American Petroleum Institute. Statistics Dept.
1062-9769 Quarterly review of economics and finance Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
0156-7446 Quarterly review of the rural economy Australia. Bureau of Agricultural Economics.; Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
0737-3759 Québec studies Northeast Council for Québec Studies
2052-1731 Québec studies (e-vir) Northeast Council for Québec Studies
0033-6041 Queen's quarterly Queen's University.
0250-9806 QueHacer Centro de estudios y promoción del desarrollo
0302-7724 R.S. Cuadernos de realidades sociales Instituto de socűólogűá aplicada.
1467-9310 R & D management (e-vir) Blackwell.
0033-6807 R & D Management Basil Blackwell
0306-3968 Race & class Institute of Race Relations
1741-3125 Race & class (e-vir) Institute of Race Relations
0163-6545 Radical history review MARHO
1534-1453 Radical history review (e-vir) Duke University Press
0034-7590 RAE Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo
2178-938X RAE (e-vir) Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo
0033-8826 Railway age Simmons-Boardman Pub. Co.
0033-9075 Raison présente Éditions rationalistes,
0740-9281 Rand research review Rand Corporation.
1557-2897 Rand review Rand Corporation.
1040-1385 Rapa nui journal Easter Island Foundation.
0394-2236 Rassegna congiunturale Confindustria, Centro studi.
0033-961X Rassegna di statistiche del lavoro Confederazione generale dell'industria italiana. Confindustria.
0390-010X Rassegna economica Banco di Napoli.
1720-2515 Rassegna Economica. Quaderni di ricerca Banco di Napoli.
0486-0349 Rassegna italiana di sociologia SOc. Editrice il Mulino
2612-1433 Rassegna italiana di sociologia (e-vir) il Mulino
0034-0057 Rationalisierung Hanser
0034-0111 Raumforschung und Raumordnung Heymann
1869-4179 Raumforschung und Raumordnung Springer
0349-6287 Raw materials report Råvarugruppen; University of Dundee.; Luleå tekniska universitet
0352-8553 Razvoj Institute for Development and International Relations
1020-3060 RDS. Regional development studies United Nations Centre for Regional Development.
0048-6868 Real estate law journal Warren, Gorham & Lamont
0034-0790 Real estate review Warren, Gorham and Lamont
0325-1926 Realidad económica Instituto Argentino para el Desarrollo Económico
0223-5730 Réalités franc-comtoise Chambre de commerce et d'industrie (Besançon)
1148-7941 Réalités industrielles GEDIM
0048-6906 Reason Reason Foundation
0034-1185 Recent publications on governmental problems Merriam Center Library.
0770-4518 Recherches économiques de Louvain Institut des sciences économiques
1782-1495 Recherches économiques de Louvain (e-vir) De Boeck Université
0838-4479 Recherches féministes Gremf.
1705-9240 Recherches féministes (e-vir) Université Laval.
0034-124X Recherche Sociale Fondation pour la Recherche Sociale
0034-1282 Recherches sociographiques Dép. de sociologie, Université Laval
0771-677X Recherches sociologiques Centre de recherches sociologiques.
1049-1392 Reconstruction New Departures, Inc.,
0034-1495 Reconstructionist Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation.; Federation of Reconstructionist Congregations and Havurot.; Reconstructionist Rabbinical College (Wyncote, Pa.)
1019-9349 Red Cross, Red Crescent League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.; International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
0033-6874 REFA-Nachrichten REFA-Verband für Arbeitsstudien und Betriebsorganisation e.V.
0756-967X Références Ministère des postes- télécommunications, Direction générale des Postes, Direction de la Promotion
0034-2971 Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique Recherche et diffusion économiques.
0229-5113 Refuge Operation Lifeline; Canadian Foundation for Refugees.
1920-7336 Refuge (e-vir) Centre for Refugee Studies, York University
1359-7566 Regional & federal studies Frank Cass
1743-9434 Regional & federal studies (e-vir) F. Cass
0250-6505 Regional development dialogue United Nations Centre for Regional development
0959-230X Regional politics & policy Cass
1062-1865 Regional review The Bank
0166-0462 Regional science and urban economics North-Holland
1879-2308 Regional science and urban economics (e-vir) Elsevier
0034-3404 Regional studies Routledge
1360-0591 Regional studies (e-vir) Routledge
0147-0590 Regulation Cato Institute
1748-5983 Regulation & governance Blackwell Publishing
1748-5991 Regulation & governance (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
0048-7171 Reinsurance 'Reinsurance'
0185-0814 Relaciones internacionales UNAM. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.
1645-9199 Relações internacionais Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais
2183-0436 Relações internacionais (e-vir) Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais
0034-379X Relations industrielles Dép. des relations industrielles, Université Laval
0335-2013 Relations internationales Soliec
1016-1589 Relations internationales Centre des hautes études internationales de l'Université de Téhéran
2105-2654 Relations internationales (e-vir) PUF
0034-3846 Relazioni internazionali Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale
0987-3813 REM Centre régional de la productivité et des études économiques (Montpellier)
0741-9325 Remedial and special education PRO-ED
1538-4756 Remedial and special education (e-vir) PRO-ED
0968-252X Renewal Labour Co-ordinating Committee Publishing in association with Lawrence & Wishart
0069-1542 Report of the Central Bank of Ireland Central Bank of Ireland
0968-8080 Reproductive health matters Reproductive Health Matters
1460-9576 Reproductive health matters (e-vir) Reproductive Health Matters
0189-5923 Research Frontiers Postgradute School
1479-3520 Research in urban policy JAI Press.; JAI.
1875-5127 Research in urban policy (e-vir) JAI Press
1947-4911 Research library issues (e-vir) Association of Research Libraries.; Coalition for Networked Information.; SPARC (Organization)
0043-0838 Research studies Washington State University.
0034-5334 Research technology management Industrial Research Institute
0895-6308 Research technology management Industrial Research Institute
1930-0166 Research technology management (e-vir) Industrial Research Institute
0112-871X Reserve Bank bulletin Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
1177-8644 Reserve Bank bulletin (e-vir) Reserve Bank of New Zealand
1174-7943 Reserve Bank of New Zealand bulletin Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
0744-4710 Resource recycling Resource Conservation Consultants
0048-7376 Resources Resources for the Future,
0737-7797 Resource sharing & information networks Haworth Press
1541-1125 Resource sharing & information networks (e-vir) Haworth Press
0301-4207 Resources policy Elsevier Science
1873-7641 Resources policy (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0716-0151 Resúmenes analíticos en educación Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Educación
0014-9187 Review The Bank
0149-5364 Review Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
0305-6244 Review of African political economy Merlin Press
1740-1720 Review of African political economy (e-vir) Merlin Press]
0034-6454 Review of business St. John's University, College of Business Administration, Business Research Institute
0362-7985 Review of business and economic research University of New Orleans
1750-6816 Review of environmental economics and policy Oxford University Press
1750-6824 Review of environmental economics and policy (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0034-6578 Review of Ghana law Council for Law Reporting.
0889-938X Review of industrial organization M & S Publishers
1573-7160 Review of industrial organization (e-vir) M & S Publishers
0260-2105 Review of international studies Cambridge University Press
1469-9044 Review of international studies (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1555-5879 Review of law & economics (e-vir) Berkeley Electronic Press
2194-6000 Review of law & economics de Gruyter
0048-7481 Review of law and social change New York University.
0034-6616 Review of marketing and agricultural economics NSW Agriculture & Fisheries. Division of Rural & Resource Economics.; New South Wales. Dept. of Agriculture. Division of Marketing and Economic Services.; New South Wales. Dept. of Agriculture. Division of Marketing and Economics.; Australian Agricultural Economics Society.; New South Wales. Division of Marketing and Agricultural Economics.; NSW Agriculture & Fisheries. Division of Marketing and Economic Services.
1475-3685 Review of Middle East economics and finance De Gruyter
1475-3693 Review of Middle East economics and finance (e-vir) De Gruyter
1541-132X Review of policy research University of Tennessee, Energy, Environment & Resources Center
0953-8259 Review of political economy Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group
1465-3982 Review of political economy (e-vir) Routledge
0092-2846 Review of public data use Clearinghouse and Laboratory for Census Data
0734-371X Review of public personnel administration Bureau of Governmental Research and Service, University of South Carolina
1552-759X Review of public personnel administration (e-vir) Bureau of Governmental Research and Service, University of South Carolina
0486-6134 Review of radical political economics Union for Radical Political Economics
0145-3971 Review of regional economics and business University of Oklahoma Center for Economic and Management Research.
0034-6764 Review of social economy Association for Social Economics
1470-1162 Review of social economy (e-vir) Routledge
0034-6799 Review of the economic conditions in Italy Banco di Roma
0034-6810 Review of the River Plate The Review of the River Plate
1467-940X Review of urban and regional development studies (e-vir) Blackwell
1610-2886 Review of world economics (e-vir) Springer
1610-2878 Review of World Economics Springer; Institute for World Economics
0120-9515 Revista Andi Asociacion Nacional de Empresarios de Colombia,
0326-6427 Revista argentina de estudios estratégicos H. J. Olcese
0103-3352 Revista Brasileira de Ciência Política Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciência Política
2178-4884 Revista Brasileira de Ciência Política (e-vir) Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciência Política
0034-7140 Revista brasileira de economia Instituto Brasileiro de Economia
1806-9134 Revista Brasileira de Economia (e-vir) Fundação Getúlio Vargas.
0034-7175 Revista Brasileira de Estatística Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística
0034-7191 Revista brasileira de estudos políticos UFMG, Faculdade de direito
2359-5736 Revista Brasileira de Estudos Políticos (e-vir) Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito
0102-9797 Revista Brasileira de Mercado de Capitais Instituto Brasileiro de Mercado de Capitais
1519-3829 Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira
1806-9304 Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil (e-vir) Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira
0120-4289 Revista Camara de Comercio de Bogota Camara de Comercio de Bogota,
0254-4210 Revista centroamericana de economía Postgrado centroamericana de economía y planificación del desarrollo
1130-2496 Revista complutense de educación Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense
1988-2793 Revista complutense de educación Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones
0080-2107 Revista de Administração Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Administração
1984-6142 Revista de Administração (e-vir) Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Administração
0034-7639 Revista de administración pública Instituto de Estudios Políticos (Madrid); Centro de Estudios Constitucionales (España); Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (España)
0797-0056 Revista de administración pública uruguaya Presidencia de la República. Oficina nacional del servicio civil
0716-1417 Revista de ciencia política Instituto de Ciencia Política. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
0718-090X Revista de ciencia política (e-vir) Instituto de Ciencia Política, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
0034-8023 Revista de Ciência Política FGV, Instituto de Direito Público e Ciência Política.
0325-3058 Revista de ciencias económicas Colegio de Graduados de Ciencias Económicas
0101-9589 Revista de Ciências Humanas Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas
2178-4582 Revista de Ciências Humanas (e-vir) Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas
0034-7787 Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas Universidad de Costa Rica, Facultad de Derecho
0102-8200 Revista de ciências sociais Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Departamento de Ciências Sociais.
0034-7817 Revista de ciencias sociales University of Puerto Rico (Río Piedras Campus).
0482-5276 Revista de ciencias sociales Editorial UCR
2215-2601 Revista de ciencias sociales (e-vir) Universidad de Costa Rica
1516-4179 Revista de Direito Sanitário Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas de Direito Sanitário
2316-9044 Revista de Direito Sanitário = Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas de Direito Sanitário
0123-5362 Revista de economia del Rosario Universidad del Rosario
2145-454X Revista de Economia del Rosario (e-vir) Editorial Universidad del Rosario
0124-5996 Revista de economia institucional Universidad Externado de Colombia. Facultad de Economia
2346-2450 Revista de economía institucional (e-vir) Universidad Externado de Colombia
0034-804X Revista de economía latinoamericana Banco Central de Venezuela.
0034-8058 Revista de economía política Centro de Estudios Constitucionales (Madrid)
0034-8066 Revista de economía y estadística Facultad de ciencias económicas, Universidad nacional de Córdoba
2451-7321 Revista de economía y estadística (e-vir) Instituto de Economía y Finanzas, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
0188-7408 Revista de El Colegio de Sonora Colegio de Sonora.; ECS.
0034-8155 Revista de estudios agro-sociales Instituto de Estudios Agro-Sociales
0210-6035 Revista de estudios penitenciarios España; Escuela de Estudios Penitenciarios (Madrid); España; España
0048-7694 Revista de estudios políticos Instituto de Estudios Políticos (Madrid); Centro de Estudios Constitucionales (España); Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (España)
0213-7585 Revista de estudios regionales Departamento de Politica Económica, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales.
0301-7230 Revista de Finanças Públicas Escola de Administração Fazendária
0034-835X Revista de Informação Legislativa Subsecretaria de Edições Técnicas. Senado Federal
0210-0924 Revista de instituciones europeas Instituto de Estudios Políticos (Madrid); Centro de Estudios Constitucionales (España)
1013-7939 Revista de la Academia boliviana de ciencias económicas Academia boliviana de ciencias económicas
0034-8422 Revista de la integración Instituto para la Integración de América Latina
0252-8762 Revista de la integración y el desarrollo de centroamérica Banco centroamericano de integración económica.
0005-4828 Revista del Banco de la República Banco de la República
0210-7562 Revista del Departamento de Derecho Político Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España)
0020-3807 Revista del Instituto de Ciencias Sociales Instituto de Ciencias Sociales (Barcelona)
0020-3815 Revista del Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña El Instituto
0210-9565 Revista del Instituto de Estudios Económicos Instituto de Estudios Económicos (Madrid)
0034-9097 Revista del México agrarío Confederación Nacional Campesina.
0506-5798 Revista del Ministerio de Justicia Venezuela. Ministerio de Justicia.
0034-8686 Revista de planeacion y desarrollo Departamento Nacional de Planeacion,
1413-4969 Revista de Política Agrícola Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento, Secretaria de Política Agrícola
0034-8716 Revista de política internacional Instituto de Estudios Políticos (Madrid); Centro de Estudios Constitucionales (España)
0034-8724 Revista de política social Centro de Estudios Constitucionales
0079-4082 Revista do Centro de Estudos Demográficos Instituto Nacional de Estatística
0100-4956 Revista Econômica do Nordeste Banco do Nordeste, Escritório Técnico de Estudo Econômicos do Nordeste
1135-6138 Revista española de economía agraria España. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación.
1575-1198 Revista española de estudios agrosociales y pesqueros España
0138-841X Revista estadística Comité Estatal de Estadísticas. Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas
0104-026X Revista estudos feministas Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas; Centro de Comunicação e Expressão
1806-9584 Revista Estudos Feministas (e-vir) Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas
0924-0608 Revista europea de estudios latinoamericanos y del caribe = CEDLA; RILA
0121-2559 Revista Foro Fundación Foro Nacional por Colombia
0556-6630 Revista geográfica Instituto de Geografía de la Universidad de Los Andes
2248-6968 Revista innovar journal (e-vir) Universidad Nacional de Colombia
0121-5051 Revista Innovar journal Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
1390-0315 Revista internacional de ingeniería de estructuras Escuela Politécnica del Ejercito
1988-429X Revista internacional de sciología CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones
0034-9712 Revista internacional de sociología Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
1657-1959 Revista la propiedad inmaterial Universidad Externado de Colombia
1645-7250 Revista lusófona de educação UID Observatório de Políticas de Educação e de Contextos Educativos
1646-401X Revista lusófona de educação (e-vir) E.U.L.
0185-1918 Revista mexicana de ciencias políticas y sociales UNAM. Facultad de ciencias políticas y sociales.
2448-492X Revista mexicana de ciencias políticas y sociales (e-vir) Universidad nacional autónoma de México
1405-6666 Revista mexicana de investigación educativa Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa A.C.
1405-2962 Revista mexicana del Caribe Universidad de Quintana Roo, Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora, UNAM y Asociación Mexicana de Estudios del Caribe
0185-6022 Revista mexicana de política exterior Instituto Matias Romero de Estudios Diplomáticos. SRE
0188-2503 Revista mexicana de sociología Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales. UNAM.
2594-0651 Revista mexicana de sociología (e-vir) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
1020-4989 Revista panamericana de salud pública = Organización panamericana de la salud.
1680-5348 Revista panamericana de salud pública = Pan American Health Organization; Also distributed by Scientific Electronic Library Online
0035-0354 Revista paraguaya de sociología Centro paraguayo de estudios sociológicos.
0100-0217 Revista Pernambucana de Desenvolvimento Conselho de Desenvolvimento de Pernambuco
1011-0410 Revista peruana de ciencias sociales Asociación peruana para el fomento de las ciencias sociales
0035-0370 Revista peruana de derecho internacional Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Internacional
1606-7916 Revista Salud pública de México (e-vir) Instituto nacional de salud pública
1315-9984 Revista venezolana de gerencia Astro-Data.
0035-0583 Revista venezolana de sanidad y asistencia social Venezuela. Ministerio de Sanidad y Asistencia Social.
0035-0699 Revue algérienne des sciences juridiques, économiques et politiques Institut de droit et des sciences administratives Ben Aknoun
0035-0788 Revue belge de droit international Société belge de droit international
2566-1906 Revue belge de droit international (e-vir) Bruylant
0035-0834 Revue belge de sécurité sociale - Ministère de la prévoyance sociale Ministère de la prévoyance sociale, Bruxelles.
0225-5189 Revue canadienne d'études du développement = Editions de l'Université d'Ottawa.
2158-9100 Revue canadienne d'études du développement = (e-vir) Éditions de l'universite d'Ottawa = University of Ottawa Press
1936-4490 Revue canadienne des sciences de l'administration = University of Toronto Press for the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada = University of Toronto Press pour l'Association des Sciences administratives du Canada
0380-9811 Revue commerce Revue Commerce.
0373-2630 Revue d'économie politique Sirey
2105-2883 Revue d'économie politique (e-vir) Dalloz
2107-0865 Revue d'économie régionale & urbaine (e-vir) A. Colin
0180-7307 Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine Association des directeurs d'instituts et des centres universitaires d'études économiques régionales (France)
0338-0599 Revue d'études comparatives est-ouest Centre national de la recherche scientifique
2259-6100 Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest (e-vir) [Centre national de la recherche scientifique]
0252-8290 Revue d'études palestiniennes Institut des études palestiniennes.
0295-5830 Revue de droit des affaires internationales Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence
1777-5655 Revue de droit des affaires internationales (e-vir) Forum européen de la communication
0035-1091 Revue de droit international, de sciences diplomatiques et politiques Revue de droit international,; Revue de droit international, admin./réd.
0035-1113 Revue de droit social Larcier
2105-7508 Revue Défense nationale Comité d'études de défense nationale (Paris)
0035-1350 Revue de l'économie du Centre-Est Institut d'Economie Regionale So.D.A.R..
0303-240X Revue de l'énergie Éd. techniques et économiques
1265-9576 Revue de l'OFCE Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques
0752-4412 Revue de la presse égyptienne Centre d'études et de recherches sur l'Orient arabe contemporain (Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhône); Centre d'études et de documentation économiques, juridiques et sociales (Le Caire)
1152-9172 Revue des affaires européennes Mys & Breesch.
0035-1733 Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé Sirey
1760-7620 Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé (e-vir) Éd. Dalloz
0035-1741 Revue de science financière Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence,
0035-2020 Revue des études coopératives [s.n.]
0303-9617 Revue des pays de l'Est Université libre. Institut de sociologie.
0395-0336 Revue des Postes et télécommunications de France Ministère des Postes et télécommunications
0035-2578 Revue du droit public et de la science politique en France et à l'étranger Chevalier-Marescq
0035-2616 Revue du marché commun Editions techniques et économiques
1155-4274 Revue du marché unique européen Clément Juglar
0035-2705 Revue du travail - Ministère de l'emploi et du travail Ministère de l'emploi et du travail, Service d'études.
0035-2772 Revue économique et sociale Société d'études économiques et sociales
0035-2780 Revue économique française Société de géographie commerciale (France); Comité d'études de l'économie impériale de Grande France
0035-2799 Revue économique franco-suisse Chambre de commerce suisse en France.
1105-1590 Revue Européenne de Droit Public Esperia Publications; European Public Law Organization
0765-0752 Revue européenne des migrations internationales Revue européenne des migrations internationales
1777-5418 Revue européenne des migrations internationales (e-vir) [REMI-MSHS]
0769-0479 Revue française d'économie Arthème Fayard
0397-7870 Revue française d'études américaines Association française d'études américaines; Belin
1776-3061 Revue française d'études américaines (e-vir) Belin
0035-3027 Revue française d'études politiques africaines [Société africaine d'édition]
0338-2060 Revue française d'études politiques méditerranéennes Revue française d'études politiques méditerranéennes,
0338-4551 Revue française de gestion Fondation nationale pour l'enseignement de la gestion des entreprises
1777-5663 Revue française de gestion (e-vir) Revue française de gestion
0035-2985 Revue française des affaires sociales France
0035-2950 Revue française de science politique Presses universitaires de France
1950-6686 Revue française de science politique (e-vir) Presses de Sciences po
0035-2969 Revue Francaise de Sociologie Edition Ophrys
1958-5691 Revue française de sociologie (e-vir) Ophrys; Association Revue française de sociologie
0035-3051 Revue française du marketing Association pour le développement des techniques d'exécution et de l'exploitation des études de marchés
1016-2410 Revue gabonaise d'études politiques, économiques et juridiques Compagnie générale de diffusion de la culture.
0080-2611 Revue internationale d'histoire de la banque Institut international d'histoire de la banque (Genève)
0035-3329 Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique M. Meichtry
0035-3337 Revue internationale de droit comparé Société de législation comparée
1953-8111 Revue internationale de droit comparé (e-vir) Société de législation comparée
0223-5404 Revue internationale de droit pénal Godde; Érès
1951-6312 Revue internationale de droit pénal (e-vir) Erès
1370-0731 Revue internationale de politique comparée Editions De Boeck
0378-990X Revue iranienne des relations internationales Centre des hautes études internationales
0251-4761 Revue juridique, politique et économique du Maroc Faculté des sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales.
0035-3566 Revue juridique et économique du Sud-Ouest Institut d'économie régionale du Sud-Ouest (Pessac, Gironde); Université de Bordeaux
0035-3574 Revue juridique et politique Indépendance et coopération Institut international de droit d'expression et d'inspiration française
0035-3825 Revue pénitentiaire et de droit pénal Librairie Marchal et Billard
0035-385X Revue politique et parlementaire Colin,
0035-404X Revue roumaine des sciences sociales Editura Academiei Republicii socialiste România
0035-4023 Revue roumaine des sciences sociales. Série de sciences juridiques Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România
0383-4603 Revue statistique du Québec Québec (Province) Bureau de la statistique.
0255-8246 Revue suisse du droit international de la concurrence = Revue suisse du droit international de la concurrence
0035-4333 Revue tunisienne de sciences sociales Université de Tunis.; Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Economiques et Sociales.
0941-505X RFE/RL research report RFE/RL Research Institute
0035-5054 Ricerche economiche [s.n.]
0035-4996 Rice University studies William Marsh rice university
0483-0466 Riesgo s.n..
1073-8673 Risk Franklin Pierce Law Center.; Risk Assessment & Policy Association.
1944-4079 Risk, hazards & crisis in public policy (e-vir) Berkeley Electronic Press; Wiley
1047-0484 Risk, issues in health & safety Franklin Pierce Law Center.
0272-4332 Risk analysis Plenum Press
1539-6924 Risk analysis (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0035-5763 Rivista amministrativa della Repubblica italiana Istituto Editoriale Regioni Italiane
0035-595X Rivista della Guardia di Finanza Ente Editoriale per il Corpo della Guardia di Finanza.
0035-6158 Rivista di diritto internazionale Giuffrè
0035-6190 Rivista di economia agraria Il Mulino; Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane
2281-1559 Rivista di economia agraria (e-vir) Franco Angeli
0390-041X Rivista di economia e politica industriale Il Mulino
0393-4810 Rivista di politica agraria. Rassegna della agricoltura italiana Rassagri.
0391-6170 Rivista di politica economica. Selected papers Editore SIPI.
0035-6751 Rivista internazionale di scienze economiche e commerciali Cedam
0035-676X Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali Vita e pensiero
1827-7918 Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali Vita e Pensiero
0393-2494 Rivista italiana di diritto del lavoro Giuffrè
0035-6832 Rivista italiana di economia, demografia e statistica Società italiana di economia demografia e statistica.
0048-8402 Rivista italiana di scienza politica Jl Mulino
1528-0748 Romani studies Gypsy Lore Society
1757-2274 Romani studies (e-vir) Liverpool University Press
0035-8533 Round table Butterworth Scientific
0035-8770 Royal Bank of Canada monthly letter Royal Bank of Canada.
0033-7072 RQ American Library Association
1024-0802 RTD info European Commission, DG XII
0085-5839 Rural Africana Michigan State University.; Michigan State University.
1063-5866 Rural conditions and trends United States.
0036-0112 Rural sociology Rural Sociology Section, American Sociological Society
1549-0831 Rural sociology (e-vir) Rural Sociological Society
0917-0553 RURDS. Review of urban and regional development studies Applied Regional Science Conference; Tokyo International University. Urban Development Institute
0307-1847 RUSI Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies
1060-9393 Russian education and society M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
1558-0423 Russian education and society (e-vir) M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
1061-1940 Russian politics and law M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
1558-0962 Russian politics and law (e-vir) M.E. Sharpe
1061-1428 Russian social science review M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
1557-7848 Russian social science review (e-vir) M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
1385-1063 Russia review Novamedia : :; Independent Media
0725-5640 Rydge's Rydges Publications.
0034-2246 RzR. Referateblatt zur Raumordnung Heymann.
0175-274X S + F Nomos
0898-8404 Saint Louis University public law review Thomas J. White Family Center of Public Law and Government of the Saint Louis University School of Law
0036-0775 SAIS review School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins University
2832-7802 SAIS review (e-vir) School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins University
0036-3529 Salmagundi Skidmore College
0036-3634 Salud pública de México Instituto nacional de salud pública.
0036-410X San Francisco business San Francisco Chamber of Commerce.
0338-3423 Santé sécurité sociale Ministère de la santé.; Ministère du travail.
0036-4770 Sardegna economica Camera di commercio industria e agricoltura.
0036-4975 Saturday night New Leaf Publications
1530-5821 Saudi Aramco world Aramco Services Company.; Saudi Aramco.
0036-5130 Savings bank journal National Association of Mutual Savings Banks of the United States
1010-4038 Savings banks international International Savings Banks Institute.; ISBI.
0358-5522 Scandinavian economic history review Scandinavian Society for Economic and Social History and Historical Geography.
1750-2837 Scandinavian economic history review (e-vir) Routledge
0280-2791 Scandinavian journal of development alternatives Bethany Books,
1467-9442 Scandinavian journal of economics (e-vir) Blackwell
1403-4948 Scandinavian journal of public health Scandinavian University Press
1651-1905 Scandinavian journal of public health (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0098-857X Scandinavian review American Scandinavian Foundation
0036-6234 Schmollers Jahrbuch für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften Duncker u. Humblot.
0886-2508 School law bulletin University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
1662-6370 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (e-vir) Rüegger
1424-7755 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft = Association suisse de science politique.
0036-7877 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Sozialversicherung Stämpfli,
0251-0987 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Verkehrswirtschaft Orell Füssli Graphische Betriebe AG
0303-9692 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik Stämpfli
0036-8075 Science American Association for the Advancement of Science
1095-9203 Science (e-vir) American Association for the Advancement of Science
1552-8251 Science, technology, & human values (e-vir) Sage Publications
0162-2439 Science, technology & human values Sage Publications
0892-9882 Science & global security Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
1547-7800 Science & global security Gordon and Breach
0302-3427 Science & public policy Oxford University Press
0036-8237 Science & society Science & society
1943-2801 Science & society (e-vir) Science and Society, Inc.
0194-262X Science & technology libraries Haworth Press
1541-1109 Science & technology libraries Haworth Press
0268-490X Science and public affairs Royal Society (Great Britain)
1471-5430 Science and public policy (e-vir) [Science Policy Foundation]; Beech Tree Publishing; Oxford University Press
1075-5470 Science communication Sage Publications
1552-8545 Science communication (e-vir) Sage Publications
1168-1446 Sciences de la société Laboratoire d'études et de recherches appliquées en sciences sociales (Toulouse)
2275-2145 Sciences de la société (e-vir) Presses universitaires du Mirail
0294-0337 Sciences sociales et santé Erès; John Libbey Eurotext
1777-5914 Sciences sociales et santé (e-vir) J. Libbey Eurotext
0036-8733 Scientific American Munn & Co.
1946-7087 Scientific American (e-vir) Munn & Co.
0138-9130 Scientometrics Springer; Akadémiai Kiadó
1588-2861 Scientometrics (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó; [Kluwer Academic Publishers]
0036-9128 Scottish bankers magazine Institute of Bankers in Scotland
0952-6498 Scottish economic bulletin H.M.S.O..
0036-9292 Scottish journal of political economy Longman Group
1467-9485 Scottish journal of political economy (e-vir) Wiley
0199-1337 Sea power Navy League of the United States
0037-0428 Seatrade Seatrade Publ
0964-8895 Seatrade review Seatrade Organisation.
0081-2951 SECOLAS annals Kennesaw College
1533-2535 Security and defense studies review (e-vir) National Defense University.; William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies.
0967-0106 Security dialogue Sage Publications
1460-3640 Security dialogue (e-vir) Sage Publications
1556-1852 Security studies (e-vir) Frank Cass
0963-6412 Security Studies Taylor & Francis
1879-095X Serials review Elsevier
0098-7913 Serials Review JAI Press
1533-2969 Services marketing quarterly Haworth Press, Inc.
1533-2977 Services marketing quarterly (e-vir) Haworth Press
0037-2633 Service social Université Laval. École de service social
0101-6628 Serviço Social & Sociedade Cortez Editora.
2317-6318 Serviço Social & Sociedade (e-vir) Cortez Editora
1538-6589 Seton Hall journal of diplomacy and international relations Seton Hall University
1553-6610 Sexuality research & social policy (e-vir) Springer
1868-9884 Sexuality research and social policy Springer
1674-0823 Shenyang Gongye Daxue xuebao.; 沈阳工业大学学报 Shenyang Gongye Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu; 沈阳工业大学学报编辑部,
0721-3751 Shipping statistics Institute of Shipping Economics Bremen
0306-1817 Shipping statistics and economics H.P. Drewry (Shipping Consultants).
0947-0220 Shipping statistics and market review Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics
0129-2951 Singapore business Times Periodicals.
0218-2173 Singapore journal of legal studies Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore.
0129-7619 Singapore journal of tropical geography Dept. of Geography, University of Singapore
1467-9493 Singapore journal of tropical geography (e-vir) Blackwell
0080-9691 Singapore law review University of Singapore, Law Society
0217-4316 Singapore statistical news Department of Statistics
0037-5780 Sintesi economica Unione italiana delle Camere di Commercio industria eagricoltura.
0213-7577 Síntesis Asociación de Investigación y Especialización sobre Temas Iberoamericanos
0210-0223 Sistema Instituto de Tecnicas Sociales (Madrid); Fundación Sistema
1080-7799 Site selection Conway Data
1041-3073 Site selection & industrial development Conway Data, Inc.
1522-8886 Slavic & East European information resources The Haworth Information Press
1522-9041 Slavic & East European information resources Haworth
Y504-3476 Slavic & East European information resources The Haworth Information Press
0019-848X Sloan management review Industrial Management Review Association at the Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
0037-7317 Smith College studies in social work Smith College School for Social Work.
1553-0426 Smith College studies in social work Haworth Press, Inc.
1096-5602 SMSU journal of public affairs Southwest Missouri State University
0739-8107 SNI National Institute of Justice (U.S.); Aspen Systems Corporation.; National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice.
0037-7643 Social and economic administration Basil Blackwell.
0037-7651 Social and economic studies Institute of Social and Economic Research University of West Indies.
0377-5380 Social and labour bulletin International Labour Office
0147-1473 Social development issues University of Iowa, School of Social Work
2372-014X Social development issues (e-vir) University of Iowa, School of Social Work]
0255-0776 Social Europe Commission of the European Communities; Directorate-General for Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs
0303-8300 Social indicators research Springer
1573-0921 Social indicators research (e-vir) Kluwer
0885-4300 Socialism and democracy Taylor & Francis
1745-2635 Socialism and democracy (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0037-8127 Socialisme Institut Emile Vandervelde
1043-1578 Social justice Social Justice
2327-641X Social justice (e-vir) Social Justice
1524-5004 Social marketing quarterly Best Start, and the Dept. of Community and Family Health, College of Public Health, University of South Florida
1539-4093 Social marketing quarterly Taylor & Francis, Inc.
0265-0525 Social philosophy & policy Cambridge University Press
1471-6437 Social philosophy and policy (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0037-7783 Social policy Social Policy Corp., etc.
0144-5596 Social policy & administration Basil Blackwell
1467-9515 Social policy & administration (e-vir) Basil Blackwell in association with University of Exeter]
1177-9837 Social policy journal of New Zealand (e-vir) New Zealand.; New Zealand.; New Zealand.
1172-4382 Social policy journal of New Zealand = Social Policy Agency
1072-4745 Social politics Oxford University Press
1468-2893 Social politics (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0037-7791 Social problems Published by the University of California Press for the Society for the Study of Social Problems
1533-8533 Social problems (e-vir) [Published by the University of California Press for the Society for the Study of Social Problems]
0037-783X Social research Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science, New School for Social Research
1944-768X Social research Published by the Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science organized under the New School for Social Research, Inc.
1747-1117 Social responsibility journal Social Responsibility Network
1758-857X Social responsibility journal (e-vir) Social Responsibility Network
0277-9536 Social science & medicine Pergamon
1873-5347 Social science & medicine (e-vir) Elsevier
0539-0184 Social science information International social science council
1461-7412 Social science information (e-vir) International Social Science Council
0143-6236 Social science information studies Butterworths
1369-1465 Social science Japan journal Oxford University Press
1468-2680 Social science Japan journal (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1873-5355 Social science journal (e-vir) Elsevier
0038-4941 Social science quarterly Wiley-Blackwell
1540-6237 Social science quarterly (e-vir) Published by Blackwell Publishers for the Southwestern Social Science Association; Wiley
0134-5486 Social Sciences "Nauka"
0252-9203 Social sciences in China Social Sciences Publishing House
1940-5952 Social sciences in China (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0037-7910 Social security bulletin Social Security Board
1937-4666 Social security bulletin (e-vir) [Social Security Administration]
0726-1195 Social security journal Australia. Dept. of Social Security.
0332-0502 Social studies Christus Rex Society, Dept. of Sociology, St. Patrick's College
1477-8211 Social theory & health Palgrave Macmillan
1477-822X Social theory & health (e-vir) Palgrave Macmillan
0037-8046 Social work National Association of Social Workers
1545-6846 Social work (e-vir) National Association of Social Workers
0303-9609 Société royale d'économie politique de Belgique Société royale d'économie politique de Belgique.
0147-2011 Society Transaction, inc.
1936-4725 Society (e-vir) Transaction Publishers
0894-1920 Society & natural resources Taylor & Francis
1521-0723 Society and natural resources Taylor & Francis
0038-0121 Socio-economic planning sciences Pergamon Press
1873-6041 Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (e-vir) Elsevier
0392-5048 Sociologia del lavoro Franco Angeli
1972-554X Sociologia del lavoro (e-vir) Franco Angeli
0038-0164 Sociologia internationalis Duncker und Humblot
1865-5580 Sociologia internationalis (e-vir) Duncker & Humblot
0038-0199 Sociologia ruralis Wiley-Blackwell
1467-9523 Sociologia ruralis (e-vir) Blackwell
0392-4939 Sociologia urbana e rurale Franco Angeli
1971-8403 Sociologia urbana e rurale (e-vir) Franco Angeli
0049-1241 Sociological methods & research Sage Publications
1552-8294 Sociological methods & research (e-vir) Sage Publications
1050-6306 Sociological practice review American Sociological Association.
0038-0253 Sociological quarterly University of Missouri-Columbia, etc.
1061-0154 Sociological research M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
2328-5184 Sociological research (e-vir) M.E. Sharpe
1360-7804 Sociological research online (e-vir) University of Surrey
0038-0296 Sociologie du travail Seuil
1777-5701 Sociologie du travail Elsevier
0038-030X Sociologie et sociétés Presses de l`Université de Montréal
0038-0377 Sociologus Duncker und Humblot
1865-5106 Sociologus (e-vir) Duncker & Humblot
0217-9520 Sojourn Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
1793-2858 Sojourn (e-vir) Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
0195-1785 Solar law reporter Solar Energy Research Institute, a division of Midwest Research Institute, for the U.S. Dept. of Energy; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor]
0145-6784 Soldier of Fortune
1099-9949 Souls Westview Press
1548-3843 Souls Taylor and Francis, Inc.
0260-6976 South South Publications Limited
0015-5055 South Africa international South Africa Foundation.
0038-2280 South African journal of economics Economic Society of South Africa
1684-0097 South African journal of economics (e-vir) Economic Society of South Africa.
0732-3867 South Asia bulletin South Asia Association (University of California, Los Angeles); University of California, Los Angeles.; State University of New York.
0973-077X South Asia economic journal (e-vir) Institute of Policy Studies; Research & Information System for Non-aligned and Other Developing Countries
1391-5614 South Asia Economic Journal Institute of Policy Studies.
0970-4868 South Asia journal Indian Council for South Asian Cooperation.
0262-7280 South Asia research South Asia Centre, School of Oriental and African Studies
1741-3141 South Asia research (e-vir) South Asia Centre, School of Oriental and African Studies
0147-8559 South Atlantic urban studies College of Charleston. Urban Studies Center.
0038-3260 South Dakota business review Business Research Bureau, School of Business, University of South Dakota.
0049-1551 Southeast Asia Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
0730-2177 Southeastern political review Georgia Political Science Association, Inc.
2331-3153 Southeastern political review (e-vir) Georgia Political Science Association,
0038-3775 Southern Africa Southern Africa Committee.; University Christian Movement (U.S.).
0038-3910 Southern California law review Published by the faculty and students of the School of Law of the University of Southern California
0038-4038 Southern economic journal Southern Economic Association
2325-8012 Southern economic journal (e-vir) Southern Economic Association
0146-809X Southern exposure Institute for Southern Studies.
0195-198X Southwest business and economic review Bureau of Business & Economic Research, the University of Texas at El Paso
0132-0769 Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo Nauka
0038-5263 Soviet and Eastern European foreign trade IASP
0882-6994 Soviet economy Joint Committee on Soviet Studies (U.S.)
0038-5360 Soviet education M.E. Sharpe, etc.]
0038-5530 Soviet law and government International Arts and Sciences Press.
1060-9474 Soviet observer Averell Harriman Institute for Advanced Study of the Soviet Union.
0038-5751 Soviet psychology
0038-5824 Soviet sociology M.E. Sharpe
0038-5840 Soviet statutes & decisions International Arts and Sciences Press.
0038-5859 Soviet studies Carfax Publishing Company
0038-6006 Sowjetwissenschaft Verl. Volk u. Welt.
0038-609X Sozialer Fortschritt Duncker & Humblot
1865-5386 Sozialer Fortschritt (e-vir) Duncker & Humblot
0038-6065 Soziale Sicherheit Hauptverband der Österreïchischen Sozialversicherungsträger
0038-6073 Soziale Welt Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
Y509-8165 Soziale Welt (e-vir) Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
0038-6111 Sozialistische Arbeitswissenschaft Verlag Die Wirtschaft
0012-0103 Sozialistische Finanzwirtschaft Verlag Die Wirtschaft
1087-5654 Space energy and transportation Sunsat Energy Council.
0265-9646 Space policy Butterworth Scientific
1879-338X Space policy (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0038-6561 Sparkasse Dt. Sparkassenverl.; Verl. für Bargeldlosen Zahlungsverkehr; Göhrmann
0038-6723 Special libraries Special Libraries Association
0160-3582 SPEC kit Association of research libararies, Office of management services
0036-293X St. Louis commerce St. Louis Chamber of Commerce.; Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis.; St. Louis Regional Commerce & Growth Association.
0344-5550 Staat und Wirtschaft in Hessen Hessisches Statistisches Landesamt
0305-9553 Standard and Chartered review Standard & Chartered Banking Group
0731-5082 Stanford journal of international law Stanford University, School of Law
2164-8301 Stanford journal of international law (e-vir) Stanford University.
0081-4326 Stanford journal of international studies Stanford University.
1044-4386 Stanford law & policy review Stanford Law School
2168-8834 Stanford law & policy review (e-vir) Stanford University.
0038-9765 Stanford law review Stanford University
1939-8581 Stanford law review (e-vir) School of Law, Stanford University
1542-7099 Stanford social innovation review Center for Social Innovation, Stanford Graduate School of Business
0278-1859 State United States.
0160-323X State & local government review Institute of Government, University of Georgia
1943-3409 State & local government review (e-vir) Institute of Government, University of Georgia
1065-6839 State constitutional commentaries and notes Edward McNall Burns Center for State Constitutional Studies.
0039-0097 State government American Legislators' Association.; Council of State Governments.
0039-0119 State government news. Council of State Governments.
1532-4400 State politics & policy quarterly Illinois Legislative Studies Center at the University of Illinois at Springfield
1946-1607 State politics & policy quarterly (e-vir) University of Illinois Press for the Illinois Legislative Studies Center
0741-9767 Statistical bulletin Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.
0790-8334 Statistical bulletin Ireland. Central Statistics Office
0250-6289 Statistical bulletin of the OAS General Secretariat, Organization of American States
0535-9821 Statistica mensile del commercio con l'estero Istituto centrale di statistica.
2151-7509 Statistics, politics, and policy (e-vir) Berkeley Electronic Press
2194-6299 Statistics, politics, and policy
0730-0743 Statistics of income Dept. of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, Statistics Division
1945-2608 Statistics of income (e-vir) United States.
0015-9654 Statistiques & études financières France. Ministère des finances.
0067-5490 Statistiques démographiques. Tables de mortalité - Institut national de statistique Ministère des affaires économiques.
0772-7747 Statistiques du commerce - Institut national de statistique Institut national de statistique.
0067-5563 Statistiques sociales - Institut national de statistique Ministère des affaires économiques.
0039-0631 Statistische Hefte Springer
0392-9701 Stato e mercato Società Editrice Il Mulino
2612-0976 Stato e mercato (e-vir) Il Mulino
1010-5247 STI review Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
1609-7637 STI review Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
0039-1867 Stores National Retail Dry Goods Association
0793-8942 Strategic assessment Tel-Aviv University, Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies.
2309-8511 Strategic assessment (e-vir) Institute for National Security Studies
1048-5236 Strategic planning for energy and the environment Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment Journal
1546-0126 Strategic planning for energy and the environment Association of Energy Engineers
0091-6846 Strategic review United States Strategic Institute.
1310-0270 Strategii na obrazovatelnata i naučnata politika Ministerstvo na obrazovanieto i naukata
0224-0424 Stratégique Fondation pour les études de défense nationale
0770-2965 Studia diplomatica Institut royal des relations internationales
0039-2928 Studi economici Franco Angeli
0039-2936 Studi emigrazione Centro studi emigrazione
0898-588X Studies in American political development Yale University Press
1469-8692 Studies in American political development (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0039-3592 Studies in comparative communism Von KleinSmid Institute of International Affairs, School of International Relations, University of Southern California
1878-3341 Studies in comparative communism (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
1057-610X Studies in conflict and terrorism Taylor & Francis
1521-0731 Studies in conflict and terrorism (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0039-3665 Studies in family planning Population Council
1728-4465 Studies in family planning Population Council.
0707-8552 Studies in political economy Carleton University, Graphic Services.
1918-7033 Studies in political economy (e-vir) Studies in Political Economy
0585-7325 Studies of broadcasting Nippon Häosäo Kyäokai. Säogäo Häosäo Bunka Kenkyäujo. Häosäogaku kenkyäushitsu.; Nippon Hoso Kyokai.
1075-7007 Studies on russian economic development Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing
1531-8664 Studies on russian economic development (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
0860-3359 Studies on the Developing Countries Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Badań Krajów Azji, Afryki i Ameryki Łacińskiej.; Polish Academy of Sciences. Committee for Studies of Asia, Africa, and Latin America.; Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Badań Krajów Azji, Afryki i Ameryki Łacińskiej.
0148-4052 Successful meetings Bill Communications
0049-2450 Sud Sud, C.C.P.
0378-8059 Sudanow Ministry of Culture and Information.
0722-8821 Südostasien aktuell Institut für Asienkunde
0722-480X Südosteuropa Südost-Institut; R. Oldenbourg Verlag
2364-933X Südosteuropa (e-vir) de Gruyter Oldenbourg
0340-174X Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft
0797-0064 SUMA Centro de Investigaciones Económicas del Uruguay.
0912-7712 Sumitomo quarterly Sumitomo Quarterly Publication Committee
0268-2141 Support for learning Longman
1467-9604 Support for learning (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1099-5390 Supreme Court debates Congressional Digest Corp.
2163-5072 Supreme Court debates (e-vir) Congressional Digest Corporation.
1806-6445 Sur. Revista internacional de direitos humanos Rede Universitária de Direitos Humanos
1983-3342 Sur. Revista internacional de direitos humanos (e-vir) Rede Universitária de Direitos Humanos
1477-7487 Surveillance & society Surveillance & Society.; Surveillance Studies Network
0039-6192 Survey Oxford University Press
0099-0973 Survey of business Center for Business and Economic Research, College of Business Administration, University of Tennessee.
0039-6222 Survey of current business The Department; For sale by Supt. of Docs.
0039-629X Surveyor American Bureau of Shipping.
0039-6338 Survival Taylor & Francis
1468-2699 Survival (e-vir) International Institute for Strategic Studies
1548-7733 Sustainability: science, practice, & policy (e-vir) NBII and CSA
0968-0802 Sustainable development MCB University Press
1099-1719 Sustainable development (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons; ERP Environment
1847-2397 Suvremene teme (e-vir) Political Science Research Centre
0869-4435 Svobodnaâ myslʹ Pravda; Politizdat
0039-7245 Sweden now Ingenjörsförlaget AB
2235-6282 Swiss journal of economics and statistics (e-vir) Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SSES); P. Lang
1083-7639 Synthesis/regeneration Greens/Green Party USA.
0093-0709 Syracuse journal of international law and commerce Syracuse University, College of Law
0039-7962 Syrie & monde arabe Office arabe de presse et de documentation.
1094-429X Systemic practice and action research Plenum Press
1573-9295 Systemic practice and action research Kluwer
1726-9350 Táiwäan mínzhěu jìkäan Cáituán fǎrén táiwäan mínzhěu jäijäinhuì.; Taiwan Foundation for Democracy.
0040-0165 Taxation for accountants Warren, Gorham & Lamont
0040-0181 Taxes Commerce Clearing House
0047-8040 Tax Foundation's monthly tax features Tax Foundation.
0040-0041 Tax law review New York University School of Law
0161-4681 Teachers College record The College
1467-9620 Teachers College record (e-vir) Blackwell
1475-939X Technology, pedagogy and education Triangle Journals
1747-5139 Technology, pedagogy and education (e-vir) Triangle Journals
0040-1692 Technology review Association of Alumni and Alumnae of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
0308-5961 Telecommunications policy IPC Science & Technology Press
1879-3258 Telecommunications policy (e-vir) Elsevier
1527-4764 Television & new media Sage
1552-8316 Television & new media (e-vir) Sage Publications
0040-2796 Television quarterly National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.
1938-1565 Television quarterly (e-vir) National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (U.S.)
0040-2915 Temas sociales Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociológicas
0103-2070 Tempo Socia Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Sociologia
1809-4554 Tempo Social Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Sociologia
0735-1135 Tennessee's business Middle Tennessee State University. Business and Economic Research Center.
0102-8030 Terra livre Associação dos Geógrafos Brasileiros
0149-0389 Terrorism Crane Russak
2378-5608 Terrorism (e-vir) [Crane Russak]
0164-7628 Texas business Commerce Pub. Corp.]
0040-4209 Texas business review Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas at Austin
0040-5132 Textile organon Textile Economics Bureau, Inc.
1381-1312 Thamyris Najade Press
0360-5930 The ACES bulletin Association for Comparative Economic Studies.
0001-074X The ACLS newsletter American Council of Learned Societies.
0001-8996 The advocate Liberation Publications
0149-9785 The AEI economist American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.
0149-2489 The AFL-CIO American federationist AFL-CIO.
1821-889X The African Review (e-vir) Department of Political Science and Public Admin-UDSM
0094-8381 The Air Force law review Air Force Judge Advocate General's School; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
0743-779X The Alabama business & economic journal Auburn University at Montgomery. Center for Business and Economic Development.
0360-9081 The American archivist Society of American Archivists
2327-9702 The American archivist (e-vir) Society of American Archivists
0737-6650 The American Asian review Institute of Asian Studies, St. John's University
2162-7975 The American Bar Association journal (e-vir) Lord Baltimore Press
0002-7642 The American behavioral scientist A. De Grazia
1552-3381 The American behavioral scientist (e-vir) [A. De Grazia]
0149-337X The American city & county Morgan-Grampian Pub. Co.
0002-8282 The American economic review American Economic Association.
1944-7981 The American economic review (e-vir) American Economic Association
1047-3572 The American enterprise American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
0002-919X The American journal of comparative law American Society of Comparative Law
2326-9197 The American journal of comparative law (e-vir) American Association for the Comparative Study of Law
0002-9246 The American journal of economics and sociology American Journal of Economics and Sociology
1536-7150 The American journal of economics and sociology (e-vir) American Journal of Economics and Sociology
0002-9300 The American journal of international law American Society of International Law
2161-7953 The American journal of international law (e-vir) Baker, Voorhis & Co. for the American Society of International Law
0002-936X The American journal of nursing Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1538-7488 The American journal of nursing (e-vir) J.B. Lippincott Co.
0886-1234 The American Legion The American Legion
0003-0554 The American political science review American Political Science Association.; Cambridge University Press
1537-5943 The American political science review (e-vir) American Political Science Association
1049-7285 The American prospect New Prospect, Inc.
0272-2011 The American review of Canadian studies Association for Canadian Studies in the United States
1943-9954 The American review of Canadian studies (e-vir) Association for Canadian Studies in the United States
0003-0937 The American scholar Phi Beta Kappa Society
2162-2892 The American scholar (e-vir) United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa
0003-0953 The American school board journal Bruce Pub. Co.
0003-1232 The American sociologist American Sociological Association.
1936-4784 The American sociologist (e-vir) American Sociological Association
0148-8414 The American spectator American Spectator
1537-2731 The American statistician (e-vir) American Statistical Association
0003-1305 The AMERICAN statistician American Statistical Association
0276-7201 The Amicus journal Natural Resources Defense Council
0570-1864 The annals of regional science Springer
1432-0592 The annals of regional science Springer.
0003-5769 The Antioch review Antioch Review, Inc.
2326-9707 The Antioch review (e-vir) Antioch Review
0003-7087 The Appraisal journal American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers.
0004-2552 The Army quarterly and defence journal West of England Press [etc.]
0259-8272 The Asian journal of public administration University of Hong Kong. Department of Political Science.
0276-9077 The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Co.
0004-6760 The Atlantic Community quarterly Atlantic Council of the United States.
1467-8462 The Australian economic review (e-vir) Blackwell Publisher
1038-5282 The Australian journal of rural health The Association for Australian Rural Nurses Inc.
1440-1584 The Australian journal of rural health Blackwell Pub.
0004-9913 The Australian outlook Australian Institute of International Affairs.
1935-1682 The B.E. journal of economic analysis & policy (e-vir) de Gruyter
2194-6108 The B.E. journal of economic and analysis & policy de Gruyter
1555-0494 The B.E. journals in economic analysis & policy Berkeley Electronic Press
1544-0729 The B'nai B'rith IJM B'nai B'rith.
0279-3415 The B'nai B'rith international Jewish monthly B'nai B'rith.
0005-545X The Bankers magazine Warren, Gorham & Lamont
0005-5506 The Banking law journal Knickerbocker Print. Co.
0005-5328 The Bank of Nova Scotia monthly review Micromedia Ltd..
2326-3032 The Bell journal of economics (e-vir) American Telephone and Telegraph Co.
2162-5387 The black scholar Black World Foundation
0006-4246 The Black scholar Black World Foundation
0006-7407 The Bookmark / New York State Library.
0045-3102 The British journal of social work British Association of Social Workers
1468-263X The British journal of social work (e-vir) British Association of Social Workers
0007-229X The Brookings bulletin Brookings
2375-9488 The Brookings bulletin (e-vir) Brookings
0745-1253 The Brookings review Brookings Institution
1080-0786 The Brown journal of world affairs Brown Journal of World Affairs
2472-3347 The Brown journal of world affairs (e-vir) Brown Journal of World Affairs
1552-4183 The bulletin of science, technology & society (e-vir) Sage Publications
0306-5049 The Business economist / Business Economists' Group (Great Britain); Society of Business Economists (Great Britain)
2044-768X The business history review (e-vir) Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration
0007-6899 The business lawyer The Section
2164-1838 The business lawyer (e-vir) Section on Corporation, Banking and Mercantile Law, American Bar Association
0007-6996 The Business quarterly School of Business Administration, University of Western Ontario
0007-7011 The Business review Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
0317-4026 The Canadian business review Conference Board of Canada
1188-4517 The Canadian journal of human sexuality SIECCAN
2291-7063 The Canadian journal of human sexuality (e-vir)
1195-096X The Canadian journal of information and library science Canadian Association for Information Science = Association canadienne des sciences de l'information
1920-7239 The Canadian journal of information and library science (e-vir) University of Western Ontario.; Canadian Association for Information Science.
1708-945X The Canadian journal of statistics (e-vir) Statistical Society of Canada
0273-3072 The Cato journal Cato Institute
0008-9125 The Center magazine [Fund for the Republic, etc.]
0742-9983 The Chase economic observer Economics Group of the Chase Manhattan Bank
0196-7525 The Chicago MBA Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago.
0163-7169 The China business review National Council for US-China Trade
1324-9347 The China journal Contemporary China Centre, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University
1835-8535 The China journal (e-vir) Contemporary China Centre, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University
1468-2648 The China quarterly (e-vir) School of Oriental and African Studies
1097-1475 The Chinese economy M.E. Sharpe
1558-0954 The Chinese economy (e-vir) M.E. Sharpe
1060-8540 The city journal Manhattan Institute for Policy Research.
0022-5428 The Columbia journal of world business s.n.
0010-3349 The Commonwealth Commonwealth Club of California.
0010-5546 The Conference Board record National Industrial Conference Board.
0010-8804 The Cornell hotel and restaurant administration quarterly School of Hotel Administration, Cornell University.
8755-2213 The Cornell law quarterly Cornell University, College of Law
1013-7335 The Courier European Commission, Directorate General for Development
1606-2000 The Courier. Africa-Caribbean-Pacific-European Union European Commission.
1056-2036 The CQ researcher Congressional Quarterly, Inc.; EBSCO Pub.
1559-1573 The crisis Crisis Pub. Co.
2169-2734 The crisis (e-vir) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
0011-1422 The Crisis Crisis Pub. Co.
0255-4216 The CTC reporter United Nations
1067-7542 The Current digest of the post-Soviet press The Current Digest of the Soviet Press
0011-3425 The Current digest of the Soviet press Joint Committee on Slavic Studies (U.S.); American Council of Learned Societies.; Social Science Research Council (U.S.); American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies.
1015-2881 The Cyprus review Intercollege
1563-3152 The DAC journal Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
1609-7645 The DAC journal Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
0041-7610 The Department of State bulletin Office of Public Communication, Bureau of Public Affairs; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
1746-1049 The developing economies (e-vir) [John Wiley & Sons Ltd. and] Institute of Developing Economies
0012-3579 The Discount merchandiser Super Market Pub. Co.
1475-4932 The economic record (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0265-0290 The Economic review Philip Allan
0967-0750 The economics of transition Oxford universitypress for the European bank for the reconstruction and development
0013-0613 The economist Economist Newspaper
1476-8860 The economist on CD-ROM (e-vir) ProQuest Information and Learning Company
1553-3832 The economists' voice (e-vir) Berkeley Electronic Press
1040-6190 The Electricity journal Robert O. Marritz
1873-6874 The Electricity Journal (e-vir) Elsevier
0195-6574 The energy journal Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain, Publishers
1944-9089 The energy journal Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain, Publishers
0731-5732 The environmental forum Environmental Law Institute
1573-2991 The Environmentalist (e-vir) Kluwer
1085-2166 The environmental law reporter (e-vir) Environmental Law Institute.
1065-1160 The ERIC review United States.; ACCESS ERIC (Project)
0957-8811 The European journal of development research Palgrave
1743-9728 The European journal of development research (e-vir) Palgrave MacMillan
0394-6444 The European journal of international affairs Erasmus Press.
1470-1316 The European legacy (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers; Routledge
1084-8770 The European legacy, toward new paradigms MIT Press
1606-8963 The European Union review Centro studi sulle Comunità europee.; European Community Studies Association.; ECSA.
1540-6288 The financial review (e-vir) [Blackwell Publishers]
0732-8516 The Financial review The Association
0147-0981 The Fletcher forum Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy]
2768-6965 The Fletcher forum (e-vir) [Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy]
1046-1868 The Fletcher forum of world affairs Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
2767-4371 The Fletcher forum of world affairs (e-vir) Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
0199-4646 The Fordham urban law journal Fordham University School of Law, etc.]
1540-8884 The forum (e-vir) de Gruyter
2194-6183 The forum de Gruyter
0016-0652 The Freeman [Foundation for Economic Education]
1051-2616 The Gallup poll monthly Gallup Poll
0731-6143 The Gallup report The Gallup Poll,
0016-3414 The GAO review United States. General Accounting Office.
0731-3292 The geographical bulletin Gamma Theta Upsilon
2163-5900 The geographical bulletin (e-vir) Gamma Theta Upsilon.
0016-8092 The Georgetown law journal Georgetown Law Journal Association
1534-9977 The George Washington international law review George Washington University
2159-7707 The George Washington journal of energy & environmental law Environmental Law Institute and the George Washington University Law School
2169-1053 The George Washington journal of energy & environmental law (e-vir) Environmental Law Institute.; George Washington University.
0748-4305 The George Washington journal of international law and economics National Law Center, George Washington University
0016-8076 The George Washington law review National Law Center of the George Washington University [etc.]
0016-822X The Georgia engineer Georgia Engineering Society.; Georgia Architectural & Engineering Society.
0046-578X The Georgia journal of international and comparative law Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law
0883-1483 The Government accountants journal Association of Government Accountants.
1574-1796 The grey journal TextRelease
1574-180X The grey journal (e-vir) TextRelease
1574-9320 The grey journal (e-vir) GreyNet.
0017-5390 The Guild practitioner National Lawyers Guild
1096-7699 The Guttmacher report on public policy Alan Guttmacher Institute
1871-1901 The Hague journal of diplomacy Brill
1871-191X The Hague journal of diplomacy (e-vir) Brill
0896-114X The Harriman Institute forum Averell Harriman Institute for Advanced Study of the Soviet Union.
0895-7983 The Harris poll Creators Syndicate, Inc.
0897-2761 The Harvard blackletter journal Harvard Law School
0147-8257 The Harvard environmental law review Harvard Environmental Law Review
0093-0334 The Hastings Center report Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences
1552-146X The Hastings Center report (e-vir) Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences
1527-9677 The Hedgehog review University of Virginia.
0146-8545 The HSRI research review University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute.
0018-7399 The Humanist The American Humanist Association and the American Ethical Union
2163-3576 The Humanist (e-vir) American Humanist Association.; American Ethical Union.
0097-9783 The Human life review Human Life Foundation
1086-1653 The independent review Independent Institute
2169-3420 The independent review (e-vir) Independent Institute
1087-6537 The information society (e-vir) Taylor & Francis; CatchWord [distributor]
0197-2243 The Information society Taylor&Francis
0020-3580 The Institutional investor Institutional Investor, inc.
0020-5249 The Intercollegiate review Intercollegiate Studies Institute
0094-5072 The Inter dependent United Nations Association of the United States of America.
0891-2688 The Inter-Hemispheric Education Resource Center bulletin Resource Center (Albuquerque, N.M.)
0020-5893 The international and comparative law quarterly British Institute of International and Comparative Law
1748-0485 The international communication gazette Sage
1748-0493 The international communication gazette (e-vir) Sage Publications
0898-4336 The International economy International Economy Publications, Inc.
0020-6652 The International executive Wiley
0020-7063 The International Journal of Accounting Education and Research Springer-Verlag
1028-6632 The international journal of cultural policy Harwood Academic Publishers
1477-2833 The international journal of cultural policy (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers
1873-4758 The International journal of drug policy (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0020-7233 The International journal of environmental studies Gordon and Breach.
1026-7476 The International journal of environmental studies (e-vir) Gordon and Breach Publishers
1099-1751 The international journal of health planning and management (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
0749-6753 The International journal of health planning and management Wiley
1042-4032 The International journal of humanities and peace [V.V. Merchant
0885-0607 The International journal of intelligence and counterintelligence Intel Pub. Group
1073-6697 The International journal of Kurdish studies Kurdish Library
0927-3522 The International journal of marine and coastal law Graham & Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff Publishers; Kluwer Law International
1446-5019 The International journal of narrative therapy and community work Dulwich Centre Publications Pty Ltd
0951-3558 The International journal of public sector management MCB University Press
0955-3959 The International Journal on Drug Policy International Journal on Drug Policy
0197-9183 The international migration review Center for Migration Studies
1747-7379 The international migration review (e-vir) Center for Migration Studies
1751-9721 The international spectator (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0393-2729 The International spectator Fratelli Palombi Editori
0097-7314 The International tax journal Panel Publishers.
1521-0545 The international trade journal (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0885-3908 The International trade journal Institute of International Trade, Laredo State University
0021-0080 The Investment dealers' digest IDD, inc.
1016-6130 The Iranian journal of international affairs Institute for Political and International Studies.; IPIS.
0021-3519 The JAG journal Office of the Judge Advocate General, Dept. of the Navy; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
0147-2046 The James Madison journal James Madison University.
0448-8806 The Japanese annual of international law Japan Branch of the International Law Association
1352-4739 The Japanese economic review Blackwell
1468-5876 The Japanese economic review (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1097-203X The Japanese economy M.E. Sharpe
0021-6712 The Jewish social work forum Alumni Association, Wurzweiler School of Social Work, Yeshiva University.
1043-3309 The Journal of agricultural economics research U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Economic Research Service; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor
1542-7331 The journal of American culture Blackwell Pub.
1542-734X The journal of American culture Blackwell Pub.
1526-1018 The journal of Ayn Rand studies Journal of Ayn Rand Studies Foundation
2169-7132 The journal of Ayn Rand studies (e-vir) Journal of Ayn Rand Studies Foundation
1094-3412 The journal of behavioral health services & research Association of Behavioral Healthcare Management.
1077-3711 The journal of blacks in higher education CH II Publishers
2326-6023 The journal of blacks in higher education (e-vir) CH II Publishers
1094-799X The journal of Burma studies Association for Asian Studies.; Northern Illinois University.; Northern Illinois University.
2010-0302 The journal of Burma studies NUS Press,
1537-5374 The journal of business (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
0021-9398 The Journal of business University of Chicago Press
0275-6668 The Journal of business strategy Warren, Gorham & Lamont
0736-5527 The Journal of buyouts & acquisitions Buyout Publications,
1046-7890 The journal of clinical ethics Published for the Journal of Clinical Ethics by University Pub. Group
1945-5879 The Journal of clinical ethics (e-vir) Published for the Journal of Clinical Ethics by University Pub. Group
0361-5561 The journal of commerce and commercial Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin
0021-986X The Journal of commercial bank lending Robert Morris Associates.
1552-8766 The journal of conflict resolution (e-vir) Dept. of Journalism, University of Michigan
0022-0027 The Journal of conflict resolution Dept. of Journalism, University of Michigan
0022-0078 The journal of consumer affairs University of Wisconsin Press
1745-6606 The journal of consumer affairs (e-vir) University of Wisconsin Press
1470-5001 The journal of corporate citizenship Greenleaf Publishing
2051-4700 The journal of corporate citizenship (e-vir) Greenleaf
0094-0593 The Journal of corporate taxation Warren, Gorham & Lamont, inc.
0360-795X The Journal of corporation law University of Iowa, College of Law
2160-0325 The journal of criminal law & criminology (e-vir) Williams & Wilkins Co.
0091-4169 The Journal of criminal law & criminology Williams & Wilkins
1548-2278 The journal of developing areas (e-vir) Western Illinois University Press
0022-037X The Journal of developing areas Western Illinois University
0022-0388 The JOURNAL of development studies Frank Cass
1010-1608 The Journal of east asian affairs Research Institute for International Affairs.; Institute for National Security Strategy
0022-0485 The Journal of economic education Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation
2152-4068 The Journal of economic education (e-vir) Joint Council on Economic Education
1471-6372 The journal of economic history (e-vir) New York University Press
0022-0507 The Journal of economic history Economic History Association at the University of Pennsylvania
1944-7965 The journal of economic perspectives (e-vir) American Economic Association
0895-3309 The Journal of economic perspectives American Economic Association
2515-5741 The Journal of education (e-vir) Boston University, School of Education
1080-2711 The journal of electronic publishing University of Michigan Press
0361-4476 The Journal of energy and development [University of Colorado]
0275-9926 The Journal of energy law & policy The University
1359-3714 The journal of energy literature Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.
1070-4965 The journal of environment & development Graduate School of International Relations & Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego
1552-5465 The journal of environment & development (e-vir) Sage Publications
1044-002X The Journal of European business Frost & Sullivan; Faulkner & Gray
1540-6261 The journal of finance (e-vir) Wiley
0022-1082 The Journal of finance Wiley
1096-9934 The journal of futures markets (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0270-7314 The Journal of futures markets J. Wiley; Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Columbia University
0022-1570 The Journal of home economics American Home Economics Association
0272-7374 The Journal of housing National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials.
1534-648X The journal of housing and community development National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials
1540-353X The journal of housing for the elderly Haworth Press
1024-0829 The journal of humanities and social sciences Faculty of Arts, University of Peshawar.
1548-8004 The journal of human resources (e-vir) University of Wisconsin Press
0022-166X The JOURNAL of human resources University of Wisconsin Press
1472-9296 The journal of industrial relations (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers; SAGE
0022-1929 The Journal of insurance Insurance Information Institute.
0022-2003 The Journal of international law and economics National Law Center, George Washington University.
1073-1105 The Journal of law, medicine & ethics American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
1748-720X The Journal of law, medicine & ethics (e-vir) American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
1537-5285 The journal of law & economics (e-vir) University of Chicago Law School
0022-2186 The Journal of law & economics University of Chicago Law School.
0749-2227 The journal of law & politics Journal of Law & Politics
2163-3088 The journal of law and religion (e-vir) Hamline University School of Law
0748-0814 The Journal of law and religion s.n.
1532-7736 The journal of media economics (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates
1099-176X The journal of mental health policy and economics J. Wiley; ICMPE
1091-4358 The Journal of mental health policy and economics Wiley; ICMPE International Center of mental health policy and economics
2167-6437 The journal of Negro education (e-vir) Published by the Lancaster Press, for the College of Education, Howard University
0022-2984 The Journal of Negro education Howard University Press
1362-9387 The journal of North African studies Frank Cass
1743-9345 The journal of North African studies (e-vir) Frank Cass
0306-6150 The Journal of peasant studies F. Cass & Co.
1743-9361 The Journal of peasant studies (e-vir) F. Cass & Co.
1537-534X The journal of political economy (e-vir) University Press of Chicago
0022-3816 The Journal of politics University of Chicago Press
1468-2508 The Journal of politics (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
1759-8273 The journal of poverty and social justice Policy Press
1759-8281 The journal of poverty and social justice (e-vir) Policy Press
0890-913X The Journal of private enterprise Association of Private Enterprise Education
0022-4367 The Journal of risk and insurance American Risk and Insurance Association.
1539-6975 The Journal of risk and insurance (e-vir) American Risk and Insurance Association
0890-765X The journal of rural health Journal of Rural Health
1748-0361 The journal of rural health (e-vir) Journal of Rural Health
0193-5941 The Journal of social and political studies Council on American Affairs
1053-5357 The journal of socio-economics JAI Press
1879-1239 The journal of socio-economics (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
1538-4764 The journal of special education (e-vir) Sage
0022-4669 The Journal of special education Sage
0140-2390 The Journal of strategic studies Frank Cass
1743-937X The Journal of strategic studies (e-vir) F. Cass
0022-4863 The Journal of taxation Journal of Taxation
0892-9912 The Journal of technology transfer Springer
1573-7047 The Journal of technology transfer (e-vir) Kluwer
0364-0779 The Journal of the Institute for Socioeconomic Studies The Institute
0091-1909 The Journal of urban analysis Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
1422-2213 The journal of world intellectual property Werner Publishing Company
1747-1796 The journal of world intellectual property (e-vir) Blackwell
0888-4315 The justice professional Wyndham Hall Press
1477-2787 The justice professional (e-vir) Routledge
0163-0229 The Korean review [publisher not identified]
1811-5438 The Lahore journal of economics Lahore School of Economics.
1811-5446 The Lahore journal of economics (e-vir) Lahore School of Economics
0023-7418 The Lamp Standard Oil Company.; Exxon Corporation.; Exxon Mobil Corporation.
0265-0886 The Latin American times Latin American Times Co.
0041-7904 The Library of Congress information bulletin Public Affairs Office of the Library of Congress
0024-2519 The library quarterly University of Chicago Press
1549-652X The library quarterly (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
0024-9823 The Magazine of bank administration Bank Administration Institute.
0025-2034 The MANCHESTER School of Economic and Social Studies Basil Blackwell
0025-3170 The Marine Corps gazette Marine Corps Association
0709-003X The Metropolitan Toronto business journal Communications Division, Board of Trade of Metropolitan Toronto.
0730-272X The Michigan economy Wayne State University. Bureau of Business Research.
0026-2455 The Michigan State economic record Michigan State University.; Michigan State University.
0026-3141 The Middle East journal Middle East Institute
1940-3461 The Middle East journal (e-vir) Middle East Institute
0026-3451 The Midwest quarterly Pittsburg State University
0887-378X The Milbank quarterly Cambridge University Press
1468-0009 The Milbank quarterly (e-vir) Published for the Milbank Memorial Fund by Cambridge University Press
1381-0642 The Moscow Times Novamedia :; Independent Press :; Nova Press
0027-3597 The municipality / League of Wisconsin Municipalities.
0027-4909 The Muslim world Hartford Seminary Foundation
1478-1913 The Muslim world (e-vir) Hartford Seminary Foundation
0027-8378 The nation J.H. Richards
1938-1573 The national interest (e-vir) National Affairs
0884-9382 The National interest National Affairs, Inc.
0098-9533 The national journal of criminal defense National College of Criminal Defense Lawyers and Public Defenders
0027-9978 The national public accountant National Society of Public Accountants
0028-0372 The National voter League of Women Voters (U.S.)
0038-0172 The Netherlands' journal of sociology Van Gorcum
1543-1215 The new Atlantis Ethics and Public Policy Center
1555-5569 The new Atlantis (e-vir) Ethics and Public Policy Center
0886-0297 The New England journal of business & economics University of Rhode Island.
0028-6044 The new leader New Leader Pub. Association
1361-455X The New review of information and library research Taylor Graham
0885-6206 The Nielsen researcher Nielsen Marketing Research [etc.]
1337-9038 The NISPAcee journal of public administration and policy NISPAcee - Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe
1746-1766 The nonproliferation review (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1073-6700 The Nonproliferation review Program for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute for International Studies
8755-5123 The Northeast journal of business & economics College of Business Administration, University of Rhode Island
0741-7497 The Northern California review of business and economics California State University, Chico. Center for Business and Economic Research.
0745-3515 The Notre Dame law review Notre Dame Law School
0029-4535 The Notre Dame lawyer Students of Notre Dame College of Law
1559-1905 The objective standard Glen Allen Press, LLC
0196-7177 The Oil and gas compact bulletin Interstate Oil Compact Commission.
1565-1509 Theoretical inquiries in law Cegla Institute for Comparative & Private International law
1565-3404 Theoretical inquiries in law de Gruyter
0304-2421 Theory and society Springer
1573-7853 Theory and society (e-vir) Kluwer
0951-2748 The Pacific review Oxford University Press
1470-1332 The Pacific review (e-vir) Routledge
0031-2282 The Parliamentarian Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.
0031-5729 The Personnel administrator American Society for Personnel Administration.; Society for Human Resource Management (U.S.)
1740-5599 The Police journal (e-vir) Philip Allan & Co.
0091-2573 The Potomac review George Washington University
0032-8170 The Price Waterhouse review Price, Waterhouse & Co.
1051-2438 The PSR quarterly Physicians for Social Responsibility (U.S.)
1048-6542 The Public-access computer systems review (e-vir) University of Houston.
1533-8576 The public historian (e-vir) Graduate Program in Public Historical Studies, Dept. of History, University of California
0272-3433 The Public historian Graduate Program in Public Historical Studies, Dept. of History, University of California
0033-3557 The Public interest National Affairs, inc.
1058-384X The Public interest law review Carolina Academic Press for the National Legal Center for the Public Interest
1061-7639 The Public manager The Bureaucrat, Inc.
1050-5067 The Public perspective Roper Center for Public Opinion Research.
0041-7939 The Quarterly journal of the Library of Congress The Library; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.
0033-5797 The Quarterly review of economics and business University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.; University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign campus).; Midwest Economics Association.
1878-4259 The Quarterly review of economics and finance (e-vir) Midwest Economics Association.; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.; Midwest Finance Association.
1061-8511 The Real estate appraiser The Institute
0271-258X The Real estate appraiser and analyst Society of Real Estate Appraisers.
1045-3369 The Region Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
1053-0754 The Responsive community Center for Policy Research (U.S.)
0020-6393 The review International Commission of Jurists
0700-5156 The Review - Imperial Oil Limited Imperial Oil Limited.
0034-6446 The Review of Black political economy National Economic Association; Transaction Periodicals Consortium
1936-4814 The Review of Black political economy (e-vir) National Economic Association [etc.]; [Distributed by] Transaction Periodicals Consortium
1530-9142 The review of economics and statistics (e-vir) Dept. of Economics, Harvard University
0034-6535 The REVIEW of economics and statistics North Holland
1557-0274 The review of faith & international affairs Council on Faith & International Affairs
1931-7743 The review of faith & international affairs (e-vir) Council on Faith & International Affairs
1475-4991 The review of income and wealth (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0034-6586 The Review of income and wealth International Association for Research in Income and Wealth
1559-7431 The review of international organizations Springer
1559-744X The review of international organizations (e-vir) Springer
1541-1338 The review of policy research (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1748-6858 The review of politics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0034-6705 The Review of politics University of Notre Dame.
1552-8502 The review of radical political economics North-Holland
0147-9229 The Review of taxation of individuals Warren, Gorham & Lamont]
1552-8189 The Rhodes Cook letter Rhodes Cook
1558-4291 The Rhodes Cook letter (e-vir) [Berkeley Electronic Press]
1474-029X The round table (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0267-1190 The Royal Bank of Scotland review Royal Bank of Scotland.
1744-0378 The RUSI journal (e-vir) The Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies
0036-0341 The Russian review Ohio State University Press.
1467-9434 The Russian review Blackwell.
1945-4716 The SAIS review of international affairs Johns Hopkins University Press
1945-4724 The SAIS review of international affairs Johns Hopkins University Press
0036-4037 The San Diego law review School of Law University of San Diego.
1059-5872 The Sarmatian review Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America.; Polish Institute of Houston,
0347-0520 The SCANDINAVIAN journal of economics Basil Blackwell Ltd.
0272-5827 The Search Center for Arab and Islamic Studies (U.S.)
0361-1310 The SEMscope Southeast Michigan Council of Governments.
0217-5908 The Singapore economic review Economic Society of Singapore
1793-6837 The Singapore economic review (e-vir) World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
1533-2942 The social policy journal The Haworth Press
1533-2950 The social policy journal (e-vir) Social Policy and Policy Practice Group (Organization)
0362-3319 The Social science journal Pergamon
1537-5404 The social service review (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
0037-7961 The Social service review University of Chicago Press
0037-7996 The Social studies McKinley Publishing Co.
2152-405X The Social studies (e-vir) McKinley Pub. Co.
1533-8525 The sociological quarterly (e-vir) Blackwell
1813-6982 The South African journal of economics (e-vir) SA Journal of Economics
1022-0461 The South African journal of international affairs South African Institute of International Affairs.; SAIIA.
1938-0275 The South African journal of international affairs South African Institute of International Affairs
1055-2901 The South Carolina forum University of South Carolina. Institute of Public Affairs.
0888-6873 The Southwestern review of management and economics University of New Mexico. Bureau of Business & Economic Research.
1012-0319 The Specialised National Councils' magazine Presidency of the Republic
0039-0526 The statistician Longman
0039-7296 The Swedish economy Konjunkturinstitutet
0040-0025 The Tax executive Tax Executives Institute
0040-649X The three banks review Royal Bank of Scotland.; Royal Bank of Scotland Group.; Glyn, Mills and Company.; Williams Deacon's Bank.; National and Commercial Banking Group (Great Britain)
1097-9328 The Toledo journal of Great Lakes' law, science & policy University of Toledo, College of Law
0049-450X The Transportation law journal University of Denver College of Law [etc.]
0041-6010 The Ukrainian quarterly Ukrainian Congress Committee of America.
0739-7100 The UMTRI research review University of Michigan, Transportation Research Institute
2379-3635 The UMTRI research review (e-vir) University of Michigan.
0147-1740 The Urban League review Research Dept., National Urban League]
0042-675X The Virginia quarterly review University of Virginia
2154-6932 The Virginia quarterly review (e-vir) University of Virginia
0099-9660 The Wall Street journal Dow Jones
2574-9579 The Wall Street journal (e-vir) News Corporation.; Dow Jones & Co.
0043-0633 The Washington monthly Washington Monthly Co.
0163-660X The Washington quarterly Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University.
1530-9177 The Washington quarterly (e-vir) Routledge
8755-4917 The Washington report on Middle East affairs American Educational Trust
1083-3013 The weekly standard News America Pub., Inc.
0043-4078 The Western political quarterly University of Utah
2328-529X The Wilson quarterly (e-vir) Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
2561-5017 The Windsor yearbook of access to justice (e-vir) Faculty of Law, University of Windsor
0710-0841 The Windsor yearbook of access to justice = Faculty of Law, University of Windsor
0195-4636 The workbook / Southwest Research and Information Center.
0834-292X The Worklife report IR Research Publications
0887-9346 The World & I Washington Times Corp.
0258-6770 The World Bank economic review The World Bank
1564-698X The World Bank economic review World Bank.
0257-3032 The World Bank research observer World Bank
1564-6971 The World Bank research observer World Bank.
0378-5920 The world economy Elsevier
1467-9701 The world economy (e-vir) Blackwell
0730-8736 The world of banking Bank Administration Institute
2059-7495 The world today (e-vir) Royal Institute of International Affairs
0044-0094 The Yale law journal Yale Journal Co.
1939-8611 The Yale law journal (e-vir) Yale Law Journal Co.
Y505-5474 The Yale law journal (e-vir) Yale Law Journal Company
0044-0124 The Yale review Yale University Press
1467-9736 The Yale review (e-vir) Blackwell
1015-860X The Zimbabwe journal of economics [s.n.].
0142-7849 Third world planning review Liverpool University Press
0143-6597 Third world quarterly Third World Foundation
1360-2241 Third world quarterly (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1096-4762 Thunderbird international business review Wiley
1520-6874 Thunderbird international business review (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1399-1442 Tidsskrift for arbejdsliv Center for Studier i Arbejdsliv.
0040-7356 Tiers monde Institut d'études du développement économique et social (Paris)
1293-8882 Tiers monde Presses universitaires de France
1963-1359 Tiers-monde (e-vir) [A. Colin]
0040-747X Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap
1467-9663 Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie (e-vir) Blackwell
0040-8190 Title news American Title Association.; American Land Title Association.
1359-5474 Tizard learning disability review Pavilion
2042-8782 Tizard learning disability review (e-vir) Pier Professional
0911-7008 Tokyo business today Oriental Economist
0040-893X Tokyo municipal news Tokyo-to. Seikatsu Bunkakyoku. Kokusai Käoryäubu. Gaijika.; Tokyo-to. Säomukyoku.; Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Bureau of General Affairs.
1538-0653 Topics in economic analysis & policy (e-vir) Bepress.com
0885-856X Tort & insurance law journal Tort and Insurance Practice Section, American Bar Association
1943-1198 Tort & insurance law journal (e-vir) Tort and Insurance Practice Section, American Bar Association
1461-6688 Tourism geographies Routledge
1470-1340 Tourism geographies (e-vir) Routledge
0041-0020 Town planning review Liverpool University Press
1478-341X Town planning review (e-vir) Liverpool University Press
0041-0098 Toxicomanies Québec (Province) Office de la prévention de l'alcoolisme et des autres toxicomanies.
0049-4321 Trade and commerce Sanford Evans Pub..
0255-4607 Trade and development report United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
0006-5323 Trade and industry H.M.S.O
0041-0713 Traffic quarterly Eno Foundation for Transportation.; Eno Foundation for Highway Traffic Control.
0020-2754 Transactions Institute of British Geographers Institute of British Geographers
1475-5661 Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers (e-vir) Blackwell
0730-8876 Transafrica Forum Transafrica Forum
0251-0391 Transafrican journal of history Kenya Literature Bureau.
0041-1124 Transformación Cámara Nacional de la Industria de la Transformación
1750-6166 Transforming government Emerald
1750-6174 Transforming government (e-vir) Emerald
1527-8042 Transition (e-vir) Transition
1014-9562 Transnational corporations United Nations
0892-399X Transnational data and communications report Transnational Data Reporting Service, Inc.
0144-3453 Transport Chartered Institute of Transport.
1648-3480 Transport (e-vir) Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas; Taylor & Francis
1648-4142 Transport Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas; Taylor & Francis
0252-4392 Transport and communications bulletin for Asia and the Pacific United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
0041-1612 Transportation journal American Society of Traffic and Transportation
2157-328X Transportation journal American Society of Traffic and Transportation; American Society of Traffic and Transportation; American Society of Traffic and Logistics; American Society of Transportation and Logistics; American Society of Transportation and Logistics; American Society of Transportation and Logistics; American Society of Transportation and Logistics
0278-9434 Transportation quarterly The Foundation
0094-9922 Transportation USA / United States.; United States.; United States.; United States.
0967-070X Transport policy Butterworth-Heinemann
0564-1373 Transports Editions techniques et économiques
0394-1418 Trasgressioni Cooperativa culturale "La Roccia di Erec".
0757-3065 Travail AEROT.
0224-4365 Travail et emploi Ministère du travail et de la participation,
1084-4791 Trends in organized crime Transaction Periodicals Consortium for the National Strategy Information Center
1936-4830 Trends in organized crime (e-vir) [Transaction Periodicals Consortium for the National Strategy Information Center]
0275-5351 Trialogue Trilateral Commission
0041-3011 Trimestre económico Fondo de Cultura Económica.
0185-1039 Trimestre político Fondo de Cultura Económica.
0041-3682 Trusts and estates Fiduciary Publishers
0251-2955 Turkish public administration annual Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi; TODAİE( Türkiye ve Orta Doğu Amme İDaresi Enstitüsü)
1010-8874 Turkish review Directorate General of Press and Information
0363-3640 Túshuguǎn-xué yu zixùn ke-xué Dep. of Social Education National Taiwan Normal University
2224-1574 Tushuguanxue yu zixun kexue = Guoli taiwan shifan daxue tushuzixunxue yanjiusuo
1041-8474 TVI report TVI,
0379-6205 Tydskrif vir studies in ekonomie en ekonometrie = Buro vir Ekonomiese Ondersoek
2693-5198 Tydskrif vir studies in ekonomie en ekonometrie = (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0886-3717 U.S.-Arab commerce U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce.
0041-5537 U.S. news & world report U.S. News Pub. Corp.
0041-5707 Übersee-Rundschau Übersee-Verl..
0733-401X UCLA journal of environmental law & policy [UCLA School of Law, Environmental Law Society]
1942-8553 UCLA journal of environmental law & policy (e-vir) Environmental Law Society (University of California, Los Angeles),
0041-5650 UCLA law review School of Law, University of California, Los Angeles
0884-0768 UCLA Pacific Basin law journal [UCLA School of Law]
2169-7728 UCLA Pacific Basin law journal (e-vir) University of California, Los Angeles.
0969-3483 Ukraine business review Ukrainian Business Agency.
0041-6355 Umwelt Springer VDI-Verlag
1436-4964 Umweltmagazin (e-vir) Springer VDI-Verlag
0041-5243 Unesco bulletin for libraries Unesco
0041-526X Unesco chronicle Unesco
1012-4934 UNIDIR newsletter UNIDIR.; United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research.; Institut des Nations Unies pour la recherche sur le désarmement.
0041-7130 Unitas Pohjoismaiden yhdyspankki
0148-8848 United States banker General Banking Division of Faulkner & Gray
0163-2647 Universal human rights E.M. Coleman Enterprises.
2326-2109 Universal human rights (e-vir) Earl M. Coleman Enterprises, Inc.
1698-5117 Universia business review Recoletos Grupo de Comunicación.; Portal Universia
2174-0933 Universia business review (e-vir) Portal Universia
0263-9769 Universities quarterly Basil Blackwell
0041-9249 University Princeton University.
0068-1849 University of British Columbia law review Students in the Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia.
0041-9818 University of Miami law review University of Miami, School of Law
0098-1923 University of Michigan business review University of Michigan, Graduate School of Business Administration.
0041-9907 University of Pennsylvania law review University of Pennsylvania Law School
1942-8537 University of Pennsylvania law review (e-vir) University of Pennsylvania Law School
0082-2108 University of Tasmania law review University of Tasmania.
0042-0220 University of Toronto law journal University of Toronto Press
1710-1174 University of Toronto law journal (e-vir) University of Toronto Press
0042-0328 University of Western Australia law review Faculty of Law, University of Western Australia.
0042-0816 Urban affairs quarterly Sage Publications.
1078-0874 Urban affairs review Sage Publications
1552-8332 Urban affairs review (e-vir) Sage Publications
0042-0859 Urban education Sage Publications
1552-8340 Urban education (e-vir) Sage Publications
1610-8167 Urban forestry & urban greening (e-vir) Urban u. Fischer.
1618-8667 Urban Forestry and Urban Greening Urban & Fisher Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
1015-3802 Urban forum Witwatersrand University Press
1874-6330 Urban forum (e-vir) Transaction Publishers
0970-9045 Urban India National Institute of Urban Affairs.
0042-1014 Urbanisme Urbanisme
0042-0891 Urban land Urban Land Institute,
0811-1146 Urban policy and research Hargreen Publishing
1476-7244 Urban policy and research (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0741-1308 Urban resources University of Cincinnati. Division of Metropolitan Services.
0042-0980 Urban studies Sage Publications
1360-063X Urban studies (e-vir) Carfax
0743-1694 URPE The Union
1537-1514 USA-China business review USA-China Business Review (Journal), Inc.
1308-0334 Usak yearbook of international politics and law Uluslararasi stratejik araştirmalar kurumu derneği iktisadi işletmesi
0042-1405 Utah economic and business review University of Utah.; David Eccles School of Business.
0957-1787 Utilities policy Butterworth-Heinemann
1878-4356 Utilities policy (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0042-2363 Valparaiso University law review Valparaiso University School of Law.
0090-2594 Vanderbilt journal of transnational law Vanderbilt University, School of Law]
0100-7122 Veja Editora Abril S/A
0042-3432 Venezuela up-to-date Venezuela.
0191-3530 Venture Venture Magazine, inc.
0042-384X Vereinte Nationen Engel
2366-6773 Vereinte Nationen (e-vir) BWV, Berliner Wiss.-Verl.
0506-7286 Verfassung und Recht in Übersee Nomos
0193-6565 Via port of New York-New Jersey Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
0361-5170 Victimology Visage Press.
0015-7910 Vierteljahresberichte Probleme der Entwicklungsländer Verlag Neue Gesellschaft.
2365-2136 Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte (e-vir) Steiner
0042-5702 Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte Oldenbourg
2196-7121 Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte (e-vir) De Gruyter
0340-1707 Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung Duncker u. Humblot.
1861-1559 Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung (e-vir) Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
0294-1759 Vingtième siècle Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques
1950-6678 Vingtième siècle (e-vir) Presses de Sciences po
0042-6601 Virginia law review Virginia Law Review Association
1942-9967 Virginia law review (e-vir) Virginia Law Review Association
0507-1305 Virginia social science journal Virginia Social Science Association.
0042-6873 Visão Editora Visão Ltda.
1065-4690 Voces Chicana/Latina Research Center
2328-8795 Voces (e-vir) Chicana/Latina Research Center.; Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (Organization : U.S.)
0236-2058 Voennaâ myslʹ Ministerstvo oborony Soûza SSR
2040-8056 Voluntary sector review Voluntary Sector Studies Network.
2040-8064 Voluntary sector review (e-vir) Policy Press
0507-4150 Vorgänge Humanistische Union
0340-8728 VSWG F. Steiner
1091-5753 Wadabagei Caribbean Diaspora Press
2377-6595 Wadabagei (e-vir) [Caribbean Diaspora Press]
0361-6665 Wage-price law & economics review [Antitrust Law & Economics Review]
0738-4343 Wall Street computer review Dealers' Digest,
0511-196X Waseda political studies Waseda University. Graduate Division of Political Science :; Waseda University. Graduate School of Political Science.
1533-4686 Washington University journal of law and policy Washington University School of Law
1943-0000 Washington University journal of law and policy (e-vir) Washington University (Saint Louis, Mo.).
1943-0019 Washington University journal of urban and contemporary law (e-vir) [Washington University School of Law]
8756-0801 Washington University journal of urban and contemporary law Washington University (Saint Louis, Mo.).
0250-8060 Water international International Water Resources Association [etc.]
1941-1707 Water international International Water Resources Association
1360-1326 Web journal of current legal issues (e-vir) University
0772-3318 Weekberichten - Kredietbank Kredietbank.
0511-4187 Weekly compilation of Presidential documents Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration; Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor
0043-2059 Wege zur Sozialversicherung
0043-2172 Wehrtechnik Wehr-u.-Wissen-Verlagsges.
0043-2113 Wehr und Wirtschaft Verlag Wehr und Wissen.
0049-7134 Weltgeschehen Siegler, Verlag für Zeitarchive
0944-8101 WeltTrends Berliner Debatte, Wiss.-Verl.
1525-4488 West Africa review (e-vir) Africa Resource Center, Inc.
0735-5424 Western water (e-vir) Association of California Water Agencies.; Western Water Education Foundation (U.S.); Water Education Foundation.
0140-2382 West European politics Taylor & Francis
1743-9655 West European politics (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0307-1995 West Indies chronicle news West India Committee.
0042-9694 WHO chronicle World Health Organization
1046-7548 Why WHY (World Hunger Year)
0160-5232 William and Mary business review College of William and Mary. School of Business Administration.
0043-5589 William and Mary law review s.n.
2374-8524 William and Mary law review (e-vir) [publisher not identified]
0363-3276 Wilson Quarterly [S.n.]
0043-6275 Wirtschaftsdienst Verlag Weltarchiv
1613-978X Wirtschaftsdienst Springer
0043-6283 Wirtschaftskonjunktur Ifo-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung.
0043-6305 Wirtschaftspolitische Chronik Institut für Wirtschaftspolitik an der Universität zu Köln.
0043-633X Wirtschaftswissenschaft Verlag Die Wirtschaft
0378-5130 Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Verlag ORAC; LexisNexis Verlag ARD Orac GmbH & Co KG
0043-6135 Wirtschaft und Recht ORELL Füssci Graphische Betriebe
0043-6143 Wirtschaft und Statistik W. Kohlhammer GmbH
0043-6151 Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb Handelsblatt-GmbH
0043-650X Wisconsin law review Law School of the University of Wisconsin, etc.]
1943-1120 Wisconsin law review (e-vir) University of Wisconsin--Madison.; University of Wisconsin.
0043-6941 Wissenschaftlicher Dienst für Ostmitteleuropa Johann-Gottfried-Herder-Institut.
0067-5954 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift - Hochschule für Ökonomie "Bruno Leuschner" Hochschule für Ökonomie "Bruno Leuschner"
0340-1650 WiSt. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium Beck :; Vahlen.
0892-9408 Without prejudice International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.
0012-1304 Wochenbericht Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
1860-8787 Wochenbericht (e-vir) Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
1049-3867 Women's health issues Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
1534-0473 Women's policy journal of Harvard, John F. Kennedy School of Government Women's Policy Journal of Harvard, John F. Kennedy School of Government
2162-5654 Women's policy journal of Harvard / (e-vir) John F. Kennedy School of Government.
0085-8269 Women's rights law reporter Women's Rights Law Reporter]
1942-6755 Women's rights law reporter (e-vir) Rutgers Law School (Newark, N.J.)
0732-1562 Women's studies quarterly Feminist Press
1934-1520 Women's studies quarterly (e-vir) Feminist Press
0897-4454 Women & criminal justice Haworth Press
1541-0323 Women & criminal justice (e-vir) Haworth Press
0363-0242 Women & health Haworth Medical Press
1541-0331 Women & health Haworth Press
0276-3885 Women & history Institute for Research in History (New York, N.Y.)
0195-7732 Women & politics Haworth Press.
1469-8722 Work, employment & society (e-vir) Sage Publications
0950-0170 Work, employment and society Sage Publications
0744-9836 Working papers magazine Trusteeship Institute,
1089-7011 Working USA M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
1743-4580 Working USA (e-vir) M.E. Sharpe
0227-7743 Worklife G.F. Sanderson.
0512-2295 World Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.
0043-8200 World affairs American Peace Society
0971-8052 World affairs Lancer International; T. N. Kaul
0974-0937 World affairs (e-vir) Kapur Surya Foundation
1940-1582 World affairs (e-vir) American Peace Society
0731-4728 World affairs journal Los Angeles World Affairs Council.
0043-8227 World agriculture International Federation of Agricultural Producers.; IFAP.
0253-3928 World Bank research news World Bank
1011-4548 World competition World competition
0305-750X World development Pergamon Press
1873-5991 World development (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0260-4027 World futures Gordon and Breach
1556-1844 World futures (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0251-2432 World health forum World Health Organization
1092-7441 World libraries Rosary College (River Forest, Ill.).; Dominican University.
0043-8642 World Marxist review Progress Books
1948-4682 World medical & health policy (e-vir) Berkeley Electronic Press
2153-2028 World medical & health policy Berkeley Electronic Press
1020-0010 World of work International Labour Organization
1564-460X World of work International Labour Organization.
0043-8790 World oil Gulf Pub. Co.
0895-7452 World outlook Dartmouth College.
0172-2190 World patent information Saur
1874-690X World patent information (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0740-2775 World policy journal World Policy Institute
1936-0924 World policy journal (e-vir) World Policy Institute
0043-8871 World politics Cambridge University Press
1086-3338 World politics (e-vir) Yale Institute of International Studies
0195-8895 World press review Stanley Foundation.
0043-9134 World today Royal Institute of International Affairs
0084-2559 Worldview Council on Religion and International Affairs.; Church Peace Union.
0896-0615 World watch Worldwatch Institute
1016-0434 World Wildlife Fund & Conservation Foundation letter World Wildlife Fund.; Conservation Foundation.
0898-0918 World Wildlife Fund letter World Wildlife Fund.
0342-300X WSI-Mitteilungen Bund-Verl.
1016-7846 WUFA. Writers Union of Free Afghanistan WUFA
1671-881X Wuhan Daxue xuebao Wuhan Daxue Qikanshe
0163-5433 Wyoming issues University of Wyoming. Institute for Policy Research.
1936-2633 Yale journal of international affairs International Affairs Council
1936-2641 Yale journal of international affairs (e-vir) Yale Law School.
0741-9457 Yale journal on regulation [Yale Journal on Regulation]
2376-5925 Yale journal on regulation (e-vir) Yale Journal on Regulation
0740-8048 Yale law & policy review Yale Law School
2328-2649 Yale law & policy review (e-vir) Yale Law School.
1846-4149 Yearbook Šipan ... Political Culture
0262-9798 Youth and policy Youth and Policy
8756-0909 Youth policy Youth Policy Institute (Washington, D.C.)
0044-135X Yugoslav Trade Unions Confederation of Trade Unions Of Yugoslavia
0721-5746 ZAR. Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft.
0044-2194 Zeitschrift für Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie DLG-Verlag
0340-2444 Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft O. Schmidt
2366-4681 Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft (e-vir)
0049-8599 Zeitschrift für ausländische Landwirtschaft
0044-2348 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht Kohlhammer
0930-861X Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Arbeits- und Sozialrecht C. F. Müller
0044-2372 Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag Gabler
0340-2398 Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft Verl. für Sozialwiss./GWV-Fachverl.
1866-8852 Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft Verl. für Sozialwiss.
0044-2380 Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie Vittorio Klostermann
1864-2950 Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie (e-vir) Klostermann
0044-2429 Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht
2366-0414 Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen (e-vir)
0340-8485 Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen. Ausgabe A Knapp
0044-2550 Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft Mohr
0044-2585 Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft Deutscher Verein für Versicherungswissenschaft; Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft; Duncker und Humblot
1865-9748 Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft Springer
0044-2976 Zeitschrift für Kulturaustausch Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen
0044-3158 Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie Springer
2304-8360 Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie (e-vir) Springer
0044-3247 Zeitschrift für Pädagogik Beltz
0044-3360 Zeitschrift für Politik Heymann
1430-6387 Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft Springer Nature
2366-2638 Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (e-vir) Springer Nature
1421-2110 Zeitschrift für schweizerische Statistik und Volkswirtschaft Stämpfli
0514-2776 Zeitschrift für Sozialreform
2366-0295 Zeitschrift für Sozialreform (e-vir)
0340-1804 Zeitschrift für Soziologie Brockhaus Commission
2366-0325 Zeitschrift für Soziologie (e-vir) Lucius & Lucius
0931-0983 Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik & Umweltrecht Deutscher Fachverlag
0044-3654 Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit Verlag TÜV Rheinland
0044-3670 Zeitschrift für Verkehrswissenschaft Verkehrs-Verlag Fischer
0044-3751 Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie
2365-7693 Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie (e-vir) De Gruyter
0721-3808 Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik
2366-0317 Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (e-vir)
0342-1783 Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften Duncker und Humblot
0044-4081 Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen Bibliographisches Institut
0722-8910 ZFW. Zeitschrift für Wasserrecht Heymann.
0258-3054 Zhōngguó shìchǎng Jīngjì dǎobào shè
0019-946X Zìyóu zhōngguó zhī gōngyè Xíngzhèng yuàn jīngjì jiànshè wěiyuánhuì
1056-5507 Z magazine Institute for Social and Cultural Communications

Seznami revij, ki so vključene v mednarodne baze podatkov, so praviloma prevzeti iz spletnih strani proizvajalcev baz podatkov in vsi niso popolni. Nekateri so tekoči, drugi kumulativni in vključujejo tudi starejše revije, ki ne izhajajo več (npr. iz časa nekdanje Jugoslavije, če je bil sedež izdajatelja v Sloveniji). Vključene niso revije, pri katerih v seznamih proizvajalcev baz podatkov manjkajo številke ISSN ali pa seznami revij sploh niso dostopni. Nekateri proizvajalci tudi dokaj neredno ažurirajo sezname. Če ugotovite, da pri kakšni bazi podatkov manjka revija, ki jo navedena baza podatkov zanesljivo indeksira, to sporočite pristojnemu OSIC-u. Na podlagi ustreznih dokazil bo seznam dopolnjen.

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