Pojasnilo 11. 6. 2024


Seznam tujih revij, ki so vključene v mednarodno bazo podatkov
Anthropology Plus
do 2013


ISSN Revija Založnik/Izdajatelj
0294-7080 [Systèmes de pensée en Afrique noire] Laboratoire associé n 221, EPHE Ve section, CNRS.
0280-3887 °Arstryck Göteborgs etnografiska museum.
0070-7295 Abhandlungen und Berichte des Staatlichen Museums für Völkerkunde Dresden Akademie-Verlag
0314-8769 Aboriginal history Aboriginal History
1837-9389 Aboriginal history (e-vir)
1041-536X ACLS occasional paper American Council of Learned Societies.
0065-101X Acta archaeologica Munksgaard
1600-0390 Acta archaeologica (e-vir) Levin & Munksgaard
1588-2551 Acta archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó
0001-5210 Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Akadémiai Kiadó
0001-5229 Acta archaeologica Carpathica Polska akademia nauk
0065-0994 Acta archaeologica Lundensia Almqvist & Wiksell International
0567-7254 Acta Asiatica Täohäo Gakkai
1588-2586 Acta ethnographica Hungarica (e-vir) Akadémiai Kiadó
1216-9803 Acta Ethnographica Hungarica Akadémiai Kiadó
0341-1184 Acta praehistorica et archaeologica Staatliche Museen, Preussischer Kulturbesitz
0208-6034 Acta Universitatis Lodziensis Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
2449-8300 Acta Universitatis Lodziensis (e-vir) Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
0081-6302 Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
1069-0573 Advances in human ecology Society for Human Ecology.
0001-9720 Africa International African Institute
1750-0184 Africa (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1569-2094 African and Asian studies Brill
1569-2108 African and Asian studies Brill
1024-0969 African anthropology = Pan African Anthropological Association.
0001-9933 African arts African Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles
1937-2108 African arts = (e-vir) African Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles
0065-4019 African music African Music Society
0002-0087 African notes Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan.
0002-0184 African studies Witwatersrand University Press
1469-2872 African studies (e-vir) Carfax
Y505-5156 African studies (e-vir) Routledge
0285-1601 African study monographs Kyoto University. Research Committee for African Area Studies
0736-6760 African urban studies Michigan State University.
0570-1554 Al-îHawliyyäat al-äaítäariyyatć al-säuriyyatć Al-Mudäiriyyatć al-Űäammatć li-l-äaítäar wa-al-matäaîhif.; Direction générale des antiquités et des musées.; Direction générale des antiquités.
0252-8835 Allpanchis Instituto de Pastoral Andina; Universidad Católica San Pablo
2708-8960 Allpanchis (e-vir) Universidad Católica San Pablo
0065-6585 Alt-Thüringen Landesamt für Archäologie; #in Kommission bei #Beier & Beran
0252-886X Amazonía peruana Centro Amazónico de Antropología y Aplicación Práctica
2810-8663 Amazonía peruana (e-vir) Centro Amazónico de Antropología y Aplicación Práctica
0185-1179 América indígena Instituto Indigenista Interamericano
0002-7294 American anthropologist American Anthropological Association]
1548-1433 American anthropologist (e-vir) Wiley
0002-7316 American antiquity Society for American Archaeology
2325-5064 American antiquity (e-vir) Society for American Archaeology
0740-8358 American archeology Atechiston, Inc.
0094-0496 American ethnologist American Ethnological Society
1548-1425 American ethnologist (e-vir) Wiley
0161-6463 American Indian culture and research journal American Indian Culture and Research Center, University of California
0095-182X American Indian quarterly Southwestern American Indian Society
1534-1828 American Indian quarterly (e-vir) Southwestern American Indian Society
1065-8068 American Indian religions Center for Academic Publication (Stanford, Calif.)
0002-9114 American journal of archaeology Archaeological Institute of America
1939-828X American journal of archaeology (e-vir) Macmillan Co.
1042-0533 American journal of human biology Alan R. Liss, Inc.
1520-6300 American journal of human biology (e-vir) Alan R. Liss]; Wiley-Liss, Inc.
0002-9483 American journal of physical anthropology Wiley-Liss
1096-8644 American journal of physical anthropology (e-vir) Wiley-Liss, Inc.
0275-2565 American journal of primatology A.R. Liss
1098-2345 American journal of primatology (e-vir) A.R. Liss]; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2102-5401 Amerindia (e-vir) [Revue Amerindia]
0221-8852 Amérindia Société d'études linguistiques et anthropologiques de France
0212-0909 Ampurias Diputación Provincial, Servicio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas
0101-451X Anais do Museu de Antropologia Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Museu de Antropologia.
0169-7447 Analecta praehistorica Leidensia Faculty of Archaeology, University
0185-1225 Anales de antropología Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma
2448-6221 Anales de antropología (e-vir) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Elsevier
0325-0288 Anales de arqueología y etnología Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
0252-337X Anales de la Academia de geografía e historia de Guatemala Academia de geografía e historia de Guatemala
0066-1546 Anatolian studies British Institute at Ankara
2048-0849 Anatolian studies (e-vir) British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara
0066-1554 Anatolica Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten
1531-2097 Ancient America Center for Ancient American Studies.
0956-5361 Ancient Mesoamerica Cambridge University Press
1469-1787 Ancient Mesoamerica (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1428-1384 Andes Misión Arqueológica Andina. Universidad de Varsovia.; MAA.
0254-4296 Annales aequatoria Centre aequatoria.
0301-4460 Annals of human biology Taylor & Francis
1464-5033 Annals of human biology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis; Informa Healthcare
1469-1809 Annals of human genetics (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0003-4800 Annals of Human Genetics Cambridge University Press
0570-2259 Annuaire roumain d'anthropologie Editura Academiei Române
0084-6570 Annual review of anthropology Annual Reviews Inc.
1545-4290 Annual review of anthropology (e-vir) Annual Reviews Inc.
0003-5459 Anthropologica Centre canadien de recherches en anthropologie. Université Saint-Paul.
2292-3586 Anthropologica (e-vir) University of Toronto Press, Journals Division
2224-6428 Anthropológica (e-vir) Pontificia Universidad católica del Perú, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales
0254-9212 Anthropológica del Departamento de ciencias sociales Pontificia Universidad católica del Perú, Fondo editorial
0066-4677 Anthropological forum University of Western Australia
1469-2902 Anthropological forum (e-vir) Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
0960-0604 Anthropological journal on European cultures LIT Verlag
2412-2734 Anthropological journal on European cultures (e-vir) LIT Verlag
0003-5483 Anthropological linguistics Anthropology Department, Indiana University.
1944-6527 Anthropological linguistics (e-vir) Archives of Languages of the World, Anthropology Dept., Indiana University
0003-5491 Anthropological quarterly Catholic University of America Press
1534-1518 Anthropological quarterly (e-vir) Catholic University of America Press
0271-0641 Anthropological research paper Arizona State University.
0918-7960 Anthropological science Anthropological Society of Nippon
1348-8570 Anthropological science (e-vir) Anthropological Society of Nippon
1463-4996 Anthropological theory Sage Publications Ltd.
1741-2641 Anthropological theory (e-vir) Sage Publications
0323-1119 Anthropologie Moravské muzeum
2570-9127 Anthropologie (e-vir) Moravian Museum, Anthropos Institute
0777-6187 Anthropologie et préhistoire Société royale belge d'anthropologie et de préhistoire
0702-8997 Anthropologie et sociétés Département d'anthropologie de l'Université Laval
0758-5683 Anthropologie maritime Centre d'ethno-technologie en milieux aquatiques (Paris); Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France). Recherche coopérative sur programme 717.
0003-5548 Anthropologischer Anzeiger Schweizerbart
2363-7099 Anthropologischer Anzeiger (e-vir) Schweizerbart Science Publ.
1061-1959 Anthropology & archeology of Eurasia M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
1558-092X Anthropology & archeology of Eurasia (e-vir) M.E. Sharpe
0161-7761 Anthropology & education quarterly Council on Anthropology and Education
1548-1492 Anthropology & education quarterly (e-vir) Council on Anthropology and Education
1364-8470 Anthropology & medicine Carfax
1469-2910 Anthropology & medicine (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
0193-5615 Anthropology and humanism quarterly Society for Humanistic Anthropology.; Society on Anthropology and Humanism.
1053-4202 Anthropology of consciousness American Anthropological Association; University of California Press for the American Anthropological Association; Wiley-Blackwell
1556-3537 Anthropology of consciousness (e-vir) American Anthropological Association
0883-024X Anthropology of work review Society for the Anthropology of Work
1548-1417 Anthropology of work review (e-vir) Society for the Anthropology of Work
0268-540X Anthropology today Royal Anthropological Institute; Blackwell Publishing
1467-8322 Anthropology today (e-vir) Blackwell Publishing
0257-9774 Anthropos Anthropos Institut
2942-3139 Anthropos (e-vir) Anthropos Institut
0761-3032 Anthropozoologica l'Homme et l'animal, Société de recherche interdisciplinaire
0994-7213 Anthropozoologica L'Homme et l'animal (Paris)
2107-0881 Anthropozoologica (e-vir) Anthropozoologica
0003-598X Antiquity Heffers Printers Ltd
1745-1744 Antiquity (e-vir) Antiquity Trust
Y505-4079 Antiquity (e-vir) Antiquity Trust
1131-5814 Antropología Asociación Madrileña de Antropología
0392-9035 Antropologia contemporanea UAI.; Unione antropologica italiana.; FIAI.; Federazione italiana delle istituzioni antropologiche.; API.; Associazione primatologica italiana.
0003-6102 Antropología e historia de Guatemala Ministerio de educación, Dirección general de antropología e historia; Departamento de Investigaciones Antropológicas, Arqueológicas e Históricas. Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural y Natural. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes
0870-0990 Antropologia portuguesa Universidade de Coimbra, Instituto de Antropologia (Museu e Laboratório Antropológico)
2182-7982 Antropologia portuguesa (e-vir) I.U.
0345-0902 Antropologiska studier Antropologföreningen vid Socialantropologiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet.
1013-428X Apulum Muzeul naţional al Unrii
0905-7196 Arabian archaeology and epigraphy Munksgaard International Publishers
1600-0471 Arabian archaeology and epigraphy (e-vir) Blackwell
0402-7817 Arbeits- und Forschungsberichte zur sächsischen Bodendenkmalpflege Landesamt für Archäologie
0142-7253 Archaeoastronomy Science History Publications Ltd
0190-9940 Archaeoastronomy University of Texas Press
1215-9239 Archaeolingua Archaeoling Alapítvány
1310-9537 Archaeologia bulgarica NOUS Publishers Ltd.
0066-5924 Archaeologia Polona Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences
2719-6542 Archaeologia Polona (e-vir) Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
1380-2038 Archaeological dialogues Van Gorcum
1478-2294 Archaeological dialogues (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
2373-2288 Archaeological journal (e-vir) Longman, Rrown [sic] Green, and Longman
1043-1691 Archaeological method and theory University of Arizona Press
0563-9239 Archaeological newsletter Royal Ontario Museum.
1075-2196 Archaeological prospection (e-vir) Wiley
1099-0763 Archaeological prospection (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons
0261-4332 Archaeological reviews from Cambridge [s.n.]
1531-832X Archaeology, ethnology & anthropology of Eurasia (e-vir) Nauka/Interperiodica
1563-0110 Archaeology, ethnology & anthropology of Eurasia Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
0003-8121 Archaeology and physical anthropology in Oceania University of Sydney
0113-7832 Archaeology in New Zealand New Zealand Archaeological Association.
0360-1021 Archaeology of Eastern North America Eastern States Archaeological Federation]
2327-9656 Archaeology of Eastern North America (e-vir) Eastern States Archeological Federation
0003-813X Archaeometry Blackwell Publishing
1475-4754 Archaeometry (e-vir) Blackwell
0299-3600 ArchæoZoologia La Pensée sauvage
0255-9005 Archäologie der Schweiz Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, SGUF
0341-2873 Archäologische Informationen Selbstverlag der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte; in Kommission bei R. Habelt
0003-8105 Archäologischer Anzeiger de Gruyter
0948-8359 Archäologisches Nachrichtenblatt Akademie-Verlag
0066-605X Archeologia Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN
1120-6861 Archeologia e calcolatori All'Insegna del giglio
0221-4792 Archéologie en Languedoc Fédération archéologique de l'Hérault
1190-9110 Archéologiques Association des archéologues du Québec
0066-6513 Archiv für Völkerkunde Museum für Völkerkunde im Selbstverlag
0210-3230 Archivo de prehistoria levantina Servicio de investigación prehistórica de la Diputación
0048-1742 Arch notes Ontario Archaeological Society.
0066-6939 Arctic anthropology University of Wisconsin Press
1933-8139 Arctic anthropology (e-vir) University of Wisconsin Press
2616-499X Arheologìâ (e-vir) Ìnstitut arheologìï NAN Ukraïni
0235-3490 Arheologija Kyïvs'ka Akademija Evrobiznesu
0324-1203 Arheologija Bʺlgarska akademija na naukite
0570-8958 Arheološki radovi i rasprave Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti
0332-6500 Arkeologiske skrifter Universitetet i Bergen, Arkeologisk institutt.; Bergen museum.
0124-4841 Arqueologia del area intermedia Sociedad Colombiana de Arqueologia,
0102-4272 Arquivos do Museu de Historia Natural Universidade Federal de Minos gerais, Museu de Historia Natural
0044-9075 Artefact Archaeological Society of Victoria.
0066-8435 Asian perspectives University Press of Hawaii
1535-8283 Asian perspectives (e-vir) University of Hawaii Press
1360-7456 Asia Pacific viewpoint Blackwell
1467-8373 Asia Pacific viewpoint (e-vir) Blackwell Publishers
1322-9214 Australasian historical archaeology Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology.
2209-0134 Australasian historical archaeology (e-vir) Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology
0312-2417 Australian archaeology Australian Archaeological Association
2470-0363 Australian archaeology (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0764-7573 Awal Centre d'études et de recherches Amazigh (Paris)
0067-270X Azania British Institute in Eastern Africa.
1945-5534 Azania (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0005-3856 Baessler-Archiv Reimer
0210-6132 Bajo Aragón, Prehistoria Institución Fernando el Católico. Grupo Cultural Caspolino.; Grupo Cultural Caspolino.
0143-3067 BAR international series British Archaelogical Reports
0341-3918 Bayerische Vorgeschichtsblätter Kommission für bayerische Landesgeschichte bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften; C. H. Beck
0094-3673 Behavior science research Human Relations Area Files
0376-6357 Behavioural processes Elsevier
1872-8308 Behavioural processes (e-vir) Elsevier BV
0170-9518 Beiträge zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Archäologie von Zabern
0341-9312 Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission P. von Zabern
0167-5443 Berichten van de Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek = Service for Archaeological Heritage in the Netherlands
0344-5089 Berliner Beiträge zur Archäometrie Rathgen-Forschungslabor, Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz
1013-431X Bermuda journal of archaeology and maritime history Bermuda Maritime Museum Association.
1279-7863 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie Société internationale de biométrie humaine
0067-9461 Bodendenkmalpflege in Mecklenburg Petermänken
0522-7291 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi.
0716-5730 Boletín / Sociedad Chilena de Arqueología
0120-2510 Boletin de antropologia Universidad de Antioquia. Departamento de Antropologia
2390-027X Boletín de Antropología (e-vir) Universidad de Antioquia
0252-841X Boletín de antropología americana Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia
0121-2435 Boletin de arqueologia Fundacion de Investigaciones Arqueologicas Nacionales,
0258-8536 Boletín del Instituto de estudios aymaras Instituto de estudios aymaras
0212-5544 Boletín del Museo Arqueológico Nacional Museo Arqueológico Nacional
2341-3409 Boletín del Museo Arqueológico Nacional (e-vir) Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Subdirección General de Documentación y Publicaciones
0716-1530 Boletín del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino
0718-6894 Boletín del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino (e-vir) Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino
0523-9133 Boletín indigenísta venezolano Venezuela. Ministerio de Educación. Dirección de Asuntos Indigenas.
0577-2168 Bollettino del Centro camuno di studi preistorici Centro Camuno di studi preistorici
0006-7806 Borneo research bulletin Borneo Research Council.
2162-8432 Borneo research bulletin (e-vir) Borneo Research Council (Williamsburg, Va.)
0302-2447 Budkavlen Föreningen Brage.; Åbo Akademi.; Åbo Akademi.; Åbo Akademi.; Åbo akademi.; Åbo Akademi.
0542-1292 Bulletin Maine Archaeological Society.
0068-4015 Bulletin d'archéologie marocaine Ministère des Affaires Culturelles
0336-1519 Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient École française d'Extrême-Orient
1760-737X Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient (e-vir) [École française d'Extrême-Orient]
0018-9642 Bulletin de l'Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire. Série B, Sciences humaines Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire.
2076-5827 Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Etudes Andines (e-vir) Institut Français d'Etudes Andines
0303-7495 Bulletin de l'Institut français d'études andines Institut français d'études andines.
0373-3076 Bulletin de la Société neuchâteloise de géographie Société neuchâteloise de géographie
0304-1425 Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'anthropologie et de préhistoire Société royale d'anthropologie et de préhistoire
0544-7631 Bulletin du Musée d'anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco Musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique
0003-097X Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research American Schools of Oriental Research
2161-8062 Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (e-vir) American Schools of Oriental Research
0388-7219 Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum Ancient Orient Museum
0739-5612 Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of Connecticut Archaeological Society of Connecticut.
0003-8067 Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of Delaware Archaeological Society of Delaware,
0196-8319 Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of New Jersey Archaeological Society of New Jersey.
0148-1886 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Massachusetts Archaeological Society.
0385-3039 Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series D Anthropology National Science Museum
0041-977X Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies School of Oriental and African Studies
1474-0699 Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (e-vir) School of Oriental and African Studies
0082-2930 Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society Texas Archeological Society.
0910-481X Bulletin - University Museum, the University of Tokyo Tokyo Daigaku. Säogäo Kenkyäu Shiryäokan.
1522-0427 Caddoan archeology Oklahoma Archeological Survey.
0870-6425 Cadernos de arqueologia Portugal. Museu Dom Diogo de Sousa.; Universidade do Minho. Unidade de Arqueologia.
0008-0055 Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines Ecole pratique des hautes études, 6ème section
1777-5353 Cahiers d'études africaines (e-vir) Éd. de l'EHESS
0249-5635 Cahiers ethnologiques Centre d'études ethnologiques
2047-7716 Cambridge anthropology Berghahn Journals
0305-7674 Cambridge Anthropology Cambridge Anthropology
0959-7743 Cambridge archaeological journal Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge
1474-0540 Cambridge archaeological journal (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0705-2006 Canadian journal of archaeology Canadian Archaeological Association.
0225-5812 Canadian studies report National Museum of Man (Canada). Education and Cultural Affairs Division.
0882-3693 Central Texas archeologist Central Texas Archeological Society.
0577-3334 Cerámica de cultura Maya et al Temple University. Laboratory of Anthropology.; Temple University. Dept. of Anthropology.; Jay I. Kislak Reference Collection (Library of Congress)
0716-1182 Chungara Universidad de Tarapacá
0717-7356 Chungara (e-vir) Universidad de Tarapacá
1012-4926 Cimbebasia State Museum.
0893-0465 City & society American Anthropological Association
1548-744X City & society American Anthropological Association
0350-6134 Collegium antropologicum Croatian Anthropological Society
1848-9486 Collegium antropologicum (e-vir) Croatian Anthropological Society
0010-4175 Comparative studies in society and history Cambridge University Press
1475-2999 Comparative studies in society and history (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1133-0147 Complutum. Extra Editorial Complutense
1350-5033 Conservation and management of archaeological sites James & James (Science Publishers)
1753-5522 Conservation and management of archaeological sites (e-vir) James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd
0716-9396 Contribución arqueológica Museo Regional de Atacama.
0069-9659 Contributions to Indian sociology / École pratique des hautes études (France).; University of Oxford.; Research Centre on Social and Economic Development in Asia.; Institute of Economic Growth (India)
0217-2992 Contributions to Southeast Asian ethnography Board of Editors, Contributions to Southeast Asian Ethnography.
0250-2992 Cookeia National Museums and Monuments.
0070-024X Cornish archaeology Cornwall Archaeological Society
0308-275X Critique of anthropology London Alternative Anthropology Group
1460-3721 Critique of anthropology (e-vir) London Alternative Anthropology Group
1069-3971 Cross-cultural research Sage Periodicals Press
1552-3578 Cross-cultural research (e-vir) Sage Publications
0185-5131 Cuadernos de arquitectura mesoamericana UNAM. Facultad de Arquitectura. División de Estudios de Posgrado.
0590-1871 Cuadernos de etnología y etnografía de Navarra Institución Príncipe de Viana
0886-7356 Cultural anthropology American Anthropological Association
1548-1360 Cultural anthropology (e-vir) American Anthropological Association
0740-3291 Cultural survival quarterly Cultural Survival, Inc.
1369-1058 Culture, health & sexuality Taylor & Francis
1464-5351 Culture, health & sexuality (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0165-005X Culture, medicine and psychiatry Reidel
1573-076X Culture, medicine and psychiatry (e-vir) Kluwer
1048-4876 Culture & agriculture Anthropological Study Group on Agrarian Systems; Culture and Agriculture Section of the American Anthropological Association; University of California Press; John Wiley & Sons
1556-486X Culture & agriculture (e-vir) Study Group
1024-5316 Culture and ecology of food and nutrition Gordon and Breach Publishers.
0344-8622 Curare Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung
0011-3204 Current anthropology The University of Chicago Press
1537-5382 Current anthropology (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
8755-898X Current research in the Pleistocene University of Maine at Orono.; University of Maine at Orono.; Oregon State University.; Texas A & M University.
1102-7355 Current Swedish archaeology Svenska arkeologiska samfundet
2002-3901 Current Swedish archaeology (e-vir) Swedish Archaeological Society
0176-2354 Damaszener Mitteilungen von Zabern
0304-4092 Dialectical anthropology Elsevier Scientific ... [etc.]
1573-0786 Dialectical anthropology (e-vir) Kluwer
0342-0736 Die Kunde Niedersächsischer Landesverein für Urgeschichte; Abteilung Urgeschichte des Niedersächsischen Landesmuseums
0258-0144 Die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir sosiologie Universiteit van Pretoria. Departement sosiologie
1405-776X Dimensión antropológica Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
0769-010X Documents d'archéologie française Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme
0184-1068 Documents d'archéologie méridionale Association pour la diffusion de l'archéologie méridionale; [diffusion et distribution] Epona
0012-8376 East and west ISIAO; ISMEO
0012-7477 EAZ Humboldt-Universität, Lehrstuhl für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
1629-7121 Enquête Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris)
1245-2084 Enquête, anthropologie, histoire, sociologie Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris)
0185-5271 Estudios de caso. Serie Estados Unidos Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas.
0071-1675 Estudios de cultura náhuatl Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
1409-245X Estudios de lingüística Chibcha Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica
0213-0246 Estudios de prehistoria y arqueología madrileñas Museo de San Isidro
1466-1381 Ethnography Sage
1741-2714 Ethnography (e-vir) Sage
0014-1801 Ethnohistory Duke University press
1527-5477 Ethnohistory (e-vir) Ohio Valley Historic Indian Conference
0355-1776 Ethnologia Fennica Ethnos, Association of Finnish ethnologists
0137-4079 Ethnologia Polona Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich
0348-9698 Ethnologia Scandinavica Folklivsarkivet
0083-4106 Ethnologia slavica Slovenské pedagogické nakladatel'stvo
0046-2616 Ethnologie française Presses Universitaires de France
2101-0064 Ethnologie française (e-vir) Presses universitaires de France
0014-1828 Ethnology University
2160-3510 Ethnology (e-vir) University of Pittsburgh
2156-7417 Ethnomusicology (e-vir) s. n.]
0014-1836 Ethno-musicology s. n.]
0014-1844 Ethnos Etnografiska museet
1469-588X Ethnos (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0091-2131 Ethos University of California Press
1548-1352 Ethos (e-vir) Society for Psychological Anthropology
0046-2632 Etnia Museo Etnográfico Municipal "Dámaso Arce" e Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas
0921-5158 Etnofoor Universiteit van Amsterdam, Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum
0211-772X Etnografía española M.C., D.G.B.A.A.B., S.G.A.
0869-5415 Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie Nauka
0701-1008 Études inuit Inuksiutiit katimajiit.; CIÉRA.
1708-5268 Études Inuit (e-vir) Inuksiutiit Katimajiit
0766-5075 Etudes mongoles... et sibériennes Université Paris dix, Laboratoire d'ethnologie et de sociologie comparative
1124-5425 Europaea M & T Sardegna
0943-8254 European bulletin of Himalayan research Universität Heidelberg
1461-9571 European journal of archaeology Sage Publications
1741-2722 European journal of archaeology (e-vir) Sage Publications
Y503-0498 European journal of archaeology Sage Publications
0238-1486 European review of native American studies C. Feest.
1090-5138 Evolution and human behavior Elsevier Science
1879-0607 Evolution and human behavior (e-vir) Human Behavior and Evolution Society
1520-6505 Evolutionary anthropology Wiley-Liss, Inc.
1060-1538 Evolutionary Anthropology Wiley-Liss
0014-4738 Expedition University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
1525-822X Field methods AltaMira Press
1552-3969 Field methods (e-vir) Sage Publications
0355-1814 Finskt museum Finska fornminnesföreningen
2341-9172 Finskt museum (e-vir) Finlands fornminnesföreningen
0888-4277 Florida archaeology Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research.
1558-5263 Focaal Universiteit Nijmegen
0920-1297 Focaal - European Journal of Anthropology Herman Tak
0133-2023 Folia archaeologica Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum
0015-5713 Folia primatologica S. Karger
1421-9980 Folia primatologica S. Karger
0085-0756 Folk Dansk Etnografisk Forening.
0210-2366 Fonaments Curial; Afers
0071-6863 Fontes archaeologici Posnanienses Muzeum archeologiczne
0015-7813 Fornvännen Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien
0071-9897 Fundberichte aus Baden-Württemberg K. Theiss
0723-8630 Funde und Ausgrabungen im Bezirk Trier Rheinisches Landesmuseum
0016-4127 Gallia préhistoire Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
0870-6204 Garcia de Orta, Série de antropologia Junta de Investigações Científicas do Ultramar.
0271-6488 Genes and gender Gordian Press,
0016-6987 Genus Comitato italiano per lo studio dei problemi della popolazione; Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza, Dipartimento di scienze demografiche
2035-5556 Genus Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza
0883-6353 Geoarchaeology Willey
1520-6548 Geoarchaeology John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
0435-3684 Geografiska annaler Svenska sällskapet för antropologi och geografi; distributed by Blackwell Publishing
1468-0467 Geografiska annaler (e-vir) Svenska sällskapet för antropologi och geografi
0072-1395 Geoscience and man Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.).; American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists.
0016-8874 Germania P. von Zabern
0305-8980 Glasgow archaeological journal Glasgow Archaeological Soc.
2053-7824 Glasgow archaeological journal (e-vir) Glasgow Archaeological Soc.
0350-0861 Glasnik Etnografskog instituta Etnografski institut SANU
2334-8259 Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU (e-vir) Etnografski insitut SANU
0304-3460 Goodwin series South African Archaeological Society
2224-4646 Goodwin series (e-vir) South African Archaeological Society
0348-4076 Gothenburg studies in social anthropology Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis,
0173-0886 Hammaburg Wachholtz.
0073-0548 Harvard journal of Asiatic studies Harvard-Yenching Institute.
1944-6454 Harvard journal of Asiatic studies (e-vir) Harvard-Yenching Institute
0449-1564 Ḥawliyyaẗ dāʹiraẗ al-āṯār al-'āmmaẗ.; حولية دائرة الآثار العامة Department of Antiquities, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
0783-2842 Helsinki papers in archaeology University of Helsinki. Department of Archaeology.; Helsingin yliopisto. Arkeologian laitos.
0882-4894 High plains applied anthropologist High Plains Regional Society for Applied Anthropology.; High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology.
0717-1587 Historia indígena Departamento de Ciencias Históricas, Universidad de Chile
0440-9213 Historical archaeology Society for Historical Archaeology.
2328-1103 Historical archaeology (e-vir) Society for Historical Archaeology
0275-7206 History and anthropology Taylor & Francis group
1477-2612 History and anthropology (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0018-2710 History of religions University of Chicago Press
1545-6935 History of religions (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
0018-442X Homo Elsevier
0018-7143 Human biology Wayne State University Press
1534-6617 Human biology (e-vir) Warwick & York, Inc.
0300-7839 Human ecology Plenum Pub. Corp.
1572-9915 Human ecology (e-vir) Kluwer
1423-0062 Human heredity (e-vir) S. Karger
0001-5652 Human Heredity S. Karger AG
1045-6767 Human nature Aldine de Gruyter
1936-4776 Human nature Springer
Y505-5091 Human nature (e-vir) Transaction Publishers
0018-7259 Human organization The Society
1938-3517 Human organization (e-vir) Society for Applied Anthropology.; Bell & Howell Information and Learning.
1938-3525 Human organization (e-vir) The Society for Applied Anthropology
0970-3411 Human Science Anthropological Survey of India
0340-3068 Ibero-amerikanisches Archiv Vervuert,
2365-1202 Ibero-amerikanisches Archiv (e-vir) Dümmler
0893-2271 Idaho archaeologist Idaho Archaeological Society.; Idaho Archaeological Society.
0341-8642 Indiana Gebr. Mann
2365-2225 Indiana (e-vir) Mann
1363-9811 Indonesia and the Malay world Oxford University Press
1469-8382 Indonesia and the Malay world (e-vir) Carfax International Publishers
1012-6570 Information bulletin - International Association for the Study of the Cultures of Central Asia International Association for the Study of the Cultures of Central Asia.
0121-2079 Informes antropologicos Instituto Colombiano de Antropologia,
0020-7071 International journal of american linguistics University of Chicago Press
1545-7001 International journal of American linguistics (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
0393-9383 International journal of anthropology Editrice Il Sedicesimo
1824-3096 International journal of anthropology (e-vir) Editrice Il Sedicesimo
0940-7391 International journal of cultural property de Gruyter
1465-7317 International journal of cultural property (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1092-7697 International journal of historical archaeology Plenum Press
1573-7748 International journal of historical archaeology (e-vir) Kluwer
0305-7445 International journal of nautical archaeology and underwater exploration Academic Press
1047-482X International journal of osteoarchaeology Wiley
1099-1212 International journal of osteoarchaeology (e-vir) John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
0164-0291 International journal of primatology Plenum.
1573-8604 International journal of primatology Kluwer
0020-7659 International journal of sociology M.E. Sharpe, etc.
1557-9336 International journal of sociology (e-vir) M.E. Sharpe
0165-2516 International journal of the sociology of language Mouton de Gruyter
1613-3668 International Journal of the sociology of language (e-vir) Mouton de Gruyter
0897-8573 Iowa studies in African art University of Iowa. School of Art and Art History.
0578-6967 Iran British Institute of Persian Studies
2396-9202 Iran (e-vir) British Institute of Persian Studies
0021-0862 Iranian studies Society for Iranian Cultural and Social Studies
1475-4819 Iranian studies (e-vir) Society for Iranian Cultural and Social Studies
0021-0889 Iraq British School of Archaeology of Iraq.
2053-4744 Iraq (e-vir) British School of Archaeology in Iraq
0021-2059 Israel exploration journal Israel Exploration Society
0075-8663 Jahrbuch des Museums für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig Akademie-Verlag
0075-2932 Jahresschrift für mitteldeutsche Vorgeschichte Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt, Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte
8756-8071 Journal Houston Archeological Society.
0037-9174 Journal de la Société des américanistes Société des américanistes
1957-7842 Journal de la Société des américanistes (e-vir) Société des américanistes
0399-0346 Journal des africanistes Société des africanistes
0891-7124 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement at New York University University of Illinois, Anthropology Department
2152-1115 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement at New York University (e-vir) JASHM]
0021-8537 Journal of African history Cambridge University Press
1469-5138 Journal of African history (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0167-6164 Journal of African languages and linguistics Mouton de Gruyter.
1613-3811 Journal of African languages and linguistics Mouton de Gruyter.
0278-4165 Journal of anthropological archaeology Academic Press
1090-2686 Journal of anthropological archaeology (e-vir) Academic Press
0091-7710 Journal of anthropological research University of New Mexico
2153-3806 Journal of anthropological research (e-vir) University of New Mexico.
1072-5369 Journal of archaeological method and theory Plenum Pub. Corp.
1573-7764 Journal of archaeological method and theory Kluwer
1059-0161 Journal of archaeological research Plenum Press
1573-7756 Journal of archaeological research (e-vir) Kluwer
0305-4403 Journal of archaeological science Academic Press
1095-9238 Journal of archaeological science (e-vir) Academic Press
0021-9096 Journal of Asian and African studies Brill
1745-2538 Journal of Asian and African studies (e-vir) Brill Academic Publishers
0300-9645 Journal of biosocial science. Supplement Galton Foundation.
0191-3557 Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology Malki Museum]
2327-9400 Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology (e-vir) Malki Museum.; University of California, Riverside.
0047-2328 Journal of comparative family studies University
1929-9850 Journal of comparative family studies University of Calgary, Department of Sociology
0891-2416 Journal of contemporary ethnography Sage Publications
1552-5414 Journal of contemporary ethnography (e-vir) Sage Publications
0169-3816 Journal of cross-cultural gerontology Reidel
1573-0719 Journal of cross-cultural gerontology (e-vir) Kluwer
0022-0256 Journal of cuneiform studies American Schools of Oriental Research
2325-6737 Journal of cuneiform studies (e-vir) American Schools of Oriental Research
0108-464X Journal of Danish archaeology University Press of Southern Denmark,
1387-6813 Journal of East Asian archaeology Brill
1568-5233 Journal of East Asian archaeology Brill
1528-6509 Journal of ecological anthropology Dept. of Anthropology, University of Georgia
2162-4593 Journal of ecological anthropology (e-vir) University of Georgia.; University of South Florida.
0278-0771 Journal of ethnobiology Center for Western Studies
2162-4496 Journal of ethnobiology (e-vir) Center for Western Studies
0378-8741 Journal of ethnopharmacology Elsevier Sequoia
1872-7573 Journal of ethnopharmacology (e-vir) International Society of Ethnopharmacology.
0965-7665 Journal of European archaeology Avebury
0093-4690 Journal of field archaeology Boston University.
2042-4582 Journal of field archaeology (e-vir) Boston University
1095-8606 Journal of human evolution (e-vir) Academic Press
0047-2484 Journal of Human Evolution Academic Press
0874-2677 Journal of iberian archaeology Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Cooperação em Arqueologia Peninsular.
1085-7052 Journal of Latin American anthropology Society for Latin American Anthropology
1548-7180 Journal of Latin American anthropology (e-vir) Society for Latin American Anthropology
0360-1927 Journal of Latin American lore UCLA Latin American Center
0022-216X Journal of Latin American studies Cambridge University Press
1469-767X Journal of Latin American studies (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1055-1360 Journal of linguistic anthropology American Anthropological Association
1548-1395 Journal of linguistic anthropology (e-vir) University of California Press
1359-1835 Journal of material culture Sage Publications
1460-3586 Journal of material culture (e-vir) Sage
0195-475X Journal of Mayan linguistics University of Iowa.
0952-7648 Journal of Mediterranean archaeology Sheffield Academic
1743-1700 Journal of Mediterranean archaeology (e-vir) Sheffield Academic
1016-3476 Journal of Mediterranean Studies Mediterranean Institute, University of Malta
0883-9697 Journal of Middle Atlantic archaeology [Archaeological Services]
0022-2968 Journal of Near Eastern studies University of Chicago Press
1545-6978 Journal of Near Eastern studies (e-vir) University of Chicago Press
0283-8486 Journal of prehistoric religion Paul Åströms förlag
1469-6053 Journal of social archaeology Sage
1741-2951 Journal of social archaeology (e-vir) Sage Publications
0449-315X Journal of Social Research Council of Social and Cultural Research, Bihar.; Department of Anthropology, Ranchi University.; Ranchi University, Department of Anthropology.
0044-8370 Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford The Society
0019-4387 Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society Indian Anthropological Society.
0535-5729 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society Iowa Archeological Society.; Iowa Archeological Society.
0032-4000 Journal of the Polynesian Society Polynesian Society
1535-5632 Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe American Anthropological Association
1556-5823 Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (e-vir) American Anthropological Association
0039-1344 Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society Steward Anthropological Society.
0256-4653 Journal of the Walter Roth Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Walter Roth Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
0892-7537 Journal of world prehistory (e-vir) Plenum Press
1573-7802 Journal of world prehistory Kluwer
0211-5840 Kalathos S.A.E.T. Seminario de Arqueología y Etnología Turolense.
2051-6177 Kiva (e-vir) Left Coast Press
0003-8075 Kokogaku zasshi Nippon Koko Gakkai
0385-180X Kokuritsu Minzokugaku Hakubutsukan kenkyu hokoku Kokuritsu Minzokugaku Hakubutsukan
0949-1821 Kölner Beiträge zur Ethnopsychologie und transkulturellen Psychologie
0003-5521 L'anthropologie Masson
1873-5827 L' anthropologie (e-vir) Elsevier; Masson
0391-2876 L'Uomo Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
0212-8985 Laietania Museu Municipal de Mataró; Museu Comarcal del Maresme
0097-8507 Language Linguistic Society of America
1535-0665 Language (e-vir) Linguistic Society of America
0047-4045 Language in society Cambridge University Press
1469-8013 Language in society (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
0954-3945 Language variation and change Cambridge University Press
1469-8021 Language variation and change (e-vir) Cambridge University Press
1405-4817 La Pintura mural prehispánica en México. Boletín informativo UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas
0163-0695 La Tierra Southern Texas Archaeological Association.
1045-6635 Latin American antiquity Society for American Archaeology
2325-5080 Latin American antiquity (e-vir) Society for American Archaeology
0888-5613 Latin American Indian literatures journal Geneva College (Beaver Falls, Pa.).; Pennsylvania State University.; Pennsylvania State University.; Penn State McKeesport.
0023-8791 Latin American research review Latin American Studies Association
1542-4278 Latin American research review (e-vir) University of Texas Press
0259-0816 Law & anthropology Universität Wien. Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät. Institut für Kirchenrecht. Arbeitsgruppe für Rechtsanthropologie und Inkulturationsforschung.; Verband der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Österreichs (VWGÖ)
0075-8914 Levant Council for British Research in the Levant.; British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem.; British Institute at Amman for Archaeology and History.
1756-3801 Levant (e-vir) British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem
0197-7261 Lithic technology Center for Archaeological Research, University of Texas at San Antonio
2051-6185 Lithic technology (e-vir) Left Coast Press
0336-5654 Littérature orale arabo-berbère Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France); Association pour l'étude des civilisations et littérature de l'Afrique septentrionale (Paris); Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France)
0076-1435 Lud Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze
1401-2189 Lund archaeological review Institute of Archaeology and Ancient history
0120-3045 Maguare Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Departamento de Antropologia
2256-5752 Maguaré (e-vir) Universidad Nacional de Colombia
0258-0446 Man & environment Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies.
0104-9313 Mana Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social
1678-4944 Mana Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social
0025-1569 Man in India [s.n.]
1188-5424 Manitoba archaeological journal Manitoba Archaeological Society.
0148-6012 Maryland archeology Archeological Society of Maryland, Inc.
0272-9172 Materials Research Society symposia proceedings North Holland
0075-7039 Materiały Archeologiczne Muzeum Archeologiczne
0137-2831 Materiały Starożytne i Wczesnośredniowieczne Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne
1130-6157 Mayab Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas.
0145-9740 Medical anthropology Gordon and Breach [etc.]; Taylor & Francis
1545-5882 Medical anthropology (e-vir) Gordon and Breach
0745-5194 Medical anthropology quarterly Society for Medical Anthropology
1548-1387 Medical anthropology quarterly (e-vir) Society for Medical Anthropology
1876-2816 Mens & maatschappij Amsterdam University Press
0025-9454 Mensch en maatschappij Noordhoff; 't Koggeschip; Van Loghum Slaterus; Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum; Amsterdam University Press
0252-9963 Mesoamérica Centro de investigaciones regionales de Mesoamérica
0720-5988 Mexicon A. Saurwein
0187-702X Meyibó : Organo del Centro de Investigaciones Históricas. UNAM-UABC Centro de Investigaciones Históricas UNAM-UABC.
0543-9728 Michigan archaeologist Michigan Archaeological Society.
0193-7804 Michigan discussions in anthropology University of Michigan.
1015-6178 Mila Institute of African Studies.; University of Nairobi.
0021-5023 Minzokugaku kenkyu Sanseido; Nihon Minzoku Gakkai; Minzokugaku kyokai Chosabu; Eiko Shoin; Oka Shoin; Nihon Minzokugaku Kyokai; Seibundo Shinkosha; Nihon Minzoku Gakkai
0254-7678 Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana Museos del Banco central del Ecuador
0738-775X Mississippi archaeology Mississippi. Dept. of Archives and History.; Mississippi Archaeological Association.
0178-7896 Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte Logos
0252-9076 Montalbán Institutos Humanísticos de Investigación
1087-0326 Mother tongue Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory.
2766-6395 Mother tongue (e-vir) The Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory
0276-4741 Mountain research and development United Nations University; International Mountain Society
1994-7151 Mountain research and development International Mountain Society; United Nations University; International Mountain Society
1946-4274 MRS proceedings (e-vir) Materials Research Society
1132-2217 Munibe Sociedad de ciencias Aranzadi
2172-4555 Munibe Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi
0892-8339 Museum anthropology Council for Museum Anthropology
1548-1379 Museum anthropology (e-vir) Council for Museum Anthropology
0077-6297 N#awpa pacha Institute of Andean Studies, 1963-
0342-1406 Nachrichten aus Niedersachsens Urgeschichte Theiss.
0259-2010 Namibiana SWA Scientific Society. Ethno-historical Study Group.; SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. Ethnologisch-historischen Arbeitsgruppe.; SWA Wetenskaplike Vereniging. Ethnologies-historiese Werksgroep.
0084-9308 Nationalmuseets arbejdsmark Nationalmuseet.; Museumsklubben Nationalmuseets Venner.
1361-3626 National museum news Lebanese British Friends of the National Museum (London, England); Matḥaf Bayrūt.
0028-0712 Natural history American Museum of Natural History
2051-6207 Ñawpa pacha (e-vir) Institute of Andean Studies
1041-4479 Nevada archaeologist Nevada Archaeological Association.
0110-540X New Zealand journal of archaeology New Zealand Archaeological Association.
0822-7942 Nomadic peoples Commission on Nomadic Peoples. International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
1752-2366 Nomadic peoples (e-vir) Commission on Nomadic Peoples
0197-6931 North American archaeologist [Baywood Pub. Co.]
1541-3543 North American archaeologist Baywood Pub. Co.
1068-9982 Northeast anthropology State University of New York at Albany.; State University of New York at Binghamton.
0029-3296 Northwest anthropological research notes University of Idaho.; University of Idaho.
0029-3652 Norwegian archaeological review Universitetsforlaget
1502-7678 Norwegian archaeological review (e-vir) Taylor & Francis
0078-205X Noticiario arqueológico hispánico España. Comisaría General de Excavaciones Arqueológicas
0707-2651 Occasional paper - Archaeological Survey of Alberta Historical Resources Division.
0725-6965 Occasional papers in prehistory Australian National University. Dept. of Prehistory.
0068-0303 Occasional publication Boreal Institute for Northern Studies
0029-8077 Oceania University of Sydney
0029-8115 Oceanic linguistics (e-vir) [University Press of Hawaii]
1527-9421 Oceanic linguistics (e-vir) Dept. of Anthropology, Southern Illinois University
0078-3714 Offa Wachholtz
0048-153X Ohio archaeologist Archaeological Society of Ohio.; Ohio Archaeological Society.; Ohio Indian Relic Collectors Society.
0078-4672 Ontario archaeology Ontario Archaeological Society
0146-678X Oriental Institute communications University of Chicago.
0262-5253 Oxford journal of archaeology Basil Blackwell Publisher Limited
1468-0092 Oxford journal of archaeology (e-vir) Blackwell
0552-7252 Pacific Coast Archaeological Society quarterly Pacific Coast Archaeological Society.; Pacific Coast Archaeological Society.
0275-3596 Pacific studies Polynesian Cultural Center (Laie, Hawaii); Brigham Young University--Hawaii Campus.
0078-7809 Paideuma Kohlhammer
0078-7868 Pakistan archaeology Department of Archaeology, Ministry of Education.; Department of Archaeology and Museums.; Directorate of Archaeology & Museums.
0168-6208 Palaeoecology of Africa and the surrounding islands Balkema; Swets
0552-9344 Palaeohistoria Barkhuis Publishing
1145-3370 Paléo Société des amis du Musée national de préhistoire et de la recherche archéologique (Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil, Dordogne)
0153-9345 Paléorient Klincksieck
1957-701X Paléorient (e-vir) CNRS éd.
0031-0506 Památky archeologické Institute of Archaeology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
0965-9315 Papers from the Institute of Archaeology Institute of Archaeology, University College London.
2041-9015 Papers from the Institute of Archaeology (e-vir) Institute of Archaeology
0587-1719 Papers of the Archaeological Society of New Mexico Archaeological Society of New Mexico.
0149-1547 Peasant studies University of Utah.; University of Pittsburgh.; University of Pittsburgh.
0031-4358 Pennsylvania archaeologist Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology.
0717-1099 Pentukun Universidad de La Frontera. Instituto de Estudios Indígenas.
0048-3796 Philippine journal of linguistics Linguistic society of the Philippines.
0115-0243 Philippine quarterly of culture and society University of San Carlos.
0160-2802 Plains anthropologist Plains Anthropological Society.
2052-546X Plains anthropologist (e-vir) Plains Anthropologist Corp.
0032-0447 Plains Anthropologist Plains Anthropologist
0894-4253 Play & culture Association for the Study of Play.
1060-2720 Political and legal anthropology series Transaction Publishers,
0098-7921 Population and development review Population Council
1728-4457 Population and development review (e-vir) Population Council.
0458-1520 Prace i Materiały Muzeum Archeologicznego i Etnograficznego w Łodzi Muzeum Archeologizcne i Etnograficzne
0079-4848 Praehistorische Zeitschrift W. de Gruyter
1613-0804 Praehistorische Zeitschrift (e-vir) W. de Gruyter
1522-8495 Pre-Columbiana Early Sites Research Society West
1167-492X Préhistoire anthropologie méditerranéennes LAPMO
1268-7944 Préhistoire du Sud-Ouest Préhistoire du Sud-Ouest (France)
0393-0157 Preistoria alpina Museo tridentino di scienze naturali
0032-8332 Primates Springer
1610-7365 Primates (e-vir) Springer
0068-1202 Proceedings of the British Academy Oxford University Press
0079-497X Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society The Prehistoric Society
2050-2729 Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society (e-vir)
0079-7138 Przegląd Archeologiczny Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
2657-4004 Przegląd Archeologiczny (e-vir) Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
1465-5187 Public archaeology James & James
1753-5530 Public archaeology (e-vir) James & James (Science Publishers)
0327-6627 Publicar en antropología y ciencias sociales Colegio de Graduados en Antropología de la República Argentina
2250-7671 Publicar en antropología y ciencias sociales Colegio de Graduados en Antropología de la República Argentina
0899-2363 Public culture Duke University Press
1527-8018 Public culture (e-vir) Duke University Press
0211-5557 Quaderns de l'Institut Catalá d'Antropologia Institut Catalá d'Antropologia
0480-9106 Quartär-Bibliothek Hugo-Obermaier-Gesellschaft.
0033-5894 Quaternary research Academic Press
1096-0287 Quaternary research (e-vir) Elsevier
0277-3791 Quaternary science reviews Pergamon Press
1873-457X Quaternary science reviews (e-vir) Elsevier
0814-3021 Queensland archaeological research University of Queensland.
0033-8222 Radiocarbon American journal of science
1945-5755 Radiocarbon (e-vir) Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona
0286-1127 Raten Amerika kenkyū nenpō Nihon Raten Amerika Gakkai; Nihon raten amerika gakkai; 日本ラテンアメリカ学会; Nihon raten amerika gakkai; 日本ラテンアメリカ学会
0318-4137 Recherches amérindiennes au Québec Recherches amérindiennes au Québec (Association)
1923-5151 Recherches amérindiennes au Québec (e-vir) Recherches amérindiennes au Québec
1174-9202 Records of the Auckland Museum Auckland War Memorial Museum.
2422-8567 Records of the Auckland Museum (e-vir) Auckland War Memorial Museum
1000-3193 Renleixue xuebao Kexue Chubanshe,
0070-2374 Report of the Department of Antiquities. Cyprus Government Printing Office
0277-1322 Res Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities
2327-9621 Res (e-vir) Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University
0190-1281 Research in economic anthropology JAI Press.; JAI.
0589-9036 Research report Council for British Archaeology
0093-8157 Reviews in anthropology Gordon & Breach
1556-3014 Reviews in anthropology Gordon and Breach
0486-6525 Revista colombiana de antropologia Instituto Colombiano de Antropologia
2539-472X Revista colombiana de antropología (e-vir) Instituto Colombiano de Antropología
0120-6613 Revista de antropologia Universidad de los Andes. Departamento de Antropologia.,
0188-3631 Revista de Arqueología Americana Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia
2663-4066 Revista de Arqueología Americana (e-vir) Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia
0871-6633 Revista de Arqueologia da Assembleia Distrital de Lisboa Lisboa. Assembleia Distrital.
0556-6533 Revista española de antropología americana Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones
1695-503X Revista española de antropología americana (e-vir) Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Departamento de Historia de América II.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia de América II.
1988-2718 Revista española de antropología americana Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones
1134-7368 Revista española de antropología biológica Sociedad Española de Antropología Biológica; Sociedad Española de Antropología Física
0035-0737 Revue archéologique Presses universitaires de France
2104-3868 Revue archéologique (e-vir) PUF
0767-709X Revue archéologique de l'Ouest Association pour la diffusion des recherches archéologiques dans l'Ouest de la France
0399-1237 Revue d'archéométrie Groupe des méthodes pluridisciplinaires contribuant à l'archéologie
0035-6514 Rivista di scienze preistoriche Istituto italiano di preistoria e protostoria
2282-457X Rivista di scienze preistoriche (e-vir) Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria
0035-6603 Rivista di Studi liguri Istituto Internazionale di studi liguri
0813-0426 Rock art research Australian Rock Art Research Association; International Federation of Rock Art Organisations
1528-0748 Romani studies Gypsy Lore Society
1757-2274 Romani studies (e-vir) Liverpool University Press
0869-6063 Rossijskaja arheologija Nauka
0325-1217 Runa Universidad de Buenos Aires
1851-9628 Runa (e-vir) Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires
0036-2131 Sabah society journal Sabah Society.
1120-5679 Sahara Fondazione Centro Studi Luigi Negro.
0375-3050 Sarawak museum journal Sarawak Museum
0193-4511 Science American Association for the Advancement of Science
0325-6669 Scripta ethnologica Centro Argentino de Etnología Americana
0326-3347 Scripta ethnologica Centro Argentino de Etnología Americana
1669-0990 Scripta ethnologica (e-vir) Centro Argentino de Etnología Americana, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
0387-6004 Senri ethnological studies Kokuritsu Minzokugaku Hakubutsukan.
0560-1894 Skalk Skalk
0282-4922 Skrifter utgivna av Stiftelsen Hallands länsmuseer, Halmstad och Varberg Stiftelsen Hallands länsmuseer.
1335-0102 Slovenská archeológia Archeologický ústav SAV
0155-977X Social analysis Dept. of Anthropology, University of Adelaide.
1558-5727 Social analysis (e-vir) Dept. of Anthropology, University of Adelaide
0964-0282 Social anthropology Blackwell
1469-8676 Social anthropology (e-vir) Cambridge University Press.
0037-766X Social biology Society for the Study of Social Biology
1879-2111 Social networks (e-vir) Elsevier
0378-8733 Social Networks Elsevier; North-Holland
0381-1794 Society Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association.
1053-7147 Society for Visual Anthropology review Center for Visual Anthropology.; Society for Visual Anthropology (U.S.)
0038-0377 Sociologus Duncker und Humblot
1865-5106 Sociologus (e-vir) Duncker & Humblot
0038-1969 South African archaeological bulletin South African archaeological society
0257-7348 South asian anthropologist Sarat Chandra Roy institute of Anthropological Studies.
0276-5543 South Dakota archaeology South Dakota Archaeological Society.
0734-578X Southeastern archaeology Southeastern Archaeological Conference
2168-4723 Southeastern archaeology (e-vir) Southeastern Archaeological Conference
0038-4844 Southwestern lore Colorado Archaeological Society.; Southwestern Colorado Archaeological Society.; Museum of Western State College.
2406-0739 Starinar (e-vir) Arheološki institut
0350-0241 Starinar Srpskog arheološkog društva [Srpsko arheološko društvo]
0952-4975 Studies in ancient chronology [s.n.].
0081-7554 Studies in ancient oriental civilization University of Chicago.
0039-3630 Studies in conservation International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works = L'Institut International pour la Conservation des Objets d'Art et d'Histoire
2047-0584 Studies in conservation (e-vir) Thomas Nelson and Sons; Maney
0081-8232 Studies in Mediterranean archaeology [s.n.].
0116-0516 Studies in Philippine linguistics Linguistics Society of the Philippines :; Summer Institute of Linguistics.
0585-7023 Studies in pre-Columbian art and archaeology Dumbarton Oaks Trustees for Harvard University
2330-5002 Studies in pre-Columbian art and archaeology (e-vir) Dumbarton Oaks Trustees for Harvard University
1056-9189 Studies in third world societies College of William & Mary.
0379-8860 Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir etnologie Vereniging van Afrikaanse Volkekundiges
0081-9271 Sumer State Organization of Antiquities of Iraq, Ministry of Culture and Arts
1040-0850 Summer Institute of Linguistics publications in linguistics Summer Institute of Linguistics.; University of Texas at Arlington.
0355-3930 Suomen antropologi Suomen antropologinen seura
1799-8972 Suomen antropologi (e-vir) The Finnish Anthropological Society
0355-1806 Suomen museo Suomen muinaismuistoyhdistys
2954-2391 Suomen museo (e-vir) Suomen Muinaismuistoyhdistys,
0378-9896 Suplemento antropológico Centro de estudios antropológicos
0889-7425 Symbols Peabody Museum; Harvard University
0213-2818 Tabona Universidad, Secretariado de Publicaciones
0248-6016 Techniques & culture Equipe Techniques et culture (France)
0334-4355 Tel Aviv Tel Aviv University, Institute of Archaeology
2040-4786 Tel Aviv (e-vir) Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University]
0212-5552 Temas de antropología aragonesa Instituto Aragonés de Antropología
0040-375X Terra ameriga Associazione italiana studi americanistici.
0083-7407 Textile Museum journal Textile Museum
1572-9842 The Africal archaeological review (e-vir) Kluwer
0263-0338 The African archaeological review Cambridge University Press
2325-9299 The annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research (e-vir) American Schools of Oriental Research
0066-0035 The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research Yale University Press
0003-5815 The antiquaries journal Society of Antiquaries
1758-5309 The antiquaries journal (e-vir) Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press; Society of Antiquaries of London
0066-5983 The Archaeological journal British Archaeological Association.; Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.; Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.; Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.; Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.; Royal Archaeological Institute (Great Britain)
0004-1718 The Arkansas archeologist Arkansas Archeological Society.
0004-3680 The artifact El Paso Archaeological Society,
1444-2213 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology Department of Anthropology, School of Culture, History and Language, College of Asia and the Pacific; School of Archaeology and Anthropology, College of Arts and Social Sciences atthe Australian National University
1740-9314 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology (e-vir) Routledge
1035-8811 The Australian journal of anthropology Anthropological Society of New South Wales
1757-6547 The Australian journal of anthropology (e-vir) Anthropological Society of New South Wales; John Wiley
1046-2368 The bulletin New York State Archeological Association,
0715-3244 The Canadian journal of native studies Canadian Journal of Native Studies.
0008-4948 The Canadian review of sociology and anthropology University of Toronto Press etc.
0012-8686 The Eastern Anthropologist Ethnographic and Folk Culture Society.
0015-3893 The Florida anthropologist Florida Anthropological Society.
1535-1882 The journal of American folklore (e-vir) Houghton Mifflin
0021-8715 The Journal of American folklore Boston aNew York cHoughton Mifflin
1752-0401 The journal of Asian studies (e-vir) Far Eastern Association
0021-9118 The Journal of Asian Studies Association for Asian Studies, etc.
0838-4711 The Journal of indigenous studies = Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research.
0092-2323 The Journal of Indo-European studies Journal of Indo-European Studies
0268-537X The Journal of Irish archaeology The Journal
0306-6150 The Journal of peasant studies F. Cass & Co.
1743-9361 The Journal of peasant studies (e-vir) F. Cass & Co.
0145-3378 The Journal of psychohistory Atcom
0010-2016 The Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia University Columbia University.
2230-5955 The journal of the Polynesian Society (e-vir) Polynesian Society
1359-0987 The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute Royal Anthropological Institute
1467-9655 The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (e-vir) Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
1069-0379 The Kansas anthropologist Kansas Anthropological Association.
0023-1940 The Kiva Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society, Arizona State Museum.
1045-7577 The Latin American anthropology review Society for Latin American Anthropology
2331-4079 The Latin American anthropology review (e-vir) Society for Latin American Anthropology.
0026-5403 The Minnesota archaeologist Minnesota Archaeological Society.
0077-8346 The New Hampshire archeologist New Hampshire Archeological Society.
1531-5398 The PARI journal Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute (San Francisco, Calif.)
0143-8301 The Scottish journal of religious studies University of Stirling.
2224-4654 The South African archaeological bulletin (e-vir) South African Archaeological Society
0043-6364 The Wisconsin archeologist Wisconsin Natural History Society.; Wisconsin Archeological Society,
0043-9665 The Wyoming archaeologist Wyoming Archaeological Society.
0185-0989 Tlalocan : revista de fuentes para el conocimiento de las culturas indígenas de México Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas. UNAM.
0495-8772 Tor Uppsala universitet. Museet för nordiska fornsaker.; Uppsala universitet. Institutionen för arkeologi och antik historia.; Societas archaeologica Upsaliensis.
0211-5174 Trabajos de arqueología navarra Museo de Navarra; Institución Príncipe de Viana
0082-5638 Trabajos de prehistoria Instituto de Historia, Departamento de Prehistoria, CSIC
1988-3218 Trabajos de prehistoria (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)
0304-243X Trabalhos de antropologia e etnologia Sociedade Portuguesa de Antropologia e Etnologia
0185-6286 Trace Centre d'études mexicaines et centraméricaines; Institut français d'Amérique latine
0564-0571 Tradiciones de Guatemala Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Centro de estudios folklóricos.
1363-4615 Transcultural psychiatry McGill University.
1461-7471 Transcultural psychiatry (e-vir) Sage Publications
1051-0559 Transforming anthropology Association of Black Anthropologists
1548-7466 Transforming anthropology (e-vir) American Anthropological Association
2007-2392 Travaux et recherches dans les Amériques du Centre (e-vir) Centro de Estudios Mexicanos y Centroamericanos
0041-2198 Tree-ring bulletin Tree-Ring Society
0082-6413 Tribus Linden-Museum, Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde
0894-6019 Urban anthropology and studies of cultural systems and world economic development Institute for the Study of Man, Inc.
2328-1022 Urban anthropology and studies of cultural systems and world economic development Institute for the Study of Man, Inc.
1040-6549 Utah archaeology Utah Statewide Archaeological Society.; Utah Professional Archaeological Council.; Utah. Division of State History.
0860-7907 Variability and Evolution Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza
0075-8671 Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig Akademie-Verlag
0321-0391 Vestnik drevnej istorii Nauka
0304-3703 Vínculos Museo Nacional de Costa Rica.; Museo Nacional de Costa Rica. Departamento de Antropología e Historia.
0897-1463 Visual anthropology Harwood Academic Publishers.
0507-2921 Voprosy antropologii Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta
0331-3158 West African journal of archaeology Ibadan University Press
0043-5082 Wiadomości Archeologiczne Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne
0043-8243 World archaeology Routledge
1470-1375 World archaeology (e-vir) Routledge
0254-7627 Yaxkin Instituto hondureño de antropología e historia
0096-848X Yearbook of physical anthropology American Association of Physical Anthropologists
2331-1371 Yearbook of physical anthropology (e-vir) [Alan R. Liss, Inc.]; Wiley-Liss, Inc.
0352-2474 Zbornik Narodnog muzeja Narodni muzej; Musée national
0044-2666 Zeitschrift für Ethnologie Reimer
2942-5387 Zeitschrift für Ethnologie (e-vir) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde; Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte
0514-7336 Zephyrus Ediciones Universidad
2386-3943 Zephyrus (e-vir) Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
0083-4467 Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika (Toruń)
0250-3018 Zimbabwia National Museums and Monuments.

Seznami revij, ki so vključene v mednarodne baze podatkov, so praviloma prevzeti iz spletnih strani proizvajalcev baz podatkov in vsi niso popolni. Nekateri so tekoči, drugi kumulativni in vključujejo tudi starejše revije, ki ne izhajajo več (npr. iz časa nekdanje Jugoslavije, če je bil sedež izdajatelja v Sloveniji). Vključene niso revije, pri katerih v seznamih proizvajalcev baz podatkov manjkajo številke ISSN ali pa seznami revij sploh niso dostopni. Nekateri proizvajalci tudi dokaj neredno ažurirajo sezname. Če ugotovite, da pri kakšni bazi podatkov manjka revija, ki jo navedena baza podatkov zanesljivo indeksira, to sporočite pristojnemu OSIC-u. Na podlagi ustreznih dokazil bo seznam dopolnjen.

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