Pojasnilo 11. 6. 2024


Seznam tujih revij, ki so vključene v mednarodno bazo podatkov
European Reference Index for the Humanities B
do 2013


ISSN Revija Založnik/Izdajatelj
0792-8424 'Atiqot Israel Antiquities Authority
1135-4712 'Ilu Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense.
1698-1014 'Ilu (e-vir) Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de las Religiones
1988-3269 'Ilu Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones
0220-5610 [Cahiers victoriens & édouardiens] Université Paul-Valéry, Centre d'études et de recherches Victoriennes et édouardiennes
0761-3571 [La Revue des lettres modernes. Gustave Flaubert] Lettres modernes,
0080-2549 [Revue des études arméniennes] Klincksieck; Association de la Revue des études arméniennes; Association de la Revue des études arméniennes
0294-7080 [Systèmes de pensée en Afrique noire] Laboratoire associé n 221, EPHE Ve section, CNRS.
0182-5887 [Verbum] Université de Nancy II
1145-2153 48-14 Musée d'Orsay (Paris)
1128-7209 A.I.O.N. Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli. Dipartimento di studi del mondo classico e del Mediterraneo Antico. Sezione filologico-letteraria Edizioni dell'Ateneo,; Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali
1724-6172 A.I.O.N. Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli. Dipartimento di studi del mondo classico e del Mediterraneo Antico. Sezione filologico-letteraria Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali
0261-6823 AA files Architectural Association.
0084-585X Aarbøger for nordisk oldkyndighed og historie Det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskriftselskab
0567-560X Academia Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando
0958-5206 Accounting, business and financial history Routledge
1466-4275 Accounting, business and financial history (e-vir) Chapman & Hall
2282-0035 Acme (e-vir) Università degli studi, Facoltà di lettere e filosofia
0001-494X ACME Università degli studi di Milano
1585-1923 Across languages and cultures Akadémiai Kiadó
1588-2519 Across languages and cultures (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó
1610-1928 Acta acustica united with Acustica S. Hirzel
1861-9959 Acta acustica united with Acustica (e-vir) Hirzel
Y504-7927 Acta acustica united with Acustica S. Hirzel
0065-0900 Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia Bardi Editore
2611-3686 Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia (e-vir) Istituto di Norvegia in Roma
1874-6349 Acta analytica (e-vir) Springer
1588-2551 Acta archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó
0001-5210 Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Akadémiai Kiadó
0001-5229 Acta archaeologica Carpathica Polska akademia nauk
0001-5628 Acta Ethnographica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Akadémiai Kiadó
1949-0763 Acta linguistica hafniensia (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis
0374-0463 Acta Linguistica Hafniensia Linguistic Circle of Copenhagen
1216-8076 Acta linguistica Hungarica Akadémiai Kiadó
1588-2624 Acta linguistica Hungarica (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó; [Kluwer Academic Publishers]
0716-0909 Acta literaria Departamento de Español, Universidad de Concepción
0717-6848 Acta literaria (e-vir) Departamento de Español, Universidad de Concepción
0001-6233 Acta Mozartiana Deutsche Mozart-Gesellschaft e.V.
0567-7874 Acta organologica Merseburger.
0001-6438 Acta Orientalia Munksgaard
0355-1792 Acta philosophica Fennica Societas philosophica Fennica; North-Holland
0001-6829 Acta Poloniae Historica Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Oddział w Warszawie
0341-1184 Acta praehistorica et archaeologica Staatliche Museen, Preussischer Kulturbesitz
0001-6918 Acta psychologica Nijhoff; North-Holland
1873-6297 Acta psychologica Elsevier Science
1015-8758 Acta theologica Teologiese Fakulteit, Universiteit van die Oranje Vrystaat, Teologiese Fakulteit
2309-9089 Acta theologica (e-vir) Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State
0567-8269 Acta Universitatis Carolinae Univerzita Karlova
2464-6830 Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Philologica (e-vir) Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Nakladatelství Karolinum
1059-7123 Adaptive behavior MIT Press
1741-2633 Adaptive behavior (e-vir) MIT Press
1476-7392 Addiction research & theory (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
1606-6359 Addiction research & theory Harwood Academic Publishers; Informa Healthcare
0306-4603 Addictive behaviors Pergamon Press.
1873-6327 Addictive Behaviors (e-vir) Pergamon Press
0001-8449 Adolescence Libra Publishers
1722-3954 Ad Parnassum Ut Orpheus
0342-7633 Adult education and development Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes
1045-1595 Adult learning American Association for Adult & Continuing Education
2162-4070 Adult learning (e-vir) American Association for Adult & Continuing Education
0065-2407 Advances in child development and behavior Academic Press
1382-4996 Advances in health sciences education (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1573-1677 Advances in health sciences education (e-vir) Kluwer
0776-3808 AEGAEUM Université de Liège, histoire de l'art et d'archéologie de la Grèce antique.
1234-4621 Aegean Archaeology Art and Archaeology.
0001-9046 Aegyptus Vita e Pensiero
1827-7888 Aegyptus Vita e Pensiero
1430-1938 Aethiopica Harrassowitz
2194-4024 Aethiopica (e-vir) Hamburg Univ. Press
0001-9593 Aevum Vita e Pensiero
1827-787X Aevum (e-vir) Vita e Pensiero
1121-8932 Aevum antiquum Vita e pensiero
0250-4650 Afer AMECEA Pastoral Institute.
0001-9720 Africa International African Institute
1750-0184 Africa (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1569-2094 African and Asian studies Brill
1569-2108 African and Asian studies Brill
1024-0969 African anthropology = Pan African Anthropological Association.
1013-171X African Christian studies Faculty of Theology of the Catholic Higher Institute of Eastern Africa.; C.H.I.E.A.; Catholic Higher Institute of Eastern Africa.
0145-2258 African economic history African Studies Center, Boston University, etc.]
2163-9108 African economic history (e-vir) African Studies Program, University of Wisconsin
0065-4019 African music African Music Society
0002-0184 African studies Witwatersrand University Press
1469-2872 African studies (e-vir) Carfax
Y505-5156 African studies (e-vir) Routledge
0002-0206 African studies review African Studies Association
1555-2462 African studies review (e-vir) African Studies Center, Michigan State University
0856-0048 Africa theological journal All Africa Lutheran Churches Information and Coordination Centre.
0002-0427 Afrika und Übersee Universität Hamburg; Universität Hamburg; Joachim-Jungius-Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften
2749-0971 Afrika und Übersee (e-vir) Abteilung für Afrikanistik und Äthiopistik at Universität Hamburg
1013-0950 Agenda University of Natal.
2158-978X Agenda (e-vir) Agenda Collective
1744-4128 Aging, neuropsychology and cognition (e-vir) Swets & Zeitlinger Pub
0002-1482 Agricultural history University of California Press
1533-8290 Agricultural history (e-vir) Agricultural History Society
0002-1490 Agricultural history review British Agricultural History Society.
1015-5104 Ägypten und Levante Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
1813-5145 Ägypten und Levante Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
1044-016X Air power history Air Force Historical Foundation
2992-9431 Air power history (e-vir) Air Force Historical Foundation
0387-2807 Ajia, Afurika gengo bunka kenkyäu Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa
0021-969X A journal of church and state J. M. Dawson Studies in Church and State, Baylor University
1378-5087 Akkadica Assyriologische Stichting Georges Dossin.; Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin.
0002-4805 Alberta journal of educational research Faculty of Education, University of Alberta
0735-0414 Alcohol and alcoholism Pergamon
1464-3502 Alcohol and alcoholism (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0570-1554 Al-îHawliyyäat al-äaítäariyyatć al-säuriyyatć Al-Mudäiriyyatć al-Űäammatć li-l-äaítäar wa-al-matäaîhif.; Direction générale des antiquités et des musées.; Direction générale des antiquités.
0211-3589 Al-Qantara Instituto "Miguel Asín"
1988-2955 Al-Qantara [CSIC, Instituto Miguel Asín]
0774-4145 Alternatives théâtrales Alternatives théâtrales
1741-1629 Alt-j (e-vir) Routledge
0968-7769 ALT-J University of Wales Press
0232-8461 Altorientalische Forschungen Akad.-Verl.
2196-6761 Altorientalische Forschungen (e-vir) de Gruyter
0002-6980 Ambix Taylor and Francis
1745-8234 Ambix (e-vir) Taylor and Francis]
0982-9237 America Centre de recherches interuniversitaire sur les champs culturels en Amérique latine (Paris)
0185-1179 América indígena Instituto Indigenista Interamericano
0002-726X American annals of the deaf Executive Committee of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf
1543-0375 American annals of the deaf (e-vir) Executive Committee of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf
1051-3558 American Catholic philosophical quarterly Philosophy Documentation Center
2153-8441 American Catholic philosophical quarterly (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
1061-0057 American drama American Drama Institute
1935-1011 American educational research journal (e-vir) American Educational Research Association
0002-8312 American Educational Research Journal American Educational Research Association
0362-8914 American journal of ancient history s.n.
1097-9891 American journal of drug and alcohol abuse (e-vir) Taylor & Francis]
0195-6744 American journal of education University of Chicago Press.
1549-6511 American journal of education (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
1098-2140 American journal of evaluation Sage
1042-0533 American journal of human biology Alan R. Liss, Inc.
1520-6300 American journal of human biology (e-vir) Alan R. Liss]; Wiley-Liss, Inc.
0002-9432 American journal of orthopsychiatry American Orthopsychiatric Association
1939-0025 American journal of orthopsychiatry American Orthopsychiatric Association; Educational Publishing Foundation of the American Psychological Association]
1094-6098 American journal of pastoral counseling Haworth Press, Inc.
0277-7126 American journal of semiotics Schenkman Pub. Co.
2153-2990 American journal of semiotics Philosophy Documenation Center
0002-9831 American literature Duke University Press
1527-2117 American literature (e-vir) [Duke University Press]
0734-4392 American music University of Illinois Press
1945-2349 American music (e-vir) Sonneck Society and the University of Illinois Press
0003-0678 American quarterly University of Pennsylvania, etc.
1080-6490 American quarterly (e-vir) University of Minnesota Press for the Program in American Studies at the University of Minnesota
0003-1283 American speech Published by the University of Alabama Press for the American Dialect Society, etc.
1527-2133 American speech (e-vir) Duke University Press
2102-5401 Amerindia (e-vir) [Revue Amerindia]
0221-8852 Amérindia Société d'études linguistiques et anthropologiques de France
1697-7777 A mínima Espacio Publicaciones
0165-7305 Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik Rodopi
1875-6719 Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik Rodopi
0304-6257 Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik Rodopi
0169-0221 Amsterdamer Publikationen zur Sprache und Literatur Rodopi
0874-9671 Anais de história de além mar F.C.S.H.
2795-4455 Anais de história de além mar (e-vir) Centro de História de Além-Mar - Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Centro de História de Além-Mar - Universidade dos Açores
0003-2468 Analecta Bollandiana Société des Bollandistes
0791-6167 Analecta Hibernica Stationery Office
1122-2336 Analecta papyrologica Università di Messina. Facoltà di lettere e filosofia.
0169-7447 Analecta praehistorica Leidensia Faculty of Archaeology, University
0517-6735 Analecta praemonstratensia Commissio historica ordinis praemonstratensis.
0066-1392 Analecta Romana Instituti Danici Odense University Press
0569-9878 Anales cervantinos Instituto "Miguel de Cervantes"; Instituto de Filología (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas); Centro de Estudios Cervantinos; Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología
1988-8325 Anales cervantinos Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología, CSIC
0214-6452 Anales de historia del arte UCM, Servicio de Publicaciones
1886-7677 Anales de historia del arte (e-vir) Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia del Arte I (Medieval); Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia del Arte II (Moderno); Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia del Arte III (Contemporáneo)
1988-2491 Anales de historia del arte Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense
0185-1276 Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas UNAM. Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas
1870-3062 Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas (e-vir) UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas
0210-4547 Anales de literatura hispanoamericana Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense.
1696-909X Anales de literatura hispanoamericana (e-vir) UCM. Facultad de Filología. Departamento de Filología Española IV.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Filología. Departamento de Filología Española IV.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filología Española IV.
1988-2351 Anales de literatura hispanoamericana Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense
1018-1946 Anatolia antiqua Institut d'études anatoliennes; Editions Divit
0066-1546 Anatolian studies British Institute at Ankara
2048-0849 Anatolian studies (e-vir) British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara
0066-1554 Anatolica Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten
1358-6122 Ancient biomolecules Harwood Academic Publishers
0929-077X Ancient civilizations from Scythia to Siberia Brill
1570-0577 Ancient civilizations from Scythia to Siberia Brill
1568-3540 Ancient narrative Barkhuis Publishing ; Groningen :; The University Library
1378-4641 Ancient near eastern studies Peeters
1783-1326 Ancient near eastern studies (e-vir) Peeters Publishers
0740-2007 Ancient philosophy Duquesne University.; Philosophy Documentation Center,
2154-4689 Ancient philosophy (e-vir) [Dept. of Philosophy, Duquesne University]
0066-1619 Ancient society Ancient society. Afdeling Oude geschiedenis. Katholieke Universiteit
1783-1334 Ancient society (e-vir) Peeters Publishers
0084-6465 Anderseniana Museum Odense.; H.C. Andersens Hus.
1123-5772 Angelicum Universitas a Sancto Thoma Aquinate
0903-1723 ANGLES on the English speaking world The English Department, Copenhagen University
0340-5222 Anglia Niemeyer
1865-8938 Anglia de Gruyter
0954-9927 Anglo-Norman studies Boydell Press :; Boydell & Brewer.
0263-6751 Anglo-Saxon England Cambridge University Press
1474-0532 Anglo-Saxon England (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1435-9448 Animal cognition Springer.
1435-9456 Animal cognition (e-vir) Springer
0090-4996 Animal learning & behavior Psychonomic Society
0395-2649 Annales Armand Colin
1953-8146 Annales (e-vir) Éditions de l'EHESS
0003-3901 Annales de Bourgogne Annales de Bourgogne
0997-0967 Annales de démographie historique DH Société de démographie historique (France)
0866-4331 Annales de la Galerie nationale hongroise Magy. Nemz. Galéria
1370-4192 Annales de la Société royale d'archéologie de Bruxelles Société royale d'archéologie
1687-1510 Annales du Service des Antiquites de l'Egypte French Scientific Institute for Eastern Antiques
0003-4436 Annales historiques de la Révolution française Société des études robespierristes (France)
1952-403X Annales historiques de la Révolution française (e-vir) Société des études robespierristes
0741-7527 Annali d'italianistica University of North Carolina
1818-5282 Annali della Pontificia insigne accademia di belle arti e lettere dei virtuosi al Pantheon Hortus conclusus; Annali della Pontificia insigne accademia di velle arti e lettere dei virtuosi al Pantheon editrice
0393-8573 Annali della R. Scuola normale superiore di Pisa. Lettere, storia e filosofia Scuola normale superiore,
2464-9198 Annali della R. Scuola normale superiore di Pisa. Lettere, storia e filosofia (e-vir) Zanichelli
0392-095X Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
1127-7130 Annali di archeologia e storia antica [Istituto universitario orientale]
0301-4460 Annals of human biology Taylor & Francis
1464-5033 Annals of human biology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis; Informa Healthcare
1469-1809 Annals of human genetics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0003-4800 Annals of Human Genetics Cambridge University Press
1464-505X Annals of science (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0003-3790 Annals of Science Taylor and Francis Ltd
0164-1239 Annals of the history of computing Springer.
0077-8923 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences New York Academy of Sciences
1749-6632 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
2045-2403 Annual of the British School at Athens (e-vir) MacMillan & Co
0267-1905 Annual review of applied linguistics Newbury House
1471-6356 Annual review of applied linguistics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0067-0081 Annuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene e delle missioni italiane in Oriente Istituto poligrafico dello Stato
1554-8953 An sionnach Creighton University Press
1944-6535 An sionnach (e-vir) Creighton University Press, distributed by the University of Nebraska Press
0238-0218 Antaeus Archäol. Inst. UAW
1377-5723 Anthropologica et praehistorica Société royale belge d'anthropologie et de préhistoire
1755-2923 Anthropological journal of European cultures Berghahn Journals
1755-2931 Anthropological journal of European cultures (e-vir) Berghahn
0960-0604 Anthropological journal on European cultures LIT Verlag
2412-2734 Anthropological journal on European cultures (e-vir) LIT Verlag
0003-5483 Anthropological linguistics Anthropology Department, Indiana University.
1944-6527 Anthropological linguistics (e-vir) Archives of Languages of the World, Anthropology Dept., Indiana University
0003-5491 Anthropological quarterly Catholic University of America Press
1534-1518 Anthropological quarterly (e-vir) Catholic University of America Press
0918-7960 Anthropological science Anthropological Society of Nippon
1348-8570 Anthropological science (e-vir) Anthropological Society of Nippon
0702-8997 Anthropologie et sociétés Département d'anthropologie de l'Université Laval
0161-7761 Anthropology & education quarterly Council on Anthropology and Education
1548-1492 Anthropology & education quarterly (e-vir) Council on Anthropology and Education
1364-8470 Anthropology & medicine Carfax
1469-2910 Anthropology & medicine (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0967-201X Anthropology in action [British Association for Social Anthropology in Policy and Practice]
1752-2285 Anthropology in action (e-vir) Berghahn
0257-9774 Anthropos Anthropos Institut
2942-3139 Anthropos (e-vir) Anthropos Institut
0761-3032 Anthropozoologica l'Homme et l'animal, Société de recherche interdisciplinaire
0994-7213 Anthropozoologica L'Homme et l'animal (Paris)
2107-0881 Anthropozoologica (e-vir) Anthropozoologica
0003-5645 Antichità viva Edam.
0066-4774 Antichthon Sydney University Press
0003-5696 Antike und Abendland M. von Schröder
1613-0421 Antike und Abendland (e-vir) Marion von Schröder Verlag
0893-5580 Antipodes The Association
2331-9089 Antipodes (e-vir) American Association of Australian Literary Studies
2117-539X Antiquites africaines (e-vir) [CNRS éd.]
0066-4871 Antiquités africaines Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique
1250-7334 Antiquité tardive Brepols
2295-9718 Antiquité tardive (e-vir) Brepols
0003-598X Antiquity Heffers Printers Ltd
1745-1744 Antiquity (e-vir) Antiquity Trust
Y505-4079 Antiquity (e-vir) Antiquity Trust
0394-0136 Antologia di Belle arti Societæa editrice Umberto Allemandi & C..
0003-6064 Antonianum Pontificio ateneo antonianum
1693-6086 Antropologi Indonesia (e-vir) Jurusan Antropologi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia.
0210-5810 Anuario de estudios americanos Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos.; E.E.H.A.; Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos (Sevilla)
1576-2912 Anuario de estudios americanos (e-vir) Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos (Sevilla); Universidad Internacional de Andalucía; Fundación Histórica Tavera; Fundación El Monte
1988-4273 Anuario de estudios americanos CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones
0066-5061 Anuario de estudios medievales C.S.I.C. Departamento de Estudios Medievales.; Institución Milá y Fontanals (CSIC); Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España). Departamento de Estudios Medievales.; Universidad de Barcelona. Instituto de Historia Medieval de España.; Institución "Milá y Fontanals"
1988-4230 Anuario de estudios medievales CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones
0185-1373 Anuario de letras Facultad de Filosofía y Letras y Centro de Linguística Hispánica del Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas. UNAM.
0211-3538 Anuario musical Instituto Español de Musicología.
1988-4125 Anuario musical CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones
1061-5806 Anxiety, stress, and coping Harwood Academic Publishers; STBS Ltd.
1477-2205 Anxiety, stress, and coping (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0341-8383 Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums Germanisches Nationalmuseum
0003-6293 Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft Universitätsverlag Wagner
0003-6390 Apeiron Monash University, Dept. of Classical Studies
2156-7093 Apeiron (e-vir) de Gruyter
0268-7038 Aphasiology Taylor & Francis
1464-5041 Aphasiology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1155-3316 Apocrypha Brepols
2034-6468 Apocrypha (e-vir) Brepols
0392-2359 Apollinaris Universitatis Lateranensis
0213-5868 Aportes Aportes XIX; Actas; Schedas
0888-4080 Applied cognitive psychology Wiley
1099-0720 Applied cognitive psychology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1872-9126 Applied ergonomics (e-vir) Elsevier
0003-6870 Applied Ergonomics Butterworth Scientific Ltd
0142-7164 Applied psycholinguistics Cambridge University Press
1469-1817 Applied psycholinguistics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0146-6216 Applied psychological measurement Applied Psychological Measurement, Inc.
1552-3497 Applied psychological measurement (e-vir) Sage Publications
1090-0586 Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback Plenum Press
1573-3270 Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback Kluwer
1715-7374 Applied semiotics University of Toronto. Dept. of French.; University of Toronto. Dept. of French Studies.
1376-7135 A-prior A-prior
0570-5398 Arabica Brill
1570-0585 Arabica Brill
0801-7778 Arbeiderhistorie Arbeiderbevegelsens arkiv og bibliotek
2387-5879 Arbeiderhistorie (e-vir) Arbeiderbevegelsens arkiv og bibliotek
0171-5410 Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik Narr
0723-2977 Arbitrium Niemeyer
1865-8849 Arbitrium de Gruyter
0210-1963 Arbor Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
1988-303X Arbor [Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas]
0587-3452 Arch+ Arch+ Verlag
0003-8008 Archaeologia Austriaca Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
1816-2959 Archaeologia Austriaca (e-vir) Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften; Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
1392-5520 Archaeologia Baltica Zara
1310-9537 Archaeologia bulgarica NOUS Publishers Ltd.
1236-5882 Archaeologia Medii Aevi Finlandiae Suomen keskiajan arkeologian seura
0066-5924 Archaeologia Polona Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences
2719-6542 Archaeologia Polona (e-vir) Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
1075-2196 Archaeological prospection (e-vir) Wiley
1099-0763 Archaeological prospection (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0570-6084 Archaeological reports Council of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies
2041-4102 Archaeological reports (e-vir) Council of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies
0003-8121 Archaeology and physical anthropology in Oceania University of Sydney
1105-0950 Archaiologike efemeris Arhaiologike Etaireia
0570-622X Archaiologikon deltion Ypourgeio Politismou kai Epistīmōn
0255-9005 Archäologie der Schweiz Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, SGUF
1018-1857 Archäologie Österreichs Österreichische Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frügeschichte
0342-734X Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums
2364-4729 Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt (e-vir) LEIZA Verlag
0066-605X Archeologia Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN
0391-8165 Archeologia classica L'Erma di Bretschneider
2240-7839 Archeologia classica (e-vir) L'Erma di Bretschneider
1724-6091 Archeologia maritima mediterranea Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali
1825-3881 Archeologia maritima mediterranea Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali
0390-0592 Archeologia medievale All'Insegna del Giglio
2039-280X Archeologia medievale (e-vir) Edizioni All'Insegna del Giglio
0003-8180 Archeologia Polski Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN
2719-7034 Archeologia Polski (e-vir) Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN
1592-5935 Archeologia postmedievale Edizioni All'insegna del Giglio.
0323-1267 Archeologické rozhledy Archeologický ústav AV ČR
2570-9151 Archeologické rozhledy (e-vir) Archeologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.
1161-0492 Archéo-Nil Société pour l'étude des cultures prépharaoniques de la vallée du Nil (France)
0003-8504 Architectural design Academy Editions
1554-2769 Architectural design (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons; AD Publications Expediting Services]
1326-4826 Architectural theory review University of Sydney, Dept. of Architecture
1755-0475 Architectural theory review (e-vir) Department of Architecture, University of Sydney
1010-4089 Archithese Verlag Arthur Niggli AG
0933-5846 Archive for mathematical logic Springer International
1432-0665 Archive for mathematical logic Springer.
1573-6121 Archive for the psychology of religion = Brill
0003-9535 Archives British Records Association
2109-9529 Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge (e-vir) Vrin
0373-5478 Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen-âge Librairie philosophique J. Vrin
0335-5985 Archives de sciences sociales des religions Centre national de la recherche scientifique
1777-5825 Archives de sciences sociales des religions (e-vir) ASSR-EHESS
0003-9810 Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences Éditions Hermann
2507-038X Archives internationales d'histoires des sciences (e-vir) Brepols
0260-9541 Archives of natural history Society for the Bibliography of Natural History.
1755-6260 Archives of natural history (e-vir) Edinburgh University Press
0003-9942 Archives of neurology American Medical Association
0004-0002 Archives of sexual behavior Plenum Press.
1573-2800 Archives of sexual behavior (e-vir) Kluwer
0003-8946 Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte Bouvier
0066-6297 Archiv für Diplomatik Böhlau
0003-9101 Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie De Gruyter
1613-0650 Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie de Gruyter
0943-3988 Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie und Soziologie Heymanns
0003-9233 Archiv für Kulturgeschichte Böhlau
0066-6459 Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete de Gruyter
1867-1551 Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete (e-vir)
0177-1094 Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie Luchterhand
2363-5614 Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie (e-vir) Steiner
0084-6724 Archiv für Religionspsychologie Mohr.
0044-8745 Archivium Hibernicum Catholic Record Society
0210-3230 Archivo de prehistoria levantina Servicio de investigación prehistórica de la Diputación
0066-6742 Archivo español de arqueología Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Español de Arqueología
1988-3110 Archivo español de arqueología (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)
0210-4067 Archivo hispalense Diputación Provincial
0044-8699 Archív orientální Academia
0004-0665 Archivum Franciscanum historicum Collegio S. Bonaventura
0066-6785 Archivum historiae pontificiae Pontificia Università Gregoriana
0037-8887 Archivum historicum societatis Iesu Institutum historicum societatis Iesu
0066-6939 Arctic anthropology University of Wisconsin Press
1933-8139 Arctic anthropology (e-vir) University of Wisconsin Press
0570-734X Arctos Klassillis-filologinen yhdistys = Klassisk-filologiska föreningen = The Classical Association of Finland
2814-855X Arctos (e-vir) Klassillis-filologinen yhdistys
0004-0975 Arethusa The Johns Hopkins University Press
1080-6504 Arethusa Johns Hopkins University Press
0920-427X Argumentation Reidel
1572-8374 Argumentation (e-vir) Kluwer
2616-499X Arheologìâ (e-vir) Ìnstitut arheologìï NAN Ukraïni
1563-0102 Arheologiâ, ètnografiâ i antropologiâ Evrazii Institut arheologii i ètnografii SO RAN
0235-3490 Arheologija Kyïvs'ka Akademija Evrobiznesu
0004-1327 Ariel University of Calgary
0095-5809 Arion Trustees of Boston University, etc.]
2327-6436 Arion (e-vir) Dean of the Graduate School, University of Texas
0066-7668 Arkiv för nordisk filologi LiberLäromedel
0783-3660 Arkkitehti Suomen arkkitehtiliitto
1384-105X Armada Wereldbibliotheek
1359-1355 arq Emap Construct
1474-0516 Arq (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0188-8218 Arqueología Mexicana Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historía
0044-9008 Ars Slovak Academic Press
2729-7349 Ars (e-vir) Ústav dejín umenia SAV
0004-2919 Ars organi Gesellschaft der Orgelfreunde e.V.
0001-2343 ARSP F. Steiner
0004-2927 Ars Pharmaceutica Universidad de Granada, Facultad de Farmacia
2340-9894 Ars Pharmaceutica (e-vir) Universidad de Granada, Facultad de Farmacia
1039-3625 Art and AsiaPacific Fine Arts Press.
1401-2987 Art bulletin of Nationalmuseum Stockholm Nationalmuseum
0004-3400 Arte cristiana Scuola beato angelico
0004-3443 Arte lombarda Edizioni "Arte lombarda"
0392-5234 Arte Veneta Electa
0004-3532 Artforum Artforum, etc.
0269-2821 Artificial intelligence review Blackwell Scientific Publications; Intellect Limited
1573-7462 Artificial intelligence review (e-vir) Kluwer
0587-5455 Arti musices Hrvatsko muzikološko društvo; Zavod za povijest hrvatske glazbe
1848-9303 Arti musices (e-vir) Hrvatsko muzikološko društvo; Odsjek za povijest hrvatske glazbe HAZU; Muzička akademija Sveučilišta
0142-6702 Art monthly Britannia Art Publications Ltd
1695-5951 Artnodes (e-vir) Fundació per la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
0245-5676 Art press Art press
1264-5265 Arts et cultures l'Aventurine,
0210-4466 Asclepio Instituto "Arnau de Vilanova"; Instituto de Historia (España)
1988-3102 Asclepio [Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas]
1367-2223 Asian journal of social psychology Blackwell
1467-839X Asian journal of social psychology (e-vir) Blackwell
2377-004X Asian journal of women's studies (e-vir) Ewha Womans University Press
1225-9276 Asian Journal of Women's Studies Ewha Women's University Press.
1573-420X Asian medicine Brill
1573-4218 Asian medicine Brill
0044-9202 Asian music Society for Asian Music.
1553-5630 Asian music (e-vir) Society for Asian Music
0955-2367 Asian philosophy Carfax Publishing
1469-2961 Asian philosophy (e-vir) Taylor & Frances
1359-866X Asia-Pacific journal of teacher education Carfax
1469-2945 Asia-Pacific journal of teacher education (e-vir) Carfax
1377-5197 AS mediatijdschrift Centrum voor Beeldcultuur Antwerpen.
1075-2935 Assessing writing Ablex Pub. Corp..
1873-5916 Assessing writing (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
1073-1911 Assessment Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.
1552-3489 Assessment (e-vir) Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.
1469-297X Assessment & evaluation in higher education (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0260-2938 Assessment and evaluation in higher education University of Bath. School of Education
0004-6493 Atene e Roma Le Monnier
0256-4009 Atlal Ministry of Education. Department of Antiquities and Museums.
0702-7818 Atlantis s.n.
1715-0698 Atlantis (e-vir) Mount Saint Vincent University
1078-3377 ATQ Dept. of English, University of Rhode Island
0391-8157 Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
0020-6091 Audiology Karger, S.,Verlagsbuchhandlung Fur Medizin
0404-0155 Aufklärung Verlag der Aufklärung.
0004-8003 Augustiniana Augustijns historisch instituut
2295-6093 Augustiniana (e-vir) Uitgeverij Peeters
0094-5323 Augustinian studies Villanova University Press.
2153-7917 Augustinian studies (e-vir) Villanova University Press
0004-8011 Augustinianum Institutuno patristicum augustinianum.
2162-6499 Augustinianum Philosophy Documentation Center
0004-8992 Australian economic history review Sydney University Press
1467-8446 Australian economic history review (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0816-9020 Australian educational computing Australian Council for Computers in Education.
1443-833X Australian educational computing Australian Council for Computers in Education..
0816-4649 Australian feminist studies Research Centre for Women's Studies, University of Adelaide
1465-3303 Australian feminist studies (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1031-461X Australian historical studies University of Melbourne
1940-5049 Australian historical studies (e-vir) Routledge (Taylor & Francis)
2050-5884 Australian journal of education (e-vir) Australian Council for Educational Research]
0726-8602 Australian journal of linguistics Australian Linguistics Society
1469-2996 Australian journal of linguistics (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0004-9697 Australian literary studies University of Queensland Press
0005-0067 Australian psychologist University of Queensland Press on behalf of the Australian Psychological Society.
1742-9544 Australian psychologist (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0067-2378 Austrian history yearbook Rice University
1558-5255 Austrian history yearbook (e-vir) Rice University
1350-7532 Austrian studies Edinburgh University Press; Modern Humanities Research Assocation
2222-4262 Austrian studies (e-vir) Modern Humanities Research Association
1362-3613 Autism SAGE Publications
1461-7005 Autism (e-vir) Sage Publications
0967-5507 Auto/Biography Auto/Biography Study Group
1479-9715 Auto/Biography (e-vir) Hodder Arnold Journals; Sage
0004-802X Avgvstinvs Agustinos Recoletos
1122-1151 Axiomathes Estrella de oriente
1572-8390 Axiomathes (e-vir) Kluwer
1134-2277 Ayer Asociación de Historia Contemporánea
2255-5838 Ayer (e-vir) Marcial Pons; AHC
0067-270X Azania British Institute in Eastern Africa.
1945-5534 Azania (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0521-9744 Babel J. Benjamins Publishing Company
1569-9668 Babel (e-vir) J. Benjamins
0165-9367 Babesch Stichting Bulletin Antieke Beschaving
0084-7682 Bach-Jahrbuch Neue Bachgesellschaft.
0005-3856 Baessler-Archiv Reimer
1231-0344 Baltic-Pontic Studies Adam Mickiewicz University. Eastern Institute; Adam Mickiewicz University. Institute of Prehistory
2719-5422 Baltic-Pontic Studies (e-vir) De Gruyter Poland
1029-3205 Barockberichte Salzburger Barockmuseum
0964-2447 BARS bulletin & review British Association for Romantic Studies.
0197-3533 Basic and applied social psychology Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-4834 Basic and applied social psychology (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates
0005-6855 Bauwelt Bertelsmann-Fachzeitschriften-GmbH
0332-270X Béaloideas Folklore Society of Ireland
1476-4253 Before farming Western Academic & Specialist Press
1476-4261 Before farming (e-vir) Western Academic & Specialist Press
0198-7429 Behavioral disorders Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders
2163-5307 Behavioral disorders (e-vir) Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders
1045-2249 Behavioral ecology Oxford University Press
1465-7279 Behavioral ecology (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0340-5443 Behavioral ecology and sociobiology Springer
1432-0762 Behavioral ecology and sociobiology (e-vir) Springer
0896-4289 Behavioral medicine Heldref Publications
1940-4026 Behavioral medicine (e-vir) Heldref Publications
0735-3936 Behavioral sciences & the law Van Nostrand Reinhold
1099-0798 Behavioral sciences & the law (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1540-2002 Behavioral sleep medicine Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; Routledge
1540-2010 Behavioral sleep medicine (e-vir) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
0738-6729 Behavior analyst Midwestern Association of Behavior Analysis
1053-8348 Behavior and philosophy Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies
1943-3328 Behavior and philosophy (e-vir) Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies
0145-4455 Behavior modification Sage Publications, inc.
1552-4167 Behavior modification (e-vir) Sage Publications
1554-351X Behavior research methods Psychonomic Society
1554-3528 Behavior research methods (e-vir) Psychonomic Society
0743-3808 Behavior research methods, instruments, & computers The Society
0939-2815 Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft Nodus Publikationen
0005-8114 Beitrage zur Namenforschung Winter
2625-2139 Beitrage zur Namenforschung (e-vir) Winter
Y509-8831 Beitrage zur Namenforschung (e-vir) Winter
0005-8351 Belfagor Leo Olschki
2035-7559 Belfagor Leo Olschki
0041-4255 Belleten Türk Tarih Kurumu
0771-8683 Belvedere Belvedere.
0392-0356 Benedictina Abbazia di S. Paolo.
0067-6195 Berytus Faculty of Arts and Sciences, American University of Beirut
0067-7183 Bibliography of developmental medicine and child neurology Spastics International Medical Publications.
1722-1374 Biblioteca di Felix Ravenna Edizioni del Girasole
0373-6237 Bibliotheque de l'Ecole des Chartes Librairie Droz
1953-8138 Bibliothèque de l'École des chartes (e-vir) Société de l'École des chartes
0006-2014 Biblische Zeitschrift F. Schöningh
0220-665X Bien dire et bien aprandre Centre d'études médiévales et dialectales (Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Nord)
0006-2286 Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis Department geschiedenis.
0006-2294 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde = KITLV; Foris Publications Holland; Nijhoff
2213-4379 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde = Brill
0006-2456 Bildung und Erziehung Böhlau
2194-3834 Bildung und Erziehung (e-vir) Böhlau
1611-2512 Bildwelten des Wissens
1470-8175 Biochemistry and molecular biology education 2000-
1539-3429 Biochemistry and molecular biology education (e-vir) ASBMB
0269-9702 Bioethics Basil Blackwell
1467-8519 Bioethics (e-vir) Blackwell Publisher
0162-4962 Biography University Press of Hawaii for the Biographical Research Center
1529-1456 Biography (e-vir) University Press of Hawaii for the Biographical Research Center
0169-3867 Biology & philosophy Reidel
0276-3605 Black music research journal Institute for Research in Black American Music, Fisk University
1946-1615 Black music research journal (e-vir) Institute for Research in Black American Music, Fisk University
0160-628X Blake University of New Mexico.; University of Rochester.
0523-8587 Bohemia Oldenbourg
0034-0626 Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia Real Academia de la Historia (España)
0210-4822 Boletín de la Real Academia Española Real Academia Española
2445-0898 Boletín de la Real Academia Española (e-vir) Real Academia Española
0210-8143 Boletín del Museo del Prado Museo Nacional del Prado
0210-9573 Boletín del Seminario de estudios de arte y arqueología Áreas de prehistoria y arqueología, Universidad
0938-9334 Bonner Jahrbücher des Rheinischen Landesmuseums in Bonn und des Rheinischen Amtes für Bodendenkmalpflege im Landschaftsverband Rheinland und des Vereins von Altertumsfreunden im Rheinlande P. von Zabern
1098-7371 Book history Pennsylvania State University Press
1529-1499 Book history (e-vir) Pennsylvania State University Press
0968-7475 Borderlines University College of Swansea.
0210-5934 Bordón SEP
2340-6577 Bordón (e-vir) Sociedad Española de Pedagogía
0300-9483 Boreas Scandinavian University press
1502-3885 Boreas (e-vir) Universitetsforlaget.
0006-8977 Brain, behavior and evolution S. Karger
1421-9743 Brain, behavior and evolution S. Karger
0387-7604 Brain & development Japanese Society of Child Neurology
0093-934X Brain and language Academic Press.
1090-2155 Brain and language (e-vir) Academic Press
1389-1987 Brain and mind Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-3300 Brain and mind Kluwer
0006-8993 Brain research Elsevier
1872-6240 Brain research (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0068-113X Britannia Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies
1753-5352 Britannia (e-vir) Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies
0141-1926 British educational research journal Carfax Publishing Company
1469-3518 British educational research journal (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1464-3529 British journal of criminology (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0261-510X British journal of developmental psychology British Psychological Society
2044-835X British journal of developmental psychology (e-vir) British Psychological Society
2044-8279 British journal of educational psychology (e-vir) British Psychological Society; Wiley
0007-1013 British journal of educational technology National Council for Educational Technology
1467-8535 British journal of educational technology (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1469-3534 British journal of guidance & counselling (e-vir) Careers Research and Advisory Centre
0306-9885 British journal of guidance and counselling Careers Research and Advisory Centre
1359-107X British journal of health psychology British Psychological Society
2044-8287 British journal of health psychology (e-vir) British Psychological Society
1354-4187 British journal of learning disabilities BILD; Blackwell
1468-3156 British journal of learning disabilities (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1045-3172 British journal of management Wiley
1467-8551 British journal of management (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers.
1353-0194 British journal of Middle Eastern studies British Society for Middle Eastern Studies
1469-3542 British journal of Middle Eastern studies (e-vir) British Society for Middle Eastern Studies
0265-0517 British journal of music education Cambridge University Press
1469-2104 British journal of music education (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1359-4575 British journal of music therapy British Society for Music Therapy.; Association of Professional Music Therapists (Great Britain); British Association for Music Therapy,
2059-9773 British journal of music therapy (e-vir) SAGE
0007-1269 British journal of psychology Cambridge University Press
2044-8295 British journal of psychology (e-vir) British Psychological Society; Wiley
0144-6665 British journal of social psychology British Psychological Society
2044-8309 British journal of social psychology (e-vir) British Psychological Society; Wiley-Blackwell]
0952-3383 British journal of special education National Council for Special Education
1467-8578 British journal of special education (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1474-8932 Brontë studies Maney Publishing
1745-8226 Brontë studies (e-vir) Maney on behalf of the Brontë Society
1013-8897 Bruckner Jahrbuch... Linzer Veranstaltungsgesellschaft
1353-1913 Bull#an Willow Press,
0027-3856 Bulletin Musées royaux des beaux-arts de Belgique
0987-7940 Bulletin Société internationale d'études yourcenariennes
0068-4015 Bulletin d'archéologie marocaine Ministère des Affaires Culturelles
0770-7061 Bulletin de l'Académie royale de langue et de littérature françaises Académie royale de langue et de littérature françaises
0336-1519 Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient École française d'Extrême-Orient
1760-737X Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient (e-vir) [École française d'Extrême-Orient]
0073-8530 Bulletin de l'Institut historique belge de Rome Instiut historique belge
0005-948X Bulletin de la Société d'Archéologie copte Society for Coptic Archeology
0255-6286 Bulletin de la Société d'égyptologie Société d'Egyptologie
0301-4126 Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire de l'art français Société de l'Histoire de l'Art Français
0037-9344 Bulletin de la Société française de numismatique Société française de numismatique
0081-1181 Bulletin de la Société nationale des antiquaires de France Société nationale des antiquaires de France; édition-diffusion De Boccard
0304-1425 Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'anthropologie et de préhistoire Société royale d'anthropologie et de préhistoire
0007-4322 Bulletin de littérature ecclésiastique Institut catholique
0068-4023 Bulletin de philosophie médiévale Secrétariat de la S.I.E.P.M..
2034-6476 Bulletin de philosophie médiévale (e-vir) S.I.E.P.M.
0765-0507 Bulletin des amis du roman populaire Association des amis du roman populaire (France)
0776-1414 Bulletin des Musées royaux d'art et d'histoire Musées royaux d'art et d'histoire
0994-8090 Bulletin Du Cange Champion,; Brill,; Droz,
0133-5545 Bulletin du Musée Hongrois des Beaux-Arts A kötet megjelenését az Állami Biztosító Vállalat = La société d'assurances Állami Biztosító Vállalat
0027-3791 Bulletin du Musée national de Varsovie Musée national
0928-3641 Bulletin geschiedenis, kunst, cultuur Tweede Fase Opleiding Geschiedenis van Kunst en Cultuur.; AIO-netwerk Geschiedenis van Kunst & Cultuur.
0964-1181 Bulletin - Hamilton Kerr Institute Hamilton Kerr Institute of the Fitzwilliam Museum.
0007-4640 Bulletin hispanique Féret; Georg; Ruat
1249-674X Bulletin Marcel-Proust Société des amis de Marcel Proust et des amis de Combray
0007-473X Bulletin monumental Société francaise d'archéologie
1475-3839 Bulletin of Hispanic studies Liverpool University Press.
1478-3398 Bulletin of Hispanic studies Liverpool University Press.
0146-2989 Bulletin of medieval canon law Institute of Research and Study in Medieval Canon Law.
1079-8986 Bulletin of symbolic logic Association for Symbolic Logic
0003-097X Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research American Schools of Oriental Research
2161-8062 Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (e-vir) American Schools of Oriental Research
0388-7219 Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum Ancient Orient Museum
0007-5140 Bulletin of the history of medicine (e-vir) Johns Hopkins University Press
1086-3176 Bulletin of the history of medicine (e-vir) Johns Hopkins University Press
0156-1316 Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association.
0076-0722 Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology Institute of Archaeology
0145-3890 Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies,
0301-102X Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester John Rylands University Library of Manchester.
0862-8912 Bulletin of the National Gallery in Prague Národní galerie = National gallery
0041-977X Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies School of Oriental and African Studies
1474-0699 Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (e-vir) School of Oriental and African Studies
0956-8271 Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society Scientific Instrument Society.
0138-0680 Bulletin of the Section of Logic Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
2449-836X Bulletin of the Section of Logic (e-vir) Lodz University Press
1777-5469 Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris (e-vir) Société d'anthropologie de Paris, c/o Musée de l'homme
0037-8984 Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris Société d'anthropologie; Masson
0165-9510 Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum Staatsuitgeverij
0345-195X Byzantina [s. n.]
1749-625X Byzantine and modern Greek studies (e-vir) B. Blackwell
0307-0131 Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Modern Greek Studies Association.
0167-5346 Byzantinische Forschungen Hakkert
0007-7704 Byzantinische Zeitschrift Beck
1868-9027 Byzantinische Zeitschrift (e-vir) de Gruyter
0007-7712 Byzantinoslavica Institut slave
0378-2506 Byzantion Fondation Byzantine
2294-6209 Byzantion (e-vir) Uitgeverij Peeters
1413-652X Cadernos de literatura brasileira Instituto Moreira Salles.
0068-4945 Cahiers archéologiques Klincksieck
0008-0055 Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines Ecole pratique des hautes études, 6ème section
1777-5353 Cahiers d'études africaines (e-vir) Éd. de l'EHESS
0766-1177 Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie École française d'Extrême-Orient; École française d'Extrême-Orient
2117-6272 Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie (e-vir) [École française d'Extrême-Orient]
1370-7876 Cahiers d'histoire du temps présent CEGES.
0007-9731 Cahiers de civilisation médiévale Université, Centre d'études supérieures de civilisation médiévale
0007-9871 Cahiers de lexicologie Didier
1015-5775 Cahiers de musiques traditionnelles Ateliers d'ethnomusicologie; diff.: Georg [etc.]
2296-4177 Cahiers de musiques traditionnelles (e-vir) Ateliers d'ethnomusicologie; Archives internationales de musique populaire
1272-9752 Cahiers de recherches médiévales Centre d'études médiévales (Orléans)
1141-7161 Cahiers des amériques latines Institut des hautes études de l'Amérique latine (Paris)
2268-4247 Cahiers des Amériques latines (e-vir) [Éd. de l'Institut des hautes études de l'Amérique latine]
0008-0047 Cahiers des religions africaines Université Lovanium de Kinshasa. Centre d'études des religions africaines.; C.E.R.A.
0008-011X Cahiers du cinéma Cahiers du cinéma
1968-3928 Cahiers du genre (e-vir) L'Harmattan
1298-6046 Cahiers du Genre Institut de recherche sur les sociétés contemporaines (France)
0184-7678 Cahiers Elisabéthains Université Paul Valéry.
2054-4715 Cahiers élisabéthains (e-vir) Centre d'études et de recherches élisabéthaines de l'Université Paul Valéry]
0068-516X Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure Droz
0008-0284 Cahiers internationaux de symbolisme Centre interdisciplinaire d'études philosophique de l'Université de Mons-Hainaut
0150-6943 Cahiers Jean Giraudoux Grasset; Société des amis de Jean Giraudoux
2271-6149 Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens (e-vir) Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3
1637-4096 Cahiers Voltaire Société Voltaire; Centre international d'étude du XVIIIe siècle
0161-2492 Callaloo Callaloo
1080-6512 Callaloo Johns Hopkins University Press
0008-1795 Calvin theological journal Calvin Theological Seminary.
0959-7743 Cambridge archaeological journal Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge
1474-0540 Cambridge archaeological journal (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0305-764X Cambridge journal of education Cambridge Institute of Education
1469-3577 Cambridge journal of education (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0270-5346 Camera obscura Camera Obscura Collective
1529-1510 Camera obscura (e-vir) Duke University Press
0008-3755 Canadian historical review University of Toronto Press
0008-3968 Canadian journal of African studies Canadian Assoc. of African Studies
1923-3051 Canadian journal of African studies (e-vir) Canadian Association of African Studies
0380-2361 Canadian journal of education Canadian Society for the Study of Education.
1918-5979 Canadian journal of education (e-vir) Canadian Society for the Study of Education
0225-0500 Canadian journal of Netherlandic studies Association for the Advancement of Netherlandic Studies
0045-5091 Canadian journal of philosophy Canadian Assoc. for Publ. in Philosophy
1911-0820 Canadian journal of philosophy University of Calgary Press
1147-6753 Caravelle Presses universitaires du Mirail
2272-9828 Caravelle (e-vir) Presses universitaires du Mirail
1554-754X Career and technical education research Association for Career and Technical Education Research.
2161-0045 Career development quarterly (e-vir) National Career Development Association
0008-7181 Casabella Electa
1123-8968 Cassiodorus Istituto di studi su Cassiodoro e sul Medioevo in Calabria.
0069-1399 Celtica Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies
0008-8994 Centaurus Munksgaard
1600-0498 Centaurus (e-vir) Munksgaard
0008-9192 Central Asiatic journal Harrassowitz
2747-4305 Central Asiatic journal (e-vir) Harrassowitz
0008-9389 Central European history Emory University.
1569-1616 Central European history (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1210-7778 Central European journal of public health Czech Medical Association
1803-1048 Central European Journal of Public Health (e-vir) National Institute of Public Health
0862-6111 Český časopis historický Historický ústav AV ČR
2570-9208 Český časopis historický (e-vir)
0577-5752 Château Gaillard Centre de recherches archéologiques et historiques médiévales (Caen)
1127-8951 Cheiron Centro di ricerche storiche e sociali Federico Odorici.
0379-864X Chemical senses Oxford University Press
1464-3553 Chemical senses (e-vir) [IRL Press]
0069-3391 Chigiana Leo Olschki
0305-1862 Child Blackwell Scientific
1365-2214 Child (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0265-6590 Child language teaching and therapy Edward Arnold
1477-0865 Child language teaching and therapy (e-vir) [Arnold]
1077-5595 Child maltreatment Sage Periodicals Press
1552-6119 Child maltreatment (e-vir) Sage Publications
0009-398X Child psychiatry and human development Kluwer
1573-3327 Child psychiatry and human development (e-vir) Kluwer
1061-1932 Chinese education and society M.E. Sharpe Inc.
1944-7116 Chinese education and society (e-vir) M.E. Sharpe Inc.
1198-449X Chora McGill University. History and Theory of Architecture Graduate Program.
1105-2163 Choros.; Χορος Ekdoseis Keimena; Εκδοσεις Κειμενα,; Ellīnikī Epigrafikī Etaireia; Ελληνική Επιγραφική Εταιρεία,
0009-6067 Chronique d'Egypte Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth
0766-4257 Chroniques italiennes Unité d'enseignement et de recherche d'italien et de roumain,
0742-0528 Chronobiology international Taylor & Francis
1525-6073 Chronobiology international (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0009-6407 Church history American Society of Church History
1755-2613 Church history (e-vir) American Society of Church History
1871-241X Church history and religious culture Brill
1871-2428 Church history and religious culture (e-vir) Brill
0268-7518 Church monuments Church Monuments Society
0893-0465 City & society American Anthropological Association
1548-744X City & society American Anthropological Association
0106-5815 Classica et mediaevalia Librairie Museum Tusculanum
0278-6656 Classical antiquity University of California Press
1067-8344 Classical antiquity (e-vir) University of California Press
0009-8388 Classical quarterly Clarendon Press
1092-3934 Cleveland studies in the history of art Cleveland Museum of Art
2328-9651 Cleveland studies in the history of art (e-vir) Cleveland Museum of Art.
1096-4037 Clinical child and family psychology review (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1573-2827 Clinical child and family psychology review Kluwer
0269-9206 Clinical linguistics & phonetics Taylor & Francis
1464-5076 Clinical linguistics & phonetics (e-vir) Taylor & Francis; Informa Healthcare
0920-1637 Clinical neuropsychologist Swets Publishing Service
1099-0879 Clinical psychology & psychotherapy (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1063-3995 Clinical psychology and psychotherapy Wiley
0884-2043 Clio Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne.
0379-3621 Codices manuscripti Brüder Hollinek
0737-0008 Cognition and instruction Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-690X Cognition and instruction (e-vir) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1543-3633 Cognitive and behavioral neurology Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1543-3641 Cognitive and behavioral neurology Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0147-5916 Cognitive therapy and research (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1573-2819 Cognitive therapy and research Kluwer
1468-2745 Cold war history Frank Cass
1743-7962 Cold War history (e-vir) Frank Cass
0530-7058 Collectanea Hibernica Leinster Leader
0350-6134 Collegium antropologicum Croatian Anthropological Society
1848-9486 Collegium antropologicum (e-vir) Croatian Anthropological Society
0010-1338 Colloquia Germanica Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG
2941-0770 Colloquia Germanica (e-vir)
0179-3780 Colloquium helveticum Peter Lang; Universitäts-Verlag
0069-6412 Comitatus University of California, Los Angeles.; University of California, Los Angeles.; University of California, Los Angeles.
0146-3373 Communication quarterly Eastern Communication Association
1746-4102 Communication quarterly (e-vir) Eastern Communication Association; Routledge
0893-4215 Communication reports Western Speech Communication Association
1745-1043 Communication reports (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Group
0093-6502 Communication research Sage
1552-3810 Communication research (e-vir) Sage
1051-0974 Communication studies Central States Communication Association
1745-1035 Communication studies (e-vir) Central States Communication Association
0094-2065 Communio Communio
1477-5700 Comparative American studies Sage
1741-2676 Comparative American studies (e-vir) Sage Publications
0305-7925 Compare Carfax
1469-3623 Compare (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1131-6993 Complutum Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones
1698-2134 Complutum (e-vir) Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Prehistoria.
1988-2327 Complutum (e-vir) Servicio Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense
0065-0536 Comptes-rendus des séances de l'année ... Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres; diffusion de Boccard
1061-3773 Computer applications in engineering education J. Wiley & Sons
1099-0542 Computer applications in engineering education (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
0958-8221 Computer assisted language learning Swets & Zeitlinger; Intellect Books
1744-3210 Computer assisted language learning (e-vir) Swets & Zeitlinger Pub.
0148-9267 Computer music journal MIT press
1531-5169 Computer music journal (e-vir) People's Computer Co.
0010-4817 Computers and the humanities Kluwer Academic Publishers
0747-5632 Computers in human behavior Elsevier Science
1873-7692 Computers in human behavior (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1095-8363 Computer speech & language (e-vir) International Speech Communication Association
1057-9478 Computing in musicology Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities
1437-904X Concilium medii aevi Ed. Ruprecht
1437-9058 Concilium medii aevi Ed. Ruprecht
1437-9066 Concilium medii aevi (e-vir) Ed. Ruprecht
1063-1801 Configurations Johns Hopkins University Press
1080-6520 Configurations Johns Hopkins University Press
0010-5716 Confrontation Long Island University, English Department
1721-6745 Confronto Paparo,; Paparo,
0951-2314 Conradian Joseph Conrad Society.
0010-6356 Conradiana Texas Tech University
1935-0252 Conradiana (e-vir) Texas Tech University
1350-5033 Conservation and management of archaeological sites James & James (Science Publishers)
1753-5522 Conservation and management of archaeological sites (e-vir) James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd
1740-9292 Contemporary French and francophone studies Routledge
1740-9306 Contemporary French and francophone studies (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1048-6801 Contemporary theatre review Harwood Academic Publishers
1477-2264 Contemporary theatre review (e-vir) Harwood Academic Publishers
1387-2842 Continental philosophy review Springer
1573-0611 Continental philosophy review (e-vir) Kluwer
0010-809X Controspazio Gangemi editore
1541-163X Coptica Saint Mark Foundation.; Saint Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society.
1040-0419 Creativity research journal Creativity Research Journal
1532-6934 Creativity research journal (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates
0093-8548 Criminal justice and behavior Sage Publications, inc.
1552-3594 Criminal justice and behavior (e-vir) Sage Publications
0194-0953 Criminal justice history Crime and Justice History Group.
0169-894X CRIN Rijksuniversiteit Groningen-Instituut voor Romaanje Talen
1875-6751 CRIN (e-vir) Département de Langues Romanes.; Vakgroep Frans.
0393-3598 Cristianesimo nella storia Centro Editoriale Dehoniano
2612-2227 Cristianesimo nella storia (e-vir) Il Mulino
0011-1503 Crítica UNAM. Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas.
0011-1511 Critica d'arte Edifir.
1127-1140 Critica del testo Viella
0390-0142 Critica letteraria Loffredo; Paolo Loffredo Iniziative editoriali,; Paolo Loffredo Editore,
1066-288X Critical matrix (e-vir) Program in Women's Studies
0891-3811 Critical review Libertarian Review Foundation
1933-8007 Critical review Libertarian Review Foundation]
0011-1570 Critical survey Oxford University Press
1752-2293 Critical survey (e-vir) Berghahn
0011-1589 Criticism Wayne State University Press.
1536-0342 Criticism (e-vir) Wayne State University Press
0011-1619 Critique Bolingbroke Society
1939-9138 Critique (e-vir) [Bolingbroke Society]
0308-275X Critique of anthropology London Alternative Anthropology Group
1460-3721 Critique of anthropology (e-vir) London Alternative Anthropology Group
1333-1108 Croatian journal of philosophy Kruzak
1847-6139 Croatian journal of philosophy Kruzak
Y504-0191 Croatian journal of philosophy Kruzak
1069-3971 Cross-cultural research Sage Periodicals Press
1552-3578 Cross-cultural research (e-vir) Sage Publications
1476-5276 Crusades Ashgate
2832-7861 Crusades (e-vir) published by Routledge for the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East
0210-962X Cuadernos de arte de la Universidad de Granada Universidad, Secretariado de Publicaciones
2445-4567 Cuadernos de arte de la Universidad de Granada (e-vir) Universidad de Granada
0214-400X Cuadernos de historia contemporánea Universidad Complutense de Madrid
1698-2142 Cuadernos de historia contemporánea (e-vir) Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia Contemporánea.
1988-2734 Cuadernos de historia contemporánea Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones
0214-4018 Cuadernos de historia moderna Universidad Complutense de Madrid
1696-747X Cuadernos de historia moderna (e-vir) Universidad Complutense de Madrid
1988-2475 Cuadernos de historia moderna Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense
0210-0061 Cuadernos para investigación de la literatura hispánica Fundación Universitaria Española
2660-647X Cuadernos para la investigación de la literatura hispánica (e-vir) Fundación Universitaria Española
1537-7873 Cultural analysis (e-vir) University of California Berkeley
2572-0643 Cultural analysis University of California
1478-0038 Cultural and social history Arnold
1478-0046 Cultural and social history (e-vir) Arnold
0921-3740 Cultural dynamics Brill
1461-7048 Cultural dynamics (e-vir) Sage Publications
0950-2386 Cultural studies Taylor & Francis
1466-4348 Cultural studies (e-vir) Methuen
0195-2714 Culture & history West Virginia.
1354-067X Culture & psychology Sage
1461-7056 Culture & psychology (e-vir) Sage Publications
1466-4208 Current issues in language planning Multilingual Matters Ltd.
1747-7506 Current issues in language planning (e-vir) Multilingual Matters
0011-3735 Current musicology Columbia University
2640-883X Current musicology (e-vir) Columbia University Libraries and Columbia University Department of Music
0959-4388 Current opinion in neurobiology Current Biology Ltd
1102-7355 Current Swedish archaeology Svenska arkeologiska samfundet
2002-3901 Current Swedish archaeology (e-vir) Swedish Archaeological Society
0726-416X Curriculum and teaching James Nicholas Publishers
0362-6784 Curriculum inquiry J. Wiley.
1467-873X Curriculum inquiry (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
0965-9757 Curriculum studies Triangle
1094-9313 Cyberpsychology & behavior Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
0070-251X Dacia Editura Academiei Române
0711-8813 Dalhousie French studies Dept. of French. Dalhousie University.
0264-2875 Dance research Society for Dance Research
1750-0095 Dance research (e-vir) Society for Dance Research
0416-6884 Dansk °arbog for musikforskning Dansk Selskab for Musikforskning
2245-4985 Dansk årbog for musikforskning (e-vir) Dansk Selskab for Musikforskning
0300-693X Daphnis Walter de Gruyter.
1879-6583 Daphnis (e-vir) Rodopi
0722-740X Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert Wallstein
0002-6646 Das Altertum Akademie-Verlag
0027-299X Das Münster Schnell und Steiner
0929-9890 De achttiende eeuw Werkgroep 18e Eeuw; Werkgroep Achttiende Eeuw
0929-0761 Dead Sea discoveries Brill
1568-5179 Dead Sea discoveries (e-vir) Brill Academic
0748-1187 Death studies Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
1091-7683 Death studies (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0188-9478 Debate feminista [s.n.]
0011-7315 Decision sciences American Institute for Decision Sciences
1540-5915 Decision sciences (e-vir) [Decision Sciences Institute]
0167-9236 Decision support systems North-Holland
1873-5797 Decision support systems (e-vir) North-Holland
0871-9519 Dedalus APLC.; Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada.
0777-5067 De Gulden Passer Vereeniging der Antwerpsche Bibliophilen.
0923-9790 Delineavit et sculpsit Stichting Vrienden van het Prentenkabinet der Rijksuniversiteit Leiden.
1384-6280 De parelduiker Stichting Oog in 't Zeil.
1349-9947 Design discourse (e-vir) Design History Forum
1448-7136 Design philosophy papers (e-vir) Team D/E/S
0167-2185 Deutsche Bücher Weidler
0340-9341 Deutsche Sprache E. Schmidt
1868-775X Deutsche Sprache (e-vir) E. Schmidt
0012-1460 Deutschunterricht Volk und Wissen, Volkseigener Verlag
1058-8388 Developmental dynamics Wiley-Liss
1097-0177 Developmental dynamics (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1532-6942 Developmental neuropsychology (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates
8756-5641 Developmental neuropsychology Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
0378-5866 Developmental neuroscience S. Karger
1421-9859 Developmental neuroscience S. Karger
0163-9625 Deviant behavior Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
1521-0456 Deviant behavior Taylor & Francis
0012-1924 Diagnostica Verlag für Psychologie Hogrefe
2190-622X Diagnostica Hogrefe
0012-2017 Dialectica Dialectica
1746-8361 Dialectica (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
Y505-4192 Dialectica (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
0304-4092 Dialectical anthropology Elsevier Scientific ... [etc.]
1573-0786 Dialectical anthropology (e-vir) Kluwer
0942-4040 Dialectologia et geolinguistica M. de Gruyter
1867-0903 Dialectologia et geolinguistica (e-vir) de Gruyter Mouton
0012-2173 Dialogue Wilfrid Laurier University Press; Canadian Philosophical Association = Association canadienne de philosophie
1759-0949 Dialogue (e-vir) Published by Wilfrid Laurier University for the Canadian Philosophical Association
0742-5473 Dickens quarterly Dickens Society
2169-5377 Dickens quarterly (e-vir) Published for the Dickens Society by the University of Louisville
0170-9364 Die alte Stadt Kohlhammer
0947-031X Die Denkmalpflege Dt. Kunstverl.
0935-0519 Die Gartenkunst Werner,
0342-0736 Die Kunde Niedersächsischer Landesverein für Urgeschichte; Abteilung Urgeschichte des Niedersächsischen Landesmuseums
0936-7586 Die Philosophin Edition Diskord
2154-1620 Die Philosophin Philosophy Documentation Center
0376-401X Die Sprache Harrassowitz
0258-0144 Die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir sosiologie Universiteit van Pretoria. Departement sosiologie
0043-2520 Die Welt der Slaven Verlag Otto Sagner
1128-8221 Dike Led Edizioni
2465-0242 Dike (e-vir) Ledizioni Ledipublishing
0705-1085 Dionysius Dalhousie University Press.
0968-7599 Disability & society Routledge, Taylor & Francis
1360-0508 Disability & society (e-vir) Carfax
0159-6306 Discourse Carfax
1469-3739 Discourse (e-vir) Carfax
0957-9265 Discourse & society Sage Publications
1460-3624 Discourse & society (e-vir) Sage
0163-853X Discourse processes Ablex Publishing Corporation
1532-6950 Discourse processes (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates
0842-1420 Discours social McGill University. Comparative Literature Program.
0873-626X Disputatio S.P.F.
2182-2875 Disputatio (e-vir) S.P.F.
0158-7919 Distance education School of External Studies, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
1475-0198 Distance education (e-vir) Distance Education Centre, the University of Southern Queensland
0070-6760 Dix-huitième siècle Société française d'étude du XVIIIe siècle
1969-6965 Dix-septième siècle (e-vir) Société d'étude du XVIIe siècle (France)
1380-3204 DOCOMOMO journal International Secretariat DOCOMOMO
2773-1634 DOCOMOMO journal (e-vir) Docomomo International
0771-8640 Documenta Documentatiecentrum voor dramatische kunst
0184-1068 Documents d'archéologie méridionale Association pour la diffusion de l'archéologie méridionale; [diffusion et distribution] Epona
0012-5377 Domus Editoriale Domus
Y509-1934 Domus (e-vir) Editoriale Domus
1876-2824 Dutch journal of music theory = Amsterdam University Press; Digitaal Productiecentrum
1076-9242 Dyslexia Wiley
1099-0909 Dyslexia (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0012-8163 Early American literature University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
1534-147X Early American literature (e-vir) [publisher not identified]
0300-4430 Early child development and care Gordon and Breach
1476-8275 Early child development and care (e-vir) Carfax
1873-7706 Early childhood research quarterly (e-vir) Ablex Pub. Corp.
0885-2006 Early Childhood Research Quarterly Ablex Pub. Corp.
0378-3782 Early human development Elsevier/North-Holland
1872-6232 Early human development (e-vir) Elsevier Science
1468-0254 Early medieval Europe (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0963-9462 Early Medieval Europe Longman
1201-2459 Early modern literary studies (e-vir) Dept. of English, University of British Columbia.
0306-1078 Early music Oxford University Press
1741-7260 Early music (e-vir) Oxford University Press
Y505-4206 Early music (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1383-7427 Early science and medicine Brill
1573-3823 Early science and medicine Brill
1206-9078 Early theatre McMaster University Press.
2293-7609 Early theatre (e-vir) CRRS Publications
0957-5146 Early years Taylor & Francis
1472-4421 Early years (e-vir) Published for TACTYC by Trentham Books
0012-8376 East and west ISIAO; ISMEO
1562-918X East Asian science, technology, and medicine International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine.
2666-9323 East Asian science, technology, and medicine (e-vir) International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine (ISHEASTM)
0012-8708 Eastern Buddhist. New series Otani University. Eastern Buddhist Society.
0888-3254 East European politics and societies University of California Press
1533-8371 East European politics and societies (e-vir) Sage Publications
0012-7477 EAZ Humboldt-Universität, Lehrstuhl für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
1010-3872 Ecclesia orans Pontificio istituto liturgico
1473-2769 Ecloga University of Strathclyde.
0963-0899 Economia Association of European Economics Education.
0013-0567 Économies et sociétés Institut de science économique appliquée (Paris)
0013-0818 Edda Universitetsforl
1500-1989 Edda (e-vir) Universitetsforl.
1380-3611 Educatinal research and evaluation Swets & Zeitlinger; European Educational Research Association
1746-1979 Education, citizenship and social justice Sage Publications
1746-1987 Education, citizenship and social justice (e-vir) Sage Publications
0748-8491 Education & treatment of children Pressley Ridge School
1934-8924 Education & treatment of children (e-vir) Pressley Ridge School
0300-4279 Education 3-13 Studies in Education
1475-7575 Education 3-13 (e-vir) W. Collins Sons]
0013-161X Educational administration quarterly University Council for Educational Administration
1552-3519 Educational administration quarterly (e-vir) Sage Publications
0267-1611 Educational and child psychology British Psychological Society
2396-8702 Educational and child psychology (e-vir)
0013-1644 Educational and psychological measurement Educational and Psychological Measurement, etc.
1552-3888 Educational and psychological measurement (e-vir) Sage Publications
1062-7197 Educational assessment Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-6977 Educational assessment (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates.
0162-3737 Educational evaluation and policy analysis American Educational Research Association]
1935-1062 Educational evaluation and policy analysis (e-vir) American Educational Research Association
0360-1277 Educational gerontology Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
1521-0472 Educational gerontology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1943-5878 Educational leadership (e-vir) National Education Association of the United States.
0013-1784 Educational Leadership Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
0004-7597 Educational media international International Council for Educational Media.
0013-1857 Educational philosophy and theory University of New South Wales [etc.]
1469-5812 Educational philosophy and theory (e-vir) Carfax
0144-3410 Educational psychology Carfax Publishing Company
1469-5820 Educational psychology (e-vir) Carfax Pub.
0266-7363 Educational psychology in practice Longman
1469-5839 Educational psychology in practice (e-vir) Longman
1040-726X Educational psychology review Plenum Press
1573-336X Educational psychology review Kluwer
0013-1881 Educational research NFER Publishing Company
1469-5847 Educational research (e-vir) NFER Publishing Company
1744-4187 Educational research and evaluation (e-vir) Swets & Zeitlinger Pub.
0013-189X Educational researcher American Educational Research Association
1935-102X Educational researcher (e-vir) American Educational Research Association
1570-2081 Educational research for policy and practice Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-1723 Educational research for policy and practice (e-vir) Kluwer
0196-5042 Educational research quarterly U.S.C. School of Education
0013-1911 Educational review Carfax Publishing Company
1465-3397 Educational review (e-vir) Carfax Publishing Company
0305-5698 Educational studies Carfax Publ.
1465-3400 Educational studies (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1436-4522 Educational technology & society (e-vir) [Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik, GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik].
1598-5776 Educational Technology International Korean Society for Educational Technology
1042-1629 Educational technology research and development Association for Educational Communications and Technology
1556-6501 Educational technology research and development (e-vir) Association for Educational Communications and Technology
1085-4908 Education and culture University of Iowa
1559-1786 Education and culture (e-vir) Purdue University Press
1360-2357 Education and information technologies Chapman & Hall
1573-7608 Education and information technologies (e-vir)
0726-2655 Education and society James Nicholas
1547-0350 Education and training in developmental disabilities Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Developmental Disabilities
1373-847X Education et sociétés De Boeck & Larcier
1782-1428 Education et sociétés (e-vir) De Boeck Université
0013-1350 Education in Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry
1749-5326 Education in Chemistry (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
Y505-0138 Education in Chemistry (e-vir) Royal Society of Chemistry
0013-1377 Education in Science Association for Science Education
0339-7513 Education permanente Institut national pour la formation des adultes
1736-7484 Eesti Arheoloogiaajakiri (e-vir) Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus
1406-2933 Eesti Arheoloogiaajakiri = Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus
0790-7915 Eighteenth-century Ireland Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society
1478-5706 Eighteenth-century music Cambridge University Press
1478-5714 Eighteenth-century music (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1121-8819 Eikasmos Alma Mater Studiorum; Patron
1550-5162 Éire-Ireland (e-vir) Irish American Cultural Institute.
0013-2683 Éire-Ireland; Irish American Cultural Institute.
1645-6432 E-journal of Portuguese history Univ. do Porto; Brown University
0212-5633 El croquis El croquis editorial
2174-0356 El Croquis (e-vir) El Croquis Editorial
0392-7342 Elenchos Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Istituto per il lessico intellettuale europeo e storia delle idee
2037-7177 Elenchos (e-vir) Bibliopolis
0951-0893 ELT journal Oxford University Press
1477-4526 ELT journal (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1243-0412 Emblemata G. Monfort,
0885-968X Emblematica AMS Press,
1988-8384 Emerita (e-vir) Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráneo y Oriente Próximo, CSIC
0013-6662 Emérita Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientifícas. Instituto de Filología "Antonio de Nebrija"
1469-5790 EMI (e-vir) Kogan Page
0952-3987 EMI. Educational media international Kogan Page
0918-3701 English linguistics English Linguistic Society of Japan
0013-8339 English literature in transition, 1880-1920 Dept. of English, Arizona State University
0013-838X English studies Swets & Zeitlinger
1744-4217 English studies (e-vir) Swets & Zeitlinger
0013-8398 English studies in Africa Witwhtersrand University Press; UNISA Press
1943-8117 English studies in Africa (e-vir) Witwatersrand University Press
0172-8865 English world-wide John Benjamins
1569-9730 English world-wide (e-vir) John Benjamins
0212-4521 Enseñanza de las ciencias Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
2174-6486 Enseñanza de las ciencias Institut de Ciències de l'Educació de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Vicerectorat d'Investigació de la Universitat de València
0013-9165 Environment & behavior Sage
1469-5871 Environmental education research (e-vir) Carfax
1350-4622 Environmental Education Research Routledge
0163-4275 Environmental ethics University of North Texas
2153-7895 Environmental ethics (e-vir) University of North Texas, Center for Environmental Philosophy
1084-5453 Environmental history American Society for Environmental History and Forest History Society
1930-8892 Environmental history (e-vir) American Society for Environmental History and Forest History Society
1552-390X Environment and behavior (e-vir) Sage Publications
1472-3433 Environment and planning (e-vir) Pion Ltd
0263-7758 Environment and planning. D. Society & Space Pion
0253-391X Epetäiris Etaireias Vyzantinäon Spoudäon Etaireia Vyzantinäon Spoudäon
0013-9505 Ephemerides liturgicae Centro Liturgico Vincenziano
0174-6545 Epigraphica Anatolica
1525-5069 Epilepsy & behavior (e-vir) Elsevier B.V.
1525-5050 Epilepsy and behavior Academic Press
0165-0904 Episteme Reidel
0261-0159 Equal opportunities international Barmarick
1758-7093 Equal opportunities international (e-vir) Emerald
0013-9947 Eranos Eranos; Munksgaard
0014-0139 Ergonomics Taylor & Francis
1366-5847 Ergonomics (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0093-8297 ESQ Dept. of English, Washington State University]
1935-021X ESQ (e-vir) Washington State University.
0308-888X Essays in poetics British Neo-Formalist Circle.
0316-0300 Essays on Canadian writing ECW Press
0014-1291 Estetika Academia
2571-0915 Estetika (e-vir) Helsinki University Press
0014-1437 Estudios bíblicos Asociación para el Fomento de los Estudios Bíblicos en España; Patronato "Raimundo Lulio"; Instituto "Francisco Suárez"; Centro de Estudios Históricos (1985- ); Instituto Superior de Teología, Ciencias Religiosas y Catequética "San Dámaso"; Centro de Estudios "San Dámaso"; Facultad de Teología "San Dámaso"; Asociación Bíblica Española
0211-8572 Estudis romànics Institut d'Estudis Catalans.
2013-9500 Estudis romànics Institut d'Estudis Catalans.
1783-1431 Ethical perspectives (e-vir) Peeters Publishers
1370-0049 Ethical Perspectives Katholieke Universiteit
1386-2820 Ethical theory and moral practice Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8447 Ethical theory and moral practice (e-vir) Kluwer
1744-9642 Ethics and education Routledge
1744-9650 Ethics and education (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0935-7335 Ethik in der Medizin Springer
1437-1618 Ethik in der Medizin (e-vir) Springer
0141-9870 Ethnic and racial studies Taylor&Francis
1466-4356 Ethnic and racial studies (e-vir) Routledge and Kegan Paul
1745-7823 Ethnography and education Routledge
1745-7831 Ethnography and education (e-vir) Routledge
0014-1801 Ethnohistory Duke University press
1527-5477 Ethnohistory (e-vir) Ohio Valley Historic Indian Conference
0355-1776 Ethnologia Fennica Ethnos, Association of Finnish ethnologists
0348-9698 Ethnologia Scandinavica Folklivsarkivet
1335-4116 Ethnologia slovaca et slavica Univerzita Komenského
0046-2616 Ethnologie française Presses Universitaires de France
2101-0064 Ethnologie française (e-vir) Presses universitaires de France
2156-7417 Ethnomusicology (e-vir) s. n.]
0014-1836 Ethno-musicology s. n.]
0179-1613 Ethology Parey
1439-0310 Ethology (e-vir) Blackwell
0091-2131 Ethos University of California Press
1548-1352 Ethos (e-vir) Society for Psychological Anthropology
0873-6561 Etnográfica Celta Editora
2182-2891 Etnográfica (e-vir) Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social
0373-1928 Études Celtiques CNRS
0014-200X Etudes classiques Etudes classiques
0079-3566 Etudes et Travaux Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
0014-2085 Etudes françaises Presses de l'Université de Montréal
1093-9334 Études francophones Conseil international d'études francophones.; University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
0014-2115 Etudes Germaniques Didier Érudition
0071-2086 Études grégoriennes Abbaye Saint-Pierre (Solesmes, Sarthe)
0701-1008 Études inuit Inuksiutiit katimajiit.; CIÉRA.
1708-5268 Études Inuit (e-vir) Inuksiutiit Katimajiit
0183-973X Études irlandaises Centre d'études et de recherches irlandaises de l'Université de Lille 3; Presses universitaires de Rennes; Presses universitaires de Caen
2259-8863 Études irlandaises (e-vir) Presses universitaires de Rennes
0014-214X Études littéraires Université Laval
1708-9069 Études littéraires (e-vir) Département des littératures, l'Université Laval
1760-253X Etudes médiévales Centre d'études du Moyen âge et de la Renaissance (Amiens)
0766-5075 Etudes mongoles... et sibériennes Université Paris dix, Laboratoire d'ethnologie et de sociologie comparative
0014-2182 Etudes rurales Mouton & Co; Éditions de l'École pratique des hautes études
1777-537X Études rurales (e-vir) Éd. de l'EHESS
0778-8738 Etudes théatrales Université Catholique de Louvain
0014-2239 Études théologiques et religieuses Études théologiques et religieuses
1730-8518 Eurasian Prehistory Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Instytut Archeologii, Kraków.
1454-2153 Euro-Atlantic Studies Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti
1022-6877 European addiction research Karger
1421-9891 European addiction research S. Karger
1350-293X European early childhood education research journal EECERA
1752-1807 European early childhood education research journal (e-vir) EECERA; 1993-
1056-4934 European education M.E. Sharpe
1944-7086 European education (e-vir) M.E. Sharpe
0960-4545 European English Messenger European Society for the Study of English
1466-0407 European journal of American culture Intellect
1758-9118 European journal of American culture (e-vir)
1367-5494 European journal of cultural studies Sage Publications
1460-3551 European journal of cultural studies (e-vir) Sage Publications
0141-8211 European journal of education Blackwell Publishing
1465-3435 European journal of education (e-vir) Carfax
1382-5577 European journal of English studies Swets & Zeitlinger
1744-4233 European journal of English studies (e-vir) [Swets & Zeitlinger]
1351-5101 European journal of neurology Rapid Communications
1468-1331 European journal of neurology (e-vir) Blackwell Science
0966-8373 European journal of philosophy Blackwell
1468-0378 European journal of philosophy (e-vir) Blackwell
1015-5759 European journal of psychological assessment Hogrefe & Huber
2151-2426 European journal of psychological assessment (e-vir) Hogrefe
0885-6257 European journal of special needs education Routledge, Taylor & Francis
1469-591X European journal of special needs education (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis
0261-9768 European journal of teacher education Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
1469-5928 European journal of teacher education (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0960-2720 European journal of theology Paternoste Periodicals
2666-9730 European journal of theology (e-vir) Paternoster Publishing
0172-7028 European photography (Redaktion) European Photography
1016-9040 European psychologist Hogrefe & Huber; EFPPA
1878-531X European psychologist Hogrefe
1350-7486 European review of history Carfax Publishing Company
1469-8293 European review of history (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1356-3890 Evaluation Sage Publications
1461-7153 Evaluation (e-vir) Sage Publications
0950-0790 Evaluation & research in education Multilingual Matters
1747-7514 Evaluation & research in education (e-vir) Multilingual Matters
0163-2787 Evaluation & the health professions Sage Publications
1552-3918 Evaluation & the health professions (e-vir) Sage Publications
0149-7189 Evaluation and Program Planning Pergamon Press.
0193-841X Evaluation review Sage Publications.
1552-3926 Evaluation review (e-vir) Sage Publications
0870-0133 Evphrosyne Portugal.; Centro de Estudos Clássicos
1532-7035 Exceptionality (e-vir) Springer International
0166-2740 Exchange Interuniveritair Instituut voor Missiologie en Oecumenica
1572-543X Exchange (e-vir) Brill
0361-073X Experimental aging research Beech Hill Enterprises
1096-4657 Experimental aging research (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Group
1064-1297 Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology American Psychological Association
1936-2293 Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology (e-vir) American Psychological Association
1432-1106 Experimental brain research Springer
0014-4819 Experimental Brain Research Springer-Verlag
0014-5246 Expository times T. & T. Clark
0014-5483 Extrapolation Kent State University Press
2047-7708 Extrapolation (e-vir) Kent State University Press
1033-1867 Fabrications Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand
2164-4756 Fabrications (e-vir) [Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand]
0014-6242 Fabula De Gruyter
1613-0464 Fabula (e-vir) De Gruyter
1424-0602 Facta philosophica Peter Lang
0739-7046 Faith and philosophy Society of Christian Philosophers (U.S.),; Asbury Theological Seminary.; Georgetown University.
2153-3393 Faith and philosophy Philosophy Documentation Center
1244-5460 Faits de langues Presses universitaires de France; Ophrys
0160-6379 Family & community health Aspen Publishers Inc.
1550-5057 Family & community health (e-vir) Aspen System Corporation
0263-2136 Family practice Oxford University Press
1460-2229 Family practice (e-vir) Oxford University Press.
0014-7370 Family process Nathan W. Ackerman Family Institute, etc.
1545-5300 Family process (e-vir) Family Process; Wiley
0197-6664 Family relations National Council on Family Relations.
1741-3729 Family relations (e-vir) National Council on Family Relations
0860-0007 Fasciculi archaeologiae historicae Instytut archeologii i etnologii PAN; Polska akademia nauk
2719-7069 Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae (e-vir) Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
1362-704X Fashion theory Berg Publishers; Taylor & Francis
1751-7419 Fashion theory (e-vir) Berg
0210-7570 Faventia Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions
2014-850X Faventia (e-vir) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
0391-7517 Felix Ravenna Edizione del Girasole
0959-3535 Feminism & psychology SAGE
1461-7161 Feminism & psychology (e-vir) SAGE
0966-3622 Feminist legal studies Deborah Charles Publications.; Kluwer Academic Publishers.
1572-8455 Feminist legal studies (e-vir) Kluwer
0781-7126 Fennoscandia archaeologica Suomen arkeologinen seura.
1449-1443 Fibreculture journal Fibreculture network
1525-822X Field methods AltaMira Press
1552-3969 Field methods (e-vir) Sage Publications
0164-0933 Fifteenth century studies Heinz, Akad. Verl..
1439-4367 Figurationen Arbeitsstelle für Feministische Literaturwissenschaft, Institut für Germanistik II, Universität
0360-3695 Film & history Historians Film Committee
1548-9922 Film & history Historians Film Committee
0015-1513 Filmcritica [s.n.] ;; Il Grifo ;; OSP
0071-495X Filología Universidad de Buenos Aires
2422-6009 Filología (e-vir) Instituto de Filología y Literaturas Hispánicas "Dr. Amado Alonso", Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires
0214-2996 Filología neotestamentaria Universidad de Córdoba
1024-1817 Filologičeskie nauki Vysšaja škola
1520-4723 Financial history Museum of American Financial History
0968-5650 Financial history review Cambridge University Press
1474-0052 Financial history review (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0355-1253 Finnisch-ugrische Forschungen Suomalais-ugrilainen seura
0341-7816 Finnisch-ugrische Mitteilungen Buske.
0142-7237 First language Alpha Academic
1740-2344 First language (e-vir) Alpha Academic
0709-5201 Florilegium Carleton University.; Society for Canadian Medievalists.; Canadian Society of Medievalists.
1558-5263 Focaal Universiteit Nijmegen
0920-1297 Focaal - European Journal of Anthropology Herman Tak
0071-6723 Folia historiae artium Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich
0165-4004 Folia linguistica Mouton de Gruyter
1614-7308 Folia linguistica Mouton de Gruyter
0168-647X Folia linguistica historica Mouton de Gruyter
1614-7316 Folia linguistica historica University of Vienna, English Dep.; Mouton de Gruyter
0085-0756 Folk Dansk Etnografisk Forening.
0015-6191 Fontes artis musicae Bärenreiter-Verlag
2471-156X Fontes artis musicae (e-vir) Kassel und Bärenreiter-Verlag
0740-9710 Food & foodways Harwood Academic Publishers.
1542-3484 Food and foodways Taylor & Francis, Inc.
0759-6340 Formation emploi La documentation Française
1275-7713 Formules Reflet de lettres (France)
0015-7813 Fornvännen Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien
0925-8620 Foro hispánico Rodopi
1875-7375 Foro hispánico (e-vir) Rodopi
0261-586X Fort Fortress Study Group.
0228-0671 For the learning of mathematics Concordia University, Dept. of Mathematics
0178-7667 Forum der Psychoanalyse Springer
1437-0751 Forum der Psychoanalyse (e-vir) Springer
0014-5858 Forum Italicum Florida State University.; South Atlantic AATI.
2168-989X Forum Italicum (e-vir) [Dept. of Modern Languages, Florida State University]
1661-4216 Forum Mission Verein zur Förderung der Missionswissenschaft
1386-4238 Foundations of chemistry Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8463 Foundations of chemistry (e-vir) Kluwer
1233-1821 Foundations of science Oficyna Akademicka.; Kluwer Academic Publishers.
1572-8471 Foundations of science (e-vir) Kluwer
0080-5459 Franciscan studies Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University.
1945-9718 Franciscan studies (e-vir) Joseph F. Wagner
1741-8283 Francophone postcolonial studies Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies.
0016-0725 Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie Paulusverlag; Universitätsverlag; Academic Press
0098-9355 French forum University of Nebraska Press, etc.]
1534-1836 French forum French Forum, Inc.; University of Nebraska Press
1527-5493 French historical studies (e-vir) Duke University Press
0016-1071 French Historical Studies French Historical Studies,Department of History,Georgia Southern Collage
0160-9009 Frontiers University of Colorado, Women Studies Program
1536-0334 Frontiers (e-vir) Women Studies Program, University of Colorado
0071-9706 Frühmittelalterliche Studien Walter de Gruyter
1613-0812 Frühmittelalterliche Studien (e-vir) W. de Gruyter
0940-4007 Frühneuzeit-Info Lang
0929-998X Functions of language Benjamins
1569-9765 Functions of language John Benjamins
1825-3903 Galilaeana (e-vir) Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
0016-4119 Gallia Presses universitaires de France
2109-9588 Gallia (e-vir) [CNRS éd.]
0016-4127 Gallia préhistoire Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
0753-5015 Gazette du livre médiéval Composition édition micro-informatique
0953-5233 Gender & history Basil Blackwell
1468-0424 Gender & history (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1098-092X Gender issues Transaction Publishers, Inc.
1936-4717 Gender issues (e-vir) Transaction Publications
Y505-5067 Gender issues (e-vir) Transaction Publishers
0016-6553 General linguistics Pennsylvania State University Press.
1167-5101 Genesis Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes (Paris)
1121-8940 Geographia antiqua Giunti; Olschki,
0161-7435 George Herbert journal [publisher not identified]
1022-5471 Georges-Bloch-Jahrbuch des Kunstgeschichtlichen Seminars der Universität Zürich Universität Zürich
0213-0181 Gerión Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense
1698-2444 Gerión (e-vir) Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia Antigua.
1988-3080 Gerión (e-vir) Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones
0524-8418 Germanistik Buchwerbung in Berlin.
1210-9029 Germanoslavica Slovanský ústav AV ČR; Euroslavica
0304-324X Gerontology S. Karger
1423-0003 Gerontology (e-vir) S. Karger
0016-9056 Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht Friedrich; E. Klett
0937-1656 Geschichte und Gegenwart Verein für Kloster- und Heimatgeschichte Harsefeld e.V.
0776-4111 Gezelliana, kroniek van de Gezellestudie De Nederlandse Boekhandel
0016-9862 Gifted child quarterly National Association for Gifted Children
0017-0496 Giornale storico della letteratura italiana Casa editrice Loescher
1118-146X Glendora review Glendora International.
1723-9346 Gli Uffizi Centro Di
1476-7724 Globalisation, societies and education Carfax Pub.
1476-7732 Globalisation, societies and education (e-vir) Carfax Pub.
1381-3439 Glot international Holland Academic Graphics
0017-1298 Glotta Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht
2196-9043 Glotta (e-vir) Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
1064-2684 GLQ Gordon and Breach Publishers
1527-9375 GLQ Duke University Press
1362-7937 Gothic studies International Gothic Association.
2050-456X Gothic studies (e-vir) Manchester University Press
0017-1549 Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht
0017-2715 Goya Fundación Lázaro Galdiano.
0376-5253 Grazer Beiträge Rodopi
0165-9227 Grazer philosophische Studien Rodopi
0017-3835 Greece & Rome Clarendon Press
1477-4550 Greece & Rome (e-vir) Clarendon Press
0017-3916 Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies [s.n.]
2159-3159 Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies Dept. of Classical Studies, Duke University
0944-8594 Grenzgänge Leipziger Univ.-Verl..
1059-6011 Group & organization management Sage Periodicals Press
1552-3993 Group & organization management (e-vir) Sage Publications
1089-2699 Group dynamics Educational Publishing Foundation
1930-7802 Group dynamics Educational Pub. Foundation
1368-4302 Group processes & intergroup relations Sage Publications
1461-7188 Group processes and intergroup relations (e-vir) Sage Publications
0017-4947 Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
0072-9094 Gutenberg-Jahrbuch Gutenberg-Gesellschaft
0342-5231 Gymnasium Winter
2567-6555 Gymnasium (e-vir) Teubner
1124-1225 Hagiographica Brepols; SISMEL
0342-8303 Hamburger Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft Lang.
0250-7196 Hamdard islamicus Hamdard National Foundation
2789-8490 Hamdard islamicus (e-vir) Hamdard Foundation Pakistan
0774-3254 Handelingen Druk. N.V. Vonksteen.; Koninklijke Zuidnederlandse maatschappij voor taal- en letterkunde en geschiedenis
0440-0615 Händel-Jahrbuch Bärenreiter
0073-0327 Hansische Geschichtsblätter Hansischer Geschichtsverein
1558-4356 Harvard journal of law & gender Harvard Law School students
2374-6645 Harvard journal of law & gender (e-vir) Harvard Law School.
1475-4517 Harvard theological review (e-vir) Harvard Divinity School
0449-1564 Ḥawliyyaẗ dāʹiraẗ al-āṯār al-'āmmaẗ.; حولية دائرة الآثار العامة Department of Antiquities, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
0739-9332 Health care for women international Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
1096-4665 Health care for women international (e-vir) Hemisphere Publishing Corporation
1090-1981 Health education & behavior Sage Publications Press
1552-6127 Health education & behavior (e-vir) Sage Publications
0017-8969 Health education journal Health Education Council; Sage
1748-8176 Health education journal (e-vir) Health Education Council
0268-1153 Health education research IRL Press
1465-3648 Health education research (e-vir) Oxford University Press.
0146-4094 Hebrew studies National Association of Professors of Hebrew in American Institutions of Higher Learning.
2158-1681 Hebrew studies (e-vir) National Association of Professors of Hebrew in American Institutions of Higher Learning
0360-9049 Hebrew Union College annual Hebrew Union College
0073-1587 Hegel-Studien Bouvier; Felix Meiner
0885-4580 Heidegger studies Duncker u. Humblot
2153-9170 Heidegger studies (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
0017-9647 Heilpädagogische Forschung
0160-0923 Helios The Association
0018-0173 Helvetia archaeologica Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
0018-0270 Hémecht Edition Hémecht
0393-6805 Henoch Silvio Zamorani Editore; Morcelliana
0018-098X Hesperia American School of Classical Studies at Athens
1553-5622 Hesperia (e-vir) Harvard University Press
1359-8139 High ability studies Routledge, Taylor & Francis
1469-834X High ability studies (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis
0379-7724 Higher education in Europe Carfax
1469-8358 Higher education in Europe (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1682-3451 Higher education management and policy Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
1726-9822 Higher education management and policy (e-vir) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
0952-8733 Higher education policy Kogan Page
1740-3863 Higher education policy (e-vir) Pergamon
0951-5224 Higher education quarterly "Basil Blackwell"
1468-2273 Higher education quarterly (e-vir) Blackwell
0105-8118 Hikuin Hikuin
0172-956X Hindemith-Jahrbuch Schott.
0739-9863 Hispanic journal of behavioral sciences Spanish Speaking Mental Health Research Center, University of California, Los Angeles
1552-6364 Hispanic journal of behavioral sciences (e-vir) Sage Publications
1468-2737 Hispanic research journal Maney
1745-820X Hispanic research journal (e-vir) Maney
1777-5906 Histoire, économie & société (e-vir) A. Colin
0752-5702 Histoire, économie et société Armand Colin
0982-1783 Histoire & mesure Centre de recherches historiques
1957-7745 Histoire & mesure (e-vir) Éd. de l'EHESS
1633-2784 Histoire & sociétés Scop-SA; Alternatives économiques
0440-8888 Histoire des sciences médicales Société française d'histoire de la médecine
1254-728X Histoire et sociétés rurales Centre de recherche d'histoire quantitative (Caen); Association d'histoire des sociétés rurales (France)
0991-2894 Histoire médiévale et archéologie Centre d'archéologie et d'histoire médiévale des établissements religieux (Amiens)
1623-5843 Histoires littéraires Histoires littéraires; Du Lérot éd
0018-2257 Histoire sociale Editions de l'Université d'Ottawa.
1918-6576 Histoire sociale (e-vir) Publications Histoire sociale
1108-3441 Historein Nefeli Publishers
0018-2311 Historia Steiner
2365-3108 Historia (e-vir) Steiner
1136-1700 Historia, antropología y fuentes orales Asociación Historia y Fuente Oral
1139-1472 Historia agraria SEHA; Universidad de Murcia
2340-3659 Historia agraria (e-vir) Universidad de Murcia
1130-2402 Historia contemporánea Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco
2340-0277 Historia contemporánea (e-vir) Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco
0212-0267 Historia de la educación Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
2386-3846 Historia de la educación (e-vir) Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
0018-2362 Historiallinen aikakauskirja [Suomen historiallinen seura]
2489-6969 Historiallinen aikakauskirja (e-vir) Suomen historiallinen seura
0285-4821 Historia scientiarum History of Science Society of Japan
0214-2570 Historia social Centro de la UNED Alzira-Valencia, Instituto de Historia Social.
1137-0734 Historia y comunicación social Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense.
1698-3246 Historia y comunicación social (e-vir) Departamento de Historia de la Comunicación Social. Facultad de Ciencias de la información.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia de la Comunicación Social.
1988-3056 Historia y comunicación social Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones
1575-0361 Historia y política Departamento de Historia del Pensamiento y de los Movimientos Sociales y Políticos de la U.C.M.; Departamento de Historia Social y del Pensamiento Político de la U.N.E.D.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia del Pensamiento y de los Movimientos Sociales y Políticos.; Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Departamento de Historia Social y del Pensamiento Político.; Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (España)
1989-063X Historia y política Biblioteca Nueva; Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales
1210-8499 Historica Historical Institute; Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
0142-3304 Historical metallurgy Historical Metallurgy Society
1362-1572 Historical studies in industrial relations University of Keele.
2049-4459 Historical studies in industrial relations (e-vir) Published for Keele University Centre for Industrial Relations by Keele University Press
0018-2575 Historický časopis [S.n.]
2585-9099 Historický časopis (e-vir) Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied
0302-5160 Historiographia linguistica John Benjamins Publishing Company
1569-9781 Historiographia linguistica (e-vir) Benjamins
0942-8704 Historische Anthropologie Böhlau
0018-2621 Historisches Jahrbuch K. Alber
0173-2145 Historische Sozialforschung Klett-Cotta.
0935-3518 Historische Sprachforschung Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht
2196-8071 Historische Sprachforschung (e-vir) Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
0345-469X Historisk tidskrift Svenska historiska föreningen
0046-7596 Historisk tidskrift för Finland [Historiska föreningen i Finland]
2343-2888 Historisk tidskrift för Finland (e-vir) Historiska föreningen
0106-4991 Historisk tidsskrift (Kbh. : 1858) Den danske historiske Forening
0957-0144 History & computing Oxford University Press
0935-560X History and memory Athenäum
1527-1994 History and memory (e-vir) Athenäum
0144-5340 History and philosophy of logic Abacus Press
1464-5149 History and philosophy of logic (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0391-9714 History and philosophy of the life sciences Taylor & Francis
1742-6316 History and philosophy of the life sciences (e-vir) Springer Internat. Publ.
0734-1512 History and technology Harwood Academic Pub.
1477-2620 History and technology (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0018-2656 History and theory Wiley Periodicals
1468-2303 History and theory (e-vir) Mouton
0046-760X History of education Taylor & Francis
1464-5130 History of education (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0018-2680 History of education quarterly Indiana University
1748-5959 History of education quarterly (e-vir) University of Pittsburgh
0819-8691 History of education review Australian and New Zealand History of Education Society
2054-5649 History of education review (e-vir) Australian and New Zealand History of Education Society
0191-6599 History of European ideas Elsevier Science Ltd.
1873-541X History of European ideas Elsevier Science
0740-0675 History of philosophy quarterly Philosophy Documentation Center
2152-1026 History of philosophy quarterly (e-vir) Published in cooperation with the Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University
0143-781X History of political thought Imprint Academic
2051-2988 History of political thought (e-vir) Imprint Academic
0018-2710 History of religions University of Chicago Press
1545-6935 History of religions (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
0073-2753 History of science Science History Publ.
1753-8564 History of science (e-vir) Science History Publications
0307-5451 History of technology Mansell
0952-6951 History of the human sciences SAGE Publications
1461-720X History of the human sciences (e-vir) Sage
Y505-5083 History of the human sciences (e-vir) SAGE Publications
0921-5891 Hobbes studies Van Gorcum
1875-0257 Hobbes studies Brill
1740-6315 Home cultures Berg
1751-7427 Home cultures (e-vir) Berg
0018-442X Homo Elsevier
1331-3010 Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet = Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences
1848-7734 Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja (e-vir) Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Y502-6989 Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet = Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences
1423-0054 Human development (e-vir) S. Karger
0018-716X Human Development S. Karger AG
0018-7208 Human factors Pergamon Press
1547-8181 Human factors Pergamon Press; Johns Hopkins Press; Johns Hopkins University Press; Human Factors Society
0167-9457 Human movement science North-Holland; Elsevier Science
1872-7646 Human movement science (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0895-9285 Human performance Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-7043 Human performance (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
0885-6222 Human psychopharmacology John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
1099-1077 Human psychopharmacology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0018-7267 Human relations Plenum Press
1741-282X Human relations (e-vir) Sage Publications
1367-8868 Human resource development international Routledge
1469-8374 Human resource development international (e-vir) Routledge
1044-8004 Human resource development quarterly Jossey-Bass
1532-1096 Human resource development quarterly (e-vir) [Jossey-Bass]; Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
0319-7336 Hume studies s.n..
1947-9921 Hume studies Hume Society; Hume Society
0933-1719 Humor De Gruyter Mouton
1613-3722 Humor Mouton de Gruyter.
1567-9837 Hunch Berlage Institute
0236-6568 Hungarian studies Akadémiai Kiadó
1588-2772 Hungarian studies Akadémiai Kiadó
0167-9848 Husserl studies Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8501 Husserl studies (e-vir) Kluwer
0887-5367 Hypatia Hypatia, Inc.
1527-2001 Hypatia (e-vir) Hypatia, Inc.
0160-1040 IA Society for Industrial Archeology.
2327-7858 IA (e-vir) Published for the Society for Industrial Archeology by the Office of Publications, West Virginia University
0019-0993 Iberoromania Niemeyer
1865-9039 Iberoromania de Gruyter
1361-8113 Icon Frank Cass
1720-1764 Iconographica SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo
1053-5888 IEEE signal processing magazine Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers
1558-0792 IEEE signal processing magazine (e-vir) Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers
0018-9359 IEEE transactions on education Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1557-9638 IEEE transactions on education (e-vir) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
0394-994X Il Confronto letterario Schena Editore
2328-5265 Illinois classical studies (e-vir) University of Illinois Press
0363-1923 Illinois Classical Studies University of Illinois Press.
1125-3878 Il Mar Nero Edizioni Quasar di Severina Tognon; Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme.
1123-8615 Il saggiatore musicale Leo S. Olschki
2035-6706 Il Saggiatore musicale (e-vir) Leo Olschki
0042-3254 Il Veltro Il Veltro
0506-7715 Il Verri Edizioni Mantovani della Sedit; Monogramma,; Edizioni del Verri :; Edizioni Monogramma,; Edizioni del Verri,
1780-678X Image & narrative (e-vir) Instituut voor Culturele Studies.
1778-3801 Images re-vues (e-vir) CEHTA
0255-8831 Imago musicae International Repertory of Musical Iconography
1463-9955 Implicit religion Maney
1743-1697 Implicit religion (e-vir) Equinox Publishing Ltd
1134-136X Impressions Renart Edicions.
1365-4802 Improving schools Institute of Education
1475-7583 Improving schools (e-vir) Institute of Education
0390-2412 Incontri linguistici Universitá di Trieste; Universitá di Udine
1724-1669 Incontri linguistici Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali
0271-8022 Indiana theory review Indiana University Jacobs School of Music.; Indiana University, Bloomington.
2474-7777 Indiana theory review (e-vir) [Graduate Theory Association, School of Music, Indiana University]
0019-4646 Indian economic and social history review SAGE Publications India.
0973-0893 Indian economic and social history review (e-vir) Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.
0971-5215 Indian Journal of Gender Studies Sage Publications.
0973-0672 Indian Journal of Gender Studies Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.
2454-9991 Indian journal of history of science (e-vir) Indian National Science Academy
0019-5235 Indian Journal of History of Science Indian National Science Academy
0019-7262 Indogermanische Forschungen Walter de Gruyter
1613-0405 Indogermanische Forschungen de Gruyter
0019-7289 Indonesia Cornell Modern Indonesia Project
2164-8654 Indonesia (e-vir) Cornell Modern Indonesia Project
0912-8816 Indo tetsugaku Bukkyäogaku Hokkaido Association of Indological and Buddhist Studies.
0309-0728 Industrial archaeology review Oxford University Press; Association for Industrial Archaeology
1745-8196 Industrial archaeology review (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1522-7219 Infant and child development (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1522-7227 Infant and child development (e-vir) Wiley Interscience
0163-6383 Infant behavior & development Ablex Pub.
1879-0453 Infant behavior & development (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0163-9641 Infant mental health journal (e-vir) Wiley Subscription Services, Inc.; Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.
1097-0355 Infant mental health journal (e-vir) [CPPC]; Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health
0896-3746 Infants and young children Aspen Publishers
1550-5081 Infants and young children Aspen Publishers
0824-2577 Informal logic P.F. Wilkinson
2293-734X Informal logic (e-vir) P.F. Wilkinson
1464-8172 Inner Asia Mongolia & Inner Asia Studies Unit.
2210-5018 Inner Asia Brill
1470-3300 Innovations in education & teaching international (e-vir) Routledge
1470-3297 Innovations in education and teaching international Routledge
0020-174X Inquiry Universitetsforlaget
1502-3923 Inquiry (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0020-4277 Instructional science Elsevier
1573-1952 Instructional science (e-vir) Kluwer
1049-4820 Interactive learning environments Ablex Pub. Corp.
1744-5191 Interactive learning environments (e-vir) Swets & Zeitlinger Pub.
0826-4805 Interchange Kluwer Academic Publishers; Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
1573-1790 Interchange (e-vir) Kluwer
1467-5986 Intercultural education Taylor&Francis
1469-8439 Intercultural education (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers; Taylor & Francis.
1612-295X Intercultural pragmatics Mouton de Gruyter
1613-365X Intercultural pragmatics Mouton de Gruyter; Mouton der Gruyter
1406-0701 Interlitteraria Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus/Tartu University Press
2228-4729 Interlitteraria (e-vir) Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.
1705-8546 Intermédialités Université de Montréal.
0272-6122 International bulletin of missionary research Overseas Ministries Study Center
0020-9252 Internationale kirchliche Zeitschrift Stämpfli
2297-5373 Internationale kirchliche Zeitschrift (e-vir) Stämpfli
1206-9620 International electronic journal for leadership in learning (e-vir) University of Calgary Press
0315-4149 International fiction review International Fiction Assoc..
1911-186X International fiction review (e-vir) International Fiction Association.
1573-1782 International journal for educational and vocational guidance (e-vir) Kluwer
1873-0388 International journal for educational and vocational guidance Kluwer Academic Publishers
1833-2595 International journal for educational integrity (e-vir) BioMed Central
0020-7047 International journal for philosophy of religion Springer
1572-8684 International journal for philosophy of religion (e-vir) Kluwer
1474-225X International journal for the study of the Christian church T&T Clark
1747-0234 International journal for the study of the Christian church (e-vir) T&T Clark
0802-6106 International journal of applied linguistics Novus press
1473-4192 International journal of applied linguistics (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1499-2027 International journal of audiology BC Decker Inc
1708-8186 International journal of audiology (e-vir) BC Decker
0165-0254 International journal of behavioral development North-Holland; L. Erlbaum; Psychology Press; SAGE
1464-0651 International journal of behavioral development (e-vir) North-Holland
1367-0050 International journal of bilingual education and bilingualism Taylor&Francis
1747-7522 International journal of bilingual education and bilingualism (e-vir) Multilingual Matters
1378-286X International journal of child & family welfare Uitgeverij Acco.
1469-8455 International journal of children's spirituality (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
1741-5055 International journal of continuing engineering education and lifelong learning (e-vir) Inderscience Enterprises
1560-4624 International journal of continuing engineering education and life-long learning Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
1384-6655 International journal of corpus linguistics J. Benjamins
1569-9811 International journal of corpus linguistics Benjamins
0736-5748 International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience Pergamon
1465-346X International journal of disability, development, and education (e-vir) University of Queensland Press for the Fred and Eleanor Schonell Special Education Research Centre
1034-912X International journal of disability, development and education Carfax
0966-9760 International journal of early years education Trentham Books
1469-8463 International journal of early years education (e-vir) Trentham Books; Carfax International Publishers; Routledge
1529-8094 International journal of education & the arts Arizona State University
1758-6518 International journal of educational management (e-vir) MCB University Press
1743-5234 International journal of education through art Intellect
2040-090X International journal of education through art (e-vir) Intellect
Y505-8201 International journal of education through art Intellect
0020-7209 International journal of electrical engineering education Sage Publications
2050-4578 International journal of electrical engineering education (e-vir) Manchester University Press [for the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology]; Sage Publications
0949-149X International journal of engineering education Tempus Publications
1368-2679 International journal of Francophone studies Intellect Ltd.
1758-9142 International journal of Francophone studies (e-vir)
0020-7284 International journal of group psychotherapy International Universities Press
1472-9466 International journal of historical learning, teaching and research [University of Exeter]
1472-9474 International journal of historical learning, teaching and research (e-vir) The Historical Association of Great Britain
1071-5819 International journal of human-computer studies Academic Press
1095-9300 International journal of human-computer studies (e-vir) Academic Press
0958-5192 International journal of human resource management Taylor & Francis
1465-6612 International journal of human resources development and management Inderscience Publishers
1741-5160 International journal of human resources development and management (e-vir) Inderscience Publishers
0092-1815 International journal of instructional media Baywood Pub. Co.
0950-3846 International journal of lexicography Oxford University Press
1477-4577 International journal of lexicography (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0260-1370 International journal of lifelong education Taylor & Francis
1464-519X International journal of lifelong education (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1460-8545 International journal of management reviews Blackwell
1468-2370 International journal of management reviews (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0843-8714 International journal of maritime history International Maritime Economic History Association
2052-7756 International journal of maritime history (e-vir) Maritime Studies Research Unit
1464-5211 International journal of mathematical education in science and technology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0020-739X International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology John Wiley and Sons
0020-7438 International journal of Middle East studies Cambridge University Press
1471-6380 International journal of Middle East studies (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
Y505-5148 International journal of Middle East studies (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1479-0718 International journal of multilingualism Multilingual Matters,; Routledge
1747-7530 International journal of multilingualism (e-vir) Taylor&Francis
0255-7614 International journal of music education Sage Publications
1744-795X International journal of music education (e-vir) Sage Publications
1077-3525 International journal of occupational and environmental health Hanley & Belfus
2049-3967 International journal of occupational and environmental health (e-vir) Hanley & Belfus
1047-482X International journal of osteoarchaeology Wiley
1099-1212 International journal of osteoarchaeology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
0967-2559 International journal of philosophical studies Routledge
1466-4542 International journal of philosophical studies (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis
0020-7594 International journal of psychology Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1464-066X International journal of psychology (e-vir) Psychology Press, part of the Taylor & Francis Group; Wiley
0167-8760 International journal of psychophysiology Elsevier
1366-5898 International journal of qualitative studies in education (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0965-075X International journal of selection and assessment Blackwell
1468-2389 International journal of selection and assessment (e-vir) Blackwell
0538-8228 International journal of slavic linguistics and poetics Slavica Publishers
1917-7844 International journal of special education (e-vir) Centre for Human Development and Research
0827-3383 International Journal of Special Education B.C.
1381-2416 International journal of speech technology Springer
1572-8110 International journal of speech technology (e-vir) Kluwer
0047-0767 International journal of sport psychology Pozzi
0957-7572 International journal of technology and design education Trentham :; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-1804 International journal of technology and design education (e-vir) Kluwer
0165-2516 International journal of the sociology of language Mouton de Gruyter
1613-3668 International Journal of the sociology of language (e-vir) Mouton de Gruyter
1468-2419 International journal of training and development (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1075-2455 International journal of vocational education and training International Vocational Education and Training Association.
1537-2456 International journal on e-learning Association for the advancement of computing in education
1812-9129 International journal on teaching and learning in higher education (e-vir) International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning
0147-5479 International labor and working class history Cambridge university press
1471-6445 International labor and working class history (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0019-0365 International philosophical quarterly Fordham University
2153-8077 International philosophical quarterly (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
1041-6102 International psychogeriatrics Springer Pub. Co..
1741-203X International psychogeriatrics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1613-4141 International review of applied linguistics in language teaching Mouton de Gruyter.
0020-8566 International review of education Unesco Institute for education
1573-0638 International review of education (e-vir) Kluwer
0020-8582 International review of mission Commission on World Mission and Evangelism of the World Council of Churches
1758-6631 International review of mission (e-vir) International Review of Missions
1492-3831 International review of research in open and distance learning (e-vir) Athabasca University
1363-5387 Internet archaeology (e-vir) Department of Archaeology, University of York.
1440-9151 Intersections Murdoch University, School of Asian Studies
1568-1181 Intersections Brill
0393-2451 Intersezioni Società editrice Il Mulino
1973-8196 Intersezioni Il Mulino
1053-4512 Intervention in school and clinic PRO-ED
1538-4810 Intervention in school and clinic (e-vir) Sage
1369-801X Interventions Routledge
1469-929X Interventions (e-vir) Routledge
0360-4365 In theory only Michigan Music Theory Society,
2340-3373 Investigaciones de historia económica (e-vir) Asociación Española de Historia Económica
1698-6989 Investigaciones de historia económica = Asociación Española de Historia Económica; Elsevier España
0210-9425 Investigaciones histórica Universidad. Secretariado de Publicaciones
2530-6472 Investigaciones históricas (e-vir) Universidad de Valladolid
1097-3710 Invisible culture (e-vir) University of Rochester
0019-042X IRAL J. Gross
0578-6967 Iran British Institute of Persian Studies
2396-9202 Iran (e-vir) British Institute of Persian Studies
0021-0870 Iranica antiqua Brill
0021-0889 Iraq British School of Archaeology of Iraq.
2053-4744 Iraq (e-vir) British School of Archaeology in Iraq
0021-0978 Irenikon Mono stére de chevetogne
1393-7979 Irish architectural and decorative studies Irish Georgian Society.
0268-6112 Irish Biblical studies Union Theological College.
1649-6825 Irish feminist review National University of Ireland, Galway.
1752-4989 Irish theological quarterly (e-vir) Sage
0021-1427 Irish university review Wolfhound Press
2047-2153 Irish university review (e-vir) Irish University Press
0355-3108 Iskos Suomen muinaismuistoyhdistys = Finska fornminnesföreningen = #The #Finnish Antiquarian Society
1469-9311 Islam and Christian Muslim relations (e-vir) Carfax
0959-6410 Islam and Christian-Muslim relations Centre for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations
0021-1826 Islam and the modern age Islam and the Modern Age Society.
0169-8729 Islamic philosophy and theology Brill
0021-1842 Islamic quarterly Islamic Cultural Centre (London, England)
0234-8632 Istoriko-astronomičeskie issledovaniâ; Историко-астрономические исследования Gosudarstvennoe izdatelʹstvo tehniko-teoretičeskoj literatury; Государственное издательство технико-теоретической литературы; [Nauka]1; [Наука]; Fizmatlit; Физматлит
0202-0491 Istoriko-biologičeskie issledovanija Nauka
0136-0949 Istoriko-matematičeskie issledovaniâ Nauka
1453-6943 Istros Editura Istros a Muzeului Brăilei
0391-7495 Italia medioevale e umanistica Editrice Antenore
2499-8125 Italian journal of linguistics (e-vir) Pacini
0021-2954 Italian quarterly The Department of Italian at Rutgers, the State University
0021-3020 Italica Banta
2325-6672 Italica (e-vir) Banta
1423-3983 Italique Université de Genève. Faculté des lettres.; Fondation Barbier-Mueller pour l'étude de la poésie italienne de la Renaissance.
0165-1153 Itinerario Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden.
2041-2827 Itinerario (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0921-4895 Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde te Leiden Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde
0923-0254 Jaarboek van het Genootschap Amstelodanum Genootschap Amstelodamum.
0770-3104 Jaarboek van het Koninklijk Museum voor schone kunsten Koninklijk Museum voor schone kunsten te Antwerpen
1569-3724 Jaarboek van het Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie.
1388-6649 Jaarboek voor middeleeuwse geschiedenis Stichting Bevordering Middeleeuwse Studies
1381-0065 Jaarboek voor Nederlandse boekgeschiedenis Nederlandse Boekhistorische Vereniging
1574-2334 Jaarboek voor vrouwengeschiedenis Stichting Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis
0929-7286 Jahrbuch der Europäischen Gesellschaft für die theologische Forschung von Frauen Europäische Gesellschaft für die Theologische Forschung von Frauen.; European Society of Women in Theological Research.; Association Européenne des Femmes pour la Recherche Théologique.
0378-8660 Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
1810-536X Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
0419-733X Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden Staatliche Kunstsammlungen
0076-2741 Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum
0075-2541 Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Aschendorff
1438-4752 Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas
0075-2681 Jahrbuch für Liturgik und Hymnologie Ed. Stauda, Luth. Verl.-Haus
2197-3466 Jahrbuch für Liturgik und Hymnologie (e-vir) Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
1860-8248 Jahrbuch für Regionalgeschichte Steiner
0899-3114 James Joyce literary supplement University of Miami, Dept. of English Graduate Program
0448-8954 Japanese religions Nihon Kirisutokyäo Kyäogikai. Shäukyäo Kenkyäujo.
1360-2322 JARID. Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities BILD
0075-3572 Jazzforschung Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt
0007-1773 JBSP Haigh & Hochland Ltd. JBSP Dept.
0922-2936 JET Kok
1570-9256 JET Brill; Springer
0260-7476 JET. Journal of education for teaching Carfax
0937-7107 JEV Nomos
1473-4257 JME online (e-vir) BMJ Pub. Group.
1356-7128 John Clare Society journal John Clare Society
0168-9193 Jong Holland Stichting Jong Holland.
0072-0127 Journal Galpin Society
2397-5369 Journal (e-vir) Galpin Society.
0037-9174 Journal de la Société des américanistes Société des américanistes
1957-7842 Journal de la Société des américanistes (e-vir) Société des américanistes
0300-953X Journal de la Société des océanistes Musée de l'homme
1760-7256 Journal de la Société des océanistes (e-vir) Société des océanistes
0399-0346 Journal des africanistes Société des africanistes
0925-4560 Journal for general philosophy of science Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8587 Journal for general philosophy of science Kluwer
0021-8251 Journal for research in mathematics education National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
1945-2306 Journal for research in mathematics education (e-vir) National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
0162-3532 Journal for the education of the gifted The University of North Carolina press
2162-9501 Journal for the education of the gifted (e-vir) Association for the Gifted
1753-8556 Journal for the history of astronomy (e-vir) Science History Publications Ltd.
0021-8286 Journal for the History of Astronomy Science History Publications
0047-2212 Journal for the study of Judaism Brill
1570-0631 Journal for the study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman period Brill
0142-064X Journal for the study of the New Testament University of Sheffield Department of Biblical Studies
1745-5294 Journal for the study of the New Testament (e-vir) Dept. of Biblical Studies, the University
0094-7679 Journalism history California State University
2641-2071 Journalism history (e-vir) California State University Foundation; Department of Journalism, California State University
1081-3004 Journal of adolescent & adult literacy International Reading Association
1936-2706 Journal of adolescent & adult literacy (e-vir) International Reading Association
1552-6895 Journal of adolescent research (e-vir) Sage Publications
0743-5584 Journal of Adolescent Research Sage publications
1068-0667 Journal of adult development Plenum
1573-3440 Journal of adult development (e-vir) Kluwer
0898-2643 Journal of aging and health Sage Publications
1552-6887 Journal of aging and health (e-vir) Sage Publications
0890-4065 Journal of aging studies JAI Press
1879-193X Journal of aging studies (e-vir) Elsevier
1471-0358 Journal of agrarian change Blackwell
1471-0366 Journal of agrarian change (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1187-7863 Journal of agricultural & environmental ethics University of Guelph
1573-322X Journal of agricultural and environmental ethics (e-vir) Kluwer
1936-4695 Journal of American ethnic history (e-vir) Transaction Periodicals Consortium
0278-5927 Journal of American Ethnic History Rutgers University
1469-7580 Journal of anatomy (e-vir) Cambridge University Press.
0021-8782 Journal of Anatomy Cambridge University Press
0278-4165 Journal of anthropological archaeology Academic Press
1090-2686 Journal of anthropological archaeology (e-vir) Academic Press
0091-7710 Journal of anthropological research University of New Mexico
2153-3806 Journal of anthropological research (e-vir) University of New Mexico.
1827-4765 Journal of anthropological sciences Centro Stampa d'Ateneo
2037-0644 Journal of anthropological sciences (e-vir) Istituto Italiano di Antropologia
0193-3973 Journal of applied developmental psychology Ablex Pub. Corp.
1873-7900 Journal of applied developmental psychology (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0733-4648 Journal of applied gerontology The Society
1552-4523 Journal of applied gerontology (e-vir) Southern Gerontological Society
1166-3081 Journal of applied non-classical logics Hermès
1958-5780 Journal of applied non-classical logics (e-vir) Hermès
0264-3758 Journal of applied philosophy Blackwell
1468-5930 Journal of applied philosophy (e-vir) Blackwell
1468-3148 Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities (e-vir) BILD Publications
0021-9029 Journal of applied social psychology V.H. Winston
1559-1816 Journal of applied social psychology (e-vir) V.H. Winston
1041-3200 Journal of applied sport psychology Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology
1533-1571 Journal of applied sport psychology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1059-0161 Journal of archaeological research Plenum Press
1573-7756 Journal of archaeological research (e-vir) Kluwer
0021-910X Journal of Asian history Harrassowitz
2747-4267 Journal of Asian history (e-vir) O. Harrassowitz
0162-9778 Journal of Baltic studies Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies.
1751-7877 Journal of Baltic studies (e-vir) Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies]
0309-5207 Journal of Beckett studies John Calder Publishers Ltd :; Beckett Archive. University of Reading.
1759-7811 Journal of Beckett studies (e-vir) Edinburgh University Press
0894-3257 Journal of behavioral decision making Wiley
1099-0771 Journal of behavioral decision making (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1873-7943 Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry Elsevier Science
0005-7916 Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry Pergamon Press
1469-9362 Journal of beliefs & values (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0021-9231 Journal of Biblical literature Society of Biblical Literature
1934-3876 Journal of Biblical literature (e-vir) Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis
0021-9266 Journal of biological education Academic Press
2157-6009 Journal of biological education (e-vir) Academic Press; Routledge
1076-9005 Journal of Buddhist ethics (e-vir) Journal of Buddhist Ethics]
0894-8453 Journal of career development Human Sciences Press
1556-0856 Journal of career development (e-vir) Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
0021-9584 Journal of chemical education Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society
1938-1328 Journal of chemical education (e-vir) Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society
0305-0009 Journal of child language Cambridge University Press
1469-7602 Journal of child language (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0301-8121 Journal of Chinese philosophy Brill
1540-6253 Journal of Chinese philosophy (e-vir) Blackwell
0021-9657 Journal of christian education Australian Teachers' Christian Fellowship
2040-4867 Journal of church and state (e-vir) J.M. Dawson Studies in Chuch and State, Baylor University; Oxford University Press
0176-4268 Journal of classification Springer
1744-411X Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology (e-vir) Swets & Zeitlinger Pub.
0021-9762 Journal of clinical psychology Clinical Psychology Pub. Co.
1097-4679 Journal of clinical psychology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1068-9583 Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings Kluwer Academic; Plenum
1573-3572 Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings Kluwer
1520-3972 Journal of cold war studies MIT Press
1531-3298 Journal of cold war studies (e-vir) MIT Press Journals
0897-5264 Journal of college student development American College Personnel Association
1543-3382 Journal of college student development (e-vir) American College Personnel Association
1052-9284 Journal of community & applied social psychology John Wiley
1099-1298 Journal of community & applied social psychology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0090-4392 Journal of community psychology Clinical Psychology Pub. Co.
1520-6629 Journal of community psychology (e-vir) J. Wiley
1042-1726 Journal of computing in higher education Springer
1867-1233 Journal of computing in higher education Springer
1355-8250 Journal of consciousness studies Imprint Academic
2051-2201 Journal of consciousness studies (e-vir) Imprint Academic
1057-7408 Journal of consumer psychology Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-7663 Journal of consumer psychology (e-vir) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
0093-5301 Journal of consumer research University of Chicago Press
0891-2416 Journal of contemporary ethnography Sage Publications
1552-5414 Journal of contemporary ethnography (e-vir) Sage Publications
1016-5584 Journal of Coptic Studies International Association for Coptic Studies.; IACS.
0748-9633 Journal of counseling and development American Counseling Association
1556-6676 Journal of counseling and development (e-vir) American Counseling Association
0108-464X Journal of Danish archaeology University Press of Southern Denmark,
1081-4159 Journal of deaf studies and deaf education Oxford University Press
1465-7325 Journal of deaf studies and deaf education (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0952-4649 Journal of design history Oxford University Press
1741-7279 Journal of design history (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0830-0445 Journal of distance education Canadian Association for Distance Education
1916-6818 Journal of distance education (e-vir) Canadian Network for Innovation in Education.
0888-3203 Journal of dramatic theory and criticism University of Kansas.; Joyce and Elizabeth Hall Center for the Humanities,
1067-6341 Journal of early Christian studies John Hopkins University Press
1086-3184 Journal of early Christian studies (e-vir) Johns Hopkins University Press
1053-8151 Journal of early intervention Division for Early Childhood, Council for Exceptional Children
2154-3992 Journal of early intervention (e-vir) Sage Publications
1385-3783 Journal of early modern history Brill
1570-0658 Journal of early modern history Brill Academic Publishers
1387-6813 Journal of East Asian archaeology Brill
1568-5233 Journal of East Asian archaeology Brill
0167-4870 Journal of economic psychology North-Holland
1533-4112 Journal of ECT (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0022-0558 Journal of ecumenical studies Temple University
2162-3937 Journal of ecumenical studies Duquesne University Press
1366-5456 Journal of education & Christian belief Paternoster Periodicals
0022-0620 Journal of educational administration and history University of Leeds
1478-7431 Journal of educational administration and history (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers; Available from:] OCLC
1076-9986 Journal of educational and behavioral statistics AERA; ASA
1935-1054 Journal of educational and behavioral statistics (e-vir) American Educational Research Association; American Statistical Association
0022-0655 Journal of educational measurement National Council on Measurement in Education
1745-3984 Journal of educational measurement (e-vir) National Council on Measurement in Education
1358-1651 Journal of educational media Carfax
1469-9443 Journal of educational media (e-vir) Routledge
1055-8896 Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
1943-5916 Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia (e-vir) Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
1176-3647 Journal of educational technology & society International Forum of Educational Technology & Society
0047-2395 Journal of educational technology systems Baywood Publishing Co.
1541-3810 Journal of educational technology systems (e-vir) Baywood Publishing Co.
1360-0540 Journal of education for teaching (e-vir) Carfax Pub., part of the Taylor & Francis Group
1063-4266 Journal of emotional and behavioral disorders PRO-ED, Inc.
1538-4799 Journal of emotional and behavioral disorders (e-vir) PRO-ED
0022-0787 Journal of employment counseling National Employment Counselors Association.
2161-1920 Journal of employment counseling National Employment Counselors Association, a division of the American Personnel and Guidance Association]; American Association for Counseling and Development]; American Counseling Association
1475-1585 Journal of English for academic purposes Pergamon
1878-1497 Journal of English for academic purposes (e-vir) Elsevier
0075-4242 Journal of English linguistics Sage
1552-5457 Journal of English linguistics (e-vir) Sage Publications
0272-4944 Journal of environmental psychology Academic Press
1522-9610 Journal of environmental psychology (e-vir) Academic Press.
0391-5115 Journal of european economic history Banco di Roma
0947-9511 Journal of European integration history Nomos
1076-898X Journal of experimental psychology American Psychological Association
1939-2192 Journal of experimental psychology American Psychological Association
0363-1990 Journal of family history Sage Publications
1552-5473 Journal of family history (e-vir) Sage Publications
0192-513X Journal of family issues Sage Publications.
1552-5481 Journal of family issues (e-vir) Sage Publications
0163-4445 Journal of family therapy Published for the Association for Family Therapy by Academic Press
1467-6427 Journal of family therapy (e-vir) Blackwell
0885-7482 Journal of family violence Plenum Press
1573-2851 Journal of family violence (e-vir) Kluwer
1553-3913 Journal of feminist studies in religion (e-vir) Scholars Press
8755-4178 Journal of feminist studies in religion Scholars Press
0094-730X Journal of fluency disorders Elsevier
0737-7037 Journal of folklore research Indiana University Folklore Institute
1543-0413 Journal of folklore research (e-vir) Folklore Institute, Indiana University
0959-2695 Journal of French language studies Cambridge University Press
1474-0079 Journal of French language studies (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0309-877X Journal of further and higher education National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education
1469-9486 Journal of further and higher education (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0022-1325 Journal of genetic psychology Journal Press
1940-0896 Journal of genetic psychology (e-vir) Journal Press
0309-8265 Journal of geography in higher education Carfax
1466-1845 Journal of geography in higher education (e-vir) Carfax
1470-5427 Journal of Germanic linguistics Cambridge University Press
1475-3014 Journal of Germanic linguistics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0075-4250 Journal of glass studies Corning Museum of Glass.
1566-5844 Journal of Greek linguistics Benjamins
1569-9846 Journal of Greek linguistics (e-vir) John Benjamins
1389-4978 Journal of happiness studies Kluwer
1573-7780 Journal of happiness studies (e-vir) Kluwer
1359-1053 Journal of health psychology Sage
1461-7277 Journal of health psychology (e-vir) Sage
0305-7488 Journal of historical geography Academic Press
1095-8614 Journal of historical geography (e-vir) Academic Press
1566-5852 Journal of historical pragmatics John Benjamins Publishing Company
1569-9854 Journal of historical pragmatics (e-vir) J. Benjamins
1467-6443 Journal of historical sociology (e-vir) Blackwell
0091-8369 Journal of homosexuality Haworth Press
1540-3602 Journal of homosexuality (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1469-9524 Journal of Iberian and Latin American studies (e-vir) Carfax
1470-1847 Journal of Iberian and Latin American studies Carfax
0874-2677 Journal of iberian archaeology Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Cooperação em Arqueologia Peninsular.
0022-1791 Journal of Indian philosophy Reidel
1573-0395 Journal of Indian philosophy (e-vir) Kluwer
0022-1864 Journal of industrial teacher education National Association of Industrial and Technical Teacher Educators.; National Association of Industrial Teacher Educators.
1783-9025 Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology Brepols
1367-4587 Journal of in-service education Triangle Journals
1747-5082 Journal of in-service education (e-vir) Triangle Journals
0094-1956 Journal of instructional psychology V-U Pub. Co.
1324-0781 Journal of instructional science and technology (e-vir) University of Southern Queensland.
1366-8250 Journal of intellectual & developmental disability Carfax
1469-9532 Journal of intellectual & developmental disability (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0964-2633 Journal of intellectual disability research Blackwell Scientific Publications
1365-2788 Journal of intellectual disability research (e-vir) Blackwell Science
1093-023X Journal of interactive learning research Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
1404-1634 Journal of Intercultural Communication Immigrant-institutet
1747-5759 Journal of intercultural communication research World Communication Association
1747-5767 Journal of intercultural communication research (e-vir) World Communication Association
1077-0755 Journal of international agricultural and extension education Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education.
0886-2605 Journal of interpersonal violence Sage Publications
1552-6518 Journal of interpersonal violence (e-vir) Sage Publications
0955-2340 Journal of Islamic studies Oxford University Press
1471-6917 Journal of Islamic studies (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1477-285X Journal of Jewish thought & philosophy (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1532-7701 Journal of language, identity, and education Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
1534-8458 Journal of language, identity, and education L. Erlbaum Associates
0261-927X Journal of language and social psychology Sage Periodicals Press
1552-6526 Journal of language and social psychology (e-vir) Multilingual Matters
0022-216X Journal of Latin American studies Cambridge University Press
1469-767X Journal of Latin American studies (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0022-2194 Journal of learning disabilities Pro-Ed
1538-4780 Journal of learning disabilities (e-vir) PRO-ED
1089-4160 Journal of lesbian studies Haworth Press; Taylor & Francis Group
1540-3548 Journal of lesbian studies Haworth Press
1055-1360 Journal of linguistic anthropology American Anthropological Association
1548-1395 Journal of linguistic anthropology (e-vir) University of California Press
1086-296X Journal of literacy research National Reading Conference
1554-8430 Journal of literacy research (e-vir) National Reading Conference
0341-7638 Journal of literary semantics Groos
1613-3838 Journal of literary semantics Mouton de Gruyter.
0256-4718 Journal of literary studies SAVAL.; South African Society for General Literatury Studies.
1753-5387 Journal of literary studies SAVAL (South African Society for General Literary Studies)
0925-8531 Journal of logic, language and information Kluwer Academic Publisher
1572-9583 Journal of logic, language and information (e-vir) Kluwer
0955-792X Journal of logic and computation Oxford University Press
1465-363X Journal of logic and computation (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1538-5264 Journal of Lutheran ethics (e-vir) Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
0194-472X Journal of marital and family therapy American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.
1752-0606 Journal of marital and family therapy (e-vir) Blackwell
0022-2496 Journal of mathematical psychology Academic Press.
1386-4416 Journal of mathematics teacher education Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-1820 Journal of mathematics teacher education (e-vir) Springer Nature
0306-6800 Journal of medical ethics British Medical Assoc.
1082-9636 Journal of medieval and early modern studies Duke University Press
1611-8944 Journal of modern European history C. H. Beck
2631-9764 Journal of modern European history (e-vir) C.H. Beck
0738-1727 Journal of modern Greek studies (e-vir) Johns Hopkins University Press
1086-3265 Journal of modern Greek studies (e-vir) Johns Hopkins University Press
1465-3877 Journal of moral education (e-vir) Routledge
1740-4681 Journal of moral philosophy Continuum Publishing
1745-5243 Journal of moral philosophy (e-vir) Sage.
0022-2895 Journal of motor behavior HELDREF Publications
1940-1027 Journal of motor behavior HELDREF Publications, etc.]
0883-8534 Journal of multicultural counseling and development Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development
2161-1912 Journal of multicultural counseling and development American Counseling Association; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
0143-4632 Journal of multilingual and multicultural development Multilingual Matters
1747-7557 Journal of multilingual and multicultural development (e-vir) Multilingual Matters
0022-2909 Journal of music theory Yale School of Music
1941-7497 Journal of music theory (e-vir) Yale School of Music
2053-7395 Journal of music therapy (e-vir) National Association for Music Therapy
1548-9248 Journal of narrative theory (e-vir) Eastern Michigan University.; Eastern Michigan University.
1549-0815 Journal of narrative theory Eastern Michigan University
0911-6044 Journal of neurolinguistics Pergamon Press
1873-8052 Journal of neurolinguistics (e-vir) Elsevier
1468-330X Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry (e-vir) BMJ Publishing
0022-3050 Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry British Medical Association
0929-8215 Journal of new music research Swets & Zeitlinger
1744-5027 Journal of new music research (e-vir) Swets & Zeitlinger Pub.
0191-5886 Journal of nonverbal behavior Human Sciences Press.
1573-3653 Journal of nonverbal behavior (e-vir) Kluwer
1878-2620 Journal of nutrition education and behavior (e-vir) Elsevier
1499-4046 Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior Decker
1076-8998 Journal of occupational health psychology Educational Pub. Foundation
1939-1307 Journal of occupational health psychology Educational Pub. Foundation
0378-8180 Journal of Oman studies Ministry of Information and Culture.
0160-8061 Journal of organizational behavior management Haworth Press
1540-8604 Journal of organizational behavior management Haworth Press [etc.]
0022-3344 Journal of Pacific history Oxford University Press
0966-7369 Journal of Pentecostal theology Sheffield Academic Press
1745-5251 Journal of Pentecostal theology (e-vir) Sage.
0920-525X Journal of personnel evaluation in education Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-0425 Journal of personnel evaluation in education (e-vir) Kluwer
1053-8364 Journal of philosophical research Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University
2153-7984 Journal of philosophical research Philosophy Documentation Center
0309-8249 Journal of philosophy of education Blackwell
1467-9752 Journal of philosophy of education (e-vir) Blackwell
0920-9034 Journal of Pidgin and Creole languages Benjamins
1569-9870 Journal of Pidgin and Creole languages John Benjamins
0933-1433 Journal of population economics Springer-Verl. New York; Springer
1432-1475 Journal of population economics Springer
1645-4537 Journal of portuguese linguistics Colibri; AEJPL-Associação de Editores do Journal of Portuguese Linguistic
2397-5563 Journal of Portuguese linguistics (e-vir) Ubiquity Press
1098-3007 Journal of positive behavior interventions Pro-Ed
1744-9855 Journal of postcolonial writing Routledge
1744-9863 Journal of postcolonial writing (e-vir) Routledge
0378-2166 Journal of pragmatics North-Holland
1879-1387 Journal of pragmatics (e-vir) Elsevier
0283-8486 Journal of prehistoric religion Paul Åströms förlag
0279-1072 Journal of psychoactive drugs Published by Haight-Ashbury Publications in association with the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic
2159-9777 Journal of psychoactive drugs (e-vir) Haight-Ashbury Publications in association with the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic
0734-2829 Journal of psychoeducational assessment Grune & Stratton
1557-5144 Journal of psychoeducational assessment (e-vir) Grune & Stratton
0090-6905 Journal of psycholinguistic research Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
1573-6555 Journal of psycholinguistic research (e-vir) Kluwer
0091-6471 Journal of psychology and theology Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psychology.
2328-1162 Journal of psychology and theology (e-vir)
0882-2689 Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment Plenum
1573-3505 Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment Kluwer
0269-8803 Journal of psychophysiology Hogrefe and Huber
2151-2124 Journal of psychophysiology Hogrefe
0167-482X Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetric and Gynecology [S.n.]
1743-8942 Journal of psychosomatic obstetrics & gynaecology (e-vir) Parthnon
0929-6174 Journal of quantitative linguistics Swets & Zeitlinger
1744-5035 Journal of quantitative linguistics (e-vir) Swets & Zeitlinger Pub.
0022-4103 Journal of reading International Reading Association
0022-4200 Journal of religion in Africa Brill
1570-0666 Journal of religion in Africa Brill Academic Publishers
0384-9694 Journal of religious ethics American Academy of Religion
1467-9795 Journal of religious ethics Blackwell.
0264-6838 Journal of reproductive and infant psychology Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology
1469-672X Journal of reproductive and infant psychology (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1728-7715 Journal of research in architecture and planning Department of Architecture and Planning, NED University of Engineering and Technology
0256-8543 Journal of research in childhood education Association for Childhood Education International
2150-2641 Journal of research in childhood education Association for Childhood Education International; Routledge, Taylor and Francis
1475-2409 Journal of research in international education Sage
1741-2943 Journal of research in international education (e-vir) Sage Publications
0141-0423 Journal of research in reading Blackwell Publishers
1467-9817 Journal of research in reading (e-vir) United Kingdom Reading Association
1539-1523 Journal of research on technology in education International Society for Technology in Education
1945-0818 Journal of research on technology in education (e-vir) International Society for Technology in Education
0890-1112 Journal of ritual studies Dept. of Religious Studies, University of Pittsburgh
1047-7594 Journal of Roman archaeology [Editorial Committee of the Journal of Roman Archaeology]
2331-5709 Journal of Roman archaeology (e-vir) [Editorial Committee of the Journal of Roman Archaeology]
1473-3536 Journal of romance studies University of London.
1752-2331 Journal of romance studies (e-vir) Berghahn Books
0961-3684 Journal of Roman military equipment studies M.C. Bishop
0958-3491 Journal of Roman pottery studies Oxbow Books.
0022-4405 Journal of School Psychology Pergamon
1873-3506 Journal of School Psychology (e-vir) Pergamon Press
1059-0145 Journal of science education and technology Plenum Press
1573-1839 Journal of science education and technology (e-vir) Kluwer
1046-560X Journal of science teacher education Association for the Education of Teachers in Science :; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-1847 Journal of science teacher education (e-vir) Kluwer
1755-2001 Journal of Scottish philosophy (e-vir) Edinburgh University Press on behalf of the Center for the Study of Scottish Philosophy
1060-3743 Journal of second language writing Ablex Pub. Corp.
1873-1422 Journal of second language writing (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0167-5133 Journal of semantics Oxford University Press
1477-4593 Journal of semantics (e-vir) N.I.S. Foundation, Nijmegen Institute of Semantics
1089-747X Journal of seventeenth-century music Society for Seventeenth-Century Music
0092-623X Journal of sex & marital therapy Brunner/Mazel Inc.
1521-0715 Journal of sex & marital therapy (e-vir) Brunner/Mazel, Inc.
1068-2090 Journal of Slavic linguistics Indiana University Linguistics Club
1543-0391 Journal of Slavic linguistics (e-vir) Slavica Publishers
0736-7236 Journal of social and clinical psychology Guilford Press
1943-2771 Journal of social and clinical psychology (e-vir) Guilford Publications
0265-4075 Journal of social and personal relationships Sage Publications
1460-3608 Journal of social and personal relationships (e-vir) Sage Publications
0022-4537 Journal of social issues Wiley-Blackwell
1540-4560 Journal of social issues (e-vir) Wiley
1043-7797 Journal of social work education Council on Social Work Education
2163-5811 Journal of social work education (e-vir) Council on Social Work Education
1360-6441 Journal of sociolinguistics Blackwell Publishing
1467-9841 Journal of sociolinguistics (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
0140-671X Journal of sources in educational history Carfax Publishing Company.
1085-7478 Journal of South Asia women studies (e-vir) Enrica Garzilli
0218-9593 Journal of Southeast Asian architecture School of Architecture, National University of Singapore.
0022-4634 Journal of Southeast Asian studies Mcgraw-Hill Far Eastern Publishers
1474-0680 Journal of Southeast Asian studies (e-vir) Far Eastern Publishers International
0305-7070 Journal of southern african studies Oxford University Press
1465-3893 Journal of southern African studies (e-vir) Routledge
1461-3190 Journal of southern Europe and the Balkans Carfax
1469-963X Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans (e-vir) Carfax
1558-9102 Journal of speech, language, and hearing research (e-vir) American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1092-4388 Journal of speech, language and hearing research American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
0094-1700 Journal of sport history North American Society for Sport History.
2155-8450 Journal of sport history (e-vir) North American Society for Sport History; Archived online by Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles, Sports Library
1069-1898 Journal of statistics education (e-vir) Journal of Statistics Education
1027-1015 Journal of structural learning and intelligent systems Gordon and Breach Publishers
1028-3153 Journal of studies in international education Sage
1552-7808 Journal of studies in international education (e-vir) Sage Publications
1543-2769 Journal of teaching in physical education (e-vir) Human Kinetics Publishers
0273-5024 Journal of Teaching in Physical Education Human kinetics publishers
0002-7189 Journal of the American Academy of Religion American Academy of Religion
1477-4585 Journal of the American Academy of Religion (e-vir) American Academy of Religion
0197-1360 Journal of the American Institute for Conservation American Institution for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works
1945-2330 Journal of the American Institute for Conservation (e-vir) American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
0147-4413 Journal of the American Liszt Society American Liszt Society.
0065-9991 Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt American Research Center in Egypt; distributed by J. J. Augustin.
2330-1880 Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt (e-vir) American Research Center in Egypt
0044-8370 Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford The Society
2332-0486 Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
1603-5313 Journal of the David Collection Davids Samling.
0275-1275 Journal of the early Republic Society for Historians of the Early American Republic
1553-0620 Journal of the early Republic (e-vir) Society for Historians of the Early American Republic
0022-5002 Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
1938-3711 Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
0022-5010 Journal of the history of biology Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-0387 Journal of the history of biology (e-vir) Kluwer
0954-6650 Journal of the history of collections Oxford University Press
1477-8564 Journal of the history of collections (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0022-5053 Journal of the history of philosophy Journal of the history of philosophy
1538-4586 Journal of the history of philosophy University of California Press
0022-5061 Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1520-6696 Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences (e-vir) Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
1368-9894 Journal of the IGPL (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1355-6177 Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society Cambridge University Press
1469-7661 Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1068-8471 Journal of theoretical and philosophical psychology American Psychological Association.
2151-3341 Journal of theoretical and philosophical psychology (e-vir) Division 24 of the American Psychological Association
0965-1861 Journal of theoretical archaeology Oxbow Books
0032-4000 Journal of the Polynesian Society Polynesian Society
0035-9106 Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland Royal Society of Antiquares of Ireland
1649-7341 Journal of the Society for Musicology in Ireland (e-vir) Society for Musicology in Ireland
1540-7942 Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics Society of Christian Ethics (U.S.),; Georgetown University Press,; Philosophy Documentation Center,
2326-2176 Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics (e-vir) Society of Christian Ethics
1541-3446 Journal of transformative education Sage
1552-7840 Journal of transformative education (e-vir) Sage Publications
1558-7282 Journal of translation (e-vir) SIL International.
0022-5266 Journal of transport history Leicester University Press
1355-5502 Journal of Victorian culture Edinburgh University Press
1750-0133 Journal of Victorian culture (e-vir) Edinburgh University Press
1363-6820 Journal of vocational education & training Triangle Journals
1747-5090 Journal of vocational education & training (e-vir) Triangle Journals
1473-2971 Journal of wetland archaeology Wetland Archaeology Research Project.; University of Exeter.
2051-6231 Journal of wetland archaeology (e-vir)
1554-477X Journal of women, politics & policy Haworth Press
1554-4788 Journal of women, politics & policy (e-vir) The Haworth Press Inc.
1540-9996 Journal of women's health Mary Ann Liebert
1931-843X Journal of women's health (e-vir) Mary Ann Liebert
1042-7961 Journal of women's history Indiana University Press
1527-2036 Journal of women's history (e-vir) Indiana University Press
0895-2841 Journal of women & aging Haworth Press
1540-7322 Journal of women & aging (e-vir) Haworth Press
1366-5626 Journal of workplace learning MCB University Press
0892-7537 Journal of world prehistory (e-vir) Plenum Press
1573-7802 Journal of world prehistory Kluwer
0047-2891 Journal of youth and adolescence Plenum
1573-6601 Journal of youth and adolescence (e-vir) Kluwer
0022-572X Judaica Stiftung für Kirche und Judentum; Zürcher Lehrhaus; ZIID Zürcher Institut für Interreligiösen Dialog
0022-5762 Judaism American Jewish Congress.
0022-7498 Kadmos de Gruyter
1613-0723 Kadmos de Gruyter
0392-0887 Käokalos Università di Palermo. Istituto di Storia Antica.; Dipartimento di Beni culturali dell'Università di Palermo.; Università degli studi, Palermo. Istituto di storia antica.; Università degli studi, Palermo. Dipartimento di beni culturali.
0453-3429 Karthago Klincksieck
0453-4387 Keats-Shelley journal Keats-Shelley Association of America.
2328-112X Keats-Shelley journal (e-vir) Keats-Shelley Association of America
1054-6863 Kennedy Institute of Ethics journal Johns Hopkins University Press
1086-3249 Kennedy Institute of Ethics journal Johns Hopkins University Press for Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute of Ethics
0776-3824 Kernos Université de Liège; Kentro Meletis tis Archaias Hellinikis Thriskeias
2034-7871 Kernos Université de Liège
0023-0707 Kerygma und Dogma Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
1430-5372 Kierkegaard studies Søren Kierkegaard Research Center.
1612-9792 Kierkegaard studies de Gruyter
1613-477X Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung
0942-5403 Kindheit und Entwicklung Hogrefe
2190-6246 Kindheit und Entwicklung Hogrefe
0932-9951 Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
2196-808X Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte (e-vir) Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
0075-6334 Klio Akademie-Verlag
2192-7669 Klio Akad.-Verl.
2035-276X Kokalos (e-vir) Fabrizio Serra Editore
0023-2785 Kokka Kokkasha
0023-4567 Kratylos Reichert
2511-1841 Kratylos (e-vir) Reichert
1019-8288 Kriterion Kriterion
2750-977X Kriterion (e-vir) Walter de Gruyter
0454-5354 Kritik Gyldendal
0221-5896 Ktema Association pour l'étude de la civilisation romaine
0454-6245 Kuml Gyldendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag
0106-5734 Kunapipi Dangaroo Press
1421-086X Kunst + Architektur in der Schweiz Gesellschaft für schweizerische Kunstgeschichte
0023-5474 Kunstchronik Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte; H. Carl
0177-3674 Kunstforum International D. Bechtloff
1010-3856 Kunsthistorisches Jahrbuch Graz Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt
0023-5415 Kunst og kultur Nasjonalmuseet (Oslo)
1504-3029 Kunst og kultur (e-vir) Universitetsforlaget
0023-589X Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.
0770-2817 L'antiquité classique = Brussel; [ASBL L'antiquité classique]
2295-9076 L'Antiquité classique (e-vir) L'Antiquité classique
0003-8695 L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui Éditions Jean-Michel Place
1120-2459 L' Artista Casa Editrice Le Lettere; Polistampa
1016-362X L'Homme Böhlau Verlag
0222-9838 L' information grammaticale L' information grammaticale
1567-6617 L1 educational studies in languages and literature Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-1731 L1 educational studies in languages and literature Kluwer
Y510-1972 L1 educational studies in languages and literature (e-vir) Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE)
0961-5652 Labour history review Society for the Study of Labour History
1745-8188 Labour history review (e-vir) Society for the Study of Labour History
1947-4261 La corónica (e-vir) Modern Language Association of America.; Modern Language Association of America.; Modern Language Association of America.; Modern Language Association of America.
0193-3892 La Corónica Division of Spanish Medieval Language and Literature, Modern Language Association [etc.]
0075-966X La Linguistique Presses universitaires de France
2101-0234 La Linguistique (e-vir) [Presses universitaires de France]
0790-8318 Language, culture and curriculum Taylor & Francis
1747-7573 Language, culture and curriculum (e-vir) Multilingual Matters
1873-3395 Language & communication (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0271-5309 Language & Communication Pergamon
0950-0782 Language and education Multilingual Matters
1747-7581 Language and education (e-vir) Multilingual Matters
1470-8477 Language and intercultural communication Routledge
1747-759X Language and intercultural communication (e-vir) Routledge
0965-8416 Language awareness Multilingual Matters
1747-7565 Language awareness (e-vir) Multilingual Matters
0047-4045 Language in society Cambridge University Press
1469-8013 Language in society (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0023-8333 Language learning North university building
1467-9922 Language learning Blackwell.
1094-3501 Language learning & technology Language Learning & Technology
1568-4555 Language policy Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-1863 Language policy (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers
0272-2690 Language problems & language planning John Benjamins
1569-9889 Language problems & language planning (e-vir) John Benjamins
1572-8412 Language resources and evaluation (e-vir) Springer
1574-020X Language resources and evaluation Springer
1574-0218 Language resources and evaluation (e-vir) Kluwer; Springer
1873-5746 Language sciences (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0388-0001 Language Sciences Elsevier Science
1387-6759 Languages in contrast J. Benjamins Publishing Company
1569-9897 Languages in contrast (e-vir) J. Benjamins
0265-5322 Language testing Edward Arnold
1477-0946 Language testing (e-vir) Arnold.
1125-6486 La Parola del testo Zauli arti grafiche
2283-7167 La Parola del testo (e-vir) Fabrizio Serra
0033-9423 La Rassegna della letteratura Italiana Casa Editrice Le Lettere
1357-650X Laterality Psychology Press
1464-0678 Laterality (e-vir) Psychology Press, part of the Taylor & Francis Group
0888-5613 Latin American Indian literatures journal Geneva College (Beaver Falls, Pa.).; Pennsylvania State University.; Pennsylvania State University.; Penn State McKeesport.
0047-4134 Latin American literary review Dept. of Modern Languages, Carnegie-Mellon University.
2330-135X Latin American literary review (e-vir) Dept. of Modern Languages, Carnegie-Mellon University
0023-8813 Latin American theatre review Center of Latin American Studies
0023-8856 Latomus Éditions Latomus
2294-4427 Latomus Société d'études latines
0040-9588 La torre University of Puerto Rico (Río Piedras Campus),
0023-9054 Laval théologique et philosophique Université Laval etc..
1703-8804 Laval théologique et philosophique (e-vir) Université Laval.
1543-4494 Learning & behavior Psychonomic Society; Springer
1543-4508 Learning & behavior Psychonomic Society; Springer-Verlag
1041-6080 Learning and individual differences JAI Press
1873-3425 Learning and individual differences (e-vir) Elsevier Science
0023-9690 Learning and motivation Academic Press.
1095-9122 Learning and motivation Academic Press.
1540-5826 Learning disabilities research & practice (e-vir) Published by Blackwell Publishers for the Council for Exceptional Children, Division for Learning Disabilities
0938-8982 Learning disabilities research and practice Wiley-Blackwell
0731-9487 Learning disability quarterly The Division
2168-376X Learning disability quarterly (e-vir) Division for Children with Learning Disabilities
1387-1579 Learning environments research Springer
1573-1855 Learning environments research (e-vir) Kluwer
Y504-9369 Learning environments research (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers
0075-8566 Leeds studies in English University of Leeds. School of English
1352-3252 Legal theory Cambridge University Press
1469-8048 Legal theory (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1069-5192 Leibniz Society review Leibniz Society.
0169-4855 Leids kunsthistorisch jaarboek Stichting Leids Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek.
0961-1215 Leonardo music journal ISAST
1531-4812 Leonardo music journal (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0870-6182 Ler história A Regra do Jogo; Sodilivros [distrib.]
2183-7791 Ler história (e-vir) Ler História Associação de Actividades Científicas
1763-0894 Les Cahiers d'histoire de l'art ?Les ?Cahiers d'histoire de l'art (Voulangis, Seine-et-Marne)
0897-7542 Letras peninsulares Mary S. Vásquez
1129-4981 Letteratura italiana antica Moxedano editrice.
1724-0492 Letteratura italiana antica Moxedano editrice.
1783-1598 Leuvense bijdragen (e-vir) Peeters Publishers
0459-2980 Libiyäa al-qadäimatć Wizäarat al-tarbiyatć wa-al-taŰläim.; Al-idäaratć al-Űäammatć al-äaítäar wa-al-matäaîhif wa-al-maîhfäuîzäat al-täaräiíhiyyatć.; Directorate-General of Antiquities, Museums and Archives.
2038-6427 Libya antiqua Fabrizio Serra editore
0263-7189 Libyan studies Society for Libyan Studies
2052-6148 Libyan studies (e-vir) The Society for Libyan Studies
1230-3984 Linguistica Baltica Warsaw University. Chair of General and Baltic Linguistics.; Uniwersytet Warszawski. Katedra Katedra Jęezykoznawstwa Ogólnego i Bałtystyki.; Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Katedra Jęezykoznawstwa Ogólnego i Indoeuropejskiego, Kraków.
0210-6345 Lingüística española actual Arco/Libros
0098-9053 Linguistic analysis American Elsevier
0132-0777 Linguistica uralica Perioodika
0898-5898 Linguistics and education Ablex Pub. Corp.
1873-1864 Linguistics and education (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0731-3500 Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman area University of California, Berkeley.; La Trobe University.
1615-3014 Linguistik online (e-vir) Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät an der Europa-Universität Viadrina
0024-3930 Linguistische Berichte H. Buske
2366-0775 Linguistische Berichte (e-vir) H. Buske
0378-4169 Lingvisticae investigationes John Benjamins
1569-9927 Lingvisticae investigationes John Benjamins
0246-8743 Linx Centre de recherches linguistiques de Paris 10
1477-4615 Literary & linguistic computing (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0268-1145 Literary and linguistic computing Oxford University Press
1707-0228 Literary research (e-vir) International Comparative Literature Association; University of Western Ontario
0258-2279 Literator Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys.; AOSIS Publishing; AOSIS (Pty) Ltd
2219-8237 Literator (e-vir) [Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys]
1043-6928 Literature, interpretation, theory Gordon and Breach
1545-5866 Literature, interpretation, theory Gordon and Breach; Routledge
2050-4594 Literature & history (e-vir) Manchester University Press
0269-1205 Literature & theology Oxford University Press
0306-1973 Literature and history Thames Polytechnic
0278-9671 Literature and medicine State University of New York Press
1080-6571 Literature and medicine Johns Hopkins University Press
1477-4623 Literature and theology (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0024-466X Literatur und Kritik O. Müller
0262-7817 Lithics Lithic Studies Society.
0197-7261 Lithic technology Center for Archaeological Research, University of Texas at San Antonio
2051-6185 Lithic technology (e-vir) Left Coast Press
0862-8424 Litteraria Pragensia Univerzita Karlova
0076-0188 Llên Cymru Bwrdd Gwybodau Celtaidd Prifysgol Cymru
2058-5071 Llên Cymru (e-vir) Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru
0143-2974 Local population studies Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure.; Local Population Studies Society.; University of Nottingham.; Local Population Studies (Organisation)
1476-0290 Locke studies University of York.; University of Lancaster.
2561-925X Locke studies (e-vir) Western Libraries at The University of Western Ontario
1425-3305 Logic and Logical Philosophy Nicholas Copernicus University Press
2300-9802 Logic and Logical Philosophy (e-vir) Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika (Toruń)
1367-0751 Logic journal of the IGPL Oxford University Press
0024-5836 Logique et analyse Centre National Belge de Recherches de Logique
2295-5836 Logique et analyse. Nouvelle série (e-vir) Uitgeverij Peeters
1401-5439 Logopedics, phoniatrics, vocology Nordisk samarbejdsråd for logopedi og foniatri.; British Voice Association.
1651-2022 Logopedics, phoniatrics, vocology (e-vir) Scandinavian University Press
0024-6964 Louvain studies Katholieke Universiteit. Faculteit der theologie
1401-2189 Lund archaeological review Institute of Archaeology and Ancient history
0283-6874 Lund studies in medieval archaeology Lunds universitets historiska museum.
0024-7413 Luso-Brazilian review University of Wisconsin Press
1548-9957 Luso-Brazilian review (e-vir) University of Wisconsin Press
0024-7421 Lustrum Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht
0340-6210 Luther Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.
0024-855X Maal og minne Bymålslaget
1890-5455 Maal og minne (e-vir) Novus
0922-369X Madoc Firapeel, Vereniging voor Mediëvistiek; Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. Vrije Studierichting Mediëvistiek
1110-1938 Maǧallaẗ Al-Maǧmaʿ Al-ʿilmī Al-Miṣrī Institut d'Egypte
0024-9955 Magna Græcia Magna Graecia
0025-0538 Maia Cappelli
2611-805X Maia (e-vir) Morcelliana
0258-0446 Man & environment Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies.
0104-9313 Mana Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social
1678-4944 Mana Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social
0025-2603 Manuscripta St. Louis University Library]
2031-0226 Manuscripta (e-vir) Brepols Publishers
0025-2638 Manuskripte Forum Stadtpark
0342-121X Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft Verl. des Kunstgeschichtl. Inst. der Philipps-Univ. Marburg.
1612-2941 Marburg journal of religion (e-vir) Marburg journal of religion c/o Institut für Vergleichende Kulturforschung, Religionswissenschaft und Völkerkunde, Fachgebiet Religionswissenschaft
0542-6669 Marche romane Association des romanistes de l'Université de Liège.
1626-3162 Marges linguistiques (e-vir) MLMS
0025-4606 Maske und Kothurn Böhlau Verlag
0932-9714 Matatu Ehling.; Rodopi.
1875-7421 Matatu Rodopi
1532-7833 Mathematical thinking & learning L. Erlbaum Associates
1098-6065 Mathematical thinking and learning L. Erlbaum Associates
0748-1756 Measurement and evaluation in counseling and development Association for Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development
1947-6302 Measurement and evaluation in counseling and development American Counseling Association; Sage
0085-3208 Meddelelser fra Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.
0085-7262 Meddelelser fra Thorvaldsens Museum Thorvaldsens Museum
0770-1241 Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België
0772-1455 Mededelingen van het Cyriel Buysse Genootschap A.M. Mussehoot, R.U.G.
0862-979X Mediaevalia Historica Bohemica Historický ústav ČSAV; Historický ústav AV ČR v.v.i.
2788-2543 Mediaevalia Historica Bohemica (e-vir) Historický ústav AV ČR v.v.i.
0076-5872 Mediaeval studies Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
0934-7453 Mediaevistik Lang
2199-806X Mediaevistik (e-vir) Lang
Y509-8858 Mediaevistik (e-vir) Lang
1368-8804 Media history Taylor & Francis
1469-9729 Media history (e-vir) Carfax; Routledge
1521-3269 Media psychology Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-785X Media psychology (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates.
0308-0110 Medical education Blackwell Scientific Publ.
1365-2923 Medical education (e-vir) Blackwell Science.
0025-7273 Medical history Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine
2048-8343 Medical history (e-vir) Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine
0142-159X Medical teacher Carfax
1466-187X Medical teacher (e-vir) Carfax
1424-3636 Medienpädagogik Red.: MedienPädagogik c/o Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
0731-3403 Medieval & Renaissance drama in England AMS Press
0076-6097 Medieval archaeology Society for Medieval Archaeology
1745-817X Medieval archaeology (e-vir) Society for Medieval Archaeology
1358-2496 Medieval ceramics Medieval Pottery Research Group.
0143-3784 Medieval English theatre Medieval English Theatre.
0751-2708 Médiévales Centre de recherche de l'Université de Paris huit; Presses universitaires de Vincennes
1777-5892 Médiévales (e-vir) Presses universitaires de Vincennes
1536-8742 Medieval feminist forum University of Oregon.; Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship.; Minot State University.; Minot State University.
1057-0608 Medieval philosophy & theology University of Notre Dame Press
1475-4525 Medieval philosophy and theology Cambridge University Press.
0391-2566 Medioevo Antenore; Poligrafo
1824-3010 Mediterranea Mediterranea
1828-230X Mediterranea. Ricerche storiche (e-vir) Mediterranea
1030-8482 Mediterranean archaeology MEDITARCH
0951-8967 Mediterranean historical review Frank Cass
1743-940X Mediterranean historical review (e-vir) F. Cass
1024-5375 Mediterranean journal of educational studies Faculty of Education, University of Malta
1127-6061 Mediterraneo antico Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali ;; Fabrizio Serra,
1824-8225 Mediterraneo antico Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali; Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali
1231-1960 Medycyna Nowożytna Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii Nauki.; Śląska Akademia Medyczna (Katowice); Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny (Katowice); Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny (Katowice).; Polska Akademia Nauk.
0575-1330 Mélanges Institut dominicain d'études orientales
0223-5102 Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome Ecole française de Rome; De Boccard
1123-9891 Mélanges de l'École française de Rome École française
1724-2142 Mélanges de l'École française de Rome (e-vir) École française de Rome
1724-2134 Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité (e-vir) École française de Rome
1123-9883 Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Moyen Age École française de Rome.
1946-3170 MELUS (e-vir) Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States
0163-755X MELUS; Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States
1536-6936 Meridians Wesleyan University Press [2000]-
1547-8424 Meridians (e-vir) Wesleyan University Press
0272-930X Merrill-Palmer quarterly Wayne State University Press
1535-0266 Merrill-Palmer quarterly (e-vir) Wayne State University Press
0076-6615 Mesopotamia Università degli Studi,Torino. Dipartimento di Studi Storici
1556-1623 Metacognition and learning Springer Science + Business
1556-1631 Metacognition and learning Springer
0026-1068 Metaphilosophy Basil Blackwell
1467-9973 Metaphilosophy (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1092-6488 Metaphor and symbol Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-7868 Metaphor and symbol (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates
1618-2006 Metaphorik.de Metaphorik.de c/o D. Osthus c/o Universität Bonn, Romanisches Seminar
1865-0716 Metaphorik.de Wehrhahn
1437-2053 Metaphysica de Gruyter
1874-6373 Metaphysica (e-vir) de Gruyter
0815-0796 Metascience Lloyd Media for the Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science
1467-9981 Metascience Blackwell.
0995-3310 Métis Centre Louis Gernet (Paris)
0026-3206 Middle Eastern studies Frank Cass
1743-7881 Middle Eastern studies (e-vir) Frank Cass & Co.
1783-1628 MIDEO (e-vir) Institut Scientifique Français d'Archéologie Orientale
1756-381X Midland history (e-vir) Phillimore
0047-729X Midland History University of Birmingham.
0363-6550 Midwest studies in philosophy University of Minnesota, Morris
1475-4975 Midwest studies in philosophy (e-vir) Blackwell Pub.
0026-3826 Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt.; MGFA.
0899-5605 Military psychology L. Erlbaum Associates
1532-7876 Military psychology (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates.
0922-0887 Millennium Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen. Centrum voor Middeleeuwse Studies.; Stichting Millennium.
1782-3404 Millennium Brepols
0026-4326 Milton quarterly Dept. of English, Ohio University
1094-348X Milton quarterly (e-vir) Johns Hopkins University Press
0268-1064 Mind & language Basil Blackwell
1468-0017 Mind & language (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1593-7879 Mind & society Springer
1860-1839 Mind & society Springer
0924-6495 Minds and machines Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8641 Minds and machines (e-vir) Kluwer
1128-2134 Minima epigraphica et papyrologica "L'Erma" di Bretschneider
2283-3161 Minima epigraphica et papyrologica (e-vir) Università degli studi, Catanzaro. Dipartimento di diritto dell'organizzazione pubblica economia e società
0257-5779 Minzu yuwen Zhongguo Shehui Kexueyuan Chubanshe
1013-6800 Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für vergleichende Kunstforschung in Wien Gesellschaft für vergleichende Kunstforschung
0076-9762 Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch Hiersemann.
1105-3917 Mnīmōn.; Μνημων Etaireia Meletīs Neou Ellīnismou; Εταιρεία Μελέτης Νέου Ελληνισμού
0249-6267 Modèles linguistiques Université de Toulon et du Var; Centre interdisciplinaire de recherches en linguistique (Villeneuve d'Ascq, Nord)
0026-749X Modern Asian studies Cambridge University Press
1469-8099 Modern Asian studies (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0026-7503 Modern Austrian literature University of California
2474-3240 Modern Austrian literature (e-vir) Internatioinal Arthur Schnitzler Research Association
0097-7004 Modern China Sage Publications.
1552-6836 Modern China (e-vir) Sage Publications
1479-2443 Modern intellectual history Cambridge University Press
1479-2451 Modern intellectual history (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0047-7729 Modern language studies [Northeast Modern Language Association]
2325-9019 Modern language studies (e-vir) Northeast Modern Language Association
0266-7177 Modern theology Basil Blackwell
1468-0025 Modern theology (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1880-1390 Monumenta Nipponica Sophia University
0027-0741 Monumenta Nipponica = Sophia University
0146-7239 Motivation and emotion Plenum Press.
1573-6644 Motivation and emotion (e-vir) Kluwer
1087-1640 Motor control Human Kinetics
1543-2696 Motor control (e-vir) Human Kinetics Publishers
1496-9343 Mouseion University of Calgary Press for the Classical Association of Canada
1913-5416 Mouseion Classical Association of Canada.
0027-2841 Moyen-âge Renaissance du Livre
1861-9053 Mozart-Jahrbuch ... der Akademie für Mozart-Forschung der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg Akademie für Mozart-Forschung der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg.
0167-8507 Multilingua Mouton de Gruyter
1613-3684 Multilingua Mouton de Gruyter.
0292-0107 Multitudes Ed. Exils,
0580-1400 Münchener theologische Zeitschrift EOS
0077-1899 Münchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst Prestel
1825-621X Music & anthropology (e-vir) Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi per l'istruzione musicale superiore
1029-8649 Musicae scientiae European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music
2045-4147 Musicae scientiae (e-vir) ESCOM
1127-0063 Musica e storia Il Mulino
1469-9893 Music education research (e-vir) Routledge
1461-3808 Music Education Research Carfax Publishing; Taylor & Francis
1016-1066 Musicologica austriaca Österreichische Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft; Praesens
2411-6696 Musicologica austriaca (e-vir) Austrian Society for Musicology, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft
0730-7829 Music perception University of California Press
1533-8312 Music perception (e-vir) University of California Press
0195-6167 Music theory spectrum Society for Music Theory]
1533-8339 Music theory spectrum (e-vir) University of California Press
1016-1333 Musil-Forum Internationale Robert-Musil-Gesellschaft
1264-7020 Musique, images, instruments Ed. Klincksieck; Laboratoire d'organologie et d'iconographie musicale CNRS
1461-0426 n. paradoxa (e-vir) KT Press
1461-0434 N. paradoxa KT Press
0943-0849 Namenkundliche Informationen Leipziger Universitätsverlag
0027-7738 Names State University College
1756-2279 Names (e-vir) State University College
1387-6805 Nan nü Brill
1568-5268 Nan nü Brill
1387-6740 Narrative inquiry John Benjamins Publishing Company
1569-9935 Narrative inquiry John Benjamins
1565-5288 Nashim Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies; Hadassah International Research Institute on Jewish Women at Brandeis University
0793-8934 Nashim: a journal of Jewish women's studies and gender issues Seminary of Judaic studies
0140-7430 National Gallery technical bulletin National Gallery
1460-8944 National identities Taylor & Francis
1469-9907 National identities (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0090-5992 Nationalities papers Taylor&Francis; Association for the study of nationalities
1465-3923 Nationalities papers (e-vir) Carfax; Routledge
1354-5078 Nations and nationalism Wiley-Blackwell
1469-8129 Nations and nationalism (e-vir) Cambridge University Press; Wiley-Blackwell
1351-3249 Natural language engineering Cambridge University Press
1469-8110 Natural language engineering (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1094-2076 Near Eastern archaeology Published by Scholars Press for the American Schools of Oriental Research
2325-5404 Near Eastern archaeology (e-vir) Published by Scholars Press for the American Schools of Oriental Research
1384-5845 Nederlandse taalkunde Martinus Nijhoff Uitgevers
2352-1171 Nederlandse taalkunde (e-vir) Van Gorcum
0028-212X Nederlands theologisch tijdschrift Veenman; Boekencentrum; Boekencentrum Tijdschriften
0047-9276 Neerlandica extra muros Werkcommissie van Hoogleraren en Lectoren in de Neerlandistiek aan Buitenlandse Universiteiten.; Internationale Vereniging voor Neerlandistiek.
0324-4652 Neohelicon Akadémiai K.; John Benjamins B.V
1588-2810 Neohelicon (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó; Kluwer Academic Publishers
0028-2677 Neophilologus Tjaenk Willok
1572-8668 Neophilologus (e-vir) Kluwer
0254-8356 Neotestamentica New Testament Society of South Africa
2518-4628 Neotestamentica (e-vir) New Testament Society of South Africa
0177-7750 Neue Romania
1438-213X Neulateinisches Jahrbuch Olms.
0028-3754 Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Modern Language Society
0899-7667 Neural computation MIT Press
1530-888X Neural computation (e-vir) MIT Press
0893-6080 Neural networks Pergamon
1355-4794 Neurocase Oxford University Press
1362-4970 Neurocase Oxford University Press.
1465-3656 Neurocase (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0028-3878 Neurology Wolters Kluwer
1526-632X Neurology (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0302-282X Neuropsychobiology Karger
1423-0224 Neuropsychobiology (e-vir) S. Karger
0960-2011 Neuropsychological rehabilitation Psychology press, Taylor & Francis
1464-0694 Neuropsychological rehabilitation (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1380-3395 Neuropsychology, development, and cognition Swets & Zeitlinger
1382-5585 Neuropsychology, development, and cognition Swets & Zeitlinger
1040-7308 Neuropsychology review (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1573-6660 Neuropsychology review Kluwer
0959-4965 Neuroreport Rapid Communications
1473-558X NeuroReport (e-vir) Rapid Science Publishers
0168-0102 Neuroscience research Elsevier
1053-1297 New England review Middlebury College Publications
2161-9131 New England review (e-vir) Middlebury College Publications
1050-9720 New England theatre journal New England Theatre Conference,
1092-3977 New hibernia review = Center for Irish Studies, University of St. Thomas
1534-5815 New hibernia review = (e-vir) Center for Irish Studies, University of St. Thomas
1819-5644 New voices in translation studies (e-vir) IATIS; Centre for Translation and Textual Studies
0110-540X New Zealand journal of archaeology New Zealand Archaeological Association.
0028-8276 New Zealand journal of educational studies Ne Zealand Council for Educational Research.
2199-4714 New Zealand journal of educational studies (e-vir) New Zealand Association for Research in Education
1462-2203 Nicotine & tobacco research Carfax
1469-994X Nicotine & tobacco research (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Health Sciences
0342-1422 Nietzsche-Studien de Gruyter
1613-0790 Nietzsche-Studien de Gruyter.
0934-8913 Nikephoros Weidmann
1543-1002 Nineteenth-century art worldwide Association of Historians of Nineteenth-Century Art
0146-7891 Nineteenth-century French studies [University of Nebraska Press, etc.]
1536-0172 Nineteenth-century French studies (e-vir) T.H. Goetz
1479-4098 Nineteenth-century music review Ashgate Publishing Ltd; Cambridg University Press
2044-8414 Nineteenth-century music review (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1052-0406 Nineteenth century prose United States Naval Academy.; Mesa State College,
0893-7931 Nineteenth-century studies Southeastern Nineteenth-Century Studies Association.; Nineteenth Century Studies Association,
0893-3766 Nineteenth century theatre J. Donohue; University of London
1075-7163 Nka Cornell University.; Duke University Press,
2152-7792 Nka (e-vir) NKA Publications
0822-7942 Nomadic peoples Commission on Nomadic Peoples. International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
1752-2366 Nomadic peoples (e-vir) Commission on Nomadic Peoples
0141-6340 Nomina Council for Names Studies in Great Britain and Ireland.
0803-8740 Nora Taylor & Francis
1502-394X NORA Scandinavian University Press; Routledge/Taylor & Francis
1602-124X Nordic Irish studies University of Aarhus.; Dalarna University.
2002-4517 Nordic Irish studies (e-vir) Centre for Irish studies, University of Aarhus
0332-5865 Nordic journal of linguistics Taylor & Francis
1502-4717 Nordic journal of linguistics (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0809-8131 Nordic journal of music therapy Sogn and Fjordane University College, Sandane Study Centre
1944-8260 Nordic journal of music therapy Sogn and Fjordane University College, Sandane Study Centre; Taylor & Francis Group
0809-7291 Nordic journal of religion and society Fagbokforlaget
1890-7008 Nordic journal of religion and society (e-vir) Universitetsforlaget
0904-6380 Nordic theatre studies Munksg°ard
2002-3898 Nordic theatre studies (e-vir) Föreningen Nordiska Teaterforskare
1236-3839 Nordicum PubliCo
1102-5824 Nordisk arkitekturforskning Nordisk förening för arkitekturforskning.; Nordisk forening for arkitekturforskning.; Nordisk arkitekturakademi.
0901-8050 Nordisk pedagogik Nordic Educational Research Association.; Nordisk forening for pedagogisk forskning.
0078-172X Northern history School of History, University of Leeds
1745-8706 Northern history (e-vir) School of History, University of Leeds
0027-4380 Notes Music Library Association
1534-150X Notes (e-vir) Music Library Association
0029-3970 Notes and queries Oxford University Press
1471-6941 Notes and queries (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0391-4364 Notizie da Palazzo Albani QuattroVenti
0029-4586 Nottingham French studies University of Nottingham.
2047-7236 Nottingham French studies (e-vir) W. Heffer
0078-2122 Nottingham medieval studies University of Nottingham.
2507-0444 Nottingham medieval studies (e-vir) Brepols
0029-4845 Nouvelle revue théologique Casterman
2406-4726 Nouvelle revue théologique (e-vir) Casterman, S.A.; Association nouvelle revue théologique
1092-6690 Nova religio University of California Press
1541-8480 Nova religio (e-vir) University of California Press
0029-5337 Novyæi zhurnal New Review, inc.
0185-0121 Nueva revista de filología hispánica El Colegio de México..
2448-6558 Nueva revista de filología hispánica (e-vir) El Colegio de México
1048-6380 Nuevo texto crítico Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, Stanford University
1940-9079 Nuevo texto crítico (e-vir) Nuevo Texto Crítico, JHUP
1516-1021 Numen Editora da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora.
0394-7394 Nuncius Leo S. Olscki
1825-3911 Nuncius Leo S. Olschki
0029-6236 Nuova rivista storica Società editrice Dante Alighieri
0713-5815 Nyame akuma University of Calgary.; Society of Africanist Archaeologists in America.; Society of Africanist Archaeologists.
0801-3756 Nytt om runer Runearkivet.
1542-1619 Obsidian III Dept. of English, North Carolina State University
2578-0131 Obsidian III (e-vir) Dept. of English, North Carolina State University
0078-3714 Offa Wachholtz
0029-8654 Ökumenische Rundschau Evang. Verl.-Anst.
0078-463X Onoma International Centre of Onomastics
1783-1644 Onoma (e-vir) Peeters Publishers; International Centre of Onomastics; International Council of Onomastic Sciences
0030-2651 Ons erfdeel Stichting Ons Erfdeel
0774-2827 Ons Geestelijk Erf Universitaire Faculteiten St. Ignatius te Antwerpen.
1120-2513 OPD restauro Centro Di
2239-723X OPD restauro (e-vir) Centro Di
0078-5520 Opuscula Atheniensia Svenska institutet i Athen
0471-7309 Opuscula Romana Svenska institutet i Rom
1385-285X Orbis Terrarum Hakkert; Steiner
0328-8188 Orbis tertius Centro de Estudios de Teoría y Crítica Literaria, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de La Plata
1851-7811 Orbis tertius (e-vir) Centro de Teoría y Crítica Literaria, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
1355-7718 Organised sound Cambridge University Press.
1469-8153 Organised sound (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1094-4281 Organizational research methods Sage Publications, Inc.
1552-7425 Organizational research methods (e-vir) Sage
0340-6407 Oriens christianus Harrassowitz
0030-5367 Orientalia Pontificio Istituto Biblico.
0030-5448 Orientations Orientations magazine
0369-7827 Osiris Saint Catherine Press
1933-8287 Osiris (e-vir) Saint Catherine Press
1617-9404 Ostasiatische Zeitschrift Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ostasiatische Kunst e.V.; DGOK.
1560-8670 Österreichisches Archiv für Recht & Religion Plöchl
2707-966X Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften (e-vir) Studien Verlag; Österreichische Gesellschaft für Geschichtswissenschaften
0029-9626 Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kunst und Denkmalpflege Österreichisches Bundesdenkmalamt
0029-9669 Österreichische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde Selbstverlag des Vereines für Volkskunde
1122-259X Ostraka Loffredo Editore
0391-7487 Ottagono CO.P.IN.A.
1631-0438 Outre-mers Société française d'histoire des outre-mers
0166-2058 Over Multatuli Huis aan de Drie Grachten
0078-7191 Oxford German studies Clarendon Press; Maney
1745-9214 Oxford German studies (e-vir) Clarendon Press
1465-3915 Oxford review of education (e-vir) Carfax Pub.
0305-4985 Oxford Review of Education Carfax Publ. Co.
0961-2149 Oxford studies in comparative education Triangle Books.
1016-765X ÖZG Verlag für Gesellschaftskritik
0030-8684 Pacific historical review University of California Press
1533-8584 Pacific historical review Arthur H. Clark Co.
0030-9230 Paedagogica historica Centrum voor studie van de historische pedagogiek
1477-674X Paedagogica historica (e-vir) Carfax Pub. Co.
0078-7809 Paideuma Kohlhammer
0090-5674 Paideuma National Poetry Foundation
0552-9344 Palaeohistoria Barkhuis Publishing
1070-5465 Palaeoslavica Palaeoslavica
0920-7422 Palaestina antiqua Werkgezelschap voor de Archeologie van Palestina.
1545-0031 Paleoanthropology (e-vir) Paleoanthropology Society.
0153-9345 Paléorient Klincksieck
1957-701X Paléorient (e-vir) CNRS éd.
0031-0328 Palestine exploration quarterly Palestine Exploration Fund
1743-1301 Palestine exploration quarterly (e-vir) Maney Publishing on behalf of the Palestine Exploration Fund
0031-0506 Památky archeologické Institute of Archaeology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
1750-1954 Papers of surrealism (e-vir) AHRC Research Centre for Studies of Surrealism and its Legacies.
0068-2462 Papers of the British School at Rome British Academy; British School
2045-239X Papers of the British School at Rome (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0031-1294 Papers on language & literature Southern Illinois University
0313-6221 Parergon Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
1832-8334 Parergon Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies
0256-0917 Parkett "Parkett" Verlag AG
0264-2824 Parliamentary history Alan Sutton Publishing
1750-0206 Parliamentary history (e-vir) A. Sutton
0258-8331 Parole de l'Orient Université Saint-Esprit, Faculté de théologie
1565-3668 Partial answers Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit bi-Yerushalayim.
1936-9247 Partial answers (e-vir) Johns Hopkins University Press
1579-3311 Pasado y memoria Universidad de Alicante
2386-4745 Pasado y memoria (e-vir) Universidad de Alicante
0901-8883 Passage Litteraturhistorisk Forening.
1120-0650 Passato e presente La Nuova Italia; F. Angeli
1972-5493 Passato e presente (e-vir) Franco Angeli
0031-2789 Pastoral psychology Human Sciences Press
1573-6679 Pastoral psychology Kluwer
0720-6259 Pastoraltheologie Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht
2197-0831 Pastoraltheologie (e-vir) Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
0555-9308 Pastoraltheologische Informationen Konferenz der Deutschsprachigen Pastoraltheologen und Pastoraltheologinnen
Y506-810X Pastoraltheologische Informationen (e-vir) Konferenz der Deutschsprachigen Pastoraltheologen und Pastoraltheologinnen
1531-4200 Pedagogy Duke University Press
1533-6255 Pedagogy (e-vir) Duke University Press
1468-1366 Pedagogy, culture & society Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
1747-5104 Pedagogy, culture & society (e-vir) Triangle Journals Ltd.
0888-322X Pegasus M.E. Hildebrand
1253-1006 Penser l'éducation Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche sur les valeurs, les idées, l'identité et les compétences en éducation et formation (Mont-Saint-Aignan, Seine-Maritime)
0301-0066 Perception Pion Limited
1468-4233 Perception (e-vir) Pion
0031-5117 Perception & psychophysics Psychonomic Society, etc.
0898-5952 Performance improvement quarterly Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University in cooperation with the National Society for Performance & Instruction
1937-8327 Performance improvement quarterly Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University in cooperation with the National Society for Performance & Instruction
1352-8165 Performance research Routledge
1469-9990 Performance research Routledge
0553-6707 Peristil Povijesno društvo Hrvatske
1849-6547 Peristil (e-vir) Društvo povjesničara umjetnosti Hrvatske
1350-4126 Personal relationships Cambridge University Press
1475-6811 Personal relationships (e-vir) Blackwell
0907-676X Perspectives Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen
1747-6623 Perspectives (e-vir) Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen
0258-2236 Perspectives in education Faculty of Education of the University of the Witwatersrand
2519-593X Perspectives in education (e-vir) University of the Free State
0031-6016 Perspectives of new music Perspectives of New Music, inc., etc.
2325-7180 Perspectives of new music (e-vir) Published by Princeton University Press for the Fromm Music Foundation
1063-6145 Perspectives on science MIT Press
1530-9274 Perspectives on science (e-vir) MIT Press
0869-8198 Peterburgskij teatralʹnyj žurnal.; Петербургский театральный журнал Peterburgskij teatralʹnyj žurnal; Петербургский театральный журнал
0091-3057 Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior Pergamon Journals
1873-5177 Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
1568-7759 Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8676 Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences (e-vir) Kluwer
0031-7217 Phi Delta Kappan Phi Delta Kappa, inc.
0048-3893 Philosophia Bar Ilan University
1574-9274 Philosophia (e-vir) Springer Netherlands
1529-1634 Philosophia Christi Evangelical Philosophical Society.; Biola University.
0031-8019 Philosophia mathematica Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics
1744-6406 Philosophia Mathematica (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0031-8027 Philosophia naturalis Klostermann
0031-8035 Philosophia reformata Vereeniging voor Calvinistische W%sbegeerte; Vereniging voor Calvinistische W%sbegeerte
2352-8230 Philosophia reformata (e-vir) Centrum voor Reformatorische Wijsbegeerte
0379-8402 Philosophica [Universiteit]
0031-8051 Philosophical books Wiley-Blackwell
1468-0149 Philosophical books (e-vir) Blackwell
1386-9795 Philosophical explorations Van Gorcum
1741-5918 Philosophical explorations (e-vir) Routledge
1533-6077 Philosophical issues Ridgeview Pub. Co.
1758-2237 Philosophical issues (e-vir) Ridgeview Pub. Co.
0556-8641 Philosophical papers Rhodes University.; Rhodes University.; University of the Witwatersrand.
1996-8523 Philosophical papers Dept. of Philosophy, Rhodes University
0951-5089 Philosophical psychology Carfax Publishing
1465-394X Philosophical psychology (e-vir) Routledge
0276-2080 Philosophical topics University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.; Southwestern Philosophical Society.
2154-154X Philosophical topics (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
1634-4561 Philosophie antique Presses universitaires du Septentrion
1617-3473 Philosophiegeschichte und logische Analyse Mentis
1071-6076 Philosophy, psychiatry & psychology Johns Hopkins University Press
1086-3303 Philosophy, psychiatry & psychology Johns Hopkins University Press
0031-8213 Philosophy & rhetoric Pennsylvania State University Press.
1527-2079 Philosophy & rhetoric Pennsylvania State University Press
0191-4537 Philosophy & social criticism s.n.
1461-734X Philosophy & social criticism (e-vir) Sage Publications
0048-3931 Philosophy of the social sciences Sage Publications
1552-7441 Philosophy of the social sciences (e-vir) Sage Publications
0031-8299 Phoenix University of Toronto Press
1929-4883 Phoenix (e-vir) University of Toronto Press
0111-0411 PhotoForum PhotoForum Inc.
1422-6944 Physics in perspective Birkhäuser
1422-6960 Physics in perspective (e-vir) [Springer International Publishing AG]
0031-9384 Physiology & behavior Pergamon Press.
0031-9414 Physis Leo Olschki Editore
0731-0455 Places Design History Foundation
0961-1371 Plainsong and medieval music Cambridge University Press
1474-0087 Plainsong and medieval music (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0266-5433 Planning perspectives E. & F.N. Spon; Chapman
1466-4518 Planning Perspectives (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Group
1570-0747 Pneuma Brill
0272-0965 Pneuma; Brill Academic Publishers
1543-1789 Poe studies/dark romanticism Washington State University Press
2377-7664 Poe studies/dark romanticism (e-vir) Washington State University Press
1081-6976 Political and legal anthropology review Association for Political and Legal Anthropology, a division of the American Anthropological Association
1555-2934 Political and legal anthropology review (e-vir) [Association for Political and Legal Anthropology]
0162-895X Political psychology Plenum
1467-9221 Political psychology (e-vir) Blackwell.
0090-5917 Political theory Sage Publications.
1552-7476 Political theory (e-vir) Sage Publications
1470-594X Politics, philosophy & economics Sage
1741-3060 Politics, philosophy & economics (e-vir) Sage Publications
0261-1430 Popular music Cambridge University Press
1474-0095 Popular music (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0267-5315 Portuguese studies Modern Humanities Research Association
2222-4270 Portuguese studies Modern Humanities Research Association
0048-4911 Positif Positif
1368-8790 Postcolonial studies Carfax
1466-1888 Postcolonial studies (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1705-9100 Postcolonial text (e-vir) [Canadian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies]
0079-4236 Post-medieval archaeology Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology.
1745-8137 Post-medieval archaeology (e-vir) Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology
0303-8157 Pozna%n studies in the philosophy of the sciences and the humanities Rodopi; Grüner
1875-7243 Poznan studies in the philosophy of the sciences and the humanities (e-vir) Rodopi
0937-2032 PPmP. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie Thieme
1018-2101 Pragmatics IPrA Research Center
2406-4238 Pragmatics (e-vir) IPrA Research Center
0929-0907 Pragmatics & cognition John Benjamins
1569-9943 Pragmatics & cognition John Benjamins
1383-7583 Prague Linguistic Circle papers John Benjamins Publishing Company
1105-0969 Praktika tes en Athenais archaiologikes etaireias Archaiologike Etaireia
0946-3518 Praktische Theologie Gütersloher Verl.-Haus
2198-0462 Praktische Theologie (e-vir) Gütersloher Verl.-Haus
0393-0157 Preistoria alpina Museo tridentino di scienze naturali
0048-5195 Présence francophone Université de Sherbrooke. Centre d'étude des littératures d'expression française.
0555-1145 Prilozi povijesti umjetnosti u Dalmaciji Regionalni zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture
1059-986X Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy.
2213-4417 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy Brill.
1108-149X Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens Danish Institute at Athens
0035-8991 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Royal Irish Academy
2009-0048 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (e-vir) Royal Irish Academy
0308-8421 Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Seminar for Arabian Studies
0081-1564 Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Royal Museum of Scotland
2056-743X Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (e-vir)
0391-2698 Prometheus Nuova Scuola Editrice ;; Firenze University press,
2281-1044 Prometheus Firenze university press
0272-9601 Prooftexts Johns Hopkins University Press
1086-3311 Prooftexts (e-vir) Johns Hopkins University Press
0394-0802 Prospettiva Centro Piazza de'Mozzi Lr.
2239-7205 Prospettiva (e-vir) Centro Di
0300-3523 Protée Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.; Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.
0079-7138 Przegląd Archeologiczny Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
2657-4004 Przegląd Archeologiczny (e-vir) Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
2327-9486 PSA (e-vir) Philosophy of Science Association.
0270-8647 PSA; (e-vir) Philosophy of Science Association [etc.]
0033-2623 Psyche
1048-1885 Psychoanalytic dialogues Analytic Press
1940-9222 Psychoanalytic dialogues (e-vir) Analytic Press
0735-1690 Psychoanalytic inquiry International Universities Press
1940-9133 Psychoanalytic inquiry (e-vir) International Universities Press
0736-9735 Psychoanalytic psychology Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1939-1331 Psychoanalytic psychology Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
0340-0727 Psychological research Springer
1430-2772 Psychological research = Springer.
0342-183X Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht E. Reinhardt
0033-3042 Psychologische Rundschau Psychologie,Verlag Fur
2190-6238 Psychologische Rundschau Hogrefe
1068-316X Psychology, crime & law Harwood Academic Publishers
1477-2744 Psychology, crime & law (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
1470-1073 Psychology, evolution & gender (e-vir) Routledge
0742-6046 Psychology & marketing Van Nostrand Reinhold
1520-6793 Psychology & marketing (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
1476-0835 Psychology and psychotherapy BPS
2044-8341 Psychology and psychotherapy (e-vir) Wiley
0033-3085 Psychology in the schools Wiley Subscription Services, Inc.
1520-6807 Psychology in the schools (e-vir) Clinical Psychology]; Wiley Periodicals
1469-0292 Psychology of sport and exercise Elsevier
1878-5476 Psychology of sport and exercise (e-vir) Elsevier Ltd.
0361-6843 Psychology of women quarterly Cambridge University Press
1471-6402 Psychology of women quarterly (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0033-3123 Psychometrika Psychometric Society.
1860-0980 Psychometrika Springer
0275-3987 Psychomusicology The Office of Research in Arts Technology
2162-1535 Psychomusicology Stephen F. Austin State University
0033-3182 Psychosomatics Elsevier [etc.]
1545-7206 Psychosomatics (e-vir) Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine.
0935-6185 Psychotherapeut Springer-Verlag
1432-2080 Psychotherapeut Springer
0033-3204 Psychotherapy Psychologists interested in the advancement of psychotherapy
1939-1536 Psychotherapy American Psychological Association
1050-3307 Psychotherapy research Guilford Publications
1468-4381 Psychotherapy research (e-vir) For the Society for Psychotherapy Research by Oxford University Press
1465-5187 Public archaeology James & James
1753-5530 Public archaeology (e-vir) James & James (Science Publishers)
0033-362X Public opinion quarterly Oxford University Press
1537-5331 Public opinion quarterly (e-vir) Public Opinion Quarterly, Inc.
0963-6625 Public understanding of science Sage
1361-6609 Public understanding of science (e-vir) IOP Publishing
0278-1891 Pynchon notes J.M. Kraft and K. Tololyan
0951-8398 QSE Taylor & Francis
1722-5051 Quaderni di Storia Felice Le Monnier
0014-9527 Quaerendo Theatrum Orbis Terrarum
1570-0690 Quærendo (e-vir) Brill
1427-4418 Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego; Wydawnictwo DiG; Fundacja "Centrum Badań Historycznych"; "Societas Vistulana"
1077-8004 Qualitative inquiry Sage Periodicals Press
1552-7565 Qualitative inquiry (e-vir) Sage Publications
1353-8322 Quality in higher education Carfax
1470-1081 Quality in higher education (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0375-7471 Quartär Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft; Herstellung und Vertrieb Saarländische Druckerei und Verlag
1528-3518 Quarterly review of distance education Information Age Pub.
2169-1266 Quarterly review of distance education (e-vir) Information Age Pub.
0929-8592 Queeste Verloren
2667-1689 Queeste (e-vir) Verloren
0774-5524 Questions liturgiques Abbaye du Mont-César
1783-1709 Questions liturgiques (e-vir) Peeters Publishers
1041-8385 Qui parle University of California, Berkeley
1938-8020 Qui parle (e-vir) University of California
1918-4778 RACAR (e-vir) Société pour promouvoir la publication en histoire de l'art au Canada
0315-9906 RACAR, revue d'art canadienne, Canadian art review Société pour promouvoir la publication en histoire de l'art au Canada.
1361-3324 Race, ethnicity and education Carfax
1470-109X Race, ethnicity and education (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0163-6545 Radical history review MARHO
1534-1453 Radical history review (e-vir) Duke University Press
0033-8222 Radiocarbon American journal of science
1945-5755 Radiocarbon (e-vir) Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona
0350-3437 Radovi Instituta za povijest umjetnosti Institut za povijesne znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Odjel za povijest umjetnosti
1845-4534 Radovi Instituta za povijest umjetnosti (e-vir) Institut za povijest umjetnosti
0048-671X Ramus Monash University.
2202-932X Ramus Aureal Publications
1122-5580 Rassegna europea di letteratura italiana F. Cesati
1824-6818 Rassegna europea di letteratura italiana (e-vir) F. Cesati
0034-0006 Ratio Basil Blackwell
1467-9329 Ratio (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0952-1917 Ratio juris Blackwell
1467-9337 Ratio juris (e-vir) Blackwell
0035-0818 RBPH Société pour le progrès des études philologiques et historiques
0922-4777 Reading & writing Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-0905 Reading & writing (e-vir) Kluwer
0950-3129 Reading medieval studies University of Reading.
0886-0246 Reading research and instruction The Association
2331-3587 Reading research and instruction (e-vir) College Reading Association.
0034-0553 Reading research quarterly International Reading Association
1936-2722 Reading research quarterly (e-vir) International Reading Association
0958-3440 ReCALL The Centre
1474-0109 ReCALL (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1120-5741 Recercare Libreria Musicale Italiana Editrice
0557-6989 Recherches anglaises et américaines Faculté des lettres
1783-1717 Recherches de théologie et de philosophie médiévales (e-vir) Peeters Publishers
1370-7493 Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales Abbaye du Mont César
1619-4993 Rechtsgeschichte Klostermann
2195-9617 Rechtsgeschichte (e-vir) Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte
1462-2459 Reformation & Renaissance review Sheffield Academic Press
1743-1727 Reformation & Renaissance review (e-vir) Sheffield Academic Press
0090-5550 Rehabilitation psychology Springer Pub. Co.
1939-1544 Rehabilitation psychology (e-vir) Springer Pub. Co.
0925-4757 Reinardus Alfa; Benjamins
1569-9951 Reinardus Benjamins
1180-0135 Religiologiques Université du Québec à Montréal. Département des sciences religieuses.
0048-721X Religion Academic Press
1096-1151 Religion Academic Press
0034-4087 Religious education Routledge
1547-3201 Religious education Religious Education Association
0741-9325 Remedial and special education PRO-ED
1538-4756 Remedial and special education (e-vir) PRO-ED
0486-3720 Renaissance and modern studies University
0034-429X Renaissance and Reformation Toronto Renaissance and Reformation Colloquium and the Victoria University Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies.
2293-7374 Renaissance and Reformation (e-vir)
0269-1213 Renaissance studies Oxford University Press
1477-4658 Renaissance studies (e-vir) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Society of Renaissance Studies
0034-4346 Renascence Marquette University Press.
2329-8626 Renascence (e-vir)
1000-3193 Renleixue xuebao Kexue Chubanshe,
1157-1330 Repères Institut national de recherche pédagogique (France)
0070-2374 Report of the Department of Antiquities. Cyprus Government Printing Office
0137-2904 Reports on mathematical logic Jagiellonian University Press
2084-2589 Reports on Mathematical Logic (e-vir) Jagiellonian University Press
0734-6018 Representations University of Calif. Press
1533-855X Representations (e-vir) University of California Press
0968-8080 Reproductive health matters Reproductive Health Matters
1460-9576 Reproductive health matters (e-vir) Reproductive Health Matters
1540-7969 Research and practice for persons with severe disabilities TASH
2169-2408 Research and practice for persons with severe disabilities (e-vir) TASH
1472-3808 Research chronicle Royal Musical Association
2167-4027 Research chronicle (e-vir) Royal Musical Association
1356-9783 Research in drama education Carfax
1470-112X Research in drama education (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0363-3268 Research in economic history JAI Press; distributed by JAICON Press
2514-8087 Research in economic history (e-vir) Emerald Group Publishing Limited
0361-0365 Research in higher education Human Sciences Press
1573-188X Research in higher education Kluwer
0161-7249 Research in philosophy & technology Society for Philosophy & Technology (U.S.)
1359-6748 Research in post-compulsory education Triangle Journals
1747-5112 Research in post-compulsory education (e-vir) Triangle Journals Ltd.
0263-5143 Research in science & technological education Carfax
1470-1138 Research in science & technological education (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0157-244X Research in science education Kluwer
1573-1898 Research in science education (e-vir) Kluwer
0034-527X Research in the teaching of English National Council of Teachers of English]
1943-2348 Research in the teaching of English (e-vir) National Council of Teachers of English
0164-0275 Research on aging Sage Publications
1552-7573 Research on aging (e-vir) Sage Publications
1570-7075 Research on language and computation Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8706 Research on language and computation Kluwer
0835-1813 Research on language and social interaction Boreal
1532-7973 Research on language and social interaction L. Erlbaum Associates
0098-647X Research opportunities in Renaissance drama Modern Language Association of America.
0270-1367 Research quarterly for exercise and sport American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.
2168-3824 Research quarterly for exercise and sport (e-vir) American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
1321-103X Research studies in music education USQ Press and the Faculty of Arts, University of Southern Queensland
1834-5530 Research studies in music education (e-vir) USQ Press and the Faculty of Arts, University of Southern Queensland
Y506-7367 Research studies in music education (e-vir) USQ Press and the Faculty of Arts, University of Southern Queensland
0048-7384 Resources for American literary study Dept. of English, University of Maryland
1529-1502 Resources for American literary study (e-vir) Dept. of English, University of Maryland
1356-4765 Res publica Springer
1572-8692 Res publica (e-vir) Kluwer
0162-9905 Restoration University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
1941-952X Restoration (e-vir) University of Tennessee
1364-2529 Rethinking history Routledge
1470-1154 Rethinking history (e-vir) Routledge
0034-6543 Review of educational research American Educational Research Association
1935-1046 Review of educational research (e-vir) American Educational Research Association
0162-5748 Review of higher education The Association for the Study of Higher Education
0034-673X Review of religious research Religious Research Association
2211-4866 Review of religious research (e-vir) Religious Research Association; Springer Netherlands
0091-732X Review of research in education American Educational Research Association
1935-1038 Review of research in education (e-vir) F.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc.
0103-6963 Revista brasileira de literatura comparada Associacao Brasileira de Literatura Comparada.
2596-304X Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada (e-vir) Universidade Federal Fluminense, Instituto de Letras
0210-5551 Revista catalana de teologia Facultad de Teología de Cataluña; Facultad de Teología de Barcelona
0048-7651 Revista chilena de literatura Departamento de Literatura, Universidad de Chile
0718-2295 Revista chilena de literatura (e-vir) Departamento de Literatura, Universidad de Chile
1131-558X Revista de antropología social Servicio de publicaciones, Universidad Complutense
1696-7534 Revista de antropología social (e-vir) Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología. Departamento de Antropología Social.; UCM. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología. Departamento de Antropología Social.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Antropología Social.
1988-2831 Revista de antropología social Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones
0252-8843 Revista de crítica literaria latinoamericana Latinoamericana editores.
0034-7981 Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares Instituto Antonio de Nebrija; Instituto "Miguel de Cervantes"; Instituto de Filología (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas); Centro de Estudios de Etnología Peninsular; Instituto de la Lengua Española; Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología
1988-8457 Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología, CSIC
0034-8082 Revista de educación España; España; España; España
0210-9174 Revista de filología española CSIC
1988-8538 Revista de filología española Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología, CSIC
0212-999X Revista de filología románica Editorial de la Universidad Complutense
1698-3262 Revista de filología románica (e-vir) Facultad de Filología. Departamento de Filología Románica.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filología Románica.
1988-2815 Revista de filología románica Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones
0212-6109 Revista de historia económica Centro de Estudios Constitucionales (España); Fundación Empresa Pública; Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
2041-3335 Revista de historia económica (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0870-6077 Revista de história económica e social Livraria Sá da Costa
0212-5862 Revista de historia moderna Universidad de Alicante
1989-9823 Revista de historia moderna Secretariado de Publicaciones, Universidad
0034-849X Revista de literatura Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Miguel de Cervantes de Filologíia Hispánica
1988-4192 Revista de literatura CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones
0210-1459 Revista de musicología Sociedad Española de Musicología
0034-8635 Revista de occidente Fundación José Ortega y Gasset
0556-6533 Revista española de antropología americana Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones
1695-503X Revista española de antropología americana (e-vir) Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Departamento de Historia de América II.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia de América II.
1988-2718 Revista española de antropología americana Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones
0210-1874 Revista española de lingüística Sociedad Española de Lingüística
2254-8769 Revista española de lingüística (e-vir) Gredos
0213-2028 Revista española de lingüística aplicada SGEL-Educación
2254-6774 Revista española de lingüística aplicada (e-vir) Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada
1139-7853 Revista española de orientación y psicopedagogía Asociación Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía.; Federación Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía.
1989-7448 Revista española de orientación y psicopedagogía Federación Española de Orientación y Pedagogía
0034-9461 Revista española de pedagogía Instituto "San José de Calasanz" de Pedagogía, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
2174-0909 Revista española de pedagogía (e-vir) Instituto "San José de Calasanz"
0210-7112 Revista española de teología Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Francisco Suárez.
0104-026X Revista estudos feministas Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas; Centro de Comunicação e Expressão
1806-9584 Revista Estudos Feministas (e-vir) Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas
0034-9631 Revista iberoamericana Instituto internacional de literatura iberoamericana
2154-4794 Revista Iberoamericana (e-vir) Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana
0872-2587 Revista internacional de língua portuguesa Associação das Universidades de Língua Portuguesa
1018-0443 Revista istorica Editura Academiei Române
0871-9187 Revista portuguesa de educação C.E.E.D.C.
2183-0452 Revista portuguesa de educação (e-vir) C.E.E.D.C.
0870-5283 Revista portuguesa de filosofia Faculdade de Filosofia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa
2183-461X Revista portuguesa de filosofia (e-vir) Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural
0870-4147 Revista portuguesa de história Universidade de Coimbra
2183-3796 Revista portuguesa de história (e-vir) Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
1016-2461 Revue africaine de théologie Faculté de théologie catholique de Kinshasa.
0035-0737 Revue archéologique Presses universitaires de France
2104-3868 Revue archéologique (e-vir) PUF
0035-077X Revue belge d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art Académie royale d'archéologie de Belgique.
0035-0869 Revue belge d'histoire contemporaine Fondation Jan Dhondt
2034-1938 Revue belge de musicologie (e-vir) Société belge de musicologie
0771-6788 Revue belge de musicologie = Société belge de musicologie
0774-5885 Revue belge de numismatique et de sigillographie Société royale de numismatique de Belgique; Koninklijk Belgisch genootschap voor numismatiek
0035-0893 Revue Bénédictine Abbeye de Maredsous.; Brepols Publishers
0399-1237 Revue d'archéométrie Groupe des méthodes pluridisciplinaires contribuant à l'archéologie
0373-6032 Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archeologie Orientale Presses Universitaires de France
2104-3817 Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale (e-vir) PUF
1262-022X Revue d'histoire des mathématiques Société mathématique de France
1777-568X Revue d'histoire des mathématiques (e-vir) Société mathématique de France
0151-4105 Revue d'histoire des sciences Presses universitaires de France
1969-6582 Revue d'histoire des sciences (e-vir) [A. Colin]
0048-7996 Revue d'histoire des sciences et de leurs applications PUF
0373-6075 Revue d'histoire des textes Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes (France); Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France)
0035-2365 Revue d'histoire diplomatique Société d'histoire générale et d'histoire diplomatique (France)
1291-2530 Revue d'histoire du théâtre Société d'histoire du théâtre
1265-1354 Revue d'histoire du XIXe siècle Société d'histoire de la révolution de 1848 et des révolutions du XIXe siècle
0035-2381 Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique Université catholique de Louvain
2294-1088 Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique (e-vir) Université Catholique de Louvain
0035-1458 Revue de Linguistique Romane G. Straka, Palais de l'université
1285-4093 Revue de sémantique et pragmatique Université d'Orléans
0035-2004 REVUE des ètudes anciennes L`Universitè de Bordeaux
1783-1741 Revue des études arméniennes (e-vir) Peeters Publishers
0766-5598 Revue des études byzantines Institut français d`études byzantines
0484-8616 Revue des études juives Société des études juives (France)
0373-5737 Revue des Etudes Latines Belles Lettres
0223-3711 Revue des langues romanes Société pour l'étude des langues romanes
2391-114X Revue des langues romanes (e-vir) Bureau des publications de la Société pour l'étude des langues romanes; Librairie de A. Franck
1992-2116 Revue des lettres et de traduction Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik, Faculté des lettres.; USEK, Faculté des lettres.; Faculté des lettres de l'USEK.; æGäamiatć al-räuîh al-qudus, Kulliyyatć al-äadäab.
2105-2271 Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée (e-vir) Publications de l'Université de Provence
0035-2209 Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques Le Saulchoir
2118-4445 Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques (e-vir) Vrin
0035-2217 Revue des sciences religieuses Université de Strasbourg (1538-1970); Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg)
0035-1776 Revue de synthèse Albin-Michel
1955-2343 Revue de synthèse (e-vir) Springer France
0997-1327 Revue du monde musulman et de la Méditerranée Association pour l'étude des sciences humaines en Afrique du Nord et au Proche-Orient
0037-9212 Revue française d'histoire du livre Société Française d'Histoire du Livre; Société des Bibliophiles de Guyenne; Librairie Droz
0035-3280 Revue historique de droit français et étranger Librairie de la Société du Recueil Sirey
2496-8250 Revue historique de droit français et étranger (e-vir) Éditions Dalloz
1254-4590 Revue internationale d'éducation Sèvres Centre international d'etudes pedagogiques
0254-8186 Revue internationale d'histoire militaire Comité international des sciences historiques, Commission internationale d'histoire militaire
0048-8143 Revue internationale de philosophie Groeninghe; diffusion Presses universitaires de France
2033-0138 Revue internationale de philosophie (e-vir) Association R.I.P.
0772-9235 Revue internationale des droits de l'antiquité Office international de librairie
0035-3620 Revue Mabillon Abbaye Saint-Martin de Ligugé; Veuve Ch. Poussielgue; A. Picard et fils; Brepols; Société Mabillon
0035-3906 Revue romane Institut d'études romanes de l'Université de Copenhague
1600-0811 Revue romane (e-vir) Dept. of Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen
0556-8080 Revue roumaine d'histoire de l'art Editura Academiei Române
2067-5127 Revue Roumanie d'Histoire de l'Art (e-vir) Editura Academiei Române
1965-0906 Revue TAL (e-vir) Association pour le traitement automatique des langues
0035-4295 Revue thomiste P. Lethielleux
1122-4428 RGG. Rivista di grammatica generativa UNIPRESS
0734-8584 Rhetorica University of California
1533-8541 Rhetorica (e-vir) University of California Press for the International Society for the History of Rhetoric
1312-3963 Rhizai Southeast-European Association for Ancient Philosophy
0392-7202 Ricerche di storia dell'arte Nuova Italia scientifica; Carocci
0080-3073 Rinascimento Leo S. Olschki
1670-0139 Ritið Hugvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands; Háskóli Íslands
0392-4866 Rivista degli studi orientali Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Dipartimento di studi orientali.
1724-1863 Rivista degli studi orientali Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali.
2037-6634 Rivista dell'Istituto nazionale d'archeologia e storia dell'arte Fabrizio Serra Editore
0392-5285 Rivista dell'Istituto Nazionale d'Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte Istituto Nazionale d'Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte
0035-6042 Rivista di archeologia cristiana Pontificio Istituto di archeologia cristiana
0035-6085 Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali.
1724-062X Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali.
0392-825X Rivista di letteratura italiana Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali.
1724-0638 Rivista di letteratura italiana Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali.
1120-2726 Rivista di linguistica Rosenberg & Sellier; Ospedaletto, PI
1827-7365 Rivista di storia del cristianesimo Editrice Morcelliana
0035-6557 Rivista di storia della chiesa in Italia Herder Editrice e Libreria
1827-790X Rivista di storia della chiesa in Italia (e-vir) Vita e Pensiero
0393-3415 Rivista di storia economica Società Editrice Il Mulino
2612-1026 Rivista di storia economica (e-vir) Il Mulino
0035-6573 Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa Leo Olschki
0557-1367 Rivista di studi bizantini e neoellenici Università di Roma, Istituto di studi bizantini e neoellenici.
1121-5275 Rivista di topografia antica M. Congedo
1122-6331 Rivista italiana di dialettologia CLUEB
1124-8890 Rivista italiana di onomastica Società Editrice Romana
0300-340X Rivista storica dell'antichità Pàtron
2612-2316 Rivista storica dell'antichità (e-vir) Pàtron
0813-0426 Rock art research Australian Rock Art Research Association; International Federation of Rock Art Organisations
0295-5024 Roman 20-50 Société d'étude du roman du 20ème siècle; Université de Lille 3, Unité d'enseignement et de recherche de lettres modernes, Centre roman 20-50
0035-7995 Romance notes [Dept. of Romance Languages, University of North Carolina]
2165-7599 Romance notes (e-vir) [Department of Romance Languages, University of North Carolina]
0035-8002 Romance philology University of California Press.
2295-9017 Romance philology (e-vir) University of California Press
0883-1157 Romance quarterly University Press of Kentucky
1940-3216 Romance quarterly (e-vir) University Press of Kentucky]
0035-8029 Romania Librairie Franck
2391-1018 Romania (e-vir) Librairie Franck
0872-5675 Românica D.L.R.F.L.U.L. :; Edições Cosmos [distrib.],
0035-8126 Romanische Forschungen Klostermann
1864-0737 Romanische Forschungen Klostermann
0343-379X Romanistische Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte Winter
1748-0116 Romantic textualities (e-vir) CEIR
0035-7812 Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte Herder
1029-1717 RS. Russian studies Puškinskij Fond; Пушкинский Фонд.
0229-8651 RSSI Association canadienne de sémiotique = Canadian Semiotic Association
1923-9920 RSSI (e-vir) Association canadienne de sémiotique.
0956-7933 Rural history Cambridge University Press
1474-0656 Rural history (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0036-0163 Russell Bertrand Russell Research Centre, Faculty of Humanities, McMaster University.
1913-8032 Russell (e-vir) Bertrand Russell Archives.; Bertrand Russell Research Centre.
1060-9393 Russian education and society M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
1558-0423 Russian education and society (e-vir) M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
1061-1975 Russian studies in literature M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
1944-7167 Russian studies in literature (e-vir) M.E. Sharpe
0131-6095 Russkaja literatura Nauka
1681-1062 Russkij âzyk v naučnom osveśenii Âzyki slavânskoj kulʹtury
0080-5319 Saeculum Alber
0256-8411 Saga Sögufélag
0392-713X Saggi e memorie di storia dell'arte Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Istituto di storia dell'arte
0348-6133 Samlaren (e-vir) Svenska litteratursällskapet
1077-5943 Santa Barbara Portuguese studies Jorge de Sena Center for Portuguese Studies.
0036-5483 Scandia
0906-3447 Scandinavian journal of design history Rhodos
0031-3831 Scandinavian journal of educational research Carfax Publishing Company
1470-1170 Scandinavian journal of educational research (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis
0346-8755 Scandinavian journal of history Taylor & Francis
1502-7716 Scandinavian journal of history Taylor and Francis Ltd.
0036-5564 Scandinavian journal of psychology Wiley
1467-9450 Scandinavian journal of psychology (e-vir) Wiley
1502-7244 Scandinavian journal of the Old Testament (e-vir) Taylor and Francis Ltd.
0355-3140 Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health Swedish Medical Society; Occupational Health Foundation; Work Research Institutes; Workers' Protection Fund
1795-990X Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health (e-vir) Institute of Occupational Health
0036-5637 Scandinavian studies The Society
2163-8195 Scandinavian studies Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study; Brigham Young University
0036-5653 Scandinavica Academic Press
2754-0804 Scandinavica (e-vir) Academic Press
1600-082X Scando-slavica (e-vir) Munksgaard
0080-6765 Scando-Slavica Munksgaard
1424-1854 Scholion Stiftung Bibliothek Werner Oechslin
1045-3830 School psychology quarterly Guilford Press
1939-1560 School psychology quarterly Guilford Publications
0279-6015 School psychology review National Association of School Psychologists.
2372-966X School psychology review (e-vir) Taylor & Francis Group
1617-6340 Schubert : Perspektiven
1424-3946 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Bildungsforschung
2624-8492 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften (e-vir) [Academic Press Fribourg]
0036-7834 Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Geschichte Schwabe & Co AG
2235-7475 Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft (e-vir) P. Haupt
0259-3165 Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft = P. Haupt; P. Lang
1552-8251 Science, technology, & human values (e-vir) Sage Publications
0162-2439 Science, technology & human values Sage Publications
0926-7220 Science & education Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-1901 Science & education (e-vir) Kluwer
0950-5431 Science as culture Taylor & Francis
1470-1189 Science as culture (e-vir) Routledge
0036-8326 Science education W.G. Whitman
1098-237X Science education Wiley
0091-7729 Science-fiction studies SFS Publications
2327-6207 Science-fiction studies (e-vir) Dept. of English, Indiana State University
0786-3012 Science studies Suomen tieteentutkimuksen seura
1431-5041 Scientia poetica de Gruyter
1868-9418 Scientia poetica (e-vir) de Gruyter; e Gruyter
1088-8438 Scientific studies of reading Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-799X Scientific studies of reading (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates.
1123-5713 Scienze dell'antichità Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza"; Edizioni Quasar
2284-3280 Scienze dell'antichità (e-vir) Quasar
1358-0264 Scottish archives Scottish Records Association.
0036-9306 Scottish journal of theology T. & T. Clark.
1475-3065 Scottish journal of theology (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1472-6041 Scottish labour history Scottish Labour History Society.
1475-7737 Scottish studies review Association for Scottish Literary Studies.
1745-3186 Scottish studies review (e-vir) Association for Scottish Literary Studies.
0334-4509 Scripta classica Israelica Israel Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies
0036-9764 Scripta theologica Ediciones Universidad de Navarra
2254-6227 Scripta theologica (e-vir) Universidad de Navarra
0036-9772 Scriptorium Centre d'Études des Manuscrits
0267-6583 Second language research Edward Arnold
1477-0326 Second language research (e-vir) Edward Arnold Pub.
0037-0894 Sefarad Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Arias Montano de Estudios Hebraicos, Sefardíes y de Oriente Próximo.
1988-320X Sefarad Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
1774-4466 Seizième siècle Société française d'étude du XVIe siècle
1775-3856 Seizième siècle (e-vir) Société française d'étude du XVIe siècle
0037-1998 Semiotica Mouton de Gruyter
1613-3692 Semiotica Mouton de Gruyter.
0771-8934 Septentrion Stichting Ons Erfdeel
0265-1068 Seventeenth-century French studies Society for Seventeenth-Century French Studies.
1752-2692 Seventeenth-century French studies (e-vir) Society for Seventeenth-Century French Studies
0360-0025 Sex roles Plenum Pub. Corp.
1573-2762 Sex roles (e-vir) Kluwer
1079-0632 Sexual abuse (e-vir) Kluwer Online
1573-286X Sexual abuse (e-vir) Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
0748-2558 Shakespeare bulletin New York Shakespeare Society
1931-1427 Shakespeare bulletin (e-vir) New York Shakespeare Society
1216-7827 Shaman Molnar & Kelemen Oriental Publishers
0037-3583 Shenandoah Shenandoah
1480-0926 Sidney journal University of Guelph. Dept. of English.
0175-0046 Siedlungsforschung Arkum
1128-2118 Sileno Sileno; Agorà
0917-1614 Silk Road art and archaeology Shirukuräodo Bunka Kenkyäujo.
0259-6415 Simpliciana Grimmelshausen-Gesellschaft; Peter Lang AG; Peter Lang Group AG
2235-7467 Simpliciana A. Francke; P. Lang
1127-2619 Sincronie Università di Roma, Dipartimento di studi filologici, linguistici e letterari.
0901-8328 SJOT, Scandinavian journal of the old testament Taylor & Francis
0342-8427 Skandinavistik Augustin
1105-1582 Skepsis Diethnes Kentro Filosofias kai Diepistäemonikäes Ereunas
0256-8446 Skírnir Hið íslenzka bókmenntafélag
1796-279X SKY Journal of Linguistics (e-vir) Suomen kielitieteellinen yhdistys
1456-8438 SKY Journal of Linguistics = Suomen kielitieteellinen yhdistys
0080-9993 Slavia antiqua Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk
2545-0212 Slavia Antiqua (e-vir) Instytut Archeologii UAM; Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk
0771-1395 Slavica Gandensia Department of Slavonic Philology. State University
1025-3386 Slavic almanach University of South Africa.
0037-6779 Slavic review American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies
2325-7784 Slavic review (e-vir) American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies
1335-0102 Slovenská archeológia Archeologický ústav SAV
1046-4964 Small group research Sage Periodicals Press
1552-8278 Small group research (e-vir) Sage
0301-2212 Social behavior and personality Society for Personality Research
1179-6391 Social behavior and personality (e-vir) Society for Personality Research]
0253-3952 Social dynamics Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town.
1940-7874 Social dynamics Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town]; Taylor & Francis
1681-4363 Social evolution & history Učitel#.
0037-7732 Social forces University of North Carolina Press
1534-7605 Social forces (e-vir) published for the University of North Carolina Press by the Williams & Wilkins Co.
1381-2890 Social psychology of education Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-1928 Social psychology of education (e-vir) Kluwer
0145-5532 Social science history Duke University Press
1527-8034 Social science history (e-vir) University Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh
0306-3127 Social studies of science Sage Publications
1460-3659 Social studies of science (e-vir) Sage
0037-802X Social theory and practice Dept. of Philosophy, Florida State University.
2154-123X Social theory and practice (e-vir) Philosophy Documentation Center
0985-5939 Sociocriticism Centre d'études et de recherches sociocritiques (Montpellier)
0038-0377 Sociologus Duncker und Humblot
1865-5106 Sociologus (e-vir) Duncker & Humblot
0038-0407 Sociology of education American Sociological Association
1939-8573 Sociology of education (e-vir) American Sociological Association
1069-4404 Sociology of religion Association for the Sociology of Religion
1759-8818 Sociology of religion (e-vir) Association for the Sociology of Religion
0038-1527 Sophia Melbourne University, Department of Philosophy
1873-930X Sophia (e-vir) Springer Netherlands
1210-7050 Soudobé dějiny Ústav pro soudobé dějiny Akademie věd ČR
2695-0952 Soudobé dějiny (e-vir)
0737-4453 Source Ars Brevis
2328-207X Source Ars Brevis
0038-1969 South African archaeological bulletin South African archaeological society
0258-2473 South african historical journal South African Historical Society
1726-1686 South African Historical Journal (e-vir) South African Historical Society; Taylor and Francis
0038-2353 South African journal of science Associated Scientific and Technical Societies of South Africa; Bureau for Scientific Publications
1996-7489 South African journal of science = National Research Foundation (South Africa); Academy of Science of South Africa
0169-1015 Spatial vision VNU Science Press
1568-5683 Spatial vision VSP
0954-0822 Special educational needs abstracts Carfax.
1467-5889 Special educational needs abstracts (e-vir) Carfax Pub. Co.
0038-8483 Sprachkunst Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Kommission für Literaturwissenschaft
1727-6993 Sprachkunst (e-vir) Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
1218-5736 Sprachtheorie und germanistische Linguistik / KLTE,; Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó ;; Nodus Publikationen; Nodus Publikationen
0942-2919 Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung Akademie Verlag
0585-0118 Städel-Jahrbuch Prestel
0172-4029 Stadion Academia-Verl..
1872-0676 Stadsgeschiedenis Universiteit van Antwerpen. Departement Geschiedenis. Centrum voor Stadsgeschiedenis
0351-4536 Starohrvatska prosvjeta Hrvatsko starinsko družtvo; Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika
1849-1464 Starohrvatska prosvjeta (e-vir) Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika
1570-1824 Statistics education research journal International Association for Statistical Education
1025-3890 Stress Harwood Academic Publishers.
1607-8888 Stress (e-vir) Harwood Academic.
1070-5511 Structural equation modeling Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-8007 Structural equation modeling L. Erlbaum Associates.
0323-2220 Studia Comeniana et historica Muzeum Jana Amose Komenského
1026-9169 Studia et documenta historiae et iuris Apollinaris
0081-6442 Studia Germanica Gandensia Rijksuniversiteit. Faculteit van letteren en wijsbegeerte
0081-6477 Studia Hibernica St. Patrick's College (Dublin, Ireland)
2397-4532 Studia Hibernica (e-vir) Liverpool University Press
0213-2060 Studia historica Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
0213-2079 Studia historica Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
2386-3889 Studia historica (e-vir) Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
0221-5004 Studia iranica Association pour l'avancement des études iraniennes (France)
0258-3828 Studia Islandica Háskóli Íslands.; Rannsóknastofnun í bókmenntafræði við Háskóla Íslands; Menningarsjóður.; Bókmenntafræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands; Háskólaútgáfan; Bókmennta- og listfræðastofnun Háskóla Íslands
0039-3193 Studia linguistica Gleerup
1467-9582 Studia linguistica (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1213-5372 Studia Rudolphina Artefactum
0781-3333 Studia slavica Finlandensia Neuvostoliittoinstituutti
0179-3896 Studia Spinozana Königshausen u. Neumann
0039-338X Studia theologica Academic Press
1502-7791 Studia theologica (e-vir) Taylor & Francis AS
0081-6124 Studi classici e orientali Edizioni Plus, Pisa University Press
1724-1820 Studi classici e orientali (e-vir) Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali
0391-4151 Studi di grammatica italiana Le Lettere
0393-8417 Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni Japadre
0340-2215 Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur Buske.
0049-2361 Studi e problemi di critica testuale Spongano R. Raffaele.
1826-722X Studi e problemi di critica testuale Spongano R. Raffaele.
1555-7839 Studies in 20th & 21st century literature Council of Editors of Learned Journals.
2334-4415 Studies in 20th & 21st century literature (e-vir) Studies in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature, ©2004-
0039-3533 Studies in African linguistics University of California, Los Angeles.; University of California, Los Angeles.; Indiana University, Bloomington.; Indiana University.; Ohio State University.; Ohio State University.
2154-428X Studies in African linguistics (e-vir) Department of Linguistics and the African Studies Center, University of California
0091-8083 Studies in American fiction Dept. of English, Northeastern University.
0271-9274 Studies in American Jewish literature Society for Study of American Jewish Literature.
1948-5077 Studies in American Jewish literature State University of New York Press
0904-2431 Studies in Central & East Asian religions The Seminar for Buddhist Studies, Copenhagen
1570-0712 Studies in Central and East Asian religions Brill
0953-9468 Studies in Christian ethics T & T Clark
1745-5235 Studies in Christian ethics (e-vir) T & T Clark
0424-2084 Studies in church history Ecclesiastical History Society.
2059-0644 Studies in church history (e-vir) Published for The Ecclesiastical History Society by Cambridge University Press
0158-037X Studies in continuing education Carfax
1470-126X Studies in continuing education (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0039-3657 Studies in English literature, 1500-1900 Rice University
1522-9270 Studies in English literature, 1500-1900 (e-vir) Johns Hopkins University Press for Rice University
1369-8486 Studies in history and philosophy of biological and biomedical sciences Elsevier Sciences
0926-2326 Studies in interreligious dialogue Kok Pharos ;; Orbis Books ;; Peeters
0039-3746 Studies in philosophy and education Kluwer Academic Publishers
1573-191X Studies in philosophy and education (e-vir) Kluwer
2042-0587 Studies in religion (e-vir) Wilfrid Laurier University Press
0008-4298 Studies in religion = Published by University of Toronto Press for the Canadian Corp. for Studies in Religion
0039-3770 Studies in Scottish literature University of South Carolina Press, etc.]
0039-3789 Studies in short fiction Newberry College.
0266-0830 Studies in the education of adults National Institute of Adult Continuing Education = NIACE
1478-9833 Studies in the education of adults (e-vir) NIACE
1354-9901 Studies in world christianity Edinburgh University Press
1750-0230 Studies in world Christianity (e-vir) Edinburgh University Press
0391-7762 Studi etruschi G. Bretschneider
0039-2987 Studi italiani di Filologia classica Le Monnier
0390-6809 Studi italiani di linguistica teorica ed applicata Liviana Editrice
0391-8467 Studi medievali Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo
1126-6651 Studi Micenei ed Egeo Anatolici Quasar; CNR, Istituto per gli studi sul Mediterraneo Antico
2532-1757 Studi Micenei ed Egeo Anatolici (e-vir) Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Istituto di studi sul Mediterraneo antico
0391-7789 Studi musicali Leo Olschki; Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia Fondazione
2037-6413 Studi musicali (e-vir) Leo S. Olschki; Accademia nazionale di santa Cecilia. Fondazione
0303-4615 Studi novecenteschi Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali.
1724-1804 Studi novecenteschi Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali.
0081-6256 Studi Tassiani Centro di Studi Tassiani
0393-2532 Studi verdiani Istituto di studi Verdiani
2445-3595 Stvdia historica (e-vir) Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
1082-6084 Substance use & misuse Marcel Dekker
1532-2491 Substance use & misuse (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0039-4564 Sudhoffs Archiv Steiner-Verlag-Wiesbaden-GmbH
2366-2352 Sudhoffs Archiv (e-vir) Steiner
1576-9372 Suhayl Universitat de Barcelona; Universitat de Barcelona
0355-3930 Suomen antropologi Suomen antropologinen seura
1799-8972 Suomen antropologi (e-vir) The Finnish Anthropological Society
0355-1822 Suomen muinaismuistoyhdistyksen aikakauskirja Suomen muinaismuistoyhdistys
1362-7902 Symbiosis University College of Saint Mark & Saint John.
0039-7679 Symbolae Osloenses Universitetsforlaget
1502-7805 Symbolae Osloenses In aedibus Some et Sociorum; A.W. Brøgger; Fabritius & Sønner; In aedibus Universitetsforlaget; Taylor & Francis
0039-7709 Symposium Syracuse Univerity Press
1931-0676 Symposium Heldref Publications
0039-7946 Syria Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner; Institut français d'archéologie du Proche-Orient
2076-8435 Syria (e-vir) Institut français d'archéologie du Proche-Orient
0082-5433 T'oung pao Brill
1568-5322 T'oung pao Brill
1991-2498 Taida tiyu xuebao Taida tiyu shi
1248-9433 TAL ATALA; TAL
1026-4361 Teacher development IATEFL.
2409-2592 Teacher development (e-vir) IATEFL
0737-5328 Teacher education quarterly California Council on the Education of Teachers
0161-4681 Teachers College record The College
1467-9620 Teachers College record (e-vir) Blackwell
0887-9486 Teaching & learning University of North Dakota.
1040-1334 Teaching and learning in medicine Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-8015 Teaching and learning in medicine (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates
1047-6210 Teaching education Taylor & Francis
1470-1286 Teaching education (e-vir) Routledge
0040-0599 Teaching exceptional children Council for Exceptional Children
2163-5684 Teaching exceptional children (e-vir) Council for Exceptional Children
0040-0610 Teaching history Historical Association
2398-1571 Teaching history (e-vir) The Historical Association
0098-6283 Teaching of psychology LEA
1532-8023 Teaching of psychology (e-vir) University of Missouri-Columbia, Division Two of the American Psychological Association
0092-055X Teaching sociology Sage; American Sociological Association
1939-862X Teaching sociology (e-vir) American Sociological Association, [etc.]
0141-982X Teaching statistics Teaching Statistics Trust
1467-9639 Teaching statistics (e-vir) Blackwell Pub. on behalf of the Teaching Statistics Trust
0040-117X Technikgeschichte Nomos
0040-165X Technology and culture University of Chicago Press
1097-3729 Technology and culture (e-vir) Wayne State University Press
0867-0633 Teksty Drugie Instytut Badań Literackich
0334-4355 Tel Aviv Tel Aviv University, Institute of Archaeology
2040-4786 Tel Aviv (e-vir) Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University]
0213-6023 Temes de disseny Elisava Escola superior de disseny
1576-9216 Tenzone Asociación Complutense de Dantología
0040-3555 Teologinen aikakauskirja = Teologinen julkaisuseura
1358-3883 Tertiary education and management University of Aberdeen; Jessica Kingsley Publishers
1573-1936 Tertiary education and management (e-vir) Kluwer
0039-8322 TESOL quarterly TESOL
1545-7249 TESOL quarterly (e-vir) TESOL
1123-4660 Testo Bulzoni
1724-1782 Testo (e-vir) Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali
0040-4691 Texas studies in literature and language University of Texas Press
1534-7303 Texas studies in literature and language (e-vir) University of Texas Press
1420-1496 Text
0105-7014 Text & Kontext Wilhelm Fink; Text & Kontext
0040-5329 Text + Kritik Edition Text u. Kritik
1046-2937 Text and performance quarterly Speech Communication Association
1479-5760 Text and performance quarterly (e-vir) Speech Communication Association
0715-8920 Texte Editions Trintexte.
0940-9459 Texte zur Kunst Texte-zur-Kunst-GmbH
0040-4969 Textile history Maney Publishing
1743-2952 Textile history (e-vir) David & Charles
1496-0958 Text technology McMaster University
0706-5604 Thalia University of Ottawa. Dept. of English.
0968-1116 The Accordia research papers Queen Mary and Westfield College. Accordia Research Centre.
0892-3647 The American journal of distance education American Center for the Study of Distance Education; College of Education
1538-9286 The American journal of distance education (e-vir) L. Erlbaum
0095-2990 The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse Marcel Dekker
1557-0878 The American journal of evaluation (e-vir) JAI Press
0002-9319 The American journal of legal history Temple University School of Law
0002-9556 The American journal of psychology University of Illinois Press
1939-8298 The American journal of psychology (e-vir) E.C. Sanford
0003-0155 The American neptune Peabody Museum of Salem.; Peabody & Essex Museum.; Peabody Essex Museum.
0003-276X The Anatomical record A. R. Liss
1700-3334 The ancient history bulletin (e-vir) Trent University. Dept. of Ancient History and Classics.
0835-3638 The Ancient history bulletin Dept. of Classics, University of Calgary
0068-2454 The annual of the British School at Athens British School at Athens
1054-4720 The anthropology of East Europe review Field and International Study Program, College of Human Ecology, Cornell University and Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Central Connecticut State University
2153-2931 The anthropology of East Europe review (e-vir) [Field and International Study Program, College of Human Ecology, Cornell University [and] Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Central Connecticut State University
0003-5815 The antiquaries journal Society of Antiquaries
1758-5309 The antiquaries journal (e-vir) Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press; Society of Antiquaries of London
0004-1610 The Arizona quarterly University of Arizona
1444-2213 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology Department of Anthropology, School of Culture, History and Language, College of Asia and the Pacific; School of Archaeology and Anthropology, College of Arts and Social Sciences atthe Australian National University
1740-9314 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology (e-vir) Routledge
0161-0775 Theater Yale School of Drama; Yale Repertory Theater
1527-196X Theater (e-vir) Duke University Press
1060-5320 TheatreForum Theatre Dept. at the University of California, San Diego
2169-1169 TheatreForum (e-vir) University of California, San Diego.; University of California, San Diego.
0040-5523 Theatre notebook Society for Theatre Research
1913-9101 Theatre research in Canada (e-vir) Graduate Centre for Study of Drama, University of Toronto
1196-1198 Theatre research in Canada = Graduate Centre for the Study of Drama
0040-5574 Theatre survey American Society for Theatre Research
1475-4533 Theatre survey (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0004-9441 The Australian journal of education Australian Council for Educational Research]
1444-5409 The Australian journal of Irish studies Murdoch University. Centre for Irish Studies.
0313-5373 The Australian journal of teacher education Graylands Teachers College.; Claremont Teachers College (W.A.); Western Australian College of Advanced Education.; Edith Cowan University.
1835-517X The Australian journal of teacher education Edith Cowan University, School of Education
2196-8918 The Behavior analyst (e-vir)
0098-9444 The Biblical archaeology review Biblical Archaeology Society
1467-2006 The British art journal Art Journals Ltd
0007-0904 The British journal of aesthetics Oxford University Press
1468-2842 The British journal of aesthetics (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0007-0955 The British journal of criminology Stevens
0969-7950 The British journal of developmental disabilities British Society for Developmental Disabilities
2058-0959 The British journal of developmental disabilities (e-vir) British Society for Developmental Disabilities.
0007-0998 The British journal of educational psychology Scottish Academic Press
1943-5894 The bulletin of symbolic logic (e-vir) Association for Symbolic Logic
0003-1186 The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists American Society of Papyrologists.
1938-6958 The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (e-vir) Scholarly Pub. Office, University of Michigan Library
0007-6287 The Burlington magazine Burlington Magazine Publications Ltd.
2044-9925 The Burlington magazine (e-vir) K. Trevelyan-Kee
0301-7257 The Byron journal Byron Society.
1757-0263 The Byron journal (e-vir) [Byron Society]
1710-1093 The Canadian historical review (e-vir) University of Toronto Press
1710-1115 The Canadian journal of linguistics (e-vir) University of Toronto Press
0008-4131 The Canadian journal of linguistics = University of Toronto Press
0008-4506 The Canadian modern language review Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association
1710-1131 The Canadian modern language review = University of Toronto Press
0889-4019 The Career development quarterly National Career Development Association
0008-8080 The Catholic historical review Catholic University of America Press
1534-0708 The Catholic historical review (e-vir) Catholic University of America Press
0009-8353 The classical journal Classical Association of the Middle West and South, etc.]
2327-5812 The classical journal (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
1471-6844 The classical quarterly (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0009-840X The Classical review Oxford University Press
1464-3561 The Classical review (e-vir) Oxford University Press
0968-0551 The Coleridge bulletin Friends of Coleridge.
0012-2440 The Dickensian The Dickens Fellowship
0012-8686 The Eastern Anthropologist Ethnographic and Folk Culture Society.
0013-0796 The ecumenical review World Council of Churches
1758-6623 The ecumenical review (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
0193-5380 The Eighteenth century Texas Tech Press
1935-0201 The Eighteenth century (e-vir) Texas Tech Press
0013-5984 The elementary school journal University of Chicago Press
1554-8279 The elementary school journal (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
1059-6879 The Emily Dickinson journal University Press of Colorado
1096-858X The Emily Dickinson journal Johns Hopkins University Press
0954-1446 The European journal of cognitive psychology Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1464-0635 The European journal of cognitive psychology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1745-5308 The expository times (e-vir) T. & T. Clark
0884-2949 The Faulkner journal Ohio Northern University
2640-1703 The Faulkner journal (e-vir) Ohio Northern University
2372-1898 The George Eliot, George Henry Lewes newsletter (e-vir) [West Midlands College, English Division]
0953-0754 The George Eliot George Henry Lewes newsletter [W. Baker]
0016-8890 The Germanic review Heldref Publications
1930-6962 The Germanic review (e-vir) Heldref Publications
1934-9041 The Gifted child quarterly (e-vir) National Association for Gifted Children]
0017-8160 The Harvard theological review Harvard Divinity School
0276-3362 The Hemingway review Ohio Northern University
1548-4815 The Hemingway review (e-vir) Ohio Northern University
0018-2168 The Hispanic American historical review Board of Editors of the Hispanic American Review
1527-1900 The Hispanic American historical review (e-vir) Duke University Press
0094-9086 The Hopkins quarterly Language Studies Department, Mohawk College
0091-4150 The international journal of aging & human development Baywood Pub. Co.
1541-3535 The international journal of aging and human development (e-vir) Baywood Pub. Co.
1476-8070 The international journal of art & design education (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing.
1476-8062 The International Journal of Art & Design Education Blackwell
1050-8414 The International journal of aviation psychology Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1532-7108 The International journal of aviation psychology (e-vir) L. Erlbaum Associates.
1367-0069 The international journal of bilingualism Kingston Press Services
1756-6878 The international journal of bilingualism (e-vir) Kingston Press
1364-436X The international journal of children's spirituality [s.n.]
0951-354X The International journal of educational management MCB University Press,; Emerald
1943-2836 The International journal of group psychotherapy (e-vir) International Universities Press, Inc.
1099-1751 The international journal of health planning and management (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
0749-6753 The International journal of health planning and management Wiley
1466-4399 The International journal of human resource management (e-vir) Routledge
1461-1457 The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology Cambridge University Press
1469-5111 The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1748-8885 The international journal of speech language and the law University of Birmingham Press; Equinox
1748-8893 The international journal of speech language and the law (e-vir) University of Birmingham Press
1743-9035 The International journal of the history of sport (e-vir) F. Cass
0952-3367 The International Journal of the History of Sport Frank Cass
1360-3736 The international journal of training and development Blackwell
0197-9183 The international migration review Center for Migration Studies
1747-7379 The international migration review (e-vir) Center for Migration Studies
1045-0920 The International review of African American art Museum of African American Art
1649-1335 The Irish journal of French studies Association des Études Française et Francophones en Irlande
0790-7850 The Irish review Cork University Press
0021-1389 The Irish sword Military History Society of Ireland.
0021-1400 The Irish theological quarterly Faculty of Theology Maynooth College
0021-6682 The Jewish quarterly review Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning
1553-0604 The Jewish quarterly review (e-vir) D. Nutt
1543-7809 The journal of aesthetic education (e-vir) University of Illinois Press
0021-8510 The Journal of aesthetic education. University of Illinois Press
1389-224X The journal of agricultural education and extension Group Communication and Innovation Studies
1750-8622 The journal of agricultural education and extension (e-vir) Group Communication and Innovation Studies
1044-937X The Journal of American drama and theatre Center for Advanced Study in Theatre Arts.; Martin E. Segal Theatre Center.
1535-1882 The journal of American folklore (e-vir) Houghton Mifflin
0021-8715 The Journal of American folklore Boston aNew York cHoughton Mifflin
0021-8723 The journal of American history Organization of American Historians
1945-2314 The journal of American history (e-vir) Mississippi Valley Historical Association
1468-5922 The journal of analytical psychology (e-vir) Blackwell.
0021-8774 The Journal of analytical psychology Routledge
1930-7799 The journal of arts management, law, and society (e-vir) Heldref Publications
1063-2921 The Journal of arts management, law, and society Heldref Publications
1361-7672 The Journal of beliefs and values NATFHE, Religous Studies Section
1545-6986 The journal of British studies (e-vir) Conference on British Studies at Trinity College
0021-9371 The Journal of British studies University of Chicago Press
0749-4025 The journal of classroom interaction School of Education, American University
2376-6670 The Journal of classroom interaction (e-vir) School of Education, American University
1537-5277 The Journal of consumer research (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
1554-558X The journal of continuing education in the health professions (e-vir) [Taylor & Francis]; Alliance for Continuing Medical Education; Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education; Council on CME, Association for Hospital Medical Education
0894-1912 The Journal of continuing education in the health professions Taylor & Francis
1948-4801 The journal of continuing higher education (e-vir) Association for Continuing Higher Education
0737-7363 The Journal of continuing higher education Association for Continuing Higher Education
2162-6057 The journal of creative behavior (e-vir) Creative Education Foundation; John Wiley & Sons
0022-0175 The Journal of creative behavior Creative Education Foundation.
1552-5449 The Journal of early adolescence (e-vir) Sage Publications
0272-4316 The Journal of Early Adolescence Sage periodical press
1783-1555 The Journal of Eastern Christian Studies Peeters Publisher; Brill
0022-0485 The Journal of economic education Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation
2152-4068 The Journal of economic education (e-vir) Joint Council on Economic Education
1095-0680 The journal of ECT Lippincott-Raven Publishers
1940-1892 The journal of environmental education (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0095-8964 The Journal of environmental education Heldref Publications
1382-4554 The journal of ethics Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8609 The Journal of ethics Kluwer Academic Publishers
0022-1309 The Journal of general psychology Journal Press
1940-0888 The Journal of general psychology (e-vir) Journal Press
1538-4640 The journal of higher education (e-vir) Ohio State University Press
0022-1546 The Journal of higher education Ohio State University Press.
0952-1909 The Journal of historical sociology New York; Basil Blackwell
0092-2323 The Journal of Indo-European studies Journal of Indo-European Studies
1053-699X The Journal of Jewish thought & philosophy Harwood Academic Publishers
0075-4277 The Journal of Juristic Papyrology Warsaw Society of Sciences and Letters. Department II of Philosophy, History and Sociology.; University of Warsaw. Institute of Archaeology. Department of Papyrology.; Warsaw University. Faculty of Law and Administration. Chair of Roman and Antique Law.; Raphael Taubenschlag Foundation.; Towarzystwo Naukowe Warszawskie. Wydział II Nauk Historycznych, Filozoficznych i Społecznych.; Uniwersytet Warszawski. Instytut Archeologii.; Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Prawa i Administracji.; Fundacja im. Rafała Taubenschlaga.
1549-9502 The journal of Latino-Latin American studies Office of Latino-Latin American Studies of the Great Plains, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Nebraska at Omaha
0144-0365 The journal of legal history Cass
1744-0564 The Journal of legal history (e-vir) Frank Cass
1873-8028 The journal of mathematical behavior (e-vir) Elsevier Inc.
0732-3123 The Journal of mathematical behavior Study Group for Mathematical Behavior
1744-5019 The journal of medicine and philosophy (e-vir) Swets & Zeitlinger Pub.; Taylor & Francis
0360-5310 The Journal of medicine and philosophy Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy
1527-8263 The journal of medieval and early modern studies (e-vir) Duke University Press
0778-9750 The journal of medieval latin Brepols
2034-645X The journal of medieval latin (e-vir) Brepols
1543-7795 The journal of military history (e-vir) Published by the Virginia Military Institute and the George C. Marshall Foundation for the American Military Institute
0899-3718 The Journal of military history Virginia Military Institute; George C. Marshall Foundation
0271-0137 The Journal of mind and behavior Journal of Mind and Behavior, Inc.
0305-7240 The Journal of moral education Pemberton Publ. Co.; Taylor and Francis
1603-7170 The journal of music and meaning (e-vir) [s.n.]
1547-7304 The journal of musicological research (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0141-1896 The Journal of musicological research Gordon and Breach
0022-2917 The journal of music therapy National Association for Music Therapy
1065-5840 The journal of neoplatonic studies International Society for Neoplatonic Studies,; State University of New York at Binghamton.
1469-9605 The journal of Pacific history (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1542-3050 The journal of pastoral care & counseling Journal of Pastoral Care Publications
2167-776X The journal of pastoral care & counseling (e-vir) Journal of Pastoral Care Publications
0306-6150 The Journal of peasant studies F. Cass & Co.
1743-9361 The Journal of peasant studies (e-vir) F. Cass & Co.
0963-8016 The journal of political philosophy Blackwell
1467-9760 The journal of political philosophy (e-vir) Blackwell.
1538-4772 The journal of positive behavior interventions (e-vir) PRO-ED
1060-149X The journal of pre-Raphaelite studies Arizona State University ;; Kutztown University of Pennsylvania,; Stong College, York University
0022-3980 The Journal of psychology Journal Press
1940-1019 The Journal of psychology (e-vir) Heldref Publications
1549-6538 The journal of religion (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
0022-4189 The Journal of religion University of Chicago Press
1092-1311 The journal of religion and film University of Nebraska at Omaha, Dept. of Philosophy and Religion
0022-4227 The Journal of religious history Association for the Journal of Religious History
1467-9809 The Journal of religious history (e-vir) Blackwell
0022-4391 The Journal of school health American School Health Association, etc.
1746-1561 The Journal of school health (e-vir) American School Health Association
1479-6651 The journal of Scottish philosophy Edinburgh University Press on behalf of the University of Aberdeen and the Scots Philosophical Club
1559-8519 The journal of sex research (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0022-4499 The Journal of sex research Taylor & Francis
0022-4545 The Journal of social psychology Helen Reid Educational Foundation, etc.
1940-1183 The Journal of social psychology (e-vir) Heldref Publications
1538-4764 The journal of special education (e-vir) Sage
0022-4669 The Journal of special education Sage
1740-357X The journal of specialised translation (e-vir) London Metropolitan University, Department of Humanities, Arts and Languages.
1520-9024 The journal of the Acoustical Society of America (e-vir) Acoustical Society of America through the American Institute of Physics
0001-4966 The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America
1520-8524 The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (e-vir) Acoustical Society of America
0193-600X The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies International Association of Buddhist Studies.
2230-5955 The journal of the Polynesian Society (e-vir) Polynesian Society
1359-0987 The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute Royal Anthropological Institute
1467-9655 The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (e-vir) Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
1759-3999 The journal of transport history (e-vir) Manchester University Press
0022-5363 The journal of value inquiry Springer
1573-0492 The journal of value inquiry (e-vir) Kluwer
1758-7859 The journal of workplace learning (e-vir) MCB University Press
1524-1556 The Leibniz review Leibnitz Society of North America
2153-9162 The Leibniz review Philosophy Documentation Center
0024-5585 The local historian Standing Conference for Local History.; British Association for Local History.
0305-8034 The London journal Maney Publishing; Taylor & Francis
1749-6322 The London journal (e-vir) Maney Publishing
0779-5815 The Low Countries Stichting Ons Erfdeel
0024-7499 The Lutheran quarterly Lutheran Quarterly, Inc.
0025-3359 The Mariner's mirror Society for Nautical Research (London, England)
2049-680X The Mariner's mirror Society for Nautical Research; Taylor & Francis
0026-7902 The modern language journal National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations
1540-4781 The modern language journal (e-vir) National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations
0026-8402 The Modern schoolman St. Louis University.; St. Louis University.
2164-0726 The Modern schoolman (e-vir) Saint Louis University
0027-4909 The Muslim world Hartford Seminary Foundation
1478-1913 The Muslim world (e-vir) Hartford Seminary Foundation
1533-7472 The new yearbook for phenomenology and phenomenological philosophy Noesis Press,; Routledge
2157-0752 The new yearbook for phenomenology and phenomenological philosophy Philosophy Documentation Center
0028-8322 The New Zealand journal of history University of Auckland.
1183-112X The Northern mariner = Canadian Nautical Research Society.
0040-5639 Theological studies Theological Studies, inc., etc.
2169-1304 Theological studies (e-vir) Theological Studies
0040-5655 Theologie und Philosophie Herder
2626-5346 Theologie und Philosophie (e-vir)
0342-1430 Theologische Quartalschrift Schwabenverlag
0040-568X Theologische Revue Aschendorff
0040-5701 Theologische Zeitschrift Universität Basel; Verlag Friedrich Reinhardt
0040-5663 Theologisch-praktische Quartalschrift F. Pustet
1474-6700 Theology and science Routledge Journals
1474-6719 Theology and science (e-vir) Routledge
0040-5736 Theology today Science Press
2044-2556 Theology today (e-vir) Westminster Press
0736-0053 The opera quarterly University Press
1476-2870 The opera quarterly (e-vir) Oxford University Press
1533-8592 The oral history review (e-vir) Oral History Association
0094-0798 The Oral history review Oral History Association.
0301-4428 Theoretical linguistics Mouton de Gruyter.
1613-4060 Theoretical linguistics Mouton de Gruyter.
0920-3192 The organ yearbook Knuf. ;; Laaber-Verlag.
0040-5825 Theoria Filosofoska institutionen, Kungshuset Lundag°ard.
0495-4548 Theoria Centro de Análisis, Lógica e Informática Jurídica
1554-1312 Theoria North Texas State University.; University of North Texas.; University of North Texas Press.
1755-2567 Theoria (e-vir) C.W.K. Gleerup
2171-679X Theoria Universidad del País Vasco; CALIJ
0867-4159 Theoria et Historia Scientiarum Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika.
2392-1196 Theoria et Historia Scientiarum (e-vir) Nicolaus Copernicue University
0263-2764 Theory, culture & society Sage Publications
1460-3616 Theory, culture & society (e-vir) Sage Publications
Y505-4109 Theory, culture & society (e-vir) Sage Publications
0959-3543 Theory & psychology Sage
1461-7447 Theory & psychology (e-vir) Sage Publications
0040-5833 Theory and decision Reidel
1573-7187 Theory and decision (e-vir) Kluwer
0741-6156 Theory and practice Music Theory Society of New York State
2328-2665 Theory and practice (e-vir) Music Theory Society of New York State
0093-3104 Theory and research in social education [Michigan State University Press]
2163-1654 Theory and research in social education (e-vir) [Michigan State University Press]
1940-6487 The Phi Delta Kappan (e-vir) Phi Delta Kappa
1467-9191 The philosophical forum (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell
0031-806X The Philosophical forum Dept. of Philosophy, Boston University
0031-921X The physics teacher American Association of Physics Teachers]
1943-4928 The physics teacher (e-vir) American Association of Physics Teachers
0032-2970 The Polish review Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America.
2330-0841 The Polish review (e-vir) Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America
0033-2828 The Psychoanalytic quarterly Psychoanalytic Quarterly Press.
2167-4086 The Psychoanalytic quarterly Psychoanalytic Quarterly Press
0033-2933 The Psychological record Denison University
2163-3452 The Psychological record Denison University
1533-8576 The public historian (e-vir) Graduate Program in Public Historical Studies, Dept. of History, University of California
0272-3433 The Public historian Graduate Program in Public Historical Studies, Dept. of History, University of California
1747-0218 The quarterly journal of experimental psychology Psychology Press
1747-0226 The quarterly journal of experimental psychology (e-vir) Psychology Press
1936-2714 The reading teacher (e-vir) International Reading Association
0034-0561 The Reading teacher International Reading Association
1050-4877 The review of archaeology Review of Archaeology,
1090-7009 The review of higher education Johns Hopkins University Press
2154-1302 The review of metaphysics (e-vir) Philosophy Education Society
0034-6632 The Review of metaphysics Philosophy Education Society
1568-4857 The review of Rabbinic Judaism Brill
1570-0704 The Review of Rabbinic Judaism (e-vir) Brill
0036-0341 The Russian review Ohio State University Press.
1467-9434 The Russian review Blackwell.
0082-4097 Thesaurismata Istituto ellenico di studi bizantini e postbizantini.; Elläeniko Institouto Buzantinäon kai Metabuzantinäon Spoudäon.
0040-604X Thesaurus [S.n.]
0036-8555 The science teacher American Science Teachers Association
1943-4871 The science teacher (e-vir) [American Science Teachers Association]
0190-731X The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats Goldsmiths' College.; Temple University.; Northeastern University (Boston, Mass.).
1745-8927 The senses & society Berg
1745-8935 The senses and society (e-vir) Berg
2050-4616 The seventeenth century (e-vir) Centre for Seventeenth-Century Studies
0268-117X The Seventeenth century [s.n.]
0037-3052 The Sewanee review University of the South
1934-421X The Sewanee review (e-vir) T. Hodgson
0956-3083 The Shandean Laurence Sterne Trust; International Laurence Sterne Foundation
2326-0726 The sixteenth century journal (e-vir) Foundation for Reformation Research and the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference
0361-0160 The Sixteenth century journal Sixteenth Century Press
2222-4327 The Slavonic & East European review (e-vir) Modern Humanities Research Association; Maney Publishing
0037-6795 The Slavonic and East European review Maney
2224-4654 The South African archaeological bulletin (e-vir) South African Archaeological Society
0038-4283 The Southern journal of philosophy Department of Philosophy, University
2041-6962 The Southern journal of philosophy (e-vir) [Dept. of Philosophy, Memphis State University]
0038-4291 The Southern literary journal Dept. of English, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
1534-1461 The Southern literary journal (e-vir) Dept. of English, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
0888-4781 The sport psychologist Human Kinetics Publishers
1543-2793 The sport psychologist (e-vir) Human Kinetics Publishers
1052-4533 The Studia Philonica annual Brown University.
0951-7626 The teacher trainer Pilgrims English Language Courses
0268-5418 The Thomas Hardy journal Thomas Hardy Society.
2634-8039 The Thomas Hardy journal (e-vir) Thomas Hardy Society
0276-5683 The Thomas Wolfe review (e-vir) Dept. of English, University of Akron
2169-1452 The Thomas Wolfe review (e-vir) Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences.; Thomas Wolfe Society.
0040-6325 The Thomist Dominicans.
0042-8639 The Volta review The Volta Bureau
2162-5158 The Volta review (e-vir) Volta Bureau
0141-0016 The volume of the Walpole Society Printed for the Walpole Society by R. Maclehose
0083-792X The Welsh history review (e-vir) University of Wales Press
0043-2431 The Welsh history review = University of Wales Press
1388-3720 The Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies Rodopi
1875-8118 The Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies (e-vir) Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies
1354-6783 Thinking & reasoning Lawrence Erlbaum
1464-0708 Thinking & reasoning (e-vir) Psychology Press
0952-8822 Third text Taylor & Francis
1475-5297 Third text (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1104-0556 Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap (e-vir) Föreningen för utgivande av Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap
2001-094X Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap (e-vir) Föreningen för utgivandet av Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap
1387-649X Tijdschrift voor mediageschiedenis Vereniging Geschiedenis Beeld en Geluid.
2213-7653 Tijdschrift voor mediageschiedenis Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid
1385-3066 Tijdschrift voor muziektheorie Donemus
0040-7585 Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis Universitaire pers Leiden; Kluwer; Kluwer
1571-8190 Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis (e-vir) Kluwer Academic Publishers
0927-3336 Tijdschrift voor waterstaatsgeschiedenis Vereniging voor Waterstaatsgeschiedenis.
0167-9988 Tijdschrift voor zeegeschiedenis Nederlandse Vereniging voor Zeegeschiedenis.
1106-5311 To Arhaiologiko Ergo stäe Makedonia kai Thrakäe Upourgeio Politismou; Aristoteleio Panepistäemio Thessalonikäes.
0271-1214 Topics in early childhood special education Aspen Systems Corp.
1538-4845 Topics in early childhood special education (e-vir) PRO-ED
0271-8294 Topics in language disorders Aspen Systems Corp.
1550-3259 Topics in language disorders (e-vir) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
0167-7411 Topoi Reidel; Kluwer Academic Publishers
1572-8749 Topoi Kluwer; Springer
0495-8772 Tor Uppsala universitet. Museet för nordiska fornsaker.; Uppsala universitet. Institutionen för arkeologi och antik historia.; Societas archaeologica Upsaliensis.
0082-5638 Trabajos de prehistoria Instituto de Historia, Departamento de Prehistoria, CSIC
1988-3218 Trabajos de prehistoria (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)
0362-1529 Traditio Fordham University Press
2166-5508 Traditio (e-vir) Cosmpolitan Science & Art Service Co.
1050-2092 Traditional dwellings and settlements review The Association
1618-1522 Traditional South Asian medicine
1560-182X Trans (e-vir) Institut zur Erforschung und Förderung österreichischer und internationaler Literaturprozesse
0079-1636 Transactions of the Philological Society Basil Blackwell
1467-968X Transactions of the Philological Society (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1027-8087 Translatio Fédération internationale des traducteurs
0968-1361 Translation and literature Edinburgh University Press
1750-0214 Translation and literature (e-vir) Edinburgh University Press
0737-4836 Translation review University of Texas at Dallas
2164-0564 Translation review (e-vir) University of Texas at Dallas]
1369-8478 Transportation research Elsevier
1873-5517 Transportation research (e-vir) Elsevier
0775-3373 Travaux de l'Institut pour l'étude de la Renaissance et de l'humanisme Presses universitaires de Bruxelles. ;; Presses universitaires de France.
0577-1471 Travaux et mémoires Centre de recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance (Paris)
0334-3650 Trbyąs Magnes Press
0041-2945 Trierer theologische zeitschrift Paulinus-Verlag.
0041-3097 TriQuarterly Northwestern University
2214-8965 Ts.> Universiteit Utrecht, Vakgroep Literatuurwetenschap
1386-5870 Ts. Tijdschrift voor tijdschriftstudies Universiteit Utrecht, Vakgroep Literatuurwetenschap
1384-5721 Tuinkunst Architectura & Natura
1431-4983 Turkic languages Harrassowitz
1353-1964 Twentieth century architecture Twentieth Century Society (London, England)
2054-3263 Twentieth century architecture (e-vir) Twentieth Century Society
0041-462X Twentieth century literature Hofstra University Press, etc.
2325-8101 Twentieth century literature (e-vir) Swallow Press.
1832-4274 Twin research and human genetics Published for the ISTS by Australian Academic Press
1839-2628 Twin research and human genetics (e-vir) Australian Academic Press
0041-4751 Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns
2224-7912 Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe (e-vir) Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns
0041-476X Tydskrif vir letterkunde Afrikaanse Skrywerskring
2309-9070 Tydskrif vir letterkunde (e-vir) Tydskrif vir Letterkunde Association, Department of Afrikaans, University of Pretoria
1022-6966 Tydskrif vir nederlands en afrikaans Departement van Afrikaans en Nederlands, Universiteit van Stellenbosch.; Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Neerlandistiek.; SAVN.
0894-6019 Urban anthropology and studies of cultural systems and world economic development Institute for the Study of Man, Inc.
2328-1022 Urban anthropology and studies of cultural systems and world economic development Institute for the Study of Man, Inc.
0143-9154 Urban education Centre for Information and Advice on Educational Disadvantage.
0963-9268 Urban history Cambridge University Press
1469-8706 Urban history (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0953-8208 Utilitas Oxford University Press
1741-6183 Utilitas (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1125-1735 Venezia cinquecento Università di Roma La Sapienza, Facoltà di lettere, Istituto di storia dell'arte.
0305-5477 Vernacular architecture Vernacular Architecture Group.
1749-6292 Vernacular architecture (e-vir) Vernacular Architecture Group
0256-9604 Versants <<L'>>Âge d'homme; Éditions Slatkine; Éditions La Baconnière
2504-2750 Versants (e-vir) L'Age d'homme
0321-0391 Vestnik drevnej istorii Nauka
1121-9696 Vetera christianorum Edipuglia
0083-5897 Viator University of California Press.
2031-0234 Viator (e-vir) Brepols Publishers
0709-4698 Victorian periodicals review Research Society for Victorian Periodicals
1712-526X Victorian periodicals review (e-vir) University of Toronto Press
0042-5206 Victorian poetry West Virginia University.
1530-7190 Victorian poetry (e-vir) West Virginia University
0848-1512 Victorian review Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada
1923-3280 Victorian review (e-vir) Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada
0886-3865 Victorians Institute journal Victorians Institute.; Old Dominion University.; East Carolina University.
0042-5222 Victorian studies Indiana University.
1527-2052 Victorian studies (e-vir) Indiana University
0929-6328 Vienna Circle Institute yearbook Kluwer Academic Publishers; Springer
0042-5702 Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte Oldenbourg
2196-7121 Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte (e-vir) De Gruyter
0332-608X Viking Norsk arkeologisk selskap
2535-2660 Viking (e-vir) Norsk arkeologisk selskap
1782-7183 Viking and Medieval Scandinavia Brepols Publishers
2030-9902 Viking and Medieval Scandinavia (e-vir) Brepols Publishers
0294-1759 Vingtième siècle Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques
1950-6678 Vingtième siècle (e-vir) Presses de Sciences po
1077-8012 Violence against women Sage Periodicals Press
1552-8448 Violence against women (e-vir) Sage Publications
0042-6989 Vision Research Pergamon Press.
1878-5646 Vision Research (e-vir) Pergamon
0894-9468 Visual anthropology Harwood Academic Publishers
1545-5920 Visual anthropology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
1058-7187 Visual anthropology review Center for Visual Anthropology, University of Southern California
1548-7458 Visual anthropology review (e-vir) American Anthropological Association
1350-6285 Visual cognition Erlbaum
1464-0716 Visual cognition (e-vir) Taylor & Francis; Psychology Press.
1470-3572 Visual communication Sage
1741-3214 Visual communication (e-vir) Sage Publications
0952-5238 Visual neuroscience Cambridge University Press.
1469-8714 Visual neuroscience (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0197-3762 Visual resources Gordon and Breach
1477-2809 Visual resources (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0318-9201 Voix et images Université du Québec à Montréal.
1705-933X Voix et images (e-vir) Département d'études littéraires, Université du Québec à Montréal
0042-8779 Voprosy istorii Nauka
0042-899X Vox romanica Francke Verlag
1012-0513 Vyzantiaka Ellīnikī Istorikī Etaireia
0042-9945 Waffen- und Kostümkunde W. Hofmann KG
1545-6196 Wagadu (e-vir) State University of New York at Cortland
2150-2226 Wagadu State University College at Cortland.
0083-7105 Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch DuMont.
2510-7178 Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch (e-vir) Dumont
0043-3845 WHR University of Utah
0258-6819 Wiener slawistischer Almanach Gesellschaft zur Förderung slawistischer Studien
0084-005X Wiener Studien C. Geroldʼs Sohn
1813-3924 Wiener Studien Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
0084-0076 Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes Orientalisches Institut der Universität Wien
0084-0416 Winterthur portfolio University of Chicago Press
1545-6927 Winterthur portfolio (e-vir) Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum
0935-879X Wirkendes Wort Bouvier
0340-6318 Wolfenbütteler Barock-Nachrichten Herzog August Bibliothek
0342-4340 Wolfenbütteler Renaissance Mitteilungen Dr. Ernst Hauswedell & Co.
0270-7993 Woman's art journal [Woman's Art]
2158-8457 Woman's art journal (e-vir) Woman's Art Inc.
0957-4042 Women Oxford University Press
1470-1367 Women (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0961-2025 Women's history review Triangle Journals
1747-583X Women's history review (e-vir) Routledge
0085-8269 Women's rights law reporter Women's Rights Law Reporter]
1942-6755 Women's rights law reporter (e-vir) Rutgers Law School (Newark, N.J.)
0049-7878 Women's studies Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
1547-7045 Women's studies (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0732-1562 Women's studies quarterly Feminist Press
1934-1520 Women's studies quarterly (e-vir) Feminist Press
0969-9082 Women's writing Triangle Journals
1747-5848 Women's writing (e-vir) Triangle Journals Ltd
0363-0242 Women & health Haworth Medical Press
1541-0331 Women & health Haworth Press
1090-7505 Women & music International Alliance for Women in Music
1553-0612 Women & music (e-vir) International Alliance for Women in Music.
0740-770X Women & performance Tisch School of the Arts.
1748-5819 Women & performance (e-vir) Routledge
0270-3149 Women & therapy The Haworth Press
1541-0315 Women & therapy (e-vir) Haworth Press
8755-4550 Women and language s.n.
1077-825X Women in French studies Women in French
2166-5486 Women in French studies (e-vir) Women in French (Organization); Modern Language Association of America.
0043-7956 Word Linguistic Circle of New York.; International Linguistic Association.
2373-5112 Word (e-vir) S.F. Vanni
1469-8722 Work, employment & society (e-vir) Sage Publications
0950-0170 Work, employment and society Sage Publications
0730-8884 Work and occupations Sage Publications
1552-8464 Work and occupations (e-vir) Sage Publications
0883-2919 World Englishes Pergamon Press
1467-971X World Englishes (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
0043-8774 World of music Heinrichshofen
0043-941X Worship St. John's Abbey (Collegeville, Minn.)
1570-6001 Written language & literacy John Benjamins
1387-6732 Written language and literacy John Benjamins Publishing Company
0342-5932 Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft F. Schöningh
0394-4859 Xenia De Luca Editore.
0012-4273 XVIIe siècle Société d'étude du XVIIe siècle
1043-9366 Yale journal of law and feminism [publisher not identified]
1538-6619 YC young children National Association for the Education of Young Children
0740-1558 Yearbook for traditional music International Council for Traditional Music
2304-3857 Yearbook for Traditional Music (e-vir) International Council for Traditional Music
1683-3082 Yishu Art & Collection Group Ltd.
0012-1169 Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins Harrassowitz
0044-2135 Zeitschrift des Deutschen Vereins für Kunstwissenschaft Deutscher Verlag für Kunstwissenschaft
0044-2194 Zeitschrift für Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie DLG-Verlag
0044-2216 Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie Kluwer Academic Publishers
0932-4461 Zeitschrift für Althebraistik W. Kohlhammer
0948-0587 Zeitschrift für altorientalische und biblische Rechtsgeschichte Harrassowitz
0949-9571 Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum W. de Gruyter
1612-961X Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum = de Gruyter
0932-4089 Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie Hogrefe, Verlag für Angewandte Psychologie; Verlag TÜV Rheinland
2190-6270 Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie Hogrefe
0340-0824 Zeitschrift für Archäologie des Mittelalters Rheinland-Verlag; Habelt in Komm
0044-2186 Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft Bouvier
0044-2356 Zeitschrift für Balkanologie Harrassowitz
0174-0830 Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik. Beihefte
0084-5302 Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie
1865-889X Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie (e-vir)
0044-2496 Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie Erich Schmidt Verlag
1868-7806 Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie (e-vir) E. Schmidt
1865-2018 Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie digital (e-vir) E. Schmidt
0044-2518 Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur Steiner-Verl.-Wiesbaden-GmbH
Y509-979X Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur (e-vir) [200-]-
0049-8637 Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und pädagogische Psychologie Verlag für Psychologie Hogrefe
2190-6262 Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und pädagogische Psychologie Hogrefe
1434-663X Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft Springer VS, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
1862-5215 Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft (e-vir) Verl. für Sozialwiss.
0044-2666 Zeitschrift für Ethnologie Reimer
2942-5387 Zeitschrift für Ethnologie (e-vir) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde; Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte
0044-2674 Zeitschrift für evangelische Ethik Gütersloher Verl.-Haus
2197-912X Zeitschrift für evangelische Ethik (e-vir) Gütersloher Verl.-Haus
0044-2747 Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur Steiner
2366-2425 Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur (e-vir) Steiner
0323-7982 Zeitschrift für Germanistik Verlag Bibliographisches Institut/Enzyklopädie
2235-1272 Zeitschrift für Germanistik (e-vir) P. Lang
0044-2828 Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft Metropol
0513-9066 Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik Klinkhardt.
0340-0174 Zeitschrift für historische Forschung Duncker und Humblot
1865-5599 Zeitschrift für historische Forschung (e-vir) Duncker & Humblot
0930-9381 Zeitschrift für internationale erziehungs- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung Böhlau
0932-2221 Zeitschrift für Katalanistik Deutsch-Katalanische Gesellschaft
0044-2895 Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie Echter
0044-2925 Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte W. Kohlhammer
1616-3443 Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie Hogrefe
2190-6297 Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie Hogrefe
0044-3123 Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft EOS
0943-7592 Zeitschrift für neuere Theologiegeschichte = de Gruyter
1612-9776 Zeitschrift für neuere Theologiegeschichte = de Gruyter
0044-3239 Zeitschrift für Ostforschung J.-G.-Herder-Institut
0948-8294 Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung Herder-Instut
2701-0449 Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung (e-vir)
1437-7160 Zeitschrift für Pädagogik und Theologie Diesterweg.
1010-0652 Zeitschrift für pädagogische Psychologie H. Huber
1664-2910 Zeitschrift für pädagogische Psychologie = H. Huber
0044-3409 Zeitschrift für Psychologie mit Zeitschrift für angewandte Psychologie Hogrefe
1438-9789 Zeitschrift für Psychologie mit Zeitschrift für angewandte Psychologie (e-vir) Hogrefe
1438-3608 Zeitschrift für psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
2196-8349 Zeitschrift für psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie (e-vir) Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
1570-0739 Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte (e-vir) Brill
0044-3441 Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte = Brill; Brill
0049-8661 Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie Max Niemeyer Verlag
1865-9063 Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie de Gruyter
0044-3476 Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte K. Schwegler
2296-5971 Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte = (e-vir) Birkhäuser
0170-6241 Zeitschrift für Semiotik Stauffenburg
0044-3506 Zeitschrift für Slawistik Akademie Verlag
2196-7016 Zeitschrift für Slawistik (e-vir) de Gruyter
0721-9067 Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft Mouton de Gruyter
1613-3706 Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft Mouton de Gruyter
0342-2852 Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte Franz Steiner Verlag Gmbh
2367-2293 Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte (e-vir)
0044-3700 Zeitschrift für Volkskunde Waxmann
0514-7336 Zephyrus Ediciones Universidad
2386-3943 Zephyrus (e-vir) Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
0578-1949 Zhongguo yuwen Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Chubanshe
1377-5294 ZL Stichting Zacht Lawijd; Amsterdam University Press
0254-4407 Zwingliana Theologischer Verlag
0591-2385 Zygon Joint Publication Board of the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science and Meadville Theological Seminary of Lombard College
1467-9744 Zygon (e-vir) Wiley-Blackwell

Seznami revij, ki so vključene v mednarodne baze podatkov, so praviloma prevzeti iz spletnih strani proizvajalcev baz podatkov in vsi niso popolni. Nekateri so tekoči, drugi kumulativni in vključujejo tudi starejše revije, ki ne izhajajo več (npr. iz časa nekdanje Jugoslavije, če je bil sedež izdajatelja v Sloveniji). Vključene niso revije, pri katerih v seznamih proizvajalcev baz podatkov manjkajo številke ISSN ali pa seznami revij sploh niso dostopni. Nekateri proizvajalci tudi dokaj neredno ažurirajo sezname. Če ugotovite, da pri kakšni bazi podatkov manjka revija, ki jo navedena baza podatkov zanesljivo indeksira, to sporočite pristojnemu OSIC-u. Na podlagi ustreznih dokazil bo seznam dopolnjen.

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