Pojasnilo | 11. 6. 2024 |
ISSN | Revija | Založnik/Izdajatelj |
1355-7602 | .net | Future Publishing |
1365-4977 | .net (e-vir) | Future Publishing |
0021-2318 | 'Alwn ASM"Y | Agąwdat Hasipriyąwt ąWmerkazey HameydaŰ beYiśrael. |
0720-6763 | ABI-Technik | Holz |
2191-4664 | ABI-Technik (e-vir) | de Gruyter |
1073-0516 | ACM transactions on computer-human interaction | Association for Computing Machinery |
1557-7325 | ACM transactions on computer-human interaction | Association for Computing Machinery |
1046-8188 | ACM transactions on information systems | The Association |
1558-2868 | ACM transactions on information systems (e-vir) | Association for Computing Machinery |
0239-6661 | Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego |
0044-636X | Advanced technology libraries | Becker and Hayes |
0795-4778 | African journal of library, archives and information science | Archlib and Information Services. |
1043-2094 | Against the grain | |
0095-2699 | Agricultural libraries information notes | Technical Information Systems, Science and Education Administration, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
0951-5666 | AI & society | Springer International |
1435-5655 | AI & society (e-vir) | Springer |
2239-6152 | AIB studi (e-vir) | AIB, Associazione italiana biblioteche |
2280-9112 | AIB studi | AIB, Associazione italiana biblioteche |
0921-7126 | AI communications | Department Social Science Informatics |
1875-8452 | AI communications | IOS Press |
0738-4602 | AI magazine | American Association for Artificial Intelligence |
2371-9621 | AI magazine (e-vir) | American Association for Artificial Intelligence |
0955-7490 | Alexandria | Gower Publishing |
2050-4551 | Alexandria (e-vir) | Gower |
1747-9258 | ALISS quarterly | Association of Libraries and Information Professionals in the Social Sciences |
0002-9769 | American libraries | American Library Association |
2163-5129 | American libraries (e-vir) | American Library Association |
1575-2437 | Anales de documentación | Departamento de Información y Documentación de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad de Murcia.; Universidad de Murcia. Departamento de Información y Documentación.; Universidad de Murcia. Escuela Universitaria de Biblioteconomía y Documentación. |
1697-7904 | Anales de documentación (e-vir) | Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia. |
0023-9542 | An leabharlann | Library Association of Ireland and the Library Association N. Ireland Branch, |
0975-2404 | Annals of library and information studies (e-vir) | National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR |
0972-5423 | Annals of Library and Information Studies | CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR) |
0003-4835 | Annals of Library Science and Documentation | Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre |
0894-198X | Annual review of OCLC research | Offices of Research and Technical Planning, OCLC Online Computer Library Center |
1886-6344 | Anuario Think EPI | El Profesional de la Información |
2564-8837 | Anuario Think EPI (e-vir) | El Profesional de la Información |
0924-669X | Applied intelligence | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
1573-7497 | Applied intelligence (e-vir) | Kluwer |
1420-102X | Arbido | Werbung |
0303-7940 | Archifacts | New Zealand Library Association.; Archives and Records Association of New Zealand. |
1389-0166 | Archival science | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
1573-7500 | Archival science (e-vir) | Kluwer |
0318-6954 | Archivaria | Association of Canadian Archivists |
1923-6409 | Archivaria (e-vir) | Association of Canadian Archivists |
0003-9535 | Archives | British Records Association |
0044-9423 | Archives | Association des archivistes du Québec |
1042-1467 | Archives & museum informatics | Archives & Museum Informatics |
1573-7519 | Archives & museum informatics (e-vir) | Kluwer |
0157-6895 | Archives and manuscripts | Library Association of Australia |
2164-6058 | Archives and manuscripts (e-vir) | Library Association of Australia, Archives Section |
1121-2462 | Archivi & computer | Archivio storico comunale |
0315-9930 | Argus | Corporation des bibliothécaires professionnels du Québec. |
1361-3197 | Ariadne | University of Abertay Dundee. |
1361-3200 | Ariadne (e-vir) | University Library, University of Abertay Dundee. |
0004-184X | Arkansas libraries | Arkansas Library Association.; Arkansas Library Commission. |
1538-8999 | ARL academic law library statistics | Association of Research Libraries. |
1050-7442 | ARL preservation statistics | Association of Research Libraries. |
0147-2135 | ARL statistics | Association of Research Libraries. |
0730-7187 | Art documentation | Art Libraries Society of North America |
2161-9417 | Art documentation (e-vir) | ARLIS/NA |
0141-6790 | Art history | Routledge & Kegan Paul |
1467-8365 | Art history (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers |
0004-3702 | Artificial intelligence | Elsevier |
1872-7921 | Artificial intelligence (e-vir) | Elsevier |
0924-8463 | Artificial intelligence and law | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
1572-8382 | Artificial intelligence and law (e-vir) | Kluwer |
0933-3657 | Artificial intelligence in medicine | Elsevier Science Publishers |
1873-2860 | Artificial intelligence in medicine (e-vir) | Elsevier |
0269-2821 | Artificial intelligence review | Blackwell Scientific Publications; Intellect Limited |
1573-7462 | Artificial intelligence review (e-vir) | Kluwer |
0307-4722 | Art libraries journal | ARLIS |
2059-7525 | Art libraries journal (e-vir) | |
1050-2548 | Art reference services quarterly | Haworth Press, |
2231-6108 | Asian journal of information science and technology | The Research Publication |
1017-6748 | Asian libraries | MCB University Press |
2054-5541 | Asian libraries (e-vir) | MCB University Press |
0001-253X | Aslib proceedings | Aslib |
1758-3748 | Aslib proceedings (e-vir) | Aslib |
0265-2587 | ASSIGnation | Aslib. |
1030-5033 | Australasian public libraries and information services | Auslib Press |
0004-8623 | Australian academic and research libraries | University & College Libraries Section of the Library Association of Australia |
1839-471X | Australian academic and research libraries | University & College Libraries Section of the Library Association of Australia |
0004-9670 | Australian library journal | Library Association of Australia |
1034-9154 | Australian special libraries | Australian Library and Information Association. Special Libraries Section. |
0269-7742 | BAPLA journal | British Association of Picture Libraries and Agencies. |
0163-9269 | Behavioral & social sciences librarian | Haworth Press |
1544-4546 | Behavioral & social sciences librarian (e-vir) | Haworth Press |
0144-929X | Behaviour & information technology | Taylor & Francis |
1362-3001 | Behaviour & information technology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis |
0943-2795 | Beiträge Jugendliteratur und Medien | Juventa-Verl. |
1809-4775 | Biblionline | Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Departamento de Biblioteconomia e Documentação |
0392-8586 | Biblioteche oggi | Editrice Bibliografica |
0208-4333 | Bibliotekarz | Czasopisma Wojskowe |
0106-2514 | Biblioteksarbejde | Biblioteksarbejde, |
1395-0401 | Bibliotekspressen (Frederiksberg) | Bibliotekarforbundet. |
0707-3674 | Bibliotheca medica Canadiana | Canadian Health Libraries Association. |
1386-1522 | BibliotheekBlad | NBLC, Vereniging van Openbare Bibliotheken. |
0772-7003 | Bibliotheek- en Archiefgids | Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bibliotheek-, Archief- en Documentatiewezen |
0341-4183 | Bibliothek | Saur |
1865-7648 | Bibliothek | de Gruyter Saur |
0006-1972 | Bibliotheksdienst | de Gruyter Saur |
2194-9646 | Bibliotheksdienst (e-vir) | de Gruyter Saur |
0340-000X | Bibliotheksforum Bayern | K. G. Saur |
1632-9201 | BIBLIOthèque(s) | Association des bibliothécaires français |
0006-2022 | Biblos | Gesellschaft der Freunde der Österreichische Nationalbibliothek |
1575-5886 | BiD (e-vir) | Escola Universitària de Biblioteconomia i Documentació, Universitat de Barcelona. |
1302-3217 | Bilgi dünyasű | Üniversite ve Araştűrma Kütüphanecileri Derneægi |
0257-6775 | Bókasafnið | Upplýsing. Félag bókasafns- og upplýsingafræða; Bókavarðafélag Íslands; Félag bókasafnsfræðinga; Bókafulltrúi ríkisins |
0213-6333 | Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios | Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios (A.A.B.) |
2253-6108 | Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios | Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios |
1121-1490 | Bollettino AIB | Associazione Italiana Biblioteche |
2239-6144 | Bollettino AIB (e-vir) | Associazione italiana biblioteche |
1918-6983 | Bookbird (e-vir) | International Board on Books for Young People |
0006-7377 | Book bird | International Board on Books for Young People, IBBY |
0006-7539 | Bookseller | J. Whitaker & Sons |
0007-0173 | Brio | United Kingdom Branch, International Association of Music Libraries |
1366-8218 | British library research and innovation report | British Library Research and Innovation Centre |
0264-2972 | British National Bibliography Research Fund report | British Library. |
0945-6961 | BuchMobil | Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut, Beratungsdienst Fahrbibliotheken. |
0340-0301 | Buch und Bibliothek | Bock u. Herchen |
0036-1607 | Bulletin | Special Libraries Association |
0268-4500 | Bulletin | Records Management Society |
0740-9753 | Bulletin | Special Libraries Association. Florida Chapter. |
1746-9465 | Bulletin / | Records Management Society. |
0004-5365 | Bulletin d'informations de l'Association des Bibliothécaires Français | Association des Bibliothécaires Français |
1292-8399 | Bulletin des bibliothèques de France (e-vir) | Ecole nationale supérieure des sciences de l'information et des bibliothèques |
0006-2006 | Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France | Direction des bibliothèques |
0095-4403 | Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science | The Society |
0305-781X | Bulletin of the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries | Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries. |
0025-7338 | Bulletin of the Medical Library Association | Medical Library Association. |
1369-1848 | BURISA | BURISA. |
1042-0746 | Business information alert | Alert Publications |
0266-3821 | Business information review | Headland Press |
1741-6450 | Business information review (e-vir) | Sage Publications |
1365-5760 | Business Information Searcher | Effective Technology Marketing |
0007-9421 | Cadernos de biblioteconomia, arquivística e documentação | A.P.B.A.D. |
0741-0344 | California State Library Foundation bulletin | California State Library. |
1065-0741 | Campus-wide information systems | Meckler Corp. |
2054-5576 | Campus-wide information systems (e-vir) | MCB University Press |
0008-5790 | Cape librarian | Cape Provincial Library Service. |
0163-9374 | Cataloging & classification quarterly | Haworth Press |
1544-4554 | Cataloging & classification quarterly (e-vir) | Haworth Press. |
0008-7629 | Catalogue & index | Cataloguing & Indexing Group of the Library Association |
2399-9667 | Catalogue & index (e-vir) | Cataloguing and Indexing Group of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) |
1542-9806 | Children & libraries | American Library Association |
2374-7641 | Children & libraries (e-vir) | Association for Library Service to Children.; American Library Association. |
1089-4667 | Chinese librarianship | Internet Chinese Librarians Club |
0309-4170 | Christian librarian | Librarians' Christian Fellowship. |
0100-1965 | Ciência da Informação | Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia |
1518-8353 | Ciência da Informação (e-vir) | Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia |
0864-4659 | Ciencias de la información | Centro de estudios y desarrollo profesional en ciencias de la informaci<on. |
1606-4925 | Ciencias de la información (e-vir) | IDICT. |
2046-0406 | CILIP update | CILIP |
2046-0414 | CILIP update (e-vir) | CILIP |
1330-1136 | CIT | University Computing Centre |
0268-098X | COFHE bulletin | [Colleges of Further and Higher Education Group]. |
0160-4953 | Collection building (e-vir) | Neal-Schuman Publishers |
2054-5592 | Collection building (e-vir) | Gaylord Professional Publications in association with Neal-Schuman |
0146-2679 | Collection management | Haworth Press |
1545-2549 | Collection management (e-vir) | Haworth Press |
0010-0870 | College & research libraries | American Library Association. |
0099-0086 | College & research libraries news | Association of College and Research Libraries. |
2150-6698 | College & research libraries news (e-vir) | Association of College and Research Libraries |
1069-1316 | College & undergraduate libraries | Haworth Press |
1545-2530 | College & undergraduate libraries | Haworth Press |
1075-8496 | College & university media review | Consortium of College and University Media Centers. |
2150-6701 | College and research libraries (e-vir) | American Library Association |
0147-9733 | Colorado libraries | Colorado Library Association.; Colorado Association of Libraries. |
1442-2409 | COMLA bulletin | Commonwealth Library Association. |
0363-4523 | Communication education | Speech Communication Association |
1479-5795 | Communication education (e-vir) | Speech Communication Association |
1933-5954 | Communications in information literacy (e-vir) | [Portland State University] |
0276-3915 | Community & junior college libraries | Haworth Press |
1545-2522 | Community & junior college libraries | Haworth Press |
0140-3664 | Computer communications | Elsevier |
1873-703X | Computer Communications (e-vir) | Elsevier |
0148-9267 | Computer music journal | MIT press |
1531-5169 | Computer music journal (e-vir) | People's Computer Co. |
1389-1286 | Computer networks | Elsevier |
Y503-2911 | Computer networks | Elsevier |
1872-7069 | Computer Networks (e-vir) | Elsevier |
1879-0534 | Computers in biology and medicine (e-vir) | Elsevier |
0010-4825 | Computers in Biology and Medicine | Pergamon Press. |
0263-3248 | Computers in genealogy | Society of Genealogists. |
0740-445X | Computers in human services | Haworth Press |
2331-4648 | Computers in human services (e-vir) | Haworth Press |
1041-7915 | Computers in libraries | Meckler |
Y509-7932 | Computers in libraries (e-vir) | Meckler |
1356-3289 | Corporate communications | MCB University Press |
1758-6046 | Corporate communications (e-vir) | MCB University Press |
0742-8227 | Current studies in librarianship | University of Rhode Island.; Clarion University of Pennsylvania.; Texas Woman's University. |
0386-0507 | Daigaku toshokan kenkyū | Gakujutsu bunken fukyukai; 学術文献普及会 |
1348-9186 | Daigaku toshokan mondai kenkyukaishi =.; 大学図書館問題研究会誌 | Daigaku toshokan mondai kenkyukai, jimukyoku; 大学図書館問題研究会・事務局 |
0003-9500 | Der Archivar | Nordrhein-Westfälisches Hauptstaatsarchiv; Schmitt |
0971-4383 | DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology | Defence Research & Development Organisation. Ministry of Defence |
0974-0643 | DESIDOC journal of library and information technology | Defence Scientific Information and Documentation Centre |
0976-4658 | DESIDOC journal of library and information technology (e-vir) | Indianjournals.com |
0106-0503 | DF-revy | Danmarks Forskningsbiblioteksforening. |
1362-7791 | Digital publisher | Learned Information Limited. |
1365-067X | Digital publishing technologies | Learned Information |
1082-9873 | D-Lib magazine (e-vir) | Corporation for National Research Initiatives |
0210-4210 | Documentación de las ciencias de la información | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones |
1988-2890 | Documentación de las ciencias de la información | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones |
0012-4508 | Documentaliste | Association Francaise des Documentalistes et des Bibliothecaires Specialises |
0315-2340 | Documentation et bibliothèques | Association canadienne des bibliothécaires de langue française. |
2291-8949 | Documentation et bibliothèques (e-vir) | ASTED. |
0092-8615 | Drug information journal | Pergamon |
2164-9200 | Drug information journal | Pergamon; Sage Publications |
0091-2085 | DttP | American Library Association, Government Documents Round Table |
0376-4753 | ECARBICA Journal | East and Central Africa Regional Branch of the the International Council on Archives.; ECARBICA. |
1525-2531 | EContent | Online, Inc. |
0167-8329 | Education for information | IOS Press |
1875-8649 | Education for information (e-vir) | IOS Press |
1039-222X | Education for library and information services, Australia | Australian Library and Information Association. Education for Library and Information Services Section. |
0957-9575 | Education libraries journal | University of London, Institute of Education Library |
1704-8532 | E-JASL (e-vir) | International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication |
1740-7494 | Electronic government | Inderscience Enterprises |
1740-7508 | Electronic government (e-vir) | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. |
0264-0473 | Electronic library | Learned Information |
1507-7187 | Elektroniczny Biuletyn Informacyjny Bibliotekarzy (e-vir) | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich |
1386-6710 | El Profesional de la información | Swets & Zeitlinger; Swets & Zeitlinger Ibérica; El Profesional de la Información |
1699-2407 | El Profesional de la información | El Profesional de la información |
1525-4658 | Emedia | Online |
1690-7515 | Enl@ce | Universidad del Zulia |
2542-3274 | Enl@ce (e-vir) | Universidad del Zulia |
2220-6442 | ESARBICA journal | National Archives and Records Service of South Africa.; Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives.; ESARBICA. |
1499-190X | Essential resources for schools and libraries | Connaught Education Services, |
1461-5428 | European information | European Information Association |
0267-3231 | European journal of communication | Sage Publications |
1460-3705 | European journal of communication (e-vir) | Sage |
Y505-5040 | European journal of communication (e-vir) | Sage |
0960-085X | European journal of information systems | Operational Research Society |
1476-9344 | European journal of information systems (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan |
0258-3127 | European science editing | European Association of Science Editors |
2518-3354 | European science editing (e-vir) | European Association of Science Editors |
1715-720X | Evidence based library and information practice (e-vir) | University of Alberta Learning Services |
0266-4720 | Expert systems | Learned Information Europe |
1468-0394 | Expert systems (e-vir) | Blackwell |
1022-6451 | Faṣlnāmah-i kitāb; فصلنامه کتاب | Kitābkhānah-i millī-i jumhūrī-i islāmī-i Īrān |
0014-9802 | Feliciter | Canadian Library Association |
0742-7441 | Feminist collections | Phyllis Holman Weisbard |
2162-6189 | Feminist collections (e-vir) | University of Wisconsin System.; University of Wisconsin System. |
1389-8450 | FID review | International Federation for Information and Documentation |
1016-9989 | Fiji Library Association journal | Fiji Library Association.; FLA. |
1238-9226 | Finnish information studies | Tampereen yliopisto.; Åbo Akademi.; Oulun yliopisto.; Helsingin yliopisto. |
1396-0458 | First Monday (e-vir) | Munksgaard International Publishers, |
1396-0466 | First Monday (e-vir) | [Munksgaard] |
1479-5450 | Focus | European Information Association. |
0305-8468 | Focus on international & comparative librarianship | Library Association. |
0015-6191 | Fontes artis musicae | Bärenreiter-Verlag |
2471-156X | Fontes artis musicae (e-vir) | Kassel und Bärenreiter-Verlag |
0173-5187 | Forum Musikbibliothek | Verl. u. Datenbank für Geisteswiss.; Ortus Musikverl. Krüger & Schwinger |
0951-2616 | German Studies Library Group newsletter | German Studies Library Group. |
0855-3033 | Ghana Library Journal (e-vir) | Ghana Library Association |
0311-3930 | Globe | Australian Map Curators' Circle. |
1198-5291 | Government information in Canada (e-vir) | s.n.. |
0740-624X | Government information quarterly | JAI Press Inc. |
1872-9517 | Government information quarterly (e-vir) | JAI |
0017-8136 | Harvard Library bulletin | Harvard University Press |
1089-4187 | Health care on the internet | The Haworth |
1355-4743 | Health informatics | Churchill Livingstone. |
1460-4582 | Health informatics journal | Sheffield Academic Press |
1741-2811 | Health informatics journal (e-vir) | Sage Publications. |
1471-1842 | Health information & libraries journal (e-vir) | Blackwell Science |
1471-1834 | Health information and libraries journal | Blackwell Science |
0265-6647 | Health libraries review | Blackwell Scientific |
1365-2532 | Health libraries review | Blackwell Science. |
0018-0521 | Herald of Library Science | Varanasi Hindu University |
0737-0024 | Human-computer interaction | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates |
1532-7051 | Human-computer interaction (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates |
1092-6763 | Humanities collections | Haworth Press, |
1021-562X | IASA journal | International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives |
2617-9024 | IASA journal (e-vir) | International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives |
0018-8441 | IASLIC Bulletin | Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres. |
0966-4769 | IATUL proceedings | British Library |
1888-0967 | Ibersid | Ibersid; Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza |
2174-081X | Ibersid (e-vir) | Ibersid |
1749-8988 | Icon news | Institute of Conservation |
1018-9580 | ICSTI forum | ICSTI.; International Council for Scientific and Technical Information. |
0885-9000 | IEEE expert | IEEE Computer Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
2374-9407 | IEEE expert (e-vir) | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; IEEE Computer Society. |
1541-1672 | IEEE intelligent systems | IEEE Computer Society |
1941-1294 | IEEE intelligent systems (e-vir) | [IEEE Computer Society] |
1094-7167 | IEEE intelligent systems & their applications | IEEE Computer Society, Publications Office |
0340-0352 | IFLA journal | K.G. Saur |
1745-2651 | IFLA journal (e-vir) | Verlag Dokumentation |
Y505-5113 | IFLA journal (e-vir) | Sage |
0445-2429 | Igaku toshokan | Nihon Igaku Toshokan Kyokai |
1125-0992 | Il Bibliotecario | Bulzoni |
0019-2104 | Illinois libraries | Illinois State Library.; Illinois Library Extension Commission.; Illinois.; Illinois.; Illinois Library Association. |
1468-1625 | Impact | Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (Great Britain). |
0306-4220 | Index on censorship | Writers & scholars international Ltd |
1746-6067 | Index on censorship (e-vir) | [Writers & Scholars International] |
1614-287X | INDICARE monitor (e-vir) | K. Böhle c/o Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis |
0260-7247 | Infomatics | VNU Business Publications, |
1414-2139 | Informação & informação | Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Departamento de Ciência da Informação |
1981-8920 | Informação & informação | Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Departamento de Ciência da Informação |
0104-0146 | Informacao & sociedade | Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Departamento de Biblioteconomia e Documentação |
1809-4783 | Informação & Sociedade | Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Departamento de Biblioteconomia e Documentação |
1392-0561 | Informacijos mokslai | Vilniaus universiteto leidykla |
1392-1487 | Informacijos mokslai (e-vir) | Vilniaus universiteto leidykla |
1514-8327 | Información, cultura y sociedad | Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires; Grupo de Estudios en Bibliotecología y Documentación |
1851-1740 | Información, cultura y sociedad (e-vir) | Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA |
1753-8157 | Informatics for health & social care | Informa Healthcare |
1753-8165 | Informatics for health & social care (e-vir) | Informa Healthcare |
1385-5328 | Informatie professional | Cramwinckel; IP |
1369-118X | Information, communication & society | Taylor & Francis |
1468-4462 | Information, communication & society (e-vir) | Routledge |
1360-0834 | Information & communications technology law | Carfax |
1469-8404 | Information & communications technology law (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers |
2164-8034 | Information & culture | University of Texas Press |
2166-3033 | Information & culture (e-vir) | University of Texas Press |
0278-2383 | Information and referral | Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (U.S.) |
0950-5849 | Information and software technology | Elsevier |
1873-6025 | Information and software technology (e-vir) | Elsevier BV |
0049-7282 | Information bulletin | Western Association of Map Libraries. |
0142-5471 | Information design journal | Information Design Journal Ltd.; John Benjamins |
1569-979X | Information design journal | John Benjamins |
0266-6669 | Information development | Mansell Publishing |
1741-6469 | Information development (e-vir) | Sage Publications |
1873-5975 | Information Economics and Policy (e-vir) | Elsevier |
1383-7605 | Information infrastructure and policy | IOS Press |
1875-8738 | Information infrastructure and policy | IOS Press |
0737-7770 | Information intelligence, online libraries, and microcomputers | Information Intelligence, Inc. |
0194-0694 | Information intelligence online newsletter | Information Intelligence, Inc. |
1080-286X | Information management | Idea Group Pub. |
0968-5227 | Information management & computer security | MCB University Press |
1758-5805 | Information management & computer security (e-vir) | MCB University Press |
0961-7612 | Information management report | Elsevier |
0266-6960 | Information media & technology | National Reprographic Centre for documentation |
1091-0808 | Information outlook | Special Libraries Association |
1938-3819 | Information outlook (e-vir) | Special Libraries Association |
1570-1255 | Information polity | IOS Press |
1875-8754 | Information polity | IOS Press |
0306-4573 | Information processing & management | Pergamon Press |
1873-5371 | Information processing & management (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. |
1368-1613 | Information research (e-vir) | Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield |
1470-1391 | Information Research Watch International | Bowker Saur |
1040-1628 | Information resources management journal | Idea Group Publishing |
1533-7979 | Information resources management journal | Idea Group Pub. |
0020-0220 | Information retrieval & library automation | Lomond Publications |
1479-8441 | Information Scotland | Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland. |
0167-6245 | Informations Economics and Policy | North Holland |
0167-5265 | Information services & use | IOS Press |
1875-8789 | Information services & use (e-vir) | IOS Press |
1041-0031 | Information standards quarterly | NISO |
2161-6205 | Information standards quarterly (e-vir) | National Information Standards Organization |
0743-8613 | Information strategy | Auerbach Publications |
0971-6726 | Information studies | S. N. Kumar |
0306-4379 | Information systems | Pergamon Press. |
1058-0530 | Information systems management | Auerbach |
1934-8703 | Information systems management (e-vir) | CRC Press; [Taylor & Francis Group] |
1037-616X | Information technology, education and society | James Nicholas Publishers. |
0959-3845 | Information technology & people | Northwind Publications, Ltd. |
1758-5813 | Information technology & people (e-vir) | Northwind Publications |
0266-8513 | Information technology & public policy | Parliamentary Information Technology Committee (Great Britain) |
0730-9295 | Information technology and libraries | Library and Information Technology Association |
2163-5226 | Information technology and libraries (e-vir) | American Library Association |
0268-1102 | Information technology for development | Oxford University Press |
1554-0170 | Information technology for development (e-vir) | IOS Press |
8755-6286 | Information today | Learned Information, Inc. |
1351-4113 | Information UK outlooks | Library Information Technology Centre.; British Library. Research and Development Department. |
1473-8716 | Information visualization | Palgrave Macmillan |
1473-8724 | Information visualization (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan |
1434-4653 | Information Wissenschaft und Praxis | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Dokumentation |
1619-4292 | Information Wissenschaft und Praxis | Dinges u. Frick. |
0950-9879 | Information world review | Learned Information (Europe) |
1330-0067 | Informatologia | Institut informacijskih znanosti |
1848-7793 | Informatologia (e-vir) | Hrvatsko komunikološko društvo |
1025-8892 | Innovation | University of Natal. University Library. |
2048-7754 | Insights (e-vir) | UKSG |
0019-0217 | INSPEL | Deutscher Bibliotheksverband |
0128-4878 | Intellectual discourse | International Islamic University |
0953-5438 | Interacting with computers | Butterworths |
1873-7951 | Interacting with computers (e-vir) | Butterworths Scientific |
0270-6717 | Interface | Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies,; American Library Association, |
0264-1615 | Interlending & document supply | British Library Lending Division |
1758-5848 | Interlending and document supply (e-vir) | MCB University Press |
1011-8829 | International cataloguing and bibliographic control | IFLA UBCIM Programme |
0970-1850 | International Information, Communication & Education | PK Endowment for Library and Information Science. |
1947-9220 | International journal of adaptive, resilient, and autonomic systems | IGI Global.; Information Resources Management Association. |
1947-9239 | International journal of adaptive, resilient, and autonomic systems (e-vir) | IGI Global. |
1947-8607 | International journal of adult vocational education and technology | IGI Global.; Information Resources Management Association. |
1947-878X | International journal of adult vocational education and technology | IGI Global |
1937-965X | International journal of advanced pervasive and ubiquitous computing | IGI Global |
1937-9668 | International journal of advanced pervasive and ubiquitous computing | IGI Global |
1947-3192 | International journal of agricultural and environmental information systems | IGI Global. |
1947-3206 | International journal of agricultural and environmental information systems | IGI Global |
1947-9654 | International journal of applied geospatial research | Information Resources Management Association.; IGI Global. |
1947-9662 | International journal of applied geospatial research | IGI Global |
1947-9638 | International journal of Asian business and information management | IGI Global |
1947-9646 | International journal of Asian business and information management | IGI Global |
1947-3591 | International journal of business intelligence research | IGI Global |
1947-3605 | International journal of business intelligence research (e-vir) | IGI Global |
1947-3117 | International journal of creative interfaces and computer graphics | IGI Global.; Information Resources Management Association. |
1947-3125 | International journal of creative interfaces and computer graphics | IGI Publishing |
1548-3924 | International journal of data warehousing and mining | Idea Group Pub. |
1548-3932 | International journal of data warehousing and mining | Idea Group Pub. |
1947-9050 | International journal of dependable and trustworthy information systems | IGI Global. |
1947-9069 | International journal of dependable and trustworthy information systems | IGI Global |
1941-6210 | International journal of digital crime and forensics | IGI Pub. |
1941-6229 | International journal of digital crime and forensics | IGI Pub. |
1947-9077 | International journal of digital library systems | IGI Global |
1947-9085 | International journal of digital library systems (e-vir) | IGI Global |
1947-3494 | International journal of digital literacy and digital competence | IGI Global.; Information Resources Management Association. |
1947-3508 | International journal of digital literacy and digital competence | IGI Global |
1539-3100 | International journal of distance education technologies | Idea Group Publishing |
1539-3119 | International journal of distance education technologies (e-vir) | Idea Group Pub. |
1947-3532 | International journal of distributed systems and technologies | IGI Global. |
1947-3540 | International journal of distributed systems and technologies | IGI Global |
1937-9633 | International journal of e-adoption | IGI Pub. |
1937-9641 | International journal of e-adoption | IGI Pub. |
1548-3673 | International journal of e-collaboration | Idea Group Pub. |
1548-3681 | International journal of e-collaboration | Idea Group Pub. |
1947-8585 | International journal of e-entrepreneurship and innovation | IGI Global |
1947-8593 | International journal of e-entrepreneurship and innovation (e-vir) | IGI Global |
Y506-4198 | International journal of e-entrepreneurship and innovation (e-vir) | IGI Global |
1947-315X | International journal of e-health and medical communications | IGI Global.; Information Resources Management Association. |
1947-3168 | International journal of e-health and medical communications | IGI Global |
1548-3886 | International journal of electronic government research | Idea Group Pub. |
1548-3894 | International journal of electronic government research (e-vir) | Idea Group Pub. |
1947-3176 | International journal of embedded and real-time communication systems | IGI Global |
1947-3184 | International journal of embedded and real-time communication systems | IGI Global |
1548-1115 | International journal of enterprise information systems | Idea Group Pub. |
1548-1123 | International journal of enterprise information systems | Idea Group Pub. |
1941-627X | International journal of e-services & mobile applications | IGI Pub.; IGI Global |
1941-6288 | International journal of e-services and mobile applications | IGI Pub. |
1555-3396 | International journal of healthcare information systems and informatics | Idea Group Pub. |
1555-340X | International journal of healthcare information systems and informatics | Idea Group Pub. |
1044-7318 | International journal of human-computer interaction | Ablex Pub. Corp. |
1532-7590 | International journal of human-computer interaction (e-vir) | Ablex Pub. Corp. |
1071-5819 | International journal of human-computer studies | Academic Press |
1095-9300 | International journal of human-computer studies (e-vir) | Academic Press |
1947-3419 | International journal of ICT research and development in Africa | IGI Global. |
1947-3427 | International journal of ICT research and development in Africa (e-vir) | [IGI Global] |
1550-1337 | International journal of information and communication technology education | Idea Group Pub. |
1550-1876 | International journal of information and communication technology education | Idea Group Pub. |
1935-5661 | International journal of information communication technologies and human development | IGI Publishing |
1935-567X | International journal of information communication technologies and human development (e-vir) | IGI Global |
0268-4012 | International journal of information management | Elsevier |
1873-4707 | International journal of information management | Elsevier Science |
2008-8302 | International journal of information science and management | Regional Information Center for Science and Technology |
2008-8310 | International journal of information science and technology | Regional Information Center for Science and Technology |
1930-1650 | International journal of information security and privacy | Idea Group Pub. |
1930-1669 | International journal of information security and privacy | Idea Group Pub. |
1947-8186 | International journal of information system modeling and design | IGI Publishing |
1947-8194 | International journal of information system modeling and design | IGI Publishing |
1935-5726 | International journal of information systems and supply chain management | IGI Global.; Information Resources Management Association. |
1935-5734 | International journal of information systems and supply chain management | IGI Global |
1935-5688 | International journal of information systems in the service sector | Information Resources Management Association. |
1935-5696 | International journal of information systems in the service sector | IGI Global |
1935-570X | International journal of information technologies and systems approach | IGI Publishing |
1935-5718 | International journal of information technologies and systems approach (e-vir) | IGI Global |
Y506-0974 | International journal of information technologies and systems approach | IGI Publishing |
1938-0232 | International journal of information technology project management | IGI Publishing |
1938-0240 | International journal of information technology project management | IGI Publishing |
1471-8197 | International journal of innovation and learning | Inderscience Enterprises |
1741-8089 | International journal of innovation and learning (e-vir) | Inderscience Enterprises |
1947-8305 | International journal of innovation in the digital economy | IGI Global |
1947-8313 | International journal of innovation in the digital economy | IGI Global |
1548-3657 | International journal of intelligent information technologies | Idea Group Pub. |
1548-3665 | International journal of intelligent information technologies | Idea Group Pub. |
1947-9611 | International journal of IT/business alignment and governance | IGI Global |
1947-962X | International journal of IT/business alignment and governance (e-vir) | IGI Global |
1947-8208 | International journal of knowledge and systems science | IGI Publishing |
1947-8216 | International journal of knowledge and systems science | IGI Publishing |
1947-9115 | International journal of knowledge discovery in bioinformatics | IGI Global |
1947-9123 | International journal of knowledge discovery in bioinformatics | IGI Global |
1548-0658 | International journal of knowledge management | Idea Group Pub. |
1548-0666 | International journal of knowledge management | Idea Group Pub. |
1947-8429 | International journal of knowledge society research | IGI Global. |
1947-8437 | International journal of knowledge society research | IGI Global |
0967-0769 | International journal of law and information technology | Oxford University Press |
1464-3693 | International journal of law and information technology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press |
0731-1265 | International journal of legal information | Institute for International Legal Information |
2141-2537 | International Journal of Library and Information Science | Academic Journals Limited |
1941-8647 | International journal of mobile and blended learning | IGI Pub. |
1941-8655 | International journal of mobile and blended learning | IGI Publishing |
1942-390X | International journal of mobile computer interaction | IGI Publishing |
Y505-7167 | International journal of mobile computer interaction | IGI Publishing |
1937-9404 | International journal of mobile computing and multimedia communications | IGI Pub. |
1937-9412 | International journal of mobile computing and multimedia communications | IGI Pub. |
1942-3918 | International journal of mobile human computer interaction | IGI Pub. |
1947-8534 | International journal of multimedia data engineering & management | IGI Global.; Information Resources Management Association. |
1947-8542 | International journal of multimedia data engineering & management | IGI Publishing |
1947-9328 | International journal of operations research and information systems | IGI Global. |
1947-9336 | International journal of operations research and information systems | IGI Global |
1947-9344 | International journal of organizational and collective intelligence | IGI Global.; Information Resources Management Association. |
1947-9352 | International journal of organizational and collective intelligence (e-vir) | IGI Global |
1947-959X | International journal of service science, management, engineering and technology | IGI Publishing |
1947-9603 | International journal of service science, management, engineering and technology | IGI Publishing |
1947-8569 | International journal of strategic decision sciences | IGI Global |
1947-8577 | International journal of strategic decision sciences | IGI Global |
1947-3095 | International journal of strategic information technology and applications | IGI Global.; Information Resources Management Association. |
1947-3109 | International journal of strategic information technology and applications | IGI Publishing |
1548-3908 | International journal of technology and human interaction | Idea Group Pub. |
1548-3916 | International journal of technology and human interaction | Idea Group Pub. |
1947-9301 | International journal of technology diffusion | IGI Global.; Information Resources Management Association. |
1947-931X | International journal of technology diffusion | IGI Publishing |
1947-8518 | International journal of virtual and personal learning environments | Information Resources Management Association.; IGI Global. |
1947-8526 | International journal of virtual and personal learning environments (e-vir) | IGI Global |
1942-9010 | International journal of virtual communities and social networking | IGI Global |
1942-9029 | International journal of virtual communities and social networking | IGI Pub. |
1548-1093 | International journal of web-based learning and teaching technologies | Idea Group Pub. |
1548-1107 | International journal of web-based learning and teaching technologies | Idea Group Pub. |
1744-0092 | International journal of web information systems (e-vir) | Troubador |
1744-0084 | International journal of Web information systems | Troubador |
1938-0194 | International journal of web portals | IGI Publishing |
1938-0208 | International journal of web portals | IGI Publishing |
1545-7362 | International journal of web services research | Idea Group Pub. |
1546-5004 | International journal of web services research | Idea Group Pub. |
1068-9605 | International journal of wireless information networks | Plenum Press |
1572-8129 | International journal of wireless information networks | Kluwer |
1552-6291 | International journal on semantic web and information systems | Idea Group |
1552-6283 | International journal on Semantic Web and information systems | Idea Group |
0892-4546 | International leads / | American Library Association. |
0890-4960 | International preservation news | IFLA PAC International Center |
1364-6885 | International review of law, computers & technology (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers |
1360-0869 | International review of law computers & technology | Carfax |
2156-843X | Internet @ schools | Information Today, Inc. |
1087-5301 | Internet reference services quarterly | Haworth Press |
1540-4749 | Internet reference services quarterly | Haworth Press |
1066-2243 | Internet research | MCB |
2054-5657 | Internet research (e-vir) | Meckler |
1361-9381 | Internet resources newsletter (e-vir) | Heriot-Watt University. |
0187-358X | Investigación bibliotecológica : archivonomía, bibliotecología e información | Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas. UNAM. |
2448-8321 | Investigación bibliotecológica : archivonomía, bibliotecología e información (e-vir) | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
1726-8125 | Iranian journal of information science and technology | Regional Information Center for Science and Technology |
1092-1206 | Issues in science and technology librarianship | Science and Technology Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries |
0214-0349 | Item | Col.legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya |
0954-2612 | IT link | [Institute of Information Scientists] |
1022-7822 | Iṭṭilā̒/risānī.; اطلاع رسانی | Vizārat-i ̒ulūm taḥqīqāt va fanāvarī, pizhūhishgāh-i iṭṭilā̒āt va madārik-i ̒ilmī-i Īrān |
1013-090X | Jiàoyù zäiliào yěu túshäuguǎn xué | Dànjiäang dàxué jiàoyù zäiliào yěu túshäuguǎn xué chäubǎnshè |
2309-9100 | Jiàoyù zīliào yǔ túshūguǎn xué (e-vir) | Dànjiāng dàxué chūbǎn zhōngxīn |
1671-5896 | Jilin Daxue xuebao | Gai Kan Bianjibu |
0268-3962 | JIT | Kogan Page |
2038-5366 | JLIS.it | Università degli studi, Firenze. Dipartimento di studi sul Medioevo e Rinascimento |
2038-1026 | JLIS.It (e-vir) | Dipartimento di studi sul Medioevo e Rinascimento, Università di Firenze |
1368-7506 | JoDI (e-vir) | University of Southampton. Group. |
0021-7298 | Joho kanri | Nihon Kagaku Gijutsu Joho Senta; Kagaku Gijutsu Shinko Kiko |
1347-1597 | Joho kanri (e-vir) | Kagaku Gijutsu Shinko Jigyodan Joho Jigyo Honbu; Kagaku Gijutsu Shinko Kiko Joho Jigyo Honbu |
0913-3801 | Joho no kagaku to gijutsu | Joho Kagaku Gijutsu Kyokai |
0004-5438 | Journal / | Association for Recorded Sound Collections, |
1077-6990 | Journalism & mass communication quarterly | Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication; Sage |
2161-430X | Journalism & mass communication quarterly (e-vir) | Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication; Sage Publications |
0099-1333 | Journal of academic librarianship | Elsevier Science |
1879-1999 | Journal of Academic Librarianship (e-vir) | JAI Press |
1536-7967 | Journal of access services | Haworth Information Press |
1536-7975 | Journal of access services (e-vir) | Haworth Press |
1049-6505 | Journal of agricultural & food information | Haworth Press |
1540-4722 | Journal of agricultural & food information (e-vir) | Haworth Press; Taylor & Francis |
1533-2748 | Journal of archival organization | Haworth Information Press |
1533-2756 | Journal of archival organization (e-vir) | Haworth Press |
0140-511X | Journal of audiovisual media in medicine | Update Publications Ltd |
1350-231X | Journal of brand management | Henry Stewart |
1479-1803 | Journal of brand management (e-vir) | Henry Stewart Publications |
0896-3568 | Journal of business & finance librarianship | Haworth Press |
1547-0644 | Journal of business & finance librarianship (e-vir) | Haworth Press |
1548-7717 | Journal of cases on information technology | Idea Group Pub. |
1548-7725 | Journal of cases on information technology (e-vir) | Idea Group Pub. |
0095-2338 | Journal of chemical information and computer sciences | American Chemical Society. |
1520-5142 | Journal of chemical information and computer sciences | American Chemical Society |
0176-4268 | Journal of classification | Springer |
1432-1343 | Journal of classification (e-vir) | Springer |
0021-9916 | Journal of communication | Oxford University press |
1460-2466 | Journal of communication (e-vir) | Blackwell |
1363-254X | Journal of communication management | Henry Stewart Publications |
1478-0852 | Journal of communication management (e-vir) | Henry Stewart Publications |
1846-3908 | Journal of computing and information technology (e-vir) | University Computing Centre |
1539-8285 | Journal of consumer health on the Internet | Haworth Press |
1539-8293 | Journal of consumer health on the Internet (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Group |
1063-8016 | Journal of database management | Idea Group Pub. |
1533-8010 | Journal of database management | Idea Group Pub. |
1758-7379 | Journal of documentation (e-vir) | MCB University Press |
0022-0418 | Journal of Documentation | Aslib |
1055-8896 | Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education |
1943-5916 | Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia (e-vir) | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. |
2328-3009 | Journal of education for librarianship (e-vir) | Association for Library and Information Science Education.; Association of American Library Schools. |
0748-5786 | Journal of education for library and information science | The Association |
2328-2967 | Journal of education for library and information science (e-vir) | Association for Library and Information Science Education |
1539-2929 | Journal of electronic commerce in organizations (e-vir) | Idea Group Pub. |
1539-2937 | Journal of electronic commerce in organizations | Idea Group Pub. |
1941-1278 | Journal of electronic resource librarianship | Routledge |
1542-4065 | Journal of electronic resources in medical libraries | Taylor & Francis |
1542-4073 | Journal of electronic resources in medical libraries | Haworth Press |
1941-126X | Journal of electronic resources librarianship | Taylor & Francis Group |
1063-2239 | Journal of end user computing | Idea Group Pub. |
1741-0398 | Journal of enterprise information management | Emerald Group |
1758-7409 | Journal of enterprise information management (e-vir) | Emerald |
1062-7375 | Journal of global information management | Idea Group Pub. |
1533-7995 | Journal of global information management | Idea Group Pub. |
1352-0237 | Journal of government information | Pergamon |
1532-3269 | Journal of hospital librarianship | Haworth Information Press |
1532-3277 | Journal of hospital librarianship (e-vir) | Haworth Press |
1477-996X | Journal of information, communication & ethics in society | Troubador; Emerald |
1758-8871 | Journal of information, communication & ethics in society (e-vir) | Troubadour Pub. |
1793-6926 | Journal of information & knowledge management (e-vir) | World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd |
0219-6492 | Journal of Information & Knowledge Management | Information and Knowledge Management Society. |
1846-3312 | Journal of information and organizational sciences | Faculty of Organization and Informatics |
1846-9418 | Journal of information and organizational sciences (e-vir) | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics |
Y505-6500 | Journal of information and organizational sciences | Faculty of Organization and Informatics |
1061-9321 | Journal of information ethics | McFarland & Co. |
1941-2894 | Journal of information ethics (e-vir) | McFarland & Co. |
1750-5968 | Journal of information literacy | CILIP] |
0165-5515 | Journal of information science | North-Holland |
1741-6485 | Journal of information science (e-vir) | Cambridge Scientific Abstracts. |
1466-4437 | Journal of information technology (e-vir) | Routledge |
1933-1681 | Journal of information technology & politics | Taylor & Francis |
1933-169X | Journal of information technology & politics (e-vir) | Haworth Press, Inc. |
Y507-7044 | Journal of information technology & politics | Taylor & Francis |
0962-029X | Journal of information technology for teacher education | Triangle Journals. |
1751-1577 | Journal of informetrics | Elsevier |
1875-5879 | Journal of informetrics (e-vir) | Elsevier |
1469-1930 | Journal of intellectual capital | MCB University Press |
1758-7468 | Journal of intellectual capital (e-vir) | MCB University Press |
0975-1076 | Journal of intellectual property rights (e-vir) | National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR |
0971-7544 | Journal of Intellectual Property Rights | CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR) |
1093-023X | Journal of interactive learning research | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education |
1072-303X | Journal of interlibrary loan, document delivery & information supply | Haworth Press |
1540-3572 | Journal of interlibrary loan, document delivery & information supply (e-vir) | Haworth Press |
1091-1367 | Journal of Internet cataloging | Haworth Press |
1367-3270 | Journal of knowledge management | IFS International |
1758-7484 | Journal of knowledge management (e-vir) | IFS International |
0961-0006 | Journal of librarianship and information science | Bowker-Saur |
1741-6477 | Journal of librarianship and information science (e-vir) | Cambridge Scientific Abstracts. |
1533-290X | Journal of library & information services in distance learning | Haworth Press |
1533-2918 | Journal of library & information services in distance learning | Haworth Press |
0193-0826 | Journal of library administration | Haworth Press. |
1540-3564 | Journal of library administration (e-vir) | Haworth Press |
1937-5034 | Journal of library metadata (e-vir) | Haworth Press |
1938-6389 | Journal of library metadata | Haworth Press |
1542-0353 | Journal of map & geography libraries | The Harworth information press |
1542-0361 | Journal of map & geography libraries | Haworth Press |
1438-8871 | Journal of medical internet research (e-vir) | [s. n.] |
1439-4456 | Journal of medical internet research | JMIR Publications |
0148-5598 | Journal of medical systems | Plenum Pub. Corp. |
1573-689X | Journal of medical systems (e-vir) | Springer |
1064-7570 | Journal of network and systems management | Plenum Press |
1573-7705 | Journal of network and systems management | Kluwer |
1546-2234 | Journal of organizational and end user computing | Idea Group Pub. |
1546-5012 | Journal of organizational and end user computing | Idea Group Pub. |
0022-359X | Journal of Philippine librarianship | Institute of Library Science, University of the Philippines. |
1047-7845 | Journal of religious & theological information | Haworth Press |
1528-6924 | Journal of religious & theological information (e-vir) | Haworth Press; Routledge |
1198-9742 | Journal of scholarly publishing | University of Toronto Press |
1710-1166 | Journal of scholarly publishing (e-vir) | University of Toronto Press |
0963-8687 | Journal of strategic information systems | Butterworth-Heinemann |
1328-7265 | Journal of systems and information technology | Edith Cowen University, Faculty of Business, School of Management Information Systems |
1758-8847 | Journal of systems and information technology (e-vir) | MCB University Press |
1522-8835 | Journal of technology in human services | Haworth Press |
1522-8991 | Journal of technology in human services (e-vir) | Haworth |
0002-8231 | Journal of the American Society for Information Science | John Wiley & Sons |
1097-4571 | Journal of the American Society for Information Science (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons |
1532-2882 | Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
1532-2890 | Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons |
Y503-941X | Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
0073-3237 | Journal of the Hong Kong Library Association | Hong Kong Library Association |
1536-5050 | Journal of the Medical Library Association | Medical Library Association |
1558-9439 | Journal of the Medical Library Association (e-vir) | Medical Library Association |
Y504-8044 | Journal of the Medical Library Association | Medical Library Association |
0037-9816 | Journal of the Society of Archivist | [S.n.] |
1465-3907 | Journal of the Society of Archivists (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. |
1391-4081 | Journal of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka | University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka. |
1745-3054 | Journal of visual communication in medicine | Taylor and Francis |
1745-3062 | Journal of visual communication in medicine (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis |
1932-2909 | Journal of web librarianship | Haworth Press |
1932-2917 | Journal of web librarianship (e-vir) | Haworth Press |
1366-5626 | Journal of workplace learning | MCB University Press |
0894-2498 | Journal of youth services in libraries | Association for Library Service to Children.; American Library Association. |
0739-5086 | Judaica librarianship | Association of Jewish Libraries |
2330-2976 | Judaica librarianship (e-vir) | Association of Jewish Libraries, |
1083-5261 | Katharine Sharp review (e-vir) | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. |
0127-2578 | Kekal abadi | Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya. |
1210-096X | KI. Knižnice a informácie | Matica slovenská |
0023-1843 | Kirjastolehti | Suomen kirjastoseura, |
0358-9803 | Kirjastotiede ja informatiikka | Kirjastotieteen ja informatiikan yhdistys. |
1335-7026 | Knižnica | Slovenská národná knižnica |
1946-4789 | Knowledge, technology, & policy | Transaction Periodicals Consortium, Rutgers University |
0897-1986 | Knowledge, technology & policy | Transaction Periodicals Consortium, Rutgers University |
1874-6314 | Knowledge, technology & policy | Springer |
0950-7051 | Knowledge-based systems | Butterworth Scientific Ltd. |
1872-7409 | Knowledge-based systems (e-vir) | Elsevier BV |
0943-7444 | Knowledge organization | Indeks-Verlag |
Y509-1608 | Knowledge organization (e-vir) | Ergon-Verlag |
1094-9046 | Knowledge quest | American Library Association |
2163-5234 | Knowledge quest (e-vir) | American Association of School Librarians. |
0204-2061 | Knygotyra | Vilniaus Universiteto Leidykla |
2345-0053 | Knygotyra (e-vir) | Vilniaus universitetas |
0023-3773 | Könyvtári figyelő | Népművelési és Propaganda Iroda |
0840-9471 | L'écluse | Banque internationale d'information sur les États francophones.; BIEF. |
0394-0810 | L'Indicizzazione | CIDAT-Centro di informazione e documentazione automatizzata |
0006-0941 | La Bibliofilia | Leo S. Olschki |
2035-6110 | La Bibliofilia (e-vir) | Leo S. Olschki |
1364-0445 | Laser link | London and South Eastern Library Region. |
0023-9283 | Law library journal | American Association of Law Libraries. |
0953-1513 | Learned publishing | Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers |
1741-4857 | Learned publishing (e-vir) | Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers |
0268-2125 | Learning resources journal | Learning Resources Development Group. |
1472-6696 | Legal information management | Sweet & Maxwell; Cambridge University Press |
1741-2021 | Legal information management (e-vir) | Sweet & Maxwell Ltd |
0270-319X | Legal reference services quarterly | Haworth Press |
1540-949X | Legal reference services quarterly (e-vir) | Haworth Press |
2213-056X | Liber quarterly (e-vir) | State and university library |
Y504-4251 | Liber quarterly (e-vir) | State and university library |
1435-5205 | LIBER quarterly | Saur |
0968-0810 | Librarian career development | MCB University Press |
1758-7913 | Librarian career development (e-vir) | Emerald |
0308-5473 | Librarians' Christian Fellowship Newsletter | Librarians Christian Fellowship. |
0965-8033 | Librarians' world | MCB University Press |
0894-8631 | Libraries & culture | University of Texas Press |
1534-7591 | Libraries & culture (e-vir) | University of Texas Press |
1932-4855 | Libraries & the cultural record | University of Texas Press |
1932-9555 | Libraries & the cultural record | University of Texas Press |
0196-0075 | Library & archival security | Haworth Press |
1540-9511 | Library & archival security (e-vir) | Haworth Press |
0954-1829 | Library & information briefings | British Library Research and Development Department; Library & Information Technology Centre |
1758-3489 | Library & information history | Maney |
1758-3497 | Library & information history (e-vir) | Maney |
0740-8188 | Library & Information Science Research | Elsevier |
1873-1848 | Library & Information Science Research (e-vir) | Elsevier |
1476-7171 | Library + information update | Chartered Institute of Library & Information Science |
0888-4463 | Library administration & management | Library Administration and Management Association |
1466-2949 | Library and Information Commission research report | Library and Information Commission. |
0141-6561 | Library and information research news / | Library and Information Research Group. |
0263-1709 | Library and information research report | British Library |
0373-4447 | Library and information science | Mita Toshokan, Joho Gakkai |
0024-2195 | Library Association Record | Library Association |
1873-1821 | Library collections, acquisitions, & technical services | Elsevier Science |
1464-9055 | Library collections, acquisitions & technical services | Elsevier Science |
Y503-3802 | Library collections, acquisitions & technical services | Elsevier Science |
0189-4404 | Library focus | Kaduna State Division of the Nigeria Library Association. |
0024-2306 | Library history | Library Association. Library History Group |
0737-8831 | Library hi tech | Pierian Press |
2054-166X | Library hi tech (e-vir) | MCB University Press |
0741-9058 | Library hi tech news | Pierian Press |
2054-1678 | Library hi tech news (e-vir) | MCB University Press |
0734-3035 | Library issues | Mountainside Pub. |
0363-0277 | Library journal | Bowker |
1945-8851 | Library leadership & management | American Library Association |
1945-886X | Library leadership & management (e-vir) | American Library Association |
0143-5124 | Library management | MCB Publications |
1758-7921 | Library management (e-vir) | MCB University Press |
1542-4715 | Library media connection | Linworth Pub. |
1054-9676 | Library mosaics | Yenor, Inc. |
2169-0855 | Library of Congress magazine | Office of Communications of the Library of Congress |
2169-0863 | Library of Congress magazine (e-vir) | Library of Congress. |
0891-2742 | Library personnel news | American Library Association. Office for Library Personnel Resources. |
1522-0222 | Library philosophy and practice (e-vir) | University of Idaho Library |
2159-9610 | Library resources & technical services (e-vir) | American Library Association] |
0024-2527 | Library Resources & Technical Services | American Library Association |
0024-2535 | Library review | Robert D. Macleod |
1758-793X | Library review (e-vir) | MCB University Press |
0742-5759 | Library software review | Meckler Pub. |
1931-6100 | Library student journal (e-vir) | SUNY at Buffalo, Dept. of Library and Information Studies |
1362-1122 | Library technology | Library Association |
0743-4839 | Library times international | [Future World Pub. Co.], |
0024-2594 | Library trends | Illinois University Press |
1559-0682 | Library trends (e-vir) | University of Illinois Library School |
1058-6768 | LIBRES | Kent State University Libraries |
0024-2667 | Libri | Munksgaard |
1865-8423 | Libri (e-vir) | De Gruyter Saur |
0158-5460 | Link-up | Australian National Social Sciences Library. |
0739-988X | Link-up | On-Line Communications |
Y503-9169 | LISU occasional paper | Library and information statistics unit, Loughborough university |
1477-4615 | Literary & linguistic computing (e-vir) | Oxford University Press |
0268-1145 | Literary and linguistic computing | Oxford University Press |
0957-9656 | Logos | Whurr; Brill |
1878-4712 | Logos | Whurr; Brill |
0024-7219 | Lucknow Librarian | Uttar Pradesh Library Association, Lucknow Branch. |
0922-6567 | Machine translation | Kluwer Academic |
1573-0573 | Machine translation (e-vir) | Kluwer |
1394-6234 | Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science | Universiti Malaya. |
1352-0229 | Managing information | Aslib |
1069-6792 | MC journal (e-vir) | State University of New York at Buffalo. |
0163-4437 | Media, culture & society | Sage Publications |
1460-3675 | Media, culture & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications |
1463-9238 | Medical informatics and the Internet in medicine | Taylor & Francis |
0276-3869 | Medical reference services quarterly | Haworth Press |
1540-9597 | Medical reference services quarterly (e-vir) | Haworth Press; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group |
1085-3502 | Medicine on the net | COR Health Resources |
1330-6928 | Medijska istraživanja | Doron; Fakultet političkih nauka |
1846-6605 | Medijska istraživanja (e-vir) | Doron; Fakultet političkih znanosti |
1040-7421 | Meridian | Map and Geography Round Table |
0026-1270 | Methods of information in medicine | F. K. Schattauer-Verlag |
0949-5770 | Microform & imaging review | K. G. Saur |
1865-8458 | Microform & imaging review (e-vir) | de Guyter Saur; de Gruyter Saur |
1088-6796 | Missouri library world | Library Development Division of the Missouri State Library |
0038-8866 | Mitteilungen | Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz |
2791-4011 | Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare (e-vir) | Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare |
1022-2588 | Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreischischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare | Vereinigung Österreischischer Bibliothekarinnen & Biliothekare |
1539-4123 | MLA forum | Michigan Library Association |
0027-2639 | Mousaion | Unisa Press |
0158-9431 | Multicultural libraries newsletter | Working Group on Multicultural Library Services (Victoria) |
1546-4636 | MultiMedia & internet@schools | Information Today, Inc. |
2169-0413 | MultiMedia & internet@schools (e-vir) | Information Today, Inc. |
1466-190X | Multimedia information & technology | Multimedia Group of Aslib and the Information Technology; Multimedia Groups of the Library Association |
0027-416X | Museums journal | Museums Association |
1058-8167 | Music reference services quarterly | Haworth Press |
1540-9503 | Music reference services quarterly (e-vir) | Haworth Press |
0307-7640 | MĐedecine et informatique | Taylor & Francis |
0027-7436 | Nachrichten für Dokumentation | VCH |
0027-9161 | National Diet Library newsletter | National Diet Library. Library Cooperation Department |
0548-0019 | Naučno-tehničeskaâ informaciâ | VINITI |
0548-0027 | Naučno-tehničeskaâ informaciâ | VINITI |
0130-9765 | Naučnye i tehničeskie biblioteki SSSR | GPNTB |
0028-1883 | Nebraska Library Association quarterly | Nebraska Library Association. |
0218-9410 | Network information | Library and Information Technology Association (Singapore). |
0028-5811 | New Jersey libraries | New Jersey Library Association. |
0307-4803 | New library world | Bingley |
1758-6909 | New library world (e-vir) | Emerald |
1740-7834 | New review of academic librarianship (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Group |
1740-7885 | New review of children's literature and librarianship | Routledge; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC] |
1740-7842 | New review of hypermedia and multimedia (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis |
1740-7850 | New review of information and library research (e-vir) | Routledge |
1740-7869 | New review of information networking (e-vir) | Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group |
1740-7893 | New review of libraries and lifelong learning (e-vir) | Routledge, part of Taylor & Francis Group |
0262-4079 | New scientist | New Science Publications |
2059-5387 | New scientist (e-vir) | New Scientist |
1356-1766 | New scientist CD-ROM (e-vir) | Bowker-Saur; IPC magazines |
1046-3410 | Newsletter on serials pricing issues (e-vir) | American Library Association.; Association for Library Collections & Technical Services. |
0268-1072 | New technology, work and employment | Basil Blackwell |
1468-005X | New technology, work and employment (e-vir) | Blackwell. |
0959-0684 | New technology in the human services | CASW |
0028-8381 | New Zealand libraries | New Zealand Library Association.; New Zealand Library and Information Association.; Library & Information Association New Zealand Aotearoa. |
1559-0011 | NextSpace | Ohio College Library Center |
1931-7166 | NextSpace (e-vir) | OCLC. |
1344-8668 | Nihon Toshokan Jōhō Gakkaishi | Nihon Toshokan Jōhō Gakkai |
0356-9624 | Nordinfo-nytt | Nordinfo. |
0546-2851 | Nordisk arkivnyt | Rigsarkivet |
0029-2540 | North Carolina libraries | [North Carolina Library Association] |
2379-4305 | North Carolina libraries (e-vir) | North Carolina Library Association. |
0027-4380 | Notes | Music Library Association |
1534-150X | Notes (e-vir) | Music Library Association |
1122-0775 | Nuovi annali della scuola speciale per archivisti e bibliotecari | Leo S. Olschki |
0318-7403 | Occasional paper series | Dalhousie University. Library.; Dalhousie University. School of Library Service. |
0163-898X | OCLC newsletter | Ohio College Library Center |
1065-075X | OCLC systems & services | Meckler |
2054-1694 | OCLC systems & services (e-vir) | MCB University Press |
0254-4326 | OGAI-Journal | Österreichische Gesellschaft Für Artificial Intelligence |
0192-6942 | Ohio media spectrum | Ohio Educational Library Media Association] |
0269-9729 | OLS news | CET Open Learning Unit |
0146-5422 | Online | Information Today, Inc. |
1468-4527 | Online information review | MCB University Press |
1468-4535 | Online information review (e-vir) | MCB University Press |
0286-3200 | Online kensaku | Nippon Tammatsuki Kenkyūkai. Kantō Chiku Bukai |
0144-025X | On-line notes | Aslib |
2324-9684 | Online searcher | Information Today |
1745-8293 | Open government | Liverpool John Moores University |
0268-0513 | Open learning | Pitman publishing |
1469-9958 | Open learning (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers |
2183-6671 | Páginas a&b (e-vir) | Gabinete de Estudos a&b |
0873-5670 | Páginas a & b | Edições Colibri. |
1680-4465 | Pakistan journal of library and information science | Department of Library and Information Science, University of the Punjab. |
2309-9569 | Pakistan journal of library and information science (e-vir) | Department of Library and Information Science, University of the Punjab |
0030-9966 | Pakistan library bulletin | University of Karachi. |
0140-1033 | Paper conservation news | International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. United Kingdom Group. Paper Group. |
1911-9593 | Partnership (e-vir) | The Partnership, Provincial and Territorial Library Associations of Canada |
0032-4752 | PB | Stowarzyszenia Bibliotekarzy Polskih |
1467-8047 | Performance measurement and metrics | Aslib |
1758-6925 | Performance measurement and metrics (e-vir) | Aslib/IMI |
0960-1619 | Personnel training & education | Library Association. |
1413-9936 | Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Ciência da Informação |
1981-5344 | Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação (e-vir) | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Ciência da Informação |
2236-417X | Perspectivas em Gestão & Conhecimento (e-vir) | Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Coordenação do Curso de Administração |
1352-7479 | Play matters | National Association of Toy & Leisure Libraries. |
0030-8188 | PNLA quarterly | Pacific Northwest Library Association. |
1053-8747 | Popular culture in libraries | Haworth Press |
1530-7131 | Portal | Johns Hopkins University Press |
1531-2542 | Portal (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press |
1042-8216 | Primary sources & original works | Haworth Press |
0192-9275 | Printing history | American Printing History Association. |
0032-8715 | Printing world | Miller Freeman |
0032-8898 | Private Library | Private Libraries Association |
0032-924X | Probleme de Informare si Documentare | Institutul Central de Documentare Tehnica, Serviciul Relatii si Indrumare Metodologica |
0308-4205 | Professional Printer | Institute of Printing. |
0033-0337 | Program | Aslib |
1758-7301 | Program (e-vir) | Aslib |
0033-202X | Przeglęad biblioteczny | Biblioteka PAN |
1230-5529 | PTINT. Praktyka i Teoria Informacji Naukowej i Technicznej | Polskie Towarzystwo Informacji Naukowej. |
1056-4942 | Public & access services quarterly | Haworth Press |
0268-893X | Public library journal | Public Libraries Group of the Library Association |
0161-6846 | Public library quarterly | Haworth Press |
1541-1540 | Public library quarterly (e-vir) | Haworth Press |
1522-8959 | Public services quarterly | Haworth Information press |
1522-9114 | Public services quarterly | Haworth Information Press |
0000-0019 | Publishers weekly | R.R. Bowker Co., etc. |
2150-4008 | Publishers weekly (e-vir) | Reed Business Information |
1053-8801 | Publishing research quarterly | Transaction Periodicals Consortium, Rutgers University |
1936-4792 | Publishing research quarterly (e-vir) | Transaction Publishers |
1000-0135 | Qingbao xuebao | Kexue Jishu Wenxian Chubanshe |
1019-9926 | Quarterly bulletin of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists | International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists |
1562-9392 | Quarterly bulletin of the National Library of South Africa | Friends of the National Library of South Africa. |
0038-2418 | Quarterly bulletin of the South African Library | South African Library |
0884-450X | Rare books and manuscripts librarianship | Association of College and Research Libraries. |
1529-6407 | RBM | Association of College and Research Libraries. |
2150-668X | RBM (e-vir) | Association of College and Research Libraries |
0956-5698 | Records management journal | Aslib |
1758-7689 | Records management journal (e-vir) | Aslib |
0144-2384 | Refer | Library Association.; Library Association.; Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (Great Britain). |
2163-5242 | Reference & user services quarterly | American Library Association |
1094-9054 | Reference and user services quarterly | American Library Association |
0950-4125 | Reference reviews | MCB University Press |
1758-7697 | Reference reviews (e-vir) | Reference Reviews |
2054-1716 | Reference services review (e-vir) | Emerald |
1744-8026 | Research information | Europa Science |
1947-4911 | Research library issues (e-vir) | Association of Research Libraries.; Coalition for Networked Information.; SPARC (Organization) |
0734-3310 | Research strategies | Mountainside Pub. |
0737-7797 | Resource sharing & information networks | Haworth Press |
1541-1125 | Resource sharing & information networks (e-vir) | Haworth Press |
0034-5806 | Restaurator | Munksgaard |
1865-8431 | Restaurator | de Gruyter Saur |
1431-5971 | Review of information science (e-vir) | Hochschulverband Informationswissenschaft e.V. |
0250-3190 | Revista AIBDA | Asociación interamericana de bibliotecarios y documentalistas agrícolas.; AIBDA. |
1224-0184 | Revista bibliotecii naţionale | Biblioteca Naţionalǎ a României |
0210-0614 | Revista española de documentación científica | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas |
1988-4621 | Revista española de documentación científica | (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Centro Nacional de Información y Documentación Científica) |
1132-1873 | Revista general de información y documentación | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense. |
1698-0921 | Revista general de información y documentación (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
1988-2858 | Revista general de información y documentación | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones |
0120-0976 | Revista interamericana de bibliotecologia | Universidad de Antioquia. Escuela Interamericana de Bibliotecologia |
2538-9866 | Revista interamericana de bibliotecología (e-vir) | Escuela Interamericana de Bibliotecología |
1584-7896 | Revista românæa de istorie a cæarţii | Editura Bibliotecii Naţionale a României |
1904-1977 | Revy (e-vir) | DF |
1904-1969 | Revy (Århus) | Danske Fag-, Forsknings- og Uddannelsesbiblioteker |
1093-5371 | RLG diginews (e-vir) | Research Libraries Group.; Cornell University. Library. |
0090-7324 | RSR | Emerald |
0276-2048 | Rural libraries | Clarion State College. |
1012-2796 | S.A. argiefblad | Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging van Argivarisse |
0307-1456 | SALG newsletter | South Asia Library Group. |
0036-5602 | Scandinavian public library quarterly | Nordic Directorates for Public Libraries |
1604-4843 | Scandinavian public library quarterly (e-vir) | Nordic Directorates for Public Libraries.; Nordic Public Library Authorities. |
0227-3780 | School libraries in Canada | Canadian School Library Association |
1710-8535 | School libraries in Canada (e-vir) | Canadian School Libraries Association. |
1023-9391 | School libraries worldwide | International Association of School Librarianship |
2816-3788 | School libraries worldwide (e-vir) | International Association of School Librarianship |
0362-8930 | School library journal | R.R. Bowker Co., Xerox Co. |
0341-471X | Schulbibliothek aktuell | Deutscher Bibliotheksverband |
0194-262X | Science & technology libraries | Haworth Press |
1541-1109 | Science & technology libraries | Haworth Press |
0263-6271 | Science in Parliament | Parliamentary and Scientific Committee. |
0138-9130 | Scientometrics | Springer; Akadémiai Kiadó |
1588-2861 | Scientometrics (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó; [Kluwer Academic Publishers] |
1135-3716 | Scire | Universidad de Zaragoza |
1745-5782 | SCONUL focus | Society of College, National and University Libraries |
1745-5790 | SCONUL focus (e-vir) | Society of College, National and University Libraries, |
1353-0429 | SCONUL newsletter | SCONUL |
0950-0189 | Scottish libraries | Scottish Library Association. |
1012-0327 | Scrinium | Verband österreichischer Archivare |
1070-4795 | Searcher | Learned Information |
0960-1570 | Select | British Library, National Bibliographic Service |
0953-0460 | Serials | United Kingdom Serials Group |
1475-3308 | Serials (e-vir) | UKSG |
1879-095X | Serials review | Elsevier |
0098-7913 | Serials Review | JAI Press |
0306-0942 | Service point | Branch and Mobile Libraries Group. Library Assoc. |
1935-5246 | Shelflife | Library Binding Institute. |
2515-5164 | Sight & sound (e-vir) | British Film Institute. |
0037-4806 | Sight and sound | British Institute of Adult Education |
0355-0036 | Signum | Tietopalveluseura.; Suomen tieteellinen kirjastoseura.; Suomen kirjallisuuspalvelun seura. |
1496-6603 | SIMILE (e-vir) | University of Toronto Press |
0037-654X | Školski vjesnik | Hrvatski pedagoško književni zbor - Ogranak Split |
1848-0756 | Školski vjesnik (e-vir) | Hrvatski pedagoško-književni zbor, Ogranak Split; Visoka učiteljska škola; Fakultet prirodoslovno-matematičkih znanosti i odgojnih područja; Hrvatski pedagoško-književni zbor, Ogranak Split; Filozofski fakultet1; Filozofski fakultet |
1849-532X | Školski vjesnik (e-vir) | Hrvatski pedagoško književni zbor, Ogranak Split =; Croatian pedagogical literary societ, Department of Split; Faculty of Philosophy Split |
1522-8886 | Slavic & East European information resources | The Haworth Information Press |
1522-9041 | Slavic & East European information resources | Haworth |
Y504-3476 | Slavic & East European information resources | The Haworth Information Press |
0894-4393 | Social science computer review | Sage Publications |
1552-8286 | Social science computer review (e-vir) | Sage Publications |
0038-0903 | Solanus | Standing Conference of National and University Libraries |
1560-683X | South African journal of information management (e-vir) | Department of Information Studies, University of Johannesburg |
2078-1865 | South African journal of information management | Department of Information Studies, University of Johannesburg |
2304-8263 | South African journal of libraries and information science | Forum Press |
0256-8861 | South African journal of library and information science | Bureau for Scientific Publications of the Foundation for Education, Science and Technology |
0972-2467 | SRELS Journal of Information Management | Sarda Ranganathan Endownent for Library Science |
0358-7088 | SSID liaison bulletin | FID Social Science Documentation Committee.; FID/SD. |
1453-5386 | Studii de biblioteconomie şi ştiinţa informarii | Editura Universitaţii din Bucureşti |
2392-8107 | Studii de biblioteconomie şi ştiinţa informarii (e-vir) | Editura Universitaţii din Bucureşti |
0284-4354 | Svensk biblioteksforskning | Högskolan i Borås.; Centrum för biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap vid Göteborgs universitet |
0332-656X | Synopsis | Riksbibliotektjenesten |
0966-6745 | Taking stock | National Acquisitions Group |
1481-1782 | Teacher librarian | Rockland Press |
0049-3155 | Technical communication | Society for technical communication |
1938-369X | Technical communication (e-vir) | Society for Technical Communication |
1057-2252 | Technical communication quarterly | Rhetoric Dept. at the University of Minnesota for the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing |
1542-7625 | Technical communication quarterly | Rhetoric Dept. at the University of Minnesota for the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing |
0272-0884 | Technicalities | Oryx Press |
0731-7131 | Technical services quarterly | Haworth Press |
1555-3337 | Technical services quarterly | Haworth Press |
1475-939X | Technology, pedagogy and education | Triangle Journals |
1747-5139 | Technology, pedagogy and education (e-vir) | Triangle Journals |
0308-5961 | Telecommunications policy | IPC Science & Technology Press |
1879-3258 | Telecommunications policy (e-vir) | Elsevier |
0736-5853 | Telematics and informatics | Pergamon |
1879-324X | Telematics and informatics (e-vir) | Elsevier |
1078-3024 | Telemedicine journal | Mary Ann Liebert |
2379-5670 | Telemedicine journal (e-vir) | American Telemedicine Association. |
0162-1564 | Tennessee librarian | Tennessee Library Association. |
1935-7052 | Tennessee libraries (e-vir) | Tennessee Library Association |
0040-4446 | Texas library journal | Texas Library Association. |
1544-435X | The acquisitions librarian (e-vir) | Haworth Press |
0896-3576 | The Acquisitions librarian | Haworth Press |
0360-9081 | The American archivist | Society of American Archivists |
2327-9702 | The American archivist (e-vir) | Society of American Archivists |
0004-5152 | The Assistant librarian | Association of Assistant Librarians. |
2201-4276 | The Australian library journal (e-vir) | [Taylor & Francis] |
0005-0628 | The author | Society of Authors (Great Britain) |
0067-9488 | The Bodleian Library record | Bodleian Library |
0888-045X | The bottom line | Neal-Schuman Pub. |
2054-1724 | The bottom line (e-vir) | Neal-Schuman |
0024-6867 | The bulletin | Louisiana Library Association] |
1195-096X | The Canadian journal of information and library science | Canadian Association for Information Science = Association canadienne des sciences de l'information |
1920-7239 | The Canadian journal of information and library science (e-vir) | University of Western Ontario.; Canadian Association for Information Science. |
0008-820X | The Catholic library world | Catholic Library Association. |
1478-0259 | The electronic British Library journal (e-vir) | British Library |
1758-616X | The electronic library (e-vir) | Learned Information |
0016-8319 | The Georgia librarian | Georgia Library Association. |
1574-1796 | The grey journal | TextRelease |
1574-180X | The grey journal (e-vir) | TextRelease |
1574-9320 | The grey journal (e-vir) | GreyNet. |
0018-5078 | The horn book magazine | Horn Book |
0019-1213 | The Idaho librarian | Idaho Library Association.; Idaho State Library.; Idaho State Library Association. |
0019-4131 | The Indexer | Society of Indexers |
1535-2897 | The information management journal | Association of Records Managers and Administrators. |
1087-6537 | The information society (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis; CatchWord [distributor] |
0197-2243 | The Information society | Taylor&Francis |
1095-9297 | The international information & library review | Academic Press |
1057-2317 | The International information & library review | Academic Press |
1080-2711 | The journal of electronic publishing | University of Michigan Press |
1096-2123 | The journal of library services for distance education (e-vir) | State University of West Georgia. |
1873-1198 | The Journal of strategic information systems (e-vir) | North-Holland |
1708-6892 | The journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association (e-vir) | Canadian Health Libraries Association] |
1758-7859 | The journal of workplace learning (e-vir) | MCB University Press |
0023-9275 | The law librarian | Sweet & Maxwell |
0969-6474 | The learning organization | MCB University Press |
1758-7905 | The learning organization (e-vir) | MCB University Press |
0024-2519 | The library quarterly | University of Chicago Press |
1549-652X | The library quarterly (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press |
0263-0273 | The Local studies librarian | Library Association.; Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (Great Britain). |
0735-8571 | The New library scene | Library Binding Institute. |
1361-4533 | The new review of academic librarianship | Taylor Graham |
1361-0244 | The new review of applied expert systems | Taylor Graham |
1361-4541 | The new review of children's literature and librarianship | Taylor Graham |
1361-4568 | The New review of hypermedia and multimedia | Taylor Graham |
1361-455X | The New review of information and library research | Taylor Graham |
1471-6313 | The new review of information behaviour research | Taylor Graham |
1361-4576 | The new review of information networking | Taylor Graham Publishing |
1468-9944 | The new review of libraries and lifelong learning | Taylor Graham |
1937-8904 | Theological librarianship (e-vir) | American Theological Library Association |
0748-8831 | The One-person library | Guy St. Clair |
0309-4227 | The paper conservator | Institute of Paper Conservation |
1048-6542 | The Public-access computer systems review (e-vir) | University of Houston. |
1541-1117 | The reference librarian (e-vir) | Haworth Press |
0276-3877 | The Reference librarian | Haworth Press |
0036-6595 | The School librarian | School Library Association |
1541-1095 | The serials librarian (e-vir) | The Haworth Press, Inc. |
0361-526X | The Serials librarian | Haworth Press. |
0002-4570 | The Sourdough | Alaska Library Association. |
0038-3686 | The Southeastern librarian | Southeastern Library Association. |
0049-514X | The unabashed librarian | M.H. Scilken; M.J. Freedman; M.J. Freedman; M.J. Freedman |
0049-3929 | Times higher education supplement | Times Newspapers Limited |
1361-9918 | Tolley's communications law | Tolley |
0287-0010 | Toshokan Jäohäo Daigaku kenkyäu häokoku | University of Library and Information Science. |
1348-7884 | Toshokan jouhou media kenkyuu | Toshokan jouhou media kenkyuu henshuu iinkai |
0040-9669 | Toshokankai | Nihon toshokan kenkyukai; Nihon toshokan kenkyukai; Kyoto shuppan; Itoi; Nihon toshokan kenkyukai; Nihon toshokan kenkyukai |
0385-4000 | Toshokan zasshi | Nihon Bunko Kyokai; Nihon Toshokan Kyōkai |
0918-404X | TP & D fōramu shirīzu | Nihon Toshokan Kenkyūkai. Seiri Gijutsu Kenkyū Gurūpu; TP & Dforamu jikko iinkai; TP&Dフォーラム実行委員会 |
0893-6773 | Trends in law library management and technology | Fred B. Rothman & Co. |
1939-2753 | Trends in law library management and technology (e-vir) | William S. Hein & Company. |
0041-3917 | Tudományos és Műszaki Tájékoztatás | Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Országos Műszaki Információs Központ és Könyvtár |
1300-0039 | Türk Kütüphaneciliægi = | Türk Kütüphaneciler Derneægi |
0363-3640 | Túshuguǎn-xué yu zixùn ke-xué | Dep. of Social Education National Taiwan Normal University |
2224-1574 | Tushuguanxue yu zixun kexue = | Guoli taiwan shifan daxue tushuzixunxue yanjiusuo |
1023-2125 | Túshu yu zixùn xuékan | Guólì zhèngzhì dàxué túshuguǎn |
2410-8545 | Túshū yǔ zīxùn xuékān.; 圖書與資訊學刊 (e-vir) | Guólì zhèngzhì dàxué túshūguǎn; 國立政治大學圖書館 |
1606-7509 | Túshu zixùn xuékan | Guólì Táiwan dàxué túshu zixùn xuéxì. |
2309-9119 | Túshu zixùn xuékan (e-vir) | Guólì Táiwan dàxué túshu zixùn xuéxì |
2218-3388 | Tushu zixun xue yanjiu = | Zhonghua minguo tushuguan xuehui; Airiti Press Inc. |
0856-1818 | University of Dar es Salaam Library journal | University of Dar es Salaam Library |
0305-5728 | VINE | Southampton University Library |
1474-1032 | VINE (e-vir) | Library Information Technology Centre, South Bank University |
0507-1925 | Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske | Hrvatsko bibliotekarsko društvo |
1334-6938 | Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske (e-vir) | Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo |
1735-188X | Webology = (e-vir) | Ali Reza Noruzi |
1059-1028 | Wired | The Condé Nast |
1078-3148 | Wired (e-vir) | Wired Ventures; Condè Nast |
0172-2190 | World patent information | Saur |
1874-690X | World patent information (e-vir) | Elsevier Science |
0386-2062 | Yakugaku toshokan | Nihon Yakugaku Toshokan Kyōgikai; Nihon yakugaku toshokan kyogikai; 日本薬学図書館協議会; Nihon yakugaku toshokan kyogikai; 日本薬学図書館協議会 |
1021-3651 | Yìqíng bàodào | Xíngzhèngyuàn wèishäeng shěu. |
1541-4302 | Young adult library services | American Library Association |
2374-7706 | Young adult library services (e-vir) | American Library Association.; Young Adult Library Services Association. |
0324-8194 | Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej | Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Uniwersytet Warszawski.; Uniwersytet Warszawski.; Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich. |
0044-2380 | Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie | Vittorio Klostermann |
1864-2950 | Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie (e-vir) | Klostermann |
1990-9128 | Zhonghua minguo tushuguan xuehui huibao | Zhonghua minguo tushuguan xuehui.; Library Association of China. |
1671-3982 | Zhonghua yixue tushu qingbao zazhi | Zhonghua Yixue Tushu Qingbao Zazhishe |
1024-1302 | Zīxùn chuánbō yǔ túshūguǎn xué | Túshū zīxùn xuéxì chóubèi xiǎozǔ jì túshūguǎn |
0030-9956 | ||
0047-3774 | ||
0305-826X | ||
0308-5474 | ||
0360-0756 | ||
0362-0250 | ||
0758-1876 | ||
1050-2342 | ||
1094-0946 | ||
1135-3761 | ||
1359-0401 | ||
1597-4316 | ||
Seznami revij, ki so vključene v mednarodne baze podatkov, so praviloma prevzeti iz spletnih strani proizvajalcev baz podatkov in vsi niso popolni. Nekateri so tekoči, drugi kumulativni in vključujejo tudi starejše revije, ki ne izhajajo več (npr. iz časa nekdanje Jugoslavije, če je bil sedež izdajatelja v Sloveniji). Vključene niso revije, pri katerih v seznamih proizvajalcev baz podatkov manjkajo številke ISSN ali pa seznami revij sploh niso dostopni. Nekateri proizvajalci tudi dokaj neredno ažurirajo sezname. Če ugotovite, da pri kakšni bazi podatkov manjka revija, ki jo navedena baza podatkov zanesljivo indeksira, to sporočite pristojnemu OSIC-u. Na podlagi ustreznih dokazil bo seznam dopolnjen. |
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