Bibliographies – help

Bibliographies via E-CRIS.MK

Bibliographies via E-CRIS.MK allow the display of representative bibliographies.

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A representative bibliography of a researcher is the list of bibliographic items which the researcher at some point wants to present. It contains works selected by the researcher, which are catalogued in COBISS.MK in the same way as the rest of bibliographic items. The list may contain up to ten bibliographic items.

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Personal Bibliographies

Personal Bibliographies allow researchers and other authors to display the bibliographic items, sorted by typology, from the COBIB.MK shared bibliographic database.

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The software available on the Bibliographies website enables the display of personal bibliographies for researchers and professionals on the basis of the researcher's code given to authors at the entry into the official records of researchers within the Macedonian Research Information System (E-CRIS.MK), if their bibliographic items are included in the COBISS.MK system. The bibliographic data is downloaded from the shared COBIB.MK database. An item from the COBIB.MK database can only be added to the personal bibliography correctly, if it contains the basic bibliographic data (author, title, year of publication, publisher, etc.), the corresponding code from the typology of documents/works, the researcher's code and some other data.

The data is entered to the shared bibliographic database by libraries that participate in the COBISS.MK system as full members and have qualified cataloguers.

As a general rule you can decide which library will update and edit your personal bibliography. For researchers, this is usually the library at your institution of employment. If your institution does not have a library, you should find a library that specialises in your subjects. Pay them a visit and they will provide you with detailed instructions for updating your bibliography.

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Bibliographies of Serials

Bibliographies of Serials enable bibliographic units, classified by typology, to be displayed from the COBIB.MK shared bibliographic database.

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The display of bibliographic units from COBIB.MK for a particular serial publication is possible only on the basis of the international standard serial number (ISSN) that you have to enter in the appropriate checkbox (if, for example, you enter the number 0352-1982, which is the ISSN of the journal named Arhitektov bilten (Architect's Bulletin), the display will include all catalogued contributions from this journal).

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Reports parameters

These parameters will help you define the content and appearance of different bibliographies or reports (e.g. personal bibliographies, bibliographies of serials). Some parameters appear in all bibliographies and reports, others only in certain bibliographies and reports.

  • Researcher's code or last name and first name more >>>

    In COBISS.MK, bibliographic items from the COBIB.MK database can be displayed for a researcher on the basis of the researcher's code from the E-CRIS.MK system. After the appropriate code and parameters are entered, the program checks whether the researcher or the author with the given code exists, and then next to the code also displays the last name and first name.

    If you don't know the code, enter the last name and first name in the form as it appears in E-CRIS.MK. The form of the name may not be the same as the name already used in the records for bibliographic items. If you don't know the last name, enter the first name. You may enter characters with diacritical marks as sibilants (e.g. Blazevska Zorica instead of Blaževska Zorica). Once the appropriate parameters are specified, the program check whether the researcher with the given last name and first name already exists, and displays his/her code. If the program finds several researchers or authors under the same name, in a new window select the right person by entering either his/her year of birth or research discipline that appears next to the last name and first name.

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  • From year more >>>

    This parameter will help you select bibliographic items from a certain year of publication onwards. Without this parameter, the display includes all bibliographic items published in the year indicated in the To year parameter, or before it.

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  • To year more >>>

    This parameter helps you select bibliographic items up to a certain year of publication. Without this parameter, the display includes all bibliographic items published in the year indicated in the From year parameter, or after it.

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  • Abstracts more >>>

    S parametrom določimo ali se naj v bibliografiji izpišejo tudi povzetki/izvlečki (v kolikor jih bibliografska enota ima). Izbiramo lahko med:

    no Abstracts for the selected bibliographic units will not be displayed.
    English Only abstracts in English will be displayed.
    all All abstracts will be displayed.

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  • Bibliographic item format more >>>

    You can choose one of the following display formats of bibliographic items:

    ISO ISO 690 (Documentation - Bibliographic References - Content, Form and Structure)

    IEEE The form used in the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) publications

    ISBD (International Standard Bibliographic Description) - based on IFLA Standard

    ISBD (compressed form) ((International Standard Bibliographic Description) - based on IFLA Standard (compressed form)

    ISO (all authors) ISO 690 (Documentation - Bibliographic References - Content, Form and Structure) – with all secondary authors

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  • Sorting of bibliographic records more >>>

    Izbiramo lahko med naslednjimi različnimi možnostmi razvrščanja bibliografskih enot:

    Typology, year – descending, title Bibliographic units are sorted first by typology of documents/works; within each type, they are sorted by publication year from newest to oldest; within the same year, they are sorted by resource title (journal/proceedings/monograph title) and at the end, they are sorted by work title.

    Typology, year – ascending, title Bibliographic units are sorted first by typology of documents/works; within each type, they are sorted by publication year from oldest to newest; within the same year, they are sorted by resource title (journal/proceedings/monograph title) and at the end, they are sorted by work title.

    Title Bibliographic units are sorted by work title.

    Type of authorship, title Bibliographic units are sorted by type of authorship (e.g. author, editor, translator, director, etc.) and within the type of authorship, they are sorted by work title.

    Type of material, title Bibliographic units are sorted by type of material (e.g. book, poetry, scientific monograph, etc.) and within the type of material, they are sorted by work title.

    Year – descending, title Bibliographic units are sorted by publication year from newest to oldest and within the same year, they are sorted by work title.

    Year – ascending, title Bibliographic units are sorted by publication year oldest to newest and within the same year, they are sorted by work title.

    Language, year – ascending, title Bibliographic units are sorted by language in which the work was published; within the same language, they are sorted by publication year from oldest to newest and within the same year, they are sorted by work title.

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  • Display format more >>>

    You can choose one of the following report formats:

    HTML Use the HTML format (Hyper Text Markup Language) if you want to view the bibliography and print it via the web browser. In this format, you can also display the bibliography on your homepage.

    XML Structured report in the XML format (scheme:, graphical description of the scheme:; it contains a set of bibliographic data, independent of the Bibliographic item format parameter.

    Bibliography reports can be modified but all bibliographic units must keep their COBISS.MK-ID number.

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  • Send to email address more >>>

    Enter the email address at which you want to receive a bibliography (e.g. Firstname.Lastname@xxx.xx).

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  • ISSN more >>>

    The display of bibliographic units from COBIB.MK for a particular serial publication is possible only on the basis of the international standard serial number (ISSN) that you have to enter in the appropriate checkbox (if, for example, you enter the number 0352-1982, which is the ISSN of the journal named Arhitektov bilten (Architect's Bulletin), the display will include all catalogued contributions from this journal).

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Preparation of Display

A click on the PREPARATION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY button activates the preparation of a bibliography display according to the given input parameters.

If the parameter Send to email address is empty, the bibliography will automatically be displayed at the web address. If the parameter Send to email address is specified, the bibliography will be sent to the indicated email address.

The preparation of the bibliography may take a while, depending on the number of bibliographic items included.

Selective Choice of Bibliographic Items

A standard display contains all bibliographic items of a researcher within a stated period. To include only certain bibliographic items, a click on the SELECTIVE CHOICE button displays a list of all types of documents/works, in which some types can be excluded from the list. You can exclude either only one type or a whole group. The selective choice is possible only if you select sorting by typology under the sorting of bibliographic records parameter.

You can further exclude individual bibliographic items by clicking on the ADDITIONAL EXCLUSION button. A list of all bibliographic items that match the input parameters and the choice by type are displayed. Each bibliographic item is identified by COBISS.MK-ID, title, year of publication and type of work. A click on COBISS.MK-ID activates the COBISS/OPAC link and provides a more detailed description of the item. For the purpose of more easily selecting bibliographic items, you can sort the list in ascending or descending order by COBISS.SI-ID, title, year of publication or type of work. You can exclude from the list certain bibliographic items you do not want to include in the display.

The preparation of the bibliography may take a while, depending on the number of bibliographic items included.

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Direct Links

To prepare a direct URL link to personal bibliographies, enter the following settings into the URL address.

You can enter several parameters at once. Mandatory parameters are: langbib with the eng value, li with the en value, and homelang with the mk value.


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