OZ 2005/3

132 ORGANIZACIJA ZNANJA 2005, LETN. 10, ZV. 3 Izvle~ek Politiko EU glede informacijske družbe moramo razdeliti na dve obdobji: prvo, od leta 1994 do 1999, označuje ime Bangemann in začrtana evropska pot v informacijsko družbo; drugo, po letu 1999, označuje ime Prodi in ukrepanje v smeri informacijske družbe za vse ljudi. Za prvo obdobje je bil ključen izziv ZDA, kjer so leta 1993 sprejeli program NII – zamenjava ameriške “infrastrukture” z evropsko “informacijsko družbo” naj bi imela globlji humanistični pomen, ki pa ga je težko prepoznati. Drugo obdobje se začne s sprejetjem dokumenta eEvropa v Liz- boni leta 2000, katere cilj je na znanju temelječa ekonomija zaupanja. V ta namen je treba po- spešiti razvoj e-vsebin ter krepiti javne servise ter infrastrukturo zanje. Dejstvo je, da obstajajo ogromne razlike med članicami EU glede uresničevanja akcijski načrtov. Ni normalno, da je glavni nadzornik njihovega uresničevanja Komisija EU, ki bi morala biti sama nadzorovana. Edino pravo povezovalno filozofijo še vedno predstavlja Bela knjiga Jacquesa Delorja o razvo- ju, konkurenčnosti in zaposlovanju. Brez nje bi bila deklaracija ‘informacijska družba za vse’ le zapeljiva metafora. Iz istega razloga so politike EU o informacijski družbi prej keynezijan- ske kot pa liberalistične. Klju~ne besede informacijska družba, politika, eEvropa, akcijski načrt, primerjalno preverjanje, Evropska komisija, socialne zadeve, na prvem mestu so ljudje, informacijska družba za vse, ocena Abstract The EU policy related to information society is to be divided into two time periods: the first, from 1994 to 1999, is associated with the name of Bangemann and with a distinctive European way to information society; the second, after 1999, is associated with the name of Prodi and with the activities in the direction of information society for all. In the first period, the challenge faced by the U.S.A., where the NII Programme was adopted in 1993, played a key role; the replace- ment of the American ‘’infrastructure’’ with the European ‘’information society’’ should have had a deeper humanistic meaning, which is, however, difficult to recognize. The second period began with the adoption of the eEurope document in Lisbon in 2000. The objective of this do- cument is to establish a knowledge-based economy of trust. For this purpose the development of e-contents must be promoted, and public services and infrastructural knowledge should be strengthened. It is a fact that there are significant differences between EU member states rela- ted to carrying out action plans. It is unusual, however, that the supervision of implementing action plans is done primarily by the EU Commission, which should actually be supervised in some way itself. Integrative philosophy can only be observed in Jacques Delors’ White Paper on Growth, Competitiveness and Employment. Without it, Declaration on Information Society would only be a tempting metaphor. Similarly, EU policies on information society are rather more Keynesian than liberalistic. Keywords information society, policy, eEurope, action plan, benchmarking, European Commission, social issues, People first, IS for all, assessment USMERITVE EVROPSKE UNIJE GLEDE IKT: OD INFORMACIJSKE DRUŽBE DO eEVROPE Trendi in vizije Jacques Berleur University of Namur, Belgija Kontaktni naslov: jberleur €info.fundp.ac.be Jean-Marc Galand University of Liège, Belgija Kontaktni naslov: jmgaland €ulg.ac.be