Pojasnilo 11. 6. 2024


Seznam tujih revij, ki so vključene v mednarodno bazo podatkov
Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals
do 2013


ISSN Revija Založnik/Izdajatelj
0765-4847 [Annales d'histoire des facultés de droit] Société pour l'histoire des facultés de droit :; Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence,
0065-1346 Acta juridica Faculty of Law, University of Cape Town
1996-2088 Acta juridica (e-vir) Juta Law
1216-2574 Acta juridica Hungarica Akadémiai Kiadó; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1588-2616 Acta juridica Hungarica (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó; Kluwer Academic Publishers
0323-0619 Acta Universitatis Carolinae Karolinum; Universita Karlova
2336-6478 Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Iuridica (e-vir) Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Nakladatelství Karolinum
0753-874X Actualité législative Dalloz Jurisprudence générale Dalloz
0778-1695 Actualités du droit E. Story-Scientia.
1609-073X African human rights law journal JUTA Law
1996-2096 African human rights law journal (e-vir) JUTA Law
1755-1609 African journal of international and comparative law (e-vir) Edinburgh University Press
0954-8890 African journal of international and comparative law = African Society of International and Comparative Law.
1708-7384 African journal of legal studies (e-vir) Africa Law Institute
2210-9730 African journal of legal studies Brill
1380-7412 African yearbook of international law African Association of International Law.; Association africaine de droit international.
2211-6176 African yearbook of international law online = Brill
1720-4259 AIDA. Annali italiani del diritto d'autore, della cultura e dello spettacolo Giuffrè,
0002-564X Állam- és jogtudomány Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Állam- és Jogtudományi Intézete.; Institute for Legal and Political Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
0003-2565 Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu Pravni fakultet
2406-2693 Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu (e-vir) Pravni fakultet
0770-6472 Annales de droit de Louvain J. Goemaere.; Larcier
0563-9727 Annales de l'Université des sciences sociales de Toulouse Université Toulouse I - Sciences sociales
0779-0449 Annales du droit Luxembourgeois Etablissements Emile Bruylant.
0524-899X Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
0701-158X Annals of air and space law = Institute of Air and Space Law.
1452-6557 Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade Faculty of Law
1259-4962 Annuaire de droit maritime et océanique Centre de droit maritime et océanique (Nantes)
1283-8381 Annuaire du droit de la mer Institut du droit économique de la mer (Monaco)
0167-6717 Annuaire européen Raad van Europa.; Conseil de l'Europe.; Council of Europe.
0066-3085 Annuaire français de droit international Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
0080-9705 Annual report - Singapore Institute of Management Singapore Institute of Management.
0003-5149 Annuario di diritto comparato e di studi legislativi Istituto italiano di studi legislativi
1850-079X Anuario argentino de derecho internacional AADI.; Asociación Argentina de Derecho Internacional.
0553-0814 Anuario de derecho Universidad de Panamá, Facultad de derecho y ciencias políticas
0210-301X Anuario de derecho civil España; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España); Instituto Nacional de Estudios Jurídicos (España); Boletín Oficial del Estado (España)
0797-0773 Anuario de derecho civil uruguayo Geafeservice.; La Ley
0212-0747 Anuario de derecho internacional Ed. Universidad de Navarra
2254-6596 Anuario de derecho internacional (e-vir) Universidad de Navarra
0212-0364 Anuario de derechos humanos Universidad Complutense de Madrid
0304-4319 Anuario de historia del derecho español Instituto Nacional de Estudios Jurídicos (España); España; Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España); Boletín Oficial del Estado (España)
1578-3138 Anuario español de derecho internacional privado Iprolex.
0570-4316 Anuario hispano-luso-americano de derecho internacional Instituto Hispano-Luso-Americano de Derecho Internacional.
0258-7548 Anuario jurídico interamericano Organización de los estados americanos.
1870-4654 Anuario Mexicano de Derecho internacional (e-vir) Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas
0188-0837 Anuario mexicano de historia del derecho Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
0268-0556 Arab law quarterly Kluwer Law International; Graham and Trotman; Lloyds of London Press
1573-0255 Arab law quarterly Brill :; Kluwer Academic Publishers :; Kluwer Online
0957-0411 Arbitration international Kluwer Law International; London Court of International Arbitration
1875-8398 Arbitration international (e-vir) Oxford university Press
0003-8911 Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts Mohr
1868-6796 Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts Mohr Siebeck
0003-892X Archiv des Völkerrechts Mohr Siebeck
1868-7121 Archiv des Völkerrechts (e-vir) Mohr Siebeck
0066-6564 Archives de philosophie du droit Sirey
0003-8997 Archiv für die civilistische Praxis Mohr Siebeck
1868-7113 Archiv für die civilistische Praxis (e-vir) Mohr Siebeck
0177-1094 Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie Luchterhand
2363-5614 Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie (e-vir) Steiner
0003-9454 Archiv für Urheber-, Film-, Funk- und Theaterrecht Verlag Dokumentation; Schweitzer; Stämpfli; Institut für Urheber- und Medienrecht
1424-4276 Archiv für Urheber- und Medienrecht Stämpfli
0391-5646 Archivio giuridico "Filippo Serafini" Società tipografica modenese
1891-6252 Arctic review on law and politics Gyldendal akademisk
2387-4562 Arctic review on law and politics (e-vir) NOASP, a division of Cappelen Damm Akademisk inco-operation with Co-Action Publishing
0004-1270 Arhiv za pravne i društvene nauke Savez udruženja pravnika Jugoslavije
1105-560X Armenopoulos. Epistäimonikäi Epetäirida Dikäigorikos Syllogos Thessalonikäis
0004-2870 Ars aequi Tjeenk Willink; Stichting Ars Aequi
2212-5205 Ars Aequi (e-vir) Ars Aequi Libri
0001-2343 ARSP F. Steiner
1362-2331 Art, antiquity and law Institute of Art and Law
2589-2738 Art, antiquity and law (e-vir) Institute of Art and Law
1793-2572 Asian journal of comparative law Asian Law Institutte.
2044-2513 Asian journal of international law Cambridge University Press
2044-2521 Asian journal of international law (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1819-5164 Asian journal of WTO & international health law and policy National Taiwan University Press; Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy
0928-432X Asian yearbook of international law Foundation for the Development of International Law in Asia (DILA)
1019-2557 Asia pacific law review Longman Group (Far East).
1875-8444 Asia Pacific law review (e-vir) [Longman]
1385-3082 Asia-Pacific tax bulletin International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation.
2352-9164 Asia-Pacific tax bulletin (e-vir) International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation
1443-0738 Australian journal of Asian law Federation Press
1839-4191 Australian journal of Asian law (e-vir) Federation Press
0084-7658 Australian year book of international law Butterworths
1385-1306 Austrian review of international and European law Kluwer law International
1573-6512 Austrian review of international and European law Kluwer Academic Publishers; Martinus Nijhoff/Brill
1569-6456 Baltic yearbook of international law Kluwer Law International; Brill
2211-5897 Baltic yearbook of international law online (e-vir) Brill; Brill
1300-1396 Banka ve ticaret hukuk dergisi Banka ve Ticaret Hukuk Araştűrma Enstitüsü
1085-5718 Berkeley journal of international law University of California Press
1941-4951 Berkeley journal of Middle Eastern & Islamic law Berkeley School of Law
0303-9773 Boletim da Faculdade de Direito Faculdade de Direito
0870-337X Boletim do Ministřio da Justiȧ Ministřio da Justiȧ
0041-8633 Boletín Mexicano de Derecho comparado (e-vir) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
0276-3583 Boston College Third World law journal [Boston College Law School]
1930-5648 Boston College Third World law journal (e-vir) Boston College.
0068-2691 British year book of international law Clarendon Press
0007-4624 Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation International Fiscal Documentation
1819-5490 Bulletin for international taxation International Fiscal Documentation
2352-9202 Bulletin for international taxation (e-vir) IBFD
0391-1810 Bullettino dell'Istituto di diritto romano "Vittorio Scialoja" Giuffrè
1779-0778 Cahiers de droit de l'entreprise LexisNexis
0007-9758 Cahiers de droit européen Rédacteur Goffin.; Larcier
0168-0455 Cahiers de droit fiscal international Association fiscale internationale
2050-1706 Cambridge journal of international and comparative law University of Cambridge.
2050-1714 Cambridge journal of international and comparative law (e-vir) Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge
0824-5266 Canadian human rights yearbook = Carswell.
1025-9880 Caribbean law bulletin University of the West Indies. Faculty of Law Library.
0008-7254 Case Western Reserve journal of international law The students of Case Western Reserve School of Law
1012-6724 China law and practice China Law and Practice Ltd.
2224-6738 China law and practice China Law and Practice Ltd.
0731-0854 Chinese (Taiwan) yearbook of international law and affairs CMP Publishing
0125-8796 Chulalongkorn Law Review Chulalongkorn University. Faculty of Law.
1591-9544 Ciberspazio e diritto Enrico Mucchi Editore
1878-6553 Climate law IOS Press
1878-6561 Climate law (e-vir) IOS Press
1094-8449 Columbia journal of Asian law Columbia University School of Law
2373-0498 Columbia journal of Asian law (e-vir) Columbia University School of Law
0010-1931 Columbia journal of transnational law Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Association, etc.
0165-0750 Common market law review Sijthoff
1875-8320 Common market law review (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers
2522-3062 Comparative and international law journal of Southern Africa (e-vir) Juta and Company
0069-7893 Comparative juridical review Rainforth Foundation.; Pan American Institute of Comparative Law.
0179-1990 Computer und Recht O. Schmidt
1431-8180 Computer und Recht (e-vir) O. Schmidt
2194-4172 Computer und Recht O. Schmidt
1971-5390 Comunicazioni e studi Università di Milano, Istituto di diritto internazionale.
2073-6215 Constitutional court review Pretoria University Law Press (PULP)
2521-5183 Constitutional court review (e-vir) Juta and Company
1999-9747 Contemporary Asia arbitration journal Arbitration Association of the Republic of China; Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy, College of Law, National Taiwan University; National Taiwan University Press
0010-8634 Copyright bulletin Unesco
0010-8812 Cornell international law journal [Cornell Society of International Law]
1930-7977 Cornell international law journal (e-vir) Cornell Society of International Law.; William S. Hein & Company.
1330-6219 Croatian arbitration yearbook Permanent Arbitration Court; Croatian Chamber of Commerce; Croatian Arbitration Association
1357-3128 CTLR Sweet & Maxwell
2157-2976 Czech yearbook of international law Juris
2157-2984 Czech yearbook of international law (e-vir) Juris Pub.
0341-3977 Das Standesamt Verlag für Standesamtswesen
0356-262X Defensor legis Suomen asianajajaliitto.
0038-884X Der Staat Duncker & Humblot
1865-5203 Der Staat (e-vir) Duncker u. Humblot
0937-9371 Deutsch-deutsche Rechts-Zeitschrift C. H. Beck
0012-1363 Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt Heymann.
0029-859X Die öffentliche Verwaltung Kohlhammer
0391-6111 Diritto comunitario e degli scambi internazionali Editoriale Scientifica; SEDIT,
0012-3439 Diritto e giurisprudenza Casa Editrice Eugenio Jorene
0012-348X Diritto marittimo Berlingieri Francesco
0210-3419 Documentación jurídica España; España
2092-769X Dong-A journal of international business transactions law School of Law and Institute for Legal Studies, Dong-A University
1018-0435 Dreptul Uniunea Juriştilor din România
0297-7508 Droit, littoral & mer Droit, littoral et mer (France)
0991-2738 Droit de l'informatique et des télécoms Ed. des Parques :; Story-Scientia,
0335-5047 Droit et pratique du commerce international Masson
0769-3362 Droit et société Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence
1969-6973 Droit et société (e-vir) Lextenso éd
1140-5082 Droit international privé Comité français de droit international privé
0070-7325 Droit Polonais Contemporain Polska Akademia Nauk; Instytut Nauk Prawnych
0766-3838 Droits Presses universitaires de France
0012-6438 Droit social Librairie technique et économique
1021-8858 East African journal of peace & human rights Makerere University. Human Rights and Peace Centre.; University of Florida. College of Law.
0272-1589 East Asian executive reports International Executive Reports, etc.
0012-8678 Eastern Africa law review Faculty of Law, University of Dar es Salaam.
0144-3054 ECLR. European competition law review ESC Publishing Limited
0254-6396 Epitheäoräese kupriakou dikaiou Asselia.
1106-0808 Epitheōrīsis tou Emporikou Dikaiou.; Επιθεωρησις του Εμπορικου Δικαιου Nikolaos K. Rokas, Iōannīs K. Rokas; Νικόλαος Κ. Ρόκας, Ιωάννης Κ. Ρόκας
0120-1867 Estudios de derecho Universidad de Antioquia. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Politicas
2145-6151 Estudios de derecho (e-vir) Universidad de Antioquia
0182-788X Etudes et documents France
1720-4542 Europa e diritto privato Giuffrè
0341-9800 Europäische Grundrechte-Zeitschrift Engel
0531-2485 Europarecht Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft
Y509-8173 Europarecht (e-vir) Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft
1566-7529 European business organization law review T.M.C. Asser Press; Springer
1741-6205 European business organization law review (Online) (e-vir) T.M.C. Asser press; Cambridge University Press [distr.]
1613-2548 European company and financial law review de Gruyter Rechtswiss.
1613-2556 European company and financial law review (e-vir) de Gruyter Recht.
1572-4999 European company law Kluwer Law International
1875-6530 European company law (e-vir) Kluwer Law International
1744-1056 European competition journal Hart
1757-8396 European competition journal (e-vir) Hart Publishing
1574-0196 European constitutional law review T.M.C. Asser Press; Cambridge University Press
1744-5515 European constitutional law review (e-vir) T.M.C. Asser Press; Distributed Cambridge University Press
2191-7442 European criminal law review Nomos; Beck; Hart
2193-5505 European criminal law review (e-vir) Nomos
1879-3886 European energy and environmental law review Kluwer Law International
2211-9175 European energy journal Claeys & Casteels Law Publishers
0966-1646 European environmental law review Graham and Trotman
0142-0461 European intellectual property review ESC Publishing Limited.
0938-5428 European journal of international law Law Books in Europe; Oxford University Press
1464-3596 European journal of international law (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1387-2370 European journal of law reform Kluwer Law International
1867-299X European journal of risk regulation Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
2190-8249 European journal of risk regulation (e-vir) Lexxion
1351-5993 European law journal Blackwell
1468-0386 European law journal (e-vir) Blackwell
0307-5400 European law review Sweet & Maxwell
1354-3725 European public law Graham & Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1614-9920 European review of contract law De Gruyter
1614-9939 European review of contract law de Gruyter
0928-9801 European review of private law Kluwer Law International
0014-3138 European taxation International bureau of fiscal documentation
2352-9199 European taxation (e-vir) IBFD
0014-3154 European transport law European Transport Law
1570-7865 European yearbook of minority issues Brill
2211-6117 European yearbook of minority issues online Martinus Nijhoff Publishers/Brill
0937-7204 EuZW. Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht Beck
1018-3825 Fǎxué lùncóng - Guólì Táiwäan dàxué Guólì Táiwäan dàxué fǎlù xuéxì.
1004-1303 Faxue pinglun Gai-Kan Bianjibu,
1002-896X Faxue yuanjiu Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Chubanshe,
0015-8585 Förvaltningsrättslig tidskrift
1673-3428 Frontiers of Law in China Higher Education Press; Springer New York, Inc.
1673-3541 Frontiers of Law in China (e-vir) Higher Education Press
0344-3094 German yearbook of international law Duncker und Humblot
2195-7304 German yearbook of international law (e-vir) Duncker & Humblot
0016-9420 Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht Beck
0435-8600 Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht Verlag Chemie
1827-7950 Giornale di storia costituzionale (e-vir) Quodlibet
1593-0793 Giornale di storia costituzionale = Quodlibet; EUM Edizioni Università di Macerata
0436-0222 Giurisprudenza costituzionale Giuffrè
0017-0623 Giurisprudenza italiana UTET
2045-3817 Global constitutionalism Cambridge University Press
2045-3825 Global constitutionalism (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1535-1661 Global jurist advances Bepress
1535-1653 Global jurist frontiers Bepress
1535-167X Global jurist topics Bepress
1875-984X Global responsibility to protect (e-vir) Brill Nijhoff
1875-9858 Global responsibility to protect Brill
2198-4875 Goettingen journal of international law Inst. für Völker- und Europarecht
0017-1956 Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht C. F. Müller
1026-9452 Gosudarstvo i pravo Nauka
1868-1581 Göttingen journal of international law (e-vir) Universitätsverlag Göttingen
1618-9582 GRUR DVD (e-vir) C. H. Beck
1876-4045 Hague journal on the rule of law T.M.C. Asser Press
1876-4053 Hague journal on the rule of law (e-vir) T.M.C. Asser Press
0923-8298 Hague yearbook of international law M. Nijhoff
0017-8063 Harvard international law journal Harvard University
2153-2494 Harvard international law journal (e-vir) Harvard International Law Club
0378-0600 Hong Kong law journal Sweet & Maxwell Asia.
0275-0392 Human rights quarterly Johns Hopkins University Press
1085-794X Human rights quarterly (e-vir) Johns Hopkins University Press
0441-4411 Hungarian law review Hungarian Lawyers' Association.
0258-3690 ICSID review International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
2049-1999 ICSID review (e-vir) International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes; Johns Hopkins University Press [distributor]; Oxford University Press
0018-9855 IIC Springer
2195-0237 IIC (e-vir) Springer
1593-5795 Il Diritto dell'informazione e dell'informatica Giuffrè
0012-3420 Il Diritto di autore SIAE; Giuffré; SIAE
1590-8895 Il Foro italiano (e-vir) Zanichelli editore
1827-8213 Il Foro italiano (e-vir) Il Foro Italiano
1827-8221 Il Foro italiano (e-vir) Il Foro Italiano
0015-783X Il Foro Italiano Edizioni Foro Italiano
1383-7788 Indonesian law and administration review University of Leiden. Faculty of Law. Van Vollenhoven Istitute.
1026-0463 Integración & comercio INTAL
2030-7942 Inter-American and European Human Rights Journal = Intersentia
1388-7084 International and comparative corporate law journal Institute of Advanced Legal Studies.
1471-6895 International and comparative law quarterly (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0309-7676 International business lawyer International Bar Association
1469-0594 International corporate law Hartland.
1567-536X International criminal law review Kluwer Law International
1571-8123 International criminal law review (e-vir) Kluwer
2044-3994 International data privacy law Oxford University Press
2044-4001 International data privacy law (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1369-5762 International family law LexisNexis; Jordan Publishing
0262-6969 International financial law review Euromoney Publications
0926-9045 International Geneva yearbook United Nations
2213-1027 International human rights law review Brill
2213-1035 International human rights law review Brill
1474-2640 International journal of constitutional law Oxford University Press; School of Law
1474-2659 International journal of constitutional law (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0940-7391 International journal of cultural property de Gruyter
1465-7317 International journal of cultural property (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1364-2987 International journal of human rights Frank Cass
0967-0769 International journal of law and information technology Oxford University Press
1464-3693 International journal of law and information technology (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1744-5523 International journal of law in context Cambridge University Press
1744-5531 International journal of law in context (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0731-1265 International journal of legal information Institute for International Legal Information
1571-8085 International journal of marine & coastal law (e-vir) Martinus Nijhoff Publishers; Kluwer Law International
2034-5275 International Journal of Procedural Law Intersentia
2165-7653 International journal of the jurisprudence of the family William S. Hein & Co.
2165-7661 International journal of the jurisprudence of the family (e-vir) William S. Hein & Company,
0309-7684 International legal practitioner [The Association]
1836-8573 International trade and business law review Cavendish Publishing (Australia) Pty Ltd
0165-2826 Intertax Kluwer Law International
1875-8347 Intertax (e-vir) Confédération fiscale Européenne.
0720-6585 IPRax Gieseking
1568-5195 Islamic law & society (e-vir) Brill
0928-9380 Islamic law and society Brill
0021-2237 Israel law review Israel Law Review Association
2047-9336 Israel law review (e-vir) Israel Law Review Association
0333-5925 Israel yearbook on human rights Facutly of Law, Tel Aviv University.
0927-0523 Italian studies in law Italian Association of Comparative Law.
0021-3241 Iura E. Jovene
2035-4967 Iuris antiqui historia Fabrizio Serra
2035-6161 Iuris antiqui historia Fabrizio Serra
0131-8039 Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Pravovedenie [S.n.]
0539-1512 Jahrbuch Internationale Gesellschaft für Urheberrecht e.V.
0075-2517 Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart Mohr Siebeck
2569-4103 Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart (e-vir)
0075-2746 Jahrbuch für Ostrecht Beck
0944-4610 Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik Duncker & Humblot
2628-9121 Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik (e-vir) Duncker & Humblot; HeinOnline
0126-6322 Jernal undang-undang = Faculty of Law, University of Malaya.
2219-7117 Jerusalem review of legal studies (e-vir) Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Law
2219-7125 Jerusalem review of legal studies Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Law
0021-7166 Jogtudományi közlöny Lapk.
0021-812X Journal des Tribunaux Maison Ferdinand Larcier; Larcier
0021-8170 Journal du droit international Marchal et Godde
1821-620X Journal of African and international law African Institute for Comparative and International Law
0021-8553 Journal of African law School of Oriental and African Studies
1464-3731 Journal of African law (e-vir) Oxford University Press
2050-0688 Journal of antitrust enforcement Oxford University Press
2050-0696 Journal of antitrust enforcement (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1024-9206 Journal of Chinese and comparative law Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law of the City University of Hong Kong
1744-6414 Journal of competition law & economics Oxford University Press
1744-6422 Journal of competition law & economics (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0928-964X Journal of constitutional law in Eastern and Central Europe Tilburg University, Faculty of Law; BookWorld Publications
1976-9229 Journal of East Asia and international law Yijun institute of international law
2287-9218 Journal of East Asia and international law(Online) (e-vir) Yijun institute of international law
1833-2137 Journal of equity LexisNexis
0022-0914 Journal of Ethiopian law Faculty of Law, Hailé Sellassie I University
2617-5851 Journal of Ethiopian law (e-vir) School of Law, Addis Ababa University
2041-7764 Journal of European competition law & practice Oxford Journals
2041-7772 Journal of European competition law & practice (e-vir) Oxford Journals
1868-9612 Journal of European tort law de Gruyter
1868-9620 Journal of European tort law (e-vir) de Gruyter
1747-1532 Journal of intellectual property law and practice Oxford University Press
1747-1540 Journal of intellectual property law and practice (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0255-8106 Journal of international arbitration Journal of international arbitration
1476-7546 Journal of international commercial law Ashgate.
1901-8401 Journal of international commercial law and technology International Association of IT Lawyers (IAITL)
2040-3585 Journal of international dispute settlement Oxford University Press
2040-3593 Journal of international dispute settlement (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1369-3034 Journal of international economic law Oxford University Press
1464-3758 Journal of international economic law (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1878-1373 Journal of international humanitarian legal studies Brill
1878-1527 Journal of international humanitarian legal studies Brill
1388-0292 Journal of international wildlife law & policy Kluwer Law International
1548-1476 Journal of international wildlife law and policy Kluwer Academic Publishers
0973-2918 Journal of Islamic law review Serials Publications
1742-4941 Journal of Islamic state practices in international law (e-vir) electronicpublications.org
1598-1681 Journal of Korean Law Seoul National University College of Law BK Law 21.
0732-9113 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law Published by the Foundation for the Journal of Legal Pluralism in association with the African Studies Center, UCLA; Lit
2305-9931 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law LIT; Foundation for the Journal of Legal Pluralism
0022-2410 Journal of maritime law and commerce Jefferson Law Book Co.
1744-1048 Journal of private international law Hart Pub.
1757-8418 Journal of private international law (e-vir) [Hart Publishing Ltd.]
1571-8050 Journal of the history of international law Kluwer Academic Publishers
1388-199X Journal of the history of international law = Kluwer Law International
0019-5731 Journal of the Indian Law Institute Indian Law Institute
1011-6702 Journal of world trade Werner Publishing Company
2210-2795 Journal of world trade (e-vir) Kluwer Law International
2042-6402 Journal on European history of law STS Science Centre
0022-6076 Jugoslovenska revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo Savez udruženja za krivično pravo i kriminologiju Jugoslavije; Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja
0022-6084 Jugoslovenska revija za međunarodno pravo Jugoslovensko udruženje za međunarodno pravo
1406-1082 Juridica international University of Tartu
1406-5509 Juridica International (e-vir) Iuridicum
1100-7761 Juridisk tidskrift vid Stockholms universitet Stiftelsen Stockholms juridiska fakultets tidskrift
0107-699X Juristen Danmarks Jurist- og Økonomforbund.
0022-6882 Juristenzeitung Mohr Siebeck
1868-7067 JuristenZeitung Mohr Siebeck
0022-6912 Juristische Blätter Springer
1613-7639 Juristische Blätter (e-vir) Springer
0022-6920 Juristische Rundschau de Gruyter
1612-7064 Juristische Rundschau de Gruyter
0022-6955 Jus Vita e pensiero
0022-6939 JuS Beck
0022-6971 Jussens venner Universitetsforlaget i samarbeid med Juridisk Studentutvalg
1504-3126 Jussens venner (e-vir) Universitetsforlaget
1757-8442 King's law journal (e-vir) Hart Publishing
1975-7980 Korea university law review Legal research institute of Korea university.
0179-2830 Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft Nomos
2364-6071 Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft (e-vir) Nomos-Verl.-Ges.
0001-7728 L'Actualité juridique. Droit administratif Ed. du Moniteur des travaux publics
0023-6462 Labeo Jovene
0010-5066 La Comunità internazionale Leonardo
2723-8903 La Comunità internazionale (e-vir) Editoriale scientifica
0023-7353 Lakimies [Suomalainen lakimiesten yhdistys]
0035-0672 La Revue administrative Revue administrative
0383-669X La Revue du barreau Barreau du Québec.
2369-6184 La revue du notariat (e-vir) Chambre des notaires du Québec.
0035-2632 La Revue du notariat Chambre des notaires du Québec [etc.]
0242-5777 La Semaine juridique Ed. techniques; LexisNexis
0758-458X La Semaine juridique, Cahiers de droit de l'entreprise. Edition entreprise Editions techniques
1290-5127 La Semaine juridique entreprise et affaires Ed. du Juris-Classeur
0259-0816 Law & anthropology Universität Wien. Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät. Institut für Kirchenrecht. Arbeitsgruppe für Rechtsanthropologie und Inkulturationsforschung.; Verband der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Österreichs (VWGÖ)
0023-9208 Law and policy in international business woodhead
1441-3698 Lawasia journal Northern Territory University..
0075-823X Law in Eastern Europe Sijthoff
0458-8584 Law in Japan Nichi-Bei Häogakkai.
1672-1829 Law Yearbook of China Press of Law Yearbook of China
1298-728X Le Dalloz Éd. Dalloz,
0012-642X Le Droit maritime français Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence; Editions de la marine marchande
1566-6573 Legal issues of economic integration Kluwer Law International
1752-1467 Legisprudence Hart
1752-1475 Legisprudence Hart
0922-1565 Leiden journal of international law Leiden University, Faculty of Law; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1478-9698 Leiden journal of international law (e-vir) Leiden Journal of International Law Foundation
1918-8218 Les cahiers de droit (e-vir) Faculté de droit de l’Université Laval
0007-974X Les Cahiers de droit Université Laval, Faculté de Droit.
0255-6472 Lesotho law journal National University of Lesotho
1029-1776 LJZ. Liechtensteinische Juristen-Zeitung VLR.; Vereinigung Liechtensteinischer Richter.
0024-6980 Lov og rett Universitetsforlaget
1504-3061 Lov og rett (e-vir) Universitetsforlaget
1023-263X Maastricht journal of European and comparative law Intersentia
2399-5548 Maastricht journal of European and comparative law (e-vir) Maklu; Nomos
0025-1283 Malayan law journal Malayan law journal
1389-4633 Max Planck yearbook of United Nations law Kluwer Law International
1875-7413 Max Planck yearbook of United Nations law Nijhoff; Martinus NIjhoff Publishers/Brill
0254-0657 Melanesian law journal University of Papua New Guinea.
1052-2867 Michigan journal of international law University of Michigan Law School
0271-0498 Middle East executive reports Middle East Executive Reports, c1978-
1876-3367 Middle East law and governance Brill
1876-3375 Middle East law and governance (e-vir) Brill
1434-596X MMR. MultiMedia und Recht C.H. Beck
1993-2553 Moi University law journal Moi University.
0340-1812 Monatsschrift für deutsches Recht O. Schmidt
2194-4202 Monatsschrift für deutsches Recht (e-vir) O. Schmidt
0869-0049 Moscow journal of international law Nestor Academic Publishers
0581-1651 Msàptąym Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Law.
0165-0483 Nederlandsch juristenblad W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink
0927-2747 Nederlands tijdschrift voor burgerlijk recht Kluwer
1875-239X Nederlands tijdschrift voor rechtsfilosofie en rechtstheorie (e-vir) Boom Juridische Uitgevers
0168-9088 Nederlands tijdschrift voor rechtsfilosofie en rechtstheorie = Boom Juridische Uitgevers; Tjeenk Willink
1741-6191 Netherlands international law review (e-vir) T.M.C. Asser press; Cambridge University Press [distr.]
0165-070X Netherlands International Law review Sijthoff
0167-6768 Netherlands yearbook of international law Sijthoff
1574-0951 Netherlands yearbook of international law T.M.C. Asser Press; Cambridge University Press
0028-3231 Neue Justiz Staatsverlag der DDR
0943-7525 Neue Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht C.H. Beck
0720-1753 Neue Zeitschrift für Strafrecht Beck
0721-880X Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht C.H.Beck
2399-293X New journal of European criminal law (e-vir) Intersentia
2032-2844 New Journal of European Criminal Law Intersentia
0028-7873 New York University journal of international law & politics New York University School of Law
0331-4812 Nigerian Bar journal Registered Trustees of the Nigerian Bar Journal.
0289-8101 Nihon University comparative law Nihon Universität. Institut für Rechtsvergleichung.
0341-1915 NJW Beck
1571-8107 Nordic journal of international law Kluwer Academic Publishers; Nijhoff; Brill
0902-7351 Nordic journal of international law = Retsvidenskabeligt Intitut; Martinus Nijhoff Publishers; Brill
0029-1285 Nordisk administrativt tidsskrift Nordisk Administrativt Forbund
0324-816X Nowe Prawo Wydawnictwo Prawnicze.
0090-8320 Ocean development and international law Crane, Russak & Co.
1521-0642 Ocean development and international law (e-vir) 1996-
1560-7771 OECD journal of competition law & policy Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
1609-7521 OECD journal of competition law and policy Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
1389-1456 Ondernemingsrecht Kluwer
0029-9251 Österreichische Juristen-Zeitung Manzsche Verlags- und Universitätsbuchhandlung
0030-6444 Osteuropa-Recht Deutschen Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde
0031-0344 Palestra Naczelna Rada Adwokacka.
0031-0980 Państwo i Prawo RSW Prasa-Ksiaążka-Ruch Wydawnictwo Współczesne
1255-2488 Pédagogues et pédagogies
0336-1551 Penant La Documentation africaine; Editions Juriscope
0115-7302 Philippine law journal College of Law, University of the Philippines.
1385-1454 Polish legal journal BookWorld Publications
0554-498X Polish Yearbook of International Law Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Legal Sciences.; Academie Polonaise des Sciences. Institut de l'Etat et du Droit.
0032-6968 Pravna misʺl Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite
0551-9039 Pravnicke studie [S.n.]
0231-6625 Právník Academia
0032-6984 Právny obzor Právnická jednota na Slovensku
1026-9932 Pravo Ukraïni Ministerstvo ûsticìï Ukraïni
2310-323X Pravo Ukraïni.; Право України (e-vir) Pravo Ukraïni; Право України
0272-5037 Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting The Society
2169-1118 Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting (e-vir) American Society of International Law
0317-9087 Proceedings of the annual conference - Canadian Council on International Law Canadian Council on International Law.
0032-9649 Proche-Orient, études juridiques Université Saint Joseph. Faculté de droit et de sciences politiques de l'Université Saint-Joseph
0867-7255 Przeglęad Sęadowy Wydawnictwo Prawnicze LexisNexis.
0137-5490 Przeglęad Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego Polskie Wydawnictwa Gospodarcze ;; Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne
0035-3094 Publication de la Revue générale de droit international public Pédone,
0033-7250 Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht Mohr Siebeck
1868-7059 Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (e-vir) Mohr Siebeck
0132-1331 Radâns'ke pravo Naukova dumka
0935-2538 Recht, Bibliothek, Dokumentation Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Juristisches Bibliotheks- und Dokumentationswesen.
0340-7926 Recht der internationalen Wirtschaft Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft, dfv Mediengruppe
1435-0963 Recht in Afrika
1619-4993 Rechtsgeschichte Klostermann
2195-9617 Rechtsgeschichte (e-vir) Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte
1782-3463 Rechtskundig weekblad Intersentia
0165-0831 Rechtsphilosophie en rechtstheorie Vereeniging voor Wijsbegeerte des Rechts ;; Tjeenk Willink
0034-1835 Recueil Dalloz Dalloz
1760-785X Recueil Dalloz (e-vir) Éd. Dalloz
1775-5077 Recueil Dalloz (e-vir) Dalloz
1148-7615 Recueil Dalloz CD-ROM (e-vir) Dalloz
0169-5436 Recueil des cours Librairie Hachette [etc.]
0074-6738 Report of the ... conference ... - International Law Association the International Law Association
0486-5588 Responsa meridiana Law Faculties of the Universities of Cape Town and Stellenbosch.; Faculty of Law. University of Cape Town.; Faculty of Law. University of Stellenbosch.
0925-9880 Review of central and east European law Martinus Nijhoff
1573-0352 Review of Central and East European law (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers
1874-7973 Review of European administrative law Europa Law Publishing; Paris
1874-7981 Review of European administrative law Europa Law Publishing; Paris
0034-6578 Review of Ghana law Council for Law Reporting.
2070-8157 Revista boliviana de derecho Iuris Tantum
1517-2163 Revista brasileira de direito comparado Dinigraf Ed
0716-0747 Revista chilena de derecho Facultad de Derecho, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
0718-3437 Revista chilena de derecho (e-vir) Facultad de Derecho, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
0864-165X Revista cubana de derecho Unión Nacional de Juristas de Cuba
2788-6670 Revista cubana de derecho (e-vir) Unión Nacional de Juristas de Cuba
0870-3116 Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Direito
0870-8118 Revista da Ordem dos Advogados Ordem dos Advogados.
0034-7639 Revista de administración pública Instituto de Estudios Políticos (Madrid); Centro de Estudios Constitucionales (España); Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (España)
0716-0119 Revista de derecho, jurisprudencia y ciencias sociales y gaceta de los tribunales Tribunales de Justicia y Colegio de Abogados.
0210-0797 Revista de derecho mercantil Revista de Derecho Mercantil; Editorial Aranzadi
0034-7922 Revista de derecho privado Edersa
0213-1137 Revista de derecho procesal Colegio Nacional de Secretarios Judiciales; Consejo General de los Colegios de Procuradores de los Tribunales de España
0034-7957 Revista de derecho y ciencias sociales Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Universidad de Concepción; Colegio de Abogados de Concepción
0185-1438 Revista de investigaciones jurídicas Escuela Libre de Derecho. Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas.
1562-2576 Revista de la Facultad de derecho, Universidad Francisco Marroquín Facultad de derecho, Universidad Francisco Marroquín.
0185-1810 Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de México UNAM. Facultad de Derecho
0034-9380 Revista española de derecho internacional Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
2387-1253 Revista española de derecho internacional (e-vir) Marcial Pons
0102-8413 Revista Forense Revista Forense S.A.
0210-0401 Revista general de derecho Revista General de Derecho,
1995-9524 Revista integración & comercio (e-vir) Instituto para la integración de América latina y el Caribe
0484-7784 Revista jurídica del Perú Editora Normas lesgales; Gaceta Jurídica S.A.
0035-0370 Revista peruana de derecho internacional Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Internacional
1609-5642 Revista peruana de jurisprudencia Editora Normas Legales S.A.
0035-0699 Revue algérienne des sciences juridiques, économiques et politiques Institut de droit et des sciences administratives Ben Aknoun
0035-0788 Revue belge de droit international Société belge de droit international
2566-1906 Revue belge de droit international (e-vir) Bruylant
0773-8439 Revue burkinabè de droit Université de Ouagadougou, Ecole supérieure de droit.
0035-0958 Revue critique de droit international privé Librairie du Recueil Sirey
2114-5156 Revue critique de droit international privé (e-vir) Éd. Dalloz
0317-9656 Revue de droit Faculté de droit, Université de Sherbrooke.
2561-7087 Revue de droit (e-vir) Université de Sherbrooke.; Université de Sherbrooke.
0295-5830 Revue de droit des affaires internationales Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence
1777-5655 Revue de droit des affaires internationales (e-vir) Forum européen de la communication
0775-4663 Revue de droit international et de droit comparé Bruylant.
1153-6675 Revue de droit international privé Librairie de la Société du Recueil Sirey,
2732-5520 Revue de droit militaire et de droit de la guerre (e-vir)
1370-6209 Revue de droit militaire et de droit de la guerre = Société internationale de droit militaire et de droit de la guerre
0035-4384 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie Union belge et luxembourgeoise de Droit pénal
0556-7394 Revue de droit pénal militaire et de droit de la guerre Société internationale de droit pénal militaire et de droit de la guerre.
0390-3761 Revue de droit uniforme UNIDROIT
1780-5511 Revue de la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Liège Larcier
0752-4412 Revue de la presse égyptienne Centre d'études et de recherches sur l'Orient arabe contemporain (Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhône); Centre d'études et de documentation économiques, juridiques et sociales (Le Caire)
0249-8731 Revue de la recherche juridique, droit prospectif Université d'Aix-Marseille trois, Unité d'enseignement et de recherches, recherches juridiques
0035-1733 Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé Sirey
1760-7620 Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé (e-vir) Éd. Dalloz
1624-365X Revue du droit de l'Union européenne Clément Juglar; Revue du droit de l'Union européenne
0035-2578 Revue du droit public et de la science politique en France et à l'étranger Chevalier-Marescq
0035-2616 Revue du marché commun Editions techniques et économiques
0080-259X Revue égyptienne de droit international Egyptian Society of International Law
1105-1590 Revue Européenne de Droit Public Esperia Publications; European Public Law Organization
0763-1219 Revue française de droit administratif Dalloz :; Sirey.
1144-2158 Revue française de droit aérien et spatial Pedone
1151-2385 Revue française de droit constitutionnel Presses universitaires de France
0035-3086 Revue générale de droit Editions de l'Université d'Ottawa.
2292-2512 Revue générale de droit (e-vir) Université d'Ottawa.
0775-2814 Revue générale de droit civil belge Story-Scientia.
0373-6156 Revue générale de droit international public A. Pedone
2391-1336 Revue générale de droit international public (e-vir) A. Pédone,
0035-3256 Revue hellénique de droit international Institut hellénique de droit international et étranger
0035-3280 Revue historique de droit français et étranger Librairie de la Société du Recueil Sirey
2496-8250 Revue historique de droit français et étranger (e-vir) Éditions Dalloz
0035-3337 Revue internationale de droit comparé Société de législation comparée
1953-8111 Revue internationale de droit comparé (e-vir) Société de législation comparée
1010-8831 Revue internationale de droit économique De Boeck-Wesmael.
0223-5404 Revue internationale de droit pénal Godde; Érès
1951-6312 Revue internationale de droit pénal (e-vir) Erès
0556-7939 Revue internationale des droits de l'antiquité Editions De Visscher.
0035-3515 Revue internationale du droit d'auteur H. Lemoine
0048-816X Revue ivoirienne de droit Centre ivoirien de recherches et d'études juridiques :; Librairies techniques
0251-4761 Revue juridique, politique et économique du Maroc Faculté des sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales.
0397-0299 Revue juridique de l'environnement Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg)
1010-8238 Revue juridique du Rwanda Faculté de droit.; Ministère de la justice.
0258-5332 Revue juridique du Zaïre S.E.J.Z.; Société d'études juridiques du Zaïre.
1766-2516 Revue juridique et politique des états francophones Juris Africa
0035-3574 Revue juridique et politique Indépendance et coopération Institut international de droit d'expression et d'inspiration française
0556-7963 Revue juridique Thémis Editions Thémis
0828-9999 Revue québécoise de droit international Éditions Thémis.
1220-5435 Revue roumaine des sciences juridiques Editura Academiei Române,
0850-8399 Revue trimestrielle de droit africain EDJA Editions Juridiques Africaines
0397-9873 Revue trimestrielle de droit civil Sirey; Dalloz
0244-9358 Revue trimestrielle de droit commercial et de droit économique Sirey
0035-4317 Revue trimestrielle de droit européen Dalloz
0777-3579 Revue trimestrielle des droits de l'homme Editions Nemesis.
0330-5600 Revue tunisienne de droit Faculté de droit et des sciences politiques et économiques de l'Université de Tunis.
0035-5887 Rivista del diritto commerciale e del diritto generale delle obbligazioni F. Vallardi
0035-6018 Rivista delle società Giuffrè
0035-6093 Rivista di diritto civile Cedam
0035-6123 Rivista di diritto europeo [s.n.].
0035-6158 Rivista di diritto internazionale Giuffrè
0035-6166 Rivista di diritto internazionale e comparato del lavoro Cedam.
0035-6174 Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale Cedam
0035-6182 Rivista di diritto processuale Cedam
0035-6727 Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto Giuffrè
0557-1391 Rivista italiana di diritto e procedura penale Giuffrè
0391-1896 Rivista trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile Giuffrè
0557-1464 Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico Giuffrè
1551-1375 Roman legal tradition Roman Law Society of America.; University of Kansas.
1943-6483 Roman legal tradition (e-vir) Roman Law Society of America
1811-9077 Russian law Jurist
1085-2425 Saint Louis-Warsaw transatlantic law journal Saint Louis University School of Law and Warsaw University School of Law
0258-6568 SA publiekreg Verloren Van Themaatsentrum. Universiteit van Suid-Afrika.; Verloren Van Themaat Centre. University of South Africa.
0085-5944 Scandinavian studies in law Stockholm Institute for Scandinavian Law; Stockholms universitet.
0036-7613 Schweizerische Juristen-Zeitung = Schulthess,
1019-0406 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht = Schulthess Polygraphischer Verlag
2504-0693 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht = (e-vir) Schweizerische Vereinigung für Internationales Recht
0036-7893 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Strafrecht Stämpfli
0870-8185 Scientia Ivridica Livraria Cruz
1598-222X Seoul daehag'gyo beobhag Seoul daehag'gyo, beobhag yeon'guso
0794-1137 Shariah law reports Centre for Islamic Legal Studies Institute of Administration Ahmadu Bello University Zaria
0219-0508 Singapore journal of international & comparative law National University of Singapore.
0218-2173 Singapore journal of legal studies Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore.
0080-9691 Singapore law review University of Singapore, Law Society
1793-0448 Singapore year book of international law Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore
0165-098X Sociaal-economische wetgeving Tjeenk Willink; Kluwer; Paris
2213-7408 Sociaal-economische wetgeving (e-vir) Kluwer
0038-1691 Socialističeskaâ zakonnostʹ.; Социалистическая законность Prokuratura SSSR i Verhovnyj Sud SSSR; Прокуратура СССР и Верховный Суд СССР.
1816-983X Soochow law journal Soochow University of Law.
1354-3903 South African human rights yearbook .. Oxford University Press; Centre for Socio-legal Studies.
0258-7203 South African journal on human rights Ravan Press
1996-2126 South African journal on human rights (e-vir) Juta Law
0038-2388 South African law journal Juta
0379-8895 South African yearbook of international law Verloren van Themaat Centre for International Law. University of South Africa.; Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd
2219-6412 Southern African public law Unisa Press
2522-6800 Southern African public law (e-vir) Unisa Press
0131-6761 Sovetskaâ ûsticiâ [S.n.]
0928-0634 Spanish yearbook of international law AsociaciónEspañola de Profesores de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas
2211-6125 Spanish yearbook of international law online (e-vir) Brill
0731-5082 Stanford journal of international law Stanford University, School of Law
2164-8301 Stanford journal of international law (e-vir) Stanford University.
1016-4359 Stellenbosch law review Juta & Company Limited
1996-2193 Stellenbosch law review (e-vir) Juta Law
1026-9169 Studia et documenta historiae et iuris Apollinaris
1873-0868 Studies in transnational economic law Kluwer ;; Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers ;; Kluwer Law International
1220-5427 Studii de drept românesc Editura Academiei Române
1362-3710 Sudebnik Moskovskai︠a︡ vysshai︠a︡ shkola sot︠s︡ialʹnykh i ėkonomicheskikh nauk.; Vinogradoff Institute (University College, London)
1976-1422 Sungkyunkwan journal of science and technology law Sungkyunkwan university, The Science & technology law institute
0039-6591 Svensk juristtidning (e-vir)
1757-8124 Swedish studies in European law Hart Publishing,
0090-4600 Tax management international journal Tax Management Inc.
0163-7479 Texas international law journal University of Texas School of Law
1011-663X The African journal of international law International Society of African Lawyers.
0002-919X The American journal of comparative law American Society of Comparative Law
2326-9197 The American journal of comparative law (e-vir) American Association for the Comparative Study of Law
0002-9300 The American journal of international law American Society of International Law
2161-7953 The American journal of international law (e-vir) Baker, Voorhis & Co. for the American Society of International Law
1050-4109 The American review of international arbitration Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law,; Columbia University.
2005-0054 The Asian business lawyer Korea university, Legal research institute
2044-9437 The British year book of international law (e-vir) Henry Frowde, Hodder and Stoughton and Oxford University Press; Oxford University Press
1528-8870 The Cambridge yearbook of European legal studies Hart
2049-7636 The Cambridge yearbook of European legal studies (e-vir) Hart Publishing
1925-0169 The Canadian yearbook of international law (e-vir) Canadian Council on International Law.; International Law Association.
0069-0058 The Canadian yearbook of international law = Publication Centre, University of British Columbia
1018-3671 The Caribbean law review University of the West Indies. Faculty of Law.
1872-7190 The China legal development yearbook Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
0010-4051 The Comparative and international law journal of Southern Africa Institute of Foreign and Comparative Law, University of South Africa.
0962-0435 The Comparative law yearbook of international business Graham & Trotman
2666-576X The European energy journal (e-vir) Claeys & Casteels Law Publishers
1861-8383 The European legal forum = IPR-Verl.
0786-6453 The Finnish yearbook of international law Ius Gentium r.y.
1534-9977 The George Washington international law review George Washington University
0019-5294 The Indian journal of international law Indian Society of International Law
0537-2704 The Indian yearbook of international affairs University of Madras, Indian Study Group of International Law and Affairs.
0020-5893 The international and comparative law quarterly British Institute of International and Comparative Law
1571-8182 The international journal of children's rights Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
0927-5568 The International Journal of Children's Rights Kluwer
1744-053X The international journal of human rights (e-vir) Frank Cass & Co.
0927-3522 The International journal of marine and coastal law Graham & Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff Publishers; Kluwer Law International
2169-6578 The International lawyer (e-vir) Section of International Law, American Bar Association
0020-7810 The International Lawyer Section of International Law, American Bar Association
1757-8108 The Irish yearbook of international law = Hart
0391-5107 The Italian yearbook of international law Editoriale Scientifica; Kluwer Law International; Martinus Nijhoff; Brill Nijhoff
2211-6133 The Italian yearbook of international law online Brill
0448-8806 The Japanese annual of international law Japan Branch of the International Law Association
0021-8642 The Journal of air law and commerce Southern Methodist University School of Law
1477-0814 The journal of comparative law Wildy, Simmonds & Hill
1537-7342 The journal of East European law East European Law Center, Columbia University School of Law
1941-8930 The journal of Eurasian law Duke University.; Uppsala universitet.
1528-817X The journal of Islamic law & culture Institute for Intercultural Relations
1753-4534 The journal of Islamic law & culture (e-vir) Institute for Intercultural Relations
1422-2213 The journal of world intellectual property Werner Publishing Company
1747-1796 The journal of world intellectual property (e-vir) Blackwell
1424-1196 The journal of world investment The journal of world investment,
0961-5768 The King's College law journal School of Law, King's College London
2213-4476 The Korean journal of international and comparative law The Korean Society of International Law.; KSIL.
2213-4484 The Korean journal of international and comparative law Brill
1569-1853 The law and practice of international courts and tribunals Kluwer Law International
1571-8034 The Law and practice of international courts and tribunals Kluwer Law International; Martinus Nijhoff
1176-6417 The New Zealand yearbook of international law University of Canterbury.
0078-0774 The Nigerian law journal Nigerian Law School
1565-1509 Theoretical inquiries in law Cegla Institute for Comparative & Private International law
1565-3404 Theoretical inquiries in law de Gruyter
1386-1972 The Palestine yearbook of international law Al-Shaybani Society of International Law
2211-6141 The Palestine yearbook of international law online Brill
1074-9292 The Parker School journal of East European law Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law
0115-8805 The Philippines yearbook of international law Philippine Society of International Law :; University of the Philippines Law Center.
0020-6393 The review International Commission of Jurists
0258-2503 The South African law journal African Book Company.
1996-2177 The South African law journal (e-vir) Juta Law
0884-1756 The University of Miami inter-American law review University of Miami, School of Law
2328-4242 The University of Miami inter-American law review (e-vir) University of Miami, School of Law
2561-5017 The Windsor yearbook of access to justice (e-vir) Faculty of Law, University of Windsor
0710-0841 The Windsor yearbook of access to justice = Faculty of Law, University of Windsor
2041-2029 The WIPO journal World Intellectual Property Organization.
1751-9136 The yearbook of consumer law .. Ashgate
1876-8814 The Yearbook of Polar law Nijhoff
2211-6427 The Yearbook of Polar law online Brill
0895-5018 Third world legal studies International Third World Legal Studies Association
0040-6953 Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska föreningen i Finland Juridiska föreningen i Finland.
0040-7143 Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap Universitetsforlaget,
1504-3096 Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap (e-vir) Universitetsforlaget
1382-0222 Tijdschrift voor Antilliaans recht-Justicia Stichting Tijdschrift voor Antilliaans recht-Justicia
0167-1359 Tijdschrift voor arbitrage Tjeenk Willink
0082-4313 Tijdschrift voor privaatrecht Wetenschappelijke Uitgeverij E. Story-Scientia
0040-7585 Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis Universitaire pers Leiden; Kluwer; Kluwer
1571-8190 Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers
2047-1025 Transnational environmental law Cambridge University Press
2047-1033 Transnational environmental law (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
2041-4005 Transnational legal theory Hart Pub.; Routledge, Taylor & Francis
2041-4013 Transnational legal theory (e-vir) Hart Pub.
0294-815X Travaux de l'Association Henri Capitant des amis de la culture juridique française Association Henri Capitant.
0257-7747 Tydskrif vir die suid-afrikaanse reg Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit. Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid
1996-2207 Tydskrif vir die suid-afrikaanse reg (e-vir) Juta Law
1682-4490 Tydskrif vir hedendaagse romeins-hollandse reg Butterworths
1536-5107 UCLA journal of Islamic and Near Eastern law UCLA School of Law
2169-7884 UCLA journal of Islamic and Near Eastern law (e-vir) University of California, Los Angeles.
0108-2353 Ugeskrift for retsvæsen Danmarks Jurist- og Økonomforbund
1124-3694 Uniform law review Giuffré; UNIDROIT
2050-9065 Uniform law review = (e-vir) UNIDROIT; Oxford University Press
1817-2733 University of Botswana law journal Department of Law, University of Botswana
0855-031X University of Ghana Law journal Faculty of law. University of Ghana.
1349-0672 University of Tokyo, journal of law and politics Graduate School of Law and Politics, the University of Tokyo,
0334-4576 Űywny msàpît Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Law.
0090-2594 Vanderbilt journal of transnational law Vanderbilt University, School of Law]
0506-7286 Verfassung und Recht in Übersee Nomos
0042-4501 Verwaltungsarchiv Heymann
0130-0113 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta Izdateljstvo Moskovskogo unuversiteta
0042-6571 Virginia journal of international law Virginia Journal of International Law Association
0165-8476 Weekblad voor privaatrecht, notariaat en registratie Koninklijke Notariële Broederschap
0172-049X Wettbewerb in Recht und Praxis dfv-Mediengruppe
0042-9678 WGO. Monatshefte für osteuropäisches Recht Müller, Jurist. Verl.
0941-6293 WiRO C.H. Beck
0043-6151 Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb Handelsblatt-GmbH
1011-4548 World competition World competition
1435-3059 WRP (e-vir) Dt. Fachverl.
1001-2397 Xiandai faxue Xinan Zhengfa Xueyuan
0263-3264 Yearbook of European law Clarendon press
2045-0044 Yearbook of European law (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0965-1721 Yearbook of international environmental law Clarendon Press
2045-0052 Yearbook of international environmental law (e-vir) Graham & Trotman; Oxford University Press
1389-1359 Yearbook of international humanitarian law T.M.C. Asser Press
1574-096X Yearbook of international humanitarian law T.M.C. Asser Press; Cambridge University Press
1384-2935 Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern law University of London. School of Oriental and African Studies. Centre of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law.
2211-2987 Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern law online Brill
1566-6352 Yearbook of private international law Swiss Institute of Comparative Law; Kluwer Law International
2034-1261 Yearbook on International Arbitration Intersentia
0350-2252 Yugoslav law Union of Jurists' Associations of Yugoslavia; Institute of Comparative Law
0869-4486 Zakonnostʹ Zakonnostʹ
1027-7862 Zambia law journal University of Zambia.
0351-2290 Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci Pravni fakultet
1330-349X Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta
1846-8314 Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (e-vir) Pravni fakultet
Y500-3873 Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta
0350-2058 Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu Pravni fakultet
1849-1154 Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu (e-vir) Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu
0584-9063 Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu Pravni fakultet
1847-0459 Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu (e-vir) Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu
0323-4045 Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte H. Böhlaus
0323-4096 Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte H. Böhlaus
0323-4142 Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte H. Böhlaus
2304-4861 Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte (e-vir) Böhlau
2304-4896 Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte (e-vir) Böhlau
2304-4934 Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte (e-vir) Böhlau
0044-2127 Zeitschrift des Bernischen Juristenvereins = Bernischer Juristenverein
0044-2348 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht Kohlhammer
0930-861X Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Arbeits- und Sozialrecht C. F. Müller
0044-2410 Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht Gieseking
0044-2437 Zeitschrift für das gesamte Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht Verlag Recht und Wirtschaft
0084-5310 Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft De Gruyter
1612-703X Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft de Gruyter Recht
0943-3929 Zeitschrift für europäisches Privatrecht C. H. Beck
2078-1059 Zeitschrift für Europarecht Internationales Privatrecht & Rechtsvergleichung Manzsche Verlags - und Universitätsbuchhandlung
0044-2690 Zeitschrift für evangelisches Kirchenrecht Mohr Siebeck
1867-237X Zeitschrift für geistiges Eigentum Mohr Siebeck
1612-9229 Zeitschrift für Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht Sellier, European Law Publisher; Verlag Recht und Wirtschaft
2193-9519 Zeitschrift für Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht (e-vir) De Gruyter
1431-5726 Zeitschrift für japanisches Recht
0340-8329 Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht = Heymann.
0948-4396 Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht Springer
1613-7663 Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht (e-vir) Springer
0514-6496 Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik Beck
2366-0392 Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie (e-vir)
0174-0202 Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie = Lucius u. Lucius
0514-275X Zeitschrift für Rechtsvergleichung, internationales Privatrecht und Europarecht Manz
0254-945X Zeitschrift für schweizerisches Recht C. Detloff; M. Reich
0340-2479 Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht De Gruyter Rechtswissenschaften Verlags
1612-7048 Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht de Gruyter Recht.
0044-3638 Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft Verl. Recht u. Wirtschaft
0723-9416 Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht Verlag Kommunikationsforum Recht, Wirtschaft, Steuern
0342-3468 Zeitschrift für Zivilprozess C. Heymann
1434-8888 Zeitschrift für Zivilprozess international C. Heymann
1003-1707 Zhongguo faxue Zhongguo Faxue Zazhishe
1016-0523 Zimbabwe law review University of Zimbabwe. Faculty of Law.

Seznami revij, ki so vključene v mednarodne baze podatkov, so praviloma prevzeti iz spletnih strani proizvajalcev baz podatkov in vsi niso popolni. Nekateri so tekoči, drugi kumulativni in vključujejo tudi starejše revije, ki ne izhajajo več (npr. iz časa nekdanje Jugoslavije, če je bil sedež izdajatelja v Sloveniji). Vključene niso revije, pri katerih v seznamih proizvajalcev baz podatkov manjkajo številke ISSN ali pa seznami revij sploh niso dostopni. Nekateri proizvajalci tudi dokaj neredno ažurirajo sezname. Če ugotovite, da pri kakšni bazi podatkov manjka revija, ki jo navedena baza podatkov zanesljivo indeksira, to sporočite pristojnemu OSIC-u. Na podlagi ustreznih dokazil bo seznam dopolnjen.

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